copy of discrete erp software selection rfp template

Technology Evaluation Centers Inc. Request for Information/Proposal Requirements Research I Format Response ● The top of the RFI tab contains six response columns. SUP MOD 3RD CST FUT NS Priority Mandatory Vendor Responses Hierarchy 1 1.1 1.1.1 © Technology Evaluation Centers Inc. 2008. This docume ● TEC analysts developed the RFI based on past experience and research into the widest and deepest range of possible requirements. Priorities Must Have = 10 Very Important = 8 Important = 6 Nice to Have = 4 Not Important = 2 No Need = 0 Note this file contains multiple sheets (tabs). This sheet contains instructions only. Click the tabs at the bottom of the window to access the criteria. ● Complete the RFI worksheet by placing an X in the appropriate column for each criterion. ● The Xs must represent the current state of a product or service.

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Page 1: Copy of Discrete ERP Software Selection RFP Template

Technology Evaluation Centers Inc.Request for Information/ProposalRequirements Research

InstructionsRating Legend

Format Response Explanation

● The top of the RFI tab contains six response columns. SUP Supported as delivered "out-of-the-box"


3RD Supported via an existing third party solution


FUT Will be supported in a future release

NS Not supported

Priority 0 to 10, where 10 is most important

Mandatory Yes, only for "must-have" factors

RFI Example

Vendor Responses Hierarchy Criterion

1 Module 1

1.1 Category of Module 1

1.1.1 Subcategory of Category 1 Criterion 1 Criterion 2 Criterion 3 Criterion 4 Criterion 5 Criterion 6

© Technology Evaluation Centers Inc. 2008. This document may only be used for internal purposes. Reproduction and redistribution are strictly prohibited.

● TEC analysts developed the RFI based on past experience and research into the widest and deepest range of possible requirements.

Supported via modifications (screen configurations, reports, GUI tailoring, etc)

PrioritiesMust Have = 10Very Important = 8Important = 6Nice to Have = 4Not Important = 2No Need = 0

Supported via customization (changes to source code)

Note this file contains multiple sheets (tabs). This sheet contains instructions only. Click the tabs at the bottom of the window to access the criteria.

● Complete the RFI worksheet by placing an X in the appropriate column for each criterion.

● The Xs must represent the current state of a product or service.

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RFI Example


8 N

4 N

10 N

1 N X

6 Y X

4 N X

10 N X

8 N X

8 Y X

© Technology Evaluation Centers Inc. 2008. This document may only be used for internal purposes. Reproduction and redistribution are strictly prohibited.

User Responses● Use the Priority column to indicate how important a particular criterion or entire group of criteria (module or category) is for your organization.

● The Mandatory column is useful for indicating absolute requirements. Note that a "Yes" would mean a vendor/provider fails if it does not support that criterion or group of criteria. It is often useful to use "No" as the general default response and only change to a "Yes" for an absolutely critical item.

Don't forget to indicate your priorities and mandatory requirements for modules, categories,

subcategories, and criteria.



Page 3: Copy of Discrete ERP Software Selection RFP Template

Technology Evaluation Centers Inc.Enterprise Resource Planning for Discrete Manufacturing Industries

Criteria WorksheetHierarchy Criterion SUP MOD 3RD CST

1 Financials

1.1 General Ledger

1.1.1 Parameters and Structuring1.1.1.1 Fiscal calendar is defined by the user1.1.1.3 Calendar periods are defined by the user1.1.1.4 Multiple calendars Multi-entity financial reporting Twelve or thirteen fiscal months1.1.1.8 Organization of calendar periods determined by the user


Rating Comment

Lean manufacturing accounting practices and methods (i.e., manufacturing overheads based on cycle time including labor)

Calendar can be defined as uneven periods, adjustment periods, or to a maximum of 366 periods

Fiscal quarterly periods can be defined as 4-4-5, 5-4-4, or 4-5-4

Calendar may be organized in a variety of ways, supporting 999 periods in a financial year

Open any number of fiscal years or calendar periods at the same time

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Companies with different regional presences may set a default currency for the financial division of each region

Sets reporting entity and its organizational characteristics

Distinguishes A/P transactions (of the same type) from different entities

Each entity's ledger can have its own calendar and chart of accounts

Each entity's ledger can have its own accounting periods opened and closed

User may choose between data collection and real time posting modes

Tracks items in the G/L and sub-ledger by quantity and value (in whichever currency is used)

Maintains unit and dollar amount postings in GL and sub-ledgers

User-defined criteria for system purges for general ledger transactions, journal vouchers, and accounts payable data based on the number of years or months of data required to maintain--each purge type has its own unique criteria

Sub-ledgers closed out prior to performing a purge. The closeout process sets all financial account balances in the sub-ledger to zero by posting an equal and offsetting transaction

Specifies a key and rules to have the system automatically purge all records related to the key throughout the system--sub-ledger accounts, sub-ledger transactions, tables, rates

Automatic check to ensure that prior to deleting a financial record, the account balance must have been "closed out" (i.e., nets to zero)

Translation of balance sheet accounts including the ability to have a default rate (spot) that can be overridden on an exception basis (historic), on an account-by-account basis - do not want to set up a rate for every balance sheet account - the override rates will differ ledger to ledger

Automatically inserts actual account balances into the elapsed month's bucket in a future forecast file at the end of each accounting period when the system rolls into the next period

Page 5: Copy of Discrete ERP Software Selection RFP Template Flexible general ledger key with multiple levels Exception reporting with drill down capabilities Processes jobs in edit and update mode

Prevents roll from one accounting period to the next unless the last job run is the financial statements

Audit log required for any changes to table information that may contain rates and information used by the system in any way; log contains before and after, change, date, and user identification

Change cross charge percentages without retroactively changing previously published financial information

Provision for use of standards that can be automatically propagated throughout the system to the various ledgers

Integration with ADP electronic transmission of payroll data

Uses the budget forecast information to create automatic postings; accruals for any potential overhead item, for example, bonus, depreciation, professional fees, new product development, and marketing expense; supports standard (automatically repeating) postings and entries that are generated each month with reference to amounts maintained in budget fields for the month. The amounts may or may not be the same from month to month

Automatic year-end rolling of balances in sub-ledgers and general ledger control accounts

Automatic linking and posting of control accounts from related sub-ledger accounts

Jobs required to include error and warning messages on reports

Page 6: Copy of Discrete ERP Software Selection RFP Template User-defined field names for tables

1.1.2 Chart of Accounts Structure

This category contains 48 criteria below it.1.1.3 Ledger Development and Management

This category contains 14 criteria below it.1.1.4 Enterprise Reporting Structure

This category contains 15 criteria below it.1.1.5 Journal Entry and Reporting

This category contains 44 criteria below it.

Reports to include a control report that lists pages on which errors and warnings have occurred

User-defined controls to allow specific jobs to update multiple times in a period

Provides posting views at the company, market, and title/SKU level

Table master functionality--sets parameters in a table, has jobs read the table, and creates postings or reports accordingly

Method for verifying keying to ensure only appropriate records updated

Archiving of transaction history as well as purge from active files

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1.1.6 Journal Vouchers

This category contains 41 criteria below it.1.1.7 Controls for Ledgers

This category contains 7 criteria below it.1.1.8 Multicurrency Capabilities

This category contains 24 criteria below it.1.1.9 Online Inquiry Reporting

This category contains 9 criteria below it.1.1.10 Report Writing Capabilities

This category contains 65 criteria below it.1.1.11 Variable Analysis

This category contains 3 criteria below it.1.2 Accounts Payable (A/P)

This category contains 245 criteria below it.1.3 Fixed Assets

This category contains 94 criteria below it.

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1.4 Cost Accounting

This category contains 53 criteria below it.1.5 Cash Management

This category contains 16 criteria below it.1.6 Budgeting

This category contains 70 criteria below it.1.7 Accounts Receivable

This category contains 111 criteria below it.1.8 Financial Reporting

This category contains 37 criteria below it.

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1.9 Project Accounting

This category contains 57 criteria below it.2 Human Resources

2.1 Personnel Management

2.1.1 Recruitment Management2.1.1.1 Hiring personnel may access parameters for requisitions Workflow for forwarding resumes/CVs Schedules interviews2.1.1.7 Tracks interview results2.1.1.8 Offers and new hires processing

Searches for eligible applicants and employees based on job requirements, online

Lists the postings, position, disposition, disposition date, and applicable codes of a position

Tracks applicants using personal data, skill set, academic qualifications, training, and test results

Customizes recruitment letters by merging files with a word processing template

Summarizes status and provides other information on applicant, and applicant requisition and recruitment costs

Page 10: Copy of Discrete ERP Software Selection RFP Template Information about applicants' progression Internet recruiting and tracking of skills inventory2.1.1.15 Resume scanning capabilities. Import resumes from the Internet or e-mail2.1.1.17 Enable competencies for applicants Assign competencies to vacancies

Compares data on recruiting tasks to show their effectiveness

Sourcing engine integration with career development, matching competencies of internal candidates

Derive competencies automatically from the job or position competency requirements into vacancy competency requirements

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2.1.2 Profile of PersonnelThis category contains 14 criteria below it.

2.1.3 Organizational StructuresThis category contains 16 criteria below it.

2.1.4 Job Position and Wage ProfilesThis category contains 21 criteria below it.

2.1.5 Career Development and TrainingThis category contains 18 criteria below it.

2.1.6 Management of RewardsThis category contains 7 criteria below it.

2.1.7 Budgeting and Cost ControlThis category contains 4 criteria below it.

2.1.8 Government and Compliance ReportingThis category contains 7 criteria below it.

2.1.9 Employment History and Personnel ReportingThis category contains 8 criteria below it.

2.1.10 Track Discipline ActionsThis category contains 2 criteria below it.

2.1.11 Competency Management

This category contains 5 criteria below it.2.2 Benefits

This category contains 27 criteria below it.

Enable competence matching between applicant's competencies and vacancies

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2.3 Payroll

This category contains 76 criteria below it.2.4 Employee Self-Service

This category contains 22 criteria below it.2.5 Data Warehousing

This category contains 13 criteria below it.2.6 Health and Safety

This category contains 11 criteria below it.2.7 Workforce Management

This category contains 165 criteria below it.2.8 Training

This category contains 28 criteria below it.

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3 Manufacturing Management

3.1 Product Costing

3.1.1 Item Costing3.1.1.1 Multiple cost associations for each item and location3.1.1.2 User may determine costing methods3.1.1.3 Resource cost distribution percentage defined by user Resource costs assigned by user3.1.1.11 Calculates material burden, duty, and freight rates

Tracks and categorizes costs, such as last (cost), historic, average, standard, frozen, current, and planned

Cost elements include direct and indirect costs, material, material burden, freight, labour (variable and machine burden, and fixed) tooling burden, subcontracts, etc.

Cost elements of production models include resource class, sub-class, and individual class

Classifies a cost, that would otherwise be considered a variable, as fixed

Non-recurring charges from purchase orders are based on total non-recurring expenses (NRE), cost and quantity of product ordered is tied to shop order/job/project

Indicates difference between a factory cost from production, and a non-factory cost from accounting expenses

Frozen, budgeted, current, and simulated costing buckets (multiple costing buckets)

Overhead, labor, or material expense classes may be set as fixed and variable

Allocates overhead by material or energy usage, key ingredient, and machine time

Page 14: Copy of Discrete ERP Software Selection RFP Template Assigns user-defined cost codes to resources3.1.1.16 Incremental and accumulated cost views for items3.1.1.18 Views of an item's last cost rollup and rollover dates Tracks product cost changes3.1.1.22 Reuses inventory3.1.1.26 Tracks both components and the assembled kits3.1.1.28 Different kits can contain the same components3.1.1.29

3.1.2 Costing ActivityThis category contains 25 criteria below it.

3.1.3 Purchase CostingThis category contains 4 criteria below it.

3.1.4 Costing CalculationsThis category contains 3 criteria below it.

3.1.5 Cost Report and Inventory AccountingThis category contains 19 criteria below it.

The different costs of an item is calculated by using the net difference by cost element, and totals

What-if scenarios can measure the affects of changing costs

Online adhoc roll-ups against frozen and current costs are displayed in real time

Tracks costs, such as fixed, variable, overhead, etc. by item

Calculates dollar values based on non-financial entries that are used for receipts and inventory write-down, and creates GL postings

Tracks product cost budget to create budget variance analysis, online

Maintains multiple costing layers for WIP and finished goods

Returns are automatically posted to finished goods (dollars and units

Specifies which returns can be returned to inventory, and which cannot

A cross-reference table can be used to automatically post receipts and transfers, and book physical adjustments between an inventory system and GL system that use different numbering systems

Revalues or recosts finished goods based on actual costs incurred (source of actual data in a work in process system) and then posts variance to the GL

Values finished good inventory using the variable cost component, and expenses the fixed cost component when the first item is shipped

Real time upload and download from and to PC-based applications

Identifies and segregates bulk expense (MRO) items in BOM

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3.1.6 Actual CostingThis category contains 5 criteria below it.

3.1.7 Cost Accounting Variance and AnalysisThis category contains 14 criteria below it.

3.2 Shop Floor Control

This category contains 394 criteria below it.3.3 Field Service and Repairs

This category contains 125 criteria below it.3.4 Production Planning

This category contains 301 criteria below it.3.5 Project Management

This category contains 36 criteria below it.3.6 Product Data Management (PDM)

This category contains 68 criteria below it.3.7 Product/Item Configurator

This category contains 38 criteria below it.4 Inventory Management

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4.1 Inventory Management--Online Requirements4.1.1








4.1.9 Provide capability to track items by lot or serial number

4.1.10 Management of leasing and rotable spares4.1.11

4.1.12 Identify type of transaction4.1.13 Identify the source of demand4.1.14 Part text files with forced viewing on screen


4.1.16 Multi-currency capability4.1.17

4.1.18 Internal cross-reference to vendor part numbers4.1.19



4.1.22 On-line request for requisition generation and approval.


Maintain item number history of usage, both planned and unplanned, and purged upon a specific date criteria

Provide inquiry and reporting capability for inventory transactions by item number, location, and transaction type.

Provide reporting capability by item number (all transactions since last cycle count)

Provide inquiry and reporting capability for inventory transaction summary by from and to dates

Provide inquiry and reporting capability for inventory status by item number and serial number

Provide inquiry and reporting capability for slow moving and obsolete inventory

Provide inquiry and reporting capability for negative balance inventory and flagging upon this condition occurring

Provide inquiry and reporting capability for shortages and backorders

Visibility and management of remote site or distributed inventories and rotable spares

System must be capable of managing harmonized part number information and integrating or maintaining harmonized information with third party (e.g.. freight forwarder)

Vendor cross reference (infinite number of vendor pt. numbers) with wild-card search capability

Ability to maintain files "up selling" parts based on certain other parts purchased.

Ten year look at usage history by year and source of demand

Inventory fields that accept part numbers and product configuration codes. Product configuration codes would allow logic behind randomly generated part numbers.

Electronic "drop ship" capability between buyer/planner and vendors. Buyer/planner should have access to vendors' "on hand" information, launch order with "ship to" information

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4.1.28 Automated pick system sorted by grid location.4.1.29

4.2 Processing RequirementsThis category contains 28 criteria below it.

4.3 Data RequirementsThis category contains 12 criteria below it.


This category contains 9 criteria below it.4.5 Locations and Lot Control

This category contains 20 criteria below it.4.6 Forecasting

This category contains 52 criteria below it.4.7 Reservations and Allocations

This category contains 26 criteria below it.4.8 Adjusting Inventory

This category contains 8 criteria below it.5 Purchasing Management

5.1 Profile of Suppliers5.1.1

5.1.2 Suppliers may have more than one address5.1.3

5.1.4 Associate items with vendors' descriptions5.1.5

Pricing (selling prices) must have ability to price given various conditions (i.e. export pricing multipliers, subsidiary pricing multipliers, domestic pricing multipliers).

Selling prices may be controlled based on different commodity tables (for example, hydraulics carry different multipliers than "make parts" or other commercial parts).

Bar coding of individual parts as received prior to warehousing, real time scanning, and inventory updates at picking, and real time scanning at shipping.

Ability to label and track country of origin on parts and in operating system.

Ability to structure material to a buy item, supporting ECN control capabilities

Reporting and Interfacing Requirements (Inventory Management)

Fields for supplier data such as shipping methods, item references, and conditions

Store e-mail addresses, web sites, and fax numbers in vendor profiles

Code different vendor production lead times, taking into account both supplier lead time and transport time

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5.1.10 Vendor group for miscellaneous purposes5.1.11 Identifier for approved vendors5.1.12 Commentary about suppliers5.2 Rating of Suppliers

This category contains 13 criteria below it.5.3 Requisitions and Quotations

This category contains 13 criteria below it.5.4 Purchase Orders (POs)

This category contains 63 criteria below it.5.5 Pricing

This category contains 13 criteria below it.5.6 Vendor Contracts and Agreements

This category contains 16 criteria below it.5.7 Management of POs

This category contains 25 criteria below it.5.8 Procurement Reporting and Online Reporting

This category contains 24 criteria below it.5.9 Repeat Procurement

This category contains 19 criteria below it.5.10 Receipts for Procurement

This category contains 30 criteria below it.5.11 Online Requirements for Purchasing Management

This category contains 14 criteria below it.5.12

This category contains 18 criteria below it.6 Quality Management6.1 Production Quality Management6.1.1






6.1.7 Tracks material inspection dispositions6.1.8 Tracks and reports on non-dispositioned rejects6.1.9 Tracks quantity rejected at inspection

Bill-to-entity information including currency, bank, account number, and mode of payment

Data related to bank, accounts, payment methods, currency, etc., are included in the payment profile

Vendor shipment process with terms and acceptance requirements for reception

A primary vendor can be set as the default for each class

Reporting and Interfacing Requirements for Purchasing Management

Defective or excess material return processing must update on-hand

Damaged material--corrective action and failure analysis available to vendor on-line

Flags need to perform inspection of a specific item or a supplier's items

Receives items and records as “inventory on hold” when quality inspection is pending

Identifies items awaiting or in process of inspection through an online query

Validates inspection disposition using criteria that specify inspection process

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6.1.10 Assigns codes to reject descriptions6.1.11 Tracks unresolved rejections6.1.12 Processes material receipts which have failed inspection



6.1.15 Tracks items awaiting rework order6.1.16

6.1.17 Tracks items awaiting return shipment to vendor6.1.18 Provides aggregate supplier quality data6.1.19




6.1.23 Lists authorized vendors for each item6.1.24

6.1.25 Prints debit memo as part of return-to-supplier process

6.1.26 Recalculates average item cost6.1.27 Quality data on-line6.1.28 Requirements grouping using collection plans6.1.29

6.2 Non Production Quality ManagementThis category contains 24 criteria below it.

6.3 Inventory Quality ManagementThis category contains 25 criteria below it.

7 Sales Management7.1 Online Requirements (Sales Management)7.1.1 Accommodate an order type for a new order or quote7.1.2


7.1.4 Create an order from only selected lines of the quote7.1.5 Decrease the amount quoted7.1.6


7.1.8 1) Invoice7.1.9 2) Sales order or quote7.1.10 3) Bill of lading

Corrective actions can be initiated, and processed, and tracked

Tracks items for which there is no disposition, or which are rejected pending vendor approval

Tracks items for which use is conditional on QA statement of acceptable variance

Transactions related to material returns to vendors can be performed online

Tracks customer-rejected items awaiting disposition from original supplier

Automatically updates schedule information for items returned to suppliers

Lists authorized alternatives for substitution-approved items

Prints document identifying point of return and justification

Quality document linkage with product master within PDM

Status field for new quotes or orders (specifies whether it's a new order or quote)

Creates order from quote and retains quote reference identification (for all new orders or quotes)

Allow for customer account and sales order status on-line by customer name or number or by sales order number

Process and print a special message or memo (at least 300 characters) on the following:

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7.1.11 Validate order dates/MRP dates7.1.12




7.1.16 Override capability to the automatic pricing7.1.17



















Accommodate, primarily for the sales order, a customer requested ship date, a due date, and a company expected ship date

Process change orders easily, "pegging" these change orders to the original sales order

Change prices easily, including limiting price override capability so that only the sales manager can use it beyond a certain percent of list price

Automatically change all the prices by a certain percent or dollar amount

Accommodate multiple ship-to addresses for each bill-to address

Link each sales order to the appropriate shipping facility (i.e. production facility, etc.)

Allow sorting and printing each of the booking, billing, backlog, and backorder reports by sales order number

Allow sorting and printing each of the booking, billing, backlog, and backorder reports by customer name

Allow sorting and printing each of the booking, billing, backlog, and backorder reports by customer code

Allow sorting and printing each of the booking, billing, backlog, and backorder reports by product category

Allow sorting and printing each of the booking, billing, backlog, and backorder reports by part number

Allow sorting and printing each of the booking, billing, backlog, and backorder reports by representative/sales person

Allow sorting and printing each of the booking, billing, backlog, and backorder reports by region

Allow sorting and printing each of the booking, billing, backlog, and backorder reports by company

Allow sorting and printing each of the booking, billing, backlog, and backorder reports by distribution center

Provide on-line order history file displaying past orders for the customer

Provide on-line invoice history file displaying past customer invoices

Allow for on-line production status inquiry by customer purchase order number and customer code

Allow for customer master file inquiry that displays the billing address for a customer

Allow for customer master file inquiry that displays the shipping address (multiple) for a customer

Allow for customer master file inquiry that displays the credit standing for a customer

Allow for customer master file inquiry that displays the billing and shipping terms for a customer

Allow for customer master file inquiry that displays the special instructions for a customer

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7.1.38 Calculate split commissions automatically7.1.39 Apply sales tax automatically7.1.40 Create a backorder for under shipped or unshipped lines




This category contains 49 criteria below it.7.3 Available-to-Promise (ATP)

This category contains 10 criteria below it.7.4 Pricing and Discounting

This category contains 77 criteria below it.7.5 Customer Service and Returned Goods Handling

This category contains 29 criteria below it.7.6

This category contains 23 criteria below it.

Support a competitive information system whereby competitive quotes are entered from the field and reported centrally

Provide a management summary report showing on-time shipments

Provide the ability to allocate inventory to customers based on a customer priority code in the customer master record

Quotes and sales orders are viewable by salespersons (direct or agent) that are involved (commission structure)

Reporting and Interfacing Requirements (Sales Management)

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and E-Commerce Requirements

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8 Product Technology

8.1 Architecture8.1.1 Data Integration Technologies8.1.1.1 Data Management Options8. Relational database design8. Normalized tables8. SQL APIs for calls or data requests8. Multi-RDBMS portability Transaction tracking system8. Replicates database master files, fields, and structures Supports Disaster Recovery Institute procedures8.1.1.2 Database Gateway Options

This category contains 8 criteria below it. Server/Host Relational DBMS Options

This category contains 8 criteria below it. Metadata Management

This category contains 9 criteria below it. Logical Repository Model

This category contains 8 criteria below it. Repository Metadata Tools

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This category contains 5 criteria below it. Repository User Interface

This category contains 8 criteria below it. Business Modeling/Repository Tool

This category contains 17 criteria below it. Non-operational Data Warehousing

This category contains 6 criteria below it.8.1.2 Messaging Protocols

This category contains 15 criteria below it.8.1.3 Device Interfaces

This category contains 27 criteria below it.8.1.4 Architectural Foundation

This category contains 15 criteria below it.8.1.5 Web Enablement

This category contains 108 criteria below it.8.1.6 Organizational Structure

This category contains 7 criteria below it.8.1.7 Application Security

This category contains 7 criteria below it.8.1.8 Multisite Management

This category contains 17 criteria below it.8.2 User Interface

This category contains 8 criteria below it.8.3 Platforms

This category contains 36 criteria below it.8.4 Application Tools

This category contains 23 criteria below it.8.5 Workflow and Document Management

This category contains 6 criteria below it.8.6 Reporting

This category contains 3 criteria below it.8.6.4 Active or inactive status

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Criteria WorksheetFUT NS Description

Financial system modules for bookkeeping and ensuring accounts are paid or received on time.

General ledger keeps centralized charts of accounts and corporate financial balances. It supports all aspects of the business accounting process. In this module, financial accounting transactions are posted, processed, summarized, and reported. It maintains a complete audit trail of transactions and enables individual business units to view their financial information, while parent companies can roll up all business subsidiaries and view the consolidated information.

Multiple calendars may be useful for different accounting scenarios. For example, different financial entities may need separate fiscal calendars--one set of books might require a quarterly calendar while another would require a different term. If a merger results in two financial entities that have different fiscal calendars, the accounting system will need to maintain both calendars and normalize the data (Q2 for Entity A is equal to Q3 for Entity B). This may also be useful for what-if scenarios.

A financial reporting entity is a business unit which can legally make financial reports.

The 4-4-5 calendar period uses a four week, four week, five week pattern. Likewise, the 5-4-4 calendar period uses a five week, four week, four week pattern; and analagously for the 4-5-4 pattern.

The calendar can be organized in a limitless form, with up to 999 user periods, per calendar

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account payable (A/P)

Allows for instant processing or batch processing

general ledger (G/L)

The ability to decide how to organize data when defining the organization of an enterprise's financial information

By controlling when an account is open and closed, the posting of information in an account period can restricted.

The ability to change the currency used in balance sheet accounts to another currency using a default rate. It is possible to override this default rate for particular accounts. Moreover, it is possible to set different default rates for different subledgers.

A general ledger key typically is an identifier attached to accounts to put the accounts into groups. For example, there may be fifteen accounts in the chart of accounts related to payroll, and all fifteen accounts will be assigned the same key (perhaps "PAYROLL"). Thus the system can purge or set other rules to all chart of accounts with the same key.

The ability to cumulatively incorporate results from the previous accounting period into the current accounting period, but only when the last document generated in the previous period was the financial statement.

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ADP refers to automatic data processing.

The ability to cumulatively incorporate results from the previous accounting period into the current accounting period, but only when the last document generated in the previous period was the financial statement.

General ledgers are designed to present values for creating financial statements. The multiple level for a ledger key means the system will have a more complex and functional key structure--one that supports a hierarchy of keys.

The ability to automatically, rather than manually, identify open receivables exceptions by using user-defined conditions (for example, very large amount invoices, exceeding credit line, etc.)

The system can provide a copy function or a program to propagate a chart of accounts for a specific existing business unit to a new business unit. If a US dollar ledger has a chart of accounts, a Canadian dollar ledger can be created by propagating from the US dollar ledger, etc.

For future expenses that have not been received. Upon invoice receipt, differences are posted to a particular G/L account.

This is different from a purge because the balance still exists but has been moved to another account. This allows for the automatic aging of account balances from a current file to a prior file and is required to maintain separate balances relating to customers acquired in the current year and in prior years

The ability to process jobs that are in the midst of being edited or updated

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The ability to create a report subsection that indicates which pages of the report mention errors and warnings

The ability to decide if a particular job should be updated more than once during a given time period

The ability to look up entries in the ledger by company, by market, and by stock keeping unit (SKU)

The ability to define variables within a tabular array of data so that jobs are performed and postings or reports are created accordingly

This refers to enterprise resource planning (ERP) database tables, not, for example, report tables.

The ability check data entry to make sure that only the correct records are updated

The chart of accounts is a list of ledger account names and account numbers, creating consistency in terminology and eliminates redundant accounts. A chart of accounts structure should include fields for account and ledger descriptions, to prevent shadow accounts from being created. Data tree tools allow users to see the structure of the fields and summaries, to help with reporting requirements, foster change, etc.

The accounting department is typically responsible for recording all transactions in the company in the journal (GL). All of the criteria that fall Journal Entry and Reporting relate to various ways to record journal transactions. For example payroll is an AP item. As paychecks are cut the AP items need to be reconciled with the cash outflow. A software feature might be the automatic reconciliation of payroll deductions when paychecks are issued (as opposed to having an accountant have to key the transactions by hand).

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A journal voucher (JV) is a document that authorizes payment for services performed, or for goods that are received or exchanged. As a means to record ledger transactions, JVs may have different approvals for different accounts. For example when someone submits an expense report that money is typically associated with an account on the chart of accounts in the G/L. The account may require a JV for posted entries. The JV may include copies of receipts and a sign off from a manager before the entry can be posted.

Accounts payable schedules bill payments to suppliers and distributors, and keeps accurate information about owed money, due dates, and available discounts. It provides functionality and integration to other areas such as customer service, purchasing, inventory, and manufacturing control. The software should support the following functionality: AP company policies and procedures; suppliers/voucher master data; payment controls; invoice processing and aging analysis; payment processing; journal voucher processing; AP ledger posting; check processing; AP transactions and controls; and AP reporting.

Fixed assets manages depreciation and other costs associated with tangible assets such as buildings, property and equipment. The software should support the following functionality: fixed assets records; asset transactions; asset depreciation; depreciation books; revaluation and interest calculation; and tax reporting.

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Cost accounting analyzes corporate costs related to overhead, products, and manufacturing orders. It provides a variety of costing approaches such as standard, FIFO, LIFO, average, target, and activity-based costing (ABC). The software should support the following functionality: cost data; cost allocation definitions; cost allocation process; cost management; cost and sales price calculation; activity based costing (ABC); and activity based cost tracing and tracking.

Cash management involves the capability of the system to record cash charges or deposits, recording of cash payments and receipts, cash projection reporting, calculation of expected cash uses/sources, current cash availability, etc. It monitors and analyzes cash holdings, financial deals, and investment risks.

Budgeting involves budgetary controls, budget accounting, budget development, and budget allocation. The software should provide sufficient tools to enable detailed budget development and analysis. Additional functionality should be available to integrate with project management software applications either natively or with external interfaces.

Accounts receivable tracks payments due to a company from its customers. It contains tools to control and expedite the receipt of money from the entry of a sales order to posting payments received. The software should support the following functionality: AR company policies and procedures; customers/voucher master data; bill processing and aging analysis; credit management; cash/payment application, receipt processing; journal voucher processing; AR ledger posting; multicurrency accounting and conversions; AR transactions and controls; and AR reporting.

Financial reporting enables robust analysis of company performance through delivered reports. These reports will allow individual business units to view their financial information, while parent companies can roll up all business subsidiaries and view the consolidated information. Additionally, solutions should provide user generated reporting tools that are easy to use and provide sufficient depth of and access to the financial data to permit comprehensive analysis.

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Project accounting uses financial practices to monitor the schedules and spending of projects.

Human resources encompasses all the applications necessary for handling personnel-related tasks for corporate managers and individual employees. Modules include personnel management, benefit management, payroll management, employee self service, data warehousing, and health and safety.

Personnel management automates personnel processes including recruitment, personnel profile, organizational structure, career development & training, reward management, job position and wage profiles, and business travel and vacation allotments. The software should support the following functionality: recruitment management; personnel information and tracking; organizational structuring; job position and salary profile; career development, training and performance management; compensation management; budgeting and cost control; government compliance reporting; expenses management; union information; discipline actions and grievances tracking; and employment history/personnel reporting.

Requisition parameters are used for information on recruiting issues and department personnel needs

A typical feature in employment management systems, resume routing is the ability to divert resumes to the appropriate department or hiring manager.

New hires are personnel that have been recently acquired by the company.

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Applicant flow statistics are derived from applicant data, and include information on education, job history, etc. These numbers can be used for effective marketing to further strengthen recruitment, create non-discriminatory policy, create applicant flow reports etc.

Competencies are comprised of skill sets, which are mapped to an organization's needs and strategic goals. Human resources (HR) uses competencies and competency models to determine what skills are linked to a position, what skills need to be enhanced, and what skills are not necessary or no longer valid for a particular job or area. They can also be used to create behavioral tests or other candidate screening tools.

Competencies are comprised of skill sets, which are mapped to an organization's needs and strategic goals. Human resources (HR) uses competencies and competency models to determine what skills are linked to a position, what skills need to be enhanced, and what skills are not necessary or no longer valid for a particular job or area. They can also be used to create behavioral tests or other candidate screening tools.

Competencies are comprised of skill sets, which are mapped to an organization's needs and strategic goals. Human resources (HR) uses competencies and competency models to determine what skills are linked to a position, what skills need to be enhanced, and what skills are not necessary or no longer valid for a particular job or area. They can also be used to create behavioral tests or other candidate screening tools. Competency requirements are the necessary skills that a candidate must possess in order to satisfactorily operate in a position.

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Competencies are comprised of skill sets, which are mapped to an organization's needs and strategic goals. Human resources (HR) uses competencies and competency models to determine what skills are linked to a position, what skills need to be enhanced, and what skills are not necessary or no longer valid for a particular job or area. They can also be used to create behavioral tests or other candidate screening tools.

Competency management is used to map the skill sets required in a position to ensure the organization or departments needs and strategic goals are met. It employs competency models to determine what skills are linked to a position, what skills need to be enhanced, and what skills are not necessary or no longer valid for a particular job or area. They can also be used to create behavioral tests or other candidate screening tools.

Benefits functionality is used to administer a variety of benefit plans. Such plans typically cover accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D), disability, life, medical, retirement, stock, etc.

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Payroll handles accounting and preparation of checks related to employee salaries, wages, and bonuses. The software should support the following functionality: employee payroll profile; earnings and deductions; eligibility controls; user balances; tax deductions and calculation; payroll calculation; payroll and payment processing; check processing and printing; labor distribution and accounting; payroll and regulatory reporting; IRS documentation; security and audit; and automated timesheets.

Employee self-service lets workers access their personal information and benefit allocations on-line to manage life events and benefit selections without having to send forms to human resources. The software should also support benefit enrollment programs and new hire initiation.

Data warehousing simply defined, is a place for data, whereas data warehousing describes the process of defining, populating, and using a data warehouse. Creating, populating, and querying a data warehouse typically carries an extremely high price tag, but the return on investment can be substantial.

Health and safety provides the tools to administer compliance with the health and safety regulations, accident and injury reporting, and tracking of lost time by employee.

Workforce management enables organizations to efficiently plan and organize their labor resources. It helps employers assess part-time employee labor, evaluate and project the contribution from individual employees, track time and expenses, as well as manage contracts.

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Kanban is a method of Just-in-Time production that uses standard containers or lot sizes with a single card attached to each. It is a pull system in which work centers signal with a card or other device that they wish to withdraw parts from feeding operations or suppliers. The Japanese word kanban, loosely translated, means card, billboard, or sign, but other signaling devices such as colored golf balls have also been used. The term is often used synonymously for the specific scheduling system developed and used by the Toyota Corporation in Japan. Point-of-use storage/floor stock—keeping inventory in specified locations on a plant floor near the operation where it is to be used.

Product costing analyzes product costs related to overhead, labor, material, and manufacturing costs. It provides a variety of costing approaches such as standard, actual, and average.

Production model cost elements involves using specified classification schemes to analyze the cost of production.

Costs associated with factory operations can be distinguished from those that are not associated with factory operations. Examples of costs not associated with factory operations may include marketing or administrative costs.

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work in progress (WIP)

general ledger (GL)

general ledger (GL)

The different costs of a part is calculated by using the net differences by cost elements and by total for a part's different cost types.

A cost rollup refers to summarizing costs presented in an information tree, which usually records cost changes. Rollover dates are the dates when cost was moved over into another accounting or user-specified period.

Ad hoc query tools are generally used to understand the cause and affect of an action.

maintenance, repair, and operating (MRO); bill of material (BOM)

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Shop floor control provides control and tracking of the status of production orders in the plant. It involves production orders dispatching, capacity planning, resource allocation, production tracking and reporting, and waste/reject tracking.

Field service and repairs administers installed-base service agreements and checks contracts and warranties when customers call for help.

Production planning performs capacity planning and creates a daily/weekly/monthly production schedule for a company’s manufacturing plants. It involves forecasting, production scheduling, and material planning.

Project management monitors costs and work schedules on a project-by-project basis. It usually includes the following sub-modules: project control, project analyzer, project budgeting, project timekeeping, project billings, contract management, and a workflow communicator.

Product data management (PDM) provides the ability to integrate at the engineering level to ensure accurate updated product information. It involves bills of materials and routings creation, and engineering change management. It also provides a consolidated view of the product.

Planning bill of materials (BOM) applies more to family BOMs (for example, what perecentage of PCs with 20 GB, 50 GB or 100 GB drives will we make?). This is important during sales and operations planning, and forecasting phases. A software tool that simplifies order entry by asking which options the customer needs, then applies predefined rules to correctly configure the end products. The configurator populates the attributes of the newly configured item, tests for conflicts, and generates the appropriate BOM, routing, and price based on rules and calculations.

Solutions for inventory management are used for the record-keeping of goods that are warehoused, and managing the movement of these goods to, from, and through warehouses.

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Any individual item descriptions are pushed to be viewed on the screen.

The term "harmonized" refers to standardized codes set by a higher authority (e.g., government or national/international organizations). Thus, the system should be capable of using such standard codes, particularly for interactions with third parties.

Up selling refers to selling upgrades, add-ons, or enhancements to a specific product or service.

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The ability to encode data on bar codes on individual parts as they are received, so that their subsequent warehousing and other activities may be monitored in a real time manner using the bar code information.

The ability to change some materials' designation from being "manufactured" in-house to being "purchased" outside, while keeping the engineering change number (ECN) in the loop.

Purchasing management encompasses a group of applications that controls purchasing of raw materials needed to build products and that manages inventory stocks. It also involves creating purchase orders/contracts, supplier tracking, goods receipt and payment, and regulatory compliance analysis and reporting.

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PO = purchase order

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This category defines the technical architecture of the product, and the technological environment in which the product can successfully run. Criteria include product and application architecture, software usability and administration, platform and database support, application standards support, communications and protocol support and integration capabilities. Relative to the other evaluation criteria, best practice selections place a lower relative importance, on the product technology category. However, this apparently lower importance is deceptive, because the product technology category usually houses the majority of the selecting organization's mandatory criteria, which usually include server, client, protocol, and database support, application scalability and other architectural capabilities. The definition of mandatory criteria within this set often allows the client to quickly narrow the long list of potential vendors to a short list of applicable solutions that pass muster relative to the most basic mandatory selection criteria. During the process of product selection a great deal of attention is given to the functional capabilities of the software being evaluated. While this aspect is obviously important, ignoring the technical mechanisms by which the software actually operates can be fatal to a project.

Relational database management systems (RDBMS) are a type of database management systems (DBMS) that store data in the form of related tables.

The ability to make copies of master files, fields, and structures

Gateways are interfaces that convert protocols in order to connect different networks.

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The ability to categorize items based on whether their activity status is active or inactive

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Criteria WorksheetComment

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Technology Evaluation Centers Inc.

Enterprise Resource Planning for Discrete Manufacturing Industries


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