contents slide...the scores were great this week. congratulations to amelia, emmanuella, holly,...


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Post on 12-Feb-2021




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    Shout Out

    A massive well done to all of you who have completed the SPaG test

    on Monday.

    The scores were great this week.

    Congratulations to Amelia, Emmanuella, Holly, Jacob, Kirsty, Lenny, Naomi and Ruby S who all

    scored 100%.

    Contents Slide


    Y4’s Gallery 3

    Maths answers from yesterday ( 5 min) 5

    Mental Maths – fruit box ( 10



    Maths – Short Multiplication (45 min) 10

    Maths Extension Task ( within the 45 min) 11

    SPaG – Spelling practice (30 min) 17

    Reading – Inferring (30 min) 18

    Writing- Plan (1 hour) 27

    Mental health week (1 hour) 35

    French- The Circus ( Optional task) 37

    Here is a link to the video presentation of this Power Point with your teachers talking through your learning.

  • Year 4 Gallery



  • Lily N


    Year 4 Gallery

  • Yesterday’s Maths – answers

  • Yestarday’s Maths – answers

    Amir forgot to add the extra one in the Tens column that he had carried.

    Adam multiplied the Tens before he multiplied the ones.

  • Maths – Optional Extension Answers

    How did you do?

  • Mental Maths: Fruit Box

    Work out the value of each fruit.

  • Mental Maths: Fruit Box


  • Today’s Maths

    • Today we are going to recap written methods to multiply larger numbers.

    • Watch Mrs Gill’s video and then choose your challenge level.


    • Do the work in your book.


    Maths – LO: to use short multiplication to multiply larger numbers

  • Maths – LO: to use short multiplication to multiply larger numbers

    Steps to Success:• Set out your work with one

    digit in each square and line up the Ones.

    • Multiply Ones x Ones.• Write the Ones answer in the

    equals sign and ‘carry’ the Tens.

    • Multiply T x O• Add on any that you have

    exchanged (carried).• Write the answer in the

    equals sign.• Check your answer looks


  • Maths – LO: to use short multiplication to multiply larger numbers

    When multiplying a two-digit number by 3, the product is even.

    Reasoning Example:

  • Maths – LO: to use short multiplication to multiply larger numbers

    When multiplying a two-digit number by 3, the product is even.

    When you multiply a 2 digit number by 3, the answer is sometimes even. I know this because I found some answers which were even and some which were odd.

    Reasoning Example:

  • Mild• Use either the expanded method

    or short multiplication to solve these.

    Maths – LO: to use short multiplication to multiply larger numbers

  • Spicy• Use short multiplication

    4) How many days in 38 weeks?

    5) There are 65 sweets in a jar. A shop sells 9 jars. How many sweets does it sell?

    Maths – LO: to use short multiplication to multiply larger numbers

  • Extra Hot• Use short multiplication

    How many days in 238 weeks?

    There are 365 sweets in a jar. A shop sells 9 jars. How many sweets does it sell?

    Maths – LO: to use short multiplication to multiply larger numbers

  • Maths – Optional Extension task

    Please attempt this if you whizzed through the previous work.

    Read the problem through carefully a few times.

    HintIf Lisa had made the same number of

    sandcastles each day for 5 days, how many would she have made in one day?

    Could you use this fact to help you work out the answer?

  • SPaG: Practise your spellingsMake sure you know how to use each word in a sentence as well as being able to spell it.


    • Spelling rule: Words with the /s/ sound spelt sc

    • Science Scene

    • Discipline Fascinate

    • Crescent Ascent

    • Scent Descent

    • Code: 72247


    • Spelling rule: The /l/ or /əl/ sound spelt –al at the end of words

    • Hospital Metal

    • Legal Pedal

    • Animal Capital

    • Medal Vocal

    • Code: 72255

    If you can’t use, write a sentence containing each word in your book instead.

    Mrs Gill has set all of your spellings as tests on you log in, it will say you have a test set. Click on this and then you can practise by playing games.You can complete the test at any time until Friday. Next week’s spellings will be available to practise from Sunday.


    Arsenic for tea-Chapter 7.

  • LO: To find clues and use inference to develop our understanding of a text

    STS: • Read the text in short excerpts,

    identifying any places that need further explanation

    • Think about information you know already

    • Look for key words and phrases that will provide clues to moods and information outside the text

    • Use these clues to help you work out what is going on and the reasons why

  • Inferring

    This word _______ tells me that…

    The part ________ tells me that…

    This makes me think that…

    I think this character is feeling/ thinking _________ because…

    I think the setting is ___________ because…

    I think the mood/atmosphere is _________ because…

    I think the writer’s viewpoint is __________ because…

    I think the character’s viewpoint is ___________ because…

  • I DO – Let’s make connections and find clues

    What does this

    paragraph tell us

    about how Hazel

    was feeling about

    the situation?

  • WE DO – Let’s make connections and find clues

    What has this chapter

    told about the


    How do you know?

  • YOU DO – Independent reading

    Continue reading the rest of the chapter, thinking about the questions below:

    • What do you think the mood of the house is like right now?

    • How are each of the characters acting? What might this mean?

  • Writing Feedback

    Thank you to everyone who sent in the much improved diary entries.

    Here are some key points that we noticed.

  • Good things noticed

    So many of you improved my diary entry by writing how Daisy was feeling throughout her day.

    You used some wonderful vocabulary to describe what Daisy had for breakfast, this really allowed me to visualise what was happening in Daisy’s day.

    It was brilliant to see you writing in paragraphs and splitting the events of the day up into sections.

    You are getting so much better and using various sentence starters to make your writing flow.

  • Things to remember

    We still need think about our handwriting and presentation.

    Some of us still need to remember to use basic punctuation such as full stops and capital letters.

    Don’t forget the comma after using a fronted adverbial.

  • WritingL.O: To plan for a diary


  • Steps to Success

    Clear ideas.

    Choose a character

    Think about their thoughts/feelings

    How did they act in the book?

    What did they do?

  • Today we are going to

    plan for a new diary


  • Quick Fire Round

    • Now you have decided which character you are going to be writing as I want you to remember what they did and how they behaved during the tea party.

    • Write down all of your ideas NOW!!!!

  • Now we need to plan

    Can you remember why a plan is so important?

  • TASK

    • Today we are going to complete a plan so all of our ideas are clear before we start writing tomorrow.

    • This is what the plan looks like.

    • You can either print this out OR write each heading in your home learning book and write your ideas underneath.

  • Here is Mrs England’s plan to help you.I am writing my diary as if I was Aunt Saskia.

    Woke up this morning surrounded my scarfs.My room was a mess and was filled with silver teaspoons I had stolen from the dinner table.All I could think about was the golden pocket watch that rude man was constantly playing with. I had to get my hands on it.

  • Heard the gong ring out.Ran to the dining room, saw all of the delicious food.I stuffed my face with the most delicious jam tarts and cream cakes.Saw the golden watch again, could not take my eyes of it.Suddenly, Mr Curtis started making awful noises from his chair, my mouth hung open and my eyes bulged.

  • Woke up feeling fed up and bored.Felt annoyed that I had not been able to get my hands on the golden pocket watch, I had to find a way to take it.Felt shocked and disgusted at the noises and sight of Mr Curtis during the tea party.

  • Could this be my opportunity to get my hands on Mr Curtis watch. It doesn’t seem like he will be needing it anymore.

  • Now it is your turn


    This is not the time for you to write the diary entry.

    This is the chance for you to get your ideas down so you know what to write about tomorrow.

  • What is self-expression, and why is it important?

    • Self-expression is about communicating your individuality. This can be through words, clothing and hairstyle, or through art forms such as writing, drawing, music and dance.

    • Self-expression can help you to showcase your true self –your story, your thoughts, feelings and emotions.

    • But this can also make us feel vulnerable, so you might want to take things one step at a time.

    • We often get told by our family, friends, school and through social media how we ‘should’ look, think, speak, and act. These constant messages about what we ought to do, and who we ought to be, can make it difficult to let go of expectations and express our true selves.

  • Self-expression helps us connect to our true self?

    • Self-expression is a great way to relieve yourself of stress and free your mind. Self-expression can help you to reflect on your life, actions, decisions, relationships, beliefs, and thoughts —rather than keep them buried deep down.

    • We are all different and this needs to be celebrated.

  • TASK:

    • Draw your feelings – you will need a pen and some coloured pencils.

    • Click on the link to watch the demo:

    • Afterwards, look at your creation. Look at all the different feelings you can feel at one time.

    • We would love to see them, so send them in to the Year 4 email address.

  • Express yourself

    • Click the link below.


    • You can express yourself in so many different ways.

    • It might be creating a dance, making a piece of art, writing a poem, making up a new sports game, telling a joke, learning a magic trick.

    • The possibilities are endless.


    Can you spend the rest of your learning time today expressing yourself?

    Create a new dance to favourite song, learn a magic trick.

    Spend some time just being YOU and enjoying every moment of it.

  • French

    L.O: To use French vocabulary for the circus

  • Task

    • For today’s French lesson we are going to watch a video about the circus.

    • Watch the video using the link below


    • After the video, there are three games to play.

  • Think about what you learned today?

    What was new learning?

    Think of at least one thing which you are proud of.

    What lesson did you most enjoy?

    Now fill in today’s feedback form

    Feedback Form