consumer packaged goods digital transformation: where to

Consumer Packaged Goods digital transformation: where to invest now

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Post on 09-May-2022




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Consumer Packaged Goods digital transformation: where to invest now 2
03 Executive summary
08 Chapter 1: The state of consumer packaged goods
The state of CPG
Digital transformation and the power of cloud
12 Chapter 2: Top use cases for digital transformation
Overview of use cases and impact areas
Value at stake
1: Unlocking consumer growth with data-powered insights
2: Transforming go-to-market in an omnichannel ecosystem
3: Driving connected and efficient, sustainable operations
44 Chapter 3: Accelerating delivery of digital transformation
Barriers and benefits of cloud
How Google can help
Consumer Packaged Goods digital transformation: where to invest now 3
Executive summary
The $6T global consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry—comprising Food
& Beverage, Personal Care & Home, and Beauty—has thrived for over 40 years.
But the last five years have been highly challenging and disruptive amidst a
changing competitive landscape marked by new consumer behaviors and
digital-native entrants. ‘Business as usual’ does not do the trick anymore—and
leaders recognize that innovation must accelerate. The adoption of digital and
analytics offers CPG companies the opportunity to drive growth and deliver
productivity. The effort needed to take advantage of this value potential will
be worth it. The companies that adopt digital technologies early and at scale
outperform traditional incumbents in revenue and EBIT growth1.
At Google we have been working with CPG industry leaders for over 20 years,
bringing our deep understanding of consumer intent across properties like
Search, YouTube, the Google Assistant, and Maps to better assist brands
in acquiring new consumers and creating a stronger connection with the
ones they already have. With Google Cloud we are excited to build on our
longstanding partnership with brands to drive innovation across the business.
The adoption of digital and analytics use cases and cloud can help companies
bring new capabilities to market more quickly, innovate more easily, and
scale more efficiently—while also reducing technology risk, thus serving
as a catalyst for CPG transformation.2
Companies that adopt digital technologies early and at scale outperform traditional incumbents in revenue and EBIT growth1
1. “Digital strategy in a time of crisis,” McKinsey & Company, April 22, 2020 2. “How CIOs and CTOs can accelerate digital transformations through cloud platforms,” McKinsey & Company, September 15, 2020
Consumer Packaged Goods digital transformation: where to invest now 4
In our conversations with CPG customers, we get asked time and again
what use cases for digital and analytics have the most potential for bottom
line impact in the new normal. This ebook—based on research, inputs from
industry experts, and customer experiences—is an attempt to answer these
questions in a holistic way, taking an outside-in approach to identify pockets
of value creation from digital use cases including cloud, AI/ML and analytics
for CPGs in the ‘new normal’.
Our research looked at the breadth of digital and analytics use cases
for investment by CPG companies across the full value creation process,
including consumer acquisition, access to markets, and operational
In total, we identified over 80 use cases for CPGs and prioritized them
given their impact on industry P&Ls, their ease of implementation regarding
technology and data requirements and organizational change management,
and their effectiveness in further achieving environmental-social-governance
(ESG) goals. Our research found three core areas where companies could drive
impact: unlocking consumer growth with data-powered insights; transforming
go-to-market in the omnichannel ecosystem; and driving connected, efficient,
and sustainable operations.
Together, the top application areas have the potential to drive at least $490B in
value creation for the total CPG industry by 2023. CPG companies that choose
to leverage the cloud sooner will reap the benefits faster, as foundational
investments in cloud-based solutions that leverage AI/ML and analytics yield
greater value as more and more sophisticated use cases are adopted.
Three core areas of growth for CPGs with cloud adoption:
Unlocking consumer growth with data powered insights
Transforming go-to-market in an omnichannel ecosystem
Driving connected and efficient, sustainable operations
Consumer Packaged Goods digital transformation: where to invest now 5
3. Google commissioned Ipsos COVID-19 tracker, U.S. n=1000 online consumers 18+ per market. June 25-28. 4. Google Data, Global English, Mar 25, 2020 - May 23, 2020 vs Mar 25, 2019 - May 23, 2019
Preface: The transformation cloud era
There are moments in our history when everything changes. How we live, how
we work, how we communicate, how we learn, all seem to transform in what
seems like an instant—making what came before feel distant and of another
era. As we stepped back at Google Cloud, we saw the incredible changes that
were happening with COVID-19 impacting consumer behavior, which in turn
had implications for our industry customers. Blame those pesky yeast and
toilet paper shortages, if you will, but during the pandemic, almost one-third
of U.S. shoppers purchased from a brand that was new to them.3 And while
deal-seeking is not new, searches for ‘best affordable’ grew globally by over
60% year-over-year.4 CPGs rose to the occasion and assumed responsibility
for safeguarding people and communities by meeting peak demand across
key categories.
Through these turbulent times, CPG boards and executives recognized
that recovery, as it has been throughout history, will be a catalyst for
transformation. At Google, we believe that the cloud will play a key role
as a digital transformation agent more than any other time in history.
Today, the cloud is understood to be a network of remote servers around
the globe that are linked together so they can function as a single ecosystem.
Cloud computing, in turn, refers to the delivery of these on-demand computing
services—including storage, processing power, or applications—typically
over the Internet. This relieves CPGs from having to own their computing
infrastructure and data centers themselves, and instead allows them
to rent access to storage or applications from companies like Google Cloud.
During the pandemic almost one-third of US shoppers purchased from a brand that was new to them3
Consumer Packaged Goods digital transformation: where to invest now 6
While the ROI of these cloud migrations is important, the really interesting
conversations happening now are how we get to a Transformation Cloud,
where we’re not just making an infrastructure decision, but truly embedding
the need and capability of digital to transform every person and team in your
organization. CPGs are also increasingly using the cloud to deploy artificial
intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) models—because only the cloud
offers them the elastic and scalable environment they need to fully realize
value from these technologies.
In 2018, the McKinsey Global Institute estimated that an additional $13T
could be added to global GDP by 2030 via digitization, automation, and AI. Yet
across the world, industries have, on average, barely matured past 25% of their
full potential for digitization. Within CPG, digitization is closer to 30% given a
relatively direct connection to the consumer, faster capital turnover, and global
presence—all factors that help drive digitization—but this is still short of the
digitization level in the closest industry, retail, which averages nearly 50%.5 As
such, CPG remains one of the least digitally mature industries, despite being
one of the most mature in analytics.
$13T estimated additional value that could be added to global GDP by 2030 via digitization, automation and AI according to McKinsey Global Institute them5
30% estimated current digitization in CPG5
Consumer Packaged Goods digital transformation: where to invest now 7
As CPG companies— including marketplace giants, discounters, and small,
digitally native and agile brands—are battered by disruptive trends, the
transformation cloud and the increasing number of use cases it powers
using data, AI/ML, and analytics becomes ever more important. For CPG
CxOs, the cloud answers age-old questions around consumer acquisition
(e.g. “How do we manage display and promotion on the physical and
virtual product shelves to best attract consumers?”), emerging questions
around loyalty (e.g.“How can we predict loyalty or ease loyalty in an effort
to preserve the brand momentum we gained during the pandemic?”), and
persistent questions around cost efficiencies (e.g. “How can we leverage
new technologies such as IoT, digital twin, predictive maintenance, and so
on to increase efficiencies all along the value chain?”). What’s more, those
companies that choose to ‘go digital’ end up generating more than 50% of
the total digital revenue in their industry.6 Said otherwise, going digital not
only enables companies to more effectively and efficiently drive toward
answers for their top priorities, but also capture larger portions of the
growing digital pie. Read on to identify where you should be investing to
thrive in this era of the transformation cloud.
5. Google commissioned Ipsos COVID-19 tracker, U.S. n=1000 online consumers 18+ per market. June 25-28. 6. Ibid.
Companies that choose to ‘go digital’ end up generating more than
50% of the total digital revenue in their industry6
Chapter 1 The state of consumer packaged goods
Consumer Packaged Goods digital transformation: where to invest now 9
7. Source: Analysis based on Euromonitor data
Waves of change in CPG
The global CPG market comprises goods and services such as distribution. It’s
a large and complex ecosystem. Within goods manufacturing and marketing,
the CPG industry comprises three key sub-sectors, which combined made up
over $6.1T in global revenues in 2019: Food & Beverage (F&B), Personal Care &
Home (PC&H), and Beauty.7 As there are differences across each of the sub-
sectors, there are also differences in the proliferation of digital and analytics.
In the past decade, differing levels of investment have shaped how sub-
sectors have grown, and will continue to shape their recovery post-pandemic.
Consumer goods manufacturing
Consumer goods marketing
Consumer Packaged Goods digital transformation: where to invest now 10
The COVID-19 pandemic—which is first and foremost a global health crisis
and a massive economic disruption—amplified the need for cloud, digital, and
analytics across CPG companies not only for growth, but also for resilience.
Market trends, like the push toward higher transparency in consumer
goods, prevailed. Despite shortages in goods across the U.S. and the world,
omnichannel reshaped the shopping experience for most, price sensitivity
peaked given the economic downturn, consumers switched brands (and then
switched again), and certain product categories experienced peak demand.
Food & Beverage
Global CPG sub-sector and distribution estimated revenues in MSP* (2019, $B)
Global CPG sub-sector estimated revenues
Personal Care & Home Beauty
* Manufacturer’s Selling Price
* Manufacturer’s Selling Price - defined as the price that a CPG sells its products to customers who may may be wholesalers, retailers or end consumers excluding any trade discounts
Consumer Packaged Goods digital transformation: where to invest now 11
The hallmark of success for CPG companies in this ‘next normal’ will be
in ruthless prioritization across consumer growth, efficient and sustainable
operations, and omnichannel ecosystems. From a consumer perspective, CPG
companies will need to conceive and create new products, reconstruct their
image of the consumer, understand how to reach each with a personalized
message, create rich experiences that bond them to the brand beyond any
advertising, and better understand how to allocate marketing dollars—all in an
effort to maximize consumer lifetime value. From an operational standpoint,
companies will need to better predict demand, maximize operational efficiency
of equipment, minimize waste production and energy usage, optimize inbound
and outbound logistics operations (not to mention where to locate new plants
and distribution facilities), and assess whether existing supplier relationships
are still valuable. Finally, from a go-to-market and channel perspective,
companies will need to determine the right mix and assortment of goods for
offline and online channels, and optimize trade promotion, all in an effort to
ensure the right product is available to the right consumer—at the right time, at
the right outlet, and in the right place in the store.
Taking a big step back, all this sounds incredibly overwhelming—and yet it is
possible by leveraging cloud as a catalyst for transformation. For those CPG
companies with the desire and capacity to shape their futures, there are real
opportunities to innovate.
The following chapters explore digital and analytics in a practical way,
reviewing the highest impact use cases for CPG companies across the value
chain, as well as the barriers to implementation and how to ensure success.
Chapter 2 Top use cases for digital transformation
Consumer Packaged Goods digital transformation: where to invest now 13
Overview of use cases and impact areas
To understand the top transformation opportunities for CPG in this new
normal we commissioned a study to explore the impact the pandemic had on
the CPG market. The study covered consumer acquisition, access to markets,
and operational effectiveness. It also identified what cloud use cases could
be leveraged by CPG companies to drive top-line growth, reduce costs, and
foster environmentally—or socially—beneficial effects. The full range of digital
and analytics use cases with application potential in CPG were rigorously
assessed based on an analysis of industry reports, best practices from CPG
players and expert conversations; out of these total volume of digital and
analytics use cases, 80+ emerged as key opportunities.8 These can help
companies unlock value across three key areas today and into the future:
consumer growth, go-to-market, and efficient operations.
Example digital and analytics use cases across key areas of opportunity9
• Marketing spend optimization
• Personalized marketing at scale • Digitally enabled experiences • Design-to-value • “Enhanced Consumer profiling (Consumer 360)
• Predictive customer analytics • Social media analytics and influencer channel optimization
• A/B testing for advertising and promotions
• Offline channel-specific mix optimization
• Online marketplace channel optimization
• AI-powered beauty apps
• Personalized product recommendations
• Waste-reducing and energy efficiency-optimizing production process adjustments
• Real-time performance and OEE management
• Demand forecasting-driven supply planning
• Sustainability-focused supply chain optimization and reporting
• Ingredient traceability
8. Totality of digital and analytics use cases with application potential in CPG were rigorously assessed based on an analysis of a wide range of CPG industry reports, best practices from CPG players and initial expert conversations; out of these total volume of digital and analytics use cases, 80+ emerged as key use cases 9. Use cases are not listed in any particular order
Consumer Packaged Goods digital transformation: where to invest now 14
Value at stake
There are 15 use cases10 that stood out from the full set of use cases based
on value potential, ease of implementation (as it relates to technology and
data requirements, as well as organizational championing), and effectiveness
in further achieving corporate ESG goals. This subset of use cases—identified
through interviews with CPG CxOs, former executives, and other CPG leaders,
in tandem with industry research—has the potential to drive at least $490B
in value creation for CPGs by 2023. The value at stake is split roughly equally
across the three areas of opportunities, with the third area accounting for
slightly more value (39%). The implication of this is that a diversified approach
of implementing use cases across these three areas of impact can help build
incremental value.11
10. Long list of 80+ use cases was narrowed down to short list of 20+ use cases based on in-depth expert conversations with thought leaders in CPG domains, drawing from their experience in CPG; the short list reflects the use cases deemed to have the highest value potential among the full set of 80+ 11. Source: Analysis based on Euromonitor data 12. Global CPG goods revenues in 2019 were $6.1T
Current market size: $6.1T
Value at stake for top digital and analytics use cases in CPG12
Extra: 8-15%
At least
$490B in value at stake through digital and analytics in CPG10.
Consumer Packaged Goods digital transformation: where to invest now 15
When we look at industry sub-verticals the value at stake and top use cases
differ. This is not surprising. Given sector specifics, a typical Food & Beverage
company will make use of digital and analytics differently than a Beauty or
Personal Care & Home company. Below we’ve shared a view of the Top 10
cases for the CPG industry as well as Food & Beverage, Personal Care and
Home and Beauty sub verticals.
Consumer Packaged Goods
Attribution modelling for ROI maximization
Digitally enabled experiences
Trade promotion optimization
Design-to- value
Real-time performance and OEE management
Retail execution
Unlocking consumer growth with data powered insights
Transforming go-to-market in an omnichannel ecosystem
Driving connected and efficient, sustainable operations
13. Global CPG goods revenues in 2019 were $6.1T. Value potential is expressed as a range of value that can be realized for each use case for the industry based on a number of impacting factors e.g. efficiency of implementation.
10. Long list of 80+ use cases was narrowed down to short list of 20+ use cases based on in-depth expert conversations with thought leaders in CPG domains, drawing from their experience in CPG; the short list reflects the use cases deemed to have the highest value potential among the full set of 80+ 11. Source: Analysis based on Euromonitor data 12. Global CPG goods revenues in 2019 were $6.1T
Consumer Packaged Goods digital transformation: where to invest now 16
Food & Beverage
Attribution modelling for ROI maximization
Retail execution
Ecommerce channel set-up and hosting
Demand forecasting- driven supply planning
Design-to- value
Trade promotion optimization
Marketing spend optimization
Design-to- value
Unlocking consumer growth with data powered insights
Unlocking consumer growth with data powered insights
Transforming go-to-market in an omnichannel ecosystem
Transforming go-to-market in an omnichannel ecosystem
Driving connected and efficient, sustainable operations
Driving connected and efficient, sustainable operations
46 46 43 41
Consumer Packaged Goods digital transformation: where to invest now 17
Ecommerce channel set-up and hosting
Personalized marketing at scale
Online marketplace channel optimization
Marketing spend optimization
Unlocking consumer growth with data powered insights
Transforming go-to-market in an omnichannel ecosystem
Driving connected and efficient, sustainable operations
3 2
Consumer Packaged Goods digital transformation: where to invest now 18
Decoding value potential for your business
The size of the potential value at stake in the preceding pages is evaluated
from an industry perspective and across all use cases. For instance, if the
entire Food & Beverage industry (including all the individual players in it) were
to adopt all of the top use cases for digital and analytics, it would see value
accrue to the totality of companies in the range of approximately $402B
to $784B. The industry, however, is made up of many companies, each of
whom would command only a share of the total industry value at stake. And,
of course, each of these companies would likely only implement a select
number of use cases at once. This goes to show that the total opportunity for
the vertical and across all use cases is immense, while individual companies
would see only a fraction of that total value accrue to them, depending on their
size and which use cases they adopt.
For instance, for an average Food & Beverage player with $10B in revenue, the
use case ‘marketing spend optimization’ would translate into a $43M to $64M
opportunity. This is based on an evaluation of the profit & loss (P&L) statement
of a typical Food & Beverage player, and particularly where the use case may
have an effect. In the case of marketing spend optimization, it would reduce
cost (particularly, P&L line items related to paid media spend) because it more
efficiently allocates marketing dollars. Thus, implementing this use case could
help an individual Food & Beverage company with $10B in revenues save paid
media expenses in the range of $43M to $64M. Aggregating these numbers
across all major Food & Beverage companies and across all use cases then
leads to the total industry value at stake.
In the next section, we take a deeper look at the 15 top use cases by
impact area and the key business goals they help CPG companies achieve.
The use cases collectively cover the top 10 areas of opportunities across all
key sub-verticals: Food & Beverage, Personal Care & Home, and Beauty. While
the use cases are common across all key sub-verticals the value they unlock
for each sub-vertical differs. For simplicity under each use case we’ve picked
a typical company in one CPG sub-verticals to illustrate the value each use
case can unlock. This is for ease of illustration only and does not imply that
the use case as described is restricted to that specific sub-vertical.
Consumer Packaged Goods digital transformation: where to invest now 19
• Marketing spend optimization
• Personalized marketing at scale
• Offline channel-specific mix optimization
• Online marketplace channel optimization
• AI-powered beauty apps
• Personalized product recommendations
• Waste-reducing and energy efficiency-optimizing production process adjustments
• Real-time performance and OEE management
• Demand forecasting-driven supply planning
Consumer Packaged Goods digital transformation: where to invest now 20
1. Based on a typical Food & Beverage company with $10B revenue
Value at stake for a typical Food & Beverage company ($M, 2023F)1
Cost reduction
Business Impact
Marketing spend optimization enables allocation of a CPG’s marketing
funds to maximize impact on strategic goals. This use case will help decide
ex ante (i.e. prior to running marketing efforts) an optimal budget allocation
on as granular a level as possible (ideally on a campaign level).
Our research reveals that a typical Food & Beverage company could
lower their marketing spend by $43M to $63M, if they deployed this use
case at scale. In other words, it’s a great opportunity to save marketing
dollars by distributing budget across the right marketing channels and
the right audiences.
For example, a CPG company may use a marketing spend optimization
solution to set the marketing mix and channel budgets on a quarterly basis
for their portfolio brands, taking into consideration their history, context,
and goals. They might also use it to allocate the optimum daily budget
to a coordinated search engine marketing and social media remarketing
campaign prior to launch.
Consumer Packaged Goods digital transformation: where to invest now 21
1. Based on a typical Personal Care & Home company with $10B revenue
Value at stake for a typical Personal Care & Home company ($M, 2023F)1
Top-line growth
Cost reduction
Business Impact
Attribution modelling for ROI maximization
This assesses the impact past marketing investments have had on a
CPG company’s business goals (e.g. sales generated through their DTC
model). It entails analyzing the performance of marketing and advertising
efforts ex post (e.g. after completion of individual campaigns) on as
granular a level as possible to surface the highest return-on-investment
(ROI) channels and campaigns.
Our research shows that using advanced analytics powered by AI/ML
is a major driver for top-line growth, as insights into consumer decision
journeys can boost sales; as well as cost reduction, as external marketing
spend can be streamlined to focus on the highest-performing channels.
Leveraging digital and analytics can bring new levels of visibility to
profitable promotions, which—when deployed at scale—can represent
between $69 M and $144M in value at stake to a typical Personal Care
& Home company.
Consumer Packaged Goods digital transformation: where to invest now 22
1. Based on a typical Food & Beverage company with $10B revenue
Value at stake for a typical Food & Beverage company ($M, 2023F)1
Top-line growth
Cost reduction
Business Impact
Personalized marketing at scale is all about reaching individual
consumers with a personalized message in an effort to cross- or upsell.
Based on the insights a CPG company would have about an individual
consumer, the goal would be to deliver the right message at the right
time in the right place.
Using digital and analytics to personalize and deliver such messages is a
priority topic for many CPGs. Employing this use case promises combined
cost savings and revenue growth in the range of $18M to $35M. This is
because, right now, it’s typically a manual and time-consuming process
for marketers. Automating the task should add value to both CPG top and
bottom lines.
Consumer Packaged Goods digital transformation: where to invest now 23
Google Cloud and Reckitt Benckiser Collaborate to Build Consumer Engagement Across Brands
Google Cloud is collaborating with Reckitt Benckiser (RB) to drive stronger
customer engagement as the consumer health, hygiene and nutrition
company embarks on wide-scale digital transformation. The alliance, which is
a result of RB’s multi-year digital transformation, will see Google Cloud unify
the company’s extensive data landscape, building new capabilities around
consumer identification, journeys, and behaviors. In addition, the partnership
will provide the foundation to enable RB to manage data and analytics,
measurement and attribution, and automated martech activation across all of
its channels - web, social, in-store, and more.
Google Cloud and RB will focus on pulling together RB’s multiple data
sources to better power consumer segmentation and marketing campaign
measurement. Once digitized in Google Cloud, RB will use Google’s machine
learning (ML) capabilities to evaluate ROI and plan future campaigns more
effectively. RB will also run its own ML and auto-ML models, generating
insights to optimise media spend, and creating more natural digital journeys
as consumers go from awareness, to purchase, to advocacy, whilst always
respecting data privacy.
RB is currently testing use cases on data in the UK, United States, Brazil, and
India. RB’s new digital hubs across the globe will drive consistency and further
efficiencies with its marketing teams, while also enabling quick scale up of
these capabilities prioritized for the top 50 brand-market combinations the
hygiene business holds.
a cleaner, healthier world,
important milestone for our
will we be able to better serve
consumers and shoppers
and create meaningful
experiences for them.”
Source: Google Cloud and Reckitt Benckiser Collaborate to Build Consumer Engagement Across Brands With Data and New Digital Capabilities
Consumer Packaged Goods digital transformation: where to invest now 24
1. Based on a typical Personal Care & Home company with $10B revenue
Value at stake for a typical Personal Care & Home company ($M, 2023F)1
Top-line growth
Cost reduction
Beyond purely offering products, CPGs are increasingly striving to
engage consumers and give them experiences they appreciate outside
of the consumption of products. They want to come up with new ways
of bringing consumers closer to brands, which are more effective than
plain vanilla advertising.
Think, for instance, of an app for young mothers with tips and advice
about newborns, which builds engagement and goodwill for the brand
with its consumers at a critical life stage. It is not directly aimed at selling
baby products but helps create a connection and a potential source of
product insights.
We estimate that a typical Personal Care & Home company would have
a value at stake in the range of $47M to $101M in such a use case. This
comes from decreasing advertising costs, while increasing sales.
Unlocking consumer growth with data-powered insights
Consumer Packaged Goods digital transformation: where to invest now 25
1. Based on a typicaFood & Beverage company with $10B revenue
Value at stake for a typical Food & Beverage company ($M, 2023F)1
Design-to-value is a holistic approach to product innovation which uses
consumer insights and analytics to understand consumer sentiment and
trends, and identify promising product innovation areas early. It would
also entail the subsequent design and development of products and
product packaging, minimizing production and packaging costs.
Imagine coming up with a radically new CPG product based on trend
observations from online forums, and producing and packaging that
product. Or, imagine taking an existing product and understanding
which attributes consumers care about most—and then take out 30%
of the packaging and raw material cost, without impacting consumer
We estimate the value at stake to be between $56M to $112M, for a
sample Food & Beverage player with $10B in yearly revenue. Meaning,
more than 10% of the top line could be generated from this use case,
largely through reduced input costs.
Cost reduction
Consumer Packaged Goods digital transformation: where to invest now 26
1. Based on a typical Beauty company with $3B revenue
Value at stake for a typical Beauty company ($M, 2023F)1
Top-line growth
Cost reduction
Business Impact
Offline channel-specific mix optimization
What is the right mix of offline channels and assortment per channel?
CPGs ask this key question, day in day out. This use case focuses on
determining the right strategy for offline channels based on a review of
individual retailers. Using data-driven insights, CPGs aim to allocate the
right assortment mix, including any bundling options, on a per-retailer/per-
customer basis.
The potential rewards are great. Implementing this use case to perfection
promises to deliver between $16M and $32M to a typical Beauty company.
This is largely thanks to reduced sales, general and administrative (SG&A)
costs, and potential uplifts in revenue.
If a CPG could, for example, leverage data and analytics to easily surface
which products and product sizes should be offered in convenience stores
versus wholesalers, that would likely save their commercial teams untold
hours of manual analysis and internal meetings.
Transforming go-to-market in an omnichannel ecosystem
Consumer Packaged Goods digital transformation: where to invest now 27
1. Based on a typical Beauty company with $3B revenue
Value at stake for a typical Beauty company ($M, 2023F)1
Top-line growth
Business Impact
Online marketplace channel optimization
Now imagine the same—but online. In times of ecommerce, the online
question matters just as much as (and in pandemic times, potentially even
more than) the offline counterpart. It begs the question, what is the right
mix of online marketplace channels and assortment per channel?
For instance, a CPG might be wondering how to determine their product
assortment, including bundles, to list on Amazon versus
This is exactly what online marketplace channel optimization is all about.
What are the implications if it is done correctly? Between $23M and $36M—
again, largely from increased revenue for a typical Beauty company. That’s
quite the carrot for CPGs looking to optimize their selection process for
expansion into new e-retailers, and avoid tarnishing their brand image by
spreading online coverage too far.
Transforming go-to-market in an omnichannel ecosystem
Consumer Packaged Goods digital transformation: where to invest now 28
1. Based on a typical Food & Beverage company with $10B revenue
Value at stake for a typical Food & Beverage company ($M, 2023F)1
Top-line growth
Cost reduction
Business Impact
Retail execution
The essence of retail execution is to ensure the right product is available
to the right consumer at the right time, at the right outlet, and in the right
place in the store. Optimizing in-store presentation, display and shelf space
use, and potentially using image recognition data to understand consumer
interactions with product and impact on sales, is another aspect of retail
execution. It may even involve efforts to minimize the cost-to-serve each
of the outlets, using sales force automation, guided selling, and other
assistance for sales to maximize efficiency from sales reps and foster
field productivity.
All of this has the potential to impact CPG P&Ls positively, in the range of
$36M to $71M SG&A cost savings with additional revenue increase for a
typical Food & Beverage company. In-store sales automation to monitor
promotion compliance and optimized sales order management are just two
examples that can create value.
Transforming go-to-market in an omnichannel ecosystem
Consumer Packaged Goods digital transformation: where to invest now 29
Trax: Taking shelves from image to insight
In competitive markets with tight margins, every detail counts for bricks-
and-mortar stores. Decisions that put the right products and promotions
in the right place on shelves can mean the difference between survival
and success. That’s where timely data becomes invaluable. Retailers and
consumer brands are turning to data analysis and AI to draw out as much
insight as possible and gain an edge. They can look through inventories
and sales receipts to see what items are coming in and how well they’re
selling, but it’s much harder to find data on what happens in between.
That’s where Trax comes in. Its computer vision platform is built on
powerful AI technology to scan individual products and check shelf
displays, product prices, and promotions. Clients can get timely insights
into how their products are performing in their exact locations on
shelves, so they can react accordingly. “Our mission is to digitize the
store,” says Change to Dror Feldheim, President at Trax. “We can collect
data from multiple devices and turn that into a digital representation of
shelves in the physical store.”
When Trax launched in 2010, its first clients were consumer brands that
wanted to know more about how their products were being displayed
and promoted in retail stores. The company grew quickly, acquiring
world-famous clients such as Coca-Cola. By 2017, Trax started to work
with large retailers as well, which was a great opportunity that came
with unique challenges. As well as technical challenges, retail stores
had specific concerns about the security of their data and where it was
being stored. Retail clients made it clear to Trax that they wanted its
services to be free of any links to the retail market, in order to safeguard
their data from competitors. Trax saw an opportunity to both reassure
its new clients and build resilience in its platform with a multi-cloud
infrastructure. The company embarked on a three-month trial of the
leading cloud vendors, and decided on Google Cloud Platform for its
cost-effectiveness and ease of use.
Consumer Packaged Goods digital transformation: where to invest now 30
“Our engineers found they just clicked most easily with Google Cloud
Platform,” says Dror. “Their opinion carried a lot of weight in the
final decision.”
For its new multi-cloud infrastructure, Trax planned in advance what the
architecture would look like and how the clouds would relate to each
other. Specifically, it considered whether there would be a master-slave
model, or whether the two clouds could operate independently of each
other. Given the commercial needs of its clients, Trax opted for the latter,
building an infrastructure that switches between clouds if needed, with
no loss of service. As the mainstay of Trax’s Google Cloud Platform
implementation, Compute Engine instances allow the company to
replicate existing tasks and services with ease. With the ability to spin
up and shut down servers as needed, Trax can now respond instantly to
market changes that reveal trending merchandising display techniques or
even provide valuable upsell opportunities.
“Google Cloud is vital to achieving
our strategic goals of reaching
more retailers. We have a stable,
robust infrastructure that meets
providing the secure computing
thousands of SKUs across an entire
store, and produce timely insights
with our image recognition engines
that can rapidly address any out-
of-stocks or other shelf-execution
partnership with Google Cloud, we
can address the market even better
than before.”
Dror Feldheim
President, Trax
Source: Trax: Digitizing retail stores with Google Cloud Platform to take shelves from image to insight / Trax
1. Based on a typical Food & Beverage company with $10B revenue
Value at stake for a typical Food & Beverage ($M, 2023F)1
Top-line growth
Cost reduction
Business Impact
Trade promotion optimization (TPO, for short) encompasses the
tracking and monitoring of trade spend (i.e. the amount that a CPG
company would spend to promote a product in-store), and the
optimization of trade spend allocation across the various retail outlets
that CPGs are using. As such, it aims at answering one of the key
questions that keep CPG executives up at night: How do you optimize
trade promotion marketing efforts?
Our research shows that using advanced analytics and AI/ML-driven
automation here is a major driver for top-line growth, as optimized
trade spend (e.g. coupons, discounts) can boost revenue from retail
trade; as well as for cost reduction, as marketing and sales efforts
are optimized. In fact, the value at stake for a single sample Food
& Beverage company ranges from $126M to $237M in combined
revenue increase and cost reductions.
For instance, CPGs may use TPO solutions to optimize their trade
spend allocation across retail outlets, beyond simply tracking and
monitoring. Using rich, augmented data allows them to understand how
performance differs and to develop rules and guidelines for promotions.
Transforming go-to-market in an omnichannel ecosystem
Consumer Packaged Goods digital transformation: where to invest now 32
1. Based on a typical Personal Care & Home company with $10B revenue
Value at stake for a typical Personal Care & Home ($M, 2023F)1
Top-line growth
Business Impact
Ecommerce channel set-up and hosting
There’s no ecommerce without an online presence. No chance at direct-to-
consumer online sales, without proper hosting. Enabling a standard hosting
infrastructure for the most widespread third party ecommerce solutions is key.
Think, hosting on Shopify or BigCommerce for a Personal Care & Home
direct-to-consumer website. Or building it on your own using a cloud
platform. Especially when easily integratable with leading solution providers,
ecommerce channel set-up and hosting is a key enabler for online sales.
It’s why this use case—even for a standard Personal Care & Home company—
boasts a whopping $104B to $208B in value at stake.
Transforming go-to-market in an omnichannel ecosystem
Consumer Packaged Goods digital transformation: where to invest now 33
Lush: global migration in 22 days
From a single shop in an English seaside town, Lush has transformed into a
global ethical cosmetics brand with revenues of over £700 million in just two
decades. Alongside over 930 stores in 49 countries, Lush sells its handmade,
fresh products online through the company’s website. Yet periods of peak
demand can overwhelm retail websites when they’re most needed.
For two years running, the Lush website crashed on Boxing Day while
experiencing traffic of up to 12 transactions per second, three times the
scaled-for capacity. Rather than risk another outage, Lush chose to migrate
its entire global infrastructure, including ecommerce systems, mobile apps
and retail systems onto another cloud provider. The migration would involve
17 websites across the world, transferring customer and product data. In
addition, it had to take place over the course of 22 days in December, the
retailer’s busiest month.
Lush enlisted the help of their long-term Google partner Ancoris, together 
with the support of Claranet, both Google Cloud Premier Partners, to drive
the project forward. Google Cloud Platform offered an intuitive interface
for speedy deployment, rapid feedback and easy modification that proved
core to meeting this tight timeframe. Thanks to a successful migration to
Google Cloud Platform, the Lush website handled its first Boxing Day with no
instability or outages, while in the longer term, Lush has cut hosting costs by
40% as a result of migrating to Google Cloud Platform.
“With its positive approach to
open-source and its promise
of 100% renewable energy
end of 2017, Google Cloud
Platform really aligned with
Value at stake for a typical Beauty company ($M, 2023F)1
Top-line growth
Business Impact
AI-powered beauty apps
Allowing consumers to try on beauty products directly in a beauty app is
becoming increasingly sought after. Searches for try-on apps grew during the
pandemic with consumers reluctant to step into stores. Imagine an Android
app that allows a female shopper to try different shades of foundation to
match her skin color, or to experiment with different shades of lipsticks at
home—in readiness for when leaving her own four walls becomes normal
again. Built-in image recognition and image processing capabilities are
keys to enabling this.
Once deployed, beauty apps appeal to consumers with $45M and $68M
in expected revenue uplift from in-app sales—quite the revenue boost for
a typical Beauty company with $3B in yearly turnover.
Worldwide search interest
Consumer Packaged Goods digital transformation: where to invest now 35
Shopping for a beauty product? Try it on with Google
If you’re shopping for beauty products, it’s difficult to make a decision
on such personal items without trying them on. You may want to know
how sheer a lip gloss is, how much pigment eyeshadow contains,
or what foundation looks like on your skin tone. Without seeing the
products up close, this can be hard.
To make it easier for you to answer these questions from home, we’re
working with data partners ModiFace and Perfect Corp to help you better
visualize thousands of lipstick and eyeshadow shades from your favorite
brands like L’Oréal, MAC Cosmetics, Black Opal, and Charlotte Tilbury.
Now, when you search for a lipstick or eyeshadow product, like L’Oréal’s
Infallible Paints Metallic Eyeshadow, you can see what it looks like on a
range of skin tones and compare shades and textures to help you find
the perfect match.
You can also virtually try makeup products right from the Google app.
Find the perfect nude lip by searching for MAC Powder Kiss Lipstick
and trying each shade in the collection. If you’re looking for a velvety
matte lipstick for your holiday video calls with family and friends,
search for NARS Powermatte Lip Pigment and find the color that
matches your style.
Sometimes it’s helpful to get recommendations and see how products
work for other people. Now as you browse Google Shopping on your
phone or scroll through the Discover feed in the Google app, we’ll
show recommendations from beauty, apparel, and home and garden
enthusiasts and experts. If a product catches your eye, you can hear
directly from experts on why they love it and how they use it.
Source: Google Shopping for a beauty product? Try it on with Google.
Value at stake for a typical Beauty company ($M, 2023F)1
Top-line growth
Business Impact
Personalized product recommendations
Let’s imagine we are still in a Beauty app. Delivering consumer-specific
recommendations and search results for products can be an additional lever
for incremental sales, though to a slightly lesser extent—we expect between
$3M and $4M worth of additional sales are realizable for a standard typical
Beauty company.
An in-app feature suggesting “You may also be interested in” products to
consumers can be a powerful lever. This presupposes the ability to track
consumers through back-end capabilities, while also providing a delightful
front-end experience. If these things are in place, an enjoyable shopping
journey for users is sure to be the result.
Transforming go-to-market in an omnichannel ecosystem
Consumer Packaged Goods digital transformation: where to invest now 37
Online shopping gets more personal with Recommendations AI
Google has spent years delivering high-quality recommendations
across our flagship products like YouTube and Google Search.
Recommendations AI draws on that rich experience to give organizations
a way to deliver highly personalized product recommendations.
Recommendations AI pieces together the history of a consumer’s
shopping journey and serves them with personalized product
recommendations. It also excels at handling recommendations in
scenarios with long-tail products and cold-start users and items. Its
‘context hungry’ deep learning models use item and user metadata
to draw insights across millions of items at scale, and constantly
iterate on those insights in real-time in a way that is impossible for
manually-curated rules to achieve.
with Recommendations AI.
“Recommendations AI delivers extremely good data execution and
shows how Google Cloud can turn data into real commercial value,”
says Peter Luu, Online Analytics Manager at Hanes Australasia. “When
we A/B tested the recommendations from Recommendations AI against
our previous manual system, we identified a double-digit uplift in
revenue per session.”
Luu also added, “the product is extremely easy to use—Google Cloud has
provided the expertise, functionality, and performance, so we do not need
to be machine learning experts to make the most of it.”
Source: Google Online shopping gets more personal with Recommendations AI
1. Based on a typical Food & Beverage company with $10B revenue
Value at stake for a typical Food & Beverage company ($M, 2023F)1
Cost reduction
Waste-reducing and energy efficiency-optimizing production process adjustments
While this use case may be a mouthful, it is also a pocket full of value potential
with $57M to $100M at stake for a single Food & Beverage player. While it has
enormously positive environmental benefits, it is also highly attractive from
a P&L perspective, because it allows CPGs substantial savings on input and
production costs.
This use case entails assessing waste production and energy consumption
across all manufacturing steps (e.g. on the line, in operations) and building an
optimization model that minimizes waste and energy usage, while maximizing
productivity. Integrated data sources across the production chain would allow
both this analysis and a system to flag unexpected increases in waste and
energy consumption. It may also automatically adjust levers to minimize such
factors and resulting negative side effects.
Here’s an example where this could be applied—a dairy product, kept at the
right temperature within precise tolerances throughout the production and
distribution processes, saving 20% of its energy costs by reducing excessive
chilling. This is highly relevant for many CPG players, and especially those
needing to maintain a cold chain.
Driving connected, efficient, and sustainable operations
Consumer Packaged Goods digital transformation: where to invest now 39
Announcing round-the-clock clean energy for cloud
Google has a long track record on clean energy. In 2007, we were the first
major company to become carbon neutral. And in 2017, we became the
first company of our size to match 100% of electricity consumption with
renewable energy.
In September 2020, we set our most ambitious energy goal yet: to run
our business on carbon-free energy everywhere, at all times, by 2030.
This means we’re aiming to always have our data centers supplied
with carbon-free energy. We are the first cloud provider to make this
commitment, and we intend to be the first to achieve it, too.
With the goal to reach 24/7 carbon-free energy by 2030, we
can demonstrate that a carbon-free economy is possible.
We’re developing tools to help our customers measure the impact
of migrating to Google Cloud, report on their emissions, and reduce
them. We’re also building the Industrial Adaptive Controls platform
in collaboration with DeepMind, which provides AI control of cooling
systems in commercial and industrial facilities. In the U.S. alone,
12% of all electricity is used for heating and cooling of commercial
buildings.14 Now, the same AI technology that helps reduce the
energy we use to cool our data centers by 30% will be available to the
world’s largest industrial enterprises, building management software
providers,  and data center operators.
If you’re interested in running your company on the only cloud provider
that has achieved 100% renewable energy, we’re here to help you along
the way. Learn more about our plans to move to 24/7 carbon-free energy
in this whitepaper. And be sure to read Google’s broader sustainability
announcement, which includes our commitment to 24/7 carbon-free
energy by 2030, a EUR 10 million Google Impact Challenge focused on
mitigating climate change, and several other actions to help Google
users make smarter decisions for the planet every day.
Source: Google Announcing ‘round-the-clock clean energy for cloud
14. Alliance to Save Energy & U.S. Energy Information Administration
1. Based on a typical Food & Beverage company with $10B revenue
Value at stake for a typical Food & Beverage company ($M, 2023F)1
Cost reduction
Business Impact
Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) is a measure for identifying the
amount of planned production time that is used productively. It’s a gold
standard for improving manufacturing productivity. Digital and analytics
can help here, too, by allowing the constant tracking of productivity and
performance of all equipment and assets during production.
Imagine real-time equipment performance monitoring that is hooked up to
all plant machines. Real-time capturing of data, instant insights generation,
and automated adjustments help maximize the availability, quality, and
performance of equipment. Insights could be made available via an Android
app to all production managers on shift. Similarly, leadership teams can
look into a cross-plant view for the totality of operations.
The upside from implementing this use case at scale is enormous:
we estimate a potential of between $57M and $100M for a single Food
& Beverage company, largely through decreased production costs.
Driving connected, efficient, and sustainable operations
Consumer Packaged Goods digital transformation: where to invest now 41
How AI can help make safer baby food (and other products)
Quality control is a challenge for most industries, but in the world of food production, it’s one of the biggest. With food, products are as good as the ingredients that go into them. Raw materials can vary dramatically, from produce box to produce box, or even from apple to apple. This means inspecting and sorting the good ingredients from the bad is one of the most important tasks any food company does. But all that work inspecting by hand can be time-consuming and arduous both in terms of overhead and manpower. Kewpie Corporation turned to a surprising place to explore better ways to ensure food quality: artificial intelligence built on TensorFlow.
Although Kewpie Corporation is most famous for their namesake mayonnaise, the company has been around for 100 years with dozens of products, from dressings to condiments to baby foods. Kewpie has always believed that good products begin with good ingredients.
In a quest to mechanize the visual detection & quality inspection of ingredients Kewpie turned to machine learning. To kick off the project, the company started with one of the most difficult inspection targets: diced potatoes. Because they’re an ingredient in baby food, diced potatoes are subject to the strictest scrutiny both in terms of safety and peace of mind.
The company designed a TensorFlow based system that was able to learn how to identify acceptable ingredients on a conveyor belt, and reject as defective any ingredients that failed to match. The AI picked out defective ingredients with near-perfect accuracy, which was hugely exciting to our staff. The AI- enabled inspection system performs a rough removal of defective ingredients, then trained staff inspects that work to ensure nothing slips through. That way Kewpie gets “good” ingredients faster than ever and is able to process more food and boost production.
“Existing inspection systems
not been universally adopted
in our industry because
for AI-enabled inspection
through machine learning,
and reassuring products to
Source: Google How AI can help make safer baby food (and other products)
Consumer Packaged Goods digital transformation: where to invest now 42
1. Based on a typical Personal Care & Home company with $10B revenue
Value at stake for a typical Personal Care & Home company ($M, 2023F)1
Top-line growth
Cost reduction
Business Impact
Demand forecasting-driven supply planning
How can you best predict demand, avoiding stock-outs and excess inventory?
In other words, how can you ensure your demand predictions best inform you
supply planning and thus optimize inventory levels?
To date, demand forecasting is done periodically. In an ideal world, real-time
data would be fed into a model and automatic back-end order management
processes would be initiated based on the model output. Imagine an ML
model that uses past demand, sales, and inventory, as well as planned promo
events, expected economic and weather conditions, and so on to build a view
of category and unit-level demand by geography, and then recommend target
stock levels needed to meet it.
Effects would be enormous. A single Personal Care & Home player is
looking at a value at stake in the range of $54M to $104M. Building a
demand forecasting and inventory projection model, taking into account
past performance and feeding in the latest consumer, channel, supplier, and
ingredient partner data would not only reduce COGS but also boost sales,
given optimized supply planning.
Chapter 3 Accelerating delivery of digital transformation
Consumer Packaged Goods digital transformation: where to invest now 44
Barriers and benefits of cloud
Despite the significant value of the aforementioned use cases to CPGs, a wide
range of barriers to adopting digital and analytics use cases remain. Some
of these barriers are falling as technology progresses, as companies learn
to break differences down organizationally and across processes, and as
management teams see the value and what is possible with the cloud.
However, there are still many barriers to capturing value. Siloed technology
systems that inadvertently create ‘islands of information’, as well as disparate
systems that cannot freely and easily communicate, make it difficult for
companies to upgrade technologies or link the new with the old.
Data limitations, mostly stemming from the various formats and schemas in
which the data is stored—as opposed to the accessibility of the data—drive
high extract-transform-load (ETL) costs, not to mention limited real-time
access. In addition, there are often organizational barriers that limit cross-
functional innovation given politics or power plays—the cultural hurdles that
take mindset shifts and strong leadership to surmount. Finally, some barriers
are not real, but instead perceived or perpetuated. Myths abound, such as
the idea that cloud’s main value is in IT cost-cutting, or that cloud computing
costs more than in-house computing. Or that latency is greater on the cloud
than on-prem, or the cloud is only useful for hosting single applications or
entire data centers. These myths are all based on adoptions gone wrong or
fears of significant change.15
While a cloud partner cannot solve all the barriers that companies face in
their journeys to digitally and analytically transform, they can help turn some
barriers into opportunities. Cloud partners like Google make it possible to get
a head start with talent, even if an organization is missing technical expertise
or the bandwidth to commit to a new project with their current teams.
15. “Debunking seven common myths about cloud,” McKinsey & Company, October 5, 2020
16. How CIOs and CTOs can accelerate digital transformations through cloud platforms,” McKinsey & Company, September 15, 2020
A cloud partner can provide a shortcut to new feature development by
enabling technology teams to build on already-built infrastructure and
platforms, so they can focus on testing and learning quickly and cheaply,
as opposed to building a house from the ground up. Partners can also
provide scalable security—an often misunderstood or neglected aspect
critical to digital transformations. They offer the rare opportunity to eliminate
vast operational overhead and instead leverage multibillion-dollar security
investments by cloud service providers so that organizations can consume
the cloud securely and immediately.16
Legacy processes and policies
Lack of well-defined KPIs for use cases and ability to attribute impact
Lack of true commitment to transformation
Cultural boundaries or politics
Key pain points and barriers to CPG digital transformation
This immediate consumption has several cascading benefits. First, it
empowers organizations to release code hundreds or even thousands of times
per day in an automated way to respond more quickly to market demands—
20% to 40% faster, in fact-all the while testing and learning.17 Second, it opens
the door to create innovative business offerings, given the breadth of third-
party applications that can be leveraged as features (e.g. natural language
processing, data aggregation, facial recognition, etc.), capabilities that alone
would take swarms of engineers to build. Finally, cloud enables companies
to scale efficiently, so that spikes in demand (like what happened during the
onset of the pandemic in March 2020 and periodically since then) can be met
without the need to build for a surge.
17. Cameron Coles, “11 advantages of cloud computing and how your business can benefit from them,” McAfee, June 9, 2015
A cloud partner can help organizations respond 20 to 40% faster to market demands - all the while testing and learning17
How Google can help
The new normal for the CPG industry will be digital, and it will be a quick path
upward for those who are willing to boldly implement digital and analytics
for growth. But the cloud is not just about technology. It is a fundamentally
new paradigm that places human creativity and ingenuity at the heart of the
modern enterprise. To thrive in this new paradigm, your journey to the cloud is
about both the technology itself and the people and processes that form the
fabric of your organization.
At Google Cloud, we are investing in industry expertise and solutions designed
for CPG so we can meet you wherever you are in your transformation and
work hand-in-hand with you to solve your most complex challenges. Driving
consumer closeness through insights efficiently, dynamically, and at scale is
the foundation of our business. Google Cloud uniquely has the data analytics
expertise, a deep understanding of consumers, and a rich history of partnering
with brands for joint success. We can help CPG companies unlock consumer
growth, capture new routes to market, and drive connected operations with
industry-leading infrastructure, data analytics, and AI/ML-powered solutions.
We do all of this while operating the cleanest cloud in the industry, matching
100% of the electricity we use with renewable energy. This commitment to
sustainability enables our customers to meet their own cloud computing
needs with zero net carbon emissions.
Consumer Packaged Goods digital transformation: where to invest now 48
Security and data protection are fundamental to how we design and build
our products. The data a customer stores and manages on Google Cloud is
only used to provide that customer with Google Cloud services and to make
Google Cloud services work better for them, and for no other purpose. Not
advertising, not for anything else. We have robust internal controls and auditing
to protect against insider access to customer data. This includes providing
our customers with near real-time logs of Google administrator access on
Google Cloud—we are the only major cloud to provide this level of access
transparency. In addition to continuous security monitoring, all customer data
stored in Google Cloud is encrypted at rest and in transit by default. We also
enable our customers to monitor their own account activity and provide reports
and logs that make it easy for a customer’s administrator to examine potential
security risks, track access, analyze administrator activity, and much more.
With an open cloud approach, we make it easy for you to bring your data not
just from Google Marketing Platform but hundreds of other sources together.
This breaks the silos that keep you from creating a single view of the consumer
across all interactions with your brands—so you can drive personalized,
predictive marketing in real time. You can create a customer data platform,
drive higher marketing ROI, and design to value by using BigQuery to run
data analytics at petabyte scale. Combining your consumer (customer data
platform), marketing, operations, and supply chain data is easy with our smart
analytics solutions.
By breaking data silos and modernizing your critical business applications
to operate at cloud speed, no part of your organization is left behind. As an
example (for customers who run their business on SAP), our SAP on Google
Cloud offerings help you extend digital agility across your operations from
planning to inventory and manufacturing to supply chain.
With your data in Google Cloud, our industry leading Cloud AI offerings help
you easily build your own, use our AI building blocks or deploy state-of-the-
art, pre-trained AI solutions like Recommendations AI and Vision API Product
Search. Democratize access to data and actionable insights in real time
across your organization with self-service visualizations using Looker and
set your teams to innovate collaboratively in real time with Google Workspace,
which embodies our vision for a future where work is more flexible, time is
more precious, and enabling stronger human connections becomes even
more important.
Consumer Packaged Goods digital transformation: where to invest now 49
With solution offerings and use cases across the CPG value chain, Google
Cloud and our ecosystem of technology and services partners are helping
CPG companies lead in the digital world.
Seven out of the top 10 CPG and retail companies trust Google Cloud for
their digital and analytics transformation. Businesses like Procter & Gamble,
Unilever and Rémy Cointreau are working with Google Cloud because of our
industry-first solutions and expertise, as well as our robust ecosystem of
technology and services partners that make it easy to solve for your unique
business and technology landscape.
With the transformation cloud, we’re solving the most complex challenges
for CPG customers around the world. Contact your Google Cloud sales
representative or reach out to us online for a complimentary consultation on
how we can help drive value for your business.
Visit us online at