congratulations tony harman! - yuma, az › wp-content › uploads › 2018 › ... · early in the...

Congratulations! 1 Pastor’s Page 2 Principal’s Page 3 Connecting People to Christ 4 CARE Ministry & Updates 5 Youth Ministry 6 Children’s Ministry 7 News & Notes 8 Those Who Serve 9 Celebrations 10 Calendar of Activities 11 Inside this Issue: Connecting People to Christ Cultivating Disciples Caring Community June 2018 Christ Lutheran Church Yuma Lutheran School 2555 S Engler Avenue Yuma, AZ 85365 (928)726-0773 Church (928)726-6674 Church Fax (928)726-8410 School (928)726-5330 School Fax [email protected] Rev. Vincent Harman, Senior Pastor [email protected] Rev. Mark Johnson, Associate Pastor [email protected] Angie Schiller, YLS Principal [email protected] Matt Dusek, Youth Ministry [email protected] Liz Thompson, Youth Ministry [email protected] Elena Jimenez, School Secretary [email protected] Amy Mitchell, Bookkeeper [email protected] Kimberly Meeks, Church Secretary [email protected] Congratulations Tony Harman! On Sunday, May 20th our school and congregation community celebrated Mr. Harman’s 35 years in the teaching, coaching, and mission ministries. Thank you to everyone who showed their appreciation and “showered” him with cards! Robert Pelton—graduated from 8th grade at Centennial Middle School Ashlynn Manifold—graduated from Emerald Ridge High School with Honors; and with an AA degree from Pierce Community College with Honors. She will enter Washington State University in fall of 2018 as a Junior to study Business Marketing. She will pursue a Masters Degree and plans to study abroad for a semester or two. She is the granddaughter of Gene & Gerry Bub Mae Collins ~ graduated from NAU with her Bachelors in Social Work. She will attend USC to pursue a Masters Degree in Social Work.

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Page 1: Congratulations Tony Harman! - Yuma, AZ › wp-content › uploads › 2018 › ... · early in the summer. We will resume classes on August 8th. Have a great summer! Congratulations

The Good News June 2018

Congratulations! 1 Pastor’s Page 2 Principal’s Page 3 Connecting People to Christ 4 CARE Ministry & Updates 5 Youth Ministry 6 Children’s Ministry 7 News & Notes 8 Those Who Serve 9 Celebrations 10 Calendar of Activities 11

Inside this Issue:

Connecting People to Christ Cultivating Disciples Caring Community June 2018

Christ Lutheran Church Yuma Lutheran School

2555 S Engler Avenue Yuma, AZ 85365

(928)726-0773 Church (928)726-6674 Church Fax

(928)726-8410 School (928)726-5330 School Fax

[email protected]

Rev. Vincent Harman, Senior Pastor [email protected]

Rev. Mark Johnson, Associate Pastor [email protected]

Angie Schiller, YLS Principal [email protected]

Matt Dusek, Youth Ministry [email protected]

Liz Thompson, Youth Ministry [email protected]

Elena Jimenez, School Secretary [email protected]

Amy Mitchell, Bookkeeper [email protected]

Kimberly Meeks, Church Secretary [email protected]

Congratulations Tony Harman! On Sunday, May 20th our school and

congregation community celebrated Mr. Harman’s 35 years in the teaching, coaching, and mission ministries. Thank you to everyone who showed their appreciation and

“showered” him with cards!

Robert Pelton—graduated from 8th grade at Centennial Middle School Ashlynn Manifold—graduated from Emerald Ridge High School with Honors; and with an AA degree from Pierce Community College with Honors. She will enter Washington State University in fall of 2018 as a Junior to study Business Marketing. She will pursue a Masters Degree and plans to study abroad for a semester or two. She is the granddaughter of Gene & Gerry Bub Mae Collins ~ graduated from NAU with her Bachelors in Social Work. She will attend USC to pursue a Masters Degree in Social Work.

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The Good News June 2018 2

Dear Friends of Jesus, One of my favorite hymns is “Lift High the Cross.” The message of the hymn is for Christians to proclaim the love Jesus Christ until the whole world would believe in Him and adore in worship His sacred name. One of the ways Christ Lutheran Church proclaims the Good News of Jesus to the world is through our Canada Mission Trip. Adults but mostly high school young adults go to Canada to the First Nations People to teach about God’s love through Jesus Christ by gathering children for Vacation Bible School. For many of these children and their families this is the only time they hear this life saving message. Because of the relationship built year after year the children and families can’t wait for the team to come back. Another way we reach out into our community with the Good News of Jesus is through our 9 week Summer Camp and Vacation Bible School right here at Christ Lutheran. Each year we have the privilege of teaching between 200 – 300 children about Christ and His love for the world and for them. Many of the children do not belong to a

church making this a great outreach with Jesus’ love to the people in Yuma. One more way we reach out into our community is through Yuma Lutheran School. Five days a week, for 9 months, we have the privilege of parents entrusting their children to us for a good education but more importantly to teach their children about Jesus. The children then go home and share what they’ve learned to their families. With a large percentage of children not having a church home Yuma Lutheran School continues to be an outreach with the Gospel not only to Yuma but throughout the world. We reach the world for Christ because of the many different cultures our children come from. One more way you can reach out to the people that you associate with is by inviting them to church or to a Bible class. The summer is a great time to invite someone locally because many people in our community don’t know Christ or don’t have a church home. Why not invite someone who desperately needs Christ in their life? They may not respond with a “yes” right away but maybe they will. Keep praying and ask God who He might bring to your mind or bring to you to share the love of Jesus with that person. As you can see we have a mission field not only around the world but just as importantly right here in our community called Yuma, Arizona. Together as we pray for our ministries and as we help out with Vacation Bible School or go on the Canada Mission Trip or help support Yuma Lutheran School or by inviting someone to church, by the grace of God he is using us to make a difference in the lives of people for eternity. Your fellow missionary in Christ,

Pastor Harman

Pastor Vince Harman

Pastor Mark Johnson

“Lift high the cross, The love of Christ proclaim Till all the world adore His sacred name.”

(Lutheran Worship 311)

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The Good News June 2018 3




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Principal Angie Schiller

Remember to keep up with us through the website and Facebook pages: and

Thank you!! Thank you for your continued support and prayers this year! We are blessed to be supported by such an amazing congregation. As the students take the summer off, we pray that you continue to pray for our ministry and the growth that we have seen, and that we are able to reach as many children as we can about the love of Jesus. So far we have over 450 students enrolled for next year! We celebrated the end of the 60th school year graduating 43 8th graders! We pray that God goes with them as they move on to High School and that they never forget the love that Jesus has around them. We encourage them to stop by and say hi once and awhile! We have issued a call to Mrs. Rhonda Whitcomb to fill our third grade position and she has accepted! Please keep her and her family in your thoughts and prayers as she prepares to move to Yuma! We have also hired a new second grade teacher. We will have 3 second grade classes this year and needed to add another teacher. Mrs. Stephanie Kovesdy joins our staff to fill that position. She will have 3 children attending Yuma Lutheran and is excited about this opportunity. Mrs. Natasha McMullen will be in a new role this year as a second ESS teacher and will also help in the kitchen and with middle school electives. She has decided not to return to the first grade classroom, so Mrs. Meyer will remain in first grade. I love when God reveals His plan to us so early in the summer. We will resume classes on August 8th. Have a great summer!

Congratulations to Dondy Dinh, winner of the Waylon’s Water World passes! The motto of Yuma Lutheran School is “A place where children learn to love and love to learn.” Thank you to everyone who played our contests this year!

Wednesday, August 8th

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The Good News June 2018 4

STAYING CONNECTED—FOR CONNECTING! It was a gnarled, twisted cutting from a grape vine—the product of the annual pruning of the vines. I was living in Central California where fruit and nut orchards abounded, including the thousands of acres of verdant table grape vineyards. In the spring they became lush with bright green leaves and the late summer brought forth the sweet fruit. I loved driving the country roads with the bounty on either side. In the winter, after pruning, they looked more like withered ghosts, barely visible through the tulle fog. The gnarled cutting was beautiful and, along with a dozen or more others like it, was used as a centerpiece for a banquet I attended during the Christmas season. It was draped with strings of gold glass beads and decorated with greenery and candles. I loved it, so was thrilled when it was offered to me to take home. I had that old dried gnarled thing and used it in many different ways throughout the years. It lent itself to many seasons and themes and always, I thought, was beautiful I was thinking lately about that grape vine stump and, wondering what in the world ever happened to it (lost in one of our many moves, perhaps). It was then that it occurred to me that not once in all those years did that grape branch ever produce a single grape or a hint of a green leaf! Well, that’s silly, you’re probably thinking. Of course not! It had been cut away from its source of life—like a flower picked from the garden. Naturally it had died and could never produce any life! Exactly my point! It had been separated from the vine and—even though it was beautiful, it was useful only as a pretty ornamentation—or perhaps as fuel to be thrown in a fire. (Hmmm—maybe THAT’S where it disappeared. I’m going to have to ask some questions!) One of my favorite scripture passages is John 15 about the Vine and the branches. Jesus talks about how He is the Living Vine and we are the branches growing out of that vine. He makes it abundantly clear that in

order to be productive—to bear good fruit—we have to stay connected to him! Have you ever felt like that old lifeless grape branch I described? I have! There have been times when I found myself struggling to do good and getting nowhere. Then when the Holy Spirit (finally) gets my attention, He helps me see that I’ve been trying to produce under my own power. Of course, we Children of God are not cut off from Christ. But we sure do act like it a lot! Jesus said “I am the true vine and you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5 We have to “remain in Christ” by staying in the Word, prayerful communication with God, worshipping with fellow believers and having a willing heart to serve Him—under His power! We need to stay connected to the True Vine and not just be a pretty ornament that will surely disappear eventually. That’s the way God equips us for all the good works He has prepared for us to do! Through the Word-- “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17. Through study and worship—“So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up” Ephesians 4:11-12. Through Prayer—“You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13 One of the Core Values of Christ Lutheran Church is to CONNECT PEOPLE TO CHRIST! This is something that happens most often on a personal level—person to person. That’s You and Me reaching out to those God has placed in our lives. We need to stay CONNECTED TO JESUS in order to CONNECT OTHERS to HIM! Read John 15 again—and often—to be reminded how important that is--to ourselves and to others!

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The Good News June 2018 5

CD Ministry-The CD ministry is on hold right now as we get the recorder fixed. Previous sermons are available to listen online, or previous services can be recopied and delivered! Call Kimberly in the church office to order CDs.

Greeting Card Ministry-This ministry sends words of support and comfort to members and non-members who are experiencing challenges...or words of joy in times of celebration. Each of us can be part of this ministry by sending our own CARE-ing through cards, texts, or emails to those in the altar prayers, those that may be away for the summer, or someone you have noticed that hasn’t been to church for a while.

Health Services Ministry-The next blood pressure clinic will be on Sunday, June 10 between church services by the church office. Why not make this clinic a part of your routine...checking to see how your heart is ticking! Also, are you walking, running, or doing some other form of exercise to improve your general health? Taking CARE of your earthly body should be part of your daily life!

Meals Ministry-Thank you to those who have delivered meals this month...especially to Shelly’s family. After all her organizing of meals it was nice to return the favor to her family after her husband’s hospitalization. If you are interested in being part of this special ministry just contact Shelly and she will contact you when a meal is needed!

CARE Basket-Kay and Don are still busy making and delivering baskets of love to many members of CLC! There are no two deliveries alike! In fact Clint was just the recipient of his favorite cookies via the mail...and Pastor Harman, Tammy, and Caleb were delivered roses in the memory of Sarah’s 30th birthday. What a special kind of CARE-ing!

Military Ministry-Last month it was mentioned that the food donated for the Food Bank at MCAS was delivered and was greatly appreciated! Thank you to Flo who assisted Apryl in setting up the display of items at the altar and then getting it all delivered to the base. Great job ladies!

Prayer Shawl Ministry-If you know of someone who would be comforted by a prayer shawl around their weary shoulders just

contact Kimberly in the church office. A shawl can be delivered or mailed anywhere! It is always so wonderful when visiting in the home of someone who has been given a shawl in the see it draped over a chair or on the sofa...always available to be used to comfort! They are a “hug” from CLC!

Prayer Network Ministry-It has been a busy month of praying for the prayer requests that have been given to Kimberly. The power of prayer is very evident in the healing and comforting that has been experienced by those in need. With God all things are possible… even miracles! Praying is powerful!!!

CARE Ministry Leaders: CARE Ministry Coordinator

Twylah Wahl—920-8416, [email protected]

Church Service CD Ministry

Dorothy Doyle—580-1639 Mary Fedorka—581-6193

Funeral Luncheon Ministry

Nancy Pendleton—257-6257

Greeting Card Ministry Jean White—271-0000

Health Services Ministry

Carrie Hull—580-9444

Meals Ministry Shelly Pensky—344-4694

CARE Baskets

Kay Krahling—562-743-6898

Military Ministry Mona Kaczmarczyk—341-0253

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Flo Humann 726-8001 Lotte DePoule 436-8432

Prayer Network Ministry

Church Office 726-0773 [email protected]

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The Good News June 2018 6

Jr. High Youth Friday Nights is for all 6th-8th Grade youth! Dinner is included! Students who

just finished 5th grade are welcomed now! Friday, June 1—6-8pm Friday, June 8—6-8pm Friday, June 15—6-8pm Friday, June 22—6-8pm Friday, June 29—6-8pm

Thirty3Reasons (High School Youth) Sunday Nights is for all youth in 9th-12th grades!! Dinner included! Incoming Freshmen (graduated 8th graders) are welcomed now!

Sunday, June 3—6-8pm Sunday, June 10—6-8m Sunday, June 17—NO YOUTH NITE Sunday, June 24—6-8pm

Matt Dusek

Liz Thompson

***Follow Christ Lutheran-Team Youth Ministry on facebook and instagram*** Any questions, please call Matt Dusek (928

-304-8336) or Liz Thompson (928-581-7237).

**Both Groups will be focusing on worship service and will begin each session in the Church Sanctuary, followed by food and games in the Activity Center.**

Mr. Tony and Mrs. Carrie Harman will again lead a

LAMP-sponsored mission trip to Hazelton, British Columbia Canada from June 27-July 10. There will be a commissioning

of the Team members on Sunday, June 24th at the 11am worship service.

Please pray for, and support, those going to Canada to spread the good news of the Gospel

to First Nations people in their land. Carlos Bustamante, Jenna Casares, Carlos

Delgado, Matt Dusek, Carrie Harman, Tony Harman, Jessee McCurley, Joy Morris, Brielle

Olsen, Sarah Rojas, Becky Garcia-Sanchez, Marc Sanchez, Elyse Sheppard, Mia Sterenberg

2019 National Youth Gathering News

(for High School youth)

The NYG Team would like to publicly thank Mrs. Patty Sheppard for volunteering to be the Fundraising Coordinator for all things related to 2019 NYG! A huge THANK YOU! Please continue to pray for the Team as they plan, fundraise, and prepare for next summer’s trip to Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Kylie Campbell, Joe Diaz, Matt Dusek, Gregory Harbolt, Rachael Henderson, Adrianna Hoffmann, Lilly Lammel, Jessee McCurley, Elyse Sheppard, Griffin Spencer, Molly Spencer,

Jacob Takesuye, Blake Thomas Liz Thompson, Dallas Wilson, DJ Vielbig

Did You Know? Liz has a cat with no eyes and Matt has 7 tortoises?

The High School Youth Group brainstormed, prayed over, and voted on a name for their group. The High School Youth Group will now be known as Thirty3Reasons. This refers to Jesus’ 33 years and His specific ministry on earth. Subtly, the 3Reasons portion of the name refers to the God-head consisting of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit…the Holy Trinity. Ingenious and completely thought of by the High School Group themselves!

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The Good News June 2018 7

All children ages 3 years old through 6th grade are invited to join us for a worship experience just for kids!!

Every Sunday—even through Summer!

9:30-10:45am In the Activity Center

Worship, Bible study, games, snack, craft, music, and more!

Offering Project: We do encourage the children to bring an offering each Sunday. The money that is given is used to buy children’s Bibles that are given away at the church’s fair booth. This year, through God’s grace, the children's offering bought 60 Children’s Bibles!

Looking for this month’s puzzle and craft? Go to and click on the Children’s Ministry tab. Scroll down to download and print!

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The Good News June 2018 8


At Christ Lutheran Church, we use a fiscal year that runs July 1 of one year to June 30 of the next.

Note from the Treasurer: With ten months of the year completed, the General Fund shows a 4% overage for April. However, overall for 2018, the cumulative shortfall is 3.3%. April MTYCI contributions were 31% short of the funds to make the monthly payment of $16,897 *Church General Funds are needed to pay costs incurred to run the operation of our many ministries. Examples include air conditioning, salaries, supplies, etc. **More Than You Can Imagine (M.T.Y.C.I)/Building Fund offerings are needed to make the Church monthly mortgage payment of $16,897 on our existing facilities.

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. ~2 Corinthians 9:7

As of May 23, 2018 $2,404,790.10

has been given toward our $2.5 million goal. This includes matching funds that have already been received. Thank you

for your generous and sacrificial giving!

Fiscal Year 2017-2018 M.T.Y.C.I.** General


Offerings Received

$437,287 $485,102

Offerings Needed

$168,970 $501,500

over/(short) $268,317 ($79,920) Other: Designated


Report for the month of April 2018

M.T.Y.C.I.** General Fund*

Offerings Received $11,575 $51,987

Offerings Needed $16,897 $49,583

Over (Short) ($5,322) $2,404

Other: Designated


Voters Assembly Meeting

Monday June 4, 2018 7pm in the Sanctuary

This is the annual meeting

for approving the budget and electing officers.

If you are a member of Christ

Lutheran Church and would like to become a voting member, please

attend this meeting. You will then be voted in at the end of the meeting.

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The Good News June 2018 9


8 Randy & Gerry Reynoldson; Bill & Bev Esmeier

9:30 Harry, Susanna, and Dean Hitchcock; Steve Watkins

11 Matt & Mindy Dusek; Staisha, David, and Ian Hinojosa

Audio/Visual Chuck Thompson, Robert Henderson,

Griffin Spencer, Molly Spencer

We are looking to add people to our team! Please call the church office if you are


June 3

8 Cody Harbolt and James Rochester

11 Jordan Meeks

8 Kelly Keithly

930 Tom Tyree

11 Dan Geszvain

Dwylia Hamilton, Dave & Mona Kaczmarczyk

8 Kelly Keithly

930 Frank White

11 Dan Geszvain

June 10

8 David Rochester

11 Elend and Aeden Hudson

8 Curt Weber

930 Dave Cummins

11 Duane Sheppard

Dave & Sharon Cummins,

Dottie Doyle

8 Curt Weber

930 Rich Knutson

11 Alan Rubida

June 17

8 Rachael and Reilly Henderson

11 Jordan Meeks

8 Mark Hutsell

930 Steve Watkins

11 Jason Geszvain

Bev Beyeler, Kathy Ray, Barb Shank

8 Rod Hartleib

930 Chuck Thompson

11 Dan Geszvain

June 24

8 Ian Hanson

11 Jack Thompson and Caleb Harman

8 Bill Esmeier, Sr.

930 Rob Petersen

11 Tony Harman

Patty Larson, Julie Johnson Curt Weber

8 Curt Weber

930 Frank White

11 Alan Rubida


Scripture Readers

Offering Counters Elders

Altar Guild for June:

Lois Korth, Susie DePuy, Shelly Hook, Brenda Dennis, Vicki Freund, Jennifer

Henderson, Maribel Hansen

Pew Cards for June:

Bert and Michelle Morgan

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The Good News June 2018 10

1 Abby Ballos Emma Ballos 2 Dave Cummins Riley Singer 3 Lacie Mitchell 4 Roxanne Roberts 5 Becky Chavez Emma Millan 6 Erich Harman 7 Derek Gurney 8 Thomas Binder Lila Reynoldson 9 SueAnn Harbolt David Hinojosa Staisha Hinojosa Don Krahling 11 David Hinojosa Kassidy Knutson Wayne Stuhr Frank White 12 Maddyn Alvarez Cody Cansler

12 Hannah Knutson Michael Cooley John Simms 14 Alahna Noble Chelsea Seamans 15 Pattricia Burdette 16 Lyndsey Bloomingdale Zach Herndon 16 Lilly Hull Lillian McCurley Lilly McCurley 17 Marisela Geszvain Karl Grosskreutz Maddy Millan Marlyse Noble Rick Sellers 18 Andy Lammel 19 Olevia Downes Walker Hull Meredith Wilson 20 Tamara Bowman Al Conaway

21 Harlow Daily Elijah Lim 22 Emily Danque Patty Sheppard 24 Briana Simms 25 Teri Noble Judy Sisson 26 Debbie Gibbs Ian Hinojosa 28 Jaxson Kussatz Al Schutt 29 Joe Fisher Adam Freund Aeden Hudson 30 Jake Monson Max Simms Alex Vermont

1 Allen & Apryl Brand-Applehans ~

18 yrs!!

Dave & Karen Ohlde ~ 55 years!!

Kelly & Stacy Singer ~ 22 years!!

2 Bryon & Melissa Brown!!

3 Andy & Kristen Muro ~ 10 years!!

Lloyd & Lois Sunderman ~ 57 years!!

Joe & Wilma Wilson ~ 62 years!!

6 Allen & Linda Opp ~ 53 years!!

9 Denny & Bonnie Peckenschneider ~

40 yrs!!

10 James & Jenny Rochester ~ 18 years!!

11 Jim & Sue Hanson ~ 35 years!!

15 Vince & Tammy Harman ~ 33 years!!

17 Chris & Angie Schiller ~ 23 years!!

19 Greg & Beth Osowski ~ 25 years!!

20 Grant & Inez Collins ~ 65 years!!

21 George & Janet Vogel ~ 32 years!!

22 Alan & Diana Rubida ~ 27 years!!

24 Harlan & Alice Ehmen ~ 18 years!!

26 Don & Kay Krahling ~ 54 years!!

29 Aldo & Blanca Millan ~ 20 years!!

30 Adam & Vicki Freund ~ 28 years!!

Ray & Sheila Thompson ~ 61 years!!

Rayce Alvarez

Apryl Brand-Applehans Norman Brustad

Gene Bub Brandy Burgess Kinsley Chavez

Mae Collins Grant Collins Derek Gurney

SueAnn Harbolt Aeden Hudson Paeden Jackson Mary Jacobson

Nicole Jones Zsazsa Lim

Ethan Marquart Joey Mendivil Bert Morgan

Julianna Nelson Christina Padilla Deanna Padilla

Nancy Pendleton Lila Reynoldson

Diana Rubida Nora Schalm Oscar Schalm

Alex Schiller Daniel Sheppard Elyse Sheppard

Riley Singer Joyce Stegeman Liz Thompson

Mara Tyree Malibu Walter

Erin Watts Jami Yager

Baptismal Birthdays

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6P Jr. High Youth Nite

8A Traditional Worship with Communion 9:30A Worship KidStyle 9:30A Jr. High & Adult Bible Study 9:30A Contemporary Worship with Communion 11A Contemporary Worship 12:30P Cynthia Paulsen Retirement Celebration 6P High School Youth Nite

7P Voters Assembly Meeting

7A Do Day Quilting 6:30P Boy Scouts 7P Johnson SGBS 7P Contemporary Band Practice

7A Women’s SGBS

6:45A Men’s Bible Study 7A Do Day Quilting

6P Jr. High Youth Nite

8A Traditional Worship 9:30A Worship KidStyle 9:30A Jr. High & Adult Bible Study 9:30A Contemporary Worship 11A Contemporary Worship with Communion 6P High School Youth Nite

6P Board of Elders

7A Do Day Quilting 6P Larson SGBS 6:30P Boy Scouts 7P Johnson SGBS 7P Contemporary Band Practice

7A Women’s SGBS

6:45A Men’s Bible Study 7A Do Day Quilting 10:15A Adult Bible Study

6P Jr. High Youth Nite

BLOOD PRESSURE CHECKS 8A Traditional Worship with Communion 9:30A Worship KidStyle 9:30A Jr. High & Adult Bible Study 9:30A Contemporary Worship With Communion 11A Contemporary Worship

7A Do Day Quilting 6:30P Boy Scouts 7P Johnson SGBS 8P Contemporary Band Practice

7A Women’s SGBS

6:45A Men’s Bible Study 7A Do Day Quilting 10:15A Adult Bible Study

6P Jr High Youth Nite

8A Traditional Worship 9:30A Worship KidStyle 9:30A Jr. High & Adult Bible Study 9:30A Contemporary Worship 11A Contemporary Worship with Communion 6P High School Youth Nite

7A Do Day Quilting 6:30P Boy Scouts 7P Johnson SGBS 7P Contemporary Band Practice

7A Women’s SGBS

6:45A Men’s Bible Study 7A Do Day Quilting 10:15A Adult Bible Study

6P Jr High Youth Nite

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 18 19 20 21 22 23

24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Vacation Bible School/Summer Camp

Summer Camp

Summer Camp

Summer Camp

Canada Mission Trip through July 10th

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The Good News June 2018 11




YUMA, ARIZONA PERMIT NO. 18 2555 S Engler Avenue

Yuma, AZ 85365 928-726-0773

Connecting to Christ Cultivating Disciples Caring Community


...& much more in this issue!

See Page 3 for the answer and winner of the final newsletter contest!