conscientious sinhalese tell llrc

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  • 7/31/2019 Conscientious Sinhalese Tell LLRC....


    Sri Lan"a: Conscientious Sinhalese tell LLC about in#ustice to ethnic minorities $rom the time o$independence%194&' till toda(

    http://www.)round*iews.or)/wp-content/uploads/LLC-+,-Transcript.pd$ - oral submissionhttps://docs.)oo)$ile/d/0b"4wolphw,231#6t,"1i008LThl#t8"T4#h#/edit;hls submission to Lessons Learnt and econciliation Commission %LLC'? 35 6u)ust3010: @@A thin" that the con$lict that has ra*a)ed our countr( is not onl( the result o$ the per*ersit( andthe *enalit( o$ the LTT and its leader Braba"aran? but also the cumulati*e e$$ect o$ bad )o*ernance onthe part o$ successi*e o*ernments in Sri Lan"a. ur inabilit( to mana)e our own internal a$$airshas led to $orei)n inter*ention but more seriousl( has led to the ta"in) o$ arms b( a desperate )roupo$ our citiDens. A thin" we need to recti$( this bad )o*ernance and the $irst and $oremost tas" be$oreus is to underta"e constitutional re$orm in order to ensure that we ha*e adeEuate de*olution o$power. 8e ha*e alread( missed se*eral opportunities in the pastF we ha*e had an 6BC$unctionin) $or Euite some time but its report is still lan)uishin) in obscurit( and needs to bepresented to the public o$ Sri Lan"a $or discussion. 8e need to ha*e State re$ormF we need to ha*erule o$ law establishedF we need to ensure non discrimination amon)st our citiDensF we need to ha*e= as A said be$ore = de*olution o$ power and a tolerance o$ dissent and a stren)thenin) o$democratic institutions.>>%,hanapala is a Sinhalese and was $ormerl( nder-Secretar( eneral $or ,isarmament'


    http://www.llrc.l"/ima)es/stories/docs/6u)ust3010/an)alaH30oonasin)he.pd$https://docs.)oo)$ile/d/0b"4wolphw,1DMm,)tThC00DL8A2,"t,m#i8A(82/edit;auth"e(> %oonasin)he is a $ormer Sri Lan"andiplomat and B'


  • 7/31/2019 Conscientious Sinhalese Tell LLRC....


    http://www.llrc.l"/ima)es/stories/docs/rida(H30orum-,a(ananda.pd$https://docs.)oo)$ile/d/0b"4wolphw,lDdh,ctmh(00Dl"LT)TOtTD#60m3Th/edit;auth"e(s international and treat( obli)ations and in "eepin) with Supreme Court +ud)ments in thisre)ard? throu)h the passin) o$ enablin) domestic le)islation? that will $undamentall( stren)then theri)hts o$ the indi*idual citiDens. Ats $undamental Quman ri)hts.>> %Qarim Bieris was ci*il ser*ant and

    6d*isor to a $ormer Bresident'

    http://www.llrc.l"/ima)es/stories/docs/Sep3010/10.11.3010-r.lmoreBerera-e*idence.pd$https://docs.)oo)$ile/d/0b"4wolphwMi,)3mAt#Owi004LTl"T)t3hTh,dh/edit;hl o*ement $or ood o*ernance%CA' to LLC? 10 o*ember3010: e)innin) with the Sinhala nl(U polic( o$ 195? which disre)arded the multi-cultural andpluralistic nature o$ societ(? the remo*al o$ the constitutional pro*ision )uaranteein) minorit( ri)hts KThe 19&2 racial riots were a disaster. Tamils were treated as bein) sub-human. an( o$ those whocould lea*e the countr( b( law$ul or e*en unlaw$ul means did so. Those who remained were sub#ectedto arbitrar(? humiliatin) treatment. oundin) up o$ 20 to 40 Tamil (outh on rida( e*enin)s? producin)them be$ore a)istrates to be remanded? and later releasin) them on bail? a$ter the( had paid law(ers

    s1?000/- each $or this purpose? was a re)ular occurrence in man( parts o$ the cit(. Tamils? who couldreadil( be identi$ied as such $rom their ational Adentit( Cards? were at the merc( o$ the law-en$orcement a)encies which arbitraril( en$orced e*en laws o$ their own ma"in).cept $or brie$ periods when Bresident Bremadasa and Bresident Gumaratun)e made $eeble attemptsat reconciliation? there were no consistent attempts made to see" reconciliation. At was limited tolac"adaisical e$$orts to de$eat the LTT militaril(. an( Tamils were dri*en to $eel that it was better to$i)ht and die rather than li*e li"e sla*esU? in the hope that? at least the( would )et a $ree state whereTamils can li*e a li$e o$ di)nit(UK.>>%an eminent law(er and past Bresident o$ the r)anisation o$ Bro$essional 6ssociations'

    http://www.llrc.l"/ima)es/stories/docs/Sep3010/Bro$.H306r#unaH306lu*ihare.pd$https://docs.)oo)$ile/d/0b"4wolphwD1#+hT6t81i00mLT)1DOtmhT(84D4/edit;auth"e(t ha*e )ood laws
  • 7/31/2019 Conscientious Sinhalese Tell LLRC....


    e*en now? but that )u(s who are rich and power$ul and political wri))le their wa( down the laws and interms o$ the mandate o$ the Commission o$ pre*entin) $uture trouble it is *er( important to set thatprocess into re*erse with a political will.>>

    http://www.)round*iews.or)/3010/09/20/llrc-e*idence-)i*en-b(-mr-austin-$ernando-$ormer-secretar(-o$-de$ense-on-1&th-au)ust-3010/Jmore-4374https://docs.)oo)$ile/d/0b"4wolphw818(3tmwC008#L8(,t+#TAD,(#M#/edit;hl *en the attitudes o$ the two parties- the LTT and the o*ernment- were not )oin) in parallel. Brimeinister thou)ht that he should be )oin) on a step b( step approach? which he stated publicl( and hewould ha*e had lot o$ political manipulations? political ideas and political approaches in his mind. 6tthe same time? Brabha"aran wanted thin)s to happen much Euic"er. 8hen A loo" at theresponsibilities? some o$ those )o*ernment senior politicians were *er( silent. n the other hand thepposition politicians were sabota)in) the thin)%peace tal"s' ....>>






  • 7/31/2019 Conscientious Sinhalese Tell LLRC....


    )o*ernance )ap. This is important and must be addressed as one mo*es on to a process o$reconciliation. econciliation must be en*isioned within an institutional $ramewor" $or democratic)o*ernance = more democratic )o*ernance than what we ha*e had so $ar. K. Sri Lan"a>s eperience inde*olution under the 12th 6mendment has su$$ered $rom inadeEuacies in desi)n as well as in practiceespeciall( $rom a lac" o$ coherence and commitment in mo*in) $rom centraliDed to de*ol*ed)o*ernance. >> %oonawardana was $ormer Chairman o$ inance Commission and ecuti*e o*ernor o$ar)a Anstitute'


    https://docs.)oo)$ile/d/0b"4wolphw,hl,D3Ot,+#C00#DLT"w#"tiDA1"T(/edit;hlThe wa( the minorit( )roups are treatedin the countr( is $ar $rom the nationall( or internationall( accepted standards and principles. K Themedia reports do not appear to be accurate re)ardin) the A,Bs? the( are released? the( are notresettled. Some o$ the people $rom the South are emplo(ed but no people ha*e been emplo(ed $romthe war torn areas. Counsellin) process is denied to the *ictims o$ war - the Bresidential Tas" orce%BT' has denied these $acilities $or healin) and reconciliation. This Commission has alread( submittedan interim report to the Bresident. A tried m( best to ha*e access to that report but A $ailed.>>



  • 7/31/2019 Conscientious Sinhalese Tell LLRC....

    5/5$ile/d/0b"4wolphw3O(8OmtT"S00D#LT)58t#O5T08#,3/edit;hl>Bre*ious Commissions o$AnEuir( ha*e $ailed to establish the truth into human ri)hts *iolations and etra#udicial "illin)s the(were inEuirin) and brin) #ustice and relie$ to *ictims and their $amilies. 6ccordin) to )o*ernmentstatistics about the population in Manni in earl( ctober 300& and number o$ people who came to)o*ernment controlled areas%a( 3009' a$ter the war? 14?79 people seem to be unaccounted $or.PP
