cosmology culture and belief document 12-13

School of Social and Political Sciences Sociology and Anthropology Culture, Cosmology and Belief SOCIO4003 202!3

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School of Social and Political Sciences

Sociology and Anthropology

Culture, Cosmology and BeliefSOCIO4003


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WELCOME TO: COSMOLOGY, CULTURE AND BELIEF................................................................4

COURSE COMMUNICATION...................................................................................................................5

AIMS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES................. .............. .............. .............. .............. ............... ........ ......6

CLASS MEETINGS.......................................................................................................................................7

COURSE REQUIREMENTS AND ASSESSMENTS................................................................................9


  EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY.................................................................................................................1

COURSE TE!TS.........................................................................................................................................1

COURSE OUTLINE....................................................................................................................................1"

 PART 1: COSMOLOGY AND CULTURE................................................................................................13Introduction: Culture, Nature and Society (January 10).......................................................................13Australian Aboriginal Cosology, Culture and Society 1 ! 2 (January 1" ! 2#)..............................1#Aa$onian Cosology, Culture and Society 1: S%aanis and Nature (January 31)......................1#Aa$onian Cosology, Culture and Society 2: &%e Study o' yt% (ebruary ")..............................1*Isla: Cosology, Nature, Culture and Society (ebruary 1#)............................................................1*+eturn to t%e Notion o' Culture (ebruary 21)....................................................................................1*

 PART 2: THE NATURE OF KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF.....................................................................16 -aining +eality/ and +ationality/: Ant%roology, +ationality, itc%cra't, S%aanis andodes o' &%oug%t (ebruary 2).........................................................................................................14no5ledge in 6iterate and 7ral Cultures (arc% ")............................................................................1"Creationis and undaentalis (arc% 1#).....................................................................................1

ESSAY QUESTIONS AND READING LISTS.........................................................................................19

#OW TO CREATE YOUR OWN ESSAY QUESTON..........................................................................19

ESSAY READING SUGGESTIONS.........................................................................................................1

 Librr! D"b#$#.....................................................................................................................................21G$%$r& A%"'r()(&(*! R$+$r$%,$ B((-# ..................................................................................................21

G$%$r& B((-# (% "'$ A%"'r()(&(*! % S(,i(&(*! (+ R$&i*i(% .............................................................21

G$%$r& I%+(r/"i(% (% I#&/...................................................................................................................22

 M0#&i/# i% Bri"i%.....................................................................................................................................23


T'$ N("i(% (+ C0&"0r$ % T'$(ri$# (+ R$&i*i(%......................................................................................2

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 R$&i*i(% % "'$ N"0r& W(r&................................................................................................................2

S'/%i#/ % H$&i%*............................................................................................................................2



 Li"$r"$ % Or& C0&"0r$#........................................................................................................................31

 F0%/$%"&i#/ % Cr$"i(%i#/............................................................................................................32

ESSAY ASSESSMENT S#EET................................................................................................................."4

SPECIMEN E!AMINATION PAPER......................................................................................................"5

APPENDI! 1: ADVICE ON ESSAY WRITING : #OW TO WRITE A GOOD ANT#ROPOLOGYESSAY..........................................................................................................................................................."7

 Ar$ A%"'r()(&(*! $##!# i++$r$%" +r(/ "'(#$ i% ("'$r #0b$,"#7 ..........................................................38 

Ti)# +(r Wri"i%* G(( E##!..................................................................................................................38 

 H(9 "( R$+$r$%,$ % Wri"$ G(( Bib&i(*r)'!..................................................................................3

APPENDI! : ADVICE ON WRITTEN E!AMINATIONS..................................................................4$

APPENDI! ": RITUAL, SOCIETY AND C#ANGE..............................................................................4"

+itual, Society and C%ange...................................................................................................................#3

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&%e course lecturer i s >r. Nicole 9ourue. y contact details are:

D/. N)+%' B%/'

R%% 01 Ada Sit% 9uildingC%-*&&)%- T)'*: &%urs 2@3T': 330 *13e):  Nicole.bouru e glas< 

&%e adinis t rator 'or al l onours le8el courses in t%e dearten t is :

L'* '3 S+%& & .

Adinistrato r/s 7''ice,+oo 210 ?round loor ,

Ada Sit% 9uilding

&el: 330 *D1



C% / * ' N %& )+ ' % / : M% % '


or t% e os t ar t t %e organ is a ti on and co un i cat io n 'or t% e co ur s e 5ill

t a< e la ce t%r ou g% t% e oodl e onlin e le ar ni ng e n8ir on e n t. Io rt a nt

in'orat i on abo u t lec tu re s and e-as 5ill b e o st ed % ere , a s 5ill coi es o'

o8 er% ead s , % an d ou t s and ot %e r u se 'u l at e r ia l. It i s i or t ant , t %e re'ore ,t%a t you 'ai li ar ise yourse l' 5it% t%e oodle sys te, enrol on i t early in t%e

session, and t%at you c%ec< t%e site regularly 'or udate s and

ann o un ceen t s . &%e bull et in b oa rds on t %e sit e allo 5 s ta '' to co un i cat e

5it % t %e cla ss , bu t al so allo5 eb er s o' t %e cla ss t o r ai se iss ues abo u t t% e

course 5i t% lecturers , or 5it% eac% o t%er.

All e@ail essage s 5ill be sent to your o''icial uni8ers ity e@ail address . I'

yo u 5 ant to u s e ano t %e r add re ss yo u u s t ar ran g e 'or t %e s e to b e 'or5arded

t o 5 %ic%e8 e r add res s yo u r eg ul ar ly u se . >e ta il s abo u t t% e e@ail s ys t e a t

t%e Eni8ers ity are gi8en %ere: %tt:F<Fser8icesFi t F'orstudentsF

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&%is odule 'ors art o' our onours rograe and its ais ebody t%e intentions o't%at rograe.

A)*: &%e seci'ic ais o' t%is course are to:

•  ro8ide you 5it% <no5ledge o' t%e rinciles and t%eory o' ant%roology,

 articularly 5it% regards to t%eories o' religion and culture=

• gi8e you an oortunity to de8elo ractical s<ills in t%e gat%ering, analysis,

 resentation and discussion o' ant%roological data, articularly 5it% regardsto religious belie's and di''erences=

• allo5 you to de8elo t%e ability to aly your <no5ledge and ractical s<ills to

sol8ing ant%roologically based researc% robles=

• enable you to engage re'le-i8ely 5it% t%e articularities o' your o5n culturaland social conte-ts, as 5ell as 5it% t%e cole- ossibilities in%erent in crosscultural coarison=

• enable you to en%ance your trans'erable and inter@ersonal s<ills, articularly in

counication, tie anageent, indi8idual and grou researc% 5or<, criticalaraisal o' social issues, and t%e in'ored use o' in'oration tec%nology=

•  ro8ide you 5it% a 5ide range o' s<ills t%at 5ill eet t%e deands o' t%e

odern labour ar<et.

I-&'-' L'/-)-2 O&+%'* %8 C%/*': &%e course 5ill ro8ide students 5it% t%eoortunity to: 

• d e on s tr a t e <no 5l ed g e o' so e o' t% e 'un da e n t al co nc e t s o't%e ant% roo logy o' religion , suc% as t%ose relat ing to cosology,

cul tu re and t%e natu re o' <no5ledge and beli e' =

• recog nis e, ass es s and a <e use o' di''er en t t%eor etic al and

e t% o d ol o gi cal a roac% es in t %e ant % ro ol og y o' r eli gi on and t o

 be a5are o' lin<s to cognat e bo di es o' t% eory, su c% as soci ology=

• d e on s tr a t e <n o5l ed g e o' t% e 8alu es , e t%ic s a nd tr adi tio ns o'

di''erent cultures=

• aly a cri ti ca l arecia t ion o' t%e 5ays in 5%ic% ant% roo logy can

con tri bu te to a n un de rs t a nd in g o' bro ad e r issu es in t% e st ud y o'

%uan natu re , soc ie ty and cul tu re=

d eo n s t r a t e a5aren es s o' e t% ical iss ues co nce rn ed 5it % t % e st ud yo' social 5orlds and reresen tat ions o' o t%ers =

• -lain t%e inte rconnec t ions bet5een 8ar ious asec t s o' soc ia l and

cul tural li'e, bel ie' sys tes, global 'orces, indi8idual be%a8ior and

t%e %ysical en8ironent =

• un de r st a n d %o 5 % u a n b ei ng s s% a e , ar e s% a e d by, a nd int er ac t

5i t% , t%ei r social , cul tural and %ysical en8ironen ts =

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• 'or u la t e, in8 es ti ga t e a nd dis cu ss a nt %r o ol ogi ca ll y in'or e d


• t%in< indeend en tly, logically, analytically and cri tically about social

and cul tu ra l iss ues in a 5 ay t% at 5ill b en e 'i t yo u a s an acad eic

and as a ci ti$en=

•  lan, un dert a<e and resen t sc%ol arly 5or< t% at deons t r a t e s an

und er st a nd in g o' ant %r o ol ogi cal ai s, re se ar c% e t% od s an d

t%eoret ical considerat ions .

T/-*8'/' S)*: &%e course 5ill also ro8ide you an oortunity to de8elo a rangeo' ot%er ractical s<ills:

• t%in< indeende nt ly , logically, analyt ica lly and critically about

social an d cultu ral issu es , artic ul arly 5it% re ga rd s to t% e

religions co8ered in t%i s course and in 5ays t%a t 5ill bene'i t you

as an acadei c and as a citi$en

• a<e cross@ cul tural coar isons

• ado t a struc tu re d a ro ac % to sol8in g res ea rc % roble s ,

including re'erencing t%e 5or< o' o t%er s and assess ing %is tori cal


• ar ec ia t e and under st and roces s es o' s oci al c%ange

• de8el o in'o rati on re tri e8a l s<ills in rel at ion to ri ar y and

secondar y sources o' in'orat ion

• e-res s your o5n ideas in 5riti ng , to s uar is e t%e a rguent s

o' ot%er s , and to dis tinguis% bet5een t%e t5o

• str uc t ur e and couni ca t e ideas e'' ec ti8e ly bo t% or all y and in a

5ritten 'or

• de8elo counica t ions and in'orat ion t ec%nology s<ills

• to 5or< e''ec ti8ely bot% indeend ent ly and in grous

• eng ag e in constr uc ti8 e discu ssio n in grou situ atio ns and

deons t ra te grou 5or< s<ills

• an a g e ti e a nd ee t d ea dli ne s

• de8elo inter @ ersonal s<ills


&%e Cla ss ee t s 5e e< ly on T(/* 3 * , ". $$ 5. $$ )- /%% 1$7 %8& (' R - )- B))- 2 ;O 8) ' A< ' =   )- *' ' * & ' / %8 &(' $ 1

1" + ' ) + 3'/ . &%is t5o %our session 5ill consist o' a

cobinat ion o' l ec tures , 'ils and grou di scussion . Soe di scussion

to ic s 5ill r e uir e yo u to do s et re ad in g s. &%e se 5ill b e o st e d on

oo dl e. It is i or ta n t t% at stu d en t s r e a r e in a d8 a n ce 'or cla ss e s

and rea d se ci'ied a te ri al (se e belo5 6ectur e an d >iscu ssio n

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Brogra e ). Gour are re uir ed to reg ularly att en d lectur es an d

s einar s and e- lai n any abs ence .

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&%e regulations go8erning onours Sociology and Ant%roology are laid out ore 'ully int%e #%-%/* G'-'/ I-8%/&)%- %%'& 8%/ $11", 5%ic% can be 'ound on oursubHect oodle site. Blease do 'ailiarise yoursel' 5it% t%is boo<let.

A&&'--+' /')/''-&*

Section 11.1 o' t%e onours ?eneral In'oration boo<let e-lains in detail 5%at ise-ected o' you in relation to t%e 5or< o' t%e class/. &%is includes regular attendance atall classes and lecturers, and t%e coletion o' all t%e 5or< seci'ied belo5. ailure tocolete t%e 5or< o' t%e class ay be re'erred to t%e onours Co@ordinator.

C%/*'>%/ /')/''-&*

F%/&)<' A**'**'-&: orati8e assessent does not count to5ards your 'inal ar<,%o5e8er, it is a coulsory eleent o' t%e course. &%e 'orati8e assessent is designedto gi8e you soe 'eedbac< be'ore you rogress to your suati8e assessent (see belo5'or details). or t%is course, students 5%o are doing an essay 5ill be reuired to subit a 2 age essay roosal. Students 5%o c%oose to do a 'ield5or< roHect 5ill be reuired tosubit a roosal in t%e 'or o' a coleted et%ics 'or, 5%ic% 5ill t%en be sent o'' 'oret%ical aro8al. &%e due date 'or t%is is T(/*3, F'///3 1, $1". Blease subitt%is 8ia eail to< 

S&)<' A**'**'-&:  &%e suati8e assessent 'or t%is course (i.e. t%e 5or< t%atcounts to5ards your 'inal grade) is a "$$$ >%/ '**3 ;%/ 0/%?'+&= (5ort% 0 o' your'inal ar<) and a %-' (%/, one uestion e-a (5ort% #0 o' your 'inal ar<). See belo5 'or details.

• E**3@P/%?'+&:  Students c%oose t%eir o5n essay toics and t%ese need to be

aro8ed by t%e course lecturer 8ia t%e subission o' an essay lan as art o' your'orati8e assessent (see abo8e). Gou ay c%oose to do a roHect rat%er t%an anessay. I' you are going to do a 'ield5or< roHect, you need to get et%ical aro8al.&%e essay or roHect roosal 'ors art o' t%e 'orati8e assessent 'or t%iscourse (see abo8e). &%e ' &' 'or your 3000 5ord essayFroHect is M%-3,

A0/) 15, $1". Blease note t%at t%is is t%e 'irst day bac< 'ro t%e aster brea<, sota<e t%is into account 5%en boo<ing your %olidays. P' * ' +%- * & * '+ &) %-

1 ." %8 &( ' #%- % /* G' -' / I-8%/ & )% - B%% ' & $ 1 1 " 8%/

'& ) * % - & (' - )< ' /* ) &3 0 % )+ 3 % - & (' & ' * )* * ) % - %8 > % / .

• E: &%e degree e-aination 5ill be a one %our e-a. Gou 5ill %a8e to ans5er

one uestion 'ro a list o' uestions. &%is ust be on a toic di''erent 'ro yourassessed essayFroHect. &%e e-aination eriod lasts 'ro Aril 22 to ay 1",2013. e 5ill gi8e you t%e e-act date be'ore t%e end o' arc%. T#ERE ARE

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NO RESITS AT #ONOURS LEVEL. A sale e-aination aer is includedas an aendi- to t%is broc%ure.

S ) * *) % - %8 S &) < ' E** 3 * @P /%? '+ & *:   ssaysFroHects 5ill be

collected by t%e #%-%/* A)-)*&/&%/ %- &(' ' &'. e boo< a secial roo 'or t%is andyou 5ill be send t%e details 'or t%is 8ia oodle. Gour essays need to be date staed and signed in.

• F%/ & %8 S )* * )% - :  e need TWO coies o' your suati8e 5or<.

&%ese ust bot% %a8e t%e course co8erage (5%ic% you can do5nload 'ro t%ecourse oodle site). ssays s%ould be double saced and in a 'ont si$e no sallert%an 12 oint (i.e. it %els e a lot i' t%e 'ont is large enoug% 'or e to read and i't%ere is sace 5%ere I can 5rite in coents).

• T/-) &)- - D'+/& )%- % 8 O/)2)- )&3 F%/:  Gou also need to

 ass your suati8e essay t%roug% turnitin and rint o'' ONE coy o' t%e 'irst age o' your turnitin reort. &%is uc% be attac%ed to ONE  coy o' t%e>eclaration o' 7riginality or (see details belo5). &%ere 5ill be a turnitin lin< ont%e course oodle age and you can also do5nload a coy o' t%e declaration o'originality 'or. B6AS note: t%e essays %a8e your atric nuber and go to t%e

lecturer. &%e turnitin reort and t%e originality declaration %a8e your nae on it.&%ese do N7& go to t%e lecturer (as your 5or< is suosed to be anonyous).&%ese are <et by t%e onours Adinistrator. S% 0'*' % -%& *&0' &('*' &%3%/ '**3* 

E**3 /'&/- 

Gour essay 5ill be returned 5it% a ro8isional grade and coents by A0/) 9, $1".inal ar<s 5ill only be con'ired once course5or< %as been t%roug% t%e deartent/ssecond ar<ing and e-ternal ar<ing rocesses.

E**3 8%/ - +%-&'-&

Alt%oug% original researc% is encouraged, it is iortant t%at your essays a<earoriate re'erence to t%e recoended reading 'or t%e seci'ic toic. In articular, it isiortant t%at you deonstrate 'ailiarity (at 5orst) and soe le8el o' astery (at best)5it% regard to t%e arguents and debates contained 5it%in t%e central te-ts 'or eac% toic.It is also iortant t%at you include a bibliogra%y con'oring eit%er to t%e ar8ard orancou8er re'erencing syste. urt%er details on essay 5riting and re'erencing arecontained in aendi- 3 o' t%e onours ?eneral In'oration/ broc%ure.


Gou are reinded o' t%e iortance o' a8oiding lagiaris in essay aterial. &%e>eartent and t%e Eni8ersity en'orce strict rules on lagiaris and ta<e t%e gra8est 8ie5o' any incident o' lagiaris. Blease note t%at t%is includes t%e unac<no5ledged use o'aterial dra5n 'ro 5ebsites K suc% aterial is alost al5ays easily recognised 5it%in t%e body o' an essay, and easily sourced t%roug% t%e use o' searc% engines and lagiarisc%ec<ing rograes. ore details are ro8ided in t%e onours ?eneral In'oration

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 broc%ure, and t%e Eni8ersity/s stateent on lagiaris is gi8en as aendi- # o' t%at broc%ure.

L&' *)**)%-

Sections 12.3 and 12.# o'  t%e onours ?eneral In'oration broc%ure detail 0'-&)'* -

0/%+'/'* regarding t%e late subission o' essays and ot%er reuired 5or<. Bleaseensure t%at you %a8e read t%ese regulations care'ully.


&% e Eni8 er si ty o'' er s a r an g e o' add iti on al ad8i ce and % el to its s tu d ent s

5%ic% it ay be use'u l 'or you to <no5 abou t . Gou can 'ind in'orat ion on

t% es e a t<Fs tudent Fsuort .% tl

&%e Studen t 6earning Ser8ice , ro8ides suor t and ad8 ice des igned to %el

you stu dy or e e''icie ntly an d co u ni ca t e or e e''ec ti8 el y. It also

orga ni se s e-a r e ar a ti on clas se s, and a 8arie d serie s o' 5or<s %o s

t %rou g %o u t yea r, a s 5e ll a s a r eg ul a r dro @ in/ 'acilit y. >e ta il s abo u t t% e

ser8ice can be 'ound %ere:

%t t :<Fser8ices Fs ls F in'orat ion'ors tudents F

&%ere is a lso an Ad8iser to S tuden t s 5i t% Secia l Needs , suc% as t%ose 5%ic%

arise 'ro %ysical disabi li ty or dysle-ia. &%e Student >isabi li ty Ser8ice can

 be 'ound at D Sout %ar< A8enue. urt %er de tai ls about t% e ser8ices t% ey

 ro8 ide ca n be 'ound %ere: %tt:F<Fser8icesFdisabil i tyF

&%e Studen t Counse ll ing and Ad8ice Ser8ice can o''er %el and ad8 ice abou t

an y robl e s stu de nt s a y enc ou nt er . &%eir 5e bsi te , 5%ic% ro8id es

con tact and o t%er deta il s, is %ere : %tt:F<Fser8icesFcounsell ingF

&% e Stu d en t ards %i u nd and Acces s un d ay b e abl e to o'' er li i ted

assi s t ance to s tuden t s 5%o are 'acing aHor 'inancia l rob les . Gou s%ould

a s< yo ur a d8i so r a bo ut t% es e i' yo u 'ind yo ur se l' in e- tr e e 'ina nc ial

di''iculties t%at are a''ecting your studies.

&%e sc%ool a lso %as a ded ica ted eloyab i li ty o''i cer, 5%o can o''er ad8 ice

and s u or t 5it % a 8ie5 t o 'ut ure e lo yen t . >e ta il s abo u t e lo yab il it ysuor t can be 'ound %ere:

%tt:F<F'acult iesF lbssF'orstudentsFeloyabil i tyF

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&%e Eni8ersity o' ?lasgo5 as a 5%ole is coitted to rooting euality in all itsacti8ities and ais to ro8ide a 5or<, learning, researc% and teac%ing en8ironent 'ree'ro discriination and un'air treatent. urt%er in'oration about t%e Eni8ersity/s

uality and >i8ersity Enit, including in'oration about 5%o you s%ould contact i' you5is% to discuss anyt%ing in t%is resect, can be 'ound at t%is address:<Fser8icesFeualitydi8ersityF


As 5it% ot%er courses, it is iortant t%at you do not con'ine your reading to 5%at isreuired in order to reare your essays or e-a ans5ers. &%e best ans5ers, e8en to t%eost seci'ic uestions, 5ill s%o5 a 5ider a5areness o' t%e issues under discussion in t%iscourse. 4ee reading, t%ere'ore, as t%e course rogress= read a little e8ery 5ee< in rearation 'or a gi8en toic.

I' you are interested in reading soe reliinary, general or bac<ground aterial in rearation 'or t%e course, you ig%t 5ant loo< at one or ore o' t%e 'ollo5ing:

%ite%ouse, . and J. 6aidla5 (eds) (200#) Ri"0& % M$/(r!: T(9r# C(/)r"i$ A%"'r()(&(*! (+ R$&i*i(%. 7-'ord: Alta ira Bress.

6abec<, . (2002)  A R$$r i% "'$ A%"'r()(&(*! (+ R$&i*i(%. 7-'ord:9lac<5ell (articularly c%aters on >ur<%ei, ?eert$ and Asad, art 2 on

sybols, art 3 on ritual, and art # on o5er and c%ange)Bals, >aniel 6. (1DD) S$$% T'$(ri$# (+ R$&i*i(%. 7-'ord: 7-'ord

Eni8ersity.(note discusses ar-, >ur<%ei and ?eert$).9o5ie, . (1DDD) T'$ A%"'r()(&(*! (+ R$&i*i(%. Abingdon: arston.9ruce, S. (1DD) R$&i*i(% i% "'$ M($r% W(r& . 7-'ord: 7-'ord Eni8ersity Bress.>ur<%ei, (1DD* ('irst ublis%ed 1D12)) T'$ E&$/$%"r! F(r/# (+

"'$ R$&i*i(0# Li+$ (trans. 4aren ields). Ne5 Gor<: ree Bress (9oo<1, C%ater 1).

?eert$, C. (1D"*) T'$ I%"$r)r$""i(% (+ C0&"0r$#. 6ondon: utc%insonu%rey, C and J. 6aidla5 (1DD#) T'$ Ar,'$"!)& A,"i(%# (+ Ri"0&. 7-'ord: Clarendon


9ell, Cat%erine . (1DD2)  Ri"0& T'$(r!; Ri"0& Pr,"i,$. 7-'ord: 7-'ordEni8ersity Bress.&urner, . (1D") T'$ F(r$#" (+ S!/b(&#. It%aca: Cornell Eni8ersity Bress.

I' t%ere are robles acuiring a articular boo<, lease contact e so I can loo< into t%is.>on/t Hust say: I can/t 'ind any boo<s/. Blease be seci'ic.

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Cosology re'ers to understandings o' t%e uni8erse as an ordered 5%ole. In anycultures, t%is is riarily a religious 5orld 8ie5. Cosologies ro8ide an e-lanation o't%e natural en8ironent, t%e nature o' %uan e-istence and %o5 eole s%ould relate toeac% ot%er and t%e 5orld around t%e. In ant%roology, t%e ter culture/ re'ers to s%aredideas, s<ills and obHects %eld by eole. It contrast to society/ 5%ic% 'ocuses on eole asinterconnected social units. &%e ter culture/ is also o'ten contrasted to nature/, asculture/ is soet%ing 5%ic% is seen to disuis% %uans 'ro anials. &%is art o' t%ecourse 5ill start 5it% an e-aination o' cosology, culture and society aongstAa$onian Indians and Australian Aborigines. e 5ill use t%ese et%nogra%ic e-alesto e-lore notions o' culture (?eert$, 9oas), nature (&ylor, 6e8i@Strauss, Ingold),classi'ication (>ouglas), and yt% (alino5s<i, 6e8i@Strauss, Cabell). As a contrast tot%e ideas o' cosology 5e see in sall scale societies, 5e 5ill loo< at Isla as an e-ale

o' a orld +eligion. ere 5e 5ill see t%at ideas about cosology %a8e been 'orallycodi'ied and t%at eole re'er to t%is code to in'or and Husti'y t%eir daily ractices.

I-&/%+&)%-: C&/', N&/' - S%+)'&3 ;-/3 1$=&%is art o' t%e course 5ill e-aine t%eories o' culture/ and %o5 ant%roologists %a8ediscussed t%is in relation to nature/ and society/. Culture/ becae a <ey 'ocus inAnt%roology t%roug% t%e 5or<s o' .9 &ylor and ran$ 9oa$. o5e8er, t%e ostin'luential t%eorist lin<ed 5it% t%e notion o' culture is Cli''ord ?eert$. 7ne o' ?eert$/sconcerns 5as t%e relations%i bet5een indi8iduals, culture and society. %ile culture/ iso'ten discussed toget%er 5it% t%e idea o' society/, it is also o'ten contrasted to t%e notion

o' nature/. 6e8i@Strauss/s study o' Aa$onian yt% (5%ic% 5e 5ill e-aine later on int%is course) ro8ides a clear e-ale o' t%is. 7ne roble, o' course, is t%at concets li<eculture/ and nature/ and t%e idea t%at t%ey are in oosition to eac% ot%er are 5estern/concets and do not necessarily re'lect %o5 soe sall scale societies 8ie5 t%eirrelations%i 5it% t%e 5orld around t%e. e 5ill see t%is in ore detail later by loo<ing atour et%nogra%ic case studies.

'3 T'&*:Bals, >aniel 6. (1DD) S$$% T'$(ri$# (+ R$&i*i(%. 7-'ord: 7-'ord Eni8ersity(c%aters on ?eert$, >ur<%ei, &ylor and ra$er).Asad, &. (1D3) Ant%roological Concetions o' +eligion: +e'lections on ?eert$/ M% 

1(2): 23"@2*D.?eert$, C. (1D"3) T'$ I%"$r)r$""i(% (+ C0&"0r$#. 6ondon: ontana (c%aters # ! *).6abec<, . (2002)  A R$$r i% "'$ A%"'r()(&(*! (+ R$&i*i(%. 7-'ord:9lac<5ell (articularly c%aters on >ur<%ei, ?eet$ and Asad, art 2 on sybols, art 3on ritual)LIngold, &. (2000) T'$ P$r,$)"i(% (+ "'$ E%ir(%/$%": E##!# (% Li$&i'((; D9$&&i%*% S-i&&. 6ondon: +outledge.&ylor, .9 (1"1) Pri/i"i$ C0&"0r$: R$#$r,'$# i%"( "'$ D$$&()/$%" (+ M!"'(&(*!; P'i&(#()'!; R$&i*i(%; L%*0*$; Ar" % C0#"(/. 6ondon: J urray

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A*&/)- A%/)2)- C%*%%23, C&/' - S%+)'&3 1 ;-/3 17 4=&%e course 5ill begin 5it% an e-loration o' Australian Aboriginal cosology (coonly<no5n as t%e >reaing or >reatie). o5 do Australian Aborigines see t%esel8esand t%e 5orld around t%eM o5 are social categories and notions o' erson%ood andidentity aed aed onto t%e landscaeM

'3 T'&*:&on<inson, +. (1DD1) T'$ Mr0 Ab(ri*i%$#. 6ondon: olt, +ein%art and ilson.9ell, >iane (1D3)  D0*'"$r# (+ "'$ Dr$/i%*. elbourne: cB%ee ?ibble9roc<, Beggy (1DD) W(/$%; Ri"$# % Si"$#: Ab(ri*i%& W(/$%<# C0&"0r& K%(9&$*$.Sydney: Allen and En5in.+ose, >ebora% 9ird (1DD2)  Di%*( M-$# U# H0/%: Li+$ % L% i% % Ab(ri*i%& A0#"r&i% C0&"0r$. Cabridge: Cabridge Eni8ersity Bress.Clunies +oss, . (1DD) &%e Aest%etics and Bolitics o' an Arn%e6and +itual/ in T'$ Dr/ R$i$9 33: 10"@2".

F)*: Wi"i%* F(r Hrr!; Dr$/i%*#

D)*+ * * )% - T%0 )+ :   %y is an unders ta nding o' Abor iginal <ins%i

cri tical in areciat ing t%ei r relations%i 5i t% t%e landM

A%-)- C%*%%23, C&/' - S%+)'&3 1: S(-)* - N&/' ;-/3"1=

o5 do Aa$onian Indians see t%esel8es and t%e 5orld around t%eM o5 are socialcategories and notions o' erson%ood and identity aedM

'3 T'&*:

Cabell, A. &. (1DD*) G$""i%* "( K%(9 Wi9i. 6ondon: +outledgeCabell, A. &. (1DD0) T( S=0r$ 9i"' G$%$#i#: C#0& S""$/$%"# % S'/%i, I$#i% W!)i. dinburg%: Bolygon.aybury@6e5is, >a8id. (1D")  A-9$>S'%"$ S(,i$"!. 7-'ord: Clarendon.

F)*: T'$ M$'i%,0? T'$ K!)(? T'$ K!)(: O0" (+ "'$ F(r$#" 

D)*+**)%- T%0)+: %y is dualis iortant in Aa$onian ritual and social li'eM

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A%-)- C%*%%23, C&/' - S%+)'&3 : T(' S&3 %8 M3&( ;F'//3 7=%at can c%anges in t%e study o' yt% tell us about t%e de8eloent o' Ant%roology as adiscilineM &%is series o' lectures 5ill loo< at alino5s<i/s idea o' yt% as social c%arter,6e8i@Strauss/ structural analysis o' yt% and Alan Cabell/s 'ocus on yt% as er'orance. 7ur <ey area o' et%nogra%ic 'ocus 5ill be t%e Aa$on.

'3 T'&*:Cabell, Alan (1DD*) G$""i%* "( K%(9 Wi9i. A% A/@(%i% E"'%(*r)'! (6ondon: +outledge).6e8i@Strauss, Claude (1D"0) T'$ R9 % "'$ C((-$  (6ondon: Jonat%an Cae).

D)*+**)%- T%0)+: %at can c%anges in t%e study o' yt% tell us about t%e de8eloento' Ant%roology as a discilineM

I*: C%*%%23, N&/', C&/' - S%+)'&3 ;F'//3 14=

E to no5, 5e %a8e considered religions in sal l scale socie ti t es t%a t

% a8 e tra ditio na lly b ee n %u nt er@ g at %e rs . Suc% socie ti es se e t% eirrela tio ns %i to na tu re in 5ays 8ery di''er en t 'ro 5% at 5e se e in

5orld5ide onot%ei s ti c r elig ions suc% as Isla. &%i s art o' t%e course

5ill e-ai ne Isla as a 5ay o' li'e. &%is incl udes no ti ons o' soci al

org a ni sa ti on an d rela tio ns to n at ur e . &%is 5ill als o ro 8id e so e

 bac<ground in'oration 'or t% e section on 'unda e n t a lis (5%ic% is

t%e last lecture in t%i s course) .

'3 T'&*:T'$ 0r<% (8arious coies a8ailable in t%e library (listed as K(r%)).Sar5ar, ?. (1DD#) I#&/: B$&i$+# % T$,'i%*#. 6ondon: usli ducational &rust.

A%ed, A. (1DDD  I#&/ T(!: A S'(r" I%"r(0,"i(% "( "'$ M0#&i/ W(r&.  6ondon:&auris.itte8een, .J. (1DD") U%i$r#& S0+i#/. S%a'tesbury: leental 9oo<s?eert$, Cli''ord (1D)  I#&/ Ob#$r$: R$&i*i(0# D$$&()/$%" i% M(r(,,( % I%(%$#i. Ne5 a8en: Gale Eni8ersity Bress.

D)*+**)%- T%0)+: o5 can ?eert$/s notion o' religion as a odel o'/ and as a odel'or/ society can be alied to IslaM

R'&/- &% &(' N%&)%- %8 C&/' ;F'//3 1= No5 t%at 5e %a8e e-lored soe et%nogra%ic e-ales 5%ere 5e %a8e e-lored

cosology, culture and social organisation, it is tie to return to concet o' culture sot%at 5e can engage 5it% t%is concet ore critically.

'3 T'&*:Bals, >aniel 6. (1DD) S$$% T'$(ri$# (+ R$&i*i(%. 7-'ord: 7-'ord Eni8ersity(c%aters on ?eert$, >ur<%ei, &ylor and ra$er).Asad, &. (1D3) Ant%roological Concetions o' +eligion: +e'lections on ?eert$/ M% 1(2): 23"@2*D.

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?eert$, C. (1D"3) T'$ I%"$r)r$""i(% (+ C0&"0r$#. 6ondon: ontana (c%aters # ! *).6abec<, . (2002)  A R$$r i% "'$ A%"'r()(&(*! (+ R$&i*i(%. 7-'ord:9lac<5ell (articularly c%aters on >ur<%ei, ?eet$ and Asad, art 2 on sybols, art 3on ritual)LIngold, &. (2000) T'$ P$r,$)"i(% (+ "'$ E%ir(%/$%": E##!# (% Li$&i'((; D9$&&i%*% S-i&&. 6ondon: +outledge.&ylor, .9 (1"1) Pri/i"i$ C0&"0r$: R$#$r,'$# i%"( "'$ D$$&()/$%" (+ M!"'(&(*!; P'i&(#()'!; R$&i*i(%; L%*0*$; Ar" % C0#"(/. 6ondon: J urray

D)*+**)%- T%0)+: o5 use'ul is t%e concet o' cultureM %at are its liitationsM


&%is section o' t%e course critcally e-aines 5%at constitutes <no5ledge/ and belie'/'ro a cross cultural ersecti8e. &%is includes e-loring t%e nature o' <no5ledge in oral

s literate societies= %o5 et%nogra%ic 5riting %as s%aed and is s%aed by t%e acadeicdisciline o' ant%roology= and %o5 rational/ or scientici'/ belie's %a8e been contrastedto nati8e/ belie's.

E)-)-2 R')&3H - R&)%-)&3H: A-&(/%0%%23, R&)%-)&3, W)&+(+/8&,S(-)* - M%'* %8 T(%2(& ;F'//3 =

&%is lecture 5ill loo< at discussions o' rationality/ and reality/ in studies o' s%aanisand 5itc%cra't. S%aanis is c%aracterised by t%e ability to access di''erent le8els o'reality. In a s%aanistic 5orld 8ie5, 5%at 5e see and %ear is not really reality. %ileant%roologists try to study s%aanis 'ro t%e nati8e/s oint o' 8ie5/, syc%ologists%a8e studied s%aanis as a 'or o' ental illness.

e 5ill also loo< at 8ans@Britc%ard/s 5or< on A$ande itc%cra't as logical/ 'ro t%enati8e/s oint o' 8ie5/ and at Beter inc%/s coentary on 8ans@Britc%ard/s 5or<.

'3 T'&*:Cabell, Alan (1DD) T( S=0r$ 9i"' G$%$#i#: C0#& S""$/$%"# % S'/%i, I$#i% W!)i (dinburg%: Bolygon).inc%, Beter (1D#) Enderstanding a Briiti8e Society/ A/$ri,% P'i&(#()'i,&0r"$r&! 1:30"@32#. -%&': &()* )* /'0/)-&' )-:inc%, Beter (1D"0) Enderstanding a Briiti8e Society/ in 9rian ilson (ed) R"i(%&i"! (7-'ord: Eni8ersity o' 7-'ord Bress) (S7CSCI A3"0 I6).8ans@Britc%ard, . . (1D") Wi",',r+"; Or,&$# % M*i, A/(%* "'$ A@%$.(7-'ord: Clarendon).ri<sen (1DD*) S/&& P&,$#; Lr*$ I##0$#. 6ondon: Bluto Bress. (C%ater 1#)?oody, J. (1D"") T'$ D(/$#"i,"i(% (+ "'$ S*$ Mi%  (Cabridge: CabridgeEni8ersity Bress).6e8i@Strauss, C. (1D) T'$ S*$ Mi%  (C%icago: Eni8ersity o' C%icago Bress).Cabell, Alan &. (1DD*) G$""i%* "( K%(9 Wi9i (6ondon: +outledge) (C%ater ).Ste%en, . and 6. 4. Suryani (2000) S%aanis, Bsyc%osis and AutonoousIagination/ C0&"0r$; M$i,i%$ % P#!,'i"r! 2#: *@#0.

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6ucas, +. and +. 9arrett (1DD*) Interreting Culture and Bsyc%oat%ology: Briiti8ist &%ees in Cross@Cultural >ebate/ C0&"0r$; M$i,i%$ % P#!,'i"r! 1D: 2"@32.

D)*+**)%- T%0)+: Is it ossible or e8en desirable to study social %enoena 'ro t%enati8e/s oint o' 8ie5/M

-%>'2' )- L)&'/&' - O/ C&/'* ;M/+( 7=Is t%e nature o' <no5ledge/ di''erent in literate and oral culturesM Bart 1 o' t%ese lectures5ill loo< at: a) t%e lin<s bet5een <no5ledge and erson%ood and %o5 is t%is related to t%etransission o' <no5ledge= and b) 5%at %aens to oral societies as t%ey are introduced toliteracy. Bart 2 5ill uestion 5%at 5riting eans in our society. It 5ill do t%is by 'ocusingon t%e nature o' ant%roological 5riting as a case study.

'3 T'&*:Cli''ord, J. and ?. arcus (eds) (1D) Wri"i%* C0&"0r$: T'$ P($"i,# % P(&i"i,# (+ 

 E"'%(*r)'! (9er<eley: Eni8ersity o' Cali'ornia Bress).Cabell, Alan (1DD*) G$""i%* "( K%(9 Wi9i. A% A/@(%i% E"'%(*r)'! (6ondon:+outledge).osse, >. (200) Anti@Social Ant%roologyM 7bHecti8ity, 7bHection, and t%et%nogra%y o' Bublic Bolicy and Bro'essional Counities/ (0r%& (+ "'$ R(!& A%"'r()(&(*i,& S(,i$"! 12(#): D3*@D*.

D)*+**)%- T%0)+: o5 does 5riting s%ae our understanding o' 5%at <no5ledge/ isand %o5 does t%is a''ect our ideas o' erson%oodM

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C/'&)%-)* - F-'-&)* ;M/+( 14=undaentalis is a 8ery e8ocati8e 5ord in today/s edia. In t%is series o' lectures, 5e5ill e-lore 5%y 'undaentalis/ is 'eared. e 5ill loo< at bot% C%ristian and Islaic'undaentalis, including creationis. &%is 5ill allo5 us to e-lore t%e relations%i bet5een science and religion.

'3 T'&*:4eddie, N. (1DD) &%e Ne5 +eligious Bolitics: %ere, %en, and %y >oundaentalissO AearM C(/)r"i$ S"0i$# i% S(,i$"! % Hi#"(r! #0(#):D@"23.+iesebrodt, . (2000) +eligions in t%e >isenc%anted orld/ N0/$% #"(3): 2@2".Su%ler, Jaes (1D*) Ant%roology, 8olution and Scienti'ic CreationisO/ A%%0& R$i$9 (+ A%"'r()(&(*! 1#: 1@[email protected], ugenie (1DD") Anti@e8olution and Creationis in t%e Enited States/ A%%0& R$i$9 (+ A%"'r()(&(*! 2": 23@2D.

&ouey, C%risto%er (1DD1) odern Creationis and Scienti'ic A0"'(ri"! S(,i&S"0i$# (+ S,i$%,$ 21(#): 1@DD.

D)*+**)%- T%0)+: %y are 5e scared o' religious 'undaentalisM

M/+( 1 R')-2 W'' 

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or t%is course, students are encouraged to coe u 5it% t%eir o5n essay uestion and reading list,rat%er t%an %a8e a list o' set uestions and readings. &%is allo5s students a degree o' 'le-ibility int%e creation o' t%eir o5n essay toic. &%is also allo5s you to de8elo an iortant s<ill: coing u5it% a 8iable researc% uestion and trac<ing do5n t%e readings you need to ans5er it. Gour essayuestion and suggested reading list need to be aro8ed by t%e coruse lecturer and, in 'act, 'orst%e 'orati8e assessent 'or t%is course. 9elo5 you 5ill 'ind a section 5%ic% o''ers ad8ice on %o5to create your o5n essay uestion. &%ere is also a coy o' t%e assessent 'or and <ey readingslist 5%ic% are organised by toic and et%nogra%ic area. I' you are are really struggling to coe u5it% a uestion o' your o5n, c%ec< out t%e sale e-a 'or suggestions.


ssay 5riting is an iortant art o' your learning e-erience on t%is course. It allo5s you to'urt%er de8elo your s<ills in 'orulating researc% toics, gat%ering and ordering in'oration,

critically e8aluating ot%er eolesP et%ods and t%eories, and resenting t%is in a 5ritten 'or. &%etas< in eac% essay is: (1) to 'orulate a rele8ant researc% toic= (2) identi'ying in'oration rele8antto t%e c%osen toic= (3) to critically discuss t%e t%eoretical ilications o' t%e toic= (#) to bac< ut%e t%eoretical discussion 5it% et%nogra%ic e-ales.

C/'&)-2 Y%/ O>- E**3 T%0)+: +at%er t%an c%oose 'ro a list o' essay uestions 5it% setreading lists, you 5ill be as<ed to create your o5n essay uestions and reading lists 'ollo5ing t%eguidelines laid out belo5. 9elo5 are guidelines 'or creating essay uestions. I' you 'ind t%e tas< o'creating your o5n toic di''icult, c%ec< out t%e uestions on ast e-as (a8ailable 'ro t%e library5ebsite)

C(%%*)-2 Y%/ O>- R')-2 L)*&: In t%e 'ollo5ing section, t%ere are lists o' boo<s di8ided into

8arious sections by toic and by society. &%ese lists are t%ere as a guideline and iortant te-ts areindicated. o5e8er, students are in8ited to e-lore t%e library syste 'or ot%er use'ul boo<s or Hournal articles. See t%e Sociology and Ant%roology librarian about signing u 'or I9SS on 9I>S,5%ic% is an incredibly use'ul database 5%ic% lists recent boo< c%aters, boo<s and Hournal articlesin t%e Social Sciences. &%ere 5ill be a 5or<s%o on using I9SS at t%e beginning o' t%e 'irstseester.

C/'&)-2 Y%/ O>- E**3 Q'*&)%- )* G%% F%/ Y%  8en t%oug% creating your o5n essayuestion and selecting your o5n rele8ant reading list ay see li<e %ard 5or<, you 5ill be grate'ul'or t%e ractice i' you c%oose to 5rite a dissertation or go on to ost@graduate researc%. It s%ouldalso ean t%at it 5ill be easier 'or you to get boo<s 'or your essay.

 Step 1: Choose a Theme: 9e'ore you can create a good essay uestion, you ust decide 5%ic%general t%ee (or t%ees) 5it%in t%e study o' religion you 5is% to e-lore ore deely.

'3 T(''*: In order to a<e it ossible 'or e to construct e-a uestions, I 5ould as< you torestrict your c%oice to any o' t%e broad t%ees listed belo5. I' you are deely interested inresearc%ing a t%ee not on t%is list (cargo cults, 5itc%cra't, etc), lease see e to discuss t%e8iability o' your toic.

• C&/', S%+)'&3 -@%/ N&/'

• S(-)* - #')-2

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• -%>'2' )- O/@L)&'/&' C&/'*

• R&)%-)&3@I//&)%-)&3

• A-&(/%0%%2)+ W/)&)-2

• M3&(

• F-'-&)*@C/'&)%-)*

 Step 2: Choose a Society/Religion: Gour ne-t ste is to decide 5%ic% society (or societies) 5ould be best to use as an e-ale to illustrate or c%allenge t%e t%eoretical issues associated 5it% eac%<ey t%ee. &%ey <ey societies 5e %a8e 'ocused on in t%is course are:

• A%-)- I-)-

• A*&/)- A%/)2)-'*

• M*)* )- B/)&)- %/ E*'>('/'

• F-'-&)*&* )- &(' USA %/ E*'>('/'

N%&': I& )* 0%**)' &% +(%%*' )88'/'-& '&(-%2/0()+ /' ;*+( * &(' A-'*, P0 N'>G)-'=. P'*' *'' ' %& &()*.

 Step 3: Turning Your Research Topic into an Essay Question: >eciding t%at you 5ant to loo< ats%aanis in t%e Andes and t%e Aa$on/ does not constitute an essay uestion. %at is it abouts%aanis t%at you 5ant to loo< atM %at can 5e learn about s%aanis by a<ing suc% acoarisonM &%is is 5%ere reading general t%eory and articiating in discussions can be use'ul. Itcan %el you realise 5%at t%e aHor issues or uestions are 5it%in a gi8en toic.

• S&/& R')-2: &%e 'irst ste in turning your toic/ into a uestion t%at you can ans5er in an

essay is reading boo<s on your c%osen/ toic or society. &%is 5ill gi8e you an areciation o'ain issues at lay, 5%ic% 5ill in turn allo5 you to construct a rele8ant essay uestion. Y%*(% +%-*&/+& 3%/ '**3 '*&)%- 8/% &(' /')-2* 3% (<', /&('/ &(- +%' 0>)&( - '**3 '*&)%- - (%0' &(& *%' /''<-& /')-2 +- ' 8%- )- &(' )//3 .

• B' F%+*': It is crucial t%at your c%osen uestion be su''iciently 'ocused to allo5 you to

co8er t%e toic in 3000 5ords. I' you 'ind t%at 5%at you originally 5anted to loo< at is too broad a toic, narro5 it do5n by loo<ing at only a 'e5 asects.

NOTE: I' you get totally stuc<, you can use t%e uestions in t%e sale e-a 'or insiration.

 Step 4: Getting Your Essay Question ppro!e": Gou are reuired to subit your essay uestionand roosed reading lists in 5riting (or eail) to e be'ore starting to 5rite your essay. &%is is'or your o5n bene'it, so I can a<e suggestions in tie 'or you do soet%ing about t%e.

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9elo5 you 5ill 'ind a list o' general readings t%at s%ould %el you get started 5it% your toicresearc%. All o' t%e boo<s on t%e reading lists 5ill be a8ailable in eit%er t%e Eni8ersity 6ibrary orAda Sit% 6ibrary. Blease consult t%e library catalogue 'or in'oration on t%e e-act location o'

 boo<s and on t%eir current status (i.e. on s%ort loan). ost o' t%e Hournal articles can bedo5nlanded 8ia t%e library 5ebsite.

I& )* -%& -'+'**/3 &% /' %8 &(' %%* )- &(' )*&.  A large nuber o' titles are ro8ided in

order to 'acilitate access to boo<s. &%e ost iortant readings are indicated by an asteri- ( L).

&%e boo<s %a8e been organised into 8arious categories. o5e8er, soe boo<s ay 'it in ore t%anone category, so lease loo< in ot%er rele8ant sections 5%en selecting readings.

L)//3 D&*'*In addition to t%e general lists belo5, you 5ill 'ind databases suc% as IBSS  (International9ibilogra%y o' t%e Social Sciences) and e-cellent tool 'or locating readings on a articular toic.Suc% databases don/t Hust co8er 5%at is in t%e library, t%ey contain data on 5%at is out t%ere/. &%e

library %as a Gou&ube cli indicating %o5 you can get started using<Fser8icesFlibraryF%o5doiF%o5doiaccessdatabasesF

G'-'/ A-&(/%0%%23 R'8'/'-+' B%%*N%&':  Students 5it% no re8ious <no5ledge o' ant%roology ay 'ind t%e 'ollo5ing

general te-tboo<s %el'ul.9arnard, A. and J. Sencer (1DD) E%,!,&()$i (+ S(,i& % C0&"0r&

 A%"'r()(&(*!. 6ondon: +outledge.L ri<sen, &. . (1DD*) S/&& P&,$#; Lr*$ I##0$#: A% I%"r(0,"i(% "( S(,i& %C0&"0r& A%"'r()(&(*!. 6ondon: Bluto.L 4eesing, +. . (1D1) C0&"0r& A%"'r()(&(*!. ort ort%: arcourt 9race (Bart I

can be oitted)4uer, A. (1D3) A%"'r()(&(*! % A%"'r()(&(*i#"#. 6ondon: +outledge.

G'-'/ B%%* %- &(' A-&(/%0%%23 - S%+)%%23 %8 R')2)%-

N%&': Gou ay 'ind soe o' t%ese use'ul in identi'ying aHor arguents or in ro8idinge-lanations o' aHor t%eories.Segal, +. (ed) (200) T'$ B&,-9$&& C(/)%i(% "( "'$ S"0! (+ R$&i*i(%. 7-'ord:

9lac<5ell.%ite%ouse, . and J. 6aidla5 (eds) (200#) Ri"0& % M$/(r!: T(9r# C(/)r"i$

 A%"'r()(&(*! (+ R$&i*i(%. 7-'ord: Alta ira Bress.6abec<, . (2002) A R$$r i% "'$ A%"'r()(&(*! (+ R$&i*i(%. 7-'ord:

9lac<5ell (articularly c%aters on >ur<%ei, ?eert$ and Asad, art 2 on

sybols, art 3 on ritual, and art # on o5er and c%ange)Stein, +. ! B. Stein (2011) T'$ A%"'r()(&(*! (+ R$&i*i(%; M*i, % Wi",',r+". 

6ondon: Brentice all.ller, J.>. (200") I%"r(0,i%* A%"'r()(&(*! (+ R$&i*i(%: C0&"0r$ "( "'$ U&i"/"$.

6ondon: +outledge.

Crao, +. (2003) A%"'r()(&(*! (+ R$&i*i(%. Ne5 Gor<: c?ra5 ill.

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L orris, 9rian (1D") A%"'r()(&(*i,& S"0i$# (+ R$&i*i(%. Cabridge: CabridgeEni8ersity Bress.

9ennett, C. (1DD) I% S$r,' (+ "'$ S,r$: A%"'r()(&(*! % "'$ S"0! (+ R$&i*i(%#. 6ondon: Cassell.

L Bals, >aniel 6. (1DD) S$$% T'$(ri$# (+ R$&i*i(%. 7-'ord: 7-'ordEni8ersity.(note discusses ar-, >ur<%ei and ?eert$).

L &urner, 9ryan, S. (1D3) R$&i*i(% % S(,i& T'$(r!: A M"$ri&i#" P$r#)$,"i$.6ondon: eineann.

9o5ie, . (1DDD) T'$ A%"'r()(&(*! (+ R$&i*i(%. Abingdon: arston.9ruce, S. (1DD) R$&i*i(% i% "'$ M($r% W(r& . 7-'ord: 7-'ord Eni8ersity Bress.ilson, 9ryan (1D)  R$&i*i(% i% "'$ S$,0&r S(,i$"!: A S(,i(&(*i,& C(//$%". 

6ondon: atts.liade, ircea (1D*D) T'$ S,r$ % "'$ Pr(+%$: T'$ N"0r$ (+ R$&i*i(% . Ne5 Gor<:

arcourt 9race.L>ur<%ei, (1DD* ('irst ublis%ed 1D12)) T'$ E&$/$%"r! F(r/# (+

"'$ R$&i*i(0# Li+$ (trans. 4aren ields). Ne5 Gor<: ree Bress (9oo<1, C%ater 1).

Bic<ering, . S. . (1D#  D0r-'$i/<# S(,i(&(*! (+ R$&i*i(%: T'$/$# %T'$(ri$#. 6ondon: +outledge ! 4egan Baul.

I$ard, . and B. Sit% (eds) (1D2) B$"9$$% B$&i$+ % Tr%#*r$##i(%: S"r0,"0r&  E##!# i% R$&i*i(%; Hi#"(r! % M!"'. C%icago: Eni8ersity o' C%icago Bress

S<orus<i, J (1D") S!/b(& % T'$(r!: A P'i&(#()'i,& S"0! (+ T'$(ri$# (+ R$&i*i(% i% S(,i& A%"'r()(&(*!. Cabridge: Cabridge Eni8ersity Bress(C%aters # ! on sybols and t%eories and c%ater * on ritual)

4lass, . (1DD*) Or$r$ U%i$r#$#: A))r(,'$# "( "'$ S"0! (+ R$&i*i(%. 9oulder.est8ie5.

4lass, . ! . eisgrau (1DDD) A,r(## "'$ B(0%ri$# (+ B$&i$+: C(%"$/)(rr! I##0$# i% "'$ A%"'r()(&(*! (+ R$&i*i(%. 9oulder: est8ie5.

9ennet, C. (1DD) I% S$r,' (+ "'$ S,r$: A%"'r()(&(*! % "'$ S"0! (+ R$&i*i(%#.  6ondon: Cassell

?la$ier, S. (ed) (1DD") A%"'r()(&(*! (+ R$&i*i(%: A H%b((- . 6ondon: ?reen5oodBress.

ailton, .9. (1DD*) T'$ S(,i(&(*! (+ R$&i*i(%. 6ondon: +outledge. (c%aters and 10 on religion and solidarity= c%ater 1#: religion and eaning= c%ater1: religion as coensation)

G'-'/ I-8%/&)%- %- I*LT'$ 0r<% (8arious coies a8ailable in t%e library (listed as K(r%)).?ilsenan, ic%ael (1D2) R$,(*%i#i%* I#&/: A% A%"'r()(&(*i,& I%"r(0,"i(%.

6ondon: Croo el.4reinat%, J. (2012) T'$ A%"'r()(&(*! (+ I#&/ R$$r . 6ondon: +outledge.L +iin, Andre5 (1DD0) M0#&i/#; T'$ir R$&i*i(0# B$&i$+# % Pr,"i,$#; (& 1: T'$

 F(r/"i$ Y$r#. 6ondon: +outledge.+enard, J. (2011) I#&/ % C'ri#"i%i"!: T'$(&(*i,& T'$/$# i% C(/)r"i$

 P$r#)$,"i$. 6ondon: Eni8ersity o' Cali'ornia Bress.A%ed, A. (1DDD  I#&/ T(!: A S'(r" I%"r(0,"i(% "( "'$ M0#&i/ W(r&. 6ondon:

&auris. (c%ater 2: %at is Isla= c%ater # usli Nations and esternodernity= c%ater *: uslis as inorities).

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arisco, >. . (200*) I#&/ Ob#,0r$: T'$ R'$"(ri, (+ A%"'r()(&(*i,& R$)r$#$%""i(%.9asingsto<e: Balgra8e acillan.

?abriel, &. ! +. annan (2011) I#&/ % "'$ $i&: T'$(r$"i,& % R$*i(%& C(%"$"#.6ondon: Conuniuu.

M*)* )- B/)&)-?illiat@+ay, S. (2010) M0#&i/# i% Bri"i%: A% I%"r(0,"i(%. Cabridge: Cabridge

 Eni8ersity Bress.9ro5n, 6orraine, (200D) International Students in ngland: inding 9elonging &%roug%

Isla/ (0r%& (+ M0#&i/ Mi%(ri"! A++ir# 2D(1): *"@".Sa%a, Anai< (2012) 9eards, Scar8es, alal eat, &errorists, orced arriage/

&ele8ision Industries and t%e Broduction o' +ace/ M$i; C0&"0r$ % S(,i$"! 3#(#): #2#@#3.

?er%ol, &oas (1D)T'$ N$9 I#&/i, Pr$#$%,$ i% W$#"$r% E0r()$. 6ondon:ars%el.

Braill, A. (1DD#) M0#&i/# i% Bri"i%. 6ondon: oreign and Coon5ealt% 7''ice.Ansari, . (200#) T'$ I%+i$& Wi"'i%: M0#&i/# i% Bri"i% Si%,$ 155. 6ondon: urst.

ir$a, . (200"  Lii%* A)r" T(*$"'$r: Bri"i#' M0#&i/# % "'$ Pr( (+ M0&"i>C0&"0r&i#/. 6ondon: Bolity.

L  9allard, +. (ed) (1DD#) D$#' Pr$#': T'$ S(0"' A#i% Pr$#$%,$ i% Bri"i%.6ondon: urst. (c%aters by: 6e5is and S%a5)

L Je''ery, Batricia (1D") Mi*r%"# % R$+0*$$#: M0#&i/ % C'ri#"i% P-i#"%i F/i&i$# i% Bri#"(&. Cabridge: Cabridge Eni8ersity Bress.

L Joly, >aniele (1D2) M-i%* P&,$ +(r I#&/ i% Bri"i#' S(,i$"!: M0#&i/# i% Bir/i%*'/. Co8entry: Eni8ersity o' ar5ic<.

 Joly, >aniele (1DD#)  E##!# (% M0#&i/# i% Bri"i%. Alders%ot: A8ebury.L Joly, >aniele (1DD*)  Bri"%%i<# Cr$#,$%": M-i%* P&,$ +(r M0#&i/# i%

 Bri"i%. Alders%ot: A8ebury.

L  6e5is, B. B%ili (1DD#)  I#&/i, Bri"i%: R$&i*i(%; P(&i"i,#; % I$%"i"! /(%*  Bri"i#' M0#&i/#: Br+(r i% "'$ 1445#. 6ondon: I.9. &aurus.

L  erbner, Bnina (1DD0) T'$ Mi*r"i(% Pr(,$##: C)i"&; Gi+"# % O++$ri%* A/(%* Bri"i#' P-i#"%i#. 7-'ord: 9erg.

Lerbner, Bnina (1DD0) conoic +ationality and ierarc%ical ?i't conoies: alueand +an<ing Aong 9ritis% Ba<istanis/ M%  2*: 2@*.

erto8ec, Ste8en (1DD") and C. Beac% (eds.) (1DD") I#&/ i% E0r()$: T'$ P(&i"i,# (+ R$&i*i(% % C(//0%i"!.  9asingsto<e: acillan.

6e5is, 9ernard and >oiniue Sc%naer (eds.) (1DD#) M0#&i/# i% E0r()$. 6ondon: Binter Bublis%ers.

 Nielsen, Jorgen S. (1DD2)  M0#&i/# i% W$#"$r% E0r()$. dinburg%: dinburg%Eni8ersity Bress.

L  4eel, ?illes (1DD")  A&&' i% "'$ W$#": I#&/i, M($/$%"# i% A/$ri, % E0r()$.  7-'ord: 9lac<5ell.

Jacobson, J. (1DD) I#&/ i% Tr%#i"i(%: R$&i*i(% % I$%"i"! A/(%* Bri"i#' P-i#"%i Y(0"'. 6ondon: +outledge.

A%ed, A. (1DDD  I#&/ T(!: A S'(r" I%"r(0,"i(% "( "'$ M0#&i/ W(r&. 6ondon:&auris. (c%ater 2: %at is Isla= c%ater # usli Nations and esternodernity= c%ater *: uslis as inorities).

9ergeaud@9lac<ler, . (200") Ne5 C%allenges 'or Islaic +itual Slaug%ter: A uroean

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Bersecti8e/ (0r%& (+ E"'%i, % Mi*r"i(% S"0i$# 33(): D*@D0.

T(' N%&)%- %8 C&/' - T('%/)'* %8 R')2)%- ?eert$, C. (1D"*) T'$ I%"$r)r$""i(% (+ C0&"0r$#. 6ondon: utc%inson.L ?eert$, C. (1D) +eligion as a Cultural Syste/ in ic%ael 9anton (ed)

 A%"'r()(&(*i,& A))r(,'$# "( "'$ S"0! (+ R$&i*i(% 6ondon:&a8istoc< Bublications.

  Asad, &alal (1D3) Ant%roological Concetions o' +eligion: +e'lections on?eert$O M% 1(2): 23"@*D.

S%an<an, Baul (1D#) &%e &%ic< and t%e &%in: 7n t%e Interretati8e &%eoreticalBersecti8e o' Cli''ord ?eert$O C0rr$%" A%"'r()(&(*! 2*: 21@ "D.

6eac%, dund (1D") C0&"0r$ % C(//0%i,"i(%: "'$ L(*i, b! 9'i,' S!/b(&# r$C(%%$,"$. A% I%"r(0,"i(% "( "'$ U#$ (+ S"r0,"0r&i#" A%&!#i# i% A%"'r()(&(*!.Cabridge: Cabridge Eni8ersity Bress.

6abec<, . (2002) A R$$r i% "'$ A%"'r()(&(*! (+ R$&i*i(%. 7-'ord:9lac<5ell (articularly c%aters ?eert$ and Asad, art 2 on sybols) (on order).

Bals, >aniel 6. (1DD) S$$% T'$(ri$# (+ R$&i*i(%. 7-'ord: 7-'ord Eni8ersity(c%aters on ?eert$, >ur<%ei, &ylor and ra$er).

9ourdieu, B. (1D"") O0"&i%$ (+ T'$(r! (+ Pr,"i,$. Cabridge: Cabridge Eni8ersity Bress. (articularly c%ater 2)

+obbins, >. (2000) B(0ri$0 % C0&"0r$. 6ondon : Sage.9oggs, J. B. (200#) &%e Culture Concet in &%eory, in Conte-t/ C0rr$%" A%"'r()(&(*! 

#*(2): 1@210.

Soysal, 6. (200D) &riu% o' Culture, &roubles o' Ant%roology/ FOCAAL **: 3@11.

R')2)%- - &(' N&/ W%/

T('%/'&)+ R')-2*LIngold, &. (2000) T'$ P$r,$)"i(% (+ "'$ E%ir(%/$%": E##!# (% Li$&i'((; D9$&&i%*

% S-i&&. 6ondon: +outledge.6o5, S. and >. 6a5rence QRiga (eds) (2003) The nthropology o# Space an" $lace:

 %ocating Culture& O8%/: B+>'.Cruley, C. (ed) (2001) N$9 Dir$,"i(%# i% A%"'r()(&(*! % E%ir(%/$%" . O8%/:

A&M)/.Cieraad, I. (ed) (1DDD) A" H(/$: A% A%"'r()(&(*! (+ D(/$#"i, S),$. S3/+*':

S3/+*' U-)<'/*)&3 P/'**.L  ric irsc% and ic%ael 7Panlon (eds). (1DD) T'$ A%"'r()(&(*! (+

 L%#,)$: P$r#)$,"i$# (% P&,$ % S),$. 7-'ord: Clarendon Bress.L 9arbara 9ender (ed) (1DD3) L%#,)$: P(&i"i,# % P$r#)$,"i$#. 7-'ord:9erg.

>a8ies, 9. (2000) I%#,ribi%* B(!L%#,)$ R$&"i(%#. 7-'ord: Alta ira(introduction)

al<er, ?a8in (200*) Sociological &%eory and t%e Natural n8ironent/  Hi#"(r! (+ "'$ H0/% S,i$%,$# 1(1): ""@10.

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Sallno5, . (1D")  Pi&*ri/# (+ "'$ A%$#: R$*i(%& C0&"# i% C0#,(. as%ington, >.C.:Sit%sonian Institution Bress.

&assi, N. (2012) O>ancing t%e IageO: ateriality and Sirituality in Andean +eligiousIages;/ (0r%& (+ "'$ R(!& A%"'r()(&(*i,& I%#"i"0"$ 1(2): 2*@310.

7degaard, C. (2011) Sources o' >anger and Broserity in t%e Beru8ian Andes: obilityin a Bo5er'ul 6andscae/  (0r%& (+ "'$ R(!& A%"'r()(&(*i,& I%#"i"0"$  1"(2):33D@3**.

?elles, B. (1DD*) uilibriu and -c%ange: >ual 7rganisation in t%e Andes/  A/$ri,% E"'%(&(*i#"  22(#): "10@"#2.

L Allen, Cat%erine (1D)T'$ H(& T'" Li+$ H#: C(, % C0&"0r& I$%"i"! i% % A%$% C(//0%i"!. as%ington: Sit%sonian Institution Bress.

L 9astien, Jose% (1D")  M(0%"i% (+ "'$ C(%(r: M$")'(r % Ri"0& i% % A%$% A!&&0. St. Baul: est Bublis%ing Co.

Cues, Carol (1DD*)  P,'//<# C'i&r$%: M("'$r Er"' '$r C'i&r$% (+ "'$ A%$# i% P$r0. St. Baul, N: 6le5ellyn Bublications.

L  >ro8er, +., 4.Seibold and J.. c>o5ell (eds.) (1DD2)  A%$% C(#/(&(*i$#T'r(0*' Ti/$. 9looington: Eni8ersity o' Indiana Bress.

  ?ose, B. (1DD#)  D$"'&! W"$r# % H0%*r! M(0%"i%#. &oronto: Eni8ersity o'&oronto Bress.

L  9ourue, N. (1DD#) Satial eaning in Andean esti8als: Corus C%risti and 7cta8o/ E"'%(&(*!  33(3): 22D@#3.

L 9ourue, N. (1DD*) >e8eloing Beole and Blants: 6i'e@cycle and Agriculturalesti8als in t%e Andes/ E"'%(&(*! 3#(1): "*@".

L 9ourue, N. (1DD*) Briests and Saints: Syncretis and Bo5er in t%e cuadorian  Andes/ S,(""i#' (0r%& (+ R$&i*i(0# S"0i$# 1(1): 2*@3.

L  arris, 7. (1D2) &%e >ead and t%e >e8ils Aong t%e 9oli8ian 6ayi/ in .9loc% ! J. Barry (eds)  D$"' % "'$ R$*$%$r"i(% (+ Li+$ (eds.) Cabridge:

Cabridge Eni8ersity Bress, . #*@"3.acCorac<, Sabine (1DD1) R$&i*i(% i% "'$ A%$#: i#i(% % I/*i%"i(% i% Er&!

C(&(%i& P$r0. Brinceton: Brinceton Eni8ersity Bress (Bart #: SacredSace and &ie)


>escola, B. (200#) I% "'$ S(,i$"! (+ N"0r$: A N"i$ E,(&(*! i% A/@(%i. Cabridge:Cabridge Eni8ersity Bress.

>e+i8al, 6. (200*) &%e Attac%ent o' t%e Soul to t%e 9ody Aong t%e uarnai o'Aa$onian cuador/ E"'%(# "0(3): 2*@310.

Sul<in, C.B. (200*) In%uan 9eings: orality and Bersecti8is Aong uinaneBeole (Colobian Aa$on) E"'%(# "0(1): "@30.

Esendos<i, . (200#) anioc 9eer and eat: alue, +eroduction and CosicSubsance Aong t%e Nau +una o' t%e cuadorian Aa$on/ (0r%& (+ "'$ R(!& A%"'r()(&(*i,& S(,i$"! 10(#): 3@D02.

L ?o5, B. (1DD) 6and, Beole and Baer in estern Aa$onia/ in ric irsc%and ic%ael 7Panlon  $# T'$ A%"'r()(&(*! (+ L%#,)$: P$r#)$,"i$# (% P&,$ % S),$. 7-'ord: Clarendon Bress.

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+i8al, 6aura (1DD3) &%e ?ro5t% o' aily &rees: Enderstanding uaoraniBercetions o' t%e orest/ M% 2: 3*@*2.

LAr%e, 4aH (1DD) &%e Cosic ood eb: uan@Nature +elatedness in t%e Nort%5est Aa$on/ in B. >escola and ?. Balsson.  N"0r$ % S(,i$"!  (eds)6ondon: +outledge.

L &aylor, Anne C%ristine, (1DD) &%e SoulPs 9ody and its States: an Aa$onianBersecti8e on t%e Nature o' 9eing uan/  (0r%& (+ "'$ R(!& A%"'r()(&(*i,& I%#"i"0"$ (incororating M%) 2(2): 201@21.

L  Cabell, A. &. (1DD*) G$""i%* "( K%(9 Wi9i. 6ondon: +outledge (ane-cellent boo< 5%ic% loo<s at ost asects o' Aa$onian li'e).

L ug%@Jones, C. (1D"D) Fr(/ "'$ Mi&- Ri$r: S)"i& % T$/)(r& Pr(,$## i% N(r"'9$#" A/@(%i. Cabridge: Cabridge Eni8ersity Bress.

L  ug%@Jones, S. (1D"D) T'$ P&/ % "'$ P&$i$#. Cabridge: CabridgeEni8ersity Bress.

aybury@6e5is, >a8id. (1D")  A-9$>S'%"$ S(,i$"!. 7-'ord: Clarendon.ur%y, +obert rancis (1D) T'$ Tr0/i I%i%# (+ C$%"r& Br@i&. Seattle:

as%ington Eni8ersity Bress.

4lass, . ! . eisgrau (1DDD) A,r(## "'$ B(0%ri$# (+ B$&i$+: C(%"$/)(rr! I##0$# i% "'$ A%"'r()(&(*! (+ R$&i*i(%. 9oulder: est8ie5. (eseciallyc%ater 2 on aa$onian cosology)

+i8al, 6aura (2002) Tr$--i%* "'(0*' Hi#"(r!: T'$ H0r%i (+ A/@(%i% E,0(r    Ne5 Gor<: Colobia Eni8ersity Bress (esecially c%aters # and )

A%-)- #%*'* - T(' S%+) U*' %8 S0+'Lug%@Jones, S. (1D*) &%e aloca: a orld in a ouse/ in Caric%ael et al

(eds.)T'$ Hi$% P$()&$# (+ "'$ A/@(%. 6ondon: 9ritis%, S. and J. Carsten (1DD*) Ab(0" "'$ H(0#$: L$i>S"r0## % B$!(%. 

Cabridge: Cabridge Eni8ersity Bress.

>escola, B. (1DD#) T'$ S(,i$"! (+ N"0r$: A N"i$ E,(&(*! i% A/@(%i.  Cabridge: Cabridge Eni8ersity Bress. (see c%aters 'or 1@* on t%e use o' sace).

L?ray, Andre5 (1DD) T'$ Ar-/0": M!"'(&(*!; S)iri"0&i"! % Hi#"(r! i% % A/@(%i% C(//0%i"!. 7-'ord: 9erg%a%n 9oo<s (c%ater 3 on sace)

A*&/)- A%/)2)-'*L 6ayton, +. (1DD) +elating to t%e Country in t%e estern >esert/ in ric

irsc% and ic%ael 7Panlon (eds). T'$ A%"'r()(&(*! (+ L%#,)$: P$r#)$,"i$# (% P&,$ % S),$. 7-'ord: Clarendon Bress.

L or%y, . (1DD) 6andscae and t%e +eroduction o' t%e Ancestral Bast/ inric irsc% and ic%ael 7Panlon (eds). T'$ A%"'r()(&(*! (+ L%#,)$: P$r#)$,"i$# (% P&,$ % S),$. 7-'ord: Clarendon Bress.

L or%y, . (1DD3) Colonialis, istory and t%e Construction o' Blace: &%e Boliticso' 6andscae in Nort%ern Australia/ in 9arbara 9ender (ed)

 L%#,)$: P(&i"i,# % P$r#)$,"i$#. 7-'ord: 9erg.d5ards, 9. (1DD#) 6i8ing t%e >reaing/ in 9our<e, . et al. (eds) Ab(ri*i%&

 A0#"r&i%#: A% I%"r(0,"(r! R$$r i% Ab(ri*i%& S"0i$#. St. 6ucia:Eni8ersity o' Tueensland Bress.

9our<e, C. and . Co- (1DD#) &5o 6a5s, 7ne 6and/ in 9our<e, . et al. (eds) Ab(ri*i%& A0#"r&i%#: A% I%"r(0,"(r! R$$r i% Ab(ri*i%& S"0i$#. St.

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6ucia: Eni8ersity o' Tueensland Bress.L+ose, >ebora% 9ird (1DD2)  Di%*( M-$# U# H0/%: Li+$ % L% i% %

 Ab(ri*i%& A0#"r&i% C0&"0r$. Cabridge: Cabridge Eni8ersity Bress.+oss, elen (1D")  0#" +(r Lii%*: Ab(ri*i%& P$r,$)"i(%# (+ H(0#i%* i%

 N(r"'9$#" A0#"r&i. Canberra: Aboriginal Studies Bress.

 Bo8inelli, li$abet% (1D0) ig%t 9e Soet%ing: &%e 6anguage o' Indeterinacy inAustralian Aboriginal 6and Ese/ M% 2: "D@"0#.

or%y, . (1D") &%e Art o' Nort% Australia/ in ..d5ards (ed) &raditionalAboriginal Society. elbourne: acillan.

>a8ies, 9. (2000) I%#,ribi%* B(!L%#,)$ R$&"i(%#. 7-'ord: Alta iraorris, 9. (200*) A Crisis in Identity: Aborigines, edia t%e 6a5 and Bolitics: Ci8il

>isturbance in an Australian &o5n/ Cri"i=0$ (+ A%"'r()(&(*! 2*(1): *[email protected], Ian (200) Ancestors, agic, and -c%ange in Golngu >octrines: -tensions o'

t%e Berson in &ie and Sace/ (0r%& (+ "'$ R(!& A%"'r()(&(*i,& S(,i$"! 12(3): *1*@*30.

uir. S. (200") &%e ?ood o' Ne5 Age ?oods: Coodi'ied Iages o' Aboriginality in

 Ne5 Age and Alternati8e Siritualities/ C0&"0r$ % R$&i*i(% (3): 233@2*#.4olig, . (1DD) &%rilling t%e Clay o' our 9odies: Natural Sites and t%e Construction o'

Sacredness in Australian Aboriginal and Austrian &radition/ A%"'r()(&(*i,& F(r0/ 3: 3*1@31.

A%/)2)- L- R)2(&*L +eynolds, enry (1D")  Fr(%"i$r Ab(ri*i%$#; S$""&$r# % L%. 6ondon: Allen and

En5in.L  4ir<, ildred (1D)  A C'%*$ (+ O9%$r#'i): Ab(ri*i%& L% Ri*'"#. ilton:

Tueensland. 9ell, >. (1D#@*) Aboriginal oen and 6and: 6earning 'ro t%e Nort%ern

&erritory -erience/ A%"'r()(&(*i,& F(r0/  * (3): 3*3@33. 9olger, A. (1D#@*) Aboriginal oen and 6and: Issues 'ro t%e 4iberly/  

 A%"'r()(&(*i,& F(r0/  * (3): 3#@3".9ernd%t, C. (1D#@*) oenPs Blace/ A%"'r()(&(*i,& F(r0/  * (3): 3#"@3*2.9erndt, +.. (1D#@*) A 6ittle istory and a Boint o' ie5/ A%"'r()(&(*i,& F(r0/ 

* (3): 2"3@2D#.C%ristensen, .J.4. (1D#@*) Criteria 'or 6and Clais/ A%"'r()(&(*i,& F(r0/  * (3):

 31"@320.Baler, 4. (1D#@*) Sile Justice and Coensation: stablis%ing Criteria 'or

Aboriginal 6and ?rants/ A%"'r()(&(*i,& F(r0/  * (3): [email protected], J.. (1D#@*) 75ners and 7ccuiers: t%e astern ?old'ields -erience/ 

 A%"'r()(&(*i,& F(r0/  * (3): 321@331.

E/% 0 ' - U- ' / * & - ) - 2 * %8 N & /'

LS%a in , St e8en( 1DD) T'$ S,i$%" i+i , R$(&0 "i(%. C%icago: Eni8ersi ty

o' C%icago


(1D D# )  A S( ,i& Hi#"(r! (+ Tr0"'. C%icago: Eni8ersi ty o' C%icago


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L>aston, 6orraine and 4at%ar ine Bic< (1DD) W(%$r # % "'$ Or$r (+

 N "0r$.  Ne5

Gor<: Qone 9oo<s.?lac<en, Clarence J. (1D") Tr,$# (% "'$ R'(i% S'(r$: N"0r$ % C0&"0r$ i%

W$#"$r% T'(0*'" . 9er<eley and 6os Angeles: Eni8ersity o' Cali'ornia Bress.

indlen, Baula (1DD#)  P(## $##i%* N"0r$ (9er<eley and 6os Angeles :Eni8ersity o' Cali'ornia Bress)

aon, illai (1DD#) S,i$ %, $ % "' $ S$,r $" # (+ N"0r $. C%icago:

Eni8ersi ty o' C%icago Bress.

Jardi ne , N., J. A. Secor d and . C. Sa ry (1DD) C0&"0r$# ( + N"0r&

 Hi# "(r !   Cabridge:Cabridg e Eni8ersi ty Bress .

4au' ann , &%oas >aCos t a. (1DD3) T'$ M#"$r! (+ N"0r$ . Brinceton

 NJ: Brinceton

Eni8ersity Bress.

6a5rence , C%ri sto%er ! Ste8en S%ain eds. (1DD) S,i$%,$ I%,r%"$

(C%icago: Eni8ersi ty o' C%icago Bress) .

Boo8ey, ary (1DD)  A Hi#"(r! (+ "' $ M($r% F, ". C%icago: Eni8ersi tyo' C%icago Bress.

erton, +. 4. (1D"0) S,i$ %, $ ; T$, '% (& (* ! % S( ,i $" ! i% S $ $ % " $ $ % " '

C$%"0! E%*&%.  Ne5 Gor<: o5ard erti g.

S%ain, S. ! Sc%a''er , S. (1D*)  L$i"'% % "' $ Air>P0/): H(bb$# ;

 B(!& $ % "' $ E)$ri/$ % " & Li+$. Brinc et o n: Brinc et o n

Eni8ersity Bress.

&%oas, 4. (1D"1)  R$&i* i( % % "'$ D$,&i% $ (+ M*i,. 6ondon: Allen


6indb er g, >. a nd Nub e rs , +. (1D ) G( % N"0r$: Hi# "(ri,&

 E##!# (% "' $ E%,(0%"$r B$"9$ $% R$&i*i(% %

S,i$%,$.  C%icag oayr , 7t to (1D)  A0"'(ri "!; Lib$r"!; % A0 "(/"i, M,'i %$r! i% Er&!

 M($r% E0r( )$ . 9altiore and 6ondon: &%e Jo%ns o<ins

Eni8ersity Bress.

9agioli, 6. (1DD) G&i&$( C(0r"i$r . C%icago: Eni8ersi ty o' C%icago Bress

S(-)* - #')-2

G'-'/ T('%/'&)+ R')-2* %- S(-)*Qnaens<i, A. (200#) S'/%i#/: Cri"i,& C(%,$)"# i% S(,i(&(*!. 6ondon:<o, Naba, . (200#) S'/%i#/: A% E%,!,&()$i (+ W(r& B$&i$+#; Pr,"i,$#

% C0&"0r$. 7-'ord: A9C Clio.L  itebs<y, Biers. (1DD*) T'$ S'/%.  6ondon: acillan.u%rey, Caroline (1DD) S'/%# % E&$r#: E)$ri$%,$; K%(9&$*$ % P(9$r

/(%* "'$ D0r M(%*(&#. 7-'ord: Clarendon Bress.L+itc%es, >. (1DD#) S%aanis: &%e 4ey to +eligion/ M% 2D(2): 31@#0.6e5is , I. . (1DD)  R$&i*i(% i% C(%"$": C0&"# % C'ri#/.  Cabridge:

Cabridge Eni8ersity Bress (%as in'o on s%aanis).

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L  (&aussig, ic%ael (1D") S'/%i#/; C(&(%i&i#/ % "'$ Wi& M%. C%icago:Eni8ersity o' C%icago Bress

Crandon@alaud, 6. (1DD1) Fr(/ "'$ F" (+ (0r S(0&#. 9er<eley: Eni8ersity o'Cali'ornia Bress (c%aters 1, *@ on edicine and et%nicity)

orales, . (1DD*) T'$ G0i%$ Pi*: H$&i%*; F(( % Ri"0& i% "'$ A%$#.  &ucson: Eni8ersity o' Arisona Bress.


L  Croc<er, J. C. (1D*) i"& S(0&#. &uscon: Eni8ersity o' Ari$ona Bress.L >ob<in de +ios, arlene (1D#) i#i(%r! i%$: H&&0,i%(*$%i, H$&i%* i%

"'$ P$r0i% A/@(%.  Brosect eig%ts, Ill.: a8eland Bress.L  6una, 6uis duardo (1D) $*$"&i#/(: S'/%i#/ /(%* "'$ M$#"i@(

 P()0&"i(% (+ "'$ P$r0i% A/@(%. Stoc<%ol, S5eden: Al8ist ! i<sell.L  atteson 6angdon, . Jean and ?er%ard 9aer (1DD2)  P(r"&# (+ P(9$r:

S'/%i#/ i% S(0"' A/$ri,. Albuuerue: Eni8ersity o' Ne5 e-ico

Bress. (C%ater 1 on gender and s%aanis, art # S%aanis and +esonsesto C%ristianity)

L Cabell, A. &. (1DD*) G$""i%* "( K%(9 Wi9i. 6ondon: +outledgeCabell, A. &. (1DD0) T( S=0r$ 9i"' G$%$#i#: C#0& S""$/$%"# % S'/%i,

 I$# i% W!)i. dinbrug%: Bolygon.L  ug%@Jones, S. (1D"D) T'$ P&/ % "'$ P&$i$#. Cabridge: Cabridge

Eni8ersity Bress.L?ray, Andre5 (1DD") T'$ L#" S'/%: C'%*$ i% % A/@(%i% C(//0%i"!.

 7-'ord: 9erg%a%n 9oo<sar8ey, ?ra%a (ed) (2003) S'/%i#/: A R$$r . 6ondon: +outledge

(c%ater " by Alan Cabell).


'3 T'&*Lri<sen (1DD*) S/&& P&,$#; Lr*$ I##0$#.6ondon: Bluto Bress. (C%ater 1#)Linc%, Beter (1D"0) Enderstanding a Briiti8e Society/ in 9rian ilson (ed)

 R"i(%&i"!.7-'ord: Eni8ersity o' 7-'ord Bress (S7CSCI A3"0 I6).L8ans@Britc%ard, . . (1D") Wi",',r+"; Or,&$# % M*i, A/(%* "'$ A@%$.

7-'ord: Clarendon.L?oody, J. (1D"") T'$ D(/$#"i,"i(% (+ "'$ S*$ Mi% .Cabridge: Cabridge

Eni8ersity Bress.

L6e8i@Strauss, C. (1D) T'$ S*$ Mi% . C%icago: Eni8ersity o' C%icago Bress.

S(-)*LCabell, Alan &. (1DD*) G$""i%* "( K%(9 Wi9i. 6ondon: +outledge (C%ater ).Ste%en, . and 6. 4. Suryani (2000) S%aanis, Bsyc%osis and Autonoous

Iagination/ C0&"0r$; M$i,i%$ % P#!,'i"r! 2#: *@#0.6ucas, +. and +. 9arrett (1DD*) Interreting Culture and Bsyc%oat%ology: Briiti8ist

&%ees in Cross@Cultural >ebate/ Culture, edicine and Bsyc%iatry 1D: 2"@32.

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?eert$, Cli''ord (1D3)  L(,& K%(9&$*$: F0r"'$r E##!# i% I%"$r)r$"i$ A%"'r()(&(*!  Ne5Gor<: 9asic 9oo<s.

?eert$, Cli''ord (1DD3) T'$ I%"$r)r$""i(% (+ C0&"0r$#: S$&$,"$ E##!#. 6ondon:ontanta Bress.

Cabell, Alan (1DD) T( S=0r$ 9i"' G$%$#i#: C0#& S""$/$%"# % S'/%i, I$#i% W!)i (dinburg%: Bolygon).

Qnaens<i, A. (200#) S'/%i#/: Cri"i,& C(%,$)"# i% S(,i(&(*!. Ne5 Gor<:+outledge.

liade, . (200#) S'/%i#/: Ar,'i, T$,'%i=0$# (+ E,#"#!. Brinceton: BrincetonEni8ersity.

ar8ey, ?. (2003) S'/%i#/: A R$$r. 6ondon: +outledge.?ray, A. (1DD") T'$ L#" S'/%: C'%*$ i% % A/@(%i% C(//0%i"!. 7-'ord:

9erg%a%n 9oo<s.Santos@?ranero, . (1DD1) T'$ P(9$r (+ L($: T'$ M(r& U#$ (+ K%(9&$*$ A/(%*#""'$

 A/0$#' (+ C$%"r& P$r0. 6ondon: At%lone.Croc<er, C. (1D*) i"& S(0&#. &ucson: Eni8ersity o' Ari$ona Bress.

6e5is, I.. (1D"1) E,#""i, R$&i*i(%: A% A%"'r()(&(*i,& S"0! (+ S)iri" P(##$##i(% %S'/%i#/. aronds5ort%: Benguin.


G'-'/ T('%/)'* %- M3&(Segal, +obert A. (ed.) (1DD)  Ri"0& % M!"': R(b$r"#(% S/i"'; Fr@$r; H((-$; %

 Hrri#(%.  6ondon: ?arland Bub.Segal, +obert (ed) (1DD) T'$ M!"' % Ri"0& T'$(r!. 7-'ord: 9lac<5ell

(Bart 1 and Bart ") (on order).

Segal, +. (200) T'$ B&,-9$&& C(/)%i(% "( "'$ S"0! (+ R$&i*i(%. 7-'ord: 9lac<5ellPublishing.

6e8i@Strauss, C. (1D")  A%"'r()(&(*! % M!"'.  7-'ord: 9asil 9lac<5ell.9urridge, 4. (1D") 6e8i@Strauss and yt%/ in . 6eac% (ed) T'$ S"r0,"0r& S"0! (+

 M!"' % T("$/i#/. 6ondon: &a8istoc<.Bu%8el, J. (1D") C(/)r"i$ M!"'(&(*!. 6ondon: Jo%n o<ins Eni8ersity Bress

(c%a. 1: t%e Study o' yt%).Alan . 7lson (ed.) (1D0) M!"'; S!/b(&; % R$&i"!. 6ondon: Eni8ersity o' Notre

>ae Bress (c%at #: Sybolic Asects o' yt%)Adrian Cunning%a (ed.) (1D"3) T'$ T'$(r! (+ M!"': Si S"0i$#.  6ondon : S%eed !

ard.orris, 9rian (1D") A%"'r()(&(*i,& S"0i$# (+ R$&i*i(%. Cabridge: Cabridge

Eni8ersity Bress. (C%aters * and ).liade, ircea (1D#) M!"' % R$&i"!. 6ondon: Allen ! En5in.I$ard, . and B. Sit% (eds) (1D2) B$"9$$% B$&i$+ % Tr%#*r$##i(%: S"r0,"0r&i#"

 E##!# i% R$&i*i(%; Hi#"(r! % M!"'. C%icago: Eni8ersity o' C%icago Bress(c%aters # !" on yt%)

Lalino5s<i, 9. (1D3) S$; C0&"0r$ % M!"'. 6ondon: art@>a8is.anganaro, . (1DD2) M!"'; R'$"(ri, % "'$ (i,$ (+ A0"'(ri"!: A Cri"i=0$ (+ Fr@$r;

 E&i("; Fr!$ C/)b$&& . Ne5 a8en: Gale Eni8ersity Bress.

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Cunning%a, A. (1D"3) T'$ T'$(r! (+ M!"': Si S"0i$#. 6ondon: S%eed ! ard.6eac%, . (1D") T'$ S"r0,"0r& S"0! (+ M!"' % T("$/i#/. 6ondon: &a8istoc<.6eac%, . (1D") C0&"0r$ % C(//0%i,"i(%: T'$ L(*i, b! W'i,' S!/b(&# r$

C(%%$,"$ . Cabridge: Cabridge Eni8ersity Bress.alino5s<i, 9. (1DD2) M&i%(9#-i % "'$ W(r- (+ M!"'. Brinceton: Brinceton

Eni8ersity Bress.LStrens<i, I. (1D") F(r T'$(ri$# (+ M!"' i% "'$ 25"' C$%"0r! Hi#"(r!: C##ir$r; E&i$;

 LJi>S"r0## % M&i%(9#-i. I%>: U-)<'/*)&3 %8 I%> P/'**.


 6e8i@Strauss, C. (1D"0) T'$ R9 % "'$ C((-$ . 6ondon: Cae.Cabell, A. &. (1DD*) G$""i%* "( K%(9 Wi9i. 6ondon: +outledgeug%@Jones, S. (1D"D) T'$ P&/ % "'$ P&$i$#. Cabridge: Cabridge

Eni8ersity Bress.?o5, B. (2001) A% A/@(%i% M!"' % i"# Hi#"(r!. 7-'ord: 7-'ord Eni8ersity Bress.ill, J. (ed) (1D) R$"'i%-i%* Hi#"(r! % M!"': I%i*$%(0# S(0"' A/$ri,%

 P$r#)$,"i$# (% "'$ P#". Erbana: Eni8ersity o' Illinois.

+osengren, >. (1DD) atsigen<a yt% and orality: Notions o' t%e Social and Asocial/ E"'%(# 3(2): 2#@2"2.

A-'*Erton, ?ary (1DDD) Inca yt%s. 6ondon: 9ritis% useu Bress.ill, J. (ed) (1D) R$"'i%-i%* Hi#"(r! % M!"': I%i*$%(0# S(0"' A/$ri,%

 P$r#)$,"i$# (% "'$ P#". Erbana: Eni8ersity o' Illinois.

A*&/)- A%/)2)-'*&on<inson, +. (1DD1) T'$ Mr0 Ab(ri*i%$#. 6ondon: olt, +ein%art

and ilson.

9ell, >iane (1D3)  D0*'"$r# (+ "'$ Dr$/i%*. elbourne: cB%ee?ibble

L)&'/&' - O/ C&/'*

Cabell, Alan (1DD*) G$""i%* "( K%(9 Wi9i. A% A/@(%i% E"'%(*r)'! (6ondon:+outledge).

Lri<sen (1DD*) S/&& P&,$#; Lr*$ I##0$#.6ondon: Bluto Bress. (C%ater 1#)

A-&(/%0%%2)+ W/)&)-2LCli''ord, J. and ?. arcus (eds) (1D) Wri"i%* C0&"0r$: T'$ P($"i,# % P(&i"i,# (+   E"'%(*r)'! .9er<eley: Eni8ersity o' Cali'ornia Bress.LJaes, A., J. oc<ey ! A. >a5son (1DD") A+"$r Wri"i%* C0&"0r$: E)i#"$/(&(*! % Pri# i%

C(%"$/)(rr! A%"'r()(&(*!.6ondon: +outledge.

?eert$, Cli''ord (1DD) W(r-# % Li$#: T'$ A%"'r()(&(*i#" # A0"'(r .

Cabridge: Bolity

Bress .

LCabell, Alan (1DD*) G$""i%* "( K%(9 Wi9i. A% A/@(%i% E"'%(*r)'!. 6ondon: +outledge.

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Croc<er, C. (1D*) i"& S(0&#. &ucson: Eni8ersity o' Ari$ona Bress.C%agnon, N. (1D3) Y%(//(: T'$ Fi$r,$ P$()&$. 6ondon: olt, +ine%art and

inston.8ans@Britc%ard, . (1D#0) T'$ N0$r . 7-'ord: Clarendon Bress.utc%inson, S. (1DD) N0$r Di&$//#. 9er<eley: Eni8ersity o' Cali'ornia Bress.9riggs, J. (1D"0) N$$r i% A%*$r: P(r"ri" (+ % E#-i/( F/i&!. Cabridge, ass:

ar8ard Eni8ersity Bress.cCart%y 9ro5n, 4aren (1DD1) M/ L(&: A ((0 Pri$#"$## i% Br((-&!%. 9er<eley:

Eni8ersity o' Cali'ornia Bress.alino5s<i, 9ronisla5 (1DD) A Dir! i% "'$ S"ri," S$%#$ (+ "'$ T$r/. Stan'ord:

Stand'ord Eni8ersity Bress.alino5s<i, 9ronisla5 (1D32) &%e Se-ual 6i'e o' Sa8ages. 9oston, ass.: 9eacon.osse, >. (200) Anti@Social Ant%roologyM 7bHecti8ity, 7bHection, and t%e

t%nogra%y o' Bublic Bolicy and Bro'essional Counities/ (0r%& (+ "'$+oyal Ant%roological Society 12(#): D3*@D*.

W/)&)- 2 - - %> ' 2 ' )- E / %0 ' - C% -& ' &LS%a in , St e8en( 1DD) T'$ S,i$%" i+i , R$(&0 "i(%. C%icago: Eni8ersi ty

o' C%icago


(1D D# )  A S( ,i& Hi#"(r! (+ Tr0"'. C%icago: Eni8ersi ty o' C%icago

Bress..Lartin, enri@Jean (1DD*) T'$ Hi#"(r! % P(9$r (+ Wri"i%*. C%icago: Eni8ersity o'

C%icago Bress.Jo%ns , Adrian (1DD) T'$ N"0r $ (+ "' $ B(( -. C%icago: Eni8ersi ty o'

C%icago Bress.

?ood y, Jac< (1D ) T' $ L(*i, (+ Wri"i% * % "' $ Or* %i@ "i( % (+

S(,i$ "! . Cabridge: Cabridge Eni8ersi ty Bress .isenst e i n li$abet % (1D3) T'$ Pri% "i%* R$(&0" i(% i% Er&! M($r%

 E0r()$ Cabridge: Cabridge Eni8ersi ty Bress .

Boo8ey, ary (1DD)  A Hi#"(r! (+ "' $ M($r% F, ". C%icago: Eni8ersi ty

o' C%icago Bress.

erton, +. 4. (1D"0) S,i$ %, $ ; T$, '% (& (* ! % S( ,i $" ! i% S $ $ % " $ $ % " '

C$%"0! E%*&%.  Ne5 Gor<: o5ard erti g.

F-'-&)* - C/'&)%-)*9re<<e, &. (2012) F0%/$%"&i#/: Pr()'$,! % Pr("$#" i% "'$ A*$ (+ G&(b&i@"i(%.

Cabridge: Cabridge Eni8ersity Bress.

Antoun, +. (200) U%$r#"%i%* F0%/$%"&i#/: C'ri#"i%; I#&/i, % $9i#' M($/$%"#. 6an%a: +o5an and 6ittle'ield.

Colean, C. ! 6. Carlin (200#) T'$ C0&"0r$# (+ Cr$"i(%i#/: A%"i>E(&0"i(%i#/ i% E%*&i#'>S)$-i%* C(0%"ri$#. Alders%ot: As%gate.

L4eddie, N. (1DD) &%e Ne5 +eligious Bolitics: %ere, %en, and %y >oundaentalissO AearM C(/)r"i$ S"0i$# i% S(,i$"! % Hi#"(r! #0(#):D@"23.

L+iesebrodt, . (2000) +eligions in t%e >isenc%anted orld/ N0/$% #"(3): 2@2".

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LSu%ler, Jaes (1D*) Ant%roology, 8olution and Scienti'ic CreationisO/  A%%0& R$i$9 (+ A%"'r()(&(*! 1#: 1@3@133.

LScott, ugenie (1DD") Anti@e8olution and Creationis in t%e Enited States/ A%%0& R$i$9 (+ A%"'r()(&(*! 2": 23@2D.

L&ouey, C%risto%er (1DD1) odern Creationis and Scienti'ic A0"'(ri"! S(,i&S"0i$# (+ S,i$%,$ 21(#): 1@DD.

9utler, . (2010) ?od is in t%e >ata: isteologies o' 4no5ledge at t%e Creationusue/ E"'%(# "*(3): 22D@2*1.

%ite, Jaes 9oyd (ed) (200) H(9 S'(0& W$ T&- b(0" R$&i*i(%7 Notre >ae: Eni8ersity o' Notre >ae Bress.

+abasa, Angel (200#) T'$ M0#&i/ W(r& +"$r 411. Santa onica: +and.9endrot%, . (200*) F0%/$%"&i#/ i% "'$ Ci"!: C(%+&i," % Dii#i(% i% B(#"(%#

C'0r,'$#. 7-'ord: 7-'ord Eni8ersity Bress).Sayyid, 9. (2003) A F0%/$%"& F$r: E0r(,$%"ri#/ % "'$ E/$r*$%,$ (+ I#&/ 

6ondon: Qed 9oo<s.Qeidan, >. (2003) T'$ R$#0r*$%,$ (+ R$&i*i(%: A C(/)r"i$ S"0! (+ S$&$,"$ T'$/$#

i% C'ri#"i% % I#&/i, F0%/$%"&i#" Di#,(0r#$.6eiden: 9rill.

Ali, &ari (2002) T'$ C&#' (+ F0%/$%"&i#/#: Cr0#$#; i'# % M($r%i"! 6ondon: erso.

 Noorani, A. (2002) I#&/ % i': Pr$0i,$ $r#0# R$&i"!.6ondon: Qed 9oo<s.Qeli$er, 9. ! S. Allan (2002) (0r%&i#/ A+"$r S$)"$/b$r 11.6ondon: +outledge.Colean, S. and 6. Carlin (200#) T'$ C0&"0r$# (+ Cr$"i(%i#/: A%"i>E(&0"i(%i#/ i%

 E%*&i#'>S)$-i%* C(0%"ri$#. Alders%ot: As%gate.orrest, 9arbara (200#) Cr$"i(%i#/# Tr(% H(r#$: T'$ W$*$ (+ I%"$&&i*$%" D$#i*% 

7-'ord: 7-'ord Eni8ersity Bress.Bennoc<, +. (2001) I%"$&&i*$%" D$#i*% Cr$"i(%i#/ % i"# Cri"i,#. Cabridge ass:

I& Bress.S'2, R. ;$$6= The 'lac()ell Companion to the Stu"y o# Religion. O8%/:

B+>' Bublis%ing.

ldredge, N. (2000) T'$ Tri0/)'! (+ E(&0"i(% % "'$ Fi&0r$ (+ Cr$"i(%i#/ 9asingsto<e: acillan.

Bennoc<, +. (1DDD) T(9$r (+ Bb$&: T'$ Ei$%,$ A*i%#" "'$ N$9 Cr$"i(%i#/ Cabridge ass: I& Bress.

4itc%er, B. (1D3) Ab0#i%* S,i$%,$: T'$ C#$ A*i%#" Cr$"i(%i#/. ilton 4eynes:O0'- U-)<'/*)&3 P/'**.

Qetterberg, B. (1D3) E(&0"i(% # Cr$"i(%i#/: T'$ P0b&i, E0,"i(% C(%"r($r#! B%oeni-: 7ry- Bress.

ilson, >. (ed) (1D3) Di "'$ D$i& M-$ Dr9i% D( I"7 M($r% P$r#)$,"i$# (% "'$Cr$"i(%>E(&0"i(% C(%"r($r#!. Aes: Io5a State Eni8ersity.

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Matriculation Number: _____________________ 

Essay Topic: _________________________________ 


  8ery 'airly or really at


  true true less


The ideas in this essay are organised in a logical manner

The different points and arguments are linked together well  

ContentThe essay question is well designed  

All arguments and examples are strictly relevant to the question  

All important aspects of the question have been dealt with

The subject has been covered in sufficient depth

A wide range of sources has been used in the essay  

The essay shows key concepts have been understood  

Theoretical arguments are illustrated by appropriate examples  

The essay shows signs of original research and thought  


The arguments and ideas are expressed clearly and concisely  

The essay has good grammar and spelling  

The essay is well divided into paragraphs and sentences  

The work is properly referenced  

The work had a good bibliography  

The essay is presented neatly and legibly  


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>egre es o' .A. (Arts) And .A. (Soc. Sc.) it% onours

ay 2011




&%is is a ONE %our e-aination.

Students ust ans5er ONE uestion. o5e8er, you ay NOT ans5er a uestion directly relatedto t%e substanti8e area (i.e. s%aanis, yt%...) you addressed in your assessed essay.

1. %at is cosology/M >iscuss 5it% re'erence to et%nogra%ic e-ales.

2. EIT#ER: %at is robleatic about using t%e ter s%aanis/M

OR: %y ust 5itc%cra't/ andFor s%aanis/ be understood 5it%in its culturalconte-tM

3. EIT#ER: Are ost@odern et%nogra%ies better/ t%an classic onesM >o t%eyreresent an ad8ance in ant%roological t%eory and et%ods or are t%ey Hust5ritten di''erentlyM

OR: >o eole in literate/ cultures t%in< di''erently 'ro eole in riarily

oral/ culturesM

#. o5 is Alan Ca b el l/s st ud y o' yt %/ a de a rt u re 'ro r e8i ou s


*. %at can t%e literature on 'undaentalis and creationis tell us about t%e natureo' odern/ societyM

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A/' A-&(/%0%%23 '**3* )88'/'-& 8/% &(%*' )- %&('/ *?'+&*J 

Ges, t%ere are di''erences bet5een ant%roology essays and t%ose you ay %a8e 5rittenin ot%er discilines suc% as sociology, olitics or %istory. I' you %a8e ne8er ta<enant%roology be'ore, you s%ould read t%is section.

• T('%/3 - F)'>%/: As you 5ill disco8er in t%e lectures, t%e relations%i bet5een

ant%roological t%eory and researc% et%ods is a dialectical one. &%eories in'luence: a)t%e tye o' in'oration t%at ant%roologists gat%er in t%e 'ield= b) t%e et%ods t%ey useto do t%is= and c) t%eir interretation o' t%e data t%ey collect. o5e8er, t%is is not aone 5ay relations%i. As ant%roologists gat%er and interret 'ield data (i.e. as t%ey tryto ut t%e t%eories to ractical use), t%ey becoe a5are o' t%e liitations o' currentt%eories and suggest 5ays in 5%ic% iro8eents ay be ade. Ant%roologists useet%nogra%ic data to eit%er suort or criticise t%eory. Gou s%ould ay attention to

t%is 5%en you are: a) doing t%e readings 'or your essay= b) critically analysing t%esereadings= and c) reorting your 'indings as you 5rite your essay.

• T(' U*' %8 &(' T'/ KP/))&)<'K: 9e articularly care'ul o' t%is ter. &%oug% it %as

o'ten been used in ant%roology in t%e ast, it is best a8oided today. &%e use o' t%eter riiti8e/ 5as oular at a tie 5%en it 5as belie8ed t%at estern uroeansociety and culture 5as t%e eitoe o' an/s e8olution and t%at e8eryone 5%o %ad adi''erent social, religious and econoic syste 5as at a lo5er le8el o' e8olutionaryde8eloent. &oday, in contrast, ant%roologists esouse +&/ /'&)<)&3, 5%ic%eans t%at no society s%ould be considered better t%an any ot%er.

T)0* 8%/ W/)&)-2 G%% E**3

•A-*>'/ &(' '*&)%-: &%e 'irst uestion t%e erson ar<ing your essay 5ill as<t%esel8es as t%ey read your 5or< is: Is t%is erson ans5ering t%e uestionM/ I' t%eans5er is yes/, you 5ill get a good ar<. I' t%e ans5er is no/, you 5ill not get agood ar<. ?i8en t%e 'act t%at you are a<ing u your o5n uestions 'or t%is course,t%is s%ould be easy. o5e8er, soe eole do start ans5ering a articular toic andt%en dri't o'' in anot%er direction.

• R' E88'+&)<'3: %en you are doing your reading and ta<ing notes lease <ee in

ind t%e uestion you %a8e to ans5er. 7nly soe o' t%e in'oration in eac% boo<,c%ater or article 5ill be rele8ant. ery o'ten, t%e inde- o' t%e boo< 5ill indicate5%ere you ig%t 'ind rele8ant in'oration. +eading t%e introduction and t%econclusions o' boo<s and articles 5ill gi8e you a general idea o' t%e ain arguents

and issues. +eeber, you are usually loo<ing out 'or contrasting lines o' arguentsand et%nogra%ic e-ales t%at 5ill suort t%e.

• T' N%&'* %- R'8'/'-+'* * 3% R': Any in'oration (not Hust uotations) t%at

you ta<e 'ro your readings (or 'ro a 5ebsite) ust be re'erenced in your essay. eneed to see 5%ere your in'oration %as coe 'ro. &%is ust include t%e aut%or/snae, year and age nuber. So, as you are ta<ing notes, try to get into t%e %abit o'<eeing notes on t%e age nuber. or e-ale (?luc<an 1DD: 13#). SeeR'8'/'-+)-2 belo5.

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• T% Q%&' %/ N%& &% Q%&': 7ccasional s%ort uotations are o'ten use'ul, articularly

in describing a tric<y oint 5%ic% you 5ant to discuss. %en using ot%er eolePs5ords you ust al5ays use uotation ar<s and gi8e a 'ull age@re'erence to t%esource. Y% *(%, (%>'<'/, /'''/ &(& &(' *)+ &* )* &% +0&/' %&('/0'%0'K* 0%)-&* )- 3%/ %>- >%/*. o5 is t%e ar<er going to <no5 i' you %a8e

understood soet%ing i' you Hust coy out large c%un<s o' uotationsM Blease notet%at coying ot%er eole/s 5ords 5it%out ar<ing t%e as uotations is lagiaris.W('- '&'+&', 02)/)* )* ('<)3 0'-)*' - +- /'*& )- 3% (<)-2 &%'0)- 3%/*'8 &% &(' U-)<'/*)&3 S'-&' ;*'' &(' *'+&)%- %- P2)/)*=.

• W/)&)-2 3%/ E**3: So, you/8e read t%e boo<s, %a8e a 'air idea o' 5%at t%e aHor

issues and arguents are and you e8en %a8e soe good et%nogra%ic e-ales to bac< u and illustrate your arguents. &%e ne-t ste is to soe%o5 ut all o' t%is on aer in a 5ay t%at is going to con8ince t%e erson ar<ing your essay t%at you: a)%a8e understood t%e uestion= b) %a8e understood t%e readings and t%e ainarguents= and c) can bac< u your arguents 5it% e-ales. It is iortant t%atyour essay %as a good structure. See t%e guidelines belo5. 9e'ore you start 5riting,you s%ould also ta<e a loo< at t%e U-)<'/*)&3 C%%- C%' 8%/ A**'**'-& -t%e E**3 M/)-2 A**'**'-& S(''&.

• I-&/%+&)%-: 9egin by 5riting t%e introduction. &%is is a 8ery iortant art o'

your essay. &%e ar<er 5ill 8ery o'ten 'or an iression o' t%e essay based ont%e uality o' its introduction. In t%e introduction, you s%ould e-lain brie'ly 5%atyou t%in< t%e essay uestion is as<ing you and %o5 you are going to ans5er it.&%is includes outlining t%e aHor di''erences o' t%eory and et%nogra%y t%at you%a8e identi'ied, and %o5 your arguent is to be s%aed. A'ter you 'inis% 5ritingyour essay, go bac< and reread t%e introduction. a8e you stuc< to 5%at you saidyou 5ere going to doM I' not, alter your introduction accordingly. In yourintroduction and in t%e ain body o' your essay lease a8oid generalisations, suc%as ost societies %a8e../ or All A'ricansV./, unless you can bac< u suc% generalstateents by re'erring to t%e 5or<s o' a nuber o' aut%ors.

• M)- B%3: In t%e body o' t%e essay, 5e are loo<ing 'or a logically constructed

arguent 5%ic% is bac<ed u by e8idence (and 5%ic% ans5ers t%e uestion).

• C%-+*)%-:  &%e conclusion is also an iortant art o' your essay. A good

conclusion s%ould be ore t%an Hust one or t5o sentences. It 5ill be at least a aragra% or t5o long. In t%e conclusion, you s%ould suarise t%e ain lines o'arguents you %a8e ta<en. Blease reeber t%at 5riting an essay is aboutcounicating your understanding o' a toic to t%e erson ar<ing your essay. Agood clearly 5ritten introduction and conclusion lets t%e ar<er see t%at you really%a8e understood t%e issues in8ol8ed.

#%> &% R'8'/'-+' - W/)&' G%% B))%2/0(3At t%is stage in your acadeic career, you s%ould <no5 %o5 to re'erence 5or< and 5rite a good bibliogra%y. &%is is an essential s<ill t%at you are going to %a8e to aster i' you 5ant to go on toa ost@graduate le8el or to any occuation t%at reuires you to 5rite reorts. M/* >) '

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'+&' )8 3% 8) &% /'8'/'-+' 3%/ >%/ - *003 2%% ))%2/0(3. Blease note t%atot%er discilines, suc% as %istory, use a di''erent tye o' re'erencing syste 'ro t%at used in t%eSocial Sciences. See belo5 'or details o' t%e ost coonly used syste in t%e Social Sciences.

• R'8'/'-+)-2: It is essential to include re'erences to t%e aut%ors you use in your essay. It allo5s

t%e ar<er to see 5%ere your ideas cae 'ro and it also bac<s u t%e clais t%at you are

a<ing. I' you 'ail to re'erence your ideas, you ay be accused o' lagiaris (see Aendi-1). Gou 5ill 'ind t%at t%ere are a nuber o' di''erent re'erencing systes. or all SocialScience toics (including Ant%roology), you are strongly recoended to use t%e ar8ardsyste. In t%is syste, re'erences are gi8en in t%e te-t, not in 'ootnotes. All re'erences needt%e aut%orPs surnae, t%e year o' t%e ublication, and t%e age nuber (?luc<an 1D*#: 3@*). 7nly i' you are re'erring to ore t%an one aut%or 5it% t%e sae surnae 5ill it benecessary to add initials. I' an aut%or %as ore t%an one ublication 5it% t%e sae year, adistinguis%ing letter is added: (?luc<an 1D*#a: 10"= ?luc<an 1D"#b: ##). &%ese naesand years re'er t%e reader to entries in your bibliogra%y. Blease note: i' you are re'erring to ac%ater in an edited collection o' c%aters, you re'er to t%e actual aut%or o' t%e c%ater in t%e body o' t%e essay and not t%e editor o' t%e boo<. In t%e bibliogra%y, you t%en indicate 5%ic% boo< t%is c%ater cae 'ro and t%e editor o' t%e boo<. See ))%2/0(3 'or details.

B))%2/0(3: 8ery 5or< t%at you %a8e re'erred to in your essay ust be listed in t%e bibliogra%y. I' you %a8e read a boo<, but not used it in t%e essay, do not ut it in t%e bibliogra%y. &%e bibliogra%y ust be in al%abetical order by t%e surnae o' t%e aut%or, ort%e 'irst aut%or i' t%ere is ore t%an one. ac% entry ust s%o5 surnaes and initials (or 'irstnaes), year corresonding 5it% t%e te-t re'erences (5%ic% s%ould be t%e year o' 'irst ublication, not t%e date o' t%e articular rinting you %a8e used), t%e title o' t%e originalarticle or boo<, and 5%ere it 5as ublis%ed. 7n t%e ne-t age are e-ales o' bibliogra%yentries 'or t%e ain tyes o' reading you 5ill encounter in t%is course. I' in doubt, use t%e bibliogra%ies ro8ided in t%e essay list as a guide.

• S)-2'&(%/' %% 

eider, 4. (1D")  E"'%(*r)'i, Fi&/. Austin: Eni8ersity o' &e-as Bress

• E)&' %% 

 Cli''ord, J. ! arcus, ?. (eds) (1D) Wri"i%* C0&"0r$: "'$ P($"i,# % P(&i"i,# (+ E"'%(*r)'!. 9er<eley: Eni8ersity o' Cali'ornia Bress

• %/- A/&)+'*

Calan, B. (1D) Pngendering <no5ledge: t%e olitics o' et%nogra%yP A%"'r()(&(*! T(! # (*): @12

• C(0&'/ )- E)&' B%% 

+undstro, >. (1D) PIaging ant%roologyP in J. +oll5agen (ed.)  A%"'r()(&(*i,& Fi&//-i%*. C%ur: ar5ood Acadeic Bress

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&%e 'ollo5ing ad8ice is not intended as a series o' PrulesP 5%ic% ust be 'ollo5ed, but iso''ered as general guidance and, ore articularly, to encourage eac% student to considerore care'ully t%eir aroac% to e-ainations.


F%/ & %8 &( ' P 0' /:   n su re t %a t yo u < no 5 5 %a t 'or t% e e-ain a t io n

5ill t a<e . Is t%e aer di8ided in to sec tionsM o5 any ues t ions us t be

a ns 5e r e dM Is t% er e a co ul so ry el e e n t or so e re st ri ctio n on c%oic eM

Consult re8iou s e-a i na ti on a er s in ?E6, as 5ell as t%e cours e

docu e nt a ti on, but a <e sur e t%at cour se s %a8e not be en subH ect to

c%an ged s truc t ure , co nt en t e tc in t% e r ecent as t .

D& ' , T) ', P + ' : nsu re t% at you <no 5 t% e d at e, ti e a nd la ce o' t %e

e-ain a t io n . 8e ry yea r s oeb o d y g et s it 5ron g; a< e s u re t% at it is no t

yo u. C% ec< no ti ce bo ard s 'or os si bl e e-a ti e t abl e cla s% es and 'or l at e

c%anges . +eor t cl as%es to t%e onours Co@ordinato r or t%e -a 7''ice in

t%e +eg is t ry. a<e sure t%a t you trac< do5n 5%ere t%e rele8an t building 5ell

 be' or e t% e e- a.

S ' ' + & R' <) *) % - T%0 )+ * :   C%o se yo ur e-ain a t io n to i cs 5 ell i n ad 8an ce .

&%e s eci'ic u es ti on s on t%e a e r ar e not r edic ta bl e, but , 5it% t%e

e -c e ti on o' t %e ?e ne r al Ba e r, t% e ge ne r al toic s ar e. It a< e s s en se ,t%ere'o re , to concen t ra te your e' 'o rt in sec i' ic a reas . In doing so, %o5e8er,

you s%o uld de o ns tr a te a ge ne ra l und er st a nd in g o' sociolog y andF or


R'<)*)%-:   Es e l ec tu re no te s , r eadi n g n ot e s yo u % a8e ade 5%il e re ar in g

se i na r toic s and es sa ys , and es sa ys t%e s e l8 e s, to gain a rea so na bl y

clear und er st an di ng o' a ar ticular ar ea . Co e nt s on ess ays and in

s ei n a rs s %o ul d % el yo u to isol at e ideas and at e r ia l 5it % 5%i c% yo u % a8 e

% ad s oe di''icul ty d uri ng t %e co ur s e . &ry t o r e@ r ead t% e os t si gn i'ican t

t e- t s in order to deeen and clar i'y your unders tand ing o' t%e a rea . +e8i sion

s %o ul d b e an acti 8e roces s: do n ot allo5 yo ur s el ' to g et bo gg ed do 5n in

co it ti ng to e o ry 5% at ar e r ob a bl y uni ns i ri ng not es . %e re , ine ss ays , yo u % a8 e r eli ed on dir ec t u ot a ti on a< e s ure t% at yo u can e- re s s

t%e idea or arguent clear ly and concisely in your o5n 5ords .

R '< )* ) % - S ' * *) % - * :   Gour courses 5ill %a8e e-a re8 is ion sess ions . See t%e

course oodle age 'or in'orat ion on t%e date o' t%i s session. &o a<e t%e

os t o' t %e s e s es si on s , lea s e try t o d o s oe re a ra ti o n b e'ore % an d . &%is

5ill allo5 you to iden ti 'y any ues t ions or robles t%a t you 5ant to ra ise

5it% t%e lecturer .

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P/+& )+' W/)& )-2:  os t o ' you 5ill be 5ell used to ty ing essays and ay be

u nu s ed t o 5riti ng in a t5 o %o ur st re t c% . ore al ari n gl y, o s t o' yo u 5ill

ser iously under @ est iate Hust %o5 uc% you can 5ri te in t5o %ours. I 5ould

s tron gl y r eco en d t %a t yo u t a<e on e or t 5o o' t% e re8 io us yea r/ s e-a

u es ti on s an d att e t to ans 5e r t% e allo5ing your sel' on e %our er

ues ti on . Gou 5ill d is co 8e r Hus t %o 5 uc% yo u can and can /t 5rit e in t5 o%ours.


R' & (' P 0' /:   +ead t %e 5% ol e a e r car e'ull y and s el ec t t% e ues ti on s

yo u 5ill an s5 er. Gou ay no t a t ' ir st r eco gn is e t% e u est io n s yo u % o ed

5o ul d co e u , bu t do nP t an ic . &%ey a re rob abl y t %e re, b ut in a di'' er ent

'or. I' yo u a re r ea ll y s tu c< 'or a 'in al ans 5 er , itP s b e tt e r to t a< e a s %o t a t

soet% ing t%an 'ail to ans5er t%e reui red nuber o' ues tions .

O/'/:  7n e- as 5% ere yo u % a8e o re t %an on e ues ti oi n, yo u can ans 5 ert%e ues t ions in any order . It is robab ly sens ib le to st a rt 5i t% t%e one 5it%

5%ic% you 'eel os t con' iden t , but don P t send too uc% tie on a 'a8our it e


P-:   a< e a rou g% l an and labe l it as s uc%. >o no t s en d a l on g ti e on

t %i s an d do no t a< e it o8 er @ e labo ra t e. It s% ou ld ro8i de a b are ou tli ne = a

str uc tu r e r at %e r t% an a su a r y. Ese dia gr a s, arr o5 s, bo- es = a nyt %i ng

t% at % el s yo u to org an is e a n a ns 5e r. >o n ot sc or e it o ut , unl es s you ar e

ui te cer t ain you 5ant t%e e-ainer to ignore it.

F% + * % - E* *' - & ) *:   >o no t 5ri te leng t%y int roduct ions . Gou us t get to

t %e % ea r t o' t %e at t e r a s ui c<l y a s o ss ib le : ti e is s %o rt ; It is e ss en ti a lt%a t you a <e it clea r 'ro t%e be gin ni ng t% at you und er st a nd 5%a t t%e

u es ti on ea n s . >e'in e a nd disc us s a nd a ny <e y t er s . I' yo u u se a c as e

s tudy, e-lain %o5 i t relates to t%e general uestion.

R' '< -+' :  Ans 5er t% e u est io n yo u a re a s< ed, and n ot t %e o ne yo u 5 ant ed

to be as<ed; +ele8ance is es sen t i al . Gou ust di scuss t%e ues t ion and only

t%e ues t ion . It is 8it al t%a t you a<e absolu tely clear t%e rele8ance o' eac%

 art o' your ans5er. It is arti cul arl y iortan t in ans5ering u estions on

t oi cs yo u % a8 e re8 io u sl y co nsi d ered in e s s ay s t %a t yo u do n ot Hus t r e ea t

you r e ss a y. &%e a t er ia l r e8i ou sl y us ed ay 5ell b e rel e8 an t, bu t its

r ele 8a n ce u st b e a d e cle ar in t% e con te -t o' t% e s eci'ic e- a in a ti on

ues t ion . I' you %a8e an e-ce ll en t and 5ell in'ored essay t%a t ui te sily'ails to ans5er t%e uestion, you 5ill lose ar<s .

R'8'/'-+'* :   a<e r e' er en ce to t %e readi n g at e r ia l i n yo ur ans 5 er . Gou

% a8 e to d eo n s t r a t e <no 5l ed g e o' t% e co ur s e. ?raat i cal ly cor rec t bu t

unin' or at i8 e a ns 5e r s suc % a s Pye sP , Pno P, Pto so e e- te n tP , ar e ob8io usl y

in ad e u a t e . It is e s sen t ia l t% at yo u id en ti'y r el e8 an t r eadi ng a te r ia l and

use it aroria te ly , t%oug% e-ainers 5onP t e-ec t reci se age re'erences .

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>o not sa y PI t%in<P, Pit se e s to eP , Pit is 5ell <no5n t%a tP , Pso e

sociolog is t s F an t%roo log i st s bel ie8e t%a t P : be sec i'i c, and ention aut%ors

and ti tles o' boo<s or art ic les 5%ere8er you can.

T)':   a< e s u re yo u d o n ot ru n o ut o' ti e . C% ec< t% e ti e regu la rl y an d

 be brutal about a<i ng any ne cess ary adHus t e n t s . S ending anot%er

'i' teen inutes 5ri ting on soet%ing you <no5 5el l is not li<ely to add anyore ar<s , and ay ser iously a''ec t t%e ua li ty o' your 'inal ans5er. any

 o or o8 er all res ults and e8 en 'ails ar e du e to t% e 'inal ans5er be ing too brie ',

in n ot e 'or, or H us t n ot t% ere a t all. B leas e no te t% at eac% ues ti on % as t %e

sae aount o' ar<s (unless o t%er5ise indica ted by t%e lecturer ) . So don/t

s en d 1.* % ou rs o n ro du ci ng a brilliant ans 5er to u est io n 1 and t% en onl y

3 0 in ut e s on a s < et c% ans 5 er to u est io n 2.

C%-+& %8 E)-&)%-

P-+& ) &3 :   Arri8e in go od ti e. Gou ar e not e ri tt e d to e nt er t% e

e-ainat ion %all ore t%an t%i rty inu tes a 't e r t%e s ta r t o' t%e e-aination .

M&/)+& )%- C/:   +eebe r to t a<e your atr icu la t ion card , 5%ic% 5ill

 be c% ec<ed by an in8igilator.

Co le ti on o' t% e -a: At t% e end o' t% e e-ain a t io n reai n s ea t ed : an

in8igil at or 5ill coll ec t yo ur sc ri t . Gou a re n ot eri t ted to lea8 e t %e

e-ain a t io n du ri ng t% e 'in al t %ir ty i nu t e s o' i ts sc%ed ul ed d ura ti on . 9eui et 5% en yo u le a8 e= ot %e r st ud e nt s in t %e roo a y be sitti ng a lon ge r


Illness : I' you canno t a tt end t%e e-aination because o' illness you need to

con tact t%e onours Adini st ra tor . Gou us t al so reg is t e r your illness 8ia

ebsur' (see t%e Student Absence Bolicy at

%t t :<Fe diaFe diaU12D31 2Uen.d') I' you 'eel un5ell during

t %e e-ain a t io n , in'or t% e in8i gil at or and ied i at e l y a' te r5ard s s ee a

doctor 5%o can ro8ide a edical cer t i' icate .

S0'+) N''*

I' you %a8e a se ci al ne ed t%a t ne ed s to be ta<e n into accou nt by t%e

e-ain e r s , s uc% a s d ys le-i a , t% e Su bH ec t Area n eed s to b e in'ored 5 ell in

ad8 ance o' t % e e-a by t %e St ud en t >is ab ilit y Ser8i ce . Bleas e co ns ul t t% ei r

5 eb si t e i' yo u % a8 e a s eci al n eed t %a t 5ill a '' ec t t% e e-ain a t io n roces s:

%t t:<Fser8ices Fs tud en tdisa bi li tyF

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I' you enHoyed C%*%%23, C&/' - B')'8 , you ig%t 5ell be interested it/s sistercourse R)&, S%+)'&3 - C(-2', 5%ic% 5ill be on o''er in 2013@1#  . &%ese t5ocourses stand alone, and can be ta<en searately or in any order, but do %a8e cross cutting

t%ees and so are designed to colient eac% ot%er. 9elo5 is an e-cert 'ro t%eonours Courses on 7''er boo<let.

R)&, S%+)'&3 - C(-2'

C%/*' C%':  S7CI7 #002

N' %8 L'+&/'/: Nicole 9ourue

&otal Nuber o' Credits: 20

S(%/& D'*+/)0&)%- %8 C%/*': &%is course e-aines ant%roological studies o' religion, articularly t%ose 5%ic% 'ocus on ritual= t%e social 5orlds t%at are aintained andc%allenged t%roug% ritual= and %o5 religious belie's and rituals c%ange. &%e 'irst art o't%is course: &%eories o' +itual and +ituali$ation, 5ill e-aine soe o' t%e classict%eorists in t%is 'ield suc% as >ur<%ei, an ?enne, &urner, 9ell and u%rey, and6aidla5. In articular, 5e 5ill loo< at t%eories o' rites o' assage, ilgriage, sybolis,and rituali$ation. &%is 5ill ro8ide a bac<dro to t%e second art o' t%is course: +eligionand t%e Social orld. In t%is section, 5e 5ill loo< at %o5 researc%ers li<e >ur<%ei,ar-, &urner, ?luc<an and ?eert$ %a8e studied t%e relations%i bet5een religion, socialstructure, indi8iduals and o5er relations. e 5ill also consider t%e role t%at religion andritual can lay in t%e creation, aintenance and aniulation o' gender and et%nicidentities. &%e 'inal art o' t%is course: +eligion, Bo5er and C%ange, 5ill loo< at %o5

religions and indeed indi8idual/s religious belie's can c%ange eit%er as a resonse to, or inreaction against, 5ider social, olitical and econoic c%anges. In articular, 5e 5ille-aine studies o' syncretis, religious con8ersion and t%e eergence o' cults. Bleasenote t%at t%is course 5as designed as a coanion to Ant%roology o' +eligion:Cosology, Culture and 9elie'. 9ot% courses ay be ta<en searately, but anyone 5is%ingto %a8e a 5ider understanding o' t%e Ant%roology o' +eligion 5ould be ad8ised to ta<e bot%. Note: &%is 5ill count as an Ant%roology or a Sociology course.

R')/''-&* %8 E-&/3:  In order to ta<e t%is course you need to %a8e et t%ereuireents 'or entry into our onours Brograe. 9asically, t%is eans ac%ie8ing agrade o' >/ or better in Sociology and Ant%roology 1A and Sociology 19 and a C/ or

 better in Sociology and Ant%roology 2A and Sociology 29. Gou also %a8e to coly5it% t%e College o' Social Science regulations 'or rogression to onours.

C%/*' A)*: &%e general ais o' t%e course 'ollo5 'ro our subHect area/s ai o'de8eloing a sound <no5ledge and critical understanding o' t%e acadeic disciline o'Sociology andFor Ant%roology. In articular, t%is course ais to build on soe o' t%ecentral t%ees o' courses on 6e8els 1 and 2, in articular t%e use'ulness o' a<ing cross@

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cultural coarisons and t%e iortance o' understanding t%e ec%aniss o' socialc%ange, including globali$ation. &%us t%e rincial ais o' t%e course are to:

•  ro8ide you 5it% <no5ledge o' t%e rinciles and t%eory o' ant%roology,

 articularly 5it% regards to t%eories o' religion and ritual=

• gi8e you an oortunity to de8elo ractical s<ills in t%e gat%ering, analysis,

 resentation and discussion o' ant%roological data, articularly 5it% regardsto ritual and religion=

• allo5 you to de8elo t%e ability to aly your <no5ledge and ractical s<ills to

sol8ing ant%roologically based researc% robles=

• enable you to engage re'le-i8ely 5it% t%e articularities o' your o5n cultural

and social conte-ts, as 5ell as 5it% t%e cole-M Bossibilities Wneed to suggestdo t%is accurately is robleaticX in%erent in cross cultural coarison=

• to enable you to en%ance your trans'erable and inter@ersonal s<ills,

 articularly in counication, tie anageent, indi8idual and grouresearc% 5or<, critical araisal o' social issues, and t%e in'ored use o'in'oration tec%nology=

• to ro8ide you 5it% a 5ide range o' s<ills t%at 5ill eet t%e deands o' t%eodern labour ar<et.

I-&'-' L'/-)-2 O&+%'* %8 &()* C%/*'9y t%e end o' t%is course you 5ill be able to:

• deonstrate <no5ledge o' soe o' t%e 'undaental concets o' t%e

ant%roology o' religion, suc% as ritual, rituali$ation, rites o' assage, ilgriage, sybolis, syncretis, and con8ersion=

• recognise, assess and a<e use o' di''erent t%eoretical and et%odological

aroac%es in t%e ant%roology o' religion and be a5are o' lin<s to cognate bodies o' t%eory, suc% as sociology=

• deonstrate <no5ledge o' t%e 8alues, et%ics and traditions o' di''erent


• aly a critical areciation o' t%e 5ays in 5%ic% ant%roology can contribute

to an understanding o' broader issues in t%e study o' %uan nature, society andculture=

• deonstrate a5areness o' et%ical issues concerned 5it% t%e study o' social

5orlds and reresentations o' ot%ers=

• deonstrate a5areness o' t%e cole-ities in8ol8ed in social and %istorical

c%ange, and <no5ledge o' soe aradigs and odes (including indigenousones) 'or e-laining t%e=

recognise and analyse conte-ts in 5%ic% relations o' o5er, gender andet%nicity a''ect t%e 'ors ta<en by %uan counities=

• deonstrate t%e interconnections bet5een 8arious asects o' social and

cultural li'e, belie' systes, global 'orces, and indi8idual be%a8ior=

• 'orulate, in8estigate and discuss ant%roologically in'ored uestions=

• to t%in< indeendently, logically, analytically and critically about social and

cultural issues.

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S&)<' A**'**'-& M'&(%*: 7ne #000 5ord essay on a toic to be c%osen by t%estudent and aro8ed by t%e lecturer. &%is ay ta<e t%e 'or o' a 'ield5or< in8estigationand 5rite u.

F%/&)<' A**'**'-& M'&(%*: Students 5%o are doing an essay 5ill be reuired tosubit a 2 age essay roosal. Students 5%o c%oose to do a 'ield5or< roHect 5ill bereuired to subit a roosal in t%e 'or o' a coleted et%ics 'or, 5%ic% 5ill t%en besent o'' 'or et%ical aro8al.

T'+()-2 M'&(%*6ecture ours: 1or<s%o ours: #

L'/-)-2 M'&(%*:Contact ours: 20Bri8ate Study: 0ssay or<: 100

 T'&*Bals, >aniel 6. (1DD) S$$% T'$(ri$# (+ R$&i*i(%. 7-'ord: 7-'ord Eni8ersity (c%aters on >ur<%ei and ar-).6abec<, . (2002) A R$$r i% "'$ A%"'r()(&(*! (+ R$&i*i(%. 7-'ord:9lac<5ell (articularly c%ater on >ur<%ei)&urner, . (1D") T'$ F(r$#" (+ S!/b(&#. It%aca: Cornell Eni8ersity Bress.?luc<an, . (1D*) C0#"(/ % C(%+&i," i% A+ri,. 7-'ord: 9lac< ?enne, Arnold (1D0) T'$ Ri"$# (+ P##*$ (orig. renc% 1D0D).6ondon: +outledge.u%rey, C. and J. 6aidla5 (1DD#) T'$ Ar,'$"!)& A,"i(%# (+ Ri"0& . Cabridge:

Cabridge Eni8ersity Bress (c%ater 3).9ell, Cat%erine . (1DD2)  Ri"0& T'$(r!; Ri"0& Pr,"i,$. 7-'ord:7-'ord Eni8ersity Bress.?reen'ield, S. et al (2000) R$i%$%"i%* R$&i*i(%#: S!%,r$"i#/ % Tr%#+(r/"i(%. 

+o5an and 6ittle'ield (introduction).4ose, Ali (1DD) C(%$r#i(% "( I#&/: A S"0! (+ N"i$ Bri"i#' C(%$r"#. 6ondon:4egan Baul.9ourue, N. (1DD) P9eing 9ritis% and usli: >ual Identity Aongst Ne5 and GounguslisP in Alan Jones (ed) U%i$r#i"! L$,"0r$# i% I#&/i, S"0i$# (&0/$ 2. 6ondon:AltaHir orld o' Isla &rust, . [email protected], 6arry (1DD2)  I#&/i, D9' i% "'$ W$#": M0#&i/ Mi##i(%r! A,"ii"! % "'$ D!%/i,# (+ C(%$r#i(% "( I#&/. 7-'ord: 7-'ord Eni8ersity Bress.Baerregard, 4arsten (1DD#) Con8ersion, igration and Social Identity: &%e Sread o'Brotestantis in t%e Beru8ian Andes/  E"'%(# *D (3@#): [email protected], C. (1DD) +eligion and t%nicity in Jo%n utc%inson and Ant%ony >.Sit% (eds.)  E"'%i,i"!. 7-'ord: 7-'ord Eni8ersity Bress.9o5ie, . (2000) T'$ A%"'r()(&(*! (+ R$&i*i(%. 7-'ord: 9erg (c%ater 3:aintaining and &rans'oring 9oundaries: &%e Bolitics o' +eligious