continuent tungsten - scalable saa s data management

© Continuent 2009 Scalable SaaS Data Scalable SaaS Data Management with Management with Tungsten Tungsten Robert Hodges CTO, Continuent, Inc.

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The key needs of SaaS vendors include: i) managing multi-tenant architectures with shared DBMS, ii) maintaining customer SLAs for uptime and performance and iii) optimized, efficient operations.The key benefits Continuent Tungsten offers SaaS vendors are: i) high availability and protection from data loss, ii) simple, efficient cluster management and iii) enable complex database topologies.Tungsten offers high-availability, database cluster management and management of complex topologies for multi-tenant architectures.Tungsten high availability and data protection features include maintaining live copies with data consistency checking and tightly coupled backup/restore integration with cluster management tools.Tungsten cluster management allows SaaS vendors to migrate customers and perform system upgrades without downtime, thus enabling these maintenance operations during normal business hours.Tungsten also enables complex replication topologies, including data filtering and data archiving strategies, maintaining extra data copies for data-marts, routing different customers to different DBMS copies, and providing cross-site multi-master replication.


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© Continuent 2009

Scalable SaaS Data Scalable SaaS Data Management with Management with TungstenTungsten

Robert Hodges

CTO, Continuent, Inc.

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© Continuent 2009


/ Introductions

/ What’s So Hard about SaaS Data Management?

/ Introducing Tungsten Clustering

/ Implementing SaaS Data Management with Tungsten

/ Commercial Support for SaaS from Continuent


SaaS = “Software as a Service”

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© Continuent 2009

About ContinuentAbout Continuent

/ Our Business: Full service database management for SaaS applications

/ Our Value: • Ensure data are available when and where you need them • TCO less than 20% of comparable solutions

/ Our Technical Expertise• Database replication• Cluster management• Application connectivity• SaaS applications

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What’s So Hard about SaaS Data Management?

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The SaaS Business Problem

/ Meet customer SLAs• Keep applications available• Don’t lose or confuse customer data• Meet response time requirements

/ Enable growth• More customers• More volume from existing customers• New service offerings

/ Raise bottom-line profitability• Keep costs of operation as low as possible• Enhance add-on revenue

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Tenant Data

Tenant Data

Shared Data

Tenant Apps

Tenant Apps

Shared Data

Tenant Analytics

Tenant Analytics

Tenant and Shared Data

Successful SaaS Systems Are Complex

/ SaaS databases quickly evolve into “big league” topologies

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Core Technical Issue: Multi-Tenancy

/ Defining a flexible multi-tenant data architecture

/ Implementing easy-to-manage clusters

/ Scaling performance on shared databases

/ Protecting tenant data from loss or corruption

/ Handling failures efficiently

/ Upgrades and maintenance windows

/ And do it on economical open source databases!

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Introducing Tungsten Clustering

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What Is Tungsten?

/ Tungsten implements master/slave clusters to:• Protect data• Maintain high availability• Improve resource utilization• Raise performance

/ Install and set up in a few minutes

/ Integrated backup/restore and data integrity checks

/ Rule-driven management with automated failover

/ Simple procedures for updates and maintenance

/ SQL scaling for multi-tenant systems

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What’s Inside Tungsten?

/ Replication - Making copies• Tungsten Replicator -- Database-neutral, platform independent

master/slave replication

/ Connectivity -- Finding databases• Tungsten Connector -- Fast MySQL/PostgreSQL client to JDBC

proxying• Tungsten SQL Router --JDBC wrapper for high-performance and

transparent failover, load-balancing, and partitioning (no proxy required)

/ Management -- Administering the database• Tungsten Manager -- Distributed administration with autonomic,

rule-based configuration and no single point of failure• Tungsten Monitor -- Track resource status and

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Tungsten Clustering In ActionTungsten Clustering In Action

Master DBMaster DB Slave DBSlave DB

Master HostMaster Host Slave HostSlave Host

Application Server

SQL Router/Connector

Application Server

SQL Router/Connector

Management Client

Management Client





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© Continuent 2009

Distributed Rule-Based Management

Broadcast commands Broadcast commands and monitoring dataand monitoring data


Local DBMS ResourcesLocal DBMS Resources

Local DBMS Local DBMS ResourcesResources

Manager #1(Coordinator)

Manager #3

Manager #2

Admin Client #1

Admin Client #3

Group Group CommunicationsCommunications

Admin Client #2

Local DBMS Local DBMS ResourcesResources

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Implementing SaaS Data Management with Tungsten

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Best-Practice Multi-Tenant Architecture

/ Separate global and tenant data• Global data are same for all customers• Tenant data belong to individual customer

/ Establish shards to hold tenants• Bucket tenant data into databases, schemas, or groups of tables

/ Define data services• Global data service plus a set of tenant services is typical

/ Master data in a single location for each service• Services have one master and 1+N slaves for HA/scaling

/ Add data services as you grow

/ TIP: Use database as basic sharding unit

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Typical SaaS Architecture


tenantds1 tenantds4tenantds4tenantds2

Global tenant definitions and billing data

Per tenant data (usually many tenants per service)

globalds1globalds1 tenantds2tenantds2 tenantds4tenantds4tenantds3tenantds3tenantds1tenantds1

Master/slave pair for each service


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Installing a Tungsten Cluster

Four easy steps:

1. Set up host prerequisites (MySQL, Ruby, Java)

2. Download release from and un-tar into local directory

3. Run ‘configure’ script• Ensure MySQL is correctly configured• Configure cluster networking• Configure replication and choose backup method• Configure connectivity

4. Perform customizations (e.g., Master VIP setup)

Configure starts services automatically

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Advanced But Simple Management Tools

/ ‘cctrl’ is the Tungsten management client

/ List data sources in the cluster[LOGICAL] /cluster/demo/> ls

/ Check cluster liveness[LOGICAL] /cluster/demo/> cluster heartbeat

/ Ensure that replication is synchronized [LOGICAL] /cluster/demo/> cluster flush

/ Start and stop operating system services[LOGICAL] /cluster/demo/> service */mysql restart

/ Get help[LOGICAL] /cluster/demo/> help

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Multiple Routes to Databases

Java App ServerTungsten SQL Router

PHP Application

Tungsten Connector


Tungsten Cluster


Admin &Admin &MonitoringMonitoring

Admin &Admin &MonitoringMonitoring

Virtual IP Virtual IP AddressAddress

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Connecting Applications to Databases

/ Tungsten SQL Router embeds in Java applications• Requires Java library substitution• Very high performance, seamless planned failover

/ Tungsten Connector proxies any MySQL application• Also very high performance with seamless planned failover• No library changes

/ Master Virtual IP maintained by Tungsten• Failover is not seamless (broken connections)• Completely transparent to applications

/ Direct connection to database(s)• Use whatever you want• You are responsible for locating master/slaves yourself

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Scaling Reads on Slaves

/ Tungsten “session-consistency” distributes tenant reads to slaves if caught up with last tenant write

/ Works with tenants sharded by database or with independent database connections

Master DBMaster DB Slave DBSlave DB

SQL Router

Record tenant Record tenant write position write position

Read if slave caught Read if slave caught up with last tenant up with last tenant write write

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A Short Digression on Backups


DBMS DBMS Data FilesData Files

Active HostActive Host


BackupBackup HOT/COLD: HOT/COLD: mysqldumpmysqldump

BackupBackupHOT: LVM snapshot HOT: LVM snapshot HOT: InnoDB Hot HOT: InnoDB Hot BackupBackupCOLD: File system copy COLD: File system copy

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Setting Up Backups

/ Tungsten provides multiple backup methods

/ Backups can run hot while DBMS is live or cold

/ Logical backups use native DBMS utilities• mysqldump, pg_dump, etc.• Can run hot on slaves• Slow to dump/load and in the case of MySQL may have bugs

/ LVM (Logical Volume Manager) backups take a snapshot of the file system

• Very fast; run hot on slaves• Tend to be large• Snapshot maintenance affects write performance

/ Script backups integrate arbitrary backup programs

/ TIP: Configure backups and test them regularly

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Running Backups With Tungsten

/ Hot backup using one-line command on slave[LOGICAL] > datasource centos5a backup lvm

/ Cold backups run on off-line master or slave[LOGICAL] > datasource centos5b offline[LOGICAL] > replicator centos5b offline[LOGICAL] > datasource centos5b backup[LOGICAL] > replicator centos5b online

/ Restore with one-line command[LOGICAL] > datasource centos5a restore

/ TIP: Keep data services small enough to backup and restore easily!

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Verifying Tenant Data Copies

/ Tungsten incremental checks verify data without stopping replication

• Implemented as replication events inside Tungsten Replicator• Compute MD5 on all or part of tables• Can do single tables or all tables in a database

/ Run checks from manager in combination with flush command[LOGICAL] /cluster/demo/> cluster check tenant1.*[LOGICAL] /cluster/demo/> cluster flush

/ Slaves can either fail or warn of failures

/ TIP: Install consistency checks as a cron job

/ TIP: Verify backups with restore + consistency check

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Handling Database Failures

/ Automatic policy mode performs master failover automatically whenever:

• A database crashes• A replicator fails or crashes• A server reboots or drops off the network

/ Manual policy mode lets you failover manually[LOGICAL] /cluster/demo/> failover

/ Failover procedure promotes most advanced slave• And points other slaves to the slave

/ Recover command brings back failed master[LOGICAL] /cluster/demo/> datasource centos5a recover

/ Slaves recover without admin intervention in automatic mode

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Performing Planned Maintenance

/ Tungsten supports “daylight maintenance”

/ To perform maintenance on a slave, just take it offline[LOGICAL] /cluster/demo/> set policy maintenance[LOGICAL] /cluster/demo/> datasource centos5b offline[LOGICAL] /cluster/demo/> replicator centos5b offline

/ To perform maintenance on a master, first do a switch to promote a new master[LOGICAL] /cluster/demo/> switch

/ Then perform maintenance using the slave procedure

/ Switch the master back when you are done

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Upgrading Applications and Databases

/ If you have a maintenance window, just upgrade the master and let replication take care of it1. Stop old applications and replace code2. Run upgrade script against master3. Flush and wait for slave to catch up (if necessary)4. Restart new applications

/ If you don’t have a maintenance window, upgrade a slave and then switch1. Take slave offline so that apps point to master only2. Upgrade the slave3. Turn on replication to slave so that it catches up4. Switch the master to the upgraded slave; take old master offline5. Restart applications with new code6. Upgrade old master and bring back online

• TIP: Test all upgrades in a pre-prod environment

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SaaS Problems and Tungsten Solutions

Problem Tungsten Features(s)Multi-tenant architecture “Best-practices” database design

Open source databases MySQL 5.0/5.1

Implementing easy-to-manage clusters

Simple installation; cctrl distributed commands

Performance scaling Tenant-based load balancing

Protecting tenant data from loss or corruption

Backups; live replicas; consistency checks

Handling failures Automated and manual failover; live replicas; recovery procedures

Application upgrades Upgrades via replication; slave upgrade

System maintenance Cctrl switch operation and offline/online commands

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Solution Roadmap for SaaS Applications

/ Continuent is dedicated to making MySQL the foundation for SaaS businesses

/ We will talk about these in our February 11 webinar “Secrets of Successful SaaS Data Architecture”

SaaS Feature Beta ProdParallel replication Q1 Q2-3Tenant management using shards

Q2 Q2-3

Multi-master replication Q2 Q2-3Cross-site cluster management

Q2 Q2-3

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Commercial Support for SaaS from Continuent

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Tungsten Products

Feature Community Enterprise

Advanced MySQL replication X X

Advanced management tools X X

SQL routing/proxying X X

Manual failover X X

Automatic failover X

Virtual IP support X

Custom backup/restore X

Built-in Jump-Start consulting X

8x5, 24x7 support X

Guaranteed bug fixes X

/ Tungsten Enterprise offers subscription-licensed supported clustering for SaaS applications

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Continuent ServicesContinuent Services

/ Practical consulting by industry experts with deep MySQL and SaaS industry background

/ Structured Jump-Starts• Hardware/OS setup, education, installation, production roll-out

/ Solution architecture workshops• Collaborative engagements to specify SaaS data management

requirements, survey problems, and lay out options for solutions

/ Proof-of-Concept implementations• Fast design and implementation of specific cluster configurations

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Tungsten Design Partner Program

/ Continuent is developing advanced SaaS features in collaboration with leading SaaS vendors

/ We offer expertise not only in database clustering but operation of SaaS applications

/ Partner with Continuent to “push the envelope” on scalable data management using open source databases

/ Please contact us today to find out more about joining our efforts

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/ SaaS applications have a complex database problem that requires “big league” architecture

/ Continuent offers a complete solution for SaaS data management to raise overall profitability:

• Raise SLAs by improving availability and performance• Improve management efficiency• Grow customers and product offerings through scalable database

architecture• Increase SaaS business profitability

/ Contact us to try Tungsten now!

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© Continuent 2010

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e-mail: [email protected]

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