consumer purchase intention at traditional restaurant and fast


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Post on 07-Apr-2015




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Page 1: Consumer Purchase Intention at Traditional Restaurant and Fast
Page 2: Consumer Purchase Intention at Traditional Restaurant and Fast
Page 3: Consumer Purchase Intention at Traditional Restaurant and Fast
Page 4: Consumer Purchase Intention at Traditional Restaurant and Fast

Malaysian restaurant industry is

due and

, which cause the increase in eating out trend and sways consumers’ choice on which types of restaurant to be visited.

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This also


in Malaysia

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Whitlark, Geurts and Swenson (1993)

as a associated with

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as consumer who make a


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Based on Ajzen and Fishbein (1980) multi-attribute

attitude model, suggest that a

towards restaurants food

are determined by food attributes that influence theirs purchasing decisions

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In the , customers’ level of

is strongly associated with

and (Cho and Park, 2001).

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Customer is defined as the degree to which

customer has

of a and

(Heelier, Geursan, Carr and Rickard, 2003)

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The hypothesis of the study is that;

H: The , , and are correlated with at traditional restaurant and fast food restaurant, respectively.

Consumer Attitude

Consumer Satisfaction

Consumer Loyalty

Purchase Intention

Independent variables (Correlation) Dependant variables

Figure 1 shows the hypothesized research model

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were conducted using

method andrestaurants in four cities in Malaysia

, the researchers and the enumerators waited outside of the selected restaurant and choose one customers out of every three who purchased their food and meals

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The result of these analyses indicated that consumer loyalty was highly positively (r = .793) and highly significant (p = .001 level).

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The correlation between consumers attitude and purchaseintention was positive and significant (r = .766) at p = .001 level.

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The statistical analysis yield that r = .751 indicate at p = .001 level, show the positive and significant correlation between consumer satisfaction and purchase intention.

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The result of these analyses indicated that consumer loyalty offast food restaurant was highly positively (r = .789) and highly significant (p = .001level).

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the correlation between consumers attitude and purchase intention waspositive and significant (r = .756) at p = .001 level

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The statistical analysis yield that r =.325 indicate at p = .001 level, show the positive and significant correlation betweenconsumer satisfaction and purchase intention.

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The finding revealed that the independent variables are correlated with purchase intention at fast food restaurant. Thus, the hypothesis is accepted

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The results of the study confirmed with Bowen and Chen’s (2001)

study indicated that consumer loyalty was the most

significantly and positively variable that explaining the variance in the purchase intention for both types of restaurant

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