cpk logo redesign download

California PIzza Kitchen Rebrand Proposal

Upload: roxana-l-zainea

Post on 11-Dec-2015




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CPK Logo Redesign Download


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California PIzza KitchenRebrand Proposal

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The Iconic Brand

The California Pizza Kitchen brand is widely known. The brand is well-remembered and most

comments on social networks are positive. People like CPK, which is considered a friendly and

fun brand. The customers are pasionate about the food and they like the experience it self.

The public is already familiar with the colors and the concept also all elements are well justified.

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Why rebrand?

If you're thinking of rebranding, why? should be the very first question you ask. Rebranding can

breathe new life into your business. The business rebrand is about a great deal more than

making your business look good. It’s about making your bottom line look good, too. So what is it

that makes a company rebrand such a valuable proposition for your business?

RelevanceYou need to stay relevant to your target audience. Your target evolves and so do you.

RejuvenationThe greatest brands in the world consistently update and refresh their look to stay

contemporary and fresh. This maintains and celebrates the history and heritage of your brand,

but shows your audience (current and future) that you are adaptive to change.

Beat the compettionRebranding your business is not simply about making it look appealing to potential customers.

Effective branding can give your business more of a competitive edge.

Lead the wayRebranding can actively help you get seen as an innovator and thought leader in your industry. A

rebrand is a statement of intent as well as a mark of credibility. This can help to raise your

profile - and the interest of potential clients.

Build profitRebranding the right way could actively help to boost the way your business performs. This is

because it sends out a powerful message to your employees. But getting your team on board

with your business branding demands a clear, inclusive process that gets people genuinely

involved and engaged.

IIf you are going to give your logo an overhaul, then keeping key elements of the old logo, while

simplifying the look is your best way to go. People can get attached to images.

Here are some logo rebrands that have been noted as being good ideas. Each new design

springs from elements found in the old design.

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Switching from a Serif Font to a Sans Serif font makes

for a cleaner and more modern look that works well with

web and print.

Keeping the shield and making it stronger not only helps

to merge the new with the old, but also brings about a

sense of security. Your packages are safe with UPS.

The elongating of the logo makes it easier to display, and

you now focus more on the name rather than the globe.

By no longer dividing the two words "wal" and "mart"

they are making for a more comprehensive and complete

brand name.

Bolder colors make for a stronger statement. The new

logo has more meaning as each star now represents the

eight AFC and NFC divisions.

Moving the star inside of the R makes for a cleaner and

more unique look.

By removing the tray, the chef now suggests that they

are open to a wide range of menu possibilities as well as

being more welcoming. He is also slimmer and more

modern to represent a healthier chef.

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Current Logo

Analyzing the current logo is possible to identify the key elements, allowing adjustments to be

made without losing the essence. if we dig deeper into understanding how major elements of

the logo interact with the human psyche we can create an emblem which is powerful on several

different levels.

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Color has a powerful effect on the human mind. The primitive instincts some colors can trigger

might not even be evident to us on a conscious level.

YellowThe color of the sun, associated with laughter, happiness and good times. A person surrounded

by yellow feels optimistic because the brain actually releases more seratonin (feel good

chemical in the brain) when around this color. It has the power to speed up our metabolism and

bring out some creative thoughts. Some shades of yellow are associated with cowardice; but the

more golden shades with the promise of better times.

Since yellow is the most visible color, it is also the most attention-getting color.

Orange is the color tied most this fun times, happy and energetic days, warmth and organic

products. It is also associated with ambition. There is nothing even remotely calm associated

with this color. Orange is associated with a new dawn in attitude.

The official state colors of California are blue and gold - officially designated in 1951. Blue

represents the sky and sea. Gold symbolizes the color of the precious mineral mined by the

forty- niners from the hills of California. Gold is also the official state mineral, California's

nickname is "the golden state," and the golden California poppy is the state flower of California.

Currently the shade of yellow used is a pale and desaturated. Strengthen the yellow and impose

a more aggressive tone, closer to orange will help link the concepts of even more warmth and


BlackBlack is authoritative and powerful; because black can evoke strong emotions, too much can be

overwhelming. Black represents a lack of color, the primordial void. Synonymous with

sophistication, elegance, seduction and mystery.

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Like colors, our minds are pre-disposed to react on some level to certain shapes. It may not

seem like it but the way a line curves or remains straight can trigger certain sub-conscious


Angular shapes like triangles and squares can represent balance and stability. Their straight lines

and angles can indicate structure and reliability, making them a useful shape to convey

professionalism, organization and efficiency. But on their own they can be a little dull. However

they can tilted or combined with other shapes to add visual interest.

The square also refers to the shape of the pizza box.

The form used in the logo is not a square is a rhombus, but as this distortion is not severe

enough to be evident, the impression is that there is an asymmetry. So the format was changed

to a perfect square, reinforcing the sense of organization.

The bend of the stripe have been increased, to counteract the hardness of the square, thus

creating a harmonious combination.

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The pattern used to fill the backgroud shape refers to the tiles that cover the walls of the

restaurant kitchens. The small yellow tiles, are a striking point of the architecture of the CPK


But the current standard is related much more to chess, present in fabric than with tiles. So the

texture went through a redesign.

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If you close your eyes and imagine a typical Southern California landscape, chances are that

you've pictured at least one palm tree, if not several, rising from the ground. But despite the

diversity and ubiquity of palms in the Los Angeles area, only one species—Washingtonia filifera,

the California fan palm—is native to California. All of L.A.'s other palm species, from the slender

Mexican fan palms that line so many L.A. boulevards to the feather-topped Canary Island date

palm, have been imported.

Unlike the palm represented in the current illustration, the native californian palm trees have star

shaped leaves.

In order to better represent the californian root of CPK, the illustration was adapted and now

the figure is a true native palm.

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The first thing you have to do in order to choose a typeface is form a strong impression in your

mind about how you want your audience to react to the text. Perhaps the hardest part of

breaking down the typeface selection process is understanding which parts are more subjective

and which parts are more objective.

A font may be interpreted as the voice tone of the sentence. The type in which a text is written

influences the kind of message that is received by the consumer. Rounded typefaces iwth

winding traces, convey the idea of a friendly and warm tone of voice, like someone talking with

a smile. In other hand, fonts more angular give the idea of a more serious and formal position.

It is important that the typeface used in a text reflects the kind of approach, and what intends

to convey the brand image. Traditionalism and seriousness, or creativity and relaxation.

In CPK’s case, a more funny and relaxing mood would fit better, as the company is appreciated

for its creativity and boldness, and is considered a good place to go with family and friends.

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ABCDEFGHIJ KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

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The New Logo

As a result of improvement of the existing elements in the old logo, we have a brand new,

simpler, more symmetrical and more modern, which carries the essence and tradition of

California Pizza Kitchen, but with an air of renewal which gives courage and stamina to all the

improvements to come.

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Black and White version Dark Background Applicaton Yellow Background Applicaton

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