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Copyright – Disaster Resistant Communities Group - Drill Overview

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Drill Overview

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The purpose of this overview PowerPoint Presentation is to outline the processes that should be considered while preparing to conduct the Pets Are Us Drill in your community.

This drill overview was developed using the Shelter Operations Took Kit found at:

Purpose of the Overview

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The purpose of the Pets Are Us Drill is to provide an opportunity for Disaster Animal Response Team members and others to practice their skills opening, managing and closing a Pet Friendly Shelter.

Purpose of the Drill

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1. Choose a date and time for the drill.2. Identify, contact and secure the use of a facility that has

the space in which to set-up the shelter on the day of the drill.

3. Notify team members of the date, time and location of the drill.

4. You may want to involve community partners such as the American Red Cross in planning and conducting the drill. This will help build a stronger understanding of the various roles and responsibilities of working as part of a community response to care for people and their pets during a disaster.

Drill Planning

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5. You may also want to invite media outlets such the local TV station and newspaper to report on how the community is better prepared by having the capability of caring for the pets of evacuees during and following a disaster.

6. Ensure that all the equipment and expendable supplies needed to open, manage and close the shelter will be available on the day of the drill.

7. Identify an individual other than a DART member to evaluate the drill.

Drill Planning

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Once all the team members have arrived at the location that will be used to conduct the drill it will be important to gather everyone together to facilitate a Pre-Drill Briefing. During this briefing the following topics should be covered:

•Goals and objectives of the drill.•Timeframe for completing the drill.•Drill Evaluation.•Safety.•Exercise Evaluation.

Drill Day

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To provide an objective assessment of the DART’s capability to open, manage and close a Pet Friendly Shelter a set of Drill Evaluation Guidelines have been developed for the Pets Are Us Drill.

During the drill the evaluator will be observing the various activities and processes being implemented by DART members.

Drill Evaluation

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Safety is a primary concern whether DART members are responding to an actual emergency or participating in an exercise such as the Pets Are Us Drill.

The following are but a few safety concerns that DART members will need to be aware of.

Drill Safety

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After completing the Pre-Drill Briefing the team is ready to start the Pets Are Use Drill.

Start Drill

The Pet Friendly Shelter Operations Tool Kit is designed as the road map for opening, managing and closing the shelter.

Start the drill by dividing the Shelter Operations Tool Kit into its various components.

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The next step after separating the kit into its components is to assign roles and responsibilities to each of the team members using the nine Job Action Sheets contained in the kit.

Job Action Sheets

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From this point forward the team will use the Job Actions Sheets and the other guidelines, forms and checklists to work through the processes of opening, managing and closing the Pet Friendly Shelter.

Conduct Drill


Standard Operating Guidelines

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The following is a representation of the various activities associated with opening, managing and closing a Pet Friendly Shelter.

Conduct Drill

Inspect Facility

Inventory Supplies

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Conduct Drill

Transfer Supplies Into


Set –Up Staff Registration Area

Post Rules

Set –Up Pet Intake Area

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Conduct Drill

Prepare Pet Living Area

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Conduct Drill

Manage Shelter Operations

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Conduct Drill

Clean Facility

Re-Pack Supplies

Team Debriefing

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As soon as the drill is over it will be important for the team members to review the lessons learned and identify any corrective actions that will need to be taken to ensure that future Pet Friendly Shelters are opened, managed and closed as efficiently as possible.

Lessons Learned

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Pets Are Us Drill