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Proposal for Severnside Start Up Videos Ideas We have devised some ideas for video content to launch and promote your front of store recycling presence. The ideas we have come up with are as follows: Severnside Talking Recycling Bin – Coca Cola had a lot of success with it's 'Happiness Machine' a concept we wanted to explore with a Severnside recycling bin/bottle bank. Within the Coca-Cola idea (as seen pictured) the machine held a handful of surprises. Varying from multiple bottles coming out the machine, a hand giving out flowers or a 9 foot sub sandwich being delivered as if in a post box from within. All forming a lot of hype, excitement and awareness of the Coca-Cola brand. We hope to achieve something similar with our idea. We propose to have a recycling bin that stationed in a fairly populated area to interact with its surroundings and people who use it. Like the Coca-Cola machine we want to maximise reaction and interaction with the consumer, the better the reactions, the better the content and therefore more viewing numbers for your brand and the page. How we propose to do this is by using one camera to film from far away and installing a small, hand held camera concealed in or around the bin to capture reactions from the bins point of view. What we would like to happen is when the bin is used the bin thanks the user with a thumps up, even with a gift (perhaps a recycled gift). Other ideas we have considered (based on which style of bin we maybe using) is have someone come from the bin singing thanks and praise or have flowers push out from within as if with each item the bin is becoming a growing tree and more economical – ideas such as these may require a budget as specialist or actors maybe involved.

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Post on 22-Mar-2016




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Proposal for Severnside Start Up Videos

Ideas We have devised some ideas for video content to launch and promote your front of store recycling presence. The ideas we have come up with are as follows: Severnside Talking Recycling Bin – Coca Cola had a lot of success with it's 'Happiness Machine' a concept we wanted to explore with a Severnside recycling bin/bottle bank. Within the Coca-Cola idea (as seen pictured) the machine held a handful of surprises. Varying from multiple bottles coming out the machine, a hand giving out flowers or a 9 foot sub sandwich being delivered as if in a post box from within. All forming a lot of hype, excitement and awareness of the Coca-Cola brand. We hope to achieve something similar with our idea. We propose to have a recycling bin that stationed in a fairly populated area to interact with its surroundings and people who use it. Like the Coca-Cola machine we want to maximise reaction and interaction with the consumer, the better the reactions, the better the content and therefore more viewing numbers for your brand and the page. How we propose to do this is by using one camera to film from far away and installing a small, hand held camera concealed in or around the bin to capture reactions from the bins point of view. What we would like to happen is when the bin is used the bin thanks the user with a thumps up, even with a gift (perhaps a recycled gift). Other ideas we have considered (based on which style of bin we maybe using) is have someone come from the bin singing thanks and praise or have flowers push out from within as if with each item the bin is becoming a growing tree and more economical – ideas such as these may require a budget as specialist or actors maybe involved.

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Recycle or Else – Less of a public interaction but more of a viral video. Looking at the advert series by Cravendale milk company, they suggested There milk was so good the ʻCows want it backʼ. And created a moody and Dark atmosphere as cows stalked the humans as if they were prey. Though Shocking and not the friendliest face of advertising it did one key thing, it got people talking at walk, at home and out in the pub with friends. Something we think we could adapt and use for your company. We propose to film a series of adverts/virals. These will range in there content. The first idea may revolve around someone dropping litter and the bin rolling slowly and sadistically behind them, until the person notices and a chase ensues. When they realise they cannot escape the bin the rubbish is placed in and recycled. The tag line we could attach to the film would be along the lines of ʻWe have been in the shadows too long. We are taking back recyclingʼ to promote the fact the company are a more visible and more noticeable presence in the act of recycling. Glamorous Bins - Again this would be a series of virals/internet ads. Based on the Sony Bravia bouncy ball idea, we could simply replace the balls with recycling bins. The Sony Bravia advert was a huge hit when released and even made the song Heartbeats a world wide song. So we wanted to mimic that advert with recycling bins and watch 10/20 bins rolling down a street. This would cause damage and visually would not be as colourful as the Sony advert. The reason this would work well is that parodyʼs work well on the internet. Having a parody of this highly viewed advert all ready gives you a good base from which you can build. We propose to make a series of films, starting with the bins rolling down the hill and then moving on to other activities or advert parody that would maximise an internet audience. The tag line attached to the films would be ʻIt may not be pretty, but it is saving the environment for allʼ and play on the fact recycling may not be as glamorous as TV adverts for TVʼs maybe but it is far more vital. Other videos in the series would be a spoof car advert with beautiful shots of the bin and advertising its features, the ideas would continue in this fashion until awareness is raised.