conserve your shrimps , naturally

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Post on 09-Feb-2017




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Conserve your shrimps , naturally

After all..

Problems we frequently face:-

Aquatic Kills

Bacterial and Viral disease outbreaks in fishes.

Their Poor Growth and Poor Feed Conversion Efficiency.

Reduced levels of Dissolved Oxygen.

Impaired Water Color.

The question of the hour is:-

WHY we having problems like these ?

Water and Soil quality are few aspects which are mostly overlooked.

Water Quality of aquatic ponds are adversely affected by the accumulation of animal excreta, uneaten feed and other organic compounds present..

Ways Soil and Water Probiotic can help.

Stabilize the pond conditions and improve the water quality.

Decompose the excreta of fishes, excess feed and other accumulated organic material.

The immune system of fishes is also improved.

The Foul Odor is eliminated as Hydrogen Sulfide and Nitrite content in the lake is decreased.

Biogut Aqua

Aquatic Feed Supplement

How does Our Product help ???

Enables efficient functioning of the digestive system and helps digest food.

Induces Molting (Shredding of old parts) in fishes.

Limits the growth of pathogens and hence increases the resistance to diseases in fishes.

After all, who would want this to happen.

How do our Customers feel about us.

BioGut Aqua used for shrimp farming inKakinada, Andhra Pradesh

Name & Company:Mr. Sakti Reddy.Location: Kakinada.Growing Cycle:4 months, high stocking.Qty. of BioGut Aqua: 5 to 8 gm per kg of feed.

Results after using Biogut Aqua

In spite of a higher stocking density of 20/m2, there was a good FCR.The growth was very good and the survival rate was around 87%. Itsolved all the white gut problems which were faced prior to treatment.It has also helped in molting cycle.

Thank you
