consumer behavior2

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  • 8/2/2019 Consumer Behavior2


    Consumer Behavior ofPocari Sweat

    I. Segmentation Factors.

    A. Demography

    a. Age

    Ages 14-35 years with a dynamic activity and have concern for the health and appearance.

    This is evident from marketing communications featuring talent who are still young and excel

    in sports and entertainment.

    b. Sex

    All genders can consume this product, Male and Female.

    c. Marital Status

    There is no different of marital status or not for consume this product, whether virgin or

    married people.

    d. Education

    Non-educate, Elementary School, Junior-High School, High-School, and University.

    e. Occupation

    Athlete, Employees of Company, Student, and Entrepreneurs.

    f. Income

    a) Student: Rp 100.000, 00-Rp 1.250.000, 00

    b) Employees: Rp 300.000,00

    c) Athletes: Rp 50.000.000, 00

    B. Psycography

    a. Lifestyle

    Following the latest trend of consuming health drinks today.

    b. Attitude

    Liking the latest packaging trends, prefer to buy branded goods, like to wear items used

    by the artist or athlete as their idol.

    c. Interest

    Sports and other leisure activities.d. Opinion

    Attractive packaging, reasonable prices and in accordance with its benefits, taste and

    smell delicious, and easy to obtain.

    C. Benefit

    a. Prestige

    We can drinks anytime and under any conditions that have been consumed by students

    until the entertainer, giving rise to a single serve drinks like an expensive item in the

    efficacy and price also makes it a trend.


  • 8/2/2019 Consumer Behavior2


    b. Confidence

    Isotonic beverage is a relatively new product in the healthcare industry where the Pocari

    Sweat itself is a pioneer of isotonic drinks in Indonesia and still leading in the market.

    Therefore in this industry is still wide open opportunity, where demand continues to


    c. Health

    POCARI SWEAT is a healthy isotonic drink that replenishes body fluids lost every day.

    POCARI SWEAT composition has the closest profile to body fluids with balanced

    electrolyte content, so it can be absorbed quicker and better into the body compared with

    ordinary drinking water, to prevent severe dehydration. Other from that, along with those

    benefits, POCARI SWEAT can replenish body fluids completely so the body feels more

    fresh and healthy.

    d. Nutrition

    Its 6 grams of carbohydrates contained in 500 ml packs that useful to increase your

    energy a substitute for the missing body substance in sodium which is also contained in

    this Pocari Sweat. In this carbohydrates obtained from the sugar in this product.

    Carbohydrates are also contained in its many substances that will nourish us after

    consuming these products such as glucose polymers, Sucrose, Fructose and Maltose.

    II. Why They Choose Pocari Sweat?Because of characteristics that tend to be owned by young children or teenagers who are

    actively making it more compatible with health products especially isotonic beverage that has a high

    efficacy and follow the fashion trends today. Pocari comes as a health drink that is associated with the

    world of sports. This product received pretty well, because Pocari needed to fill the absorption of body

    fluids. So that when athletes after sports drink Pocari wont happen dehydration. And this was followed

    by other consumers who end up trying it and see for you. Many of those who commented as fresh

    again , as a pain reliever and dizziness , and the public perception that Pocari Sweat have the medical

    ability to help the healing process .

    This is because an isotonic beverage is a beverage that has the same osmotic pressure of

    human blood pressure and can be absorbed by the body overnight. Isotonic drinks to replace the

    electrolyte ions and the body comes out with sweat when we do activities, be it work, study, exercise

    and even sleep. In general, the content in isotonic drinks are the Na +, K +, Mg2 +, Ca2 +, and Cl-as

    well as some additional vitamins B and C.
