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Paradise Property Developments No.3 Pty Ltd (April 2010) M:\09313\Planning\Reports\MCU - Restaurant\09313MCUReport-Restaurant.doc 10 Material Change of Use Impact Assessment Proposed Restaurant Land Use 144-146 Marine Parade, Coolangatta Section 2 CONTENTS Covering Letter /Report. Proposal. Conclusion. COVERING LETTER & REPORT GCCC - Copy Only

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Paradise Property Developments No.3 Pty Ltd (April 2010)

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Material Change of Use Impact Assessment Proposed Restaurant Land Use 144-146 Marine Parade, Coolangatta




Covering Letter /Report.






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Material Change of Use Impact Assessment Proposed Restaurant Land Use 144-146 Marine Parade, Coolangatta

Table of Contents EXECTUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................................ 13

1. BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................................................. 14

1.1 EXISTING LAND USE .......................................................................................................................................... 151.2 LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................ 151.3 APPLICATION DETAILS ...................................................................................................................................... 15

1.3.1 Type of Application ........................................................................................................................151.4 APPLICATION METHODOLOGY .......................................................................................................................... 161.5 BASIC INFORMATION ........................................................................................................................................ 17

2. SITE AND ENVIRONMENT ............................................................................................................................. 18

2.1 SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................................................... 182.2 SITE CHARACTERISTICS ...................................................................................................................................... 19

2.2.1 Size, Frontages and Depth ............................................................................................................202.2.2 Topography .....................................................................................................................................202.2.3 Vegetation ......................................................................................................................................202.2.4 Approval Summary.........................................................................................................................20

2.3 SURROUNDING ENVIRONMENT........................................................................................................................... 22

3. PROPOSAL .................................................................................................................................................... 25

3.1 DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................. 253.2 LANDSCAPE INTENT .......................................................................................................................................... 273.3 CAR PARKING AND ACCESS PROVISIONS .......................................................................................................... 27

3.3.1 Car Parking Provision Summary .....................................................................................................273.4 NOISE ............................................................................................................................................................. 283.5 VEGETATION ................................................................................................................................................... 293.6 HYDRAULICS & STORMWATER MANAGEMENT ..................................................................................................... 293.7 EASEMENTS, PROPOSED SERVICES/INFRASTRUCTURE ............................................................................................ 293.8 SUPPORTING INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................... 29

4. DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT ....................................................................................................................... 31

4.1 SUSTAINABLE PLANNING ACT 2009 ................................................................................................................... 314.1.1 Assessment of Application.............................................................................................................314.1.2 Public Notification ..........................................................................................................................31

4.2 REFERRAL AGENCIES ........................................................................................................................................ 314.3 CONTAMINATED LAND ..................................................................................................................................... 314.4 SOUTH EAST QUEENSLAND REGIONAL PLAN 2009-2031 ..................................................................................... 324.5 STATE PLANNING POLICIES ................................................................................................................................ 334.6 OUR LIVING CITY: GOLD COAST PLANNING SCHEME VERSION 1.2 (AMENDED JANUARY 2010) ........................... 34

4.6.1 Planning Scheme Overview ..........................................................................................................344.6.2 Relevant Planning Scheme Codes ...............................................................................................344.6.3 Compliance with Planning Scheme Codes ................................................................................354.6.4 Coolangatta Local Area Plan Place Code .................................................................................364.6.5 Specific Development Codes .......................................................................................................394.6.6 Constraint Codes ............................................................................................................................394.6.7 Infrastructure Charges & Priority Infrastructure Plan (PIP) ...........................................................40

5. CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................................. 41



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Material Change of Use Impact Assessment Proposed Restaurant Land Use 144-146 Marine Parade, Coolangatta

Table of Supporting Documentation Sections 3-10 � Supporting Information: Applicable Documentation

Section Item

Section 5 Items 1 � 3: �Our Living City� Ver1.1 Planning Scheme Codes

Section 10 Item 1: Council Approved Plans - Various

Section 10 Item 2: Proposal Plans � Amended Plans

Section 10 Item 3: Site Analysis Prepared by Bennett + Bennett



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Material Change of Use Impact Assessment Proposed Restaurant Land Use 144-146 Marine Parade, Coolangatta


This report has been prepared on behalf of Paradise Property Developments No.3 Pty Ltd, in support of an application seeking a Development Permit for Material Change of Use (Impact Assessment) for a Restaurant land use (ancillary to the Resort Hotel) for the subject site located at 144�146 Marine Parade, Coolangatta (described as Lot 9 on C28529 and Lot 3610 on C28529).

The proposal constitutes �Development�, as defined by the Integrated Planning Act 1997 and requires a Code Assessment Development Application to be lodged for the consideration of the Gold Coast City Council.

This report examines the planning and environmental issues of the proposal in particular the references to the relevant clauses of the Integrated Planning Act 1997 (referred to hereon in as �IPA�) and the planning instruments, Codes, Policies and Guidelines of the Our Living City: Gold Coast Planning Scheme Version 1.2(Amended January 2010), which are applicable to the proposed development.

The report provides the following:

Description of the subject site, its present use and that of the surrounding neighbourhoods;

Detailed description of the proposed land uses and operation;

Assessment of the proposals the compliance with the relevant statutory planning controls; and

Examination of the suitability of the proposed land uses for the site and in this locality.

The Development Application demonstrates that the proposal is suitable development (land use) for this site located within the Coolangatta Local Area Plans, Point Danger, Rainbow Bay, Greenmount Hill Precinct.

Importantly, the proposed development will result in no detrimental impacts on any adjoining uses or persons and the proposed land uses will complement the existing high rise tourist/residential character of the locality contributing to the planning objectives of Council�s intent for this area.

It is considered that the following documentation demonstrates that the proposal warrants the favourable consideration of Council. G


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Paradise Property Developments No.3 Pty Ltd (April 2010)

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Material Change of Use Impact Assessment Proposed Restaurant Land Use 144-146 Marine Parade, Coolangatta


Bennett and Bennett have been commissioned by the applicant Paradise Property Developments No.3 Pty Ltd, to prepare an application seeking a Development Permit for Material Change of Use (Impact Assessment) for a Restaurant land use, located at 144�146 Marine Parade, Coolangatta (Refer to proposal plan prepared by Studio Giovanni D'Ambrosio located in Section 10: Item 1).

Under the Our Living City: Gold Coast Planning Scheme Version 1.2 (Amended January 2010), the subject site is located within the Precinct 2: Point Danger, Rainbow Bay, Greenmount Hill of the Coolangatta Local Area Plan. Table of Development A: Material Change of Use (Table 1 below), for the Precinct 2 of the Coolangatta Local Area Plan prescribes Impact Assessment for the proposed land use.

TABLE 1: Table of Development A: Material Change of Use

Exempt Self Assessable Code Assessable Impact Assessable

Family Day Care Home Low-Impact Telecommunications Facility Minor Change in the scale or intensity of an existing lawful use Park n.e.i Private Recreation n.e.i. Public Util ity Special Accommodation

Home Office Park where lighting is proposed and the site is located within the area identified on Overlay Map OM7 � Gold Coast Airport � Airport Environs Private Recreation where lighting is proposed

Aged Persons Accommodation Apartment Attached Dwellings and Medium Density Detached Dwellings Bed and Breakfast Caretaker's Residence Home Occupation Hostel Accommodation Motel Resort Hotel Telecommunications Facility n.e.i. Where located in hatched local services area on Coolangatta LAP Map 8.2 � Precincts:

Café Community Care Centre Convenience Shop Laundromat Place of Worship with a floor space not greater 300m2

Restaurant Take-Away Food Premises Tourist Shop

Café n.e.i. Child Care Centre Community Care Centre n.e.i. Place of Worship n.e.i. Reception Room Temporary Use Veterinary Clinic



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Material Change of Use Impact Assessment Proposed Restaurant Land Use 144-146 Marine Parade, Coolangatta

1.1 Existing Land Use

The subject site is currently improved by the �Komune Resort� (Resort Hotel) which was approved by Council, 22 February 2010. Prior to the recent approval the development on the subject site was referred to as the �Bahamas Resort� Apartment complex.

1.2 Land Use and Development Definitions

Paradise Property Developments Pty Ltd No.3 proposes to develop a publically accessible Restaurant land use to be utilised in conjunction with the ancillary Restaurant proposed as part of the Resort Hotel.

A �Restaurant� is defined by the Gold Coast �Our Living City� Planning Scheme as follows:

�Any premises used, or intended to be used, for the serving of meals to the public for gain, where entertainment, including dancing, may be provided and alcohol may be served, subject to an on premises meals licence being issued under the Liquor Act 1992. This term includes the provision of an ancillary take-away food service. It does not include a Fast Food Premises, Take-Away Food Premises, Tavern, Adult Entertainment Premises, Nightclub or Reception Rooms.�

The proposal plan identifying the proposed restaurant has been included in Section 10: Item 1.

1.3 Application Details

1.3.1 Type of Application

The proposed application before Council is a Development Permit for a Material Change of Use (Impact Assessment).

The proposal constitutes �Development� as defined by the Integrated Planning Act 1997. The proposal consists of:

�Material Change of Use � Impact Assessment application seeking a Development Permit for a Restaurant Land Use Associated with an Approved Resort Hotel to be open to the Public.�



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Material Change of Use Impact Assessment Proposed Restaurant Land Use 144-146 Marine Parade, Coolangatta

In accordance with the Sustainable Planning Act 1997, the applicant is of the view that sufficient information is provided by this Development Application for Council to issue a Development Permit for the proposed use.

TABLE 2 � Application Details

Type of Development

Code Assessment Impact Assessment









Material Change

of Use


of a Lot

1.4 Application Methodology

The subject site has recently received a Development Permit for Material Change of Use (Code Assessment) for a Resort Hotel (with ancillary Restaurant and Bar) and Hostel Accommodation land uses (Council reference PN5415/01/DA7).

Given complexities with the interpretation of the land use definition for a Resort Hotel, Council has stipulated that the applicant would be required lodge an Impact Assessment application where the Restaurant associated with the Resort Hotel is to be open to the public.

Accordingly the intent of this application is to formally seek the use of the Restaurant proposed as part of the Resort Hotel to be Publically Accessible. This application therefore focuses on the aspects specific to the use of this Restaurant component in relation to the recently approved Resort Hotel.



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Material Change of Use Impact Assessment Proposed Restaurant Land Use 144-146 Marine Parade, Coolangatta

1.5 Basic Information

TABLE 3 � Basic Information

Address 144-146 Marine Parade, Coolangatta

Real Property Description Lot 9 on C28529 and Lot 3610 on C28529

Applicant Paradise Property Developments No.3 Pty Ltd C/- Bennett + Bennett PO Box 5021 Gold Coast Mail Centre QLD 9726

Contact Person Nicholas Glenn � Senior Town Planner Bennett + Bennett Ph: (07) 5574 0733 Fax: (07) 5574 0202

Our Reference 09.313

Owner Paradise Property Developments No.3 Pty Ltd

Total Site Area 860m2

Domain/LAP Coolangatta Local Area Plan

Precinct 2: Point Danger, Rainbow Bay, Greenmount Hill

Application Type Application seeking a Development Permit for a Material Change of Use (Impact Assessment) for Restaurant land use.

We kindly request Council to direct all correspondence and requests for further information as per the above table to the identified contact person.



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Material Change of Use Impact Assessment Proposed Restaurant Land Use 144-146 Marine Parade, Coolangatta


2.1 Site Location and Description

The subject property is located at 144-146 Marine Parade, Coolangatta, described as Lot 9 on C28529 and Lot 3610 on C28529, within the Parish of Tallebudgera, and County of Ward.

The subject site has three (3) road frontages and is situated at the north-eastern most end of Marine Parade (Coolangatta), at the corner Hill Street and Boundary Street. The site is considered to have good locational advantages such as access to the beach, public transport, is conveniently located to the eastern edge of the Coolangatta business/tourist centre and to the west of the Rainbow bay tourist/residential hub which affords a high degree of access to tourist, retail/commercial activities.

The location of the subject site is depicted in the locality map below. Further contextual details are also listed within Section 8: Item 3.

IMAGE 1 � Locality Map. Source: Google Maps



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Material Change of Use Impact Assessment Proposed Restaurant Land Use 144-146 Marine Parade, Coolangatta

2.2 Site Characteristics

Features of the site include the following details as described in the sections below. These details are represented in the site analysis images and documentation referred to in Section 10: Item 3.

The subject site is depicted in the aerial photograph below.

IMAGE 2 � Locality Aerial. Source: GCCC PD On-Line

IMAGE 3 � Site: View north & south



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Material Change of Use Impact Assessment Proposed Restaurant Land Use 144-146 Marine Parade, Coolangatta

2.2.1 Size, Frontages and Depth

The total site area is 860m2. The subject site comprises a relatively symmetrical square shape.

The property has a three (3) road frontages as follows:

Primary Frontage: Marine Parade � 28 metres (approx);

Frontage 2: Boundary Street � 28 metres (approx); and

Frontage 3: Hill Street � 28 metres (approx); and

The subject site has an approximate width (depth) of 28 metres between the respective frontages.

2.2.2 Topography

The topography of the site is relatively flat being embellished by the podium of an existing structure. The surrounding ground level for the pavement is approximately RL 3.45 metres AHD to the northern boundary and RL 2.74 metres AHD to the southern boundary.

2.2.3 Vegetation

The majority of the subject site contains little or no significant vegetation. All vegetation is located within formal garden beds associated with the existing structure.

The proposed development will not impact upon any significant vegetation.

2.2.4 Approval Summary

The subject site located at 144-146 Marine Parade, Coolangatta possesses a number of existing development approvals pursuant to the establishment of the existing residential structure. The existing development is also referred to as the �Bahamas Resort�.

The subject site is currently improved by a nine (9) storey apartment building development formally described as a �Multi Unit Building� by Council records



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Material Change of Use Impact Assessment Proposed Restaurant Land Use 144-146 Marine Parade, Coolangatta

(approval reference, MCU2000411). It is understood the existing apartment building was constructed subject to a number of design changes, including the addition of 2 storeys from the originally approved 7 storey height limit to 9 storeys. Copies of the approved building plans have been included in Section 10: Item 1 � Part C.

The subject sites development approvals are listed in the following table:

TABLE 4: Existing Approvals

Relevant Lots

Council Reference

Approval/Application Description

Approval Date

Lot 9 on C28529 and Lot 3610 on C28529

MCU2900756 (PN5415/01/DA7)

Material Change of Use (Code Assessment) � For a Resort Hotel and Hostel Accommodation


As Above MCU2900561 (PN5415/01/DA4)

Change to Conditions s3.5.33 IPA Material Change of Use (Impact Assessment) � 9 Storey Multi Unit Building


As Above OPW5415/01/DA2 Operation Works - Landscaping


As Above BLD2106977 Building Approval � Swimming Pool


As Above BLD2105584 Building Approval � Amendments


As Above BLD2100470 Building Approval � Add Two (2) Storeys to Highrise


As Above MCU2000411 Material Change of Use (Impact Assessment) � 9 Storey Multi Unit Building


As Above BLD9911548 Building Approval � Demolition


As Above BLD9909430 Building Approval � Multi Unit Development � 16 Units 7 Storeys


As Above OPW9901061 Operation Works � Landscaping

15/12/1999 GC


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Material Change of Use Impact Assessment Proposed Restaurant Land Use 144-146 Marine Parade, Coolangatta

2.3 Surrounding Environment

The subject site is situated within the suburb of Coolangatta (core area), which presently is characterised by an eclectic mix of low rise and high rise mixed use development, comprising residential/commercial, retail and tourist uses. It is considered that the subject site is sited within highly active urban environment surrounded by high intensity uses and is positioned along a busy thoroughfare.

Nearby land uses include:

The land to the immediate north of the site is occupied by the Tweed Heads and Coolangatta (Greenmount) Surf Life Saving Club;

IMAGE 5 � View of Development to the North of the Subject Site.

Further to the north west lies Greenmount/Coolangatta beach;

Land to the south opposite Boundary Street is located within New South Wales and comprises public open space (and car parking) which includes the Lake, and Tweed River;

Twin Towns Services Clubs lies approximately 50 metres to the south of the site;





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Material Change of Use Impact Assessment Proposed Restaurant Land Use 144-146 Marine Parade, Coolangatta

IMAGE 6 � View of Development to the South (& East) of the Subject Site.

Adjoining the site to west lies medium and high density tourist/residential land uses;

IMAGE 7 � View of Development to the West of the Subject Site.

Further to the (south) west are located the �Reflections� and �Mantra� developments, and a number of tourist, commercial and retail land uses;

IMAGE 8 � View of Development to the South West of the Subject Site.

Directly to the east of the subject site opposite Hill Street is located the Belle Mare Beachside Apartments;




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Material Change of Use Impact Assessment Proposed Restaurant Land Use 144-146 Marine Parade, Coolangatta

IMAGE 9 � View of Development to the East (& North-East) of the Subject Site.

Further north east is the Greenmount Beach Resort other tourist attractions and residential development; and

The broader area is characterised by the development medium/high density residential estates which contribute to the urban character of the Coolangatta/Upper Coolangatta suburbs.

A Site Analysis plan and photos are attached to this Planning Report in Section 10: Item 3 showing the sites location in relation to its surrounds.



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