conspiracies in the dark -

Conspiracies in the Dark Ramirez's Old Fat Burrick June 23 rd 2006 There are 13 secrets in this mission: Secret 1: There’s a coat hook behind the drape Secret 2: A tiny switch is behind this crate

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Conspiracies in the DarkRamirez's Old Fat Burrick

June 23rd 2006

There are 13 secrets in this mission:

Secret 1: There’s a coat hook behind the drape

Secret 2: A tiny switch is behind this crate

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Secret 3: There’s a switch behind this painting.

Secret 4: Rotate the wastebasket.

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Secret 5: A small switch moves the statue.

Secret 6: In Lord Mordoré’s room.

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Secret 7

Secret 8: In this mission, whenever you see beams, start climbing.

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Secret 9: This one’s located in the basement. To get to it, look for some crates blocking a crawlspace.

Secret 10: Lord Mordoré’s room.

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Secret 11: Another grate.

Secret 12

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Secret 13: There’s a stash above Lord Mordoré’s bed.


Although this mission is fairly large, it’s not that difficult. Read everything and you’ll find clueson where to find keys and how to complete objectives. The author should be applauded for notwasting the player’s time reading a bunch of useless read-ables. Most of them are intrinsic tosuccessfully completing the mission. A last point: the scrolls and books are some of the best I’veseen written, IMO. Top notch grammar, concise phrasing, etc.

Initial Objectives:

Search in Lord Marton's bedroom and try to discover who really killed him. Steal Lord Marton's Scepter. Loot Goal: 1000 (Normal), 1300 (Hard), 1600 (Expert) Find compromising information about Raputo. (Expert) Rob at least 3 guestrooms. (Normal) Rob at least 5 guestrooms. (Hard) Loot all 6 guestrooms. (Expert) Discover at least 7 secrets. (Hard) Discover at least 9 secrets. (Expert) Do not kill any humans. Leave the manor and return to where you started.

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Key Listing

Key Name Location Opens

Enterprise Key

1. Sleeping man behind gate close tostart point.

2. Guard inside Harper & Sons, FineLeathers.

Front gate to Fine Leathers

Sewer Key1. Table in guards’ sleeping area.2. Guard in sewers.

Metal door in sewers.Metal door between sewers & furnace room.Spider gate in sewers.

Coal Chute Key Top of furnace in basement. Coal chute gate.

Old Woman’s KeyOld woman. (She comes into the mission later.)

East door in courtyard.Door at top of stairs in old part of mansion.

Carmin DuMoulong’s Key

Man sleeping on downstairs sofa. Jewelry box in Ms. DuMoulong’s room.

Martin Marton Jr’s KeySewer pipe draining near wood plank. (There’s more than one plank.)

Jewelry box in Martin Marton Jr’s room.

Brother Reseda’s Key Hammerite priest’s belt. Jewelry box in Brother Reseda’s room.Dregger’s Key Guard standing before fire place. Jewelry box in Dregger’s room.Head Butler’s Key 1. Head Butler’s belt.

2. Beneath flower vase in Head Butler’s area.

Door to immediate right of front entrance.

How do I get into the mansion?

Look for a vine near your start point.

Where’s the scepter?

Next to Lord Marton’s body. It’s lying in repose in the room with the fountain.

How do I open the gate in the sewer where the big spider is?

Crouch down and pick the lock. It’s on the other side of the gate to your left.

Where are the six guest rooms I have to loot?

In each of the six rooms is a either a jewelry box containing the guest’s personalvaluable, or a stash where he or she has hidden whatever it is. Here are the six items:

1. Martin Marton Jr’s bracelet2. Notary’s opera glasses3. Brother Reseda’s golden hammer4. Olivatre’s Fiancaille ring5. Madame DuMoulong’s tiara6. Dregger’s silver dagger

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Where’s the compromising information about Raputo?

Look behind a bookcase in Dregger’s room. His room is the one with the crumpledransom note on the desk.

Secondary Objectives:

When you find Lord Mordoré’s room, there’s a ledger on his desk. Reading it will call up anoptional objective:

Steal both of the Lord's precious daggers. (Optional)

Where are the daggers?

They’re on display in the large staircase area. Look up. They’re on two walls.

The two daggers on display. Got rope?

Find the musical lute stashed in a room opened by the Head Butler’s key and bring it to themusician. He lives above the kitchen (climb a nearby ladder). When you drop it on the bed, abonus objective will appear in your list:

Garrett always appreciated the music, made by tinkling shiny gold pieces. (Bonus)

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Carrying Out Lord Marton’s Objectives

These goals have to be completed in a specific order. If you can’t find certain things, chancesare, you missed doing something else first. Here’s the correct order:

1. Meeting Lord Marton’s Ghost

Once you find out who killed Lord Marton, a new objective will appear:

Help Lord Marton's ghost. Meet him in the garden and save his child's life. He'llreturn the favor.

Where’s this garden I need to meet the lord’s ghost?

Return to the coal chute and climb out.

2. Finding Scarlet

I met the ghost and he told me that I can find what I’m looking for somewhere in the oldwoman’s house.

When you climb out of the coal chute, you’re in a garden with Lord Marton’s ghost.Behind him is the old woman’s house. Look in the kitchen. Look behind the pipe that’sagainst the wall nearest the hallway.

Once you descend into the pagan caves, you’ll find the lord’s daughter, Scarlet. Make sure yougrab the green mushroom near her body. When you haul her back up the ladder to her father’sghost, a new objective will appear:

Help Lord Marton's ghost. Bring his child to Garance's bedroom in the old manor.

Take the dead girl up to Garance’s bedroom. This is the room on the second floor that has thescroll on the wall near the door. (It’s a threatening note written by the Head Butler.)

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Take Scarlet to Garance’s bedroom, identified by the scroll on the wall.

3. Taking Care of the Notary and Marton’s Will

Once you deposit the girl in the room, Marton’s ghost will give you another objective:

Help Lord Marton's ghost. Change the testament and bring it to the Lord's bedroomfor Dregger. Drop the notary in the sewers with the spiders.

Go to the notary’s room (Celadon Mordoré). On his desk is the lord’s “last will and testament.”Take the feather pen and frob the scroll. You’ll hear some scribbling. Now pick up the will. Itneeds to go to Lord Marton’s bedroom. Drop it on the desk with the book by Dregger. It’s theone that says on the first page, “Inquiry Report, By: Luther Dregger, etc.”

Celadon the notary has to go to the sewers. Drop him on the pile of remains where the big spideris patrolling. You should hear the ghost tell you to meet him in the old woman’s room.

4. Poisoning the Old Woman

Return to the old woman’s house via the coal chute. She’ll be sitting near the fireplace. Snatchthe key from her belt. Make note of the purple bottle on the table next to her. Now go upstairs,using the Old Woman’s key on the doors. The ghost will give you a new objective:

Help Lord Marton's ghost. Poison the old woman. He'll help you in return. (Optional)

There’s a cookbook in the kitchen (it won’t appear until you’ve completed the previousobjectives). Put the following into the pot on the stove:

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1. Rat blood (found on the kitchen counter)2. Spider venom (found in the footlocker in the old woman’s upstairs bedroom)3. Green mushroom (descend the ladder and return to where you found the girl)

Put the ingredients into the pot (frob each one onto the pot). Turn on the stove via the lever.Once the pot emits a puff of steam, use the empty rheumatism bottle on the pot. The poison willappear.

Take the bottle of poison and frob the purple bottle you saw near the old woman in the livingroom.

5. Wrapping Things Up

Return to the ghost and he’ll pull a lever, causing a ladder to descend. Climb it and read the noteand the book. New objectives will appear:

The Pagans have killed Lord Marton! Leave the evidence on the table in BrotherReseda's room.

Once all your tasks have been accomplished, proceed to the Pagans' sanctuary locatedbeyond the cave where you found Scarlet.

Return to the 3rd floor of the mansion and drop the note onto Brother Reseda’s (he’s theHammerite priest) desk.

Finally, return to the Old Woman’s house, descend the ladder in the kitchen, and make yourescape into the tunnels.

Loot List courtesy jiansonz

Qty Gold Gems Goods Total Location

1090 260 875 22251 Coins 10 10Room below Lutist, in a crate with frobbable lid1 Coin 25 25Lutist’s room, windowsill1 Green Vase 35 35Kitchen, on armoire

1 Silver Nugget 50 50Head Butler’s secret by the statue in hallway close to the kitchen

1 Golden Vase 35 35Small hallway S double stairs room1 Fancy Plate 50 50Head Butler’s secret stash under bed1 Golden Goblet 25 25Head Butler’s secret stash under bed1 Purse 50 50Guard outside main entrance1 Silver Coins 15 15Garance’s room, in chest1 Purple Goblet 25 253rd floor, little reading room1 Coin 25 253rd floor, room with portrait and small stairs, by plant1 Large Statuette 35 353rd floor, small dead-end room atop small stairs1 Lost City Jar, large 20 202nd floor, dark room with statue1 Coins 10 10Vermillon’s room, in chest1 Purple Vase, large 25 25 502nd floor, small hallway above main entrance1 Purse 50 50Guard patrolling double stairs room1 Lost City Jar, large 20 20Room with archer above double stairs room, on

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pedestal1 Fine Wine 25 25 502nd floor, dining room1 Coin 25 25Butler’s office, on "sill" behind chair1 Golden "Apple" 15 15 30Butler’s office, on bookshelf3 Spice Bag 75 75Butler’s office, secret stash1 Purple Goblet 25 252nd floor, room with man sleeping on couch1 Purple Vase, large 40 403rd floor, music room, right next to grand piano1 Necklace 50 75 125Celadon’s room, fireplace secret2 Spice Bag 65 65Celadon’s room, above bed1 Serpentyle Torc 50 25 75Brother Reseda’s room, secret below table1 Purple Vase, large 50 50Bottom floor, two stairs room3 Coin 40 40Bar, on counter1 Purse 50 50On guard patrolling the bar (Benny!)1 Fancy Goblet 25 25Bar, on small table1 Fine Wine 50 50Bar1 Golden Goblet 25 25Bar, below counter2 Purple Goblet 30 30Bar, below counter2 Mask 70 702nd floor, library-hallway1 Mask 35 352nd floor, guard room next to library-hallway

1 Coin 25 252nd floor, guard room next to library-hallway, on windowsill

2 Statuette 30 302nd floor, library atop stairs

2Lord Marton’s Precious Daggers

35 25 60 120Stairway in the NE

1 Tiara 65 35 100Stairway in the NE, on statue on pedestal1 Diamond 100 100Old Woman’s storage room, secret room, chest1 Silver Nugget 50 50Pagan cave, in a corner on the way down1 Silver Nugget 50 50Pagan cave, close to final door

1 Purse 25 25On Guard patrolling basement close to the kitchen stairs

2 Spice Bag 60 60Basement, small storage room1 Diamond 50 50Coal chute2 Fine Wine 100 100Wine cellar1 Dice 50 50Help the Lutist1 Purse 50 50Sewers, by skeleton next to unfrobbable metal door