cps knowledge organiser year 4 dt summer 1 key vocabulary ... · coats of arms . cps knowledge...

CPS Knowledge Organiser – Year 4 – DT – Summer 1 Key Vocabulary Coats of Arms – Unique design painted on a shield. Shield – Item used to protect yourself from harm. Usually made of metal and even wood. Motto – A short sentence which represents ideas and beliefs of a person or company. Helmet – Used to protect the face from any harm or damage during combat. Knight - (in the Middle Ages) a man who served his sovereign or lord as a mounted soldier in armour. Banner - a long strip of cloth bearing a slogan or design, carried in a demonstration or procession or hung in a public place. Sketch – a rough or unfinished drawing or painting, often made to assist in making a more finished picture. Template - a shaped piece of rigid material used as a pattern for processes such as cutting out, shaping, or drilling. Coats of Arms

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CPS Knowledge Organiser – Year 4 – DT – Summer 1

Key Vocabulary

Coats of Arms – Unique design painted on

a shield.

Shield – Item used to protect yourself

from harm. Usually made of metal and

even wood.

Motto – A short sentence which

represents ideas and beliefs of a person

or company.

Helmet – Used to protect the face from

any harm or damage during combat.

Knight - (in the Middle Ages) a man who

served his sovereign or lord as a mounted

soldier in armour.

Banner - a long strip of cloth bearing a

slogan or design, carried in a

demonstration or procession or hung in a

public place.

Sketch – a rough or unfinished drawing or

painting, often made to assist in making a

more finished picture.

Template - a shaped piece of rigid

material used as a pattern for processes

such as cutting out, shaping, or drilling.

Coats of Arms

Page 2: CPS Knowledge Organiser Year 4 DT Summer 1 Key Vocabulary ... · Coats of Arms . CPS Knowledge Organiser - YEAR 4 – Spreadsheets – Summer 1 Spreadsheets . Final Step Key Vocabulary

CPS Knowledge Organiser - YEAR 4 – Spreadsheets – Summer 1


Page 3: CPS Knowledge Organiser Year 4 DT Summer 1 Key Vocabulary ... · Coats of Arms . CPS Knowledge Organiser - YEAR 4 – Spreadsheets – Summer 1 Spreadsheets . Final Step Key Vocabulary

Final Step

Key Vocabulary

Spreadsheet - an electronic document in which data is arranged in

the rows and columns of a grid and can be manipulated and used in


Data - facts and statistics collected together for reference or


Software - the programs and other operating information used by a


Internet services - An Internet service provider (ISP) is an

organization that provides services for accessing, using, or

participating in the Internet.

Digital services - The term Digital Services refers to the electronic

delivery of information including data and content across multiple

platforms and devices like web or mobile.

Program - a series of coded software instructions to control the

operation of a computer or other machine.

Analyse - examine (something) methodically and in detail, typically

in order to explain and interpret it.

Compare - estimate, measure, or note the similarity or dissimilarity


Tool - Virtually any program or utility that helps programmers or

users develop applications or maintain their computers can be

called a tool.

Formatting - (especially in computing) arrange or put into a format.

Graph - a diagram showing the relation between variable quantities,

typically of two variables, each measured along one of a pair of axes

at right angles.

National Curriculum Reference:

Select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range

of digital devices to design and create a range of programs, systems and content

that accomplish given goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and

presenting data and information

Page 4: CPS Knowledge Organiser Year 4 DT Summer 1 Key Vocabulary ... · Coats of Arms . CPS Knowledge Organiser - YEAR 4 – Spreadsheets – Summer 1 Spreadsheets . Final Step Key Vocabulary

CPS Knowledge Organiser - YEAR 4 – Religious education – Summer 1-pilgrimages

What What is a pilgrimage and what do people hope to achieve by undertaking this special journey?

Key Vocabulary






Pilgrimage- religious


Miracle-an extraordinary

and welcome event that

is not explicable by natural or scientific

laws and is therefore, attributed to a

divine agency.

Saints-a person acknowledged

as holy or virtuous

Holy- religious

BCE (Before common era)


The Eight Great

Places- Buddhism


Page 5: CPS Knowledge Organiser Year 4 DT Summer 1 Key Vocabulary ... · Coats of Arms . CPS Knowledge Organiser - YEAR 4 – Spreadsheets – Summer 1 Spreadsheets . Final Step Key Vocabulary

CPS Knowledge Organiser - YEAR 4 – Science –Summer 1

Key Vocabulary

Sound – Vibrations that travel through the air or another

medium and can be heard when they reach a person or

animal’s ear.

Vibration – An instance of vibrating (shaking)

Ear – The organ of hearing and balance in humans and

other vertebrates.

Hammer (Malleus) – A small shaped bone or ossicle of

the middle ear which connects to the incus and is

attached to the inner surface of the eardrum.

Eardrum (tympanic membrane) – The membrane of the

middle ear which vibrates in response to sound waves.

Sound waves – A wave of compression and rarefaction by

which sound is propagated in an elastic medium such as


Cochlea – The spiral cavity of the inner ear containing

the organ of Corti, which produces nerve impulses in

response to sound vibrations.

Stirrup (Stapes) – A bone in the middle ear of humans

and other mammals which is involved in the conduction of

sound vibrations to the inner ear.

Auditory nerve – A bundle of nerve fibers that carries

hearing information between the cochlea and the brain.

Pitch – The quality of sound governed by the rate of

vibrations producing it, the degree of highness or lowness

of a tone.

Sound as vibrations

Page 6: CPS Knowledge Organiser Year 4 DT Summer 1 Key Vocabulary ... · Coats of Arms . CPS Knowledge Organiser - YEAR 4 – Spreadsheets – Summer 1 Spreadsheets . Final Step Key Vocabulary

CPS Knowledge Organiser – Year 4 – History – Summer 1

Key Vocabulary / People

Riotous – wild and uncontrolled

Royalty – people of royal blood or status

William I – Alive between 1028-1087

King John – Alive between 1166-1216

Henry VIII – Alive between 1491-1547

Queen Anne – Alive between 1665-1714

Queen Victoria – Alive between 1819-1901

Queen Elizabeth – 1926-present.

Riotous Royalty