costing and budgeting by yousuf

  Assignment on costing and budgeting Page 1 of 23 YousufHasan Id no:6650 Introduction: Ford motor company one of the top manufacturing company in UK. It was established in 1993 and employed 5929 people. Ford is now most popular car maker in UK. Over 100 years they are leading UK market by creating innovative products and more efficient and attainable for people. Answer outcome (1.1) Cost represented the estimated dollar value of resources consumed by the organization in providing a product or service; they are critical element of many business decisions. Detailed cost information provides a company with useful data on its resource spending and how each product and service contributes to profitability.  According to William Baumol, 1968 ³costs are the monetary value of expenditures for supplies, services, labour, products, equipment and other items purchased for use by a business or other accounting entity´ In other way cost is anything incurred during the production of the good or service to get the output into the hands of the customer.The customer could be the public (the final consumer) or another business.Controlling costs is essential to business success. Classification of cost: Figure 1.1: Classifi cation of cost cost Elements Nature Function Relevance Controllability

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  Assignment on costing and budgeting

Page 1 of 23 

YousufHasan Id no:6650


Ford motor company one of the top manufacturing company in UK. It was established

in 1993 and employed 5929 people. Ford is now most popular car maker in UK. Over 

100 years they are leading UK market by creating innovative products and more

efficient and attainable for people.

Answer outcome (1.1)

Cost represented the estimated dollar value of resources consumed by the

organization in providing a product or service; they are critical element of many

business decisions. Detailed cost information provides a company with useful data

on its resource spending and how each product and service contributes to


 According to William Baumol, 1968 ³costs are the monetary value of expenditures for 

supplies, services, labour, products, equipment and other items purchased for use

by a business or other accounting entity´

In other way cost is anything incurred during the production of the good or service to

get the output into the hands of the customer.The customer could be the public (the

final consumer) or another business.Controlling costs is essential to business


Classification of cost:

Figure 1.1: Classification of cost






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  Assignment on costing and budgeting

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YousufHasan Id no:6650

Elements of cost: Row materials are converted into product by the help of 

manufacturing concern, such as labour, plants. The elements which are contribute

the cost of manufacturing known as elements of cost. The elements of cost are


Particular process, job operation or product has a relationship with direct material,

direct labour and direct expense but there is no relationship with indirect material,

indirect labour and indirect expenses.

Factory cost= Prime cost + factory overhead

Cost of production= factory cost + administration overhead

Total cost of sales = cost of production + selling and distribution overhead

Material Labour Expenses

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  Assignment on costing and budgeting

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YousufHasan Id no:6650

Nature of cost:

Function of cost:

Fixed cost

� Costs remain fixed over arange of output levels,e.g. rent and rates

Semi fixed

� Costs which combine afixed and variableelement, e.g. telephone

 bill with fixed monthly or quarterly rental andcharge per unit


� Costs vary directly withoutput, e.g. directmaterials and directlabour 

� Every year ford motor company spend hugeamount of money in

 production to createinnovative andattainable products for 



�After produce the productford company needs tomake sure product reach tocustomer and that¶s costmoney.

Selling anddistribution

�To make the operationsuccessful Ford motor company has to spendmoney for administration






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  Assignment on costing and budgeting

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YousufHasan Id no:6650

Answer outcome (1.3)

Figure 1. : Costing techniques

Absorption costing

  Absorption costing means that all of the manufacturing costs are absorbed by the

units produced. In other words, the cost of a finished unit in inventory will include

direct materials, direct labour, and both variable and fix ed manuf actur i ng overhead. 

 As a result, absorption costing is also referred to as full costing or the full absorption


Marginal costing

µThe accounting system in which variable costs are charged to cost units and thefixed costs of the period are written off in full against the aggregate contribution. Itsspecial value is in decision making¶. (Terminology.)

The term µcontribution¶ mentioned in the formal definition is the term given to thedifference between Sales and arginal cost. Thus






costing/ full costing



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  Assignment on costing and budgeting  

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YousufHasan Id no:6650 

Absorption Costing 

Ford motor  company now want to calculate how much money they spend to produce 


Full Capacity of Ford Company , units 

Current production production is , units 

Var iable cost per  units tire £

otal fixed cost rent, electr icity, as) £ ,

Selling pr ice would be fixed £ per  units  

Sales Revenue  , units50£50,0000 

Less) total var iable cost ,000 units   0 £ 0,000) 

Less) total fixed cost £ 58,000) 

Pr of it  42,2000

Unit cost otal cost

umber  of units 

£ 0,000+£58,000 

0,000 units 

£7.8per  unit

 8 per  unit

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YousufHasan Id no:6650 

Answer  outcome(1.4  

Ford motor  company uses both  uantitative and  ulitative data to get the inf ormation,

masure their  success and plan f or f uture.

Quantitative data: Quantitative data is type of data that counted numar ically and 

measured and expressed in  uantit y. Its help to  now the trends and changes over  time. Quantitative data can be manipulated and satistically analyzed , it can be 

shown in graphs, tables and histographs.

able .

Qualitative Data: Qualitative methods use to descr ibe the inf ormation rather than 

showing statistical inf erences. his method provides more depth and r ich 

descr iption. 

able .

Qualitative and  uantitative data  can be presented in diagrammatical, graphical,

index number .

iagrammatical or   raphical presentation:  hereare some benefits of 

iagrammatical or   raphical presentation. hey are f ollows: 

y  elp to understand the situation  uickly , explained and compared data in 


y  ranslate the ideas eff ectively and  uickly 

y More eff ective than table but may be less accurate.

y  able and diagram suitable f or  descr iptive data but graph is suitable f or  

continuous data.

he buyers of Ford cars in table . can be shown in graph:  

Frequency distr ibution of  00 Ford car  buyers 

 Age Frequency 

8- 8  0 

8- 8  5 

8-48  0 

48-58  5 

Frequency distr ibution of 80 Ford car  buyers 

User  Frequency 

Official 40 

personal 5 

Public  0 

ospital 5 

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  Assignment on costing and budgeting

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YousufHasan Id no:6650

Figure 1.3: Ford car buyer 

Index number: Index number measures the economic changes over time.Because


work in a similar wa©  

to percentages the©  

make such changes easier to

compare. Briefl©  

, this works in the following wa©  


Suppose Ford car TDCi163 costs £19 thousands in 2009 and in2011 its cost £21,

corresponding to 100% .

The index number can be calculated for period of 2009 as a proportion change


The index number 21 100 110.53  

100 19







Car buyer





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  Assignment on costing and budgeting  

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YousufHasan Id no:6650 

Whole year they will buy tire, window regs and body panel, they will also recruit and 

pay new employees. If Ford find chipper  supplier  with discount they may change the 

supplier . hese diff erences will lead to var iations between actual cost and standard 

costs budgeted as f ollows: 

Mater ials  Q uantity X Price = Standard Cost  

ire 4 tires X £15 £ 0 

Body panel 1body panel X £ 5 £ 5 

Window Regs  1window regs X £5 £5 

Mater ial¶s total cost £90 

irect labour  cost 8 hours X £11 £88 

otal direct cost £178 

he analysis of mater ial var iance would be: 

Mater ials  Q uantity X Price = Standard Cost  

window regs Budget window regs X £5  £10 

 Actual 1window regs X £5 £5 

Mater ial var iance £5 f avourable 

Pr ice var iance £ 0-£ 5) X 1 Body panel £5 Unf avourable 

Variance in quantity  .00-1.00) X £5 £5 f avourable 

Mater ial var iance   o var iance 

The analysis of variance in direct labour would be the following:

Mater ials  Q uantity X Price = Standard Cost  

irect labour  Budget 10 hours X £10  £100 

 Actual 8 hours X £11 £88 

DL Variance  £12 f avourable 

Pr ice var iance £10-£11) X 8 hours £8 Unf avourable 

Variance in quantity  10-8) X £11 £22 f avourable 

DL Variance  £14 f avourable 

Responsibility centre: Responsibility centre is an organization unit or  

aamanager  is held accountable. Responsibility accounting enables accountability f or  

financial results and outcomes to be allocated to individuals throughout the 

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YousufHasan Id no:6650 

organization. he ob jective is to measure the result of each  responsibility centre. It

involves accumulating costs and revenues f or  each responsibility centre so that

deviation f rom per f ormance target typically the budget) can be attr ibuted to the 

individual who is accountable f or the responsibility centre.

Answer  outcome (2. ) 

Cost reduction methods: 

*  Cost reduction methods that helps to enhance value and quality  

*  elp to make buying decision  

* Buy the components and inputs f rom external suppliers if it is cheaper than making  

* Purchase in bulk to qu alif y f or  bulk purchase discount Cash purchase 

* Pay on time or  ear ly to qualif y f or  ear ly payment discounts  

* Maximize use of f ull capacity to reduce fixed cost per  unit

* Introduce quality control to reduce wastage and warranty claims  

*  Use high skilled workers to reduce wastage and increase output per labour  hour  

*  Use of state-of-ar t technology or  machinery in cer tain cases  produce f ast and in 

many cases cheaper  

*  rained employees work f aster  and reduce wastage with better  quality and finishing  

*  Change of costing  method/system example use of marginal costing will reduce cost

per  unit theoretically  

*  Closing down loss making divisions ± caref ul when you make such a statement

*  his is also known as key f actor  analysis. his analysis to allocate scarce resources 

to minimize the cost and maximize profit

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  Assignment on costing and budgeting  

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YousufHasan Id no:6650 

Answer  outcome (3.1) 


 A budget is the financial bluepr int or  action plan f or  a depar tment or  organization. It

translates strategic plans into measurable expenditure and anticipated returns f or  a 

cer tain per iod of time.

 According to J.J. ampton cited by isar Ahmed, 2004:220) A budget is f ormal

plan expressed by dollars´  

So a budget is not an ornamental yellow bird f rom tropical climes. It is a plan, a course through the f uture. ormally a budget descr ibes a per iod in the f uture not the past.

THE PURPOSE O A BUDGET Budgets can accomplish the f ollowing:  

Forecasting Inevitably, if an organisation is going to draft a budget which will be of any use whatsoever , it will have to make f orecasts. hese f orecasts will notalways be correct, but at least the organisation has had to look ahead. Itwon¶t see every danger  or  oppor tunity, but looking ahead must be better  than moving f orward with eyes closed.

Planning  Once f orecasts are completed, planning can be carr ied out. For  example, if the f orecast suggests a dramatic increase in  demand, then new production f acilities might have to be planned. owever , it is impor tant to be aware atthe planning stage that the f orecasts might not be correct, or  even if they were correct at the time they were made, things can change. etailed 

planning might even require the f orecasting stage to be revisited to check estimates or to try to gather  more evidence f or  estimates.

Coor dination In many ways, coordination is an aspect of planning  making sure the company delivers what it has budgeted to  sell), but it is wor thy of a separate mention. Coordination really highlights is that there has to be a match between the organisation¶s structure and ambition and the requirements f or its success. In some businesses it is impor tant to meetwell-understood customer  demands quickly and reliably, and in this context, str ict budget targets and measurement can be vital to success.


 A budget is a succinct and precise way of communicating targets to depar tments and employees ± or  at least some aspects of what should be achieved. he problem is not what is specified in the budget, it¶s what¶s notspecified. he budget might state explicitly that 2,000 units should be made in a per iod, but implicit in the target is that the units should be of a ce r tain quality. he budget might be explicit about the labour  rate per  hour to be paid, but might not specif y the skills that employees should have.

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  Assignment on costing and budgeting  

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YousufHasan Id no:6650 

Receipts and payment method: This is most popular  and widely used method to 

prepare cash budget. The estimation under this method can be given monthly,

f or tnightly or  weekly basis. This method is suitable f or the business where sales are 

unstable, seasonal or  suff er f rom the shor tage of liquid resources.

Adjusted Earnings Method:The estimation under  this method can be considered at

least 5 years. Earning ad justed f or  non -recruiting or  extraordinary products. The 

ad justed earnings can be averaged or  can use prevailing rate of return f or  

comparable companies or  an appropr iate discount rate.

Balance Sheet Method:The balance sheet methods estimate the financial condition 

end of the budget per iod .Based onactual data it¶s similar to balance sheet. For this 

reason company balance sheet is not illustrated f or the company colt manuf actur ing.

If the budgeted balance sheet indicates weakness of financial position, revising the 

financial plan or  correction would be mandatory.

Importance of  regular  cash budget in For d motor  company:  

i)  elpf ul in planning: Cash budget help to make plan that allows efficient

use of cash. Whenever  company run out of surplus or find weakness of 

the plan they can change the plan.

ii) Estimate the f uture needs: cash budget f orecast f uture plan, f uture 

surplus and amount in advance. It¶s help to raising f unds  with profitable 

way at reasonable terms and cost.

iii) Maintenance of cash balance: Cash based on liquidity enterpr ise and 

cash budget helps to maintain the liquidity. It¶s suggesting adequate 

cash balance at a f air  margin f or the contingencies.

iv) Evaluation of per f ormance: cash budget evaluate the per f ormance of 

company in per iod of time.

v) Sound dividend policy: Cash budget plans f or  shareholders dividend 

and consistent with the liquid position of firm. Its helps to f ollow the 

dividend policy.

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  Assignment on costing and budgeting  

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YousufHasan Id no:6650 

Answer  outcome (3.3) 

Estimated cash receipt : 

January February March Budgeted sales £ 40,000 £1,120,000 £1,120,000 

ote: £ 40,000= £ ,200,000X 20%

£1,120,000= £ ,200,000X 5%  

Titan Ltd 

Schedule of  Collections f r om Sales  For  the Three Months Ending March 31, 2012  

January February March 

Receipts f rom deposit : 

Cash sales  10% X current month's sales 

- ote A) 

£ 4,000 £112,000 £112,000 

Receipts f rom cash sales: 

Collections f rom pr ior  month's sales  50%

of previous month's sales - ote B) 

£ 20,000 £560,000 £560,000 

Collections f rom pr ior  month's sales  5%of previous month's sales - ote C) 

£224,000 £ 92,000 £ 92,000 

Total receipts f r om sales on account   £608,000 £1,064,000 £1,064,000 

ote A: £64,000= £640,000 X 10%

£112,000= £1,120,000 X10%

ote B:£ 20,000=£640,000 X 50%

£560,000 = £1,120,000 X50%

ote C: £224,000 = £640,000 X 5%

£ 92,000=£1,120,000 X 5%

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YousufHasan Id no:6650 

Estimated Cash Payments  Estimated cash payments are planned reductions in cash f rom manuf actur ing costs,

selling and administrative expenses, capital expenditures, and other  sources, such as buying secur ities or  paying interest or  dividends. A suppor ting schedule can be used in estimating the cash payments f or  manuf actur ing costs.

January February March 

Manuf actur ing costs £40,000 £80,000 £80,000 

ote: £40,000 = 200,000X20%

£80,000 = 200,000X40%

£80,000 = 200,000X40%

Completing the Cash Budget  

Titan Ltd.Cash Budget 

For  the Three Months Ending March 31, 2012

Estimated cash receipts f rom: January February March 

Cash sales £64,000 £112,000 £112,000 

Collections of accounts receivable £608,000 £1,064,000 £1,064,000 

Total cash receipts   £672,000 £1,176,000 £1,176,000 

Estimated cash payments f or: 

Manuf actur ing costs £40,000 £80,000 £80,000 

Payroll £9,000 £9,000 £9,000 

 Administrative expenses(office rent) £ 0,000 £5,000 £5,000 

Var iable production costs £ ,700 £6,475 £8, 25 

 Adver tising £20,000 £10,000 

 Administrative overhead £700 £700 £700 

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YousufHasan Id no:6650 

Total cash payments   £103,400 £111,175 £103,025 

Cash increase(Decrease) £568,600 £1,064,825 £1,072,975 

Cash balance at beginning of month £200,000 £768,600 £1,833,425 

Cash balance at end of month £768,600 £1,833,425 £2,906,400 

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YousufHasan Id no:6650 

Answer  outcome Task-4

(i) Mater ials pr ice var iance:  (SP-AP) X AQOr  

(SP X AQ) ± ( AP X AQ) 

(£45 X 86450) ± [(£4379800/96500)*86450) 

£3,890,250 ± £3,923,665 

=33,415 (Unf avourable) 

Mater ials usage var iance:  (SQ-AQ) X SP

{(10kg X 8,250) ± 86,450} X £45.00 

(82,500 ± 86,450) X £45.00 

= -£177,750 (U) 

Total mater ials var iance:  (SQ X SP) ± ( AQ X AP) 

(8250 X 10 X £45) ± £3,923,665 

£3,712,500 - £3,923,665 

= -211,165 

(ii) Labour  rate var iance:  (SR ± AR) X A


(SR X A ) ± ( AR X A ) 

(£60.00 X 32,000) ± (£1,968, 000) 

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YousufHasan Id no:6650 

F. O. Capacity var iance: (BH ± AH) X SR 

{(4 X 8,000) ± 32,000} X £15 

= £00.00 

F. O. total var iance:  ( A. F.O.H. ± S. F. O. H.) 

(£117,500) ± (8,250 X £15) 

= £ 6,250 (F) 

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Ref erence 

 Ahmed, . (2004) M    


   t A

   t ing  New Delhi: Anmol publication ltd 

 AW Willsmore(1973), B    iness B    get s in p    t ice, Pitman publishing.

 Accounting, H. Averkamp. (19  may  2009)  w !   

t  is "   


 Amer ican  council on  education, Natalie K. (2003)  w !    t  is  "    get?

( _ isFMT.pdf ) 

Harvard  business  press(2009)   p    e p    ing        "    get  Harvard  business  school

publishing corporation 

Hopwood A , An Account ing Sy st em   nd M 

  nagerial Behaviour , Saxon 

House, 1973.

Joel E. Ross,Tot al quali ty management: t e#  

t , cases, and  readings ,CRC press,1999.

William Baumol (1968), Ent re preneurshi  p in Economic  Theor y . Amer ican Economic 

Review, Papers and Proceedings 

William O. Clever ly(1989), H and  "  ook  of  heal t h care account ing  and  finance, Aspan 

publications, Inc.