contents€¦ · fact: inauguration day,1-20-17, ny times article by, “wire tapped...

1 CONTENTS Page 2 Realistic Repeal ObamaCare & Replace with GOPCare – Bob Martz Page 3 Why Would Trump Think He Got Bugged?- Bob Martz Page 4 Soaring, Inspirational, Presidential - Al Fonzi Page 5 Hypocrisy Heights and Liars Pavilion – Bob Martz Page 6 Who Are Haters: Conservatives or Liberals: Right or Left : – Bob Martz Page 6 More Global Warming Facts Rather Than Hyped Nonsense – Joe Bastardi Page 7 Christianity Basis & How Other Religions Regard Jesus – Pastor Keith Newsome Page 8 Trump Does The Unthinkable by Liz Crokin Page 9 Trump’s Nominees To-date Page 10-12 3 Pages of Patriot Post Political Cartoons Page 13 Announcements Page Page14-15 Your County & Other Government Representatives Page16 Other Political Organizations Page17 RPSLO Officers, RPSLO Mission Statement, Web Site, & Newsletter Disclaimer NOTE: IF THE TRIBUNE WON’T PUBLISH YOUR LETTER, HOW ABOUT THIS NEWSLETTER March 2017 Issue 30

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Page 2 Realistic Repeal ObamaCare & Replace with GOPCare – Bob Martz Page 3 Why Would Trump Think He Got Bugged?- Bob Martz Page 4 Soaring, Inspirational, Presidential - Al Fonzi Page 5 Hypocrisy Heights and Liars Pavilion – Bob Martz Page 6 Who Are Haters: Conservatives or Liberals: Right or Left : – Bob Martz Page 6 More Global Warming Facts Rather Than Hyped Nonsense – Joe Bastardi Page 7 Christianity Basis & How Other Religions Regard Jesus – Pastor Keith Newsome Page 8 Trump Does The Unthinkable by Liz Crokin

Page 9 Trump’s Nominees To-date Page 10-12 3 Pages of Patriot Post Political Cartoons Page 13 Announcements Page

Page14-15 Your County & Other Government Representatives Page16 Other Political Organizations Page17 RPSLO Officers, RPSLO Mission Statement, Web Site, & Newsletter Disclaimer




Issue 30

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A Realistic Repeal ObamaCare & Replace with “GOPCare” – Bob Martz

I care not to repeat the near dozen objections Conservatives are having with the Ryan Repeal and Replace bill but if a couple making $150,000 can get a subsidy something is obviously wrong. And to think a miniscule 30% premium penalty will get recalcitrant people to buy health insurance BEFORE THEY GET SICK is utter nonsense because they could save thousands until such time they would only be penalized maybe a hundred. And what would prevent these after the injury insurance buyers from ceasing their payments after they got over whatever ailed them? How about the following GOPCare? 1. Cease all subsidies and let state run Medicaid take care of the indigent as it is supposed to. 2. Insurers provide “109X like” statement showing your health insurance cost which is now TAX DEDUCTIBLE. Everybody gets treated fairly and no more complicated than a home mortgage interest deduction. Many who are self-employed can deduct their insurance cost so this would allow ALL people that right. Consider many people get insurance though work but have to pay part of the cost and that part would be deductible. 3. There is no such thing as a pre-existing condition that is UNKNOWN at the present time. Therefore, anyone with an expensive presently KNOWN condition shall receive a Federal or State subsidy necessary to maintain insurance. 4. If you have insurance and get an expensive ailment, the insurance company CANNOT drop your coverage. 5. No penalty if you don’t buy health insurance. If you get expensively sick without insurance join the Medicaid ranks. 6. TRANSITION from ObamaCare to GOPCare; continue the present subsidies for 1 year but then you are on your own. 7. Let the free market reign, across state lines, do tort reform, and child age on the plan is free market negotiable. Time to let it be known the GOP stands for self-reliance & an independently capable citizenry not able-bodied Nanny Care recipients. Welfare recipients now number 1 of every 3 people in the USA and just singing “land of the free and home of the brave” does not make it so. If America is ever to be “Great Again” it must start with each capable person taking care of oneself so those that can’t – like children, injured, and the infirm can be properly cared for.

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Why Would Trump Think His Campaign Got Bugged? – Bob Martz

Count the Ways!!!!!!!!! Fact: General Flynn was bugged & leaked result was published in Washington Post. Who initiated the tap – who approved it - & who LEAKED it- which is a felony. Fact: Obama in his last week, broke all previous protocols & allowed release of intelligence across all agencies. Fact: Inauguration Day,1-20-17, NY Times article by M.F.Schmidt, “Wire tapped Data Used in Inquiry of Trump Aides” See NY Times front page below: Article went on to infer that Trumps aides may have had Russian connections. Fact: After Trump tweets he’s been bugged, a NY Times article by same M.F,Schmidt said ”No Evidence” of any wire-tap. Again, see below: Do any on the LEFT ever remember or are responsible for what they had previously written. Unconfirmed reports have surfaced of wire-tap requests in June to FISA that were denied. It is extremely rare that FISA requests are denied, only a few amongst thousands have been denied. Another unconfirmed report surfaced of an October FISA request that was again denied but then approved. Unconfirmed FISA requests are not proof, but they are strong circumstantial evidence of the bugging narrative. The NY Times speculated staffers Manifort, Stone, & Page may have been bugged due to their “Russian” connections. NY Times keeps pounding the absurd narrative the GOP & Russians stole the election, more bugging credence. Obama staffer says Obama or anyone in White House did not order any wire-tap on any Trump or campaign staff. A useless denial, Presidents cannot order a wire-tap & just like Lois Lerner blocked IRS OK without any order. James Clapper, Obama’s Intelligence Director, would have known of any Trump or staff tap, & he denied any knowledge. Could Mr. Clapper just not know that “surveillance” occurred or could he be part of the cover-up and lied? 95% of Bureaucracy, 97% of Dept. of Justice, & 99% of State Dept. donated to Hillary’s campaign. The opportunity to damage the Trump election or his presidency was and is still rampant by thousands of people. Are Democrats being members of the “loyal opposition” to help make a better America for all or just being destructive? Obama’s “Organized for Action” group as directed in their INDIVISIBLE decree, are disrupting GOP town-halls. Schumer, Pelosi, and Perez debauch, slander, & miss-quote every Trump or GOP plan even before seeing it. With few exceptions, Democrats in mass disrespected, ridiculed, & walked out on Trump’s speech to Congress.. USA institutions of Democracy are at severe risk due to being pummeled with hate from the Left, Media & Democrats. Obama has stayed in Washington to nefariously direct anti-Trump actions & he’s proven capable of lawlessness. And with thanks to Patriot, the following compilation of published NY Times headlines

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Soaring, Inspirational, Presidential A national commentator said it best that President Trump’s speech to a Joint Session of Congress: “Donald Trump became the President tonight.” No longer was he the combative street fighter waging a scorched earth political campaign; neither was he the amateur in the White House as some portrayed him. In his speech, President Trump revealed a soaring vision replete with bold ideas, deep compassion and repeated calls to Democrats to join him in healing the nation to solve some of the most intransigent problems to face any president. Unfortunately, most of the Congressional Democrats worked hard to make themselves look small, even petty, refusing to applause, openly groaning and nearly tripping over each other to make a hasty exist after the conclusion of the president’s speech. There were a few exceptions but the most “die-hard, alt-Left” democrats looked like they’d been forced to take a double-dose of castor oil. This was the President most of us who voted for him after he won the nomination were hoping he would become. This new President Trump grew enormously in stature by a speech that was probably the best speech any president of any party has given since Ronald Reagan. Even President Obama’s soaring rhetoric did not equal the speech given before Congress on Tuesday night. Opening with an acknowledgement of Black History Month and condemnation of anti-Semitic attacks on Jewish institutions and condemning recent hate crimes directed towards innocent Indian immigrants in Kansas, President Trump set a tone at complete odds with what most have come to expect. He painted a portrait of a future vision of America that offered hope, vastly increased economic expectations and a resumption of America’s traditional leadership role in the world. He promised to not forget the victims of past policies but to re-build the nation’s cities and the critical infrastructure that has been neglected for all too long. The most striking moment of his address occurred when he focused upon the sacrifice made by Special Operations Senior Chief William Ryan Owens, a Navy SEAL killed in action during a February raid in Yemen. The President stated he personally spoke with the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff that day who assured the president that the raid was highly successful, yielding substantial actionable intelligence on terrorist operations in the Arabian Peninsula. Recent news reports had questioned the success of the operation, insinuating that Chief Owens’ life was wasted in a poorly executed operation. Owen’s widow was in the gallery seated next to the president’s daughter, her grief obvious as the president assured her that her husband’s sacrifice was not in vain and would never be forgotten. That one moment resulted in a standing ovation that lasted for minutes, probably the longest ovation ever recorded in a presidential speech to the Congress. Mrs. Owen’s tears evoked strong emotions from virtually all who observed it, even me. For over a decade, through involvement with the Veterans Memorial Foundation, I’ve dealt with the grief of families who’ve lost a loved one in military service. It’s never easy and their grief never really ends; any military family member understands and dreads the phone call or the appearance of a notification team on their doorstep. To give some perspective on this, Hollywood producer Mel Gibson’s dramatic portrayal of the impact of a service death on the families is accurately portrayed in his film, “We Were Soldiers Once,” the Vietnam War account of the 2nd Battalion, 7th Cavalry’s fight in the Ia Drang Valley in November 1965. The Army wasn’t prepared for mass casualties and notification of families was handed off to the local Yellow Cab Company to deliver death notices to the wives of fallen soldiers at Fort Benning. The battalion was led by Lieutenant Colonel Hal Moore (latr Lieutenant General Hal Moore) who died a few weeks ago. His wife (played by actress Madalyn Stowe) took the telegrams from a local cab driver and accompanied by another Army wife, personally delivered the notifications, all afternoon. The last notification she gave that day was to the young wife who had accompanied her as she comforted other military spouses receiving the worst news in their life. I don’t know of any military family who’ve seen that film that comes away dry eyed or not emotionally drained. What occurred during the president’s speech as he spoke of Chief Owen and the tears of his wife had a dramatic and similar impact. You’d have to have a heart of stone not to be moved. The most important part of the president’s speech was his repeated call to democrats as he looked them directly in the eye, to work with him to solve the nations’ ills. President Trump extended an olive branch, the question is, will Democrats accept it or adopt a policy of mindless obstructionism regardless of the damage done to the nation? Al Fonzi, Atascadero News article 3 March 2017

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This RPSLO Newsletter issue starts a page dedicated to publicizing Democrat hypocrisy & lies. If you have a valid hypocritical incident or lie you would like publicized, please send it to me. Democrats are parading their sanctuary policy for “all undocumented aliens” as a badge of moral honor against the nasty heartless Republicans who really are only referring to known illegal aliens with a violent criminal record. Democrats, protestors, Judges, and Media are all condemning Trump’s Executive Order to temporarily halt visas from 7 terrorist supporting countries. Even Chuck “You” Schumer (D – NY) even tried to phony up a tear to dramatize his moral outrage of Trump’s attempt to stop potential terrorists from entering the US. However, there was no objection when Obama used the same law & Executive Order in 2012 & put a 6 month hold on any visas from Iraq. Democrats are demanding more time to thoroughly vet all of Trump’s cabinet nominees but oddly think it is a thoughtless and heartless waste of time to thoroughly vet aliens from countries that harbor and breed terrorists. How do you rationalize the Democrats insistence that it’s a woman’s choice to eliminate the child they are carrying but block that women’s choice to put a child in a charter school. The Standing Rock Sioux claimed the moral high ground advocating protection of the environment by preventing the Dakota Access Pipeline even the possibility of polluting the Missouri River they use as a source of water. However, as their protest encampment is being disbanded, they left in their wake an estimated 250 truck-loads of trash that must be removed before a spring flood sends their toxic sludge into nearby Cannonball River and Lake Oahe. Cory Booker, Democrat Senator from New Jersey, in 2012, actively supported the American Federation for Children chaired by Betsy DeVos by vigorously praising her policy for Charter Schools and Voucher programs for New Jersey as the best way to fight for Children’s better education. Senator Booker oddly used the same vigor to condemn Betsy DeVos’ continuing fight for Charter Schools and Voucher programs for the entire country by voting against her for Secretary of Education. After the election, the Democrats wanted many state recounts and investigations of how Russian hacking activities impacted the election vote tally. When now President Trump announced he thought there were millions of illegal votes from dead people, two staters, and non-citizens and wanted a thorough investigation, the Democrats suddenly reversed positions and wanted no “money & time wasting” investigation. I presume they realized Trump wasn’t joking and would discover the fraudulent election activities they had been doing for years. Creative imagination is just wishful thinking until one declares its reality and then it is a lie. Connecticut Senator Blumenthal’s imagination surfaced again like his claim of military service in Vietnam as he declared Supreme Court Nominee Neil Gorsuch told him Trump’s anti-judiciary comments was very disheartening and disgraceful. Biggest lie of 2012 Presidential campaign is now confirmed by Judicial Watch’s release of newly obtained State Department e-mails and documents related to the Benghazi terrorist attack on September 11, 2012. Obama and his administration knew the day after the attack it was not a random act of violence stemming from an anti-Muslim video but shamefully propagated the video lie to help Obama win re-election six weeks later. Bush and Obama deported illegal aliens by the thousands with no negative news, demonstrations, or violent protests. However, when ICE performed its normal function of rounding up & deporting 680 CRIMINAL ALIENS did the anti-Trump force decide it was a terrible fascist Nazi act against humanity. The latest big LIE by the Democrats & media buddies was after Trump held a 78 minute press conference and said: “Fake News is the enemy of the people.” Trump repeated this exact phrase in his CPAC speech. However, what the Democrats and all major media outlets did was substitute “FAKE NEWS” with “MEDIA” which resulted in: “Media is the enemy of the people”. With this LIE, Trump’s accused of; 1st amendment trashing & squelching the press.

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Who Are Haters: Conservative or Liberal – Right or Left – Republican or Democrat – Tea Party or Organized for Action? Who wear masks, throw rocks, break windows, burn cars, and block public streets & highways? Who uses the Travon Martin, Michael Brown, Freddie Gray lies of police brutality to destroy their own neighborhoods? Who refuses to accept the fact that blacks kill over 2 ½ times more police than police kill Blacks. Who are paid to taunt, ridicule, throw eggs, & assault those attending peaceful rallies as stated by Robert Cramer? Who prevents & blocks free speech on campuses with violent protests or shouting speakers down? Who tears down Conservative & Republican postings on Campuses across the entire USA? Who ally themselves with illegals, known felons, spew anti-police slogans, & litter trash where ever they protest? Who actually loud-speaker the vile words & use Nazi-like tactics they accuse their opponents of doing? Who organizes agitators & buses them into towns not their own to incite riots and social mayhem? Who voted 3 times in the majority to remove God from the political platform in their 2012 Political Convention? Who are adamant for women’s CHOICE but block all other choices, school, vouchers, speech, market, & God’s word? Who blocks the requirement of a personal identification as a minimum act of validating your voting eligibility? Did anyone riot when it became known of hate America preacher Jerimiah Wright’s close 20 year ties with Obama? Did anyone riot or protest when activist killer Bill Ayers openly & personally supported the Obama political effort? Did anyone riot when Jonathan Gruber admitted Obamacare was purposely lied about to get it accepted & passed? Did you ever see any trash litter after a Tea Party or Republican rally or gathering? The Tea Party movement only asks for smaller government, lower taxes, & free enterprise – what’s hateful about that? The IRS blocked hundreds of Conservative organizations ability to campaign in the 2012 election, who rioted? When Romney lost the 2102 election he was predicted to win, do you recall any protests or riots? If Limbaugh is bigoted, why is his producer Black, like Justice Thomas who married him & Elton John was entertainment? Trump said ; ”deport CRIMINAL aliens”, so why do the Democrats miss quote him as saying he wants to deport all aliens. Trump said “Fake News is the enemy of the people” – but Dems lied quoting “Media is the enemy of the people”. Who willfully spreads unverified Buzz-Feed anti-Trump info across all the major media outlets. Seek the truth America before you support those trying to destroy America as it was founded. – Bob Martz

More Global Warming Facts Rather Than Hyped Nonsense

The Earth soaks up roughly 3,850,000 exajoules of solar energy annually. More energy from sunlight strikes the Earth in one hour than all of the energy currently consumed on the planet in one year. The solar energy received is so vast that in one year it is about twice as much as will ever be obtained from all of the Earth’s non-renewable resources of coal, oil, natural gas, and mined uranium combined. Meteorologist Joe Bastardi: “The sun is the conductor of the climatic orchestra of the oceans and stochastic events. It would make sense that the sun should be considered as the source of climatic variations rather than the increase of one molecule of CO2 out of every 10 thousand molecules of air over a 100-year period.” The lesson here is that man’s footprint isn’t just relatively small, it’s minuscule. Perhaps it’s not the skeptics who are, “denying the evidence,” but rather those who want to silence the discussion. If you really are curious about the “FACTS” of Global Warming, put either of the following under 5 minute videos in your browser to be pleasantly informed about this most controversial and mostly miss-understood issue. The co-founder of Green-Peace, Patrick Moore, narrates these marvelous Prager University videos. Enjoy!

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Basis of Christianity and How Other Religions Regard Jesus Christ Pastor Keith Newsome, Life Community Church, Templeton California First consider the relationship between the Old Testament and the New Testament. “The Old Testament contains the New Testament and the New Testament explains the Old Testament" Essentially, one can focus on the Old Testament prophecies that were fulfilled by the New Testament to understand how the “Old contains the New and the New explains the Old”. Unlike the prophecies found in other religious books or those by men such as Nostradamus, biblical prophecies are extremely detailed. There are over three hundred prophecies concerning Jesus Christ in the Old Testament. Not only was it foretold where He would be born and His lineage, but also how He would die and that He would rise again. There simply is no logical way to explain the fulfilled prophecies in the Bible other than by divine origin. There is no other religious book with the extent or type of predictive prophecies that the Bible contains. CHRISTIANITY in Brief – its core beliefs and the Trinity: God: Creator of all things Jesus: Son of God who died for our sins providing us eternal salvation Holy Spirit: The power of God materialized on Earth through humble belief and prayer Sin: We are all sinners Salvation: Believe Jesus is the Son of God - love God & love your neighbor as yourself JUDAISM: God: Jews believe that the Lord God is one. Jesus: Some Jews may accept Jesus as a good teacher or even a prophet, but they reject Him as Messiah, because He claimed to be divine and He failed to deliver Israel from oppression. Sin: Jews believe man is born not good or evil, but born free to choose between the two. Salvation: Jews believe that anyone, Jew or Gentile, may gain salvation through commitment to the one true God and through moral living. ISLAM: God: No God but Allah and no Trinity Jesus: Only a prophet below Mohammed in importance, did not die for humankind’s sins Sin: Humans are born with hearts that are clean slates. If they commit sins, these can be overcome by act of the will. Salvation: Allah does not love those who do wrong, and each person must earn his or her own salvation. HINDUISM: God & Jesus: Hindus do not believe in a personal loving God, but in Brahma, a formless, abstract, eternal being without attributes, who was the beginning of all things. They believe that Jesus is not God but just one of the many incarnations, or avatars, of Vishnu. Sin & Salvation: Hindus call sin “utter illusion” because they believe all material reality is illusory. They seek deliverance from samsara, the endless cycle of death and rebirth, through union with Brahma, which is achieved through devotion, meditation, good works and self-control. BUDDISM: God & Jesus: Buddhists deny the existence of a personal God or say that God’s existence is irrelevant. Christ was a good teacher but less important than Budda. Sin & Salvation: Buddhist believe that sin is the lust that arises in one’s life, and they seek to rid themselves of lustful desires by self-effort or by calling on Bodhisattvas for help.

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As an entertainment journalist, I've covered Trump over a decade and I've never heard anything negative about him until he announced he was running for president. I’m paid to dig up dirt on celebrities for a living so a scandalous story about a famous billionaire could've potentially sold a lot of magazines. Instead, I found that he doesn't drink alcohol or do drugs, but is a hardworking businessman. Also, he's a most generous celebrity with a heart filled with more gold than his $100 million New York penthouse. The media has failed to report the truth about Trump, so I put together some of the his acts of kindness over three decades which has gone virtually unnoticed. •In 1986, Trump prevented the foreclosure of Annabell Hill's family farm after her husband committed suicide. Trump personally phoned down to the auction to stop the sale of her home and offered the widow money. Trump decided to take action after he saw Hill's pleas for help in news reports. •In 1988, a commercial airline refused to fly Andrew Ten, a sick Orthodox Jewish child with a rare illness, across the country to get medical care because he had to travel with an elaborate life-support system. His grief stricken parents contacted Trump for help & he sent his plane to take the child from Los Angeles to New York for the needed treatment. •In 1991, 200 Marines who served in Operation Desert Storm spent time at Camp Lejune in North Carolina before they were scheduled to return home to their families. However, the Marines were told that a mistake had been made and an aircraft would not be able to take them home on their scheduled departure date. When Trump got wind of this, he sent his plane to make two trips from North Carolina to Miami to safely return the Gulf War Marines to their loved ones. •In 1995, a motorist stopped to help Trump after the limo he was traveling in got a flat tire. Trump asked the Good Samaritan how he could repay him for his help. All the man asked for was a bouquet of flowers for his wife. A few weeks later Trump sent the flowers with a note that read: We've paid off your mortgage. •In 1996, Trump filed a lawsuit against the city of Palm Beach , Florida accusing the town of discriminating against his Mar-a-Lago resort club because it allowed Jews and blacks. Abraham Foxman, who was the Anti-Defamation League Director at the time, said Trump put the light on Palm Beach not on the beauty and the glitter, but on its seamier side of discrimination. Foxman also noted that Trump's charge had a trickle-down effect because other clubs followed his lead and began admitting Jews and blacks. •In 2000, Maury Povich featured a little girl named Megan who struggled with Brittle Bone Disease on his show and Trump happened to be watching. Trump said the little girl's story and positive attitude touched his heart. So he contacted Maury and gifted the little girl and her family with a very generous check. •In 2008, after Jennifer Hudson's family members were tragically murdered in Chicago , Trump put the Oscar-winning actress and her family up at his Windy City hotel for free. In addition to that, Trump's security took extra measures to ensure Hudson and her family members were safe during such a difficult time. •In 2013, New York bus driver Darnell Barton spotted a woman close to the edge of a bridge staring at traffic below as he drove by. He stopped the bus, got out and put his arm around the woman and saved her life by convincing her to not jump. Trump heard about this story, so he sent the bus driver a check simply because his deed should be rewarded. •In 2014, Trump gave $25,000 to Sgt. Andrew Tamoressi after he spent seven months in a Mexican jail for accidentally crossing the US-Mexico border. President Barack Obama couldn't even be bothered to make one phone call to assist with the United States Marine's release; however, Trump opened his pocketbook to help this serviceman. •In 2016, Melissa Consin Young attended a Trump rally and tearfully thanked Trump for changing her life. She said she proudly stood on stage with Trump as Miss Wisconsin USA in 2005. However, years later she found herself struggling with an incurable illness and during her darkest days she explained that she received a handwritten letter from Trump telling her she's the bravest woman, I know. She said the opportunities that she got from Trump and his organizations ultimately provided her Mexican-American son with a full-ride to college. •Lynne Patton, a black female executive for the Trump Organization, released a statement in 2016 defending her boss against accusations that he's a racist and a bigot. She tearfully revealed how she's struggled with substance abuse and addiction for years. Instead of kicking her to the curb, she said the Trump Organization and his entire family loyally stood by her through immensely difficult times. Trump's kindness and generosity has and continues to touch the lives of people from every sex, race and religion. When Trump sees someone in need, he wants to help. Two decades ago, Oprah asked Trump in a TV interview if he'd run for president. He said: If it got so bad, I would never want to rule it out totally, because I really am tired of seeing what's happening with this country. That day has come.

Trump sees that America is in need and he wants to help.

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Trump Nominees and Selections To-date

Vice President Mike Pence

White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus

White House Strategic Advisor Stephen Bannon

White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway

National Security Advisor Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster

Deputy National Security Advisor K.T. McFarland

White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer

White House Communications Team Hope Hicks, Jason Miller, Dan Scavino

White House Senior Advisor Jared Kushner

White House Counsel Don McGann

Presidential Advisor Stephen Miller

Supreme Court Neil Gorsuch

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson

Secretary of Defense Gen. James Mattis

Secretary of Treasury Steven Mnuchin

Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos

Secretary of Energy Rick Perry

Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross

Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao

Secretary of labor Alexander Acosta

Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue

Secretary of Interior Ryan Zinke

Secretary of Homeland Security Gen. John Kelly

Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Dr. Ben Carson

Secretary of Veterans Administration David Shulkin

United States Attorney General Jeff Sessions

Director of Central Intelligence Agency Mike Pompeo

Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats

United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley

Ambassador to China Terry Branstad

Ambassador to Israel David Friedman

Ambassador to Russia John Huntsman

Head of Environmental Protection Agency Scott Pruitt

Head of Office of Management and Budget Mick Mulvaney

Head of Small Business Administration Linda McMahon

Head of American Manufacturing Council Andrew Liveris

Head of National Economic Council Gary Cohn

Head of National Trade Council Peter Navaro

Center for Medicare and Medicaid Administrator Seema Verna

Secretary of the Army

Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson

Secretary of the Navy

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"The Patriot Post ("

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"The Patriot Post ("

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ANNOUNCEMENTS PAGE RPSLO Central Committee Meeting: Normally 3rd Wednesday of Month, 6:30 PM, April 19th. Location: TBD Lincoln Club Board of Directors Monthly Meeting: Normally 4th Wednesday of Month, 6:00 PM, Location: TBD Republican Women Federated Monthly Meetings Atascadero RWF; Typically 4th Tuesday, 11:00 AM at, Springhill Suites, 900 El Camino Real, Atascadero, Lunch $20 Estero Bay RWF; Typically 3rd Thursday, 11:30 AM, The Inn At Morro Bay, 60 State Park Rd, Morro Bay

Paso Robles RWF; Typically 3rd Monday, 11:30 AM, Paso Robles Inn - Ballroom, 1103 Spring St. , Paso Robles San Luis Obispo RWF; Typically 3rd Wednesday, 11:30 AM, Madonna Inn, 100 Madonna Road, San Luis Obispo. Santa Lucia RWF; Typically 4th Monday,11:30 AM (lunch)or5:30PM (dinner).HiltonGarden Inn, 601 James Way,Pismo Bch SLO County Young Republicans: Meeting information TBD Cal Poly Republicans: Meeting information TBD North County Tea party Monthly Meeting: 1st Monday, 6:00 PM, Atascadero Library Location: 6555 Capistrano, Atascadero. If 1st Monday is a holiday, then 2nd Monday

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Your Government Representatives

Atascadero City Council - Meets: 2nd & 4th Tuesday @ 6 PM Mayor Tom O’Malley (R), 440-7557 [email protected] Mayor Pro Tem Roberta Fonzi (R), 610-1419 [email protected] Councilwoman Heather Moreno (R), 460-9537 [email protected] Councilman Brian Sturtevant (R), 461-1334 [email protected]

Councilman Charles Bourbeau (R), 470-3400 [email protected] Arroyo Grande City Council Morro Bay City Council Mayor Jim Hill Mayor Jamie Irons, 550-6595 Mayor Pro Tem Tim Brown Council Member Marlys McPherson, 772-1452 Council Member Caren Rae Council Member John Headding, 909-9785 Council Member Kristen Barneich Council Member Matt Makowetski, 471-7094 Council Member Barbara Harmon Council Member Robert Davis, 772-0874 All: 473-5400

Grover Beach City Council Paso Robles City Council Mayor John Shoals Mayor Steve W. Martin Mayor Pro Tem Mariam Shah Mayor Pro Tem Steve Gregory Council Member Debbie Peterson Council Member Jim Reed Council Member Jeff Lee Council member John Hamon Council Member Barbara Nicolls Council Member Fred Strong All: 473-4567 All: 237-3888 or [email protected]

Pismo Beach City Council San Luis Obispo City Council Mayor Edward Waage Mayor Heidi Harmon, 540-4137 Mayor Pro Tem Erik Howell Vice Mayor Dan Rivoire, 540-8812 Council member Marcia Guthrie Council Member Carlyn Christianson, 550-9320 Council member Mary Ann Reiss Council member Aaron Gomez, 540-9053 Council member Sheila Blake Council member Andy Pease, 540-8133 All: 773-4657

County Board of Supervisors Meets Tuesdays @ 9 AM 5th District: Debbie Arnold (R), 781-4339 [email protected] 4th District, Lynn Compton (R), [email protected] 1st District, John Peschong (R), 781-5456 [email protected] 2nd District, Bruce Gibson (D), 781-4338 [email protected]

3rd District, Adam Hill (D), 781-4336 [email protected]

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State Senator – Bill Monning (D) State Capitol Room 4066, Sacramento, CA 95817 605 Santa Rosa St, Suite B, SLO 93401 (916) 651-4017 or (805) 549-3784 [email protected]

State Assemblyman 35th District – Jordan Cunningham (R)

State Capital, Room 4098, Sacramento, CA 95814 Phone (916) 319-2035, Fax: (916) 319-2135 1150 Osos St., Rm 207, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Phone (805) 549-3381 Fax: (805) 549-3400 [email protected]

Governor - Jerry Brown (D) First Floor, State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 445-4633 [email protected]

U.S. Senator - Dianne Feinstein (D)

2500 Tulare St., Suite 4290, Fresno, CA 93721 (559) 485-7430 or (202) 224-3841 331 Hart Senate Office Bldg., Washington, DC 20510-0504

U.S. California Senator - Kamala Harris (D) 2500 Tulare St., Suite 5290, Fresno, CA 93721 (559) 497-5109 or (202) 224-3553 112 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, DC 20510 [email protected]

U.S. California 24th District Representative – Salud Carbajal (D) 2231 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-3601 1411 Marsh St. Suite 205, San Luis Obispo 93401 (805) 546-8348

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Other Political Organizations LOCAL REPUBLICAN WOMEN FEDERATED CLUB CONTACTS Atascadero, Kelly Robbins, 805-602-8285, [email protected] Estero Bay, Mary Cook, 286-7911, [email protected] Paso Robles, Teresa Sullenger, (661)900-3635, [email protected] San Luis Obispo, Marilyn Blake, 805-704-8923, [email protected] Santa Lucia, Nancy Sugerman, 474-1173, [email protected]

San Luis Obispo County Republican Central Committee Meeting Meets; 3rd Wednesday, 6:00 Social, 6:30 Meeting Location: San Luis Obispo Business Center, 4251 South Higuera St. San Luis Obispo & [email protected]

Lincoln Club Monthly Meeting

Meets TBD Wednesday, 5:00 PM Location: TBD

North County Tea party Monthly Meeting

1st Monday, Atascadero Library Location: 6555 Capistrano, Atascadero. If 1st Monday is a holiday, then 2nd Monday

SLO County Young Republicans email: [email protected] website: CalPoly Republicans Web-site: Email: [email protected]

Purpose: The Cal Poly College Republicans are a community of Conservatives united around the ideas of

individual freedom, a strong national defense, free enterprise, and traditional values.

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Republican Party Central Committee of San Luis Obispo County Chairman: Tom Bordonaro, [email protected] Vice Chairman: Randall Jordan, [email protected] Secretary: Laura Mordaunt, [email protected] Treasurer: David Boyer, (pending) Newsletter Editor: Bob Martz, [email protected] Republican Party of San Luis Obispo County Web Site & E-mail, - [email protected] Next Meeting: Typically 3rd Wednesday of Month, April 19th, 6:30 PM Meeting Location: TBD

Mission Statement: Welcome to the Republican Party of San Luis Obispo County’s official newsletter. On our web site, RPSLO.ORG, you will find all the most up to date information about your locally elected Republican Central Committee, local Republican organizations, your Republican elected officials, candidates, local activists, and conservative political activism. We actively campaign at every level of government, supporting conservative candidates for every office from community service districts representative to President of the United States of America.

Editor’s Note and Disclaimer This Newsletter includes articles from various individuals and sources and they may not be edited or intended to represent an official content endorsement by the Republican Party of SLO County. Submission of relevant articles for inclusion in this newsletter are encouraged.