configuring a gns3 ethernet nio cloud free ccna workbook

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Lab 1-8 - Configuring a GNS3 Ethernet NIO Cloud

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Configuring a GNS3 Ethernet NIO Cloud | Free CCNA Workbook

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Real World Application

In this lab you will learn how to configure a GNS3 Ethernet NIO (Network Input/Output) Cloud used in labsfound in the Free CCNA Workbook.

If you are using GNS3 then throughout the Free CCNA Workbook you will be required to connect to the routerusing your host machine. The workbook was created so GNS3 can be used while running on a Windows XPProfessional PC. While running GNS3 on other operating systems such as Windows Vista or Windows 7 ispossible but due to the compatibility of GNS3, it is currently recommended that you run GNS3 on a WindowsXP machine.

This lab will show you how to configure a Microsoft Loopback interface used for local host IP connectivity toan Ethernet interface of a Cisco device within GNS3. This simulates physical connectivity to the emulated Ciscoplatform.

You can choose to bind the GNS3 Cloud to your physical adapter rather then the Microsoft Loopback Adapter;when using the physical adapter this gives you the option to connect to the GNS3 Cisco devices from anotherdevice within your LAN, however connecting to the GNS3 Cisco device via local host will have a highprobability of crashing the Dynamips Engine.

Please note that you may have compatibility issues with Windows 7 and Windows Vista 64bit loopbackinterfaces, a 32bit operating system is recommended.

Lab Prerequisites

Load the Free CCNA Workbook GNS3 topology and establish a console session to SW1

Lab Objectives

Install a MS Loopback interface on Windows XPConfigure an IP address on the newly created MS Loopback adapter.Create a Cloud interface in GNS3 and bind it to the newly created MS Loopback Adapter.Verify your connectivity by assigning an IP address to SW1 in the same subnet that you assigned to theMS Loopback adapter. For lab demonstration purposes, Free CCNA Workbook devices will use192.168.255.1-8/24 and the host machine is

Lab Instruction

Step 1. – Navigate to the Control Panel by clicking Start > Control Panel or by loading My Computer andclicking Control Panel down the left side bar within “Other Places”

Once in control panel double click the “Add Hardware” icon and the Add Hardware Wizard will pop up as

Configuring a GNS3 Ethernet NIO Cloud | Free CCNA Workbook

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shown below;

After clicking next the Wizard will automatically search for new hardware; this may take a few minutes;

Once the Wizard has finished searching for new hardware and none is found you will be asked rather or not thenew hardware is already connected, bullet the Yes, I have connected the hardware and click next

Configuring a GNS3 Ethernet NIO Cloud | Free CCNA Workbook

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Slide the scroll bar on the right side of the list down to the bottom and highlight Add new hardware device asshown below and click next;

You will now be prompted rather or not you want the Add New Hardware wizard to automatically search for thenew hardware. Click the bottom bullet that says Install the hardware that I manually select from a list(Advanced) as shown below and click next;

Configuring a GNS3 Ethernet NIO Cloud | Free CCNA Workbook

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You’re now given a list of different types of hardware you can choose to install. Scroll down the list and selectNetwork Adapters as shown below and click next;

The next window will display a Manufacture list on the left hand side and devices available to install by thatmanufacture on the right. Some computers may have multiple manufacture options to choose from, if so thenselect the Microsoft manufacture in the list on the left hand side then select the Microsoft Loopback Adapter inthe list on the right hand side as shown below and click next;

Configuring a GNS3 Ethernet NIO Cloud | Free CCNA Workbook

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You are now shown the hardware device you are attempting to install prior to installing it as shown below, justclick next and Windows will install the device. A window with a progress bar may pop up showing the progressof the device driver installation;

Once the Microsoft Loopback Adapter is installed click finish as shown below and restart your computer;

Configuring a GNS3 Ethernet NIO Cloud | Free CCNA Workbook

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Step 2. – Configure an IP address on the newly created MS Loopback adapter.

The Microsoft Loopback Adapter will appear as a physical NIC when you load Network Connections found inControl Panel. You can configure an IP address on this MS Loopback Adapter just as you would a physical NIC.Use an IP address range that does not conflict with any networks that you’re connected to. A Great examplewould be

Step 3. – Create a Cloud interface in GNS3 and bind it to the newly created MS Loopback Adapter.

Load up the Free CCNA Workbook GNS3 topology and in the Node Type list on the left side of the GNS3window you will see a node called Cloud. Left click that node and hold down the mouse button and drag thatnode onto the topology pane as shown below;

Note: Click on the images to open in a browser window in high resolution.

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Configuring a GNS3 Ethernet NIO Cloud | Free CCNA Workbook

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Once the Cloud is in the topology pane, double click the cloud and you will see the Cloud tree and the list ofClouds available for configuration. Click Cloud 1 named CL1 as shown below;

Once in the Cloud configuration you will notice 2 text boxes under Generic Ethernet NIO (requireAdministrator access). If you have multiple network adapters you will see them all listed when clicking on thefirst textbox. Find the Adapter that has the name Network Adapter: ‘MS LoopBack’ and add that adapter byclicking the ADD. Once completely you will see the Ethernet uid in the large textbox as shown below;

Configuring a GNS3 Ethernet NIO Cloud | Free CCNA Workbook

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After Binding the MS Loopback network adapter to Cloud 1 (CL1) its time to logically connect Cloud 1 to SW1in the Free CCNA Workbook GNS3 topology. This is done by clicking on the RJ-45 Ethernet plug as shown inthe picture below and selecting FastEthernet;

When logically connecting devices in GNS3, you can only connect the medium that the interfaces on the virtualdevices are rated at. e.g; you cannot connect GigaEthernet to a FastEthernet interface on SW1.

After selecting the FastEthernet medium from the “Add a Link” button shown in the previous picture click on

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Configuring a GNS3 Ethernet NIO Cloud | Free CCNA Workbook

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the cloud as shown below and you will be given the NIO UID that is associated with that cloud, highlight andclick the NIO UID;

Now drag the link sourced from Cloud 1 (CL1) over to SW1 in the topology and click SW1. This willautomatically terminate the link to the FastEthernet1/0 interface as its the only available interface to terminatethe link to.

Step 4. – Verify your connectivity by assigning an IP address to SW1 in the same subnet that you assigned to theMS Loopback adapter. For lab demonstration purposes, Free CCNA Workbook devices will use192.168.255.1-8/24 and the host machine is

Now its time to test connectivity so assign an IP address to SW1′s FastEthernet1/0 interface and ping the localhost from SW1′s command line as shown below;

Router con0 is now available

Configuring a GNS3 Ethernet NIO Cloud | Free CCNA Workbook

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Press RETURN to get started!

Router>enableRouter#configure terminalEnter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.Router(config)#hostname SW1SW1(config)#interface FastEthernet 1/0SW1(config-if)#ip add shutSW1(config-if)#endSW1#ping Type escape sequence to abort.Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:..!!!Success rate is 60 percent (3/5)SW1#ping Type escape sequence to abort.Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:!!!!!Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 4/5/8 msSW1#

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Configuring a GNS3 Ethernet NIO Cloud | Free CCNA Workbook

12 of 12 1/8/2014 3:26 PM