cosmic collisions or how most of the structure forms in the universe

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Cosmic collisions or how most of the structure forms in the Universe. Galaxy NCG 1365 Credit: AAO. Pleiades open cluster of stars Credit: Nasa. Hercules Cluster Credit: V. Andersen (U. of Alabama, KPNO). Gravity, the main force in the Universe. It is all a matter of attraction: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


  • Cosmic collisions


    how most of the structure forms in the Universe

  • Pleiades open cluster of starsCredit: Nasa Galaxy NCG 1365 Credit: AAOHercules ClusterCredit: V. Andersen (U. of Alabama, KPNO)

  • Gravity, the main force in the UniverseIt is all a matter of attraction: every object in the Universe attracts every object in the Universe

  • Simulation of galaxy collisionCredit:

  • The MiceCredit: HST, NASAObservations of galaxy collisions

  • Antennae GalaxyCredits: HST, Nasa

    Come to the Public Talk of 24th of March for more peculiar galaxies Seyfert SextetCredits: Nasa, HST100,000 light yearsless than the Milky Way !

  • Hercules ClusterCredit: V. Andersen (U. of Alabama, KPNO)Pleiades open cluster of starsCredit: Nasa

  • Clusters of Galaxies, what do we observe ?3% of mass 17% of mass80% of mass

  • Potential wells of Dark Matter are filled with hot gas

  • OverviewWhat is the composition of the Universe?4.5% Baryons: the matter we know22.4% Dark Matter: governs gravity73% Dark Energy
  • How do galaxy clusters form?(or how do we believe they do!)

  • Galaxy clustersDark MatterHot Baryons form at the 3D intersections of the Cosmic Web filamentsTheory !!!

  • What about reality?

  • Multiple galaxy cluster observed in visible lightCredits: NASA, HST

  • Galaxy cluster collisions

  • What are the main differences between an experiment in a Lab on Earth and an experiment (observation) in space?

  • What are the main differences between an experiment in a Lab on Earth and an experiment (observation) in space?2)TIME: in the Universe everything happens very slowly!The blob is going to merge in billions of years!

  • Galaxy Clusters observed in X-rays

  • The evolution of a .. person

  • happens to clusters when they form?Theory !!!

  • What happens to clusters when they form?Reality !!!

  • Bullet Cluster

  • Bullet from a revolverBullet clusterF/A-18 Hornet

  • (Credit: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss) Animation of cluster collision

  • Hot gas between the galaxies, X-ray observationShocks are hot! The Bullet cluster Shocked gas, HOTTERWhat remains of the small cluster (the bullet) COOLERCredits: Andersson, Peterson & Madejski

  • Abell 3921 cluster observed in visible light (near infrared)Credits: Ferrari et al.

  • Abell 3921 cluster observed in visible light (near infrared)Credits: Ferrari et al.

  • Abell 3921 cluster observed in X-ray: hot gasCredits: Belsole et al.

  • Abell 3921 cluster: X-ray + visible Credits: Belsole et al., Ferrari et al.

  • Abell 3921 cluster: X-ray temperature mapHot shocked gas100 million degreesUndisturbed gas 40 million degreeFrom the temperature difference and the shape and distribution of galaxies and gas we can draw conclusions on the possible scenario that formed this cluster

  • Temperature of the gasDensity of the gas

  • Solving the TIME PROBLEM with observationsEvolution of gas density structurePre-mergerCompact merger, close to core passagePost-merger

  • Gas Temperature evolution

  • ConclusionsThe Universe is pretty violent place, shocks and collisions happen at all scales but be ware! Everything happens sooooo slowly

    There is a natural hierarchy in the Universe and collisions appear to be the way the initially small structures become big, out to the largest structures in the Universe theory and observations mostly agree on that!

    Observations in the visible, X-ray + other frequencies and also simulations are necessary to understand how structure forms in the Universeone of these methods alone is not enough

  • ConclusionsThere are plenty of open questions: What happens to the galaxies in the cluster? Do collisions generate more stars? Where there more collisions in the past?How much of each cluster survive the collision and how can we measure this efficiently?

  • The End

  •"We find them smaller and fainter, in constantly increasing numbers, and we know that we are reaching into space, farther and farther, until, with the faintest nebulae that can be detected with the greatest telescopes, we arrive at the frontier of the known universe." -Edwin Hubble, Realm of the Nebulae 1936 2. Galactic Encounters (3:11) The dark matter provides the framework for the universe but what we see are the galaxies - vast islands of stars and gas that form at the centre of the dark halos. The galaxies themselves can gather into enormous clusters with hundreds and even thousands of members. There is little breathing room for a galaxy in a cluster and soon strong interactions and collisions ensue as the galaxies fall together. Galaxies are diaphanous objects - puffs of smoke easily torn apart by the forces of gravity and many merge together into an amorphous central blob of stars while others are left severely damaged. Here we watch a hundred galaxies fall together into a forming cluster. Our perspective is from a starship flying into the cluster starting several million light years away and cruising to within a hundred thousand light years of the giant elliptical galaxy forming at the cluster centre. As we fly through, we observe the merging and tidal disruption of many spiral galaxies as they orbit within the cluster. Ten billion years elapses within about 3 minutes so time passes at a rate of 50 million years per second!

  • Cosmological Structure Formation: All of the structure in the universe originates in the gravitational collapse of tiny density perturbations that are imprinted on the universe early in its history. As the universe expands, these perturbations grow denser and collapse upon themselves to form galaxies and clusters of galaxies. Cosmologists use N-body simulations to study this process. Particles represent the dark matter distribution and fall into clumps that are commonly known as dark halos. We can't observe these halos directly but we know of their presence through their gravitational influence on galaxies' rotational motions. Click on this image to fly through the dark matter universe and watch the evolution of structure from the Big Bang to the present . The small clumps are galaxy sized dark halos while the larger ones are clusters of galaxies. Look closely and you can see small halos orbiting within the larger ones. Time in years before the present ticks up on the left while the cosmological redshift ticks down on the right. (You may need DVD drivers to see this movie on a Windows/Apple machine - use xine or mplayer with Linux).

  • Animation of Cluster Collision This animation shows an artist's representation of the huge collision in the bullet cluster. Hot gas, containing most of the normal matter in the cluster, is shown in red and dark matter is in blue. During the collision the hot gas in each cluster is slowed and distorted by a drag force, similar to air resistance. A bullet-shaped cloud of gas forms in one of the clusters. In contrast, the dark matter is not slowed by the impact, because it does not interact directly with itself or the gas except through gravity, and separates from the normal matter. The animation ends by dissolving into an image showing the hot gas seen with Chandra (pink) and the cluster mass as inferred by gravitational lensing (blue), which is mostly dark matter. View Stills [Runtime: 0:15] (Credit: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss)

  • This composite image shows the galaxy cluster 1E 0657-56, also known as the "bullet cluster." This cluster was formed after the collision of two large clusters of galaxies, the most energetic event known in the universe since the Big Bang. Hot gas detected by Chandra in X-rays is seen as two pink clumps in the image and contains most of the "normal," or baryonic, matter in the two clusters. The bullet-shaped clump on the right is the hot gas from one cluster, which passed through the hot gas from the other larger cluster during the collision. An optical image from Magellan and the Hubble Space Telescope shows the galaxies in orange and white. The blue areas in this image show where astronomers find most of the mass in the clusters. The concentration of mass is determined using the effect of so-called gravitational lensing, where light from the distant objects is distorted by intervening matter. Most of the matter in the clusters (blue) is clearly separate from the normal matter (pink), giving direct evidence that nearly all of the matter in the clusters is dark.


  • The Sight of SoundNavy Lt. Ron Candiloro's F/A-18 Hornet creates a shock wave as he breaks the sound barrier July 7. The shock wave is visible as a large cloud of condensation formed by the cooling of the air. A smaller shock wave can be seen forming on top of the canopy. It is possible for a skilled pilot to work the plane's throttle to move the shock wave forward or aft. Candiloro is assigned to Fighter Squadron 151, currently deployed with the USS Constellation battle group. (U.S. Navy photo by Ensign John Gay)