configuracion stratix 5700

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  • 8/18/2019 Configuracion Stratix 5700


    HOTT 2014

    Stratix 5700: Device Manager 

    2014 6.2

  • 8/18/2019 Configuracion Stratix 5700


    Stratix 5700: Device Manager Stratix 5700: Device Manager 

    Training Lab ManualTraining Lab Manual

  • 8/18/2019 Configuracion Stratix 5700


    DOCM!"T CO"#!"T$O"S %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%7

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    D!#$C! M,",*!M!"T: ,DM$"  S!(S  %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%46

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    D9cuent C9nventi9n;

    T"ro#g"o#t t"is work$ook% we "a&e #sed t"e ollowing 'on&entions to "el( g#ide )o# t"ro#g" t"ela$ *aterials.


    +ords s"own in $old itali's,e.g.% RSLogix 5000 or OK 

     An) ite* or $#tton t"at )o# *#st 'li'k on% or a *en# na*ero* w"i'" )o# *#st '"oose an o(tion or 'o**and. T"is will$e an a't#al na*e o an ite* t"at )o# see on )o#r s'reen orin an exa*(le.

    +ords s"own in $old itali's%en'losed in single #otes,e.g.% 'Controller1' 

     An ite* t"at )o# *#st t)(e in t"e s(e'iied ield. T"is isinor*ation t"at )o# *#st s#((l) $ased on )o#r a((li'ation,e.g.% a &aria$le.

    "9te: +"en )o# t)(e t"e text in t"e ield% re*e*$er t"at )o#do not need to t)(e t"e #otes/ si*(l) t)(e t"e words t"at

    are 'ontained wit"in t"e* ,e.g.% ontroller1.

    T"e text t"at a((ears inside o t"is gra) $ox is s#((le*entalinor*ation regarding t"e la$ *aterials% $#t not inor*ationt"at is re#ired reading in order or )o# to 'o*(lete t"e la$exer'ises. T"e text t"at ollows t"is s)*$ol *a) (ro&ide )o#wit" "el(#l "ints t"at 'an *ake it easier or )o# to #se t"is(rod#'t. ost oten% a#t"ors #se t"is Ti( Text3 st)le ori*(ortant inor*ation t"e) want t"eir st#dents to see.

    "9te:  t"e *o#se $#tton is not s(e'iied in t"e text% )o# s"o#ld 'li'k on t"e let *o#se $#tton...

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    &e?9re )9u &egin + Stratix 500

    TAare reBuire> t9 c9lete t

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    Lab 1: C9n?iguring a neA Stratix 5700 Ait< !xre;;Setu

    T"e nternetwork (erating S)ste* ,S or ir*ware o t"e Stratix 5700%

  • 8/18/2019 Configuracion Stratix 5700


    (e;etting te?ault 9ut39?3b9x c9n>iti9n

    T"is is not reall) a new swit'"% so we need to reset it to its o#t-o-$ox 'ondition. Ti??erent?r9 t

  • 8/18/2019 Configuracion Stratix 5700


    8. 9o# need to *ake )o#r 8x(ress Set#( look like t"e sa*(le $elow. FDT% re*e*$er to s#$stit#te

    )o#r two digit station n#*$er or 42.3 e&i'eanager or'es )o# to sele't t"e anage*entntera'e VAN now $eore an) ot"er VANs are 'reated. 9o#r 'onig#ration "ere will $ete*(orar) and '"anged later ater )o# 'onig#re )o#r own VANs.

    9. og $a'k in to t"e swit'" wit" )o#r new #ser and Password o "ott3 and t"e das"$oard will

    $e dis(la)ed.

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    Creating #L,"; reBuire> ?9r t9>a=; lab;

    10. Sele't onig#re G VAN anage*ent as s"own $elow to a''ess t"e VAN *anage*ent


    TA9 #L,"; are currentl= ;

  • 8/18/2019 Configuracion Stratix 5700


    12. li'k H and )o# will see )o#r new 100 series VAN added to t"e list.

    13. Now add a 200 and 700 series VAN in t"e sa*e wa)% again re(la'ing all 423Is wit" )o#r 2

    digit station n#*$er% so t"at t"e inal VAN '"art looks like t"is. All s#$nets are G24.

    Creating DHC Table;

    T"e VANs to 'o*(lete t"e la$ "a&e $een 'reated. All o t"e de&i'es in t"e 'lassroo* are set too$tain an P address a#to*ati'all) so )o# will need to 'reate t"e :P (ersisten'e ta$les so t"atP addresses 'an $e assigned. Dsing t"is eat#re or '#sto*er de*os o 8t"ernet $ased "ardwarewill reall) si*(li) t"ings. No stati' addresses are re#ired.

    14. (en t"e :P tools $) 'li'king onig#reG:P as s"own.

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    DHC 99l;

    :P (ools are (redeined lists o addresses t"at 'an $e assigned to t"e (orts.

    15. reate t"e :P (ool or )o#r 100 series VAN as s"own. Noti'e t"e 100 series VANs are

    #sing t"e "ig" n#*$ers o t"e s#$net. ,ower n#*$ers *a) $e #sed $) ot"er swit'"es #sed inot"er la$s t"at r#n in t"e 'lassroo*.

    16. Next 'reate )o#r 200 series :P (ool.

    17. reate t"e 700 series :P (ool.

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    18. ake s#re t"e 'o*(leted (ool ta$le% in'l#des )o#r t"ree VANs.

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    ,;;igning 9rt; t>re;;e;

    19. Sele't :P Persisten'e ta$ as s"own a$o&e% and $egin to ill in t"e ta$le as s"own $elow.

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    20. +"en 'o*(leted t"e ta$le s"o#ld look like t"is? ,F#t )o#rs will not "a&e an) 423Is

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    C9n?iguring Sart9rt;

    #rrentl) all o t"e "ardware (orts on t"e swit'" are #sing t"e None3 S*art(ort. 9o# need too(ti*iJe t"e swit'" wit" #lti(ort A#to*ation e&i'e and Virt#al eskto( ,'o*(#ter S*art(orts.

    21. (en t"e S*art(ort 'onig#ration s'reen as s"own.

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    22.   A eat#re o t"e new &ersion o S is t"e ability to select multiple ports to re'ei&e t"e

    sa*e S*art(ort setting. Sele't Ca1G2% 4% 6% and < and )o# 'an *anage t"e* toget"er.

    23. li'k to assign t"e S*art(ort Eoles.

    24. Sele't t"e role as #lti(ort A#to*ation e&i'e.

    25. li'k S#$*it.

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    26. Now% '"e'k t"e $oxes and edit Ca1G=% Ca1G5% and Ca1G7. 8dit as s"own $elow.

    27. li'k s#$*it to sa&e )o#r work.

    $ntere;ting "9te:

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    T"e A''ess Vlan is w"ere )o# wo#ldex(e't to asso'iate t"is (ort wit" a(arti'#lar VAN $#t in t"e '#rrent&ersion )o# 'annot set t"e A''essVlan "ere.

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    ,;;igning 9rt; t9 #L,";

    28. Na&igate to t"e Port Settings (age as s"own $elow.

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    SAitc< #irtual $nter?ace

    8a'" o t"e VANs 'onig#red on t"is swit'" "as an address asso'iated wit" it. T"e addresses areknown as t"e VAN ntera'es3. T"ese addresses are #sed or t"e :P ser&er. Additionall)% )o#

    'an *anage t"e swit'" #sing an) o t"ose addresses as long as )o#r 'o*(#ter is on t"e sa*eVAN. :owe&er% i )o# want to ro#te to a *anage*ent address o t"e swit'" ro* a dierent VANt"en a ea#lt ;atewa) is needed. all t"e VAN intera'es on a a)er 2 swit'" onl) one isro#ta$le/ t"e Swit'" Virt#al ntera'e% or SV. T"e swit'" "as onl) one dea#lt gatewa).

    +"en )o# irst started to 'onig#re t"is swit'" #sing 8x(ress Set#(% we let t"e ea#lt ;atewa)$lank. +e need to '"ange t"at so t"e swit'" 'an $e *anaged re*otel).

    Obtaining a neA a>>re;;

    9o# are still 'o**#ni'ating on t"e te*(orar) VAN 1000 'onne'ted to Ca1G1. 9o# "a&e 'onig#red:P or so*e ot"er VANs. etIs see i it works.

    31. Ee*o&e t"e green wit" )ellow 8t"ernet 'a$le ro* t"e swit'". T"e 'o*(#ter will lose itsaddress in a *o*ent.

    32. lug t

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    35. (en t"e 8x(ress Set#(3 (age as s"own $elow.

    36. 8nter t"e ea#lt ;atewa) or t"e swit'"% w"i'" 'o*(letes t"e 'onig#ration o t"e VAN 142

    SV. ,9o#rs o ' not 42@

    37. onIt orget to sa&e )o#r '"anges to las" *e*or) $) 'li'king t"e S#$*it $#tton.

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    Ee*e*$er t"is s'reenL tIs t"e :P ta$le )o# illed in earlier.

    #eri?=ing t

  • 8/18/2019 Configuracion Stratix 5700


    43. 9o#r P "as an address on t"e 200 series VAN ,172.22.2NN.=. og in to t"e swit'" #sing its

    address o 172.22.2NN.2. Note t"at t"is (age alwa)s s"ows t"e address )o# #sed to log in.

    44. ;o to t"e 8x(ress Set#( (age as s"own.

    45. Note t"at t"e ea#lt ;atewa) is still on t"e 100 VAN. nl) one VAN 'an "a&e a ea#lt

    ;atewa)% w"i'" is t"e SV. )o# were to '"ange t"e ea#lt ;atewa) address "ere% t"en t"e200 series VAN wo#ld $e t"e SV instead o t"e 100 VAN. DO "OT CH,"*! TH!*,T!/,)I

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    'inal C9n?igurati9n

    T"e last t"ing we need to do is to 'onig#re a swit'" (ort to 'o**#ni'ate to t"e r99 centralStratix 00% and o 'o#rse% (")si'all) 'onne't t"e two swit'"es. 9o# "a&e 'onig#red t"ree VANson )o#r swit'"% and t"e :TT tea* "as alread) 'onig#red t"ose sa*e VANs on t"e 'entral

  • 8/18/2019 Configuracion Stratix 5700


    47. 9o# need to add VAN !! in t"e VAN ta$le so it looks like t"is. 9o# know w"at to do% $e'a#se

    )o# did it $eore. Noti'e t"at an P address is not re#ired or t"is VAN.

    48. ;o to t"e S*art(orts (age% as )o# did earlier.

    49. onig#re a Swit'" or A#to*ation S*art(ort or ;i1 so t"e 'o*(leted ta$le looks like t"is?


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    50. Test t"e 'onne'tion to t"e entral3

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    Lab 2: Ot

  • 8/18/2019 Configuracion Stratix 5700


    Setting t

  • 8/18/2019 Configuracion Stratix 5700


    55. H. T"e swit'" needs to re$oot ater rearranging t"e swit'" data$ase *anage*ent te*(late.

    56. n a$o#t !0 se'onds t"e swit'" will $e read) to 'ontin#e. T"e easiest wa) to know t"e reload is

    'o*(lete is to wat'" t"e 8 or (ort CA=. it s"ows a'ti&it)% )o# are read) to 'ontin#e.

    57. 9o# will need to re-esta$lis" 'o**#ni'ations wit" t"e swit'". So 'li'k t"e reload i'on.

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    !xl9ring t

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    60. "e'k t"e 8na$le Eo#ting $ox% and Subit% and wat'" w"at "a((ens on )o#r s'reen.

     A dea#lt stati' ro#te is a#to*ati'all) 'onig#red or )o#/ "owe&er% )o# need to *ake s#re t"att"is is a't#all) t"e ro#te )o# want. T"e Next :o( Eo#ter3 address *#st $e t"e address o aro#ted intera'e ,not a swit'"(ort on anot"er ro#ter. n t"is 'ase t"e ot"er ro#ter is t"e entral

  • 8/18/2019 Configuracion Stratix 5700


    62. Now wat'" w"at "a((ens w"en )o# 'li'k Sa&e.3 T"e ;atewa) address o t"e swit'" is

    '"anged to agree wit" t"e Next :o( Eo#ter address. This is helpful if there is )ust one staticroute* but on the +,00 in the corner* there are at least ,0 static routes to &et to all theVLANs at all the stations in the room!

    Deleting =9ur r9uting c9n?igurati9n: (eBuire> ?9r ta=

    63. elete t"e stati' ro#te% #n'"e'k t"e 8na$le Eo#ting%3 t"en S#$*it.

    64. H. T"atIs w"at we want to do.

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    65. ake s#re )o#r s'reen looks like t"is% t"at t"e stati' ro#tes are deleted% and ro#ting is not



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    Lab : Saving an> L9a>ing c9n?igurati9n;

    ,>in L9a>3Save

    T i9rtant a>>iti9n. t was not (ossi$le wit" earlier &ersions o t"eS to sa&e swit'" 'onig#rations to )o#r P wit" e&i'e anager/ alt"o#g"% NA ,is'o Network

     Assistant does t"is &er) well.

    "9tice t terin9l9g=. Tean; t9 ;en> a c9n?igurati9n to the switch !ro" the P#  an> >9Anl9a> ean; t9 tran;?ert

  • 8/18/2019 Configuracion Stratix 5700


    D9Anl9a>ing c9n?ig.text

    onig.text is t"e text ile in t"e swit'" t"at )o# edit wit" or e&i'e anager.

    Vlan.dat "olds t"e VAN inor*ation.

    li'k on to download it to t"e la$ P. e(ending on )o#r $rowser% w"ere it a((ears*a) look dierent. +it" "ro*e% )o# will see it at t"e $otto* o t"e s'reen% as s"own "ere.

    67. Eig"t 'li'k on t"e ile na*e to S"ow in older.3

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    68. Eig"t 'li'k on t"e ile na*e in t"e older to o(en it wit" +ordPad.

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    69. +"en t"e ile o(ens% s'roll t"ro#g" t"e text ile and )o# will see t"e 'o*(lete 'onig#ration or

    )o#r swit'". Feing a$le to sa&e t"is ile in t"is wa) allows )o# sa&e *#lti(le 'onig#rations ro*wit"in e&i'e anager.

    !>iting an> ul9a>ing t

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    ,>in (e;tart3(e;et

    C9=ing c9n?ig.text t9 t

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    Lab 4: Otin ;er;

    nteresting% $#t )o# 'anIt '"ange t"e (ri&ilege le&el.

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    'ile Manageent: ,>in Licen;e gra>e

    T"is window '#rrentl) does not "a&e a #n'tion and *a) $e re*o&ed in a new release.

    Sanning Tree: C9n?ig ST Setting;

    T"e a$ilit) to '"ange t"e STP *ode wit" e&i'e anager is new. ea#lt is still STP.

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    Hel + neA l99 an> ?eel

    T"is *ig"t $e a good ti*e to '"e'k o#t t"e new "el( s'reens% w"i'" are &er) t"oro#g".

    Sanning Tree: C9n?ig ST Setting; 9rt 'a;t

    e&i'e anager now s#((orts indi&id#al settings or Port Cast. Pre&io#sl)% t"is was onl) deter*ined$) t"e S*artPort assign*ent.

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    Securit=: C9n?ig 9rt Securit=


    !n> 9? Stratix 5700 C9n?igurati9n Lab;