corpus christi university ·...

2955 DORR STREET TOLEDO, OH 43607 Corpus Christi University Parish Rev. Msgr. Michael R. Billian, VF, Pastor – [email protected] Deacon Robert Fedynich, Bookkeeper – [email protected] Kristy Kagy, CSA President - [email protected] Susette Malak-McNutt, Secretary – [email protected] Pam Meseroll, Pastoral Administrator – [email protected] Luke D. Rosen, Director of Music Ministry – [email protected] Deacon Tom Sheehan – [email protected] Rev. Philip A. Smith, Associate Pastor – [email protected] Patricia Windham, HSC Coordinator – [email protected] P: 419.531.4992 F: 419.531.1775 VISIT US AT: PARISH OFFICE HOURS: 9am - 5pm (Monday through Friday) JULY 19, 2015 - SIXTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME - A MEMBER OF THE SAINT AGNES DEANERY

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Page 1: Corpus Christi University · 2015-07-17 · 2955 DORR STREET TOLEDO, OH 43607 Corpus Christi University Parish Rev


Corpus Christi University ParishRev. Msgr. Michael R. Billian, VF, Pastor – [email protected] Robert Fedynich, Bookkeeper – [email protected] Kagy, CSA President - [email protected] Malak-McNutt, Secretary – [email protected] Meseroll, Pastoral Administrator – [email protected] D. Rosen, Director of Music Ministry – [email protected] Tom Sheehan – [email protected]. Philip A. Smith, Associate Pastor – [email protected] Windham, HSC Coordinator – [email protected]

P: 419.531.4992F: 419.531.1775


PARISH OFFICE HOURS: 9am - 5pm (Monday through Friday)


Page 2: Corpus Christi University · 2015-07-17 · 2955 DORR STREET TOLEDO, OH 43607 Corpus Christi University Parish Rev


NEEDED!The start of the school year will be here before we know it! If you and your crew are interested in doing dishes for the students next semester, there are sign-up sheets on the table in the Gathering Space. The Sundays that are available are: 8/30, 9/6 (smaller group), 9/13, 9/20, 10/11, 10/18, 10/25, 11/1, 11/8, 11/15, 11/22, 11/29 (smaller group) & 12/6.

FALL HOSPITALITY DATESCCUP parishioners host hospi-tality following the 11 a.m. Sun-day Masses. It is a chance for our parish family to gather for social time. I am beginning to schedule Hospitality Hosts for the academic year beginning the first Sunday in September. If you are able to help with this social program, please sign up using the forms on the table in the Gathering Space - Susette


The start of the school year will be here before we know it, so it’s time to sign up for Sunday Night Dinners! If you and your crew are interested in cooking a dinner for the students next semester, there are sign-up sheets on the table in the Gath-ering Space. The Sundays that are available are: 09/13, 10/11, 11/22 and 12/06. Sign-up early to get your pick.

WEEKLY LITURGICAL CALENDARSunday, July 19 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Jer 23:1-6; Eph 2:13-18; Mk 6:30-34 Mass (John Croci)............................ ................................... 11 a.m. .............................................................................ChurchMonday, July 20 Ex 14:5-18; Mt 12:38-42 Mass ..................................................................................... 12 noon...............................................................................ChapelTuesday, July 21 Ex 14:21-15:1; Mt 12:46-50 Mass ..................................................................................... 12 noon...............................................................................ChapelWednesday, July 22 Ex 16:1-5, 9-15; Jn 20:1-2, 11-18 Mass ...................................................................................... 12 noon..............................................................................ChapelThursday, July 23 Ex 19:1-2, 9-11, 19-20b'; Mt13:10-17 Communion Service ............................................................ 12 noon...............................................................................ChapelFriday, July 24 Ex 20:1-17;; Mt 13:18-23 Mass ...................................................................................... 12 noon..............................................................................ChapelSunday, July 26 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2 Kgs 4:42-44; Eph 4:1-6; Jn 1-15 Mass ............................ ......................................................... 11 a.m. .............................................................................Church

CCUP WEEKLY ACTIVITY CALENDAR SUMMER SCHEDULETuesday, July 21 Music Practice .............................................. 7:30 p.m. ............................................................ ChurchWednesday, July 22 Summer Bible Study....................................... 7 p.m. .................................................... Newman Rooms

THE MONTHLY PAX CHRISTI MEETING: Usually meets the 1st Sunday of the month in the DeBenedetti Room at 12:15 p.m. For further information: contact [email protected] or 567-201-8616, or view the CCUP website under PROGRAMS FOR EVERYONE.

STREET OUTREACH: Special bins for your donation are available in the DeBenedetti Room. Thank you for your generosity !

FOOD FOR OTHERS:Today, July 19th, we will be donating to Assumption Outreach. Special needs: tuna, peanut butter, spaghetti & sauce, and canned vegetables. Any non-perishable items, unopened cat & dog food, paper & plastic grocery bags are always welcome. Thank you for your generosity!

PAX CHRISTI BOOK STUDY: All are welcome. For information contact Kathy Savord 419-367-8359/[email protected].

TITHE: Helping Hands of Saint Louis Kitchen. TITHE NEXT WEEK: Catholic Home Mission Appeal. TITHE THANK YOU: Many thanks to CCUP for your tithe gift of $250.76, also for participating in our Baby Bottle Drive. To date, CCUP has raised $686.70 through this campaign. Patricia Todak, Executive Director. THANK YOU for the gift of $304.93 in upport of CCMT schools: Rosary Cathedral & Quuen of Apostles. Dr. Gregory A. Guzman, Director.

FOR INFORMATION ON ANY OF THESE MINISTRIES please contact Susette in the parish office at 419-531-4992 or [email protected]. Please return your completed forms to Sustte's office. Thank you for your assistance.

Page 3: Corpus Christi University · 2015-07-17 · 2955 DORR STREET TOLEDO, OH 43607 Corpus Christi University Parish Rev

MUSIC MINISTRYAnyone who sings or plays an instrument is invited to join in our Sunday celebration of the Eucharist. Summer music practice is held on Tuesdays at 7:30 p.m. Please contact Luke Rosen for more information. SUMMER CATHOLIC BIBLE STUDY: We will be meeting

once a month over the summer for Bible Study. We will meet on Wed., July 22nd @ 7:p.m. in the Newman Rooms. All are welcome. Please contact Sister Joy Barker at [email protected] if you have any questions. Hope to see you there!

PRAYER NETWORKTo add a request to the Corpus Christi Prayer Network or to join the listing, please e-mail [email protected] or call Lucy Abu-Absi at 419-491-8383.

JULY 12Attendance

Sun. 11 a.m. ...............................................................401Contributions

Checks ................. .......................................... $2,595.00Electronic ................................................................$n/aLoose Collection ................ ............................. .$625.06Total .................................. ............................ .$3,220.06

Weekly average amount needed to meet 2015-16 budget..... ....................................................... $6,215.68Required Sunday collection needed for the year .................................................................... $317,000.00Amount contributed year to date ... ............... $9,212.42

Thank you for your gifts. We welcome all gifts of time, talent and treasure.

11 A.M. SUNDAY MASS COORDINATORSWe are in need of volunteers to help setup and coordinate the 11 a.m. Sunday Mass. If you are willing to help please contact Pam Meseroll in the parish office. There will be a brief training session.

R.C.I.A.- Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: If you or someone you know is thinking about becoming Catholic, RCIA is a process to help you discern by learning about the Catholic faith. Classes begin Wednesday, September 16th (7:30pm-9pm). For more information, please contact Pam Meseroll ([email protected]) before Sept. 16th.

The pilgrimage is open to current Uni-versity of Toledo students or recent graduates. The pilgrimage will be lim-ited to 10 persons only. Participants will be chosen based on a written essay sub-mitted with a paid deposit. Approximate cost of the trip is $3,000 (airfare, hotel, entrance fees). An informational meet-ing will be held on September 8, 2015 at 8 p.m. in the Meeting Room at Cor-pus Christi. If anyone is interested in or willing to help sponsor a student, please contact Father Phil. For more informa-tion: [email protected] or consult the fly-ers in the Gathering Space.



ITALYMAY 9-18, 2016

Page 4: Corpus Christi University · 2015-07-17 · 2955 DORR STREET TOLEDO, OH 43607 Corpus Christi University Parish Rev

From Monsignor’s Desk Dear Friends, I want to take a few moments to communicate some staff reorganization for this 2015 – 2016 year. With the departure of our Campus Ministry Associate it became necessary to distribute the duties of this office to others. So here is the redistribution: I will become the co-advisor to the Catholic Student Association; Father Phil Smith will take on the responsibility for ministry on the Health Science Campus; Pam Meseroll will coordinate the campus outreach projects and produce the student and permanent community annual brochures; Luke Rosen will coordinate the student retreats with Father Phil and also be the staff contact for publicity work; Susette Malak-McNutt will coordinate the advertising, sign-up, e-mail reminders for Sunday Night Dinners, Sunday Morning Hospitality and potentially Sunday Morning Student Breakfasts; Bryce Roberts will become the Director for the Christian Service Program and our liaison to the Center for Religious Understanding; James Molnar will be responsible for web site development, social media coordination and other publicity work as needed; Kyle Gase, a seminarian intern will lead the Thursday Communion Services and coordinate Sunday Nights. My hope is that this redistribution of duties will not be permanent but be in place for this year. At an appropriate time I will evaluate the situation and begin a search for a Campus Ministry Associate. Please keep the ministry of our parish in your prayers. Your brother in Corpus Christi,

Msgr. Michael Monsignor Michael Billian

INCOMING FRESHMAN LETTERS FROM CCUP PARISHIONERS: With the academic year quick-ly approaching, it is time to welcome all of the incoming Catholic freshman to Corpus Christi University Parish and the Catholic Student Association! We will be sending nearly 1,800 personal letters to all incoming students over the next two weeks. If you are interested in helping with this Outreach opportunity, please pick up a letter writing packet after Mass on Sunday July 19th. These letters can be handwritten or typed and must be mailed to students by August 2nd. For any ques-tions regarding the letters or receiving a writing packet, please contact Emily Held at [email protected] or 419-376-4990. Thank you for all your help and participation!

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AT CORPUS CHRISTI UNIVERSITY PARISH we want our students to “feel at home.” We want to not only be a resource for spiritual growth, worship and reflection, but also a place where you’ll meet great friends, have great times and gather great memories that will last a lifetime. Our community is welcoming and supportive. Our two student organizations— CSA (on Main Campus) and Newman Club (at the Health Science Campus) have many resources to support student life at the University of Toledo.

Holy Orders: When a gentleman feels the call to follow the Lord as a Priest in the Catholic Church, he should call Monsignor Charles Singler, our Diocesan Vocation Director, as 419-244-6711 or speak to one of the Parish Priests. If the Permanent Diaconate is of interest to a gentleman he should call Deacon James Caruso, our Vicar for Deacons at 419-244-6711 or speak to one of the Deacons of the Parish.

Vocations Prayer: Gracious God, make me an instrument to encourage others to give of themselves and challenge me to do the same. Inspire men and women to respond generously to your call to service and leadership in your Church as priests, consecrated religious and deacons. Amen.

Religious Life: Consecrated women religious by their lives witness the joy of eternal union with God. Freed from earthly cares, they more fully manifest the Kingdom of God to all Christians. The structure of the vowed life frees consecrated women religious to live entirely for God and others. If you are interested in this vocation, please visit or you can contact one of the Religious Sisters in our parish.

THE MISSION OF CORPUS CHRISTI UNIVERSITY PARISH is to be a sign and instrument of the presence of Christ at the University of Toledo. With reliance on God and guidance from the Catholic tradition, we strive to form a community of faith which promotes the spiritual, intellectual and moral development of all its members, so together we can work for justice and peace and offer effective leadership in church and society.

Infant Baptism: The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated after the 11 a.m. Mass on the fourth Sunday of the month. Registered parishioners are asked to make arrangements for the Baptismal Preparation Class and the Liturgical Celebration by calling the Parish Office.

Pastoral Care of the Sick: When a parishioner is confined to home because of age or infirmity, or in a hospital or nursing home, please call the parish office to arrange for Holy Communion to be brought to them. When one is seriously ill, the healing Presence of the Lord should be requested in the Sacrament of the Sick by calling the Parish office.

Matrimony: Anyone planning to be married must contact the Parish at least six months in advance. The exact date and time of your wedding should not be determined until after consultation with a priest or deacon. If either party has previously been civilly or religiously married, the Presider is not permitted to set a date for the wedding without resolving the previous marriage.


ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER: Are you interested in having your offertory donation to Corpus Christi Parish deducted from either your checking or savings account? This deduction would be on a regular basis, once a month, to take the place of your weekly donation at Mass. If you are interested, please contact the parish office at 419-531-4992 and we will send you the forms and answer any questions.

CCUP PAYPAL ACCOUNT: If you would like to make a payment or contribution simply go on line to our web page and click on “Electronic Payments”. Scroll down to the item that pertains to your payment and fill in the amount you wish to pay. Then proceed as instructed. The categories are Donations, Lectures, Retreats, and Habitat for Humanity Spring Break Trip, Event tickets. This process is secured by Paypal. We ask that you go through our web page to access your account & that you not go on line directly to Paypal.

MASS INTENTIONSWhile the celebration of the Eucharist is celebrated for all of God’s People, living and deceased, it has long been the practice of the Church to accept particular intentions for each Mass. These intentions are published in the bulletin which provides a means of recalling the memory of a deceased member or another particular intention. It is the custom of the Diocese of Toledo that the traditional offering for a Mass intention is $10 per Mass. The Faithful who make such an offering so that Mass can be celebrated for their intention, con-tribute to the good of the Church and by that offering they share in the Church’s concern for the support if its activities. Mass offerings are intended as free-will gifts. No one is to be denied these services because of an inability to make such an offering. Our parish has very few Mass intentions at the present time, so, if you are interested in arranging for a particular intention for a Mass please contact the parish office.


Page 6: Corpus Christi University · 2015-07-17 · 2955 DORR STREET TOLEDO, OH 43607 Corpus Christi University Parish Rev

Rome:•9 Nights in the Borgo neighborhood of Old Rome, just steps from St. Peter’s

•Celebrate Mass in the Major Basilicas •See the Sistine Chapel, Vatican Museum, Trevi Fountain, Piazza Navona, Pantheon, Coliseum, San Luigi dei Francesi,Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi, Passion Bridge, Catacombs and so much more...

•Attend an Audience and receive a Blessing from the Holy Father•Walk among the many Fountains and 2,800 year Old Ruins that have

made Rome famous •Visit Countless Churches with their Art and Treasures •Spend Evenings Strolling the Eternal City, Rome

•Art, History, Religion, Leisurely Dinners and Shopping!!!

Assisi:•Day-trip to explore the Medieval Mountain Town of St. Francis and St. Clare

•Visit the 13th Century Basilica di San Francesco • Mass Celebration with Monsignor Billian at the Basilica di Santa Chiara (St. Clare)

•Basilica of Santa Maria delgi Angeli and The Porziuncola•See the Sacred Relics of St. Francis and Beautiful Frescoes of His Life

•Visit to his boyhood home •Experience the peace and tranquility of Assisi

Monte Cassino:•Day-trip to explore the Historic Hilltop Abbey, built upon the former Temple of Appolo •Founded in 529 AD by St. Benedict of Nursia (480-543 AD), Patron Saint of Europe

and founder of Western Monasticism •Home of the Tomb and sacred relics of St. Benedict and St. Scolastica •The Abbey has suffered from repeated

attacks, pillaging and natural disasters •Site of a five month siege by Allied troops to Rout out Nazi German Occupiers in WWII

hosted by

Reverend Monsignor Michael R. Billian, VF

The practice of pilgrimage has a special place in this Holy Year, because it represents the spiritual journey

each of us makes through this life to our heavenly home.We will participate in this Pilgrimage and pass through the

Holy Doors of the four major basilicas of Rome to takeadvantage of the Spiritual Graces offered in this

Holy Year of Mercy.



The Vatican, Monte Cassino, Assisi&

Rome, Italy

April 5 - 15, 2016

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Page 8: Corpus Christi University · 2015-07-17 · 2955 DORR STREET TOLEDO, OH 43607 Corpus Christi University Parish Rev

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5420 Alger Drive, Sylvania, OH 43560Ph: 419-882-7137, Fax: 419-885-2720

[email protected]

Pat Jansen -- CCUP Member

419-531-2836JOAN RYAN


Dianne BabiuchCCUP Parishioner



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Please contact Pam in the parish office.