cook greuter itc'13

Intro questions • Q1: What is your mother tongue? • Q2: if it is not English, is it a non Indo-European language? • Q3: What are 2 or 3 of the most important reasons for your attraction to Integral theory or dedication the integral movement? If anything, what worries you about them

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Intro questions

• Q1: What is your mother tongue?

• Q2: if it is not English, is it a non Indo-European language?

• Q3: What are 2 or 3 of the most important reasons for your attraction to Integral theory or dedication the integral movement? If anything, what worries you about them

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Galaxy 4.5 billlion light years from earth

Hubble image of the galaxy cluster MACS J1206,

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Three Endings of our Universe

Big RipBig Crunch Knife-Edge

Scg Adapted from Discover Magazine 4’13

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Big Crunch

Expansion proceeds until dark energy reverses

itself, working along with gravity to pull matter

back together and causing the visible

universe to collapse into a single, tiny point, in a

reversal of the Big Bang.

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Big Rip Dark energy increases over time, eventally becoming

strong enough to overcome all other forces and tear the

universe apart.

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Dark energy stays more or

less the same and the

universe continues

expanding, growing eternally

colder and emptier. If

balanced just right, the

future universe will go on

forever, holding between the

Big Crunch and the Big Rip.

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Native American languages lost and dying

According to Wikipedia 4’13~90 are extinct~165 are still spoken.~74 (45%) almost extinct, with a handful of elderly speakers ~58 (35%) with fewer than 1,000 speakers ~25 (15%) with 1,000-10,000 speakers ~8 (5%) with 10,000+ speakers

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The world’s languages are dying out at a rapid rate

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Some uneasy observations

2. American Friends Service committee: The miliarty spends $2.2 million per minute, new technology to pervade even every day life in 2020

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AD 79 Vesuvius

1883 Krakatao

1980 Mr. St Helen

2010 Icelanbd

We have no good understanding of the earth’s core. We are living on a thin crust.

3. Catastrophic Vulcanic Eruptions

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1. Southern Poverty Law Center: SPLC tracks 2500 extremist groups. Patriot & militia groups have grown from less than 200 in 2005 to close to 1300 in 2011.

1. Some uneasy observations

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5. Worldwide loss of habitat

teaming with as yet undiscovered FaunaFloraViruses Bacteria


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4. Worldwide loss of pollinating bees

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E-coli Escherichia = 0.1% of gut flora now fast spreading mutated strains

6. Antibiotic-resistant common bacteria

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Reflection questions • 1) Please reflect on the idea that rare, dying-out languages may

contain wisdom and expressions of the human spirit that constitute a tremendous loss for humanity when they are gone.

• 2) How conscious are you of the peculiar linear framing of reality that is part of English and why would such an awareness even matter?

• 3) In which way may your own attraction to the integral movement involve your ego that always seeks empower-ment and coherent meaning as this is its job. Would anything change for you if you did appreciate the experience of the existential paradox of being a mortal with an inexhaustible desire to matter and to make sense of experience?

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