convergence of broadcasting and telecommunications › strl › results › annual2012 ›...

2.1 Technologies for the convergence of broadcasting and telecommunications 2.1.1 Hybridcast Hybridcast is a system that will provide services to meet the needs of a new era through the convergence of broadcasting and broadband networks. Our efforts to date have involved a full range of research, standardization, and development of ap- plications for this new system. Hybridcast platform We continue research on Hybridcast which enables the provi- sion of flexible and extensible new services that take advantage of the characteristics of broadcasting and telecommunications. NHK’s three-year administrative plan, which started in FY2012, prioritises development of new services suited to the era of in- tegrated broadcasting and telecommunications. In FY2012, we focused on developing prototype receivers for Hybridcast, stan- dardizing the specifications, and practical measures toward a launch of services in 2013. We cooperated with five receiver manufacturers in the devel- In NHK’s three-year corporate plan of FY2012- 14, one of the most important pillars of NHK’s ac- tion is “develop and offer new service using the latest technology created by convergence of broadcast and telecommunication”. At NHK STRL, We are researching that make full use of the char- acteristics of different transmission path media such as broadcast wave and broadband to realize new broadcast services that increase the value of programs. In FY2010, we unveiled Hybridcast as a platform for services that integrate broadcasting and tele- communications to increase the convenience and sophistication of broadcast programming. Since then we have advanced toward our goal of de- ploying this platform. In FY2012, we developed a prototype receiver with function of an HTML 5 browser and worked on standardizing the techni- cal specifications. We also studied examples of services that will be offered starting in the year of 2013. We promoted the service and conducted field trials at the NHK STRL Open House and at ex- hibitions and presentations held in Japan and in- ternationally. In addition, we worked on a new multiplexing scheme that receivers will be avail- able every content without regard to the type of transmission path, and we contributed to the standardization of MPEG Media Transport MMT. In our work on the teleda social TV system, we analyzed data obtained in field trials, confirming its effect on viewers’ behavior and the effective- ness of linkage with other Social Networking Services SNS in encouraging communication among viewers. We also conducted a field trial of a “seniors’ cloud,” built using the teleda service infrastructure to promote activities by the elderly. As part of our work on consumer generated me- dia CGM , we developed a system using TV- program Making Language TVML that enables SNS users to communicate through video content. We focus on services usage ’safety and security’, developed security technologies for services on combining of broadcasting and telecommunications. We developed security technologies for Hybrid- cast, including a display control scheme, which gives priority to important broadcasts, and an ap- plication authentication scheme, which ensures that services are legitimate. We also developed an authentication / authorization system that imple- ments access control suitable for various services and simplifies their operation on a network. We continued with our development of a download- able Conditional Access System CAS that up- dates using broadcast downloads and studied authentication federation technologies that facili- tate Digital Rights Management DRM. We continued with our research on IP content delivery technology that can stably deliver live video and other content to many viewers at the same time and at a low cost. We conducted live streaming tests from the London Olympics using a peer−to−peer P2Pcontent delivery system that we developed and confirmed that the system is ef- fective. Figure 1. Hybridcast prototype receivers 2 Convergence of broadcasting and telecommunications 16 NHK STRL ANNUAL REPORT 2012

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Page 1: Convergence of broadcasting and telecommunications › strl › results › annual2012 › 2012_chapter2.pdf · 2.1 Technologies for the convergence of broadcasting and telecommunications

2.1 Technologies for the convergence ofbroadcasting and telecommunications

2.1.1 HybridcastHybridcast is a system that will provide services to meet the

needs of a new era through the convergence of broadcastingand broadband networks. Our efforts to date have involved afull range of research, standardization, and development of ap-plications for this new system.

■ Hybridcast platform

We continue research on Hybridcast which enables the provi-sion of flexible and extensible new services that take advantageof the characteristics of broadcasting and telecommunications.NHK’s three-year administrative plan, which started in FY2012,prioritises development of new services suited to the era of in-tegrated broadcasting and telecommunications. In FY2012, wefocused on developing prototype receivers for Hybridcast, stan-dardizing the specifications, and practical measures toward alaunch of services in 2013.We cooperated with five receiver manufacturers in the devel-

In NHK’s three-year corporate plan of FY2012-14, one of the most important pillars of NHK’s ac-tion is “develop and offer new service using thelatest technology created by convergence ofbroadcast and telecommunication”. At NHK STRL,We are researching that make full use of the char-acteristics of different transmission path mediasuch as broadcast wave and broadband to realizenew broadcast services that increase the value ofprograms.In FY2010, we unveiled Hybridcast as a platformfor services that integrate broadcasting and tele-communications to increase the convenience andsophistication of broadcast programming. Sincethen we have advanced toward our goal of de-ploying this platform. In FY2012, we developed aprototype receiver with function of an HTML5browser and worked on standardizing the techni-cal specifications. We also studied examples ofservices that will be offered starting in the year of2013. We promoted the service and conductedfield trials at the NHK STRL Open House and at ex-hibitions and presentations held in Japan and in-ternationally. In addition, we worked on a newmultiplexing scheme that receivers will be avail-able every content without regard to the type oftransmission path, and we contributed to thestandardizationofMPEGMediaTransport(MMT).In our work on the teleda social TV system, we

analyzed data obtained in field trials, confirmingits effect on viewers’ behavior and the effective-ness of linkage with other Social Networking

Services( SNS)in encouraging communicationamong viewers. We also conducted a field trial ofa “seniors’ cloud,” built using the teleda serviceinfrastructure to promote activities by the elderly.As part of our work on consumer generated me-dia(CGM), we developed a system using TV-program Making Language(TVML)that enablesSNS users to communicate through video content.We focus on services usage ’safety and security’,developed security technologies for services oncombining of broadcasting and telecommunications.We developed security technologies for Hybrid-

cast, including a display control scheme, whichgives priority to important broadcasts, and an ap-plication authentication scheme, which ensuresthat services are legitimate. We also developed anauthentication / authorization system that imple-ments access control suitable for various servicesand simplifies their operation on a network. Wecontinued with our development of a download-able Conditional Access System(CAS)that up-dates using broadcast downloads and studiedauthentication federation technologies that facili-tate Digital Rights Management(DRM).We continued with our research on IP content

delivery technology that can stably deliver livevideo and other content to many viewers at thesame time and at a low cost. We conducted livestreaming tests from the London Olympics using apeer−to−peer(P2P)content delivery system thatwe developed and confirmed that the system is ef-fective.

Figure 1. Hybridcast prototype receivers

2 Convergence of broadcasting and telecommunications


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TV screen Tablet terminal screen

Application is not shown when an Earthquake

Early Warning is received






applicationApplication provider


Application display

control technology


authentication technology

Hybridcast receiver

Only legitimate applications run



Prototype receiver

opment of prototype receivers based on currently available tele-visions that are on the market(Figure 1), incorporating anHTML5 browser. We also showed a variety of Hybridcast appexamples at the NHK STRL Open House. In particular, we exhib-ited a service linking a TV with a tablet, a service that displaysgraphic data retrieved over the broadband network with asports program, and a dynamic service linked to the progres-sion of a program. We also exhibited display control technologyto ensure that viewers see important information such as emer-gency broadcast. In these ways, we promoted Hybridcast andshowed that it is ready for practical implementation. We alsoshowed the appeal of Hybridcast by demonstrating synchro-nized services such as multi-view service and sign-languageComputer Graphics(CG)composition(Figure 2)using prototypeset-top-boxes, user-preference-based personalized TV spotauto replacing services, authentication federation between TVand mobile terminals, and service examples from commercialbroadcasters.In our domestic standardization activities, we worked with

the IPTV Forum on the first editions of a system specificationand an HTML5 browser specification, and we made revisions torelated specifications at the Association of Radio Industries andBusinesses(ARIB). We also took the lead in drawing up opera-tional specifications with the Association for Promotion of Digi-tal Broadcasting(Dpa). On the international front, we promotedthe advantages of Hybridcast services and functionalities forsmart TV and contributed reports to various standards organi-zations. In particular, we contributed to technical report andcalled for Hybridcast functionalities to be reflected in draft re-quirements recommendations at ITU-R, submitted use-casedocuments for services that take advantage of broadcastingand telecommunications to the Future of Broadcasting Televi-sion Initiative(FoBTV), and presented the idea of Hybridcastand use-cases to the Technical Plenary/Advisory Committeemeeting(TPAC)of the W3C, which regulates HTML5 standardi-zation.We are also working with the NHK departments that will de-

ploy Hybridcast in a project that promotes public awareness ofthe system. We helped them to study the services that can beprovided, and complete facilities and operations for the launchof services in 2013.We also held exhibitions and demonstrations at the NHK

STRL Open House and other events such as the London Olym-pics, Broadcast Asia 2012, and events celebrating the 60th an-niversary of television in Japan to promote Hybridcast. Duringthe London Olympics, we conducted a field trial of Hybrid serv-ices covering popular competitions such as swimming andjudo. These demonstrations involved the whole process flow,

from the creation of content using application authoring tools(SDK : Software Development Kit)to distribution through acommercial cloud server, and reception at Akihabara as a SuperHi-Vision(SHV)public viewing venue for the games(Figure 3).In other work, we invited members of the public from the To-

hoku region to evaluate a Hybridcast service delivering emer-gency information about a fictional large-scale disaster in thecity of Sendai. Participants evaluated the system as effective.This research was commissioned by the Ministry of Internal Af-fairs and Communications, Japan, as part of the ”Research anddevelopment for disaster-proof strengthening of an informationand communications network” We will incorporate the resultsof this study in practical Hybridcast services.We will also continue to improve and standardize Hybridcast,

and moreover, develop services that take advantage of the fus-ing of broadcasting with telecommunications in the age of SHV.

Figure 3. Hybridcast service at the London Olympics(Applet to cheer Japanese athletes)

Figure 2. Sign-language CG service

Figure 4. Implementation of a display control scheme and an authentication scheme in a prototype Hybridcast receiver

2 Convergence of broadcasting and telecommunications2.1 Technologies for the convergence of broadcasting and telecommunications


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■ Security for receivers combining broadcasting andtelecommunications

We are researching and developing security technology to en-able safe and secure use of applications provided through Hy-bridcast. In FY2012, we implemented a display control schemethat gives priority to displaying important broadcast content,and an authentication scheme that ensures applications are le-gitimate in a prototype Hybridcast receiver build by commercialTV manufacturers(Figure 4).Display control technology ensures that reliable information

is presented so that viewers can enjoy programming with safetyand security. It gives priority to displaying important broadcastcontent such as Earthquake Early Warnings even when an appis being used. We implemented it in a prototype receiver basedon a commercially available TV.We also expect that Hybridcast will distribute HTML5 apps

over the broadband network. For this reason, Hybridcast needsa mechanism to ensure that apps cannot run if they risk com-promising the viewer’s interests. We implemented an appauthentication scheme to control the scope of an app’s opera-tion in receivers. The scheme discriminates whether an app isauthorized to launch or use receiver resources by attaching anID and signature to it. We also evaluated the execution time ofthe scheme. The results showed that apps up to 10 megabytescan be authenticated in a practical amount of processing time(2).We also designed a receiver authentication platform and a

comprehensive app security management verification system,covering total processing from registration to controlling theexecution of apps on the receiver.

■Media transport scheme for heterogeneousnetworks

We are researching media transport technologies for next-generation broadcasting systems using broadcast and / orbroadband media, so that users can enjoy content withoutawareness of the type of delivery medium and to build a systemthat can handle the growing diversity of content, viewing termi-nals, and transmission paths. The results of this research have

contributed to the standardization process for MPEG MediaTransport(MMT), which is a new multimedia transport technol-ogy at MPEG, and part of it was incorporated in the ISO/IEC 2ndCommittee Draft(CD)23008-1.MMT harmonizes the media transport schemes on broadcast-

ing systems with broadband networks, and allows various serv-ices to be deployed by using one-to-many broadcasting andone-to-one broadband networks together.Large and high-resolution monitors for Super Hi-Vision will

be suited to displaying video and information. Using MMT,high-definition video obtained from broadcasting can be easilypresented with video, sound or other data from broadband net-works in synchronized manner.Quality of transmission path may be affected by a number of

conditions including weather and network congestion. WithMMT, it is easy to use a combination of different transmissionpaths. Service availability can be increased by diversifyingtransmission paths and substituting lower-bandwidth videoand audio for high quality counterparts if the case need be.We have designed control signals describing relation and lo-

cation of each media and developed control methods to providesuch content services(3).This sort of distribution is complex and difficult to implement

using conventional media transport schemes such as MPEG-2TS or RTP; MMT is suitable for new services that integratebroadcasting and telecommunications.

[References](1)IPTVFJ STD-0010 Integrated broadcast-broadband system specifica-

tion / IPTVFJ STD-0011 HTML5 Browser Specification, IPTV Forum Ja-pan

(2)Y. Hironaka, G. Ohtake, H. Ohmata, K. Otsuki, Y. Endo and K. Majima:“Implementation evaluation of application authentication scheme forHybridcast receiver”, ITE Annual Conference, 16-4(2012)( in Japa-nese)

(3)K. Otsuki, S. Aoki, S. Mitsuya, K. Aoki, and H. Hamada: “A Study ofControl Information in IP-based Transport Scheme for Hybrid Deliveryusing Broadcasting and Communications,” ITE Journal, Vol.36, No.42,BCT2012-85, pp.1-4(2012)(in Japanese)

2.1.2 Social Networking Services and Consumer Generated MediaWe are researching a Social Networking Service(SNS)and

Consumer Generated Media(CGM)or User Generated Content(UGC)to help viewers publish their own video content relatedto broadcasting.

■ Social TV system

The “teleda” social TV platform expands the scope of TV forviewers from that of passively watching programs and encour-ages communication through a shared viewing experience withothers.The teleda platform is equipped with functions to manage

services such as program distribution, SNS, simultaneous pro-gram viewing, real-time chat, and recommendations. It also hasfunctions to manage resources such as program metadata, userprofiles, and behavior history and provides APIs that enablevarious services to be implemented on PCs, tablets, and smart-phones.In FY2012, we analyzed the results of a 1,000-user field trial

conducted in FY2011 using the teleda platform. The results ofthe trial showed that providing trailers affects user viewing be-havior and the potential of encouraging communication andexpanding the reach of programs by linking teleda with another

SNS(1)(2). Also, as part of a study on ways to encourage commu-nication among seniors, we prototyped a simple interface withthe program provision and SNS functions of teleda, and we con-ducted a field trial in a senior’s community in Kashiwa City,Chiba Prefecture. Part of this research was conducted undercontract from the Japan Science and Technology Agency, for theproject titled “R&D on a ‘Senior’s cloud’: ICT infrastructure topromote society using the experience, knowledge and skills ofthe elderly.”We also added a program search feature to the teleda plat-

form for classifying and quantifying image frames in programvideo using image features and making it possible to searchprograms for images that could not be found using keywordsearches unrelated to the user’s visual preferences. We also de-veloped the “Social Screen” system based on the teleda plat-form, enabling viewers to exchange and share videos, posts,and other information related to a program with friends andfamily while they are watching the broadcast. We exhibited thesystem at the NHK STRL Open House(Figure 1). This systemuses Hybridcast technology to implement a service that linksthe TV to tablets, and we will continue to study it with an eye toproviding practical applications.We also continued our work aimed at providing real services

2 Convergence of broadcasting and telecommunications2.1 Technologies for the convergence of broadcasting and telecommunications


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Look what

someone wrote...Do you know

about this program?

Communication by sharing knowledge

A shares related information B shares a related video

* Television supporting


Public space

User A

Private space A Private space B

User B





teleda server

through the teleda platform. The 60th anniversary of TV broad-casting archive portal site opened in January 2013 and we usedthe teleda engine to enable users of the site to read and writeprogram reviews, make personalized recommendations, andshare collections. The behavior of users on real services canalso be analyzed in detail, so we look forward to using it to de-velop new services in the future.

■ Virtualization of video content production

We continued with our research on using server-side proc-

essing to virtualize video content production, so that users canproduce video content without having to worry about the per-formance constraints of their terminals or what software is in-stalled.Utilizing a content generation engine that produces CG video

from TVML, we developed a system that allows SNS users tocommunicate through video content(Figure 2)(3) and anothersystem that generates and displays a CG animated figure ges-turing in sign language about a program. These systems wereexhibited at the NHK STRL Open House. We also worked ongenerating CG video content on the terminal side, by develop-ing core components including a high-speed dedicated TVMLplayer for mobile terminals and a general TVML player usingWebGL.We developed our sign-language CG animation further by im-

proving the CG characters and motion data by editing it in unitsof morphemic movements. This gives the CGs facial and non-manual expressions. We also helped an Asian Broadcast Union(ABU)researcher to build a chat system capable of emotionalexpression.We worked steadily to improve systems using motion capture

in program production and exhibitions such as the hands-onbooth at the NHK STRL Open House and the NHK Culture Festi-val. We also worked on a new application for creating videocontent on the Web.

[References](1)N. Hamaguchi, M. Miyazaki, S. Nishimura, H. Fujisawa, and R. Yo-

nekura: “Investigating trends in social TV services based on user par-ticipating experiments,” 1st International Workshop on Web Servicesand Social Media(WSSM 2012)

(2)G. Ohtake, C. Yamamura, K. Otsuki, M. Miyazaki, A. Fujii, and H. Fu-jisawa: “Expansion of communication space by cooperation betweenSNS site “teleda” for TV program review and existing SNS sites,” The86th group meeting, Special Interesting Group on Groupware andNetwork Services, Information Processing Society of Japan, 2013(inJapanese)

(3)M. Doke, H. Kaneko, N. Hamaguchi, and S. Inoue: “CG Based VideoContent Production System for SNS Users,” ITE Annual Convention2012, 8-6, 2012(in Japanese)

Figure 2. CG video content production system for SNS users

Figure 1. “Social Screen” concept

2 Convergence of broadcasting and telecommunications2.1 Technologies for the convergence of broadcasting and telecommunications


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2.1.3 Security platform

■ Integrated authentication federation technology forbroadcast and telecommunications

We are conducting research and development on an identitymanagement technology that enables a variety of services ori-ented to individuals to be provided simply and securely to view-ers. The technology works across multiple services to manageuser attribute information and give usage rights to individualusers. We have developed an authentication / authorizationsystem for secure access to protected information and function-alities between services. It controls access to various personal-ized services through user authentications and authoriza-tions(1). With this system, a user’s authentication assertion andaccess rights to a resource can be used by multiple serviceslinked by a common protocol.A demonstration incorporating this authentication / authori-

zation system was exhibited at the NHK STRL Open House(Fig-ure 1). We showed how a user was easily able to use personal-ized services on a television, which is a shared terminal withinthe household, without having to login to it, by performing theauthentication on his own personal mobile device, and havingthe access rights to resources for the personalized servicetransferred between devices to the television.

■ Downloadable CAS technology

We are conducting research and development on a down-loadable Conditional Access System(CAS)technology that isable to add and update security functions by using downloadbroadcasts, such as Entitlement Management Messages(EMM),Entitlement Control Messages(ECM)and encryption algorithms,to provide secure and reliable access control and copyright pro-tection. We have developed a mechanism that runs softwareimplementing CAS functions securely within the system LSI. Wehave also extended the communications functions of the down-loadable CAS technology and devised an authentication federa-tion technology that can make connections between CAS andDigital Rights Management(DRM).

■ Content-linking technology for device-linkedservices

We have developed a frame-level(under 0.03s)precision syn-chronization system for new broadcast-linked services usingvideo cameras built into mobile terminals such as smartphonesand tablets(2). With this system it is possible to provide contentsuch as 3D graphics and other objects linked to the TV imageand displayed as overlays on the image from the mobile termi-nal camera when watching a broadcast program on the TVscreen, through the mobile terminal camera.

■ Encryption and authentication

Wemade progress on encryption and authentication technol-ogy that will allow hybrid broadcasting and telecommunica-

tions services such as Hybridcast to be used securely and reli-ably.We have been researching a broadcast encryption scheme to

protect content distributed through networks. We implementedthe scheme with individual messages on a PC, evaluated de-cryption speed and memory use, and clarified implementationissues.We also studied attribute-based encryption as an improved

broadcast encryption scheme. As a result, we developed a two-layer encryption scheme with a shorter decryption time andsmaller public key(3). This research was conducted in coopera-tion with the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Scienceand Technology.We also continued with our research on an app-authentica-

tion technology to prevent use of non-legitimate apps sent to areceiver. In other development, we converted the applicationauthentication program built into the Hybridcast security man-agement test system into a library, and developed a private keyupdate function.

[References](1)C. Yamamura, Y. Nishimoto, and A. Fujii: “An Authentication/Authori-

zation Infrastructure for Personalized Services in Hybridcast System,”FIT2012, O-021(2012)(in Japanese)

(2)H. Kawakita, Y. Nishimoto, Y. Endo, and A. Fujii: “A SynchronizationMechanism for Multi Device Link Service,” ITE Annual Convention2012, 16-6(2012)(in Japanese)

(3)G. Ohtake, Y. Hironaka, K. Kai, Y. Endo, G. Hanaoka, H. Watanabe, S.Yamada, K. Kasamatsu, T. Yamakawa,H. Imai: “Partially WildcardedAttribute-Based Encryption and Its Efficient Construction,” SCIS2013,3F4-3(2013)(in Japanese)

Figure 1. Prototype system demonstration exhibited at the NHK STRLOpen House

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London broadcast

centerNHK broadcast center

Service operation and management

Internet connection

(dual circuits)

P2P distribution network

Viewing terminals

Stream distributor

Content distribution server farm




Distribution controlP2P stream


Client registration













Content distribution server load

Number of viewing terminals


nt dis


ution s






of vie


g term













3:25 3:35 3:45 3:55 4:05 4:15 4:25 4:35 4:45 4:55 5:05 5:15 5:25 5:35 5:45


2.1.4 IP content delivery technology

■ IP content delivery technologylinking broadcasting andtelecommunications

We continued research on a stable andlow-cost IP content delivery technologythat can use the broadband to send livevideo and other content to many viewers atthe same time.In FY2012, we developed a test system

by adding additional functionalities to thepeer-to-peer(P2P)live streaming technol-ogy developed in FY2011, including func-tions to protect content and limit the scopeof delivery to within the country, and toprovide redundancy( Figure 1). We per-formed live streaming tests in August at theLondon Olympics(1)(2). In these tests, weused the P2P live streaming technology todeliver video of events not covered on TV or radio during theLondon Olympics, totalling 270 hours, to viewers at a transmis-sion rate of 1.5 Mbps. Video was distributed from late at night toearly in the morning, but the total number of connectionsreached 300,000 during this period. This demonstrated the util-ity of the system in the field. Figure 2 plots the number of clientPCs vs. distribution server load during distribution of the soccergame. The content distribution server load shows the streamvolume delivered from that server relative to the total streamvolume received by all viewing terminals. When the soccergame began and the number of client PCs increased, the con-tent distribution server load remained stable at approximately20%. This shows that the load on the content distribution servercan be reduced by approximately 80% compared to distributingindividual streams from the content distribution server to all cli-ent PCs. The P2P distribution technology should thus be able toreduce distribution costs(3).We have also begun to study push-content-distribution tech-

nology, to implement services which provide program-related

information through broadband as the broadcast program pro-gresses. We made progress on fundamental issues such as de-sign methods for push distribution, which can keep the delaywithin a set range when delivering content to many client PCsat the same time.

[References](1)S. Tanaka, S. Nishimura, and Y. Endo: “Design of a P2P live streaming

system for contents distribution trial of 2012 London OlympicGames”, ITE Winter Annual Conference 2012, 5-1(2012)(in Japanese)

(2)Y. Endo, S. Nishimura, K. Aoki, T. Nakagawa, and K. Ishikawa:“(In-vited)Contents distribution trial of 2012 London Olympic Games us-ing P2P live streaming system”, IEICE Technical Report IN2012-125,pp.19-23(2012)(in Japanese)

(3)S. Nishimura, K. Aoki, T. Nakagawa, Y. Endo, K. Ishikawa: “Develop-ment of a P2P Live Streaming System and its Performance Evaluationthrough Live Streaming Trials in 2012 London Olympics,” IEICE Tech-nical Report, CQ2012-60, pp.19-24(2012)(In Japanese)

Figure 1. P2P live distribution test system

Figure 2. Number of viewing terminals and content distribution server load

2 Convergence of broadcasting and telecommunications2.1 Technologies for the convergence of broadcasting and telecommunications