connecting, reflecting & creating: why we blog! - byte 2013


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Post on 18-Dec-2014




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From being used as a reflective tool and a means to gain meaningful feedback from peers, to creating primary resources that can be used in the classroom and building a valuable PLN, this session will demonstrate the benefits of blogging as an educator. This session will provide an overview of the many ways that blogging can positively impact your teaching through first hand accounts, examples and hands-on activities. You are encouraged to bring laptops/devices but they not essential."


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- Reflecting

- Feedback/Networking

- Creating Resources

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Our Blogs...

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Miss L. (2013). “Resources To Start Off Your Week 54”. Miss L’s Whole Brain Teaching.

Available at:

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Miss L. (2012). “WBT & Manitoba's Towards Inclusion Document Part 1”. Miss L’s Whole Brain Teaching.

Available at:

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Miss L. (2013). “Twitter… 1 Year Later”. Miss L’s Whole Brain Teaching. Available at:

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I reflect on my learning, whether it be PD sessions or in class.Writing forces me to clarify my thoughts and think things through. I need to know what I want to say if I’m going to make it available to everybody.

It keeps a record of my learning too. I had forgotten about the tic-tac-toe learning-style, choice activity organizer until I’d reviewed my blog.


Mr.L. (2012). “My Fab5”. ICTyler.

Available at:

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I reflect on resources.I will share my thoughts on sites/programs/resources I’ve come across on my blog. Usually I share websites I like and think others will find useful, but I will include limitations too.This has helped medevelop a mindset of looking for the potential educational value in all things.This is sporcle, which started as an entertainment/mental challenge outlet, but I think could easily be used in my future classroom too!


Mr.L. (2012). “Sporcle”. ICTyler.

Available at:

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Feedback & Networking

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Feedback & Networking

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Feedback & Networking

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Feedback & Networking

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Feedback & Networking

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Tutorial available at:

Labeling Images

Feedback & Networking

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Feedback & Networking

Miss L. (2012). “More on Professional Portfolios”. Miss L’s Whole Brain Teaching.

Available at:

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Feedback & Networking

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Feedback & Networking

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KT Adventures – Oldest, Personal Tried It! – Food, Recipes

Questions – Video-based, Authentic Homework ICTyler – Edublog, Tech

Poetic Times – Collaborative Poetry Poema Matematica – Cross-curricular Poetry


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I would count the number of dogs in the dog park behind our place and compare that with the temperature at that time.It started as purely personal. A silly way to collect scientific data.In one of my student teaching placements I taught grade 11 physics and had to teach the four modes of relationship: visual, numerical, graphical and symbolic. I used my dog-servations as an activator for this topic.

Mr.L. (2012). “Dogservations II Page”. The KT Adventures.

Available at:

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Mr.L. (2012). “Files”. ICTyler.

Available at:

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This blog is primarily for reflection and resource sharing but I have static pages attached to it showcasing things I’ve made, whether it be pictures, powerpoint game templates, or lesson plans.

Everything of mine I share on the blog is available to use (and modify) for free.

Mr.L. (2012). “Pictures”. ICTyler.

Available at:

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I am going to use this blog for differentiating homework in physics.I will post videos and they’ll stop about halfway through. Students vote in a poll, rate the question and justify their answer in the comments.

I’m hoping this will help those with reading difficulties visualize the question and demonstrate their understanding.

Also, I plan on using real situations in the videos which helps show students that what they are learning is beneficial to them outside of my classroom.

Mr.L. (2012). “Demo”. Our Questions.

Available at:

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Poetic Times is a teacher created, online poetry collection. Poems are categorized by form and subject.

Students are often very resistant to poetry and I think seeing poems written by teachers, not wildly famous, ancient poets, will make poetry study and writing seem more doable.

In addition to me, there are five contributors already and we hope to add more and make it a rich resource for all to use.

Mr. L. (2013). “My Beard”. Poetic Times. Available at:

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This blog focuses on cross-curricular poetry. Many ELA people hate Math and many Math people hate ELA. There aren’t many literary works of interest to math lovers and vice versa for ELA lovers. I love both subjects and express this in poems about mathematics and physics and by converting poems and literary things into symbolic mathematical language.

I’m sharing this poetic project online and will add a free to download ebook and book to the site so educators can have another way to try and engage students who just don’t like their subject.Mr. L. (2012). “III”. Poema Matematica. Available at: