copernicus & h2020-earth observation call

Copernicus Programme & H2020 - Earth Observation Calls Mauro Facchini Head of Unit Copernicus Services DG Enterprise and Industry 19 th June 2014, Brussels

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Post on 02-Jul-2015




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With the adoption in April and the launch of S1A, the European Programme for Earth Observation, Copernicus, will deliver European information services based on satellite Earth Observation and in-situ data analyses. It is the first time that vast amounts of global data from satellites and from ground-based, airborne and seaborne measurement systems are being used to provide information to help service providers, public authorities and other international organisations improve the quality of life for the citizens of Europe. The information services provided will be freely and openly accessible to users. The services address six thematic areas: land, marine, atmosphere, climate change, emergency management and security. Copernicus Services support a broad range of environmental and security applications, including sustainable development, transport and mobility, climate change monitoring, civil protection, urban area management, regional and local planning, agriculture and health. The wealth of space based data is an important opportunity to develop innovative space applications. Copernicus Services will have to evolve to remain in tune with the state-of-art, adjusting to user's requirement and new developments need. Thanks to H2020, the Europe's research Programme, this will be guaranteed.


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• Introduction to CopernicusProgramme• What is Copernicus?

• Governance, financing, legislativebasis

• User uptake: from core to downstream

• The role of research – H2020• EO calls and services evolution

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Monitor the environment

Facilitate adaptation to

climate change

Improve environmental policy effectiveness

Increase general knowledge on the state of the Planet

Protect people and assets

Foster downstream applications in a number

of fieldsHelp managing emergency

and security related situations


"The Union Earthobservation and monitoring programme"

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…added-value products

6 services use Earth

Observation data to make …



Coordinated Data

Access System

GMES ServicesGMES Services

Contributing missions

In situ


Sentinel 1/2/3/4/5 & Jason-CS seriesSentinel 1/2/3/4/5 & Jason-CS series

GMES Space




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…added-value products

6 services need Earth

observation data to make…



Coordinated Data

Access System

GMES ServicesGMES Services

Contributing missions

In situ


Sentinel 1/2/3/4/5 & Jason-CS seriesSentinel 1/2/3/4/5 & Jason-CS series

GMES Space




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One of the first images from Sentinel 1A showing glaciers in Antarctica

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One of the first images from Sentinel 1A showing glaciers in Antarctica

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• Objective: to provide information in relation to different type of disasters in Europe and beyond

• EMS mapping service: to measure the impact and respond to natural

and man-made disasters, on a 24/7/365 basis

Rush mode: immediate response needed,

activation on demand standardized product

Non-rush: prevention, disaster risk analysis, recovery;activation on demand, tailored products on user needs

• EFAS European Flood Awareness System: First operational alert system for floods and hydrological network

Added value: better preparedness and improved disaster and crisis management in Europe with trans-national flood early warning information to EC civil protection and Member State authorities

Emergency Monitoring Service

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Providing support to

emergency response


Situation maps, reference information

Flood and forest

fire risk forecasts

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Sealed soil

Forest type

Tree cover densityGrassland


Water bodies

Corine Land

Cover 2012

Image mosaicsLC Biodiversity



Land Monitoring Service EU component

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0 200 water


Vegetation Index

Dry Matter Productivity

Land Surface Temperature

Burnt Areas



Leaf Area Index

Land Monitoring Service Global component

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Atmosphere Monitoring Service


To provide information on air quality on EU scale and of chemical composition of the atmosphere on a global scale.

For air quality monitoring system at local to national scales, and to contribute to the monitoring of atmospheric chemistry climate variable.

Service Domains:

Air quality & atmospheric composition

Climate forcing

Ozone layer and UV

Solar radiation

Emissions and surface fluxes

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D-Copernicus - 08.04.2014 - M.Rohn

UV Information







Air Quality forecast

and (Re-)Analysis

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Marine Environment Monitoring Service


To provide information on the state and dynamics of the physical ocean and marine ecosystems for the global ocean and the EU regional areas.

To ensure EU capacity for marine monitoring, forecasting and re-analysis.

Service Domains:

Marine safety

Marine & coastal environment

Marine Resources

Weather, seasonal forecasting & climate

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Global and Regional

Real time and Reanalyses

Satellite & In Situobs. and Models




Sea Level

A 3D and consistent estimation of the ocean



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• Objective:

• To provide information in response to the following key areas

• Border surveillance

• Maritime surveillance

• Support to EU External Action

Security Service

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• Objectives:

• Monitor the climate system

• Detect climate change behaviours to allow projections

• Assess impacts of, and support adaptation to climate variability & change

• Consistent Climate Data Store

• Sectoral Information System

Climate Change Service

Space & in-situ


Climate data & re-


Climate model


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Climate Change Service /2

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Transfer to operations

EU operationalprogramme


R & D

2004 20102006 2012

R & D & Innovation


2008 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022

From 2000 to 2013:ESA – Space Segment (ESA + EU budget)EU – Development of Applications

EU contribution mainly through R&D Budget (FP6,7 …) – annual CALLS, several EU partners

As from 2014 :ESA – Space Segment (ESA + EU budget)EU Operational budget (4,3B€ 2014-2020)Delegation Agreements, Tenders, Service specifications

Horizon 2020 RD&I support for Copernicus:- Continuity in transfer (particularly in 2014)

- Downstream applications & uptake- Service evolution R&D based on op.

service feedback (especially post 2015)

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• Data policy promotes the access, use and sharing of Copernicus information and data on a full, free and open basis

• One of the main objectives is to support downstream segment and research, technology and innovation communities

• Business, citizens and environment are to benefit from free access to EU satellite data and service information

Data Policy

Science Community is called upon to make good use of the available data, acting as value multipliers

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Adopted budget appropriations 2014-2020

Space component 3.394 M€Service & In-situ component 897 M€

• Until end-2013

funding for

Copernicus comes

from GMES Initial

Operations (GIO) and

FP7 funded pre-

operational projects

• From 2014 Copenicus

entered its

operational phase

• 24.04.2014 adoption

of the Copernicus

Regulation – legal

base for the

implementation of

the programme

GMES / Copernicus Evolution

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• Cost per EU inhabitant will be ~€1.07 per year

• Expected cumulative financial benefit by 2030 is ~€30 Bn

- comparable to 0.2% of the EU GDP

• For every €1 spent we get a return of ~€3.2

• An estimated minimum of ~48,000 jobs will be created –

over the period 2015 -2030

• Estimated downstream market potential turnover will be

~€1.8 Bn by 2030

Job & Growth:Cost-benefit analysis

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Examples of mechanisms could be:

• Information / Match-making events – intermediateand end users

• Use cases / good practises

• User uptake workshops to identify the needs

• Capacity building

• E.g. Educational and training workshops –train the trainers, eLearning

• Service voucher schemes

• Competitions (e.g. App Camp, …)

User Uptake

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A number of non-Space sectors benefits from the programme.

Copernicus can be seen as a driving force creating highly skilled job opportunities and can have indirect effects on the wider economy by 2030.

Copernicus demonstrated that ecological and economical goals can be mutually beneficial; environmental sustainability can promote economic development.

Sector analysis


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Agriculture Value Chain and EO Contribution

Case study: commercial precision farming "FARMSTAR"

Downstream Example

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Launched for 2012 Olympics, London


Downstream opportunities“Air quality information

where people live”


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• Introduction to CopernicusProgramme• What is Copernicus?

• Governance, financing, legislativebasis

• User uptake: from core to downstream

• The role of research – H2020• EO calls and services evolution

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FP6 FP7 H2020

SPACE1.42 B€

1.42 B€

2014-15Science ~5%

Prod./Serv. ~40%

Technology ~51%Others ~4%

No inflation




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needs &

feedbackUser needs,

gap analysis,


cost assessmentLatest





"short term" user requirements:

immediate system evolutions


"long term" user

requirements: new

developments need to be


"very long term" user

requirements: research

needs to be launched

User needs impossible to take

into account

(rationale for continued

downstream implementation)29

Copernicus services willhave to evolve to remain in tune with state-of-the art

Scope for Horizon 2020

Yes – we can

No – for others to do

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Navigation solutions powered by Europe

~ 6.300 M€

~ 3.800 M€

New Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020

SPACE Programmes and Research

~ 1.400 M€

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There is a place for SPACE


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Your creativity is asked for…

• EO in Horizon 2020 « SPACE »• Foster uptake of space based EO data in

commercial applications, and supporting market introduction of downstream services activities

• To address capability gaps identified by service operators for service evolution

• To maintain the lead in European EO capabilities, research into remote sensing technologies and instruments, and space systems

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First Call “Earth Observation” - Copernicus

58,5 M€

New ideas for Earth-relevant space applications Bringing EO applications to the market Transition towards Copernicus (Marine & Atmosphere) Climate-change relevant space-based data reprocessing… Observation capacity mapping for climate-change Stimulating wider user of Copernicus Sentinel data Technology developments for commercial imaging

H2020 & future development



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EO 1 2015

EO 1: Bringing EO applications to the market

"Innovation actions (70%)"

10 M€

It is essential that EO products and information generation are taken out of the research environment and products are put into the market. The outcome of these innovation projects should be a commercial service platform, sustained by a production process capable to deliver to the user a product which is validated and accepted as a marketable product.

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EO 2 2015

Stimulating wider research use of Copernicus Sentinel data

"Research and innovation actions (100%)"

11 M€

Europe’s investment in the Copernicus Sentinel satellites will provide Europe with an unprecedented source of operational satellite data. Data streams are expected to amount to several terabyte per satellite orbit, thereby delivering unprecedented temporal and spatial resolution and data continuity. To utilise the high scientific potential of the Sentinel data, stable and predictable access methods need to be developed, such as:

Efficient data retrieval from repositories Software for reading/transforming data for

access by scientific users Data fusion (various Sentinels/contributing

missions) Advanced visualisation


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EO 3 2015

Research should be undertaken to review the emerging fractionated observation system concepts. The required technology challenges as regards interfacing, formation flying, communication within the constellation or with ground stations are to be identified. Potential benefits for EO are to be examined.

EO 3: Technology developments for commercial imaging

"Research and innovation actions (100%)"

5 M€

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Thank you for your
