consumer journey through tarot trump cards

Mapping The Consumer Journey Through The Major Arcana

Upload: nikita-sailesh

Post on 21-Jan-2018




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The Consumer Journey


The Major Arcana

DisclaimerAll Imagery Used is purely for

representat ional purposes.

Nomenclature of the cards has been changed

in some places to sui t the context .

Before we begin,

let’s clear up a

few things : )


Tarot all


Tarot is a cosmic conference

call between conscious, subconscious

and divine wisdom which helps us

understand forces operating beneath a


What’s Consumer Journey got to do

with it?

Consumer passes

through various stages in the purchase

process, all of which can be mapped

out by life stages – in turn, depicted in


It’s all about

seeing things


So let’s begin!

# 1 S i g n i f i c a t o r

# 2 P r e s e n t S i t u a t i o n

# 3 P r e s e n t O b s t a c l e

# 4 H o p e s , G o a l s a n d D r e a m s

# 5 W e a k n e s s

# 6 R e c e n t P a s t

# 7 R e c e n t F u t u r e

# 8 F u t u r e E n v i r o n m e n t

# 9 T u r n i n g P o i n t o r A p p r o a c h

# 1 0 O u t c o m e

The Spread Key

#1The Beginner

The Beginner is a blank

slate. He is naïve,

innocent and is

embarking on an

exciting new journey.

The Consumer is ‘The

Beginner’, in this story.

He is about to embark on

a journey, and is devoid

of any set perception.

#2The Desire Devil

The Devil denotes

‘desire’, & underlying

temptation. The devil is

representative of wants

and needs.

The Beginner now enters

the realm of desire with

his unfulfilled need. He

encounters the ‘devil’,

who depicts his desire.

#3The Obstacle

The Obstacle is ‘The

Hanged Man’, who is in

a state of suspension. He

is unable to make a


The Consumer is in an

indecisive state due to

lack of information

about his options in the


#4The Goal

The Goal is to get clarity,

as depicted by ‘The Sun’.

The Sun lights up the

world, giving complete

knowledge of unknown


The consumer seeks

illumination, information

and complete clarity on

his purchase to make the

wise choice.

#5The weakness

The weakness, is too

many forces operating in

opposite directions, as

depicted by ‘The


The consumer is

bombarded with too

much information, which

pulls him in opposite


#6The recent past

The Heirophant depicts

‘Higher Learning’. He is

the giver of knowledge,

of awareness.

Advertising plays the role

of ‘Heirophant’, by

making the consumer

aware of brands’ value


#7The Recent future

The Magician is the

conjurer of thought. He is

responsible for inception

in subject’s mind.

The information from

advertising, now

available to the

consumer, creates an

inception – or


#8The Environment

The thought has been

conjured, now It will be

encouraged as ‘intent’ by

the ‘High Priestess’.

Now that the

consideration phase has

been reached, the

consumer now ‘intends’

to make a buying


#9The TurningPoint

The Judgement card

reflects a ‘choice’

between options that

must be exercised.

The consumer is now

exercising his judgement

between two or more

choices, as available in

the market.

#10The Outcome

The World depicts perfect

balance. There is an

equilibrium. There is

perfect harmony.

The decision has been

reached and the outcome

is an equilibrium, where

the need has been


With ‘The World’, the

consumer has come full

circle. The purchase

journey is now over.