controller-to-controller communication and coordination

DOT/FAA/AM-01/19 Linda M. Peterson Larry L. Bailey Civil Aerospace Medical Institute Federal Aviation Administration Oklahoma City, OK 73125 Ben F. Willems William J. Hughes Technical Center Federal Aviation Administration Atlantic City International Airport, NJ 08405 December 2001 Final Report This document is available to the public through the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161. Controller-to-Controller Communication and Coordination Taxonomy (C 4 T) Office of Aerospace Medicine Washington, DC 20591

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Linda M. PetersonLarry L. BaileyCivil Aerospace Medical InstituteFederal Aviation AdministrationOklahoma City, OK 73125

Ben F. WillemsWilliam J. Hughes Technical CenterFederal Aviation AdministrationAtlantic City International Airport, NJ 08405

December 2001

Final Report

This document is available to the publicthrough the National Technical InformationService, Springfield, VA 22161.

Controller-to-ControllerCommunication andCoordination Taxonomy (C4T)

Office of Aerospace MedicineWashington, DC 20591

Page 2: Controller-to-Controller Communication and Coordination


This document is disseminated under the sponsorship ofthe U.S. Department of Transportation in the interest of

information exchange. The United States Governmentassumes no liability for the contents thereof.

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Technical Report Documentation Page

1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Catalog No.


4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date

December 2001Controller-to-Controller Communication and Coordination Taxonomy(C4T)

6. Performing Organization Code

7. Author(s) 8. Performing Organization Report No.

Peterson, L.M.1, Bailey, L.L.1, and Willems, B.F.2

9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS)1FAA Civil Aerospace MedicalInstitute

FAA William J. Hughes TechnicalCenter

P.O. Box 25082 Atlantic City International Airport,Oklahoma City, OK 73125 NJ 08405 11. Contract or Grant No.

12. Sponsoring Agency name and Address 13. Type of Report and Period Covered

Office of Aerospace MedicineFederal Aviation Administration800 Independence Ave., S.W.Washington, DC 20591 14. Sponsoring Agency Code

15. Supplemental Notes

This report was supported by Approved Subtask # AM-B-00-HRR-518.

16. Abstract

While previous research in the air traffic control (ATC) communications area has generally concentrated oncontroller-pilot communications, this program of research focuses on controller-to-controller communications. Atthe Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC), teams of two controllers, R-side and D-side, are required tocommunicate on a continuing basis to coordinate the duties of their sector. As modernization of the ATC systemprogresses, questions arise concerning the effects these changes will have on intra-enroute sector team (EST)communications.In anticipation of technology changes, the Federal Aviation Administration commissioned a series of studiesinvestigating intra-EST communication. This initial study details the design and subsequent field testing of theController-to-Controller Communication and Coordination Taxonomy (C4T). The taxonomy is designed to capturethe following general communication categories: Topic, Format (grammatical form), and Expression. The finaltaxonomy resulting from this research contains 12 ATC topics (i.e., Traffic, Altitude, etc.). CommunicationGrammatical Format contained 5 subcategories: Question, Answer, Statement, Command, and Command Answer.Communication Expression consisted of 3 subcategories: Verbal, Nonverbal or a combination of Verbal andNonverbal, referred to as Both. A field study at an ARTCC was conducted with subject-matter experts coding intra-EST communications using the taxonomy described. Field observations were made at 18 different sectors betweenthe hours of 07:00 and 019:00 based on moderate to high traffic levels. Descriptive statistics detail the results of thetaxonomy’s use in a field setting.Testing and further refinement of the taxonomy allows its use in both field and controlled experimental settings,provides a tool for training individuals to code C4T communications, and enables the establishment of a C4T baselineto investigate changes in communication patterns as modernization continues in the enroute ATC environment.

17. Key Words 18. Distribution Statement

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Air Traffic Control, Communication, Controller Teamwork

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The Controller-to-Controller Communication and Coordination Taxonomy (C4T) is a joint project

of the Civil Aerospace Medical Institute, the William J. Hughes Technical Center, and the Mike

Monroney Aeronautical Center, in cooperation with the Miami Enroute Center. Special acknowledg-

ments go to the following individuals for their contributions to the successful completion of this

research project: Mr. Paul DeBenedittis, Mr. Al Hendrix, Mr. Henry Mogilka, and Mr. Gary

Washburn. The authors also thank the management and personnel from the Miami Enroute Center for

their cooperation at the field study site and the National Air Traffic Control Association for their

support of the study.

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Air traffic has increased about 4% per year, al-though increases have reached 20% in certain highlycompetitive locations (Garvey, 1998). The NationalCivil Aviation Review Commission states that theexpected growth in aviation cannot be safely accom-modated without significant breakthroughs in airtraffic modernization. Air traffic communications arecited as critical components requiring modernizationin the Aviation system (Garvey, 1999). The importantrole that communication plays in maintaining safetyand efficiency within the National Airspace is mostevident when communications fail and air trafficcontrol (ATC) operational errors, pilot deviations,and runway incursions occur. The tragic accident atTenerife is perhaps one of the better examples of acommunications breakdown between controllers andpilots under conditions of poor visibility, leading tothe loss of 583 lives (Stokes & Kite, 1994).

Communications at air traffic control facilitiesoccur at many levels both within and between facili-ties and between controllers and pilots. Traditionally,analyses of air traffic control communications (ATCC)have focused on the information exchange betweenpilot and controller and the consequence of break-downs in communications (Cardosi, 1993; Kanki &Prinzo, 1996a; Prinzo & Maclin, 1996; Prinzo,Lieberman, and Pickett, 1998a; Prinzo, 1998b).

Within enroute air traffic control centers(ARTCCs), controllers often work as an enroute sec-tor team (EST). The EST consists of a radar (R-side)and data (D-side) team whose function is to handletraffic within the sector. The D-side team memberassists the R-side when traffic reaches certain levelswithin the sector. Duties of the R-side and D-sidecontrollers are defined in the ATC position standards(FAA, 1992). Emphasis is placed on the importance ofteam communications in the following areas: advisingother team members of situations requiring attentionor immediate action, initiating actions to resolveproblems, participating in planning activities, andmonitoring the air traffic environment. Thus, thepresence of a second controller at the sector facilitatesboth the strategic planning and operational control ofair traffic. Information exchanges between the twoteam members can either facilitate the safe and effi-cient flow of traffic across the sector or serve to delayoverall traffic flow. To date, little is known about the

intra-EST communication process. This study wasdesigned to (a) develop a taxonomy to capture andcategorize ATC R-side to D-side communicationsand (b) to conduct an initial validation of the tax-onomy at an en route traffic control center.

Gathering baseline communications data from con-trollers operating with existing equipment and proce-dures is critical to both determine the potential affectsof new technologies and procedures and to assist inthe development of those capabilities. We currentlyhave several emerging air traffic control technologiesand systems, including Data Link (DL), the 21st

Switching and Control System (VSCS), Display Sys-tem Replacement (DSR), and the Standard TerminalAutomation Replacement System (STARS). In addi-tion, the future will bring advanced decision aids andthe possible transfer of control functions betweenpilots and controllers under certain free flight sce-narios. A need to assess the effects of implementationof these technologies and procedures on overall com-munications was a primary factor in this evaluation ofR-side and D-side communications.


Taxonomy DevelopmentPrior to observations at the FAA Academy’s Radar

Training Facility (RTF), subject matter experts (SMEs)and Civil Aerospace Medical Institute (CAMI) re-searchers met to consider possible categories for thetaxonomy. All SMEs had prior ATC experience andcontributed to identifying communication content,especially in regard to the topics of communication.Common experience in ATC led to operational defi-nitions of the category ATC Communication Topic.

The observations of intra-EST communication wereconducted at the RTF by SMEs, RTF instructors, andCAMI researchers. Information was gathered duringfour 15-minute air-traffic scenarios, at two levels oftraffic workload. The traffic workload chosen wasbased on position requirements for different levels ofair traffic. ATC staffing at enroute centers is routinelymodified to accommodate variations in air trafficvolume that occur throughout a typical day. Duringperiods of increased volume, controllers work as R-side, D-side teams. This was defined as mediumworkload. Air traffic may increase to a level where a

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third position, called a tracker, is added to the team.The traffic volume just prior to adding a tracker wasdefined as high workload. RTF observations weremade during both medium and high workload sce-narios with the EST teams consisting of active R-sideand D-side team members.

RTF observations of intra-EST communicationresulted in the identification of 12 CommunicationTopics, five Communication Grammatical Formats,and three types of Communication Expressions. The12 ATC Communication Topics included: (1) Ap-proval, (2) Handoff, (3) Point-out, (4) Traffic, (5)Altitude, (6) Route, (7) Speed, (8) Weather, (9) Fre-quency, (10) Flow, (11) Equipment, and (12) FlightStrips. The five Communication Grammatical For-mats subcategories were adapted from Bales (1950)and were identified as (1) Question, (2) Answer, (3)Statement, (4) Command, and (5) Command An-swer. The three types of Communication Expressionwere documented as (1) Verbal, (2) Nonverbal, and(3) Both (containing elements of both verbal andnonverbal communication).

Pre-testing Taxonomy CategoriesOnce the preliminary categories were formulated, a

beta test was conducted with the assistance of theSME’s, RTF instructors, and CAMI researchers. ESTsparticipated in simulations of the enroute radar envi-ronment during medium and high workloads for 15-minute periods. During these simulations, intra-ESTcommunication was observed and recorded. Follow-ing comparison of the recorded observations, thecategories were further refined to develop the C4Ttaxonomy. With the taxonomy finalized, the selectionand training of field coders commenced.

Taxonomy Beta Testing in the FieldField coders were selected based on their expertise

in ATC. All field coders were former air traffic con-trollers familiar with the intricacies of ATC commu-nication. Three of the field coders were instructors atthe FAA Academy RTF. The remaining field coderwas an SME with extensive knowledge of ATC com-munication and experience with field studies.

Field coders were familiarized with the taxonomyduring simulated EST scenarios conducted at theFAA Academy. A beta test in the actual enroute fieldfacility was conducted prior to implementation of thetaxonomy in the field study. The coders and theprincipal investigator reached consensus, and the tax-onomy was accepted for use in the field study.

Coding Devices: Hardware and SoftwareCAMI and the William J. Hughes Technical Cen-

ter (WJHTC) combined resources to acquire fourOrasis hand-held computers from Dauphin Technol-ogy, Inc., for collection of observational data duringfield research. These devices provided the coders themobility necessary to observe both verbal and nonver-bal communications. The WJHTC personnel de-signed software to allow coding of the taxonomyelements in a field setting.

Data GatheringThe Miami ARTCC was the designated field site

for taxonomy testing. This site was selected for itsvariation in traffic density and configuration, and itsair space diversity, which includes military and tran-soceanic air space. The Miami ARTCC also experi-ences diverse weather conditions with seasonal rainand hurricane conditions. This range of conditionsallowed observation of intra-EST communicationunder a variety of different circumstances. The abovementioned conditions existed during the time of thestudy, with the exception of hurricane conditions.

Coding was conducted at 18 different sectors atvarious times between 07:00 and 19:00 based on theamount of air traffic present in a particular sector.Observation of a sector was dependent on moderate-to-high traffic, which allowed the observers to capturethe most intra-EST communication per observationperiod. Initially, observation periods were scheduledfor 15-minute intervals. However, beta testing deter-mined that a more optimal time segment for an entirerange of intra-EST communication was 30-45 minutes.

Coders observed the intra-EST communication inteams of two observers per intra-EST. One of thecoders observed the radar position and coded only theR-side communication of the intra-EST. The otherobserved the data position and coded only D-sidecommunication. Communication coding was limitedto ATC issues. All participants were assured thatpersonal conversations were not included in this studyand would not be coded.

Table 1 includes the ATC Communication Top-ics, and provides an operational definition of eachtopic, as well as examples of intra-EST communica-tion for each topic. The examples for each topic arederived from actual intra-EST communications andare considered prototypical intra-EST conversationsfor the topic.

Communication Grammatical Format was codedaccording to the grammatical presentation of thecommunications as a Question, Answer, Statement,

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Table 1. Controller-to-Controller Coordination Communications Taxonomy (C4T)


Topic Definitions and Examples

Approval Communications about inter-sector control/approval requests. (“Get me control fordescent on that aircraft.” “APREQ N1234 climbing to FL330.”)

Handoff Communications relating to the transfer of radar identification of a particular aircraft.(“Handoff N1234.” “Did you handoff N1234?”)

Point Out Communications relating to the transfer of radar identification of a particular aircraft whenradio communications will be retained. (“Point out N1234 to 22.”)

Traffic Communications about a traffic situation involving a specific aircraft. Includes conflict,spacing, other protected air space or terrain and the resolution of that situation. (“Are youwatching that aircraft?”)

Altitude Communications about altitude not in relation to traffic. (“N1234 is requesting flight level220.”)

Route Communications regarding headings and/or amendments to route, not in relation to trafficsituations. (“N1234 is on a 330 heading.” “Next sector, 27, wants N1234 over WEVER.”)

Speed Communications about speed not in relation to traffic situations. (“These three aircraft areslowed to 250 knots.”)

Weather Communications about weather display or weather updates. Often communicatednonverbally by passing written information. (“Sector 22 says continuous moderateturbulence above FL290.”)

Frequency Communications about an aircraft’s radio communications transfer or frequencyassignment. (“Have you switched N1234 yet?” “Tell them to switch to N1234.”)

Flow Messages Communications about traffic flow restrictions not referring to a specific aircraft. (“Thenext sector is requesting 25 miles in trail.”) (due to radar outage)

Flight Strips Communications about flight progress strips. (“Where is that strip?”) Often communicatednonverbally.

Equipment Communications about any ATC hardware. (“The radar is out of service.”)

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Command, or Command Answer. CommunicationExpression included Verbal, Nonverbal and Both.Communication Expression required observation ofnonverbal gestures such as head nodding, pointing tothe screen, and gesturing thumbs up, among othernonverbal gestures. Communications consisting ofonly a nonverbal gesture were coded as Nonverbal.Intra-EST communications with verbal and nonver-bal elements were coded as Both. A communicationwith only a voice element was coded as Verbal.


Eighteen different sectors were observed over athree-day period at the Miami ARTCC. Data extrac-tion was completed through coordination with theWJHTC. Following data extraction, the data weremerged to create a composite R-side and D-sideprofile. The profiles are represented in Figure 1, forCommunication Topic, Figure 2, for Communica-tion Grammatical Format, and Figure 3, for Commu-nication Expression. More extensive analysis was notconducted on the data from this field study due to thenumber of confounds associated with the field studyenvironment. Confounds included: sector complexity,

workload differential, individual differences amongteam members, variability across EST teams, andteam composition changes during coding.

A primary goal of this study was to determine thepractical utility and validity of the communicationtaxonomy. The coders reported few problems associ-ated with the coding and classifying of R-side and D-side intra-EST communications. Most disparities incoding had been resolved during the beta-testingphase of the study. Coders reported that mobility wasessential to viewing nonverbal communication. Theyalso stated that mobility assisted with interpretationof verbal coding by enabling them to view the contex-tual environment.

Operational relevance was demonstrated by the useof the entire range of potential ATC CommunicationTopics. The topic of Approval comprised the smallestpercentages (R-side 1%, D-side 0.9%) of total intra-EST communication, whereas the topic of Trafficcomprised the largest percentages (R-side 41%, D-side 37.9%). Further investigation and discussionconcerning operational issues revealed that the major-ity of inter-sector coordination is handled throughmemoranda of understanding. The topic of Approvalis one example of inter-sector coordination using

Communication Topic












R-Side 1 3.6 5 41 7.1 14.2 2.6 5.5 5.9 5.2 3.3 5.6

D-Side 0.9 3.1 6.1 37.9 8 15.6 2.8 6.8 4.7 5.6 4 4.5

Approval Handoff Point-out Traffic Altitude Route Speed Weather Frequency Flow Equipment Flight Strips

Figure 1: C4T Communication Topic

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Communication Format









R-Side 12.2 42.8 29.7 0.5 5.8

D-Side 16.4 25.1 55.9 2.4 0.3

Question Answer Statement Command Command Answer

Figure 2: C4T Communication Format

Communication Expression











R-Side 71.5 13.9 14.7

D-Side 69.3 13.9 16.8

Verbal Nonverbal Both

Figure 3: C4T Communication Expression

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standard operating procedures established throughmemoranda of understanding; hence, less verbal com-munication is necessary.

The topic of Traffic, which showed the largestpercentage of intra-EST communication, was revisedfollowing discussion and a consensus between coders,researchers, and SMEs. The field study definition forTraffic contained a considerable number of intra-EST communications pertaining to the identificationof aircraft (i.e., Aircraft ID). Therefore, Aircraft IDwas separated from the topic of Traffic and added asan ATC Communication Topic to the C4T Tax-onomy for use in future research (Table 2).

Communication Grammatical Format results re-vealed that the categories Statement (observations)and Answer comprised the largest percentage of intra-EST communication, accounting for 72.5% of R-sidecommunication and 81.0% of D-side communication.Statements consisted of observations that sometimes

contained implied questions. The use of impliedquestions raises issues as to why intra-ESTs embeddedimplied questions in their communications. The us-age of implied questions embedded in the category,Statement, could be related to task orientation, or itcould be a function of individual differences. Furtherresearch is necessary to investigate this phenomenon.

Subsequent taxonomy studies will limit the catego-ries of Grammatical Format to three from the originalfive. Command and Command Answer, as operation-ally defined, were insufficient to prove useful.

The intra-EST Communication Format differed asa function of EST member. These differences weremost apparent in the categories of statements (obser-vations) and answers. The D-side had a larger percent-age of statements (D-side 55.9%, R-side 29.7%).Correspondingly, the R-side had a larger percentageof answers (R-side 42.8%, D-side 25.1%).

Table 2. Controller to Controller Coordination Communications Taxonomy (C4T) Revised.


Topic Definitions and Examples

Approval Communications about intersector control/approval requests. (“Get me control for descenton that aircraft.” “APREQ N1234 climbing to FL330.”)

Handoff Communications relating to the transfer of radar identification of a particular aircraft.(“Handoff N1234.” “Did you handoff N1234?”)

Point Out Communications relating to the transfer of radar identification of a particular aircraft whenradio communications will be retained. (“Point out N1234 to 22.”)

Traffic Communications about a traffic situation involving a specific aircraft. Includes conflict,spacing, other protected air space or terrain and the resolution of that situation. (“Are youwatching that aircraft?”)

Altitude Communications about altitude not in relation to traffic. (“N1234 is requesting flight level220.”)

Route Communications regarding headings and/or amendments to route, not in relation to trafficsituations. (“N1234 is on a 330 heading.” “Next sector, 27, wants N1234 over WEVER.”)

Speed Communications about speed not in relation to traffic situations. (“These three aircraft areslowed to 250 knots.”)

Weather Communications about weather display or weather updates. Often communicatednonverbally by passing written information. (“Sector 22 says continuous moderateturbulence above FL290.”)

Frequency Communications about an aircraft’s radio communications transfer or frequencyassignment. (“Have you switched N1234 yet?” “Tell them to switch to N1234.”)

Flow messages Communications about traffic flow restrictions not referring to a specific aircraft. (“Thenext sector is requesting 25 miles in trail.”) (due to radar outage)

Flight Strips Communications about flight progress strips. (“Where is that strip?”) Often communicatednonverbally.

Equipment Communications about any ATC hardware. (“The radar is out of service.”)

Aircraft IDIdentification ofAircraft

Communications involving identifying a specific aircraft. (“Who was that calling?” “Thatwas N1234 calling.”)

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Communication Expression was divided into thecategories of Verbal, Nonverbal, and Both (contain-ing components of both nonverbal and verbal expres-sion). The majority of communications by both R-sideand D-side were Verbal (71.5% and 69.3% respec-tively). Combining the categories of Nonverbal andBoth (which contains an element of Nonverbal), thedata showed that 28.5% of the R-side and 30.7% ofthe D-side communication had a nonverbal compo-nent. This could have implications for configurationof the workplace environment and line of vision forthe intra-EST members. Further investigation by re-searchers determined that written weather updateexchanges between the D-side and the R-side mayhave accounted for some of the nonverbal exchangesbetween EST members.


The results demonstrate that intra-EST communi-cation is an integral part of job related coordination.Controller communication is expressed in variousCommunication Topics, Communication Grammati-cal Formats, and Communication Expressions (asshown in Figures 1, 2, and 3, respectively). Newtechnologies designed to enhance the ATC environ-ment may affect intra-EST communications. Thedevelopment and evaluation of new ATC technolo-gies will require investigation of the technology’seffects on the quantity and quality of intra-EST com-munication. Future studies should focus on the initialimpact of planned technological programs, as well asthe possible long-term consequences.

Ergonomic studies should take into considerationthe consequences of the view or lack of view of ATCdisplays as well as line of vision and hearing obstruc-tions for the members of the EST. Training anddevelopment programs will require structure to assistcontrollers in devising strategies to adapt intra-ESTcommunication to present and future technologicaladvances. Perhaps future advances in technology willobviate the need for intra-EST communications; how-ever, until such time, intra-EST communicationsrequire adequate consideration.

Research in intra-EST communication should beconducted as much as possible in advance of theimplementation of new technologies and accompany-ing procedures. When applicable, C4T assessment

should be conducted prior to implementation, afterinitial training, and periodically during the useful life ofthe new technology to ensure there are no decrements inintra-EST communication, and to record and verifypossible enhancements to intra-EST communication.

Future studies are scheduled in a controlled labora-tory simulation setting using the new technologiesbeing proposed to enhance ATC functions within theNAS. Videotaping allows for an in-depth review ofintra-EST communications. Additionally, laboratoryATC simulations allow researchers to address theissues of variability across both sectors and individualteam member differences by controlling workloadand sector complexity, and by using within-subjectsdesigns.

Future projects can include using the taxonomy toassess the relationship between intra-EST communi-cation and the electronic flight strip environment(Vortac et al., 1996). The taxonomy may also be usedas a tool to explore safety-related issues involvingintra-EST communications including operationaldeviations and errors. It also provides an assessmenttool for continued research on the relationship be-tween intra-EST communication and ATC efficiency.


The following are recommendations for futureresearch concerning the C4T Taxonomy:

(1) revise the taxonomy: redefine the Communica-tion Topic, Traffic, and add Aircraft ID as a Commu-nication Topic (Table 2); and eliminate Commandand Command Answer from the CommunicationGrammatical Format; (2) until greater control ofpotential confounds is achieved in the field, seriesanalysis are not appropriate using the C4T and focusshould be limited to general trends across time andsectors; (3) conduct controlled experiments to deter-mine the affect that changes in workload and technol-ogy have on communication exchanges with intra-EST.These experiments would test the sensitivity of theC4T to detect changes in communication exchangesand allow time series analysis of communication ex-changes using a repeated-measures design; (4) test theability to generalize laboratory experimental results tofield settings; and (5) use laboratory simulations andfield results to structure training recommendationsfor intra-EST communications.

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