cosmo-bio genesis

Cosmo-Bio Genesis A New End-Time Translation by author Frank Nic. Bazsika ©2009 Photo L. Sotka 2008© This is a fresh translation of the first three chapters of the Book of Genesis. This ‘work’ is to be used in providing a rebuttal tool to the anti-creationist theory of evolutionary proponents. For about the last 100 hundred years or so the main stream educationalist have tossed the creationist explanation out the window and have put forth their postulation as if it were fact. They claim that the Bible says the earth was made only six thousand years ago, and that geological studies prove that this cannot be true. But does the Bible actually state that the earth is only six thousand years old? The answer is no! A proper translation of verse two shows that after the creation of the earth something happened to cause it to become a waste land! It could have been in existence for millions of years before the history of man began to unfold. This was the pre-Adamic world of dinosaurs!

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A new End-Time translation of the first 3 chapters of Genesis providing fresh insight into "Where did we come from?". Creation or Accident?


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Cosmo-Bio Genesis

A New End-Time Translation by author Frank Nic. Bazsika ©2009

Photo L. Sotka 2008©

This is a fresh translation of the first three chapters of the Book of Genesis. This ‘work’ is to be used in providing a rebuttal tool to the anti-creationist theory of evolutionary proponents.

For about the last 100 hundred years or so the main stream educationalist have tossed the creationist explanation out the window and have put forth their postulation as if it were fact. They claim that the Bible says the earth was made only six thousand years ago, and that geological studies prove that this cannot be true. But does the Bible actually state that the earth is only six thousand years old? The answer is no!

A proper translation of verse two shows that after the creation of the earth something happened to cause it to become a waste land! It could have been in existence for millions of years before the history of man began to unfold. This was the pre-Adamic world of dinosaurs!

Extensive use of various lexicons and other translations were diligently employed and compared in this newer End-Time translation. See author’s notes at end for additional study aids.

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1. In the beginning Elohim (Mighty Ones) created the universe and the earth.

2. Then the earth became a desolation, - an indistinguishable ruin with darkness covering the countenance of the abyss.

3. Then the Spirit of Elohim moved across the countenance of the waters. And Elohim said, “Be illuminated”, and then there was illumination.

4. Elohim saw that the illumination was good. He then separated the illumination from the darkness.

5. Elohim named the illumination part Day and the darkness He named Night. And the dusk and the dawn were the first day.

6. Then Elohim said, “Let there be an expanse between the waters, to divide them”. And so Elohim made the expanse,- dividing the

7. waters beneath the expanse from the waters above the 8. expanse. Then Elohim named the expanse the Sky. And the dusk and

the dawn were the second day.9. Then Elohim said, “Let the waters beneath the sky collect in one

locality, - so as to allow dry land to appear”. And so it was. 10. Elohim named the dry land Earth and the collection of waters He

named Seas. Elohim beheld that it was beautiful! 11. Then Elohim said, “Let the earth sprout verdure, plants that bear seed

and trees yielding fruit to species, - fruit of the earth containing seed”. And it was so. The earth brought forth verdure,

12. plants bearing seed to species and trees yielding fruit to species, - fruit containing seed. Elohim beheld that it was all

13. beautiful! And the dusk and the dawn were the third day. 14. Then Elohim said, “Let the luminaries in the expanse of the heavens

appear,- to separate day from night, to mark out the 15. appointed Festivals, the days and the years. Let the luminaries in the

expanse of the heavens illuminate the earth”. And it was 16. so. For Elohim made the two great luminous bodies,- the greater

luminary to rule the day, the lesser luminary together with the17. stars to rule the night. Elohim set them in the expanse of the18. heavens to shed illumination upon earth,- to rule the day and 19. the night, separating the illumination from the darkness. Elohim

beheld that it was beautiful! And the dusk and the dawn were the fourth day.

20. Then Elohim said, “Let the waters teem with a living active mass, - and let birds fly over the earth in the face of the expanse of the sky”.

21. So Elohim created the great sea-monsters and every living creature that moves, according to species, with which the waters teem. And also every winged bird to species. Elohim beheld that it was beautiful!

22. Elohim blessed them, “Be fruitful”, He said, “Multiply and fill the waters of the sea. Let the birds of the earth proliferate”. And the

23. dawn and the dusk were the fifth day. 24. Then Elohim said, “Let the earth bring forth living creatures according

to species, - animals, creeping things, and wild beast of the earth to species”. And it was so. Elohim made all the wild


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25. beasts of the earth to species, and animals to species, and every creeping thing of the soil to species. Elohim beheld that it

26. was beautiful! Then Elohim (El-o-heem) said, “Let Us make man in Our own likeness, - to Our similitude, to subjugate (govern) the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, all the animals of the earth, and all the creeping things that crawl the earth”.

27. So Elohim created man in His own likeness, in the likeness of Elohim He formed him, both male and female, He created both.

28. And Elohim blessed them, - Elohim told them, “Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and subjugate (govern) it, be masters to the fish in the sea, the birds of the sky, and all life that moves upon the earth”. Elohim also said, “See, I give you all the plants

29. that bear seed that are on the countenance of the earth and every tree that has fruit which disseminates seed,- that will be

30. your food. To every wild beast on earth, to every bird of the sky, and to every living creature that crawls upon the earth, - I give all the green growth for food”. And it was so. Elohim beheld all

31. that He had made, and lo! - it was all very beautiful! And the dusk and the dawn were the sixth day.


1. Thus was the universe with its array and the earth all 2. completed. By the Seventh Day Elohim completed His labor of what

He had made. Then on the Seventh Day He reposed from3. all the labor of what He had made. So Elohim blessed and sanctified

(set apart for special Holy purposes) the Seventh Day, - because during it Elohim reposed from all His labor of what He had made and created.

4. This is the history of the creation of the sky and the earth at the time when Elohim, - The Eternal (Self-Existent One), made the earth and the sky. There was as yet no shrubbery of the field

5. in the earth, - and no plant of the field had yet sprouted. This was because Elohim The Eternal had not sent rain upon earth

6. and there was no man to till the soil, - although a vapor used to rise from the earth and water all the surface of the soil. So it

7. was that Elohim The Eternal molded man from the dust of the soil, - and then by blowing into his nostrils the breath of life, man came to exist as a living being.

8. To the east, in Eden, Elohim The Eternal planted a Park. There 9. He appointed the man whom He fashioned. And from the soil Elohim

The Eternal made all trees to spring up that are delightful in appearance and edible good, - along with the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge (discernment) of good (joy) and evil (wretchedness) in the center of the Park.

10. From Eden a river flowed to irrigate the Park and leaving there it branched to form four heads. The name of the first one is

11. Pishown (pee-shone; dispersive),- the one that circumferences12. all the land of Chavilah (khav-ee-law; circular) where there is


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13. gold, - fine gold in that land, - and bdellium and beryl. The name of the second river is Gichown (ghee-khone; stream),- the one

14. that circumferences all the land of Kuwsh. The name of the third river is Chiddeqel (khid-deh-kel, or Tigris), - the one which flows east of Ashshuwr (ash-shoor-; successful). And the fourth river is Perath (per-awth; rushing, or Euphrates).

15. Elohim The Eternal took the man and placed him in the Park of Eden to cultivate it and to attend to it. And Elohim The Eternal

16. laid a command upon the man,- “You are free to eat from any tree in the Park”, He said, “But you must not eat from the Tree of

17. Knowledge of good and evil, - for on the day you eat from it you will surely die”.

18. Then Elohim The Eternal said, “For the man to be alone is not good,- I will make a helpmate (to be an aid, appropriate) for

19. him”. So from the soil Elohim The Eternal molded all the wild beasts of the field and all the birds of the sky. Then He brought them to the man to see what he would call them, - and whatever the man called all the living creatures, that was to be its name.

20. So the man pronounced names for all the animals, the birds of the sky, and all the wild life of the field, - but no helpmate appeared for the man.

21. Then Elohim The Eternal caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam. While he slept, He removed one of his ribs and closed up the

22. flesh in its place. The rib that Elohim The Eternal had removed from the man He built up into a woman and then brought her to

23. the man. The man declared, “At last! This is bone of my bones 24. and flesh of my flesh, - she will be called woman because from man

she was taken”. As a result, a man will leave his father and mother and adhere to his wife, - they will become one entity.

25. Both of them, the man and his wife, were nude, - but they felt no shame.


1. Of all the creatures of the field that Elohim The Eternal made, - the serpent was most devious. He said to the woman, “Really

2. now, - did Elohim say that you cannot eat from all the trees of the Park”? The woman replied to the serpent, “We are allowed to

3. eat fruit from the trees of the Park, but concerning the fruit of the tree that is in the center of the Park,- Elohim said, ‘You must

4. not eat from it or touch it, lest you die’”. The serpent said to the 5. woman, “You will not die! Elohim knows that on the day you eat from

it your eyes will be opened, - and you will be just like Elohim knowing good and evil”.

6. So the woman discerned that the tree was edible good and captivating to one’s eyes, - a delightful tree of intelligence. She then seized some of the fruit and ate it. She gathered and offered to her husband and he also ate. Then the eyes of both

7. were opened and they realized that they were nude, - so they stitched some fig leaves and made waist clothes for themselves.


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8. In the cool of the day, they heard the sound of Elohim The Eternal walking in the Park,- so the man and his wife hid among

9. the trees of the Park from the presence of Elohim The Eternal. 10. But Elohim The Eternal called to the man, “Where are you”? “I heard

the sound of You in the Park”, he answered, “And I was frightened because I was nude, - so I hid”. He said, “Whoever

11. informed you that you were nude? Did you eat from the tree, the12. one I commanded you not to eat from”? The man replied, “The

woman that You gave me to be a partner, - she gave me some fruit from the tree and I ate it”. Then Elohim The Eternal said to

13. woman, “What is this that you have done”? The woman replied, “The serpent deceived me and so I ate”. Then to the serpent

14. Elohim The Eternal said, “As a consequence for your perpetrating this, - a curse on you of all animals and of all the wild life of the field! On your abdomen you will travel and you will eat dust all the days of your life! And I do place enmity

15. between you and the woman,- between your posterity and her posterity; they will crush your head and you will strike at their

16. heel”. To the woman He said, “I will increase your pain in your pregnancy, - you will have pangs in bearing children; yet you will desire your husband and he will govern you”.

17. To Adam (aw-dawm; ruddy) He said, “Since you listened to the talk of your wife and ate from the tree of which I commanded you and told you not to eat from,- cursed is the soil on your

18. account. By toil you will gain food from it all the days of your life. Thorns and thistles it will bear for you and you will eat

19. plants of the field. In the sweat of your brow you will earn your food to eat until you return to ground from which you were taken; for you are dirt and going to return to dirt”.

20. The man called the name of his wife Eve (Chavvah, khaw-vah; life giver), because she was the mother of all human life.

21. And Elohim The Eternal made tunics from skins for the man and his wife clothing them.

22. Then Elohim The Eternal said, “Look! - the man has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil. Now he might reach out to take and eat from the Tree of Life as well and live for eternity”.

23. So Elohim The Eternal expelled him from the Park of Eden, to till the soil from where he had been taken. He drove the man out,

24. and set at the east of the Park of Eden Keruwbim, with a blazing sword revolving in all directions, to guard the path to the Tree of Life.


Just Who was the Divine Being doing this creating? Elohim is the Name of the Divine Family, - it is a family name which is plural. Its meaning from the Hebrew would signify ‘Mighty Ones’. So any Being in this Divine Family would be called Elohim. But after several verses the account of the creation becomes a little more specific and gives the personal Name of the Creator and that Name from the Hebrew may be translated as ‘The


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Eternal’,- ‘the Self Existent One’, ‘the Everlasting’,- the ‘I AM’ as reveled to Moses. I choose to employ the Name ‘The Eternal’ in this translation. James Moffatt a noted translator of the previous century also employed this translation for the Name. I feel that this translation of the Name best signifies the attributes of the Creator’s Personal Name in the English language.

The first chapter of the book of John also recounts the creation account in Genesis and adds descriptive explanation of just Who was this Elohim The Eternal doing the work of creation? I have translated the first five verses (from the Greek) of that book to shed light upon the account in Genesis. It is as follows;-

“In the beginning existed The Spokesman. The Spokesman was with Elohim, and The Spokesman was Elohim. He was with Elohim in the very beginning. All existence came into being through Him,- apart from Him no existence came into being. In Him lay life-source and this Life was the Light for men. Amid the darkness the Light shined and the darkness did not master it”.


Verse numeration may be slightly off as I did not want to break the flow of the writing but you may use it to do a side by side comparison with other translations.

The Bible nowhere states that the earth, the universe and all life was created in six days. In chapter one, verse one it says that Elohim created the universe and the earth. But in verse two it states that something happened to the earth, to cause it to become a state of desolation. So we see that verse two second part begins a reformation creation account, to make the earth habitable for mankind. Millions of years could have occurred from the time of verse one and verse two summations leading to verse three.

This time gap of history prior to mankind’s existence was when the dinosaurs roamed the earth! The vegetation and life forms as well as the environment were different than the later period when the earth was made suitable for man.

Isaiah chapter 14, verses 12 through 21, explains that originally the earth was inhabited by angelic beings. The chief angel was Lucifer. He rebelled against Elohim with one third of the angelic host. He wanted to knock Elohim off of His throne! This was space warfare that caused destruction to the earth and throughout the universe! Look at the planets,-they are suitable for nothing in their present state but are waste. Only the earth was reformed becoming habitable for mankind.

Lucifer failed in his attempt. He and all his angelic army of rebels were cast back down to the earth. They became demons and are confined to the earth until The Eternal deals with them finally. As a result of this gigantic battle the earth became a wasteland and all life was destroyed.

Lucifer’s name was changed to Satan, or Adversary. His original name meant ‘light bringer’. His forte was being able to make music. Now that he is corrupt, he influences man to make corrupt perverted ‘music’. The Bible


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calls him the ‘prince of the power of the air’. Yes, he controls the air ways,-television, radio, internet and he instills thoughts into man’s mind to influence him to do wrong.

He is the inventor of evolution to cause man to study a creation without a Creator. He is jealous of man because the plan of God,- Elohim’ long range goal for man,- is that man become sons of Elohim. He hates that! He will cause ‘educators’ to become vain in their thinking and throw out of our educational system any mention of God or the Bible.

Psalm 104 verse 30 also sheds light on the reformation creative account of Genesis; “When You send forth Your Spirit, they are created; and You renew the face of the earth”.

The Bible does not claim to be the source and sum of all knowledge. It is a book of Truth to lay the groundwork for attaining true knowledge. Genesis provides the basic account of creation to provide the starting point for man’s questions about where he came from and why he exists.

Look around you. Study the birds and animals. Look at a small infant child. Study how all life forms are dependant upon one another for their very existence! And all these life forms and vegetation with climate had to come into existence in close proximity of time,- otherwise they wouldn’t exist at all!

If you can look around you and say that all this is a result of a big bang in space and after billions of years passing some microbes crawled out of a primordial swamp of gases and dead cells started living and life gradually became different species;- I would have to call you a fool !

Life teaches us that life can only come from life. And that Life Source is identified as the Creator,-Elohim The Eternal! And lo!-It is all very beautiful!

Frank Nic. Bazsika 2009 ©


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