copy of good economy

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Post on 04-Jun-2018




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  • 8/13/2019 Copy of Good Economy


    Issue to be discussed

    The state of economy after 60 yearsThe role of the governmentGovernments proactive Fiscal Policy

    Eradication of ZulmConcept of Taxation in IslamBait-ul-Maal Subsidy Powerhouse

    Inflation controlPro-employment policiesPro-development policies

    Monetary policies

  • 8/13/2019 Copy of Good Economy


    What the Quran DECLARES (4:59):

    Verily! Allah commands that you mustrender back the trusts to those,

    to whom they are due;and that when you judge between men,you judge with justice.

    Verily, how excellent is the teaching which He(Allah) gives you!

    Truly, Allah is Ever All-Hearer,

    E li hm n f i




  • 8/13/2019 Copy of Good Economy


    Governments Role To provide & facilitate in the peoples

    interest, as ordered by ALLAH

    Build economic environment

    Provide ALL kinds of safety

    Implement Shariah with enforcement !

    Seek the Help & Guidance of ALLAAH

    Responsibility must be answered for!

  • 8/13/2019 Copy of Good Economy


    Common Government Satanic Practices

    All injustices in the name of ISLAM

    Intention: to please other than ALLAH

    Excessive taxes & inefficiencies

    Excessive luxuries/protocols

    Blatant ignorance

    Leaders right to always rule = BEST Decision

    Criticism intolerable = Punishable !

    MUST leadwith best

    example !

  • 8/13/2019 Copy of Good Economy


    Pro-active Governance

    20% direct influence on economy (C+I+G+[X-M])

    Maximize GDP



    Enhancing productivity & efficiency

    What should the tax rate be ?

    ComparePakistan &


  • 8/13/2019 Copy of Good Economy


    Erradication of Zulm - Injustice

    Eradication of all un-islamic practices &injustices

    Lawful dealings only (ban all Satanic trades)

    Avoidance of Gharar (uncertainties)

    Eliminating hoarding, shortage, monopolies

    Cheating & fraud totally unacceptable

  • 8/13/2019 Copy of Good Economy


    Taxation in ISLAM

    100% taxation ?

    0% taxation ?

    What should the tax rate be ?

    What should tax revenue be used on ?

    The more the tax, the more theinefficiencies, corruption, luxuries &


    Zakat is nottax

  • 8/13/2019 Copy of Good Economy


    Bait-ul-Maal Subsidy Power House

    Subsidy is an integral component

    Strategic use of subsidies

    Subsidy on core consumer items

    Effect of subsidy on technology

  • 8/13/2019 Copy of Good Economy


    Receivers of Zakat

    PoorNeedyTravellersTo reconcile hearts towardsislam (Dawah)

    To spread Islam (Jihad)Collectors of ZakatFreeing slavesDebtors

  • 8/13/2019 Copy of Good Economy



    A religious obligationchanging humanities attitude

    towards the have -nots

    The concept of saving =Sharing ?

    The concept of wealth

  • 8/13/2019 Copy of Good Economy


    How can a tax-free, subsidy-basedeconomy survive ?

    By efficient management of naturalresources (oil, gas, chromite,

    marble, precious stones, etc)

    If no natural resources, must be

    creative & innovative (Coke/Pakola,medicine, handicraft, hand madewonders, etc)

  • 8/13/2019 Copy of Good Economy


    Pro-employment & Pro-investment

    Problem of unemployment, over-employment, &national inefficiency

    Converting population into skilled-labour

    Nurturing & retaining human capital

    Investment in infrastructure -> Nation building

    Real investment in evolving military assets

  • 8/13/2019 Copy of Good Economy


    Monetary policy ANTI-inflation

    Biggest note ?Interest rate ?

    Restrict money supplyInvestment in real industry


    Which is more powerful Fiscal orMonetar ?

  • 8/13/2019 Copy of Good Economy


    How did U$ get out of the Great Depression?

    Stock market crashSevere droughtHigh unemployment (30%)

    High InflationSocial unrestIncrease in organized crime

    Fear of spreading communismDwindling economyCapital flight

    Banking system failed

    Isnt thissituation

    similar to the


    economicdisaster ?

  • 8/13/2019 Copy of Good Economy


    Pro-Active Fiscal PolicyMaximizing GDP (Investment, Production, Export), Minimizegovernment spending on luxuries

    Tax rate ~ ZEROReal use of Bait-ul-Maal (Zakah Fund, Sadaqah Funds, resourceharvesting/mining)Subsidization of all core consumer items (wheat, rice, sugar, petrol,gas, electricity, cement, plastic, metal, wood, etc)

    Education 100% FARDTransforming population into labor forceWidely dispersed vocational training institutes, avoid non-senseindustriesNurturing & retain human capital

    Promote permanent residency (only temporary travel)Curb capital flight, pro-investmentStrategic employmentPro-competition, anti-monopolyBuild infrastructure (roads, electricity, gas, water, education, health,etc)

  • 8/13/2019 Copy of Good Economy


    Trade creates surplus

    Unlike RIBA, trade createssurplus (money)Compare with RIBA example:

    Riba-free loan Raw->supplySajid 1,000 Fishes Earning

    profit to payNavid 1,000 Farms interest-free loan

    Farid 1,000 Fruit Jam

  • 8/13/2019 Copy of Good Economy


    Future of Islamic EconomyAll other economies have failed!

    No economy has performed as statedtheoretically

    Human made economies have evolved,adapted and failed

    Islamic economy has always succeededwhen applied