continuity and change in early childhood education chapter 1

Continuity and Change in Early Childhood Education Chapter 1

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Page 1: Continuity and Change in Early Childhood Education Chapter 1

Continuity and Change in Early Childhood Education

Chapter 1

Page 2: Continuity and Change in Early Childhood Education Chapter 1

Describe some of your values/opinions about early


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I. Definitions

A. Early childhood education is a diverse field that serves children from birth to age eight.

B. NAEYC: stands for National Association for the Education of Young Children.

*It is the largest organization of early childhood educators.

*It sets standards for programs and teacher preparation.

*Sponsors voluntary Accreditation System – primary focus is the children

Describe at least 2 ideas about NAEYC in your

own words

Test Questio


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C. Early Childhood Education is on the rise because policy makers, parents and researchers consider it essential to foster school readiness and long-term success in life.

What does this statement

mean to you?

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D. Early Childhood Groups

*Infants and toddlers, birth to 36 months

*Preschoolers: 3 and 4 year olds

*Kindergarteners: 5 and 6 year olds

*Primary Grades: 1,2,& 3

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II. Early Childhood Educators

A. Need to be intentional teachers.

B. This means they have a purpose for what they do and can explain that purpose.

* are committed and engaged

*They are patient and responsive

*They are playful and flexible

Write two of these ideas that you had not thought

of before

Why is this important?

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III. Types of Early Childhood Settings

A. SCHOOLS: Children in Kindergarten to 3rd grade

Public Schools

Charter Schools

Private Schools

Independently operated,

publically funded, greater flexibility,

parents can choose

Privately owned,

Montessori and Challenger are


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B. Preschools: children 3,4, and 5 years old

Can be Private or Public

Prekindergartens (Pre-K)

Parent Cooperatives

Laboratory Schools

3 & 4 Year olds, usually in public


Owned , operated and partially

staffed by parents

Operated by colleges, model

for student teachers

We are a Lab School

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C. Head Start/Early Head Start3 facts you did not know

Helps infants, toddlers and


Income eligible families

3, 4, 5 year olds in

centers and home based


Provides education,

health, nutritional, social and

other services

Purpose is to promote school


Federally funded for low income

familiesTest Questio


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D. Family Child Care Homes

*Care given in private home, small group of children

*Setting of choice for parents of infants and toddlers

*Birth through school age

*Individuals and groups

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E. Child Care Centers:Group program to provide care while parents are at work

*For profit or nonprofit

*Infants and toddlers

*Ages 3,4,5

*Before and after school for school age children

Describe 2 facts

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IV. Regulation of Childcare Facilities

*NACCRRA (National Association of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies)

*Standards vary from state to state

*NACCRRA concludes that state standards fall short in providing basic protection for children’s health and safety and promoting development

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V. Special Needs Children

A. Inclusion: services for children with disabilities and specials needs in a setting where their typically developing peers are served.

Describe inclusion in your own words

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VI. Brain Research

A. First three years of life critical

B. Positive experiences literally grow babies brains

C. Negative experiences (abuse, prolonged stress) have dire consequences for brain development

D. Early intervention can ameliorate (improve) negative affects

In your own words, describe

two ideas you had not heard of.

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VI. Participation in Early Childhood programs

A. Has steadily increased

B. In 1965 60% of 5 year olds attended kindergarten

C. In 2011 almost 95% attend kindergarten

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D. Access to Early Childhood Programs:

Those most likely to benefit are least likely to participate

STATISTICS:*Children living in poverty less likely

to attend than middle income children

*Not enough slots for all low income children

*Families with moderate income don’t qualify for Head Start and can’t afford private

*Mother’s education and ethnicity affects participation

Why do you think this is


Describe 2 statistics in your own


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**Chicago Child-Parent Centers:

*Provide preschool and kindergarten for low income families

*Give continued support and intervention in early elementary school

*Result: higher school achievement, better social adjustment, lower dropout rates

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***Perry Preschool Project

*Began in early 1960’s

*First study to demonstrate lasting effects of high quality preschool education on educational

and economic outcomes

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Explain what the Perry Preschool

Project is in your own words.

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E. Achievement Gap:

*Difference in achievement between African American and Latino children and their white peers


*race and ethnicity are strongly associated with socioeconomic status

*Inequity in socioeconomic status is most important predictor of child’s cognitive skills

*Children who begin school behind tend to stay behind

Describe 1 reason in your

own words.

Test Questio


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Today there is more focus on:

Standards and Accountability

Increased Teacher Qualifications

Scientifically based practices

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Describe the most interesting

thing you learned from
