consent, comply accede. dishonest, corruptible venal

consent, comply •accede

Upload: nico-catterall

Post on 15-Dec-2015




4 download


consent, comply


dishonest, corruptible


shake, wave


stop by force


include, contain


flexible, pliant


skillful, masterful


grand, magnificent


impoverished, deprived


comfort, relief


clearly stated, unambiguous


widespread, unrestrained


wipe out, eradicate


preplanned, calculated


ill-timed, inconvenient


high peak, summit


contrary to what was expected or intended


meddlesome, too forward


unfavorable, portentous


moldy; out-of-date


dishonest, corruptible


consent, comply


stop by force


include, contain


skillful, masterful


flexible, pliant


grand, magnificent


impoverished, deprived


shake, wave


clearly stated, unambiguous


comfort, relief


wipe out, eradicate


widespread, unrestrained


ill-timed, inconvenient


preplanned, calculated


high peak, summit


meddlesome, too forward


consent, comply


dishonest, corruptible


shake, wave


stop by force


include, contain


flexible, pliant


skillful, masterful


grand, magnificent


impoverished, deprived


comfort, relief


clearly stated, unambiguous


widespread, unrestrained


wipe out, eradicate


preplanned, calculated


ill-timed, inconvenient


high peak, summit


meddlesome, too forward


contrary to what was expected or intended


unfavorable, portentous


moldy; out-of-date


dishonest, corruptible


stop by force


include, contain


skillful, masterful


consent, comply


flexible, pliant


grand, magnificent


impoverished, deprived


shake, wave


clearly stated, unambiguous


contrary to what was expected or intended


comfort, relief


wipe out, eradicate


widespread, unrestrained


ill-timed, inconvenient


preplanned, calculated


high peak, summit


meddlesome, too forward


moldy; out-of-date


unfavorable, portentous


moldy; out-of-date


unfavorable, portentous


contrary to what was expected or intended
