conformance test experiments for distributed real-time systems rachel cardell-oliver complex systems...

Conformance Test Experiments for Distributed Real-Time Systems Rachel Cardell-Oliver Complex Systems Group Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering The University of Western Australia July 2002

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Page 1: Conformance Test Experiments for Distributed Real-Time Systems Rachel Cardell-Oliver Complex Systems Group Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering

Conformance Test Experiments for Distributed Real-Time Systems

Rachel Cardell-OliverComplex Systems GroupDepartment of Computer Science & Software EngineeringThe University of Western Australia

July 2002

Page 2: Conformance Test Experiments for Distributed Real-Time Systems Rachel Cardell-Oliver Complex Systems Group Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering

Talk Overview

Research Goal: to build correct distributed real-time systems

1. Distributed Real-Time Systems

2. Correctness: Formal Methods & Testing

3. Experiments: A New Test Method

Page 3: Conformance Test Experiments for Distributed Real-Time Systems Rachel Cardell-Oliver Complex Systems Group Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering

1. Distributed Real-Time Systems

Page 4: Conformance Test Experiments for Distributed Real-Time Systems Rachel Cardell-Oliver Complex Systems Group Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering

Real Time Reactions

Page 5: Conformance Test Experiments for Distributed Real-Time Systems Rachel Cardell-Oliver Complex Systems Group Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering


Page 6: Conformance Test Experiments for Distributed Real-Time Systems Rachel Cardell-Oliver Complex Systems Group Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering

System Characteristics

React or interact with their environment Must respond to events within fixed time Distributed over two or more processors Fixed network topology Each processor runs a set of tasks Processors embedded in other systems Built with limited HW & SW resources

Page 7: Conformance Test Experiments for Distributed Real-Time Systems Rachel Cardell-Oliver Complex Systems Group Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering

Testing Issues for these Systems Many sources of non-determinism

2 or more processors with independent clocks Set of tasks scheduled on each processor Independent but concurrent subsystems Inputs from uncontrolled environment e.g. people Limited resources affects test control e.g. speed

Our goal: to develop robust test specification and execution methods

Page 8: Conformance Test Experiments for Distributed Real-Time Systems Rachel Cardell-Oliver Complex Systems Group Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering

2. Correctness: Formal Methods & Testing

Page 9: Conformance Test Experiments for Distributed Real-Time Systems Rachel Cardell-Oliver Complex Systems Group Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering

Goal: Building Correct Systems

Design (intended behaviour)


behaves like this?

Page 10: Conformance Test Experiments for Distributed Real-Time Systems Rachel Cardell-Oliver Complex Systems Group Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering

Software Tests

are experiments designed to answer the question “does this implementation behave as intended?”

Defect tests are tests which try to try to force the implementation NOT to behave as intended

Our focus is to specify and execute robust defect tests

Page 11: Conformance Test Experiments for Distributed Real-Time Systems Rachel Cardell-Oliver Complex Systems Group Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering

Related Work on Test Case Generation

Chow TSE 1978 deterministic Mealy FSM

Clarke & Lee 1997 timed requirements graphs

Neilsen TACAS 2000 event recording automata

Cardell-Oliver FACJ 2000 Uppaal timed automata

Specific experiments are described by a test case: a timed sequence of inputs and outputs

Non-determinism is not handled well (if at all) Not robust enough for our purposes

Page 12: Conformance Test Experiments for Distributed Real-Time Systems Rachel Cardell-Oliver Complex Systems Group Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering

3. Experiments:A New Test Method

Page 13: Conformance Test Experiments for Distributed Real-Time Systems Rachel Cardell-Oliver Complex Systems Group Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering

Our Method for Defect Testing

1. Identify types of behaviour which are likely to uncover implementation defects (e.g. extreme cases)

2. Describe these behaviours using a formal specification language

3. Translate the formal test specification into a test program to run on a test driver

4. Connect the test driver to the system under test and execute the test program

5. Analyse test results (on-the-fly or off-line)

Page 14: Conformance Test Experiments for Distributed Real-Time Systems Rachel Cardell-Oliver Complex Systems Group Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering

Example System to Test

Page 15: Conformance Test Experiments for Distributed Real-Time Systems Rachel Cardell-Oliver Complex Systems Group Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering

Step 1 – Identify interesting behavioursUsually extreme behaviours such as

Inputs at the maximum allowable rate Maximum response time to events

Timely scheduling of tasks

Page 16: Conformance Test Experiments for Distributed Real-Time Systems Rachel Cardell-Oliver Complex Systems Group Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering

Example Property to Test

Whenever the light level changes from low to high

then the valve starts to open

within 60cs

assuming the light level alternates between high and low every 100cs

Page 17: Conformance Test Experiments for Distributed Real-Time Systems Rachel Cardell-Oliver Complex Systems Group Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering

Step 2 – choose a formal specification language

which is able to model real-time clocks persistent data concurrency and communication

use Uppaal Timed Automata (UTA)

Page 18: Conformance Test Experiments for Distributed Real-Time Systems Rachel Cardell-Oliver Complex Systems Group Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering

Example UTA for timely response



Page 19: Conformance Test Experiments for Distributed Real-Time Systems Rachel Cardell-Oliver Complex Systems Group Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering

Writing Robust Tests with UTA Test cases specify all valid test inputs

no need to test outside these bounds Test cases specify all expected test outputs

if an output doesn’t match then it’s wrong No need to model the implementation

explicitly Test cases may be concurrent programs Test cases are executed multiple times

Page 20: Conformance Test Experiments for Distributed Real-Time Systems Rachel Cardell-Oliver Complex Systems Group Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering

Step 3. Translate Spec to Exec UTA specs are already program-like Identify test inputs and how they will be

controlled by the driver Identify test outputs and how they will be

observed by the driver then straightforward translation into NQC

(not quite C) programs

Page 21: Conformance Test Experiments for Distributed Real-Time Systems Rachel Cardell-Oliver Complex Systems Group Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering

Example NQC for timely responsetask dolightinput() {while (i<=MAXRUNS) {

Wait(100);setlighthigh(OUT_C); setlighthigh(OUT_A); record(FastTimer(0),HIGH-LIGHT); i++;Wait(100);setlightlow(OUT_C); setlightlow(OUT_A); record(FastTimer(0),LOW-LIGHT); i++;

}// end while}// end task

task monitormessages() {

while (i<=MAXRUNS) {

monitor (EVENT_MASK(1)) {



catch (EVENT_MASK(1)) {

record(FastTimer(0), Message());




} // end while

} // end task

Page 22: Conformance Test Experiments for Distributed Real-Time Systems Rachel Cardell-Oliver Complex Systems Group Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering

Step 4 –test driver

Page 23: Conformance Test Experiments for Distributed Real-Time Systems Rachel Cardell-Oliver Complex Systems Group Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering

Step 4 - connect tester and execute tests

Page 24: Conformance Test Experiments for Distributed Real-Time Systems Rachel Cardell-Oliver Complex Systems Group Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering

Step 5: Analyse Results









1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 57 61 65 69 73 77 81 85 89 93 97 101








Test Point Number






e o

f V


e t

o H






Page 25: Conformance Test Experiments for Distributed Real-Time Systems Rachel Cardell-Oliver Complex Systems Group Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering










6 8 34 43 61 62 75 84 91 109 122 124 142 155 164 175 181 187 199 203 207 218 240 248

Task Completion T ime (cs)







p1,s1 p1,a p1,s2 p1,d p2,vm p2,cm p2,cc

Scheduling Deadlines Test Results

Page 26: Conformance Test Experiments for Distributed Real-Time Systems Rachel Cardell-Oliver Complex Systems Group Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering

Concluding Observations Defect testing requires active test drivers

able to control extreme inputs and observe relevant outputs

Test generation methods must take into account the constraints of executing test cases Robust to non-determinism in the SUT Measure what can be measured

Engineers must design for testability

Page 27: Conformance Test Experiments for Distributed Real-Time Systems Rachel Cardell-Oliver Complex Systems Group Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering

Results 1:Observation Issues

Things you can’t see

Probe effect

Clock skew

Tester speed

Page 28: Conformance Test Experiments for Distributed Real-Time Systems Rachel Cardell-Oliver Complex Systems Group Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering

Things you can’t see

Motor outputs can’t be observed directly because of power drain so we used IR messages to signal motor

changes But we can observe

touch & light sensors via piggybacked wires broadcast IR messages

Page 29: Conformance Test Experiments for Distributed Real-Time Systems Rachel Cardell-Oliver Complex Systems Group Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering

The probe effect

We can instrument program code to observe program variables

but the time taken to record results disturbs the timing of the system under test

Solutions observe only externally visible outputs design for testability: allow for probe effects

Page 30: Conformance Test Experiments for Distributed Real-Time Systems Rachel Cardell-Oliver Complex Systems Group Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering

Clock Skew

Clocks may differ for local results from two or more processors

Solutions: user observations timed only by the tester including tester events gives a partial order

Page 31: Conformance Test Experiments for Distributed Real-Time Systems Rachel Cardell-Oliver Complex Systems Group Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering

Tester speed

Tester must be sufficiently fast to observe and record all interesting events

Beware scheduling and monitoring overheads execution time variability

Solution: use NQC parallel tasks and off-line analysis for speed

Page 32: Conformance Test Experiments for Distributed Real-Time Systems Rachel Cardell-Oliver Complex Systems Group Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering

Results 2:Input Control Issues

Input value control

Input timing control

Page 33: Conformance Test Experiments for Distributed Real-Time Systems Rachel Cardell-Oliver Complex Systems Group Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering

Input Values can be Controlled

Touch sensor input (0..1) good by piggybacked wire

Light sensor input (0..100) OK by piggybacked wire

Broadcast IR Messages good from tester

Also use inputs directly from the env. natural light or button pushed by hand

Page 34: Conformance Test Experiments for Distributed Real-Time Systems Rachel Cardell-Oliver Complex Systems Group Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering

Input Timing Control is hard to control

Can’t control input timing precisely e.g. offered just before SUT task is called

Solution: Run tests multiple times and analyse average and spread of results

Can’t predict all system timings for a fully accurate model c.f. WCET research, but our problem is harder

Page 35: Conformance Test Experiments for Distributed Real-Time Systems Rachel Cardell-Oliver Complex Systems Group Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering

Conclusions from Experiments Defect testing requires active test drivers

able to control extreme inputs and observe relevant outputs

Test generation methods must take into account the constraints of executing test cases Robust to non-determinism in the SUT Measure what can be measured

Engineers must design for testability