corpus axiomata aeternam


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Post on 06-Mar-2016




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Being A Series Of Axiomata, Axioms & Prophecies Consummate With Solus Noir


Page 1: Corpus Axiomata Aeternam
Page 2: Corpus Axiomata Aeternam
Page 3: Corpus Axiomata Aeternam

! ! Axiomata

The fusion of word, image and sigil with the blood of the heart, mind, body and will.

Axioms Statements held to be self evident.

Prophecies Events yet to occur. Often the result of visions.

Solus Noir The current period of history through which we pass.


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The Call

And who would walk this way with me, creature of shadow and dark repose, who yet yearns to feel the warmth of a human heart? The caress that calls the blood to flow, the breath to quicken, the breath dissolving the flesh in rapture, an angel passing between us. Skin soft, warm, bathed in nectar as onward we spiral. For I have dreamed and in that dream a voice reaches out towards me in welcome. Casting new shapes and patterns before my eyes, shapes yet hard of surface, begin to yield, soften, flow in liquid curves, undulating

as surface meets surface, moistens, liquefies and flows to a greater depth. Shadows pass leaving a silven moon. Upon a hilltop amidst a forest glade, the purple legion of night around and between us. The dark silhouette of arboreal forms. A stream wending its way across rocky terrain in quest of its continuance, its source, its end. For in truth we stand alone, and yet a time, a one whose heart beats to a similar tune. A thought echoed across the aethyrs. The call of nature’s horn, that her creatures know of rapture and repose. To what surface does this call? And from what depth comes forth the answer? To you who walks in beauty these words, these echoes are sent. Shapes born of ink and wrought in thought. Each one bearing within itself a heart beat, a dream, a vision. Long may we walk in shadows, perchance that daylight beckons. And with this passing thought I bid thee adieu.


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Amidst shadows and smoke does he rise. Splinters of light adorn his torn visage. Thorns rend flesh, rivers of blood embrace limbs, barely formed. Shadows coalesce and in the frozen moments does he remember. Limbs once broken begin to heal as the elixir flows drop by iridescent drop. Nectar sweet, laced with bitter gall enters eyes, yet dim of sight. Enters nostrils, a benediction. Shadowed forms limned in lightning attend the moment. A chorus of cries and whispers. Echoes into eternity, the moment.

Once upon a hill of flint he stood. Raising hands and calling forth his Elohim as his form dissolved. The Seals opened and the dance unfolds. Once into a pool of quicksilver did he gaze. Fingers drawing forth tendrils of form cast upon the air, they rise. Summoning the rays of Solus Noir, they descend.

Once beneath the ocean did he reach out and clasp his sisters hand. In embrace they dance upon aethyrs burnished gold. A dark stain rises and consumes all within its path. Once upon a lightning bolt did he descend and entered fairest Liliths domain. A stranger, cast upon shores, foreign and exotic.

Once within the heart of a star he slumbered. Bound by chains of liquid light. Called forth by life, his nemesis. Once as Azrael he seeded himself into the unfolding pageant. And once he Became. Amidst shadows and smoke does he rise. Splinters of light adorn his torn visage. Thorns rend flesh, rivers of blood embrace limbs, barely formed.


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Na’amah Golden thread around heart entwined Visage of palest gold bleached by blood Darkest barb, venom sweet Vision of light shadowed by blood moon Step by step the pageant unfolds Embrace, melt into rapture Dissolve into bliss denied

Pale golden one a kiss upon thy brow A caress upon breast of softest silk Entwine limbs slick with sweat Heat dissolves flesh Breath dissolves thought Passion dissolves the heart Union dissolves life

Blood flows from wounds deep as time Semen rises caught in a cup of softest velvet between golden thighs Breath quickens and dissolves in rapture sweet Breath stills in the velvet shroud of darkest midnight Cascading thought tumbles into oblivion, servant of time Na’amah golden one mistress of time, servant of none

Shapes born of desire replace the tapestry of life Life bows to death her master Through silven forests does she dance beneath pale Hecate Loose thy arrows desolate one, pierce flesh spent in passion Golden nectar flows through limbs broken Darkest venom courses through veins burned upon thy pyre One kiss granted, benediction One kiss denied, eternal longing

Reflection, dark shadows arise, a mist of amber stained blood red Lightning burns eyes long weary Thunder subdues heart quenched in fire Gaze deep into the mirror of thy mind Draw deeply from the well of thy heart Broken vessel leaking blood into sand unheeding Once a garden pure where innocence was born Leaf and stem embraced in love Once an earth mother to her children

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Cradled in loving arms Once starlight dissolved the vacuum of space A thousand angels voices arched in ecstasy Once life pierced the veil of time The tapestry woven thread by thread

Across the mountains of the moon did we walk my love and i Taking our rest within the vale of Aphrodite Into the boundary lands did we step Upon a plain of golden sand the bones of all who went before Beneath our sun we walk ebon rays shining forth Dissolving all that has been and will be Creation unmade upon the plain of truth unfolding

Namrael fairest maiden Samael desolate one Hand in hand each step a drop of blood released upon the aethyrs And in the last of days Two grigori walk upon the earth And they shall die

Yglas Na’amah Yglas Isheth Yglas Ygrat

Yglas Lilitu Ben Grigori

Evohe Evohe Evohe

Ast Innui Khephri Vos

Ahdi Ypres Grigori

Selim Ast Nobilis

Khephren Ma Un Nefer Ast

Portus Lucis Noir



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Blood Rain

Liquid tears leeched into golden sand Rises, a mist of softest pink Borne upon breath Etched in flesh A cascade of liquid longing Witness to the ages thy brother calls His call echoes upon aethyrs Bruised by love’s eternal caress A teardrop of blood upon a waxen cheek A breath frozen in time

A heartbeat stilled, silent Liquid words leeched into silence

Rises, a silent scream Borne along avenues of fire Consume, transform into myriad worlds Each a mirror, carbon Witness to the moment thy sister calls Her call, plainsong of the heart Wounded by love’s travails A tear frozen in blood red silence A breath, caught upon the breeze A heartbeat, a whisper rises to a scream, silence Liquid silence leeched into the spiral of the day Rises, a memory darkly Borne along moments eternal Unfold into the golden moment Return … Return … Return Witness to truth we call unto thee A liquid call from oceans deep

Thy lovers, spent, return

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Blood rain falls

Its heart a drumbeat, Its breath a triumph Within the citadel the watchers pray And upon plains of liquid gold Beneath a sky indigo A bright star beckons Blood rain rises A tide, flows into liquid oceans embrace Dark towers rise, beacons of night cast shadows deep And upon an escarpment of amber The Grigori, legions of the night await, a vigil Blood rain, a tide of shadows Consumes the night and casts upon the shores of time Still, silent forms, each a cipher of promise And along corridors sulphurous does the pageant unfold, eternal Sic transit gloria rosa mundi Blood rain shrouds the light of a black sun Its rays a resonant thrum, a heartbeat Beneath its rays bathed in nectar, a toxin sweet Watchers shrouded in darkness await the tide Liquid fire consumes all to ash, blown upon winds and vacuum Blood Rain … Blood Moon … Black Sun Holy trinity in The Night of Pan Khephren Ma Un Nefer Ast witness to the ages rise Through the portal enter this The Vale of Tears Thy Grigori hold the pylons and summon thee Namrael a cipher of brightest day, Samael of deepest night Their breath a toxin, their gaze a benediction Their hearts conjoined, their minds a liquid dance upon aethyrs bright Blood rain falls and quenches thirst, slakes appetites jaded Blood Moon rises, silence Black Sun rises conjoined, silence The dragon stirs from her slumbers, scales vibrate Takes flight and enters the opalescent night

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Khephren Ma Un Nefer Ast rises The dance unfolds and in her embrace the Grigori dance She a ladye fair adorned in white lace He a jester in motley black and gold And upon their cheeks a single tear of blood falls into the night Blood rain Liquid tears leeched into golden sand Rises, a mist of softest pink Borne upon breath Etched in flesh A cascade of liquid longing Ave Samael Ave Lilith Ave Pan


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In The Night Of Pan It Is Dawn The Black Sun Rises

And Casts No Shadow

In The Presence Of Extraordinary Reality

Consciousness The Place Of The Imagination

Khephren Ma Un Nefer Ast

Ypres Isheth Ypres Na’amah

Ypres Ygrat Ypres Lilitu Ben Grigori

In The Alembic Of Thine Heart

Through The Athanoor Of Affliction Seek Thou The True Stone Of The Wise

Solve Et Coagula

As Above So Below In The Matter Of The One True Substance

The Vale Of Tears

The Mountains Of The Moon The Vale Of Aphrodite The Boundary Lands The Palace Of Exiles

The Fabled City Portus Solus Noir

" " "

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Page 21: Corpus Axiomata Aeternam

The Toltec predilection of Not Doing

Is Performed by the body Set up by Gazing and is a method

of storing Personal Power

Sorcery is the Cunning of the 1st Attention

and serves as the interface

Gazing is the Cunning of the 2nd Attention and facilitates Active Dreaming

Setting Up Dreaming is the Cunning of the Double it lures the one to

flesh the other which one does what is open to conjecture

for it is a matter of the Dreamer

and the Dreamed

The conditions of a solitary bird are five

First that it flies to the highest point

Second that it does not suffer for company not even of its own kind

Third that it aims its beak to the skies

Fourth that it does not have a definite colour

Fifth that it sings very softly

Understand The Nature Of A Thing

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And It Was Given Unto

The False Prophets To Spread The Lie

Sow The Seed Of Doubt Draw Aside The Veil And Reveal

The End Of Days

And In Those Days There Will Be Two Grigori

Upon Earth And They Shall Die

Seven are the seals upon creations countenance

Seven, the trumpets that announce the day of redemption Seven are the visions of the dragon and its kingdoms

Seven, the visions that accompany the lamb Seven are the bowls of gods wrath

Seven the veils upon the lady Babalon And Seven are the visions of the end of days

And upon wings of light

did we descend Lightning in our eyes Thunder in our hearts

Seven as one clothed in adamantine

" " "

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And the dragon she rises and her kingdoms claim the world

Her tears fall and she washes away the stain

Her breath a scorching wind razes the edifice of conceit

Her heartbeat a thunderbolt the end of days

Bathed in his own blood was he We carry the sword and

our blood is sacred No sacrifice

as it be justice we serve Invisible we walk

sons and daughters of eternal night

Each a toxin, each an elixir Choose well the bowl from which

you quench your thirst Nectar sweet cousin to the worm Bitter gall a draught of ambrosia

Malekh holy one casts her veils and you behold her not

One glance and sleep is entered One whisper and Azrael

is summoned One cry and our sister rejoices

" " "

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And in those days it was given unto the false prophets

to spread the lie, sow the seeds of doubt,

draw aside the veil and reveal the end of days

Coagula et Solve We strip the world our Eden of its lie

Beneath our rays you are transformed redeemed or not

Choose well for we dwell between you heartbeats

Omega et Alpha Time bends before our gaze

As somnambulant you step from one dream to another

The unmaking unfolds as our Elohim circle your world your life

Space folds before our eyes and the great ones enter

Their breath creases the moment in passing Warps memory, erases life And casts a shadow of dust

and vacuum

" " "

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Sweet sister are you redeemed Your Grigori await command

as you will Your Elohim abroad command

as you will Your portal open

command as you will

Cleansed of the lie

your breath draws pure Cleansed of the stain

your heart beats rapturous Purified your mind awakens

from nightmare Consecrated your body bears fruit

And in the Night of Pan it is dawn

The Black Sun rises and its rays cast no shadow

The Blood Moon rises and casts her veil The Grigori rise

and utter a word in silence

" " "

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History written in your stars, unheeded. Your acts before your eyes, unheeded. You dwell within a garden, unheeded. Raised to beauty and splendour, unheeded. Blessed by innocence, unheeded. Granted dominion & responsibility, unheeded. Freewill and choice, your conceit. Power in your world, hubris and lies. Shackled in prisons of your own creation when freedom and mystery surround you.

Beauty in the wing of a butterfly, majesty in the gait of the panther, innocence in the eyes of a child. And yet … … … ? Justice do we serve and our sister blesses us in her travails eternal. Look into the mirror of your form, cast aside the veil of ignorance and know these as the end of days.

The Anathema Of Samael



" " "

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Amidst shadows and smoke does he rise. Splinters of light adorn his torn visage. Thorns rend flesh, rivers of blood embrace limbs, barely formed. Shadows coalesce and in the frozen moments does he remember. Limbs once broken begin to heal as the elixir flows drop by iridescent drop. Nectar sweet, laced with bitter gall enters eyes, yet dim of sight. Enters nostrils, a benediction. Shadowed forms limned in lightning attend the moment. A chorus of cries and whispers. Echoes into eternity, the moment.

Once upon a hill of flint he stood. Raising hands and calling forth his Elohim as his form dissolved. The Seals opened and the dance unfolds. Once into a pool of quicksilver did he gaze. Fingers drawing forth tendrils of form cast upon the air, they rise. Summoning the rays of Solus Noir, they descend.

Once beneath the ocean did he reach out and clasp his sisters hand. In embrace they dance upon aethyrs burnished gold. A dark stain rises and consumes all within its path. Once upon a lightning bolt did he descend and entered fairest Liliths domain. A stranger, cast upon shores, foreign and exotic.

Once within the heart of a star he slumbered. Bound by chains of liquid light. Called forth by life, his nemesis. Once as Azrael he seeded himself into the unfolding pageant. And once he Became. Amidst shadows and smoke does he rise. Splinters of light adorn his torn visage. Thorns rend flesh, rivers of blood embrace limbs, barely formed.


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