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You are invited to worship with us at Abiding Shepherd Lutheran Church, 406 W Cottage Grove Road, Cottage Grove, Wisconsin Sundays at 9 or 10:45 am or Mondays for Contemporary Worship at 7 pm.


Page 1: Constitution



Page 2: Constitution

Abiding Shepherd Lutheran Church Constitution/By-Laws 7/12 Page 2

Abiding Shepherd Lutheran Church (ASLC)

Table of Contents (Page 1 of 2)

CONSTITUTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 -9

ARTICLE I – NAME ................................ ................................ ................................ .......... 4

ARTICLE I I – ARTICLES OF FAITH ................................ ................................ ..................... 4

Section 1. The Bible ................................ ................................ ................................ . 4

Section 2. Symbolical Books ................................ ................................ .................... 4

Section 3. False Doctr ine ................................ ................................ ......................... 4

Section 4. Controversies ................................ ................................ .......................... 4

ARTICLE I I I – PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES ................................ ................................ ........ 4

Section 1. Purpose ................................ ................................ ................................ ... 4

Section 2. Objectives ................................ ................................ ............................... 5

ARTICLE IV – SYNODICAL AFFILIATION ................................ ................................ ........... 5

ARTICLE V – CHURCH MEMBERSHIP ................................ ................................ ................ 5

Section 1. Classif ication ................................ ................................ .......................... 5

Section 2. Pr iv i leges and Responsibi l i t ies ................................ ................................ . 5

Section 3. Church Discipl ine and Excommunication ................................ ................ 6

Section 4. Termination of Fel lowship ................................ ................................ ........ 6

Section 5. Reinstatement ................................ ................................ ......................... 6

ARTICLE VI – POWERS AND RIGHTS OF THE CONGREGATION ................................ ......... 7

Section 1. Supreme Word of God ................................ ................................ ............ 7

Section 2. Congregational Power ................................ ................................ ............ 7

Section 3. Power of the Coordination Team ................................ ............................ 7

Section 4. Groups and Societies ................................ ................................ .............. 7

ARTICLE VI I – THE MINISTRY ................................ ................................ ............................ 7

Section 1. Call ing of Pastors and Teachers ................................ .............................. 7

Section 2. Pastorate Qualif ications ................................ ................................ .......... 7

Section 3. Teacher Qualif ications ................................ ................................ ............ 7

Section 4. Synodical Assistance ................................ ................................ ............... 7

ARTICLE VI I I – POSITIONS OF THE CONGREGATION ................................ ........................ 8

Section 1. Coordination Team (CT) ................................ ................................ .......... 8

Section 2. Posit ions and Duties ................................ ................................ ................ 8

Section 3. Respect for members of the Coordination Team ................................ .... 8

ARTICLE IX – REMOVAL FROM POSITIONS AND OFFICES ................................ ................. 8

Section 1. Officers of the Congregation ................................ ................................ .. 8

Section 2. Pastors and Teachers ................................ ................................ .............. 8

ARTICLE X – MEETINGS OF THE CONGREGATION ................................ ............................ 8

ARTICLE XI – SEPARATION OR DISSOLUTION ................................ ................................ ... 8

Section 1. Separation ................................ ................................ .............................. 8

Section 2. Dissolution ................................ ................................ ............................... 9

ARTICLE XI I – REPEALS AND ALTERNATIONS ................................ ................................ .... 9

Section 1. Unalterable and I rrepealable Articles ................................ ..................... 9

Section 2. Procedure for Amending the Constitution ................................ .............. 9

Section 3. Discussion and Approval of Proposal ................................ ...................... 9

Section 4. Approval Process ................................ ................................ .................... 9

Section 5. Procedure for Amending the By-Laws ................................ ..................... 9

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Abiding Shepherd Lutheran Church (ASLC)

Table of Contents (Page 2 of 2)

BY-LAWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-16

ARTICLE I – MEETINGS OF THE CONGREGATION ................................ ........................... 10

Section 1. Fiscal Year and Annual Meeting ................................ ........................... 10

Section 2. Meeting Detai ls and Announcements ................................ ................... 10

Section 3. Special Meetings ................................ ................................ ................... 10

Section 4. Congregational Meetings ................................ ................................ ..... 10

Section 5. Meeting Conduct ................................ ................................ .................. 10

Section 6. Admonishment ................................ ................................ ...................... 10

Section 7. Consensus ................................ ................................ ............................. 10

Section 8. Requirements for Official Votes ................................ ............................ 11

ARTICLE I I – QUORUM ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 11

ARTICLE I I I – THE COORDINATION TEAM ................................ ................................ ...... 11

Section 1. Posit ions ................................ ................................ ................................ 11

Section 2. Responsibi l i t ies ................................ ................................ ...................... 11

Section 3. Team Lead Term Limits ................................ ................................ .......... 13

Section 4. Coordinators ................................ ................................ ......................... 13

Section 5. Meetings ................................ ................................ ............................... 14

Section 6. Functions ................................ ................................ ............................... 14

ARTICLE IV – SELECTION OF TEAM LEADS ................................ ................................ ..... 14

ARTICLE V – FACILITATION TEAM ................................ ................................ ................. 14

ARTICLE VI – RECEPTION INTO MEMBERSHIP ................................ ................................ . 15

Section 1. New Members ................................ ................................ ....................... 15

Section 2. Famil iar ization with Constitution and By-Laws ................................ ....... 15

ARTICLE VI I – TRANSFER OR RELEASE FROM MEMBERSHIP ................................ ............. 15

Section 1. Requests ................................ ................................ ................................ 15

Section 2. Terminology................................ ................................ ........................... 15

Section 3. Rel inquishment of Rights ................................ ................................ ....... 15

ARTICLE VI I I – REPEALS AND AMENDMENTS OF THE BY-LAWS ................................ ........ 15

Section 1. Procedure for Amending By-laws ................................ .......................... 15

Section 2. Discussion and Approval of Proposal ................................ .................... 16

Section 3. Approval Process ................................ ................................ .................. 16

APPENDIX (in the process of being updated) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-40

APPENDIX A: DEFINITION AND CULTURE OF CONSENSUS ................................ .............. 17

APPENDIX B: LEADERSHIP QUALIFICATIONS, TEAM DUTIES ................................ ............ 23

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Abiding Shepherd Lutheran Church (ASLC)

CONSTITUTION: Revised July, 2012


The name of this congregation shall be ABIDING SHEPHERD EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCH.


Section 1. The Bible

This congregation accepts and confesses all the canonical books of the Old and New Testaments as

the verbally inspired and inerrant Word of God and submits to this Word as the only infallible authority of

all matters of faith and life (2 Timothy 3:15-17).

Section 2. Symbolical Books

This congregation accepts and confesses, without reservation, all the symbolical books of the

Evangelical Lutheran Church contained in the Book of Concord of 1580 as true statements of Scriptural

doctrine, not insofar as, but because they are the presentation and explanation of the pure doctrine of

the Word of God and a summary of the faith held by the Evangelical Lutheran Church (“Synod”). These

symbolical books are: The three Ecumenical Creeds (the Apostles' Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the

Athanasian Creed) and the seven Lutheran Confessions (Dr. Martin Luther's Small Catechism, Dr. Martin

Luther's Large Catechism, The Unaltered Augsburg Confession, The Apology of the Augsburg

Confession, The Smalcald Articles, The Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope, and The Formula

of Concord).

Section 3. False Doctrine

No doctrine shall be taught or tolerated in this congregation, which is in any way at variance with

these symbolical books and the Holy Scriptures.

Section 4. Controversies

All controversies which may arise in this congregation shall be decided as follows:

1. By the congregation under the spiritual direction of the pastor(s)

2. If necessary, with the help and assistance of the Synod Circuit Visitor

3. And if further necessary, by the assistance of the Synod.

Any controversies that may arise shall be adjudicated according to the norm of Holy

Scriptures and the practice of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod.


Section 1. Purpose

The continuing purpose of this congregation, as a gathering of Christians, is to serve all people in

God's world with the gospel of Jesus Christ on the basis of the Holy Scriptures (Matthew 28:18-20).

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Section 2. Objectives

The primary objectives of this congregation shall be:

To proclaim the law and the gospel, to lead sinners to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ for life

and salvation (2 Timothy 4:2; Luke 24:46-48);

To strengthen believers in faith and sanctification through the Means of Grace (Romans 10:17);


To equip believers as disciples, stewards and witnesses for sharing the Gospel of Jesus with our

fellow men (Ephesians 4:11-12).


This congregation shall affiliate itself only with a church body that holds to all the truths of God's Word

in doctrine and practice and is bound to the confession of faith as set forth in Article II, if, and as long as,

such a church body exists.


Section 1. Classification

Baptized members of the congregation are those who have been baptized into the Christian faith in

the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (the Triune God). (Matthew 28:18-20;

Mark 16:16)

Communicant members are those baptized souls who confess the chief parts of Christian doctrine as

written in Dr. Martin Luther's Small Catechism and who have declared their adherence to all the

canonical books of the Old and New Testaments, without qualification, as the rule and norm of faith

and life.

Voting members are male communicant members at least 18 years old (1 Corinthians 14:34;

1 Timothy 2:12).

Section 2. Privileges and Responsibilities

"God is love" (1 John 4:8), and His love ever moves Him to bless the members of His Church with

countless physical and spiritual blessings (1 John 3:1; James 1:17). In return for all of these undeserved

blessings, we ought to love Him with all our heart (1 John 4:19), and to show that love with the works that

we do. The exercise of such love we acknowledge as both a privilege and a responsibility. Some of the

privileges and responsibilities to be noted are the following:

Our God has given us His Word, the one thing needful (Luke 10:42), which alone can save our souls

and tell us how to live a God-pleasing life (2 Timothy 3:15-17). Consequently members of His Church will

consider it a distinct privilege and a responsibility to do the following:

Hear and receive the Word of God diligently;

Provide and promote opportunities for Christian education; and

Bring up their children in the training and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4).

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Our God has given us two sacraments: Holy Baptism and Holy Communion, which are the means that

our Lord uses to bring His grace to us. Consequently, members of His Church will do the following:

Have their children baptized, for "Baptism now saves you also" (1 Peter 3:21);

Frequently partake of Holy Communion (1 Corinthians 11:23-26), if they are recognized as such

who can properly examine themselves (1 Corinthians 11:28) and have made a statement of

confessional unity of faith (Close Communion – 1 Corinthians 11:26; 2 Corinthians 6:14-15;

Romans 16:17).

Our God has given us the privilege and responsibility of being managers over a certain portion of His

estate and assures us He will graciously bless such faithful management (2 Corinthians 9:6). Therefore,

members of His Church will, under grace, do the following:

Continually remember that all their possessions, time and abilities are really trusts from God;

Cheerfully decide in their hearts (2 Corinthians 9:7) the portion of their possessions, time and

abilities which they will regularly devote to the Lord for use in carrying out that which the

congregation has made its concern, not omitting the work of the synod (Mark 16:15; 1

Corinthians 9:14; 16:2; 2 Corinthians 9: 6-11; 1 Peter 4:10); and

Our God has implanted within us who are Christians the new man, who desires to live righteously

(2 Corinthians 5:17; Ephesians 4:24). Consequently, members of His Church will:

Not live in obvious acts of the sinful nature (Galatians 5:19-21), but lead a Christian life (Galatians


When they have erred, permit themselves to be admonished and corrected fraternally

according to Matthew 18:15-18; and

Refuse to hold membership in any organization whose teaching and practices conflict with the

Word of God (e.g. lodges) (John 5:23; 8:31; 2 Corinthians 6:14-18).

Section 3. Church Discipline and Excommunication

Christian discipline shall be exercised in this congregation according to Matthew 18:15-20 toward

those who err from the faith or who in other ways have given offense. At all times this shall be done in

the spirit of the Gospel, namely, to regain the erring as fellow Christians. Those members who manifest

themselves as impenitent sinners and finally must be excommunicated and those who have excluded

themselves from the congregation by evading Matthew 18:15-18, lose all their rights in the congregation

and its property. For excommunication, consensus is required of the members present at an official

congregational meeting and, as necessary, Article 1, Section 7 of By-laws shall apply [added to printed


Section 4. Termination of Fellowship

Members who persist in an error that in itself does not necessarily exclude saving faith shall be

excluded from the fellowship of the congregation (Romans 16:17-18) and lose all rights in the

congregation and in its property. Termination of Fellowship may be imposed upon recommendation of

the pastor/s and consensus of the CT.

Section 5. Reinstatement

When an excommunicated or terminated member, by the grace of God repents of his/her sin, he/she

is to be reinstated with all former rights, privileges and responsibilities of this congregation (2 Corinthians

2:6-8), and with great joy. Reinstatement is granted upon recommendation of the pastor/s by

consensus of the CT.

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Section 1. Supreme Word of God

In all matters of Christian faith and life the Word of God is supreme (Psalm 119:105).

Section 2. Congregational Power

In all matters not decided by the Word of God the Congregation shall have the right of decision

(Romans 12:10, 14-19; Ephesians 5:21). Except in the circumstances listed in this document and/or

required by state or federal statute, the right of decision is to be exercised first by consensus wherever

possible or by consensus followed by an official vote when required by state or federal statute

(cf. By-laws Article 1, Section 7).

In the case of an impasse on important and urgent congregational matters, and after all attempts to

arrive at consensus have been exhausted, matters may be decided by a 90% majority vote of the

quorum present at an official congregational meeting.

Section 3. Power of the Coordination Team

The Coordination Team (CT), any other committee or organization within the congregation, and any

of its elected/appointed leaders, shall have no power or authority beyond that conferred upon them

by the congregation. However, in an emergency the CT may act in the name and for the welfare of

the congregation. Such action must be submitted for approval at the next congregational meeting.

Section 4. Groups and Societies

No group or society may be organized within the congregation without the approval of the

congregation. The congregation shall be assured that the aims of such a group are in complete

harmony with the congregation's aims before it grants its approval (1 Corinthians 1:10; 12:25).


Section 1. Calling of Pastors and Teachers

The congregation has the exclusive right to call pastors and teachers.

Section 2. Pastorate Qualifications

The pastorate of this congregation shall be conferred upon such men who are qualified for this ministry

and publicly and without reservation profess their acceptance of and adherence to Article II of this

Constitution. Such acceptance and adherence shall be required of them in the call of vocation

extended by the congregation (Ephesians 4:11-16; 1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:6-9, Colossians 4:5-6).

Section 3. Teacher Qualifications

The teachers called by the congregation shall be such as are in accord with the confessional

standards of the congregation (Article II) and are qualified for this field of work (Ephesians 4:11-16;

Romans 12:6-8; 1 Corinthians 14:40).

Section 4. Synodical Assistance

In case of a vacancy in the office of pastor or teacher, the congregation shall notify the president of

the Synod and the local synodical official that they may assist in temporarily filling the vacancy, and in

giving their good counsel in regard to the calling of a new pastor or teacher.

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Section 1. Coordination Team (CT)

The first New Testament congregation at Jerusalem chose men "full of the Spirit and wisdom"

(Acts 6:1-6) to aid the apostles in the administration of its affairs. The congregation shall choose Team

Leads with like qualifications to aid the Pastor in administering its affairs (1 Timothy 3:8-13).

Team Lead qualifications are as follows:

Male, communicant member of the congregation at least 18 years of age (1 Timothy 1:12-13).

Must meet the qualifications of a mature Christian leader according to 1 Timothy 3:8-13.

Members of the CT are defined in the By-laws, Article III, Section 1.

Section 2. Positions and Duties

The listing of the positions and their duties are specified in the By-laws.

Section 3. Respect for Members of the Coordination Team

The respect and esteem of the congregation are due these members in the performance of their

duties, and they shall be given its cooperation. They shall conduct themselves in a manner befitting their

responsible office (1 Timothy 3:8-13).


Section 1. Officers of the Congregation

If anyone who holds an office or position in the congregation willfully neglects his duty and upon due

admonition does not amend, the congregation has the right and eventually the duty to remove them

from office/position and to elect/appoint another in their place (1 Timothy 3:8-13).

Section 2. Pastors and Teachers

Sufficient and urgent causes for removing a pastor or a teacher from office are persistent adherence

to false doctrine, scandalous life, willful neglect of duty or established inability to perform the duties of

his office (1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:6-9). In such case the advice and good counsel of the appropriate

synodical officials shall be sought.


Meetings of this congregation shall be held at such times and in such manner as stated in the By-laws.

The meetings shall give the members of this congregation the opportunity to hear and discuss matters

pertaining to the welfare of this congregation and of the Church at large, and the congregation the

opportunity to take necessary action regarding same.


Section 1. Separation

If at any time a separation should occur in this congregation, may God graciously prevent it, the

property and all equipment of this congregation shall remain with that portion of the membership,

which adheres to this Constitution, regardless of number of members.

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Section 2. Dissolution

In the event of termination or dissolution of the congregation, the CT shall, after paying or making

provision for the payment of all the liabilities of the congregation, dispose of its remaining assets, if any,

exclusively for the purpose of the congregation, by distributing, at the direction of the voters, the

remaining assets to and only to one or more organization(s) with which the congregation is in fellowship,

which shall at the time qualify as exempt organization(s) (under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue

Code of 1954 or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Code).


Section 1. Unalterable and Irrepealable Articles

Articles II; IV; VI, Section 1; VII, Sections 1-3; IX, and XII, Section 1 of this Constitution shall remain

unalterable and irrepealable, inasmuch as they express clear, Scriptural teachings.

Section 2. Procedure for Amending the Constitution

Proposals to alter or repeal any alterable or repealable article of this Constitution or to add an article

shall be submitted in writing to the CT, and shall be publicly announced to the congregation on two

Sundays immediately preceding a regular business meeting of the congregation and distributed to the

congregation at least two weeks prior to the scheduled meeting.

For consensus process cf. By-laws: Article I, Section 7.

Section 3. Discussion and Approval of Proposal

Such a proposal shall be discussed in the meeting in which it is presented and approved or rejected at

that meeting.

Section 4. Approval Process

Members present at such a congregational meeting shall be expected to reach consensus on the

proposed changes and/or additions and then officially vote to alter or repeal any alterable or

repealable article of this Constitution or to add an article thereto. As required by state statute, a 2/3

majority vote of the quorum of voting members present at this congregational meeting or a majority

vote of all voting members of the congregation, whichever is less, shall be required to officially and

formally enact such changes or additions.

For consensus process cf. By-laws: Article I, Section 7.

Section 5. Procedure for Amending the By-laws

Any and all by-laws may be repealed or amended by official vote of the congregation. Proposals to

alter or repeal any article of these By-laws or to add an article shall be submitted in writing to the CT,

and shall be publicly announced to the congregation on two Sundays immediately preceding a regular

business meeting of the congregation and distributed to the congregation at least two weeks prior to

the scheduled meeting.

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Abiding Shepherd Lutheran Church (ASLC)

BY-LAWS: Revised July, 2012


Section 1. Fiscal Year and Annual Meeting

The congregation shall operate on the basis of a calendar fiscal year. The Annual Meeting of the

congregation shall be held on or before the second Sunday in February of each year.

Section 2. Meeting Details and Announcements

The CT shall set the exact date, time and place of the meetings, unless otherwise specified by the

congregation. Announcements of the meetings shall be given to the congregation in print and orally on

at least two consecutive Sundays prior to the time of the meeting.

Section 3. Special Meetings

Special meetings of the congregation may be called by the CT, or the Pastor/s, or upon written

request of three communicant members. Such meetings must be announced according to the general

rule set forth in Section 2 with the purpose clearly stated. Only such business as is originally designated as

the purpose of the meeting is to be discussed.

Genuine concern for the opinions of all members will lead the congregation and its members to

receive input from the congregation as a whole. This may be done through open forum meetings,

informal meetings, surveys, or other appropriate channels.

Section 4. Congregational Meetings

A facilitator appointed by the CT shall facilitate each congregational meeting, regular or special.

The CT will set agendas for all congregational meetings, regular or special.

Section 5. Meeting Conduct

The meetings shall be conducted according to good, Christian order. See Appendix A of the By-Laws.

Section 6. Admonishment

No one shall bring to any meeting a charge or complaint against any member or against a pastor or

teacher unless he or she has first admonished him or her in a Christian manner according to Matthew


Section 7. Consensus

Members present at meetings, regular or special, shall be facilitated through the consensus process by

a congregational facilitator appointed by the CT. All decisions will be considered approved by the

congregation when consensus is achieved.

Except in the circumstances listed in this document and required by state or federal statute, the right

of decision is to be exercised by consensus.

In the case of an impasse on important and urgent congregational matters, and after all attempts to

arrive at consensus have been exhausted, matters may be decided by a 90% majority vote of the

quorum present at an official congregational meeting.

See Appendix A for a full definition of consensus.

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Section 8. Requirements for Official Votes

In the case of official votes required to meet legal requirements or as necessitated to resolve an

impasse, only male communicant members of Abiding Shepherd Lutheran Church at least 18 years of

age shall vote.


In the event of an official vote, voting members present at any properly announced meeting shall

constitute a quorum.


Section 1. Positions

The Coordination Team (CT) shall consist of the Team Leads and Assistant Team Leads for the Word

and Worship Team, the Communication and Assimilation Team, the Operations and Finance Team, the

Benevolence and Fellowship Team, and the Strategy and Planning Team.

The congregation has the right to add or eliminate teams and positions as it deems necessary. A

Pastor shall serve as the Team Lead of the Word and Worship Team, the Communication and

Assimilation Team, and as an ex-officio member of all other teams.

Section 2. Responsibilities

The members of the CT shall adorn their positions with an honest way of life and be good examples to

the congregation. The CT shall coordinate the various ministries of the congregation that its mission

might be accomplished under God. In doing so the CT and each individual member of the CT shall

show concern for and work to develop the Spiritual Gifts of each member of ASLC. The CT shall concern

itself for the development and growth of all church leaders, called and lay, and shall work to maintain a

positive and productive church body and membership culture.

The CT shall manage the affairs of the congregation between its regular and special meetings. The

members of the CT shall consult together concerning the total spiritual and physical well-being of the

congregation giving due attention also to the work of the Lord in the Church at large. The CT shall

implement resolutions of the congregation and carry out such assignments as are directed to them by

the congregation. The CT shall recommend to the congregation the annual budget.

The CT, acting as a board of trustees, shall control the corporate property of the congregation

according to the direction given at regular or special meetings. The CT is hereby authorized to borrow

money, pledge the assets of the congregation, sell, lease or otherwise dispose of the real and personal

property of the congregation, all at the direction of the congregation. The CT is also authorized to

acquire property by purchase, trade, gift, inheritance as directed by the congregation.

For any major capital expense regarding the maintenance and operation of the property of the

congregation (excluding catastrophic failures and/or emergencies), the following delegation of

authority shall be followed:

• Unbudgeted expenses of $500 or less must be approved by the Operations and Finance Team


• Unbudgeted expenses between $500 and $10,000 must be approved by the CT.

• Unbudgeted expenses $10,000 and greater require approval by consensus of the


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The CT is empowered to appoint an auditing committee to review and audit all financial records of

the church and shall routinely do so not less than every three fiscal years.

The Team Leads of the Operations and Finance Team, the Benevolence and Fellowship Team and the

Strategy and Planning Team have the authority to sign legal and financial documents on behalf of the


In addition to the above, the CT shall:

• Provide coordination between the teams listed below and make decisions about those items

that require approval by the CT.

• Initiate and maintain a strategic planning process.

• Develop, maintain and communicate the vision of ASLC.

• Connect to and provide necessary communications to the Synod.

For a complete list of Team Lead duties and qualifications see Appendix B.

The CT shall seek to accomplish the congregation’s mission by coordinating its responsibilities for

Christian service in the following areas:

Word and Worship Team.

A Pastor shall serve as Team Lead of the Word and Worship Team.

The Word and Worship Team shall concern itself with:

1. All worship logistics (e.g. ushers, AV support, communion, etc.)

2. Small group Bible study

3. Adult ministries (e.g. FEN)

4. Music ministry

5. Evangelism

6. Other Word and Worship duties as appropriate

Communication and Assimilation Team.

A Pastor shall serve as Team Lead of the Communication and Assimilation Team. The Communication

and Assimilation Team shall concern itself with:

1. Marketing communications (e.g. public relations, website, etc.)

2. Maintenance of official documents and policies

3. Internal communications

4. Community engagement and involvement (outreach)

5. Youth ministries and assimilation (e.g. Sunday School, Christmas for Kids, youth group, etc.)

6. New member assimilation

Benevolence and Fellowship Team.

The Benevolence and Fellowship Team Lead is to be held by a male communicant member. Such a

man appointed to this position should have the appropriate qualifications to lead the Benevolence and

Fellowship Team. The Benevolence and Fellowship Team shall concern itself with:

1. Celebrations (e.g. baby showers, funerals, etc.)

2. Special needs (e.g. widows, orphans, charity, etc.)

3. Special events (e.g. Mallard’s game, ski trip, golf outing, etc.)

4. Ongoing fellowship (e.g. mom’s group, men’s breakfast, etc.)

5. Leadership care and support

6. Other Benevolence and Fellowship duties as appropriate

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Operations and Finance Team.

The Operations and Finance Team Lead is to be held by a male communicant member. Such a man

appointed to this position should have the appropriate qualifications to lead the Operations and

Finance Team. The Operations and Finance Team shall concern itself with:

1. Outside grounds maintenance and improvements

2. Inside maintenance and improvements

3. Budgeting

4. Accounting

5. Financial reporting

6. Offerings and other cash receipts

7. Cash management

8. Contribution records

9. Payroll

10. Cash disbursements

11. Insurance

12. Other operations and finance duties as appropriate

Strategy and Planning Team

The Strategy and Planning Team Lead is to be held by a male communicant member. Such a man

appointed to this position should have the appropriate qualifications to lead the Strategy and Planning


The Strategy and Planning Team shall be the “question-askers, trouble-shooters, creative thinkers and

the visionaries” of Abiding Shepherd Lutheran Church making certain that we are evaluating what we

are doing, why we are doing it, how to get it done, and where we go from here. The ultimate goal of

this team is to help ASLC serve God and each other by making sure we do not move forward in a

haphazard way, but make the best use of the resources and opportunities God provides to our


The Strategy and Planning Team shall concern itself with:

1. Strategy: Before setting goals and planning ways to achieve our goals, evaluate and analyze

what God would have our congregation do, both as members of the whole body of Christ

and as an individual congregation in the ELS.

2. Planning: To advise the membership and Coordination Team of ASLC in setting and adjusting

goals (both short- and long-range) and offering broad plans necessary to achieve those goals.

Section 3. Team Lead Term Limits

The term for each CT member, other than pastors, is a three-year term, providing job description

requirements are being fulfilled. If a Team Lead desires to serve in a lead position again, a mandatory

one year off is required. Only one Team Lead position may be held by any given individual at a time.

The exception would be in the case of the Word and Worship Team and Communication and

Assimilation Team; should the situation arise where the congregation only has one pastor.

Section 4. Coordinators

There are various and multiple Coordinator positions within each team. Team Leads, in consultation

with the pastor/s and the CT, will choose Coordinators to help fulfill the duties of each team. Any adult

member of ASLC may hold a Coordinator position. A person may hold only one Coordinator position at

any one time, though volunteering to assist in other areas/teams is encouraged.

Additions and/or deletions of Coordinator positions will be reviewed and approved by the CT.

See Appendix B for a complete list of Coordinator positions along with their duties and qualifications.

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Section 5. Meetings

The CT will meet regularly, not less than bi-monthly, and when needed.

All other teams shall meet regularly, not less than bimonthly, and when needed.

Any Team Lead may call a special meeting of the CT as appropriate. The CT shall not convene to

transact any business without the knowledge of all Team Leads.

All teams shall use the consensus process to reach decisions. An appointed facilitator will facilitate CT

meetings. All other team meetings will be facilitated by the Team Lead or by a person designated by

the Team Lead.

Section 6. Functions

Each Team shall develop and implement goals and plans in the light of the Congregation’s Mission

Statement and Constitution, Article III.


The CT shall be selected as follows:

1. Word and Worship Team Lead – is a pastor by virtue of his office.

2. Communication and Assimilation Team Lead – is a pastor by virtue of his office

3. All other Team Leads shall be nominated by the CT and ratified by the congregation. Each

Team Lead term shall be three years. The CT has the authority to reduce the number of years

in a particular Team Lead’s term. The primary reason to do this is to stagger the terms of the

Team Leads.


Section 1.

As consensus is the expected method of decision making at ASLC, effective facilitation of meetings is

essential. In response to this need a Facilitation Team of not less than three members shall exist to

provide for the efficient management of CT and membership meetings.

Section 2.

Members of the Facilitation Team Shall be appointed by the CT.

Section 3.

A Lead Facilitator shall be chosen from the members of the Facilitation team, by the members of the

Facilitation team, and approved by the CT.

Section 4.

The Facilitation Team shall meet not less than quarterly to review and ensure the efficient and

effective conducting and management of all administrative meetings at ASLC.

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Section 1. New Members

Anyone desiring to be received into membership in this congregation other than through the

sacrament of Holy Baptism or rite of confirmation shall bring their request to the pastor/s, or in his

absence the CT.

Section 2. Familiarization with Constitution and By-laws

Since reception into membership signifies acceptance of and submission to this Constitution and

By-laws, each family shall be given a copy of the same prior to their reception so that they may

become familiar with its provisions.


Section 1. Requests

Those desiring a transfer or release from membership shall bring their request to the attention of the

pastor/s, or in his absence the CT.

Section 2. Terminology

Transfer of membership shall apply only to those who desire membership in a congregation which is in

agreement with this one in doctrine and practice.

Release from membership shall apply when affiliation is sought with those denominations not in

agreement with our congregation in doctrine and practice.

Self-exclusion refers to those members who by their own decision and action seek removal from ASLC

membership roles without any further affiliation to a church body.

Excommunication/termination refers to those individuals whose membership has been terminated by

ASLC. See Constitution Article V, Section 3 and 4

Section 3. Relinquishment of Rights

Members released, transferred, self-excluded, terminated or excommunicated relinquish all rights in

this congregation.


Section 1. Procedure for Amending the By-laws

Any and all by-laws may be repealed or amended by official vote of the congregation. Proposals to

alter or repeal any article of these By-laws or to add an article shall be submitted in writing to the CT,

and shall be publicly announced to the congregation on two Sundays immediately preceding a regular

business meeting of the congregation and distributed to the congregation at least two weeks prior to

the scheduled meeting.

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Section 2. Discussion and Approval of Proposal

Such a proposal shall be discussed in the meeting in which it is presented and approved or rejected at

that meeting.

Section 3. Approval Process

Members present at such a congregational meeting shall be expected to reach consensus on the

proposed changes and/or additions and then officially vote to alter or repeal any article of these

By-laws or to add an article thereto. As required by state statute, a 2/3 majority vote of the quorum of

voting members present at this congregational meeting or a majority vote of all voting members of the

congregation, whichever is less, shall be required to officially and formally enact such changes or
