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 SAP Content Server Security Guide  Document V ersion 1.00 – April 29, 2004 SAP NetWeaver ’04  Security Guide  

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SAP Cont ent Server

Sec ur i t y Guide 

Docum ent V ersion 1.00 – Apri l 29, 2004

SAP Net Weaver ’04  

Secur i ty Guide  

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Cross-references to otherdocumentation

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Variable user entry. Anglebrackets indicate that youreplace these words andcharacters with appropriateentries to make entries in thesystem.

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SAP Content Server Security Guide

4 April 29, 2004


SAP Content Server Security Guide................................................5 

1 Introduction .........................................................................................5 

2 User Administration and Authentication ..........................................7 

2.1 User Management .................................................................................. 7 

2.2 User Data Synchronization Unix ......................................................... 10 

2.3 User Data Synchronization Windows................................................. 10 

3 Communication Channel Security...................................................10 

4 Network Security...............................................................................11 

5 Data Storage Security.......................................................................12 

6 Other Security-Relevant Information ..............................................12 

7 Trace and Log Files ..........................................................................13 

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SAP Content Server Security Guide

1 Introduction

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SAP Content Server Security Guide

1 Introduction

This guide does not replace the standard operations handbook that werecommend customers to use for creating specific productive operations.

About this Guide

The SAP Content Server and the SAP Cache Server were designed for managing largequantities of documents efficiently in diverse locations. These documents usually containconfidential information of considerable value to the company. To protect the documents

sufficiently enough, the various security measures are explained in this guide.

For simplicity the security settings are explained using the SAP Content Server. The settingsare valid for the cache server just the same and should also be made for the cache server.

Normally, the security procedure and settings for the SAP Content Server are independent ofthe operating system. Security measures that have different settings for Windows and Unixare described separately.

Why Is Security Necessary?

The data stored in the content server and cache server requires special protection againstunauthorized access, modification or deletion. A comprehensive protection could never be

guaranteed by one single security feature alone. This data can only be fully protected whenseveral security measures are working together at the same time on one specific aspect.

Target Groups

• Technical consultants

• System administrators

This document is not included as part of the Installation Guides, Configuration Guides,Technical Operation Manuals, or Upgrade Guides. These guides are only relevant for acertain phase of the software life cycle, whereby the Security Guides provide information thatis relevant for all time frames.

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SAP Content Server Security Guide

1 Introduction 

Important SAP Notes

Check regularly which SAP Notes about the security of the application areavailable.

Important SAP Notes

SAP Note Number Title

212394 DBM, DBA and Domain User Initial Password

361123 SAP Content Server and Security

433727 Cache Server and Security

586895 SAP Content Server for UNIX (Composite SAP note)

612463 SAP Content Server for Windows (Composite SAP note)

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SAP Content Server Security Guide

2 User Administration and Authentication

2 User Administration and Authentication

2.1 User Management

User Management Tools

Tool Detailed Description Prerequisites

DBMCLI, SAPDBM-GUI Command line andinteractive administrationtools for the SAP database

SAP DB instance must beinstalled and used with theSAP Content Server

Commands of the

operating system

Add/Delete/Modify user


To operate, the SAP Content Server for UNIX requires the following users and groups:

• Operation system user without administrator privileges. SAP recommends that youcreate a separate user and home directory for each SAP Content Server, so thatseparate server instances can be operated. SAP recommends the naming convention:<sid>cs or <sid>csc. But you could still use any other name. (See also the InstallationGuide.)

If documents are created in file system repositories, the created repository objects,without exception, belong to the user with the user ID, under which the content server

processes are running.• The <sid>cs/csc user must be a member of the user group sapsys.

• Additional content server administrators can be created. All administrators must belongto the same group, which must be declared as the administration security group in thecontent server for UNIX. (See below).

The SAPDB database for UNIX requires the following system users and groups:

• A database user, so that the content server can log on to an SAP DB instance toaccess the repositories created there. The default database user is SAPR3 and thedefault password is SAP. You can define an alternative user and an encryptedpassword in the relevant configuration parameters on the content server.

• To operate the SAP database other operating system users are required. One is thesapdb user, under which the SAP DB software is installed. Each SAP DB instance alsoneeds its own user to whom all instance-dependent files (devspaces, logspaces, etc.)will later belong. The following name format is used for this: sqd<sid>. All SAP DBusers must be members of the sapsys group.

• If they do not already exist, all users and the sapsys group required to operate the SAPDatabase are generated automatically by the installation program for the SAP DB.

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SAP Content Server Security Guide

2 User Administration and Authentication 

The SAP Content Server for Windows requires the following users for its operation:

• When the operating system is started up, the Microsoft Internet Information Server (MSIIS) is started as the “World Wide Web“ system service.For Windows 2000 the WWW service is started with the user “SYSTEM“. For Windows2003 the user is “NETWORK SERVICE“. These users are set up in the operatingsystem and cannot be changed.

• Like the Microsoft Internet Information Server, the SAPDB instance for Windows isstarted as the system service. So a separate user is not required for the SAPDBinstance.

SAPDB Database user Windows and UNIX:

• So that the content server can log on to an SAP DB instance to access the repositoriescreated there, during the installation the default database user SAPR3 with defaultpassword SAP is created. The default password can be changed in reportRSCMSPWS and transferred encrypted to the content server. Report RSCMSPWSdoes NOT change the password in the database – this step has to be done separately.

Refer to notes 212394 and 661852.

The SAP Content Server is administered at runtime exclusively via URLs. To avoidunauthorized administration, the SAP Content Server has an AdminSecurity function. Assoon as AdminSecurity is activated, the content server demands a user/passwordauthentication (basic authentication) for all administration commands.

AdminSecurity features for UNIX:

• Depending on the configuration, the user/password combination sent by the client ischecked either against an NIS user database or against the local file/etc/password.

• To prevent users with operating system access from inadvertently executingadministration commands, the administrator user must belong to anAdminSecurityGroup.

The AdminSecurityGroup can be freely assigned by the system administrator – it doesnot have to be the same group as the user group under which the SAP Content Serverwas installed. Depending on the user/password combination, the group is checkedeither against the NIS group database or the local file/etc/group.

The profile parameter AuthService determines which user/group data is used for theauthentication.

• The configuration parameters AdminSecurityGroup and AuthService are available forUNIX only.

AdminSecurity features for Windows:

• The system uses the user/password combination sent by the client to check whetherthe file ContentServer.INI can be opened. When the content server is installed, this file,which needs special protection, is assigned to all the users in the “administrators“group. Local and domain administrators are given the same authorizations. Inparticular, fully-qualified domain users can be passed to the SAP Content Server forWindows for the authentication check.

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SAP Content Server Security Guide

2 User Administration and Authentication

Overview of the required users

System User Group Delivered? Type Default






Must becreated byAdministratorbeforeInstallation


No default Runtime user forthe SAP ContentServer,SAP ContentServer Cache


sapdb sapsys(mandatory)

Yes TechnicalUser

Asked duringinstallation

Technical userthat owns allSAP DB software


sqd<sid> sapsys(mandatory)

Yes TechnicalUser

Asked duringinstallation

Runtime user forSAPDB instance


Administrator(no namingconvention)

Member ofAdminSecurity-Group(any valid usergroup)

No Administrator No default See above

WindowsLocal/ Domain

Any Member ofadministrators

No Administrator No default See above


SAPR3 N/A YES DB-User SAP See above


control N/A Yes DB-User control DatabaseManager User(DBM user) formonitoring andmanaging thedatabase system


superdba N/A Yes DB-User admin DatabaseAdministrationUser (DBA User)creates newusers and is theowner of thesystem tables


domain N/A Yes DB-User domain Domain user isresponsible forthe maintenanceof the systemtables

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SAP Content Server Security Guide

3 Communication Channel Security 

2.2 User Data Synchronization UnixAll the operating system users and groups listed above are normally assigned to one host. Itcould however arise depending on demand, that several content server instances on differenthosts access the repositories. These repositories do not have to be located on the same host,they may be distributed across several hosts. As well as this, some repositories may belocated in the file system and others in one or more database instances.

In cases where operating system users, passwords, and groups have to be synchronizedacross several hosts, the Network Information Service (NIS) should be used. You must followthe security notes supplied by the respective software providers to set up a secure NISenvironment.

To authenticate administration commands, the SAP Content Server can check the receivedpassword against an NIS database. The default domain is always used for this. Thepassword is verified against the passwd.byname map and the group.byname map.

2.3 User Data Synchronization WindowsUser names and groups are distributed using the Microsoft domain concept. The principles ofthe domain concept comply with the Network Information Service.

3 Communication Channel Security


This section is valid both for the Windows and UNIX versions of the SAP Content Server....

• The SAP Content Server is an enhancement of the employed Web server. The entiredata transfer between the client and the Web server is processed through HTTP. It isthe task of the Web server to provide the secure HTTP (HTTPS) protocol. Refer to theconfiguration instructions for the Web server. Usually HTTPS requires an appropriateport to be activated on the Web (443). If you want to use HTTPS, this must be set up inthe Customizing transaction, OAC0, for the relevant repositories.

• Provided the documents are stored in a database instance, the SAP Content Serveruses the ODBC protocol to communicate with the database server.

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SAP Content Server Security Guide

4 Network Security

4 Network SecurityThis section is valid both for the windows and UNIX versions of the SAP Content Server.

• You can operate the content server in a different network segment to that of thedatabase. It is important that the Content Storage Host can be reached via anappropriate route. The content server and the database server communicate entirelythrough the ODBC protocol. The ports, 7200/sql30 and 7210/sql6, must be opened onthe database server.

• Especially in configurations where you want to access documents from the extranet,special security measures are necessary:

  The content server should be set up in the demilitarized zone (DMZ).

  The content server has exclusive access to local repositories that managedocuments held temporarily for accessing from the extranet. These documentsshould ideally be stored in an SAP DB instance. You should definitely changethe password for the database user.

  A further content server located in the Intranet has access to the databaserepositories in the demilitarized zone through ODBC. This requires thatrepositories are manually entered in the configuration file of the content server.In particular you must ensure that the content server knows that the password ofthe database user has been changed.

With this internal content server the documents requested in the extranet cannow temporarily be placed in the database instance of the DMZ, simply bycopying them into a DMZ repository.

Then the URL required for accessing them can be given to the extranet client.The other way round, the extranet client can check documents into the DMZrepository. Using an appropriate workflow the application can then copy thesedocuments from the DMZ into an internal repository, and even carry out securitychecks (virus check, etc) beforehand.

  Only by using the procedure outlined above, can you, exclude access throughthe DMZ from the extranet into the intranet. Extranet clients are allowed HTTPaccess to the content server in the DMZ, but the whole document transferbetween the intranet and DMZ is controlled from the intranet. These controlmechanisms and the entire workflow effort associated with it is the responsibilityof the application and is not contained in the SAP Basis layer KPro.

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SAP Content Server Security Guide

5 Data Storage Security 

5 Data Storage Security• All documents must be stored in repositories. These repositories may be located either

in a database instance or in directory hierarchies in the file system.

• When documents are checked in, they are stored in repositories. If an error occursduring a transaction, the database transaction mechanism, rollback, is used. Thismechanism is not available if the documents are stored in the file system.

• Document data or fragments are not stored temporarily on the hard disk at any time.

• If documents are stored in the file system, you must follow the conventions of therespective operating systems when assigning access rights: Under UNIX all files arecreated with the access rights rw, rw, rw (i.e. 666), directories are created with therights rwx, rwx, rwx (i. e. 777). All other restrictions must be made using the relevant“umask“ reductions. Furthermore, the user with the effective UID, under which the

server processes run, becomes the owner of all objects in the repository.

Under Windows all the file system objects inherit the predefined access rights of therepository root directory. This directory must be created manually (in both Windowsand UNIX). The current user becomes the owner of the root directory and of all therepositories contained in this directory.

• In addition to the documents and repositories, all the configuration data of the SAPContent Server is stored in a configuration file. The name and address of the path tofind this file is different for Windows and for Unix.

Under UNIX the file is called cs.conf (or csc.conf for the cache server). After thecontent server has been installed, the file is located in directory $HOME/conf. Though

you can redefine the name and path of the configuration file in the environment variableCSConfigPath (CSCConfigPath for the cache server), or by setting this variable in theconfig section of the Web server, (provided this is permitted). Variable definitions in theweb server configuration will precede the environment variables. In every case theaccess rights for the file cs.conf/csc.conf should be restricted to only the owner havingread and write access and group members having only read access. Other usersshould not be able to read the configuration files. These access rights (640) are set bythe installation program.

6 Other Security-Relevant Information• This section is relevant for all operating systems.

• For URL signatures the default setting in the SAP System is “activated“. So that thecontent server can check the signatures, each SAP System wanting to use repositoriesmust send the public key in the form of a certificate to the content server. Eachcertificate must be activated separately and the signature check for the relevantrepositories must be activated on explicitly. These settings can be made in transactionCSADMIN. Here you can also deactivate and delete activated certificates.

• URL signatures are activated and deactivated in the same way for the Windows andUNIX content servers.

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SAP Content Server Security Guide

7 Trace and Log Files

7 Trace and Log FilesThe SAP Content Server has extensive trace facilities. They are different for Windows andUNIX:

Under UNIX you can extend or restrict the scope of trace reports in the parameterTraceLevel in the configuration file cs.conf (csc.conf). You can find out which trace classesare currently available from the notes in cs.conf (csc.conf). Keep in mind that if you set verylow trace levels, the size of the log files will be very large, which could impair the performanceof the whole server. The Web server also has a master trace level which must be set in theWeb server configuration. The master trace makes the final decision about which messagesare recorded in the trace file.

Under Windows there are no restrictions for the scope of the trace. Here all the tracemessages are always recorded in the file CS_Trace.txt, provided the profile parameterFullTrace=1 is set.

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