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  • Introduction

    The human mind is an amazing thing and we are only just beginning to understand

    how, and why, it works as well as it does! Part of this understanding comes from our

    knowledge of how the mind and brain integrate as a complete unit. Jim Francis, in

    Real Mind Power Secrets extends our understanding of what our minds can

    accomplish, and offers exercises to train these expanded abilities.

    Jim Francis is a serious researcher, who has a background in hypnosis and electronic

    design. (He once owned an electronic design company that specialized in designing

    circuitry that was considered impossible.) He is a New Zealander, who now spends

    his time between Australia, New Zealand, and the United States. Jim founded the

    Australasian Lateral Thinking Newsletter and has been its editor for the past twelve

    years. He has also been an active skydiver, writer, pilot, and guitarist.

    In Real Mind Power Secrets Jim describes what luck really is (a personal,

    psychokinetic resonance with the environment), how it appears to operate in distinct

    cycles, and describes how, under certain circumstances, luck can be triggered at will.

    Jim also describes how our sixth sense (intuition) can be made available, and how it

    can be easily trained, to become as reliable as our usual five senses.

    Remote influencing has become a hot topic, under discussion on several Internet

    sites. Jim describes how the human mind can easily influence other minds, to

    produce a win-win outcome. He also describes a unique problem-solving mechanism

    that can trigger answers to critical problems, during the normal sleep cycle - and

    describes a simple method of dream control.

    I have known Jim for several years now and have been impressed with his energy, in

    pushing the envelope of what we know about our minds capabilities. Not only does

    Jim research and document his discoveries, but he puts them into practical


    For example, after developing his Luck Cycle concepts, he put them to practical use.

    He has won over 130 casino jackpots, that he has used to fund further research.

    He writes extensively about his discoveries, and believes that they are for sharing

    with others, rather than keeping them to himself. Jim is a unique individual, who can

    help you understand and use your minds full potential - how you can win with Mind


    Angela Thompson Smith (Worlds leading female remote viewer)

  • Introduction

    My name is Jim Francis.

    I am about to explain some of the results of my research program that you might find astounding ...or ridiculous ...depending upon your own personal belief system.

    What I would like to point out right at the start is that this project cost today's equivalent of close to a million dollars and was funded by intelligent, serious business individuals. The only reason they kept the funds rolling for so many years was because the project was producing results.

    Admittedly several of these people dropped out ...they simply could not handle the

    implications of an individual being able to identify and change their own natural luck

    ...and worse still ...intentionally influencing people and events to produce

    extraordinary windfall situations.

    Another developed religious conflicts about our developing a fully working 6th sense

    intuition process, which could be learned by any average individual. He felt that the

    6th sense should remain "mysterious" and should not be able to be evoked at will.

    But the majority of the investors remained involved with us and in the final analysis

    were very glad they did.

    Ok, lets start with the basics of reality creation and a simple 21 day plan you can use

    to start creating the future you desire.

    The Kahuna Way provides you with the opportunity to learn Hawaiian huna

    techniques together with new research to manifest the future you desire. Spend some

    time with each step until it becomes a part of your being before you move on to the

    next step.

    People often get so involved in learning and doing more and more that they lose the

    core of what they are trying to accomplish. Keep it simple. Follow these five basic

    steps and miraculous things will happen in your life.

  • The Kahuna Way, Create the Future in 5 Steps

    The Hawaiian kahunas, a powerful order of priesthood, believe that each of us is a creator of our life conditions. This means that you created the situation you find yourself in. You have a choice. You either can hang on to present conditions, or you can decide what needs to change and then replace or re-create it. There is nothing that you cant change. You have the potential power of the kahunas, who have been changing the future for centuries.

    You will discover that the word huna means hidden secret and the kahunas were the keepers of occult secrets known only to a privileged few. With huna, you can change the future. There are many possible futures out there for you like vague thoughts floating around unless you direct and empower them.

    As a rule, the future develops from what youre doing right now. The way you respond to people, events and surroundings affects your life and your future. If you put out anger, you will get back anger, and if you love, you will be loved. Everything that happens to you is a reflection or an echo of your own inner attitudes and -feelings, even if buried deep within your subconscious.

    Step 1: Decide exactly what you want and write it down

    The first step in creating the future is to decide exactly what you want. Choose only one goal and stick with it. Mind power, like any other kind of capacity, expresses intensely only when its energies are focused to a fine point of concentration.

    Are you ready to make your dreams and wishes come true? If yes, take time now to write down your goal. Because your Low Self is very concrete and literal, writing down your goal will show it that you are doing something real and not just daydreaming.

    If not sure what you want, just write down your ideas. At this point you are simply brainstorming. Dont worry about coming up with the perfect wording. Hesitation, worry or being critical will only put your Low Self out of the picture. Writing your ideas or your goal on paper will help eliminate the things that really dont capture your imagination and will make any vague points more definite. Mull it over for a few days, and it will become very clear to you exactly what you want. By being very sure of your goal, you are less likely to be distracted later on.

    Kahuna methods teach that concentrated visualization is an important step toward realization. Form a mental picture of your goal and then repeat it out loud word for word three times, a precise verbal statement of what you are working toward. The stronger and clearer you make your mental image and goal statement, the stronger and clearer will be the results.

    Keep both your visualization and goal very focused. Avoid distracting thoughts or images. Hold your mental picture firmly until the manifestation is complete.

  • Visualization and speaking your future goal will act as a physical stimulus to impress your Low Self, which will then send it to the High Self to be brought into reality.

    Most people find visualization easy. However, if you need to develop skill in using mental pictures, you can practice with a simple object, such as an apple. Look at the apple and slowly and carefully observe its attributes. Close your eyes and inwardly see the apple. Open your eyes and look at the color. Close your eyes once more and visualize its shade of color in your minds eye.

    Move to visualizing something more complicated, such as a group of objects on a table. Look them over, close your eyes and reconstruct them in your mind. If necessary, open your eyes briefly to check accuracy or to refresh your memory.

    Step 2: Visualize your goal

    Reinforce visualization by making a Treasure Map. Put your goal and your visualization for the future right in front of you every day. Basically, your Treasure Map is a picture representing your visualization and goal as closely as possible. Looking at the Treasure Map of your dream-come-true every day will indelibly imprint direction and success on your mind and subconscious. Your subconscious Low Self will delight in it, encourage you to express more of your High Self nature, and bring you a deep sense of inner satisfaction.

    Keep your Treasure Map simple and focused toward one goal. On a piece of poster board, place one picture with words underneath expressing your intention for the future.

    If affirming money, you could use paper money or a picture of a large stack of bills on your board. For love, you might use a picture of a couple in silhouette walking down the beach arm in arm. To lose weight, paste a picture of your head on top of picture of a slim person. Or trim a picture of you with a pair of scissors down to the figure you desire.

    Try to create your Treasure Map as near to what you want as possible. The more exact your map, the more exact will be the results.

    Step 3: Reprogram your low self

    No matter how much you consciously want something, the future you long for will be withheld if your Low Self holds on to emotions of guilt and feelings of worthlessness. To clear the way for success, you must make amends for any harm you have done to others.