coordinator’s message · comparing the holocaust stories in a well-developed essay during ......

Hoboken Middle School participated in the Hour of Code today. Students engaged in activities to learn how to code. It was a great learning experi- ence, and the students really enjoyed themselves. We are excited to announce that Hoboken Mid- dle School will be holding its first annual spelling bee! Students will participate in classroom bees, sending a representative to the middle school spelling bee. The winner of that spelling bee will go on to participate in the Hudson County Spelling Bee. We will keep you posted on up- coming dates. There are just a few short weeks until winter break and students and teachers are getting excit- ed. It is extremely important for the students to stay focused, completing night writes and math homework. Your assistance in reminding the stu- dents about the value of this work is greatly ap- preciated. As always, if you have any suggestions or ques- tions please feel free to reach out to me. Enjoy the weekend. ——-Tara Donnelly Coordinator’s Message HOBOKEN MIDDLE SCHOOL HOBOKEN, NEW JERSEY Hoboken Middle School News 12-9-16 VOLUME I, ISSUE 12 PRINCIPAL: ROBIN PICCAPIETRA PROGRAM COORDINATOR: TARA DONNELLY December 16th— Middle School Town Hall Meeting pd. 9 December 23— 1:00 pm Dismissal for Stu- dents and Staff December 26 to Janu- ary 2—Winter Break January 3—classes re- sume Upcoming Events INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Coordinator’s Message Science News History Mixes with Literature Urban Planning in Algebra Hour of Code Middle School Staff Directory Growth Mindset Image of the Week

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Page 1: Coordinator’s Message · comparing the Holocaust stories in a well-developed essay during ... Stories of Jewish Children Rescued from the Holocaust Students are also choosing from

Hoboken Middle School participated in the Hour

of Code today. Students engaged in activities to

learn how to code. It was a great learning experi-

ence, and the students really enjoyed themselves.

We are excited to announce that Hoboken Mid-

dle School will be holding its first annual spelling

bee! Students will participate in classroom bees,

sending a representative to the middle school

spelling bee. The winner of that spelling bee will

go on to participate in the Hudson County

Spelling Bee. We will keep you posted on up-

coming dates.

There are just a few short weeks until winter

break and students and teachers are getting excit-

ed. It is extremely important for the students to

stay focused, completing night writes and math

homework. Your assistance in reminding the stu-

dents about the value of this work is greatly ap-


As always, if you have any suggestions or ques-

tions please feel free to reach out to me. Enjoy

the weekend. ——-Tara Donnelly

Coordinator’s Message


H O B O K E N , N E W J E R S E Y

Hoboken Middle School News 1 2 - 9 - 1 6 V O L U M E I , I S S U E 1 2

P R I N C I P A L : R O B I N P I C C A P I E T R A

P R O G R A M C O O R D I N A T O R : T A R A D O N N E L L Y

December 16th—

Middle School Town

Hall Meeting pd. 9

December 23— 1:00

pm Dismissal for Stu-

dents and Staff

December 26 to Janu-

ary 2—Winter


January 3—classes re-


Upcoming Events






Science News

History Mixes




Planning in


Hour of Code

Middle School



Growth Mindset Image of the Week

Page 2: Coordinator’s Message · comparing the Holocaust stories in a well-developed essay during ... Stories of Jewish Children Rescued from the Holocaust Students are also choosing from

P A G E 2

History through Literature

Earlier this week, , students

in Mr. Joffe's science class

were using the SMART

board in order to sharpen

their skills with the Periodic

Table of Elements and calcu-

lating protons, electrons,

and neutrons.

This week, Ms. Falcone’s period

2/5 class started reading the play,

The Diary of Anne Frank by

Frances Goodrich and Albert

Hackett. To prepare for this sto-

ry, students researched back-

ground information on Anne Frank

and the World War II

era. Students have read the first

three scenes of Act 1 of the play in

class, while at home they have

been reading assigned excerpts

from the stories “The Island on

Bird Street” by Uri Orlev and

“Behind the Secret Window” by Nelly S. Toll. At the end of the

week, students will be focused on

comparing the Holocaust stories in

a well-developed essay during

Writing Workshop.

Students are also choosing

from among a number of fiction

and non-fiction books for their in-

dependent reading this marking pe-

riod. Some of the books they con-

sidered are listed below. They are

all great reads and we hope parents

will consider reading along with

your students.

The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (John

Boyne) The Book Thief (Markus Zusak) Briar Rose (Jane Yolen) Maus (Art Spiegelman) Milkweed (Jerry Spinelli) The Upstairs Room (Johanna Reiss) We Are Witnesses: Five Diaries of

Teenagers Who Died in the Holo-

caust (Jacob Boas) In My Hands: Memories of a Holo-

caust Rescuer (Irene Gut Opdyke) Hiding to Survive: Stories of Jewish

Children Rescued from the Holocaust

(Maxine B. Rosenberg)

It’s Element-ary

Page 3: Coordinator’s Message · comparing the Holocaust stories in a well-developed essay during ... Stories of Jewish Children Rescued from the Holocaust Students are also choosing from

P A G E 3

Algebra Leads to City Planning

In Ms. Richard’s algebra class, students just finished up a mini-unit on parallel lines cut by transver-

sals. This week students completed a project where they designed their own city using parallel

lines cut by transversals including specific criteria. They all did such a great job!

Page 4: Coordinator’s Message · comparing the Holocaust stories in a well-developed essay during ... Stories of Jewish Children Rescued from the Holocaust Students are also choosing from

P A G E 4

This week we observed

Computer Science

Week by participating

in the Hour of Code.

Students used an

interactive online

tutorial to learn the

basics of coding.

Coding builds great

problem-solving skills

and can lead to a great


From Code.Org:

“Hour of Code is a one

hour tutorial designed

for all ages in over 45


“There are currently

517,393 open

computing jobs


Last year, only 42,969

computer science

students graduated into

the workforce.”

Hour of Code

Page 5: Coordinator’s Message · comparing the Holocaust stories in a well-developed essay during ... Stories of Jewish Children Rescued from the Holocaust Students are also choosing from

Hour of Code P A G E 5

Page 6: Coordinator’s Message · comparing the Holocaust stories in a well-developed essay during ... Stories of Jewish Children Rescued from the Holocaust Students are also choosing from

Contact Us

P A G E 6 V O L U M E I , I S S U E 1 2

Staff Name Position/Subjects Email Address

Tara Donnelly Program Coordinator [email protected]

Don Cooley Guidance Counselor [email protected]

John Casella Math [email protected]

Steve D’Bernado History [email protected]

Andrea DellaFave English Language Arts [email protected]

Jaclyn Dickerson English Language Arts [email protected]

Stephanie Falcone English Language Arts [email protected]

Lauren Geleailen English Language Arts [email protected]

Jackie Gennarelli Math [email protected]

Michael Joffe Science [email protected]

Derya Kurt Project Lead The Way [email protected]

Sean Maurizi Science [email protected]

Monica Richard Math [email protected]

Louis Taglieri History [email protected]

Bridget Minogue English Language Arts [email protected]

Frank Rizzo English Language Arts, Science, History [email protected]

Eric Van Gyzen Project Lead The Way [email protected]

Robert Zak Math , History, Science [email protected]

We are happy to communicate with you to help your children achieve. Please do

not hesitate to reach out to our staff at the email addresses listed below. You can

also email teachers from within the Genesis Parent Portal. If you need to call the

school, our number is (201) 356-3750.

Follow us on

social media!