county, ark., 24, 25 26, 1892. - ouachita baptist university

MINUTE·S OF THE OF THE HEDeRIVEReBAPTISTeASSOCIATION. HELD "WITH _, I LEASANT GROVE CllUThCH, IIIIISiead County, Ark., 24, 25 and 26, 1892. OFFICERS: I !\t ERRELL, D. D., MODERATOR, Bingen, A1-k. I, \ItKIN H. HITT, CLERK, Prescott, Ark. . .N SESSION TO BE HELD WITH THE ch at Amity, Clark Co., Ark. Saturday Before the Fourth Sunday in September, 1893. -rl892-t TRIBUNE PRINT.

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IIIIISiead County, Ark., s~pt. 24, 25 and 26, 1892. OFFICERS:

I !\t ERRELL, D. D., MODERATOR, Bingen, A1-k. I, \I tKIN H. HITT, CLERK, Prescott, Ark. .


ch at Amity, Clark Co., Ark. Saturday Before the Fourth Sunday in September, 1893.


MINUTE$ 'l'ho. l:tP.d Ri v~r Baptist AssoCiation met with Pleasant Grove

< hurc.:Lt, Hempstead County, Aa.kansas, tleptember 24th, 189~. lutroductory sel'lnou preached by Eld. G. L. Hamlin: Text.

I~ : Oor. 1-18 Yet·t;eS. Theme: "Cnrist all a.ud in all." Dr. Ham­"" iM <1 strt>ug man anti th1s was one of his best sermons.

lt<•ft·esbment~ then served on the s-round of the best kmd, in a "·'-' tlla.t reflected much credit. on Pastor Price and bis noble flock. \ t I u7clock, p. rn., tbe Mes~engers were call<>d in by ~inging "&ock

o1l \~es." The form~r Moderator, Eld. J. P. Oopeland. rMd 22 Ps. l'au~·~t· oy Bro. Hot·o. ''In order for bnsinqss" was then announced. l 'h•· t'onner chnk being absent, L. H. Hitt was then chosen clerk for t h•· lll'glini~ation of tile body. '!'be Moderator appointed Elders H . I I' Hom, J. T. Holt, I . l!'. Welch, who read the letters from the 1 llltn~he..;. :Jtesseng<'rs' names enroled and corrected. Eld. B. F. 1 lllllllll aud J. H. Black were a ppointed to take the ba.llot tor :Mod­

I 1. 111· <llld Clet k; Eld. J· P . Oopeland declined re-election, and rec-llllllllllded l!Jid. E. Merrell as his Snl;cee:;sor. ·

l'h11 list. ofCbur0hes we1·e then called and Messengers came for­'''' amtl cast their \"Otes, which resuited in the election of EJd. E

' 11 t•ll ModeratM, and L . H. Hitt Clerk. lhu . .r. P. Copt>land asked unanimous consent to read a letter 111 '1'. A. Heard, anrl that it be printed in the .l\fmntes. It was so t lt•tl .

I lit P ltrv:-R BAPTIS' ASSOCIA.TION: AaltADELPlll4, ARJ(., Sept. 28rd, 1892.

, ol 1\rcthl'en-owln:: I() my feenle health 1 sba.Jl not be able to me<>t wltb you in your u I a..soci&tion, but do not <uppose •hat ram disposed to murmur. My MASter has been t ''' me-b&viii.C: been permitted c.o mec~ with yon as your clerk for thirty-eight years ~ C•tr~)·-tbree ye&rs, and haveser"ed you twenty-six years as your tre&$uter. and have

t1h '""" of your Association board for many years. \Vhlle holding said positions, have hill\ II "' Lhe best of my ability. The &ptis~ cause has e"'r been &d'focated in lilY feeble

l.1y-twoyears. l believe that 1he BapUst of to-day are preaching the same gDS'P!)l 1,,, lh11 Onptistpreached in the wildem·~ss ef Judea. And that our mOde of Bt\ptiSm is

"''"l'l of Bapllsm thJt.t our Sa.\llor submitted to by John In the river Jordan. ''" nlo or minutes w!tb the exceptions of a few years which was unavoidably destroy­•·wltu: I)Ut Of my bouse when part Of lllf premises was O..t ftre some ten years &gO. , .. ,.. "nd ninety ce<~t.s 1 o•ve the A~SOC.Iat•on as the ml.nute fand . wbieh I wlll 'Q&Y

th'<'!'SSOr wnen ca!led" for • . . I IlK lhls letter 1 wish to say to my Brethren, be fa.ithfalln all t~ pert&lnin( to

tth•l "" the annour of faith, and press forward towards the mark of tlie prize wluch fit luwers or Christ Jesus. I am only waiting for my MaSter to call me over the nv-

1) the J.ord Is my shepherd and I shall not fear the deep waters, for hb rod and his 1 ••I me through stilt waters and I snaU fear no evil. "'"' nC t>cace be with you all, is the prayer of yo11r unworthy servant

'f. A- liEA.B.D, Sr.

tuu·.\ letters then called f~r. The following churches then


preijeoted letters, endot·smg tbe Articles of Fatth ot tbis budy :md asking for membership. Gom Spriugs, Uaue.r Fork a.ud Spring Hill, whicll were received, and the hand ot fellowship extended to the ~Iest>engers, a.ud tht>tr names enroled aM members of the botly.

'rhe Moderator then appomted as committee on pl'eachmg J. F. Holt, J, J. Mayes, aud messengers of this church.

On wot,ion of Bro. Burnes a corumittee was appointed to draft a resolution of thanks to .Bro T. A. Heard for eer\·ices rendtH'ed as clerk of this A.ssocia.tiou for 36 .~ears. Eld. G. W. Burnes, J. P. Copeland and J . J. Hayu• t: were appointed.

uommittee on Di\·ine Senice repcrted as follows: Preaching (or to·night. I. F. Welch at Baptist church, L. H. Htt at the .l\I. E. church, G. W, Bnrues at Midway, T. J. BetmetL at :Bunker Hill, J. B. Ronndtr~e ot Mt. Pleasant, B. lt'. Cannon at lJa.rper's ScboolllouRe.

PREACHING FOR SUNDAY._ S. S. mass·meeting at 9 o'clock, a. n:.., led b.r Bro. Horne. Preanh­

\ug at ll o'clock, Baptist <:buren, J. P. Cor,eland, School Building: by J. H. Baars, oftheOuachira Facultr, and at 3 p.m. J. J. Haynes Baptist church, aud L. H. Hitt at the School Building.

On motion tue bocls adjoumed to ~ o'·~lock .Monda.y moruing. SUNDAY SERVIOE

.A.t 9 o'clock, a.m. Br·o. Horne read in a Rolemn and impr<IIISi\"'e manner Eph. 6; au earnest prayer by Bro. J. H. Black. Bro. Horne th~n led in a ~pee~h to "Teacllers \\ orkers." Tb." speech was atrougand well directed.

Bt·o. J. B. Black was then called, wbo resvonded witb a good Bp('ech on the import<tnce of the Suuda.r Rchool.

E 'd. G. \V. Burnes called upon. He prayed, a.nclllis ,·oice went up stroug am! fenently as he plead with God to comfort, att·ength­eu and guide uam this work. A song by Bro, Oopelanci ''Jesus loves the Children." B1·o. 1'. J. Bet111ett made a good speech ou Uonsecra.til)n to the Sunday School wot·k.

Bro. J. H. Boars mude a very tonchiug talk on preplltiug the lessons.

Bro. Horne then dismissed for preaching. Eld. J.P. Copelaud preacbe<l at Baptit~t church on the Origin and

Perpetuity oft he r.burch. It was the crowning effort of his life. Poor men made churc;hes, ho\v they withered under tbe mighty sworu·thrusts of the Spirit. At the flame ttme Bro. Baars waf; preaching at tbe School house on the 'Straight and Narrow Way'' This st>rmon was foll of the Jo,·e of God. All hearts were dra.wn t•• the German and bts Sa~ionr.

0C'llecttons taken at bot b houses for Associatioual )Iissionl!, Total amount .................. $16.95.

It was uot a wa.ut of lo>e for God, humanity or missions, thn made this collection so small, but emoty pockets.

The Mod. annonnc·erl the appointment of tbe following cornmitteo


ON FINANCE.-J. T. Holt, B. F. Malcomb and J. J. Hayes. ON SABBATH t:lCHOOL.S- H. J. P. Horne, W. L. Terrell and H. Ed-

wards. lN'l'EMPERANCE-N. J. Price, R. K. Hall and N. Tompkms. OBITUARIES G. L. Hamlin, J. C. Brown and J. R. Hardy. MISSIONS-J, P. Copeland, I. F. Welch and J. T. Daniels. DocUMEN1'-J. B. Roundtree, I. F. Welch and J. R. Chappel. EDUCATION-J. J. Hay nes, G. W. Burnes and J. C. Wright. DES'riTU'fiON-G. W. Bumes, H. J. P, Horn and W. N. DaYis. MINISTERIAL EDUCA1'ION-Dr. J. P. Bourland, G. L. Hamlin and G.

M.. Shaw. Ll'l'ERA1'URE-T. J. Benn.ett, J. R. Hardy and R. H. W. French. Dismissed to 3 o'clock, p. m. Dinner plenty on the ground. At 3 o'clock, p. m. both house& were filled and, while Eld. J. J.

llaynes preached an excellent sermon in one, the writer tried to p reach in the other.

PREACHING SUNDAY NIGHT. J. N, Acker, a correspondent ft:om Union Association, preached

a Rpler,did serman at the church on the Love of God. Many hearts were cheered-J; H. Baars at the M. E. church. G. M. Shaw JH eached an exce-llent sermon at Harpers' School house. People we1·e prickeC to the heart and inquired the way or life. All join in t-~n.yiug send us Bro. Shaw agam. H. J. P. Horn at Midway. W. U. l hw is at Bunker Hill. G· W. Burnes at Mt. Plea11ant-all preached Rout-stirring sermons.

Monday 8 o'clock the Modorator called the body to order. Read I :~;l Psalm. Eld. E. DeLaughter led in prayer. All h&arts were move(\ whi;e this promising voung preacher in earne~t, beseech­ing prayer, referred to the men and their work at hom~ and abroad, g1tt IH:ring the Rhieves from the field of sin.

REPORT ON ASSOCIATION AL MISSIONS. H.cport read by Bro. Copeland, and warmly discussed by Bros.

Oopel!loud, Hitt and others. The furth&r consideration was post­JIOIIed. set as a special order for 10:30.

• SUNDAY SCHOOLS, Br \1. H . Edwards read hi~ report on Sunday Schools, recommend­

in~ the District meetings be discoutinaed and the 5th Sundays oe m: 1l in hollling Sunday School Conventions. The report was nmflnced so as to read:


1\ "' your committee on Sabbath Schools, beg to report, That we find from the reading of ihe I tt•r· rrom the churches that a majority of them hRve not reported Sunday Schools. Therefore r <•om mend the Distr;ct Meeting give special consideration ~the Sunday School work, use all Itt Influence to incourage and help the churches in the work, H.J.P.HORN, Chairman.


T, A. HEARD. I" om mittee to draft resolutions of thanks to Bro. He.'.rd was ap


JlOinted on motion of Beo. Burn~s. G. W. Burue E, J . P . Copelaud ~o.nd -J. J . Haynes were appointed.

Bro. Haynes read the report. of the commi~tee on Education aR follows: ·


Your committee on Education beg !~ave to report : There is a great and growing demand by the people of our State for higher education of mind and heart. This emand is Cll.n•~d by a better realization of the great results for good that come from intelligence. development ann heart culture. We know that knowledg,• is power, but intellectual and physieal without moral development will not produce our ideal of perfect and symmetr.ic11.l m•nh·lOn. Th<' heart is ever ready t'> re<•eive the seed of evil "r error which may in after years generate and be pro­ducti ve of habits of untold miserie•. Reli.,ion nud her hand-maid, education, must go hand in hand in the work of progress and civilization.

Rt cognizing this truth, infidels would breAk the power of Christianity by keeping our chil­dren in the woods and streets on Sun<!~ty, and from religious instructions during tt.e week

Olher d~nominations would retain their influence by educating in their own <lenominational schools. h"l: we, a• Baptists, to less? B•lieving that It is the duty of pare ts •o place th ir children for education \vherr the teaching of home will not be antagonized, ' our committee recommend our people to support tho e institution• fostered by Baptists of our St~te. We have a Baptist •cl)ool at Mountain Home, or White River Association. Central ~'emale College at Conway, Ouachita Male aurl Fema.le College at Arkadelphia, in RPd .River Association

We constder the A uachita c. llege as the special property of our people. being originated, built and supportecl by the Baptists of Arkaus .s

It has alr~ady made its power f,>r good to be felt throughout the State. With its healthy 'it­nation, its beautiful location, its mora' surroundings, its ground buildings, its full aud com-1> ete facultv, its thorough work iu the past, as a guarantee for the future: it is uo louger an ex­periment, but a grand success.

Every Baptist in onr State should encourage it with patronage, mea us and influence, and thank Gocltor such a power for good, and p·ay His richest b es>ings to rest upon those who con­trol it and upon our children who are to be benefitted bv it.

J.J . HAYNES, } G, W. BURNl!JS, Commitlee J . t.:. WRIGHT,


Dear Brethren and Messt·ngers of the Red RivPr Association: We are before yon again with our annulll report on Onttchita ColleJ!e. I• is with pleasure that we can report progress and ad­vancement iu every department oi the Goll•·ge work.

By ref~reuce to the Catalogue we find the en ollment not so good as l· st year. bnt the average attendm.,ce much better. Net numbcreuroll< d 30<; Conn lies iu Arkansas represented, 43; l"upils in Literary !JepRrtment, 291; Pupils in Piano Department, 62; Pupils in Mn>iC Depart • e t, 2ii; Puoils in Elocution Depurtmeot. :~; Pupils in Art Dep., rtfllent. 17: Pupils in Stenog­raphy a d Type-Writing, JO; Restdeut Pupils, 96: Nou-resirlent pupils, 210: Male Pupils, 160; FPmale Pupils. 141i: e,·en States and Mexico represented; fifteen yonug miuistt rs on free tui ­tion . We also as ist them in paying their board.

Brt thren, our beloved Ouachita is growing in favor with God and man. Notwithstanding th• >ery hard tim< s. the opening ol the College Ia t Tuesday, was by far the be tin its history, 2 .o I'\! pi! · in attteudanco, sixty younl!' ladies and as m• ny young men boarders, and wer~ it not for the streugenc·y ot money matters Wt> would not have r:>om to 11 ccommodat the pupl!S that would ~ome. We have the very best accommoilatious for 400. Here we call attention to the Young Ladies' Home. It sa home indeed, with water works and batlt- rooms, and Mrs . Paxton as M•tron, you ne. d not fear that the he>llth and deportment of your dau,hters will be tooked after with str ictest care.

In t•onclusiou, we "'k your prayers for the blessings of our Heavenly Father to rest on our Collc~:e iu the fu11ue as in tho past· Send your boys and gir18 and young p eacher to t~e Col­lette. It is a u Arkansas s~hool, for Arkansas boys and girls, that is equal to the best 1n the Union.

J. J , HAYNES, Chairman.

The above was adopted, and Bro. Baars added to the committee. Bro. Welch theu sent a resolution to the clerk's desk which was

l'ead, limiting all Sl.leecbes to five minutes, which waiS adopted. REPORT ON DOCUM~"T-

We, your committee on Document, made this report: We find from the letters that God has v i~iled some parts of our A•sociation graciously during the past year. We report: Nu•nQer baptised. l54; Amount lor different missions, $314.00; number ofchurr.hes represented. 33; new churchea.receivcd. 3; amou ut. tor Minutes, S~2.«. A majority of the churches votin~ on the amendment to the Con>tttution opposed any change. Amity and Liberty Hill both asked fo1· ti •C It ext meeting ofthis order. \'1 e recommend that Ami tv be the place for the next session.

J. B. ROUNDl'REE,} I, F . WELCH, Committee. J, R. CHAPPELL ,

T!Je ,·e is the report as amended an<1 adopted .


composed of J. B . Langley, Chajrman, J. C, Wallis, Sec'y and J . P. Bourland. J: ;I.L Holt, tha we employed Bro. Horn as missiOnary to preach and labor for the cause of Chnst m the destl tutc territory or.:our Association for the te~m of ten months on a salary Of 350-00 per month, and to divide his time equally in the destitution. In this contra~t with Bro. Horn, it was agreed by your executive Hoard that he be allowed the time to supply Shiloh church, to-wit: 'rhird ldnnd•y and Saturday in each month , and that the salary paid him by Shiloh church to pay so much of the debt contracted by your Board, and that all profits accruing from the sale of book~ to apply in same wa~, and up to this meeting of the association we ar" due Bro. Horn as per his r~port, S215.32. Su!lday collections, $16.60; Pleasant Hill church, $2.00; Gum Springs church. l!-1.40; Pleasant Grove church, $10 .00; J . T. Holt, ;fil.OO; New Home church. $2.50; Finane Com­mittee, $40,32; Cash collected to-dav, $13.25; Total1 $88.05. Balance dne Bro. Horn, $127.27.

· Respectfully submitted,

Report of Executive Board adopted. REPORT OF MISSIONARY.

Read by Bro. Horn:


As your Missionary. I report: I have worked ten months, traveled 3188 miles. preached 1711 sermons, organized 3 churches and three Sunday Schools, received 18 by experience.


Yonr committee on Miqisterial Educ,.tion beg leave to report that we know the edncatlng ur Toung mea for the ministerial work is one of most vital importance, and ~alculated to promot the best interest ol the eause of our denomi ation for our Master's service, Therefore we r commend that the young men within the bounds of our assoCiation wllo show the :nora! trainin and sp~ritual qualification that are so es• <'ntial in this grand and gl niou§ work to be greatly 0 11 couraged, and liberal.y support• d by our people in the way of moll\ y when necessar~ iu l11• procuring of a good education. Adopte~ as read . J P. BOURLAND, Cb'm,


We report with thankful last meeting. Adopt~d.

hearts that none of the ministers of this body have died since G. L. HAMLIN J . C.BROWN, J . R. HARDY.

Returned correspondence to Union Association-L. L. Bitt, J. Hayne~::.

8a,line Associat•on--T. P. Copeland, H. J.P. Horn. Caddo Association- J. R. Hardy, J. E. Harris and G. M. Shaw. Houtbwestem A&sociation-E. Merrell, J . P. Copeland,

Hardy, N. Tompkins and J. T. Holt. Elected Delegates to State Convention L. H. Hitt , J. P. Co

Janet, J.P. Botnland, G. W. Burnes, J. J. Haynes, H. J. P. Horn. Bro. Copeland. t.hen introduced the following resolution: Tl

the cl!'\rk have printed 1500 copies of these minutes and distril>u them among the churches. And that he be allowed $15.00 for I seq·ices, which was a.clopted.


Bro. Welnh then read the tollowing report on Literature, was adopted:

Your committee on literature would report that this is pre-eminently an age of reading. t· 1 lng presses were never so nnmerous and so busy as now Catholic<, Protestants .and Bill•' are tloodiug the htnd w th litf'ratnrc. Also a 11 sha<les or infidelity d isseminate their do<· l• by means of the rintcd •beet The p.·ople will rea<l anil th re is no sr.arcity ofliterature said there is no smer way to <les .ory the health of a city than to poison the wells from they draw their water so there is no more P.tfective way to ruin the morals and blast the 1 of our children than ro them rea<l tra,hy au vile literature. We are gla<l to re,,ogu! · the Bible as divinely inspired in all it parts, as compl,, te a nd infallible rule of faith an<l ,. tice, and a perfect treasury of heavenly instruction, which is the sup·eme standar1 by wid• other literature must be tested. As o Sunda.y School literature we cheerfull;- recomm(•n >l A B P Societies publications a nd especially those ~fthe Sunday School Board of the S J. • vention known as · Kin<l Worils" series.

We are glad to rc<·omrnend the Arkansas Baptist as our own paper, an I one that is trtHl r <mr denorr.iuational interests. We urge every lla.ptist in our bounds to subscribe lor thl



compoS<•d of J. B. Langley, Chairman, J . C, Wallis, Sec'y and J P. Bourland. J .II. Hnlt, th• we emp!nred Bro. aorn as missionary to pN$Ch and labor for tbecan5e of<.:bri~t il• lbe de>~ tute territory of'.cur Al>sociation for lhe term of ten montbs on a salary of 150-00 per muutb, and to divide hi& time eqoally in tbe dt!lltlttltion. In this contra-:! whb Bro. Rorn, it w&s ngreed by yow: executive Boai'd that be be allowed tbe time to supply Sbilob church, to-wit: Third t;nnd•Y and Samrdlly In each month,nnc;l that Ute salary Pt\ld him by Shiloh chureh to pay so much of the debtcontr8Cled bv vour Board, and tl1at all profits accruing from the 11ale or book~ to apply in same war, and up'tO this meeting ol the as..oelation we an: due Bro. llorn as per his rt'port •. t!l5.3'Z. Su•Hlav collections, 116.60; Plcasnnt RiU chorcb, $'!.00: Gum Springs c>hw-eh. lH.-1.0; PleaMnt Gro.-ecbureh, $10 00: J. '1". Bolt, $2-00; New Homo churc:b. $-.!..:Ill; .l:'lnan e Com­mitten, $40.32; Cash collected 10-d&T, Sl3-~ l.'otal. $38.00. Balance due Bro. Horn, $12i.Z'/.

· .llespectfull)• oubtnit100,

Report of Exec uti 'e Boat·d adopted. REPORT OF MISSIONARY.


Read by Bro. Horn: A~ your Missionary. I report: I have worked ten mon\hs, traveled SIBS miles. prci\Chcd 170

sermons, organized 3 churches ILDd three Sunday Schwls, received 18 by experience. Adopted, ff. J.P. UOIU."E.

RFPORT ON li1IN1ST.Ell.IAL EDUCATION. Your committee on Ministerial Educootion beg leave to report tbat we know tbe edncnllng of

,·onu~r mcu for tbe mlnlsterlal work Is one of moRt vital imJ><•rtAuce, anti <·alculuted th promote the best interest or the cause or our dcnomi 11.•ion for our ~lB»ter's service. ·rhercforc we re· commend thRt tbe .-nnng men within tbe bound~; or our as.;ociat!on wbo ahOIY the ·uor.1l tmlning and sptritual qualliiCillion that arc oo es• rntlalln this grand 11.ud gl nioos work robe greatly eu­eouraged. and liberal.y snpport.o db>· our people In the wa>· or mow y wh~ necessar)· In the proeurlng ora good edur.nlion. Adopw183 read- J P. BO\l.RLAND, Ch'm,


We report with thankful hearts that none of the ministers or Ibis body have died since J&s lust meeting. Adopt~.!. <;o. L. HAMLIN


Returned correspondf>tH:e to Union Associat.ion-L. L. Hitt, J. J. Rayne~.

Saline Associat•on-T. P. Copeland, H . J.P. Horn. Caddo Association-J. R. Hardy, J. E. Harris and G. t.t:. Shaw. Southwestern Assomation-E. Merrell, J . P. Copeland, J. R.

Hardy, N. Tompkins and J. T. llolt. Elected Delegat.c s to State Convention L. H. IIitt J. P. Cope­

laua,J. I'. Bn01·land, G. W. Burnes, J . J. Haynes, H. J.P. Horn. Bro. Copeland r.hen introduced tbe following I'esolut.ion: That

the <:lt>rk have printed 1500 copies of these minutes ancl distribnt~ them among the churches. A.ud that be be allowed $15.00 for his serrices, wbicb was adopted.


Bro. Welch tbt>n read the rollowing report on Literature, which was adoptee!:

'Your COlllmittee 011 llter11ture '~onld report tbat this is pre-eminently An age of reatling. Print­Ing pre!it'e< \Yer<' ne•·er 'I) nnmeron~ anlf so bu~y as now C'Rtbollc-, Protesl.l\uts .nnd Baptists are lloodlng the 11\nd w th l!tnamrc. Also" II ~hrvles or lntldeliLY d'•~emlnate their dtlCtriucM by means of the •·intc<l 'beet 'l'he P•·ople wm read Rnrl th re is no sc!lrOity of literature It L-~ uid there Is no snrer Wl\y todes.orv the health or a city than to poisoo the wells from which they draw tbelr water so there t• rio more Pffc<:tlve IVAY to ruin the morals And bl&.<t the lives or our chlltlreu thnn rro hnve them reat! trash,· an vile literature. We 1\reglad to ro."'ltllize the the Biblr a.< divine!)· Inspired in Rlllt.' parts; AS compl.•te and lnfAlUblc rule of faith and prac­tice, and A perfect treasury of heavenly Instruction, wbicl1l• thesnp-emc slruldari by which all othef!ltera~uru must be tested. As o SundaY School literature we cheorrunv reoornmeud the A B P Soclctles pnblic,otioos and csr>eel&lly those of the Sunday School Bo11rd or the S B Con· vention known as · K!ntl Wnr•ls" serle~.

We arc glAd to tel·ouHncnd the A r'knu~ J!aptist as our own paper, an I ooe that 1~ trne to al( 1111r d•murrJuational interests. 1\'e urge eve!')· Jluptist in onr bounds to eub:!Ctibe lor tbi& J>a.per


a ·ul rend II. A• a h•tnu book we recommend "Harvet~lBells" for general use in our rhur<'brs and sunday behool~ The Bantist book rooms at Ltltle Rock keep on hand at publi~he111 prlc:es mo~~ 0 1 tit~: book& our people ought to reacl. R<>!lpectlolly submitted, r. }'. WEl£11, Ch'm.

On motion J . J. Haynes to pt·each the introductory of the uext meetiug of this body and Bro King altt-rnate. Elected J . P. Bour· land chair111au of the ex('cntive board. Bro. I. F. Welch a i>J.>Oio1ed to preach ou mi~sions on Sunday nt 11 o'clock at the uext ses1:1ion of thif'l body.

A resolution of thanks was then voted to the people of this com· muuit.v for kiud entf'rtainruent a.ud to tbe moderator aud clerk for failbfulness in ciuty. A parting hymn was then sung and the Iueth· t'<'ll and stators gave to each other the parting baud. After prayer :ldjoornec: to bold the next seRsion with the church at Amity, Clark County, Arkansas, on Satnrclay before the 4th Sabbath in Sept. 1893.

"When shall we meet agaiu' Meet nt->er to sever; Wbt>n ~hall peace wreath its cbaiu 'Round us fore>erl"

------Ordai ned Ministers.

U W BurneR ......... Arkadelphia I W R Barham ........ Prescott. 1\l L Langley...... . . . '' IF ·welch. ...... ..... ' 1

0 I!} Tobey............ " L H Hitt.. . ....... .... " R S Wallis. . . . . . . . . . . . " J M: Shaw ..... .. Clear ~prings . . A Nelson............. " W N Davis ............ Okolona . .. 1 J IIaynes. . . . . . . . . . . '~ J. 0 Browning. . . . . Manchester 0 :,\{ ~fslick. . . . . . . . . .. " E .Merrell ............ . . Bingen .J ~~ Uoddy... . . . . . . . . . '' T J Bennett.......... " I·~J ~lcKenue.Y.... . ... " J P Copeland ...... Wolt Creek. 0 L Haruliu .............. Ourtis J B Roundtree. . . . . .... Bowtn .1 M Delln ............... Alpine N J Price . . . . ... . .. Boughton .J .T Dwiggins. . . . . . . . . . . . " E Delaughter.. . . . . . . " .J E llan-is. . . . . . . . . . . . . Roy N Tompkins . .. . . .. ..... Ely ville W B Sorgen. . . . . . . . . . . . " J W S Dozier . . . .. . . Gum Springs.

Unor ained. · \V M Stephens .... Olear Springs I J S .A.ndereon . . . . . . Arkadelphia .Judson l:>haw..... " J V Browning .......... Hebron It E Rt>ed......... " W Dickerson ...... .Arkadelphia W 1' Taylor. . . . . . " \ J H Turner. .. . .. .. ''

S S Shaddock. . . . . " Stntisbstics of the Arkadelphia Baptist Church, Sept. 20, 1892.


Church Memb ership. Number reported last year .... 341

INOrulASE. By Baptism........... ... .. 14 !3,y Letter, ....•• •• . •.... .. . • 19

Church Property. Church Edifice, Value .. 85000.00 Number Sittings, . . ... . . . ... 400 Parsonage, Value.... $1000.00 Total Value Property $6000.00


DECREASE. By Letter ............... . By Erasure, .............. . By Death ................ .

CONTRIBUTIONS. 49 Home Church Expenses, $904.00 6 Hunday School Expenses $157.06 9 State Mitssions ......... $ ..... .

31,0 Foreign Missions ....... $ ..... . Associational Missions $ 73.00

Students for tha Ministry--- H?I?e ~issionl!! .. ·:... $116.85 SUNDAY SCHOOL STATISTICS . 1\hmstenal Educa!.IOll. • $ ..... .

Present Membership ..... .

Number of Sehools........ 1 1 .Ministerial Relief..... $ 12.65 No. Oft'wers and Teachers.. 25 Printing minutes....... 3.00 No. of Pupils ..... . ........ 269 Total ..•...... $1263.56 Average Attendance ....... 139 REPORT OF LADIES AID SOCIETY Number baptized.......... 14 Amt paid Home MissiOns$ 44.00 Volnmes in Library. . . . . . . . 200 Ch nrch Furniture- ...... $161.50 Contributions for missions $57.70 Ministerial Education... 25.00 Total amt. mouey raised. $198.38 Young La-dies Home.... 50.00 Superinttndant's name, J. C. Miseellaneous.......... 50.30 Walli~, --- -

Total amt. money raised $330.80 - -----

Report of Ladies Aid Society, Pret>cott. church contributed dur­ing the year. To ehurch aid . . . . . . . . . . $14.851 To Foreign MissionR.... $4.45 To Ministerial Education, 5.00 ·

Order of Husiness, 1 Call for church letter 15 Finance. 2 Elect Moderator anli Clerk 6 Obituaries. :1 Call for petitionary letters 7 MiR~ious--H S antl F01·eign 4 Invite visitiug memb'rs to seats 8 Destitution 5 Appomt committees. · 9 Ouachita College 1 Di\ine senice 10 Ministeria,J Support 2 Sunday t~ebools 11 E . ucation 3 Intempemnce. 12 Literature 4 Documents

L. H. Hitt as .'l'reasurer, Ac't with Re<l River Association. To amt. from e~-tre:-11mrer T. A. By amt. paid for minutes $23.00 Heard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15.9 o By amt. paid elerk. . . . . . 15.00 From Finance comrnittee By amt. paid for po,.,tage 4.00 tor minute funci . . . . . . . . . 46.3·5 Assomatwual missions.. 40.30 Association11l .M:issi:Jns. . 40.30 Taylo1 Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . 11.80 Foreign mi~Ri1,11. . . . . . . . . 3.55 Poreign missions.... . . . 3.55 Taylor fund............. 1L80 Amount ou baud....... 20.25

Total.. .. . . . .. . $1L7.90 I Total. ........... $117.90 All pledges made at a.sRiciatiOn for :~ssocia.tional missions were

taken and kept uy Dr. J. P. Bourland, chairman of executive board. All others should be sent to him at Curtis, Arkansas.


...6...rticles of Faith. J. w,. believe in'' true un<lliYing God. 2. \\'e believe that the Scriptures. comprising the Old and New 'fetilllmcnt.,, nrc the word" of

God and the only rule of our faith and oractice 3. We believe in the doctrine of election according to the foreknowled!{c of Go< I. tile F>Lther,

through sanctification of thP Spirit w>to obedience ancl sprinkling o· the bloo<), of Jesus l'hriFt. 4. We b<'lieve in the doctrine of Original Sin I.Jy the fall or Adam. 5. We believe in man's inability of his ewn free wi 1 and ability to rcco,·er himself I rom the

fallen state in which be is by nature. 6, We believe thtLt sinners are justified in the sight of God by the imputed righteousness of

Christ only · 7. We believe thM the saint• shall be preserved in grace »ud never !all tiunlly tLway, s. We believe tbut Baptism and the LOrd's Suvper are the ordiuances of Jesus t.:bri,t. ·uu<l

thnt txue believers are the only subjects of baptism, and that Immersion is the Apostolic nwcle, 9, We believe in the resurrection of the dead and in the general jude:ment. an·l that the felic­

ity of the righteous n.nd the punishment of the wicked will be eterua.l, I. We believe that no minister ha.~ n.ny right. to admiuister the ordinauPes of the Gmpcl but

one who has been regularly baptized. called and comes under the imposition of the hnnds of the presbytery.

11. We believe that none but regular baptised members have a right to cowmune at the Lord's suptJcr.

12. We believe that the Lord's d!f.Y should be observed o.s u <lay of restund rtlligious dcvoiou

The Constitution.

A rticlc 1. This Union shall be known and distinguished by the name and title of the It ED ItJVER BAPTIST ASSOCIATION.

Art 2. This association shall be composed of delegates from the churches in the Union. Each church shall be entitled to three delegates. who shnll be required to furnish satisfactorv evidence of their appointment by their several churches before they take their seats. "

Art. a. The delegates, when convened, shall organize themselves i1,1to a delib,rative body by the appointment of a Moderator and Clerk, who shall be chosen by ballot at each annual Asso­

·ciation and continue in otlice until their successors are chosen. Art. 4. This Associ>ttion shall not interfere with the rights of the churches of which it is com·

posed. It shall regard them as independent in matters of internal e-overnme.1t, and sbo.JI act us advisory counsel, assuring no authority. except what 18 expressly -lelegated to it by the churches, or evidently iml 'ed from the nature of the oomp~t.. It. neverthelPss .claims author­ity over its own members, tt.e ddegates trom churches, and m JUStice and propr1ety must have power to withdraw from and disown all churches which depnrts from the spirit of this compact by becoming netrodox in faith or disorderly in;practice. It should, therefore regard all ,·hurch­es united w•der this Constitution with a vigilant eye for ~,ood. Its principal business sllall be to promote the declarative glory of God, by extending he K·ng·:om. Gra< eon earth, tbroul:'h the medium of preachinjl' the Gospel, and the means in accordan~e with that Gospel to cultivate un:on and fellowship wtth all the churches of Christ, especially those united in this Cvnsritu­tiou.

Art. 5. Newly constituted churches dismissP.d from other associations of the same faith and order, may be admitted into this union by sending three delegates to the annual meeting of this Association, with petition for admission, and by their delegates agreeing to the abstracts of principles herewith published.

Art. 6. The churches in this Union shall transmit to every annual session of the Assoeiatioo a written communica,ion specifying the nwnes of theix delegates, their number in fellowship, number baptised, received by letter, dismissed, excommunicated, restored or deceased since last session, and all other information;w.hich the churches may deem important, which shall be read and minuted

Art. 7. ~'his Association shall have a fund, to be suppliei by voluntary contributions of the chuxches. All the meney thus contributed shall be transmitted from the chmches and paid over, through the Committee on Finance. to the Treasurer, who shall be elected by ballot and hold his office duxing the pleasure of the Association. He shall retain and manage the flUlds agreeably to the order of the Association and present annually, for inspection io the minutes, u. clear and succinct statement of all receipts and exvenditures.

Art. 8 '!'his Association snall furnish the churches with the !l'.inutes of evexy session. Art. 9. ~'he Association sh&ll take cognizance of no querxy sent up from the cnurehes. unless

they have endeavored to solve the same and have failed; nor of any difficulty between the churches unless they have pursu<d the direction in the XVIII Chapter of .Matthew, and ha~e not been able to settle them· Then the Association shall take such matters into consideration and act upon them at its discretion.

Art. 10. It shall be the duly of the Clerk of thls Association to keep a regular file of the print. ed minutes of each session ol thls body, a.nd deliver over the same to successor in office.

Art. ll. This Consiitution may be altered or amended at regular meetings of this A•socia­tioa by the concurring voice of two-thirds of the members present; Provided such alterati011 or llUJtlntltncut be !Lpprovcd hv the churches composing the Association.


Eules of Decorum. 1. When the delegates or the senral cbun:hPs shall a.<~cmble 81 the pi::~Ce oppotnte<l fnr the

~e llf'ion of the A.•socialion. the ~loderator shall open bu.•iness b\' praise and pra>·er In pe,.,.m, 01 by phoxr IC the former ~lodertor or Clerk be absent \be .Aasoclillion shall appoint one pm­tem.

2 . immediately IIller opening lleSSion the chnrcn !etten shall be read by pen;ons whom the moderator may appoint, an 1 tile oamea of the delegates enro1led bv the Clerk

8. When the delegates' names a~ enrolled and called by the Clerk the Association shall then elect by ballot a Modetat:>r and Clerk, the vlura.llty of Totes governing the election.

4. A11 motions and a.meodment.S to molions must be seconded before the)' can be enteruoint'd by \be MOderator. When motions or amt>ndme~>ts to rootlonsarematle the last one made shall be 6rsUnorder, and so in universe order to theorigiual matlou, but the mo\·er may at nny time withdraw his motiou.

6- Any perso·• wlshia~t to mAke a motion or to Speak on any matter before the Associatio!l FhaJ.I rise to his feet and respctfutly address the lfod"rntor, nod if he be In order the Modcratt>r shsll 8lgnify by calling the per6on or otherwise. and no one. thus in order shnll be interrupted while speaking unlcs~be depart from thusubjecr, or for person11l retlection'; nor shaH •my mcm­ber•peak more than twice on the Sllmesub]\'ct without 1, ave I rom the ASl!Oelation, or toexplttin ..,me othl.s tonnu remark&· F, Whenenever sutlicienttime bas bean allowed for discuS!>lon or an)· subject before the As­

sociation, the Moderator shall take the voice o· the Ass lation and declare the reauil, a plu· rnUty govemin& In all ca..oea e.xcent those provided for.

7. No membEir mar V&Cl\te his seat without the consent of the Moderator while t.he body is in session.

8, Wben one member shall speak to or of unother, he shall call him brother. 9. 'l'he Moderator sh •11 have the ne.mes of the delegates culled whenever IL is necessary. 10, The ~~ dcrator may speak on matters or debate as <>lber member& b)' callin;< somu one

el~e to .fill his ~'eat while ~o-peaklnJ: but not until all o\bers have spok<ln \Yho deslte to speak. 11. 'l'be )foderator may in'·lte. \'isiting wlnbters in ~rood order, to seat<! in the council, who

ma)· >P·alt. but not YO e. 1~. Th.: ml~>utes or tbe Association mar be read as n ml\y think necessary. 18· Tbo Moderator shall bejudgeoforucr; the objector may app~al to the body, n ntl\jority

ot whom $Mil determine the point of order .

fi'i\ 12lr·li:ll[l ~~§, ~I ~ I g: I ~- I i::. I ~ i STATISTICAL TABLE~J!I!Iiili . J'Ii! i Jjl i I~ II.~ l!l I I . ~I-IIII ~~~~ I I "' 'i< I PASTOR~ ll'Ol!TOI' I·'Ill~: cuunoaEs. couNTY NAMES 0}' DELKGA'rt:s. l'LEB.R. 1; ~ ~ j : : ~ : ~- I l 1 _.!.,I __

~--~--~~~~--~--~~----.. . I Clark M Hughes, A J Rush, G T Uowoll...... . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. ll j 1 179 4 IW j I IAmltl'

.... jNevada .. . . • ... . .. .. . .. .. ... .... . .. .. .. ... D Fornbv H 8 1 1 60 1-11200 • I:SII ~ Vl IF Welch ft~sc'ou n tUempat d R· C. Ho!t, John A Johnson, G A Holt ..... ·w F Leo 3 ~ I 1\JO I '1' ,J Hen nell

1 Wn•hhtl(lnn ... I Clflfk W J, T3rrel1, T F 'ferrcll..... . . . . ..... ['1' F 'J'crrell I 1 1 10't 2 12u L u liitt Arl<n c•)fmln

. . . . Olark' R 1{ Hall, B W 'l'olnncl, U F .fltoMnster . · . ·. J N 'l'homtiW 10 2 4 9 2 l 00 1-4 &00 1 40 00 2 na 200 00 .J N ]{O(ldy 10kolunn •mo l'lko • 0 G Cagle. M l!' Rol Ina. ,J w J>rlso . . . . . J n 'l'homaa t1 1 2 1 17 oo' J 11r Dean !Antoine 111 I Clark J p Bourland....... .. . . . .. . . .. . .. .. J n Langley 1 4111 2 72 8160! 0 0111 32 20 100 00 ·N J Price llebrull

'Ofn BernpsVd N Tompklu~. S :hOfathls, J 11' .Daniel. .... ,J F .Box 4 I tl 102 I 200 10 oo N J Price C:lep•lllc ...... , Clllrk N J Thomns, C N 'l'homRs, R G111oleu...... c N Thomns II l I 34 7~~· 1 G ~~Shaw e . ~nr l)prllc~;•

;rove C'lurk W H Stnva•l, R WeRt.. . . . . . . . . . . . 11. C Blggndlko B 7 6 6 1 70 a 160 z '1' Rogers 11ofrnp rove 1 Nonda L R Bitt,J J Mayo~. J r Bcvorott . ... . W W Hayes 7 d 2 1 77 1 100. 2 40 I :X J J'tlce tlo\IKhtclll

, ..... · IIcmpat'd J N Gunn, W Wilson, J A UOdon. .. • DR Howell ll 6 37 ~ 1110 11 00 J N Shetflel•l Walluc•t•hctl'l: Creek. Cll\rk J A Andrews, B F lUtohons, W Tyron .... J A Ryan 9 11 Sf 1 IClO: J ~ ::1\ G L Homtlu • urtl• pl'lnga · Clark T ll Denson, E Olo\•le, W S Dozier . . . . W E PM•uo 1 l 28 3 oo. 1 40 1 \1' S .Oor:lor Gum St•rln.:s Forli.. Pike kF Kelly, M Lewallen .. . .. .... .. . . ... J A Mchlellon I :l 11 1 50j 1 00 2M W J Gardm·t ~hnw

'004 . . . Clnrk G L Ha.mUn, S N Studard, F C Garrett . . E S Smith 10 11 18 2 61 2 120. I 4 60 o L Hamllu Lnrti> .;fly HIU P1ko J B Roundtree, J P Copelnnd, R U l'rench .. T J Langlev 1 4 2 1 tw 1115

1 2 60 r> oo ISO oo L H Hitt llowon enwooo .. Clark J 0 Barlson. ...... ..... ..... ..... . .. J N Gormnn I 8 10 11 nO I I EDeiRilghter·f!onghtun

~thlohnm · I ClRrk 1: A Jenkins, E 8 Sulllvl\ll, A J Harper . . . W L Duuch It! 1 12 8 1 1tl8 Jl) .. t 11 oo J J Haynes !Gurdun Aenon .· · Clark w M }'fill, J D Colwell, J N 'fhomns ...... J N 'J.'homilS 6 8 1 21 26 8 Mj I I I'V J Ga.rdnt-•· Al1>hl~ Mt Bethel . ' Clark 0 E Tobv, M L Lanjfiey, H ~dward~ .... · .. H Edwards 17 8 12 1 8 8 !J.I "00 0 J, Uarulln 1 ArkauHphiot CIMr Sprl~e. ClArk J T Dolt;~' T Mlugartl, 0 M Shnw · · · · · · . ... J T Minyard 2 G 3 8 ll!W 8 ln5j I 1.0 'G M Sb&w Clonr l-llll'llllr' Spring 11111. . . l'lko J B Funder~ngk. W ~Adams, C '1' Elwin C T Env1n 12 100' I 1 00 I JLI~slt• Salem Clllrlt 11 'l' Howe)!, EN Bowell .......... .......... A E Wilson 0 7 II 1 2

1 !67

48 1


1 O •o H 'l' liowoll s\mlt)' Unity .. " Olnrk G WBurues,Ji' J llldwarcl6 ........ . ...... ..... J J llart 4 6 1 o ., 14 60 u W BurnoK Arknkclpltlu Holly "\VoOd.. Oll~rk » F Maleomb, J CJ l'wcodlo ... .............. Url11b Jorrlan 8 0 I 27 1 100 10 OtJ lJ 1 Haynes [l lollywoll•l Macedonia .. l'lke J R Hardy. S A FueeorjM J Manning . ..• · .. W R W!.celes8 2 Cl 86 a~9~ ~ J R Hardy Arrt Ozan '.' BempsVd G T Holt, E Morrell,~· llenucU ... · · . ·. ·. J II llolt 8 10 21'!1 2 260 2G 20 s I~ 'J' J Uenueu ninJ!cm Wolf Creeic' · · · Plko J n Chappell, w M Cnnlllsor, w B Clllllpboll~W M Conaleon l e 2 •11 s 1111 L H H!tt Wolf Creek Shlloll ".. Clark I 0 Ross .................... • ........ ·.... \VA 11' Wells 18 II II 2 U7


~ lOll 8 &'I! 10 00 H J P Horne Arkcu\clt•hlu .Mountati1 ix;m Clark J 8 Carr W B Burleson, J llcrmon,. . · .. J Wisdom 11 8 l 18 1 00 IW 20 Ill\ J J Dwhtgh•a t'le•r !iJ•t'••ll·' PTOVIdence Nov&da N J Price, 1 F Welch, H '1' Jntcrnm · ........ jT J Leo l ~ 1 \ 1 4 17 uou lG 70 6 oo ,· I' 11 !'' Welch JllttuKh1ul• Maple Sprt:igi .Pike \V M Cooly, J .E BarriJS, J G l.limdere, ......• w M Corley I 0 a 2 83 2 75 I :. I N Tompk'!nR RO)'

~~r;,:omo ... ~~:I\ ,~ * r~!ti~~.~ ~'1l~~~eii,' i.. D. iTO\v'ou' ::: "15 ¥1~~~!~?111 2 ~\ :\ 1 ( I ~I ~m I • ~ 00 :. ,r :n·~;~. ' ~1~~~~~~ . ' I

Arhdelpl:iia. CJI\rk J J ltaYnes, RJ P Hmn .. ... .... · ... IJ Wilson 14 1 19 .4~!;..:1.....:...:':.:....:9:..:8:.:.10:....._:...:' lll:::IO::.:..__.....:..:n;:.;n..:.~<.:.:~.:..:.:7ii::...::oo;__ ___ ,::J:.....!\.!!m:::nc::rt'~k~·e::....r ·~!!~