connections & conversations - enhancing millennials' well-being: challenges & opportunities - rogan...

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Post on 29-Jun-2015




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  • 1. Connections and Conversations Rogan Kersh, WFU Provost April 2014 Enhancing Millennials' Well-Being: Challenges & Opportunities

2. Baby Boomers: 1945-63 Generation X: 1964-82 Generation Y: 1983-2001 ???: 2002- Overview: American Generations 3. Challenges/Opportunities Abound Address during College/University Years: Focus on This Generation of Students Gen Y: What Is To Be Done? 4. Hyper-organized/routinized High achievers; everythings a job Unusual stress levels 5. Spontaneous Campus: Dan Biederman WFU Well-Being Index 6. Unusual peer networks Highly adult-supervised/curated lives 7. Teacher-Scholars Faculty Fellows URECA 8. Breadthat what cost? Gen X/Slackers: Gen Y/??? Generation Wired 9. OPCD Technology in Context