conference sessions and abstracts

Autumn 2013 Conference November 22 nd 24 th , 2013, Plovdiv Sessions and Speakers

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Page 1: Conference sessions and abstracts

Autumn 2013 Conference November 22

nd – 24

th, 2013, Plovdiv

Sessions and Speakers

Page 2: Conference sessions and abstracts

Autumn 2013 Conference ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1

November 22nd – 24th, 2013, Plovdiv................................................................................................................................................................... 1

Sessions and Speakers ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 1

Ajith Narayanan, Crack The Complexity Of Oracle Applications R12 Workload ...................................................................................................... 4

Ajith Narayanan, Oracle Database Capacity Analysis Using Statistical Methods....................................................................................................... 5

Bjorn Deverill-Mathisen, You just need the right pair of running shoes to WIN ........................................................................................................ 6

Bryn Llewellyn, PL/SQL enhancements brought by Oracle Database 12c ................................................................................................................. 7

Bryn Llewellyn, Simplify Consolidation with Oracle Database 12c ........................................................................................................................... 8

Craig Shallahamer, Understanding Oracle CPU Consumption: The Missing Link ..................................................................................................... 9

Craig Shallahamer, Introduction to Time-Based Performance Analysis: Stop the guessing!.................................................................................... 10

Dimitar Zahariev, Oracle BI Mobile (R)evolution ..................................................................................................................................................... 11

Doichin Yordanov, Oracle++ : Data Complexity meets Polyglot Persistence .......................................................................................................... 12

Georgi Kodinov, Under the hood: analyzing MySQL performance with PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA ................................................................. 13

Graham Wood, Is Your Middle Tier Making My Database Look Bad? .................................................................................................................... 14

Graham Wood, The ASHes of Database Time .......................................................................................................................................................... 15

Gregory Guillou, Extend Oracle Linux Features for Oracle VM 3.x......................................................................................................................... 16

Gregory Guillou, Oracle UEK3 DTrace for Linux SysAdmins and DBAs ............................................................................................................... 17

Joze Senegacnik, Query Transformations Revisited .................................................................................................................................................. 18

Joze Senegacnik, Round table discussion over beers: About Performance Optimization Or Does My Application Need Performance Tuning On

Exadata? ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19

Joze Senegacnik, What is new in the Cost Based Optimizer in Oracle 12c .............................................................................................................. 20

Julian Dontcheff, DBA Best Practices for Performance Tuning in a Pluggable World ............................................................................................ 21

Kai Yu, Achieving Availability and Scalability with Oracle 12c Flex Clusters/Flex ASM ...................................................................................... 22

Kai Yu, Ensure HA in Database Cloud with Oracle Database 12c: What to do and how to do it ............................................................................. 23

Kuassi Mensah, Java Performance, Scalability, Availability & Security with Oracle Database12c ......................................................................... 24

Page 3: Conference sessions and abstracts

Kuassi Mensah, In-Database MapReduce for DBAs and Developers, using SQL and Hadoop ............................................................................... 25

Marc Sewtz, Mobile Development with Oracle Application Express 5.0 ................................................................................................................. 26

Marc Sewtz, Oracle Application Express 5.0 ............................................................................................................................................................ 27

Marc Sewtz, Top 10 Oracle SQL Developer Tips and Tricks ................................................................................................................................... 28

Marcin Przepiorowski, Data Guard - implementation tips ........................................................................................................................................ 29

Marcin Przepiorowski, Performance monitoring in SQL*Plus using AWR and analytic functions ......................................................................... 30

Oyvind Isene, Working as an Oracle DBA with minimal effort ................................................................................................................................ 31

Peter Scott, An Oracle Warehouse Builder Developer's Guide to Oracle Data Integrator ........................................................................................ 32

Philip Stoyanov, Dimensional Modeling in Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler .................................................................................................. 33

Radu Parvu, PL/SQL Tuning with hierarchical profiler and other techniques .......................................................................................................... 34

Robyn Sands, Why Solid SQL Still Delivers the Best ROI ....................................................................................................................................... 35

Roel Hartman, My First Mobi : Starting Mobile Development with APEX ............................................................................................................. 36

Roel Hartman, The best of both worlds : Going hybrid with Oracle Application Express ....................................................................................... 37

Page 4: Conference sessions and abstracts

Ajith Narayanan, Crack The Complexity Of Oracle Applications R12 Workload

Crack The Complexity Of Oracle Applications R12 Workload

Ajith Narayanan, Oracle Solutions Architect/Oracle Apps DBA, Dell

Conference session, , , All levels


Oracle Applications R12 is one of the flagship products from Oracle. In most cases, the Oracle Apps implementations are quite large with more and more customization's done at real time. Since the Oracle Apps is a huge product, most of the architects and DBA's find it difficult to understand the workload trend of their system and moreover the customization's contribute more to the complexity of workload. Also, the very first step before proceeding with the performance tuning of an Oracle Apps system should be the knowledge of our system workload, So my session would be explaining the tips and tricks of Oracle Apps workload characterization that will help understand our system workload and its processing capability for the workload received.


I am Ajith Narayanan from Bangalore, India having a total of 8 and half years of work experience primarily on Oracle database administration and Oracle Apps administration and hands on experience in the capacity planning & Performance tuning using statistical methods on various Oracle environments. I was lucky enough to start with an Oracle applications implementation project right from my first project of my career, which I started as a Systems Engineer with TCS and then moved to Oracle Corporation in Feb 2008, where I was able to explore Oracle technology internals much deeper and develop a unique expertise in capacity planning & performance tuning by analyzing workload trends of various Oracle environments. Moved again on for working with J.P.MorganChase & Co, where, I was actively involved in supporting production oracle databases (quite a large number). And currently working as software architect/advisor for Oracle Apps R12 projects in Dell Inc(16 node RAC + 8 MT) As of my Oracle community contributions, I am serving on the board of a as website chairman, and during my tenure, I had successfully migrated the website from APEX version 3 to APEX version 4 and continuing my support for the great user forum dedicated to RAC lovers.

Page 5: Conference sessions and abstracts

Ajith Narayanan, Oracle Database Capacity Analysis Using Statistical Methods

Oracle Database Capacity Analysis Using Statistical Methods

Ajith Narayanan, Oracle Solutions Architect/Oracle Apps DBA, Dell

Conference session, , , All levels


Why is my database slow? I bet, this would be the most common question any Oracle DBA would have come across in his/her career and end of the day the decision is made to go for an database infrastructure capacity increase, It’s a myth that a server capacity increase is the solution for performance issues in most cases and also would be interested in sharing the ideas to find what the system is starving for, it could be a CPU or IO bound system. My attempt would be to crack the myth and share my experience and knowledge on analyzing the mostly unexplored area of capacity and performance tuning, that is done proactively to avoid the potential problems immediately or in future.


I am Ajith Narayanan from Bangalore, India having a total of 8 and half years of work experience primarily on Oracle database administration and Oracle Apps administration and hands on experience in the capacity planning & Performance tuning using statistical methods on various Oracle environments. I was lucky enough to start with an Oracle applications implementation project right from my first project of my career, which I started as a Systems Engineer with TCS and then moved to Oracle Corporation in Feb 2008, where I was able to explore Oracle technology internals much deeper and develop a unique expertise in capacity planning & performance tuning by analyzing workload trends of various Oracle environments. Moved again on for working with J.P.MorganChase & Co, where, I was actively involved in supporting production oracle databases (quite a large number). And currently working as software architect/advisor for Oracle Apps R12 projects in Dell Inc(16 node RAC + 8 MT) As of my Oracle community contributions, I am serving on the board of a as website chairman, and during my tenure, I had successfully migrated the website from APEX version 3 to APEX version 4 and continuing my support for the great user forum dedicated to RAC lovers.

Page 6: Conference sessions and abstracts

Bjorn Deverill-Mathisen, You just need the right pair of running shoes to WIN

You just need the right pair of running shoes to WIN

Bjorn Deverill-Mathisen, CEO, Dataess

Conference session, , , All levels


Bjorn Deverill-Mathisen has over 15 years experience from the IT industry. His background is from various sales, marketing and management positions. His presentation will take you through the steps necessary to close the deal. It`s all about the winning strategy!


Bjorn Deverill-Mathisen has spent most of his career in the IT industry. He is known to be a great networker, a true sales and marketing professional and an inspiring and energetic leader. He loves to win, but acknowledges that it`s more to learn from losing.

Page 7: Conference sessions and abstracts

Bryn Llewellyn, PL/SQL enhancements brought by Oracle Database 12c

PL/SQL enhancements brought by Oracle Database 12c

Bryn Llewellyn, Distinguished Product Manager, ORACLE

Conference session, , , All levels


Oracle Database 12c brings PL/SQL enhancements in these categories: transparent performance improvements; new PL/SQL language features for better performance, new functionality, and improved programming usability; and new supplied package APIs. This session explains improvements in PL/SQL-to-SQL interoperability, improvements in how PL/SQL subprograms can be invoked from outside of the database, new constructs to improve modularization, and new APIs to assist tracing and the diagnosis of run-time errors. Other improvements are also described.


Bryn has worked in the software field for more than 30 years. He joined Oracle UK in 1990, at the European Development Center, to work in the Oracle Designer team. He transferred to the Oracle Text team and then into Consulting as the Text specialist for Europe. He relocated to Redwood Shores in 1996 to join the Oracle Text Technical Marketing Group. He has been the Product Manager for PL/SQL since 2001. In 2005, he took on the additional product management responsibility for the Oracle Database capabilities that support online application upgrade. (The main one of these is called edition-based redefinition – EBR for short.)

It's hard for Bryn to remember his life before Oracle. He started off doing image analysis and pattern recognition at Oxford University (programming in FORTRAN) and then worked in Oslo, first at the Norwegian Computing Center and then and in a startup. In Norway, Bryn programmed in Simula (its inventors were his close colleagues). This language is recognized the first object-oriented programming language and was the inspiration for Smalltalk and C++.

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Bryn Llewellyn, Simplify Consolidation with Oracle Database 12c

Simplify Consolidation with Oracle Database 12c

Bryn Llewellyn, Distinguished Product Manager, ORACLE

Conference session, , , All levels


Oracle Database 12c brings exciting new technology that lets you manage many databases as “one”, and lets you consolidate more databases onto a particular platform than otherwise would be possible. Oracle Multitenant allows very fast provisioning of a new database, or of a clone of an existing database, and very fast redeployment of an existing database to a new platform; and it introduces mechanisms for rapid patching and upgrade of the Oracle Database software. Moreover, it gives you secure separation of the duties of the administrators of each consolidated application's database. The session will explain how this new technology works.


Bryn has worked in the software field for more than 30 years. He joined Oracle UK in 1990, at the European Development Center, to work in the Oracle Designer team. He transferred to the Oracle Text team and then into Consulting as the Text specialist for Europe. He relocated to Redwood Shores in 1996 to join the Oracle Text Technical Marketing Group. He has been the Product Manager for PL/SQL since 2001. In 2005, he took on the additional product management responsibility for the Oracle Database capabilities that support online application upgrade. (The main one of these is called edition-based redefinition – EBR for short.)

It's hard for Bryn to remember his life before Oracle. He started off doing image analysis and pattern recognition at Oxford University (programming in FORTRAN) and then worked in Oslo, first at the Norwegian Computing Center and then and in a startup. In Norway, Bryn programmed in Simula (its inventors were his close colleagues). This language is recognized the first object-oriented programming language and was the inspiration for Smalltalk and C++.

Page 9: Conference sessions and abstracts

Craig Shallahamer, Understanding Oracle CPU Consumption: The Missing Link

Understanding Oracle CPU Consumption: The Missing Link

Craig Shallahamer, Oracle ACE Director , Founder & Chief Scientist, OraPub

Conference session, , , Intermediate


Oracle has the world's most advanced database wait time instrumentation. However, Oracle does not instrument CPU consumption. This presents the Oracle DBA with a tuning handicap because CPU consumption can be a significant component of response time. The unintentional result can be solutions with a wait time bias. In this session you will learn how to determine where Oracle is consuming CPU and how to use this in formulating targeted performance solutions. Now you will be able to effectively focus on reducing both CPU consumption and wait time.


Craig Shallahamer is a researcher, author, and teacher for 1000s of Oracle professionals. For over 20 years his focus has been Oracle performance analysis including firefighting and capacity planning. He is the founder and President of OraPub, an Oracle ACE Director, and regularly posts his newest research on his performance research blog, A Wider View. He can be reached at [email protected].

Page 10: Conference sessions and abstracts

Craig Shallahamer, Introduction to Time-Based Performance Analysis: Stop the guessing!

Introduction to Time-Based Performance Analysis: Stop the guessing!

Craig Shallahamer, Oracle ACE Director , Founder & Chief Scientist, OraPub

Conference session, , , Introductory


Oracle DBAs often unknowingly include emotion and folklore into their performance analysis. Unless you have a quantitative approach, your analysis will always be subjective. In this session you will learn how to set up and perform a time-based analysis. We will cover where to get performance data, how to construct your diagnosis framework and then how to derive targeted performance solutions. Now you will be able to truly remove the guessing from your performance work.


Craig Shallahamer is a researcher, author, and teacher for 1000s of Oracle professionals. For over 20 years his focus has been Oracle performance analysis including firefighting and capacity planning. He is the founder and President of OraPub, an Oracle ACE Director, and regularly posts his newest research on his performance research blog, A Wider View. He can be reached at [email protected].

Page 11: Conference sessions and abstracts

Dimitar Zahariev, Oracle BI Mobile (R)evolution

Oracle BI Mobile (R)evolution

Dimitar Zahariev, BI Consultant, BTS Ltd.

Conference session, , , All levels


The main objective of this session is to see how the process of creating BI content for mobile devices has been affected by the new functionalities introduced in the latest version ( of the platform. For this purpose, the presentation material will be divided in two. The first part will be a brief overview of the way we have been creating and distributing BI content for mobile devices so far. The second part will be dedicated exclusively to what's new in the latest version. We'll emphasize on the practical aspect of BI by demonstrating how the new features work with real-life examples.


Works as a BI Consultant. Enthusiastic about everything related to BI and virtualization.

Page 12: Conference sessions and abstracts

Doichin Yordanov, Oracle++ : Data Complexity meets Polyglot Persistence

Oracle++ : Data Complexity meets Polyglot Persistence

Doichin Yordanov, OCP, Staff Engineer, VMware

Conference session, , , Intermediate


In the past 20-30 years the persistence industry has been in a steady state. Requirements did not change dramatically: data limited by storage, location limited by networking, apps with homogeneous requirements. A reasonable RDBMS alone was sufficient and Oracle RBMDS was the perfect match.

In the recent years, due to improvements in technology, changes started appearing. Cheap commodity hardware and Internet imposed global networking. Application scale exploded, so did the data requirements: relationships, formats and data use-cases evolved, often into mutually contradictory ones. RDBMS alone is no longer suitable of handling all use cases.

Number of persistence solutions appeared to fill the niche: Key/Value Stores such as Oracle's Berkley DB, Document Stores such as Oracle XML DB, Graph Databases, etc, each able to solve only particular subset of the problem space. A single DB just could no more satisfy all requirements. Polyglot Persistence is a new persistence paradigm that combines multiple DB technologies to solve complex data requirements. Polyglot Persistence is inevitable for modern applications, as is inevitable the use of metal alloys in modern industry.

We will review the challenges for developers using the Polyglot Persistence paradigm and how they can be mitigated. Come to this talk to see in action the industry first polyglot persistence framework - Virtual Data Orchestrator (vDO). You will see how vDO enhances the consistency and robustness of Oracle RDBMS with the scalability, availability and flexibility of other NoSQL solutions to meet complex requirements, significantly decreasing the development and administration effort..


14 years of intensive experience in all aspects of data management and OO design. Focus on highly scalable enterprise persistence architectures. Technical lead in several VMware vSphere™ core service(s). Virtual Persistence inventor - a method for abstracting the complexity of polyglot persistence..

Page 13: Conference sessions and abstracts

Georgi Kodinov, Under the hood: analyzing MySQL performance with PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA

Under the hood: analyzing MySQL performance with PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA

Georgi Kodinov, Senior Software Development Manager, ORACLE

Conference session, , , Intermediate


The PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA is a powerful tool that can analyze how a MySQL server performs, what's taking all the time in query execution, how is a query executed, how are the disk and other resources used, is there any unused indexes etc.

This session explains the philosophy behind the PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA instruments suite, shows the available instruments and provides some examples on how they can be used to analyze query performance.


Georgi "Joro" Kodinov started as a MySQL developer in 2006. He's currently a team lead for the MySQL Server General Team. The team handles mysql security, performance monitoring, GIS and client tools. Georgi works out of his home office in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

Page 14: Conference sessions and abstracts

Graham Wood, Is Your Middle Tier Making My Database Look Bad?

Is Your Middle Tier Making My Database Look Bad?

Graham Wood, OAK Table, Architect , ORACLE

Conference session, , , All levels


One of the biggest issues that Oracle's Real World Performance Group runs into on a regular basis is system that are configured with many times the number of sessions that they need. This session will provide guidelines for dealing with the issue, or at least limiting the damage that can be caused.


Graham Wood is an architect in the database development group based in Redwood Shores. He currently works in the Real World Performance Group working both internally and with some of Oracle's largest customer on building high performance, scalable systems.

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Graham Wood, The ASHes of Database Time

The ASHes of Database Time

Graham Wood, OAK Table, Architect , ORACLE

Conference session, , , All levels


Active Session History is sampled performance data that allows us to get very detailed information about what is happening in an Oracle database system. It is the underlying technology of the Top Activity and SQL Monitor screens and the new ASH Analytics. This session will describe how ASH works and how to use the resulting data.


Graham Wood is an architect in the database development group based in Redwood Shores. He currently works in the Real World Performance Group working both internally and with some of Oracle's largest customer on building high performance, scalable systems.

Page 16: Conference sessions and abstracts

Gregory Guillou, Extend Oracle Linux Features for Oracle VM 3.x

Extend Oracle Linux Features for Oracle VM 3.x

Gregory Guillou, OCP, OCM, Consultant, Easyteam

Conference session, , , Intermediate


Oracle VM Templating and Host/Guest Bidirectectional Messages allow to interact between the Manager CLI and your Linux Guests. They push server virtualization one step further to manage platform components and applications as well. This session starts with key concepts and ends up explaining how to extend Oracle VM guest features and how to interact with them from the management server.


For more than 13 years, Gregory has been working with large scale Oracle database and middleware environments. Ex-Oracle and Certified Master, his technical skills are dedicated to end-to-end performance, problem resolution and infrastructure security. Involved with Information Systems relying on hundreds of Oracle software, he also provides organisation consultancy for production, test/validation and development teams involved with Oracle. Co-founder of The ArKZoYd Company bought by Easyteam in 2013, he is one of the top contributors of and its twitter @ArKZoYd.

Page 17: Conference sessions and abstracts

Gregory Guillou, Oracle UEK3 DTrace for Linux SysAdmins and DBAs

Oracle UEK3 DTrace for Linux SysAdmins and DBAs

Gregory Guillou, OCP, OCM, Consultant, Easyteam

Conference session, , , Intermediate


When it comes to troubleshooting and investigating performance in production, Solaris is, by far, the best platform on the market. Thank all to its Dynamic Tracing abilities! For a few months now, Oracle has started to port DTrace to its Linux Enterprise Kernel and we can bet it will change the way Linux Sysadmin and Oracle DBAs manages issues in the future.

This demonstration is a practical overview of what is DTrace on Linux. It digs into how it works, what can be done and how or why to enrich programs with custom probes. It explores what is already available as well as the limits of the current beta implementation. A good way to jump start to one of the most expected Linux Next Gen Tools..


For more than 13 years, Gregory has been working with large scale Oracle database and middleware environments. Ex-Oracle and Certified Master, his technical skills are dedicated to end-to-end performance, problem resolution and infrastructure security. Involved with Information Systems relying on hundreds of Oracle software, he also provides organisation consultancy for production, test/validation and development teams involved with Oracle. Co-founder of The ArKZoYd Company bought by Easyteam in 2013, he is one of the top contributors of and its twitter @ArKZoYd.

Page 18: Conference sessions and abstracts

Joze Senegacnik, Query Transformations Revisited

Query Transformations Revisited

Joze Senegacnik, Oracle ACE Director , Oracle ACE , OAK Table, DBProf

Conference session, , , All levels


Query transformations are actually so called logical optimization which is done before the Cost Based Optimizer performs the physical optimization. In latest database releases Oracle introduced new transformations to boost the performance of certain SQL statements. In this presentation we will discuss most of the transformations and also what is new in version 12c.


Jože Senegacnik has more than 24 years of experience in working with Oracle products. He began in 1988 with Oracle Database version 4 while working for the City of Ljubljana, where he had charge over the city's municipal and geographic information systems. From 1993 to 2003, he worked in developing GIS systems for the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia, and in the development of applications for other governmental institutions, all based on the Oracle database. More recently, he has specialized in performance optimization, having developed his own toolset for monitoring performance and analyzing trace files.

Joze is an internationally recognized speaker, and a member of the highly respected OakTable Network ( He was awarded Oracle ACE and Oracle ACE Director membership for his long record of positive contributions to the Oracle community.

Page 19: Conference sessions and abstracts

Joze Senegacnik, Round table discussion over beers: About Performance Optimization Or Does My Application Need Performance Tuning On Exadata?

Round table discussion over beers: About Performance Optimization Or Does My Application Need Performance Tuning On Exadata?

Joze Senegacnik, Oracle ACE Director , Oracle ACE , OAK Table, DBProf

Round table discussion, , , All levels


If you are interested in general discussion about the performance optimization or you are planning to run on Exadata or you will stay on existing platform for a while, then you should attend this roundtable and share with others your experience or problems.


Jože Senegacnik has more than 24 years of experience in working with Oracle products. He began in 1988 with Oracle Database version 4 while working for the City of Ljubljana, where he had charge over the city's municipal and geographic information systems. From 1993 to 2003, he worked in developing GIS systems for the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia, and in the development of applications for other governmental institutions, all based on the Oracle database. More recently, he has specialized in performance optimization, having developed his own toolset for monitoring performance and analyzing trace files.

Joze is an internationally recognized speaker, and a member of the highly respected OakTable Network ( He was awarded Oracle ACE and Oracle ACE Director membership for his long record of positive contributions to the Oracle community.

Page 20: Conference sessions and abstracts

Joze Senegacnik, What is new in the Cost Based Optimizer in Oracle 12c

What is new in the Cost Based Optimizer in Oracle 12c

Joze Senegacnik, Oracle ACE Director , Oracle ACE , OAK Table, DBProf

Conference session, , , All levels


This session will be focused on new features in the Cost Based Optimizer which were introduced in the Oracle Database 12c.


Jože Senegacnik has more than 24 years of experience in working with Oracle products. He began in 1988 with Oracle Database version 4 while working for the City of Ljubljana, where he had charge over the city's municipal and geographic information systems. From 1993 to 2003, he worked in developing GIS systems for the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia, and in the development of applications for other governmental institutions, all based on the Oracle database. More recently, he has specialized in performance optimization, having developed his own toolset for monitoring performance and analyzing trace files.

Joze is an internationally recognized speaker, and a member of the highly respected OakTable Network ( He was awarded Oracle ACE and Oracle ACE Director membership for his long record of positive contributions to the Oracle community.

Page 21: Conference sessions and abstracts

Julian Dontcheff, DBA Best Practices for Performance Tuning in a Pluggable World

DBA Best Practices for Performance Tuning in a Pluggable World

Julian Dontcheff, OCP, OCM, Oracle ACE Director , Oracle ACE , Head of Database Management, Accenture

Conference session, , , All levels


An Oracle CDB has the ability to have up to 252 PDBs. Performance tuning a CDB is not much different that in a classical database but there are several things a DBA should take into consideration from performance point of view. The presentation covers the best practices for DBAs including tuning and configuration tips.


First Oracle Certified Master in Europe, Oracle ACE Director, more than 20 years of database experience.

Page 22: Conference sessions and abstracts

Kai Yu, Achieving Availability and Scalability with Oracle 12c Flex Clusters/Flex ASM

Achieving Availability and Scalability with Oracle 12c Flex Clusters/Flex ASM

Kai Yu, ACE director , Sr. Principal Engineer, Dell

Conference session, , , All levels


Reliability, Availability, and Scalability (RAS) is becoming even more paramount now that application consolidation has become a key initiative in the data center. With Oracle Database 12c, Clusterware enables in the adherence to RAS. Flex Clusters along with Flex ASM enable database and application clusters to not only scale further horizontally, but also drive faster agility/ elasticity as the business demand changes. Along with these advantages, Oracle Database 12c Flex Clusters also inherently drives higher resource utilization. In this session attendees will learn the essentials of Flex Clusters and Flex ASM, understand business benefits and showcase the Flex Clusters/ Flex ASM deployment process and their management practices.


Kai Yu is the senior principal engineer and technologist in Dell Oracle Solutions Engineering Lab. Kai has been working with Oracle Technology as an Oracle DBA/Apps DBA and solutions architect since 1995 by specializing in Oracle RAC, Oracle Virtualization and Cloud Solutions and Oracle E-Business Suite Applications with extensive knowledge and experiences on IT infrastructure such as X86 servers, SAN storage system, networking and Linux. He is the author of many Oracle technical whitepapers and a frequent speakers at major oracle technology conferences around the World such as Oracle OpenWorld, Oracle Architect Day, Collaborates, UKOUG, EMEA OUG Harmony and OUG Norway Conference, etc. Kai served as IOUG Oracle RAC SIG president and two other Chair positions in 2008-2012 and IOUG Collaborate conference commitee. Kai is a co-founder of IOUG Cloud and Virtualization SIG. Kai was awarded the Oracle ACE Director rank in April 2010 and was selected as Oracle ACE spotlight in June 2011, and featured in Oracle Magazine Sept/Oct 2010 issue. In April 2011 Kai received the 2011 OAUG Innovator of Year award. In 2012, Kai received the 2012 Oracle Excellence Award: Technologist of the Year: Cloud Architect by Oracle Magazine. Kai has been active in sharing his Oracle knowledge

on his Oracle blog Currently Kai is co-authoring a new Apress book “Expert Oracle RAC12c” which is scheduled to publish in August 2013, with three other fellow Oracle ACE Directors.

Page 23: Conference sessions and abstracts

Kai Yu, Ensure HA in Database Cloud with Oracle Database 12c: What to do and how to do it

Ensure HA in Database Cloud with Oracle Database 12c: What to do and how to do it

Kai Yu, ACE director , Sr. Principal Engineer, Dell

Conference session, , , All levels


Today as more and more IT organizations look ways to consolidate databases, database cloud model is being increasingly adapted. Hosting many databases with different SLAs, high availability becomes extremely critical to a database cloud. This session will discuss how to design and implement such a database cloud infrastructure to meet SLAs. It will cover the architecture design options to ensure HA of the entire stack. This presentation will also discuss how to leverage some of Oracle 12c HA database features including Application Continuity and Transaction Guard to ensure application HA; Flex ASM/ASM rolling upgrade to avoid DB downtime by ASM; Oracle Clusterware troubleshooting using newly enhanced 12c Cluster Heath Monitor (CHM).


Kai Yu is the senior principal engineer and technologist in Dell Oracle Solutions Engineering Lab. Kai has been working with Oracle Technology as an Oracle DBA/Apps DBA and solutions architect since 1995 by specializing in Oracle RAC, Oracle Virtualization and Cloud Solutions and Oracle E-Business Suite Applications with extensive knowledge and experiences on IT infrastructure such as X86 servers, SAN storage system, networking and Linux. He is the author of many Oracle technical whitepapers and a frequent speakers at major oracle technology conferences around the World such as Oracle OpenWorld, Oracle Architect Day, Collaborates, UKOUG, EMEA OUG Harmony and OUG Norway Conference, etc. Kai served as IOUG Oracle RAC SIG president and two other Chair positions in 2008-2012 and IOUG Collaborate conference commitee. Kai is a co-founder of IOUG Cloud and Virtualization SIG. Kai was awarded the Oracle ACE Director rank in April 2010 and was selected as Oracle ACE spotlight in June 2011, and featured in Oracle Magazine Sept/Oct 2010 issue. In April 2011 Kai received the 2011 OAUG Innovator of Year award. In 2012, Kai received the 2012 Oracle Excellence Award: Technologist of the Year: Cloud Architect by Oracle Magazine. Kai has been active in sharing his Oracle knowledge

on his Oracle blog Currently Kai is co-authoring a new Apress book “Expert Oracle RAC12c” which is scheduled to publish in August 2013, with three other fellow Oracle ACE Directors.

Page 24: Conference sessions and abstracts

Kuassi Mensah, Java Performance, Scalability, Availability & Security with Oracle Database12c

Java Performance, Scalability, Availability & Security with Oracle Database12c

Kuassi Mensah, Director, Product Management, ORACLE

Conference session, , , Experienced


How would you share a single connection pool across multiple pluggable databases?

Did you ever run into connection issues while attempting to deploy Java applications with tens of thousands of concurrent users?

Have you ever experienced paying twice the same flight ticket or buying twice the same article online?

If you are a Java architect, Java programmer/designer or database developer looking to exploit new Oracle database 12c enhancements in the areas of performance, scalability, availability, security and manageability/ease-of-use, then this is the session for you.

This technical session discusses new Java capabilities in Oracle database 12c including: support for the latest Java standards (JDBC 4.1, JDK 7), the new multitenant architecture, Application Continuity & Transaction Guard, Database Resident Connection Pool, Global Data Service, new SQL types, and the SQL Translator Framework for translating foreign SQL dialects for the Oracle SQL engine.

The session will also discuss deprecated and desupported Java features as of Oracle database 12c.


Kuassi Mensah is Director of Product Management, for Oracle Data Access Services including In-Database MapReduce, Net Services, Java in the database, JDBC, C/C++, PHP, Ruby, Python and Perl. Mr Mensah holds a MS and post graduate in Computer Sciences from the Programming Institute of University of Paris VI. He is is a frequent speaker at IT events and has published several articles and a book Blog

Page 25: Conference sessions and abstracts

Kuassi Mensah, In-Database MapReduce for DBAs and Developers, using SQL and Hadoop

In-Database MapReduce for DBAs and Developers, using SQL and Hadoop

Kuassi Mensah, Director, Product Management, ORACLE

Conference session, , , Intermediate


Big data is a multi phases process including:

(i) a MapReduce phase using complex algorithms or pattern matching techniques for analyzing/reducing data then,

(ii) a DataMining or DataWareHousing phase using BI tools and SQL queries.

A part from Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Linkedin and the likes, the primary Big Data source is

transactional data in RDBMS (i.e., sales records, financial records, medical records, call records, intelligence data, etc).

To analyze data residing in RDBMS using MapReduce techniques, you either ship it to external infrastructure,

process it then ship back the results for the DataMining phase, or bring MapReduce to RDBMS.

Shipping data to external infrastructure has operational, security and data correctness issues.

This session presents Oracle In-database MapReduce which allows developers to implement MapReduce jobs which

run directly in the database, using SQL Pattern Matching or Hadoop, Mahout or R, while leveraging Oracle database services such as Enterprise-class security. DBAs will not need to learn new skills (Hadoop) for scheduling and administering MapReduce jobs.

The session also discusses Oracle In-Database MapReduce integration with Oracle Big Data Solution.


Kuassi Mensah is Director of Product Management, for Oracle Data Access Services including In-Database MapReduce, Net Services, Java in the database, JDBC, C/C++, PHP, Ruby, Python and Perl. Mr Mensah holds a MS and post graduate in Computer Sciences from the Programming Institute of University of Paris VI. He is is a frequent speaker at IT events and has published several articles and a book Blog

Page 26: Conference sessions and abstracts

Marc Sewtz, Mobile Development with Oracle Application Express 5.0

Mobile Development with Oracle Application Express 5.0

Marc Sewtz, Senior Software Development Manager, ORACLE

Conference session, , , All levels


Mobile and tablet devices have become an important part of today’s business. With over 70 percent of organizations already using or planning to use custom mobile apps, companies can no longer afford to stand on the sidelines and need to adopt a mobile strategy now. Oracle Application Express provides customers with powerful tools to quickly and efficiently build mobile Web apps and extend existing desktop apps for mobile use. Oracle Application Express 5.0 further expands the number of mobile development features by adopting the latest release of jQuery Mobile and introducing a user interface specifically designed for tablet use. This session provides an overview of the mobile development capabilities available in APEX 5.0, you’ll learn about responsive tables, the use of panels, new item types and how to extend your existing Desktop-centric APEX applications for mobile use.


Marc Sewtz is a Senior Software Development Manager for Oracle Application Express (APEX) in the Database Tools Group. Marc has 18 years of industry experience, including roles in Consulting, Sales, and Product Development. Marc joined Oracle in 1998, works in New York City and manages a global team of APEX developers and product managers. Marc and his team are responsible for product features such as Mobile Development, User Interface Design, Oracle Forms conversion, Reporting, Tabular Forms, PDF printing and the integration with BI Publisher. Marc has a Master's degree in Computer Science from the University of Applied Sciences in Wedel, Germany.

Page 27: Conference sessions and abstracts

Marc Sewtz, Oracle Application Express 5.0

Oracle Application Express 5.0

Marc Sewtz, Senior Software Development Manager, ORACLE

Conference session, , , All levels


Oracle Application Express (Oracle APEX) is a declarative, rapid web application development tool for the Oracle database. It is a fully supported, no cost option available with all editions of the Oracle database. Attend this session to get insight into the features being developed for the next major release, Oracle Application Express 5.0. A new page designer and drag & drop form layout editor will make development with APEX easier and more productive, new user interface themes and navigation lists will allow for building modern and responsive HTML5 applications and enhanced mobile capabilities will ensure support for a wide variety of devices, including smartphones and tablets.


Marc Sewtz is a Senior Software Development Manager for Oracle Application Express (APEX) in the Database Tools Group. Marc has 18 years of industry experience, including roles in Consulting, Sales, and Product Development. Marc joined Oracle in 1998, works in New York City and manages a global team of APEX developers and product managers. Marc and his team are responsible for product features such as Mobile Development, User Interface Design, Oracle Forms conversion, Reporting, Tabular Forms, PDF printing and the integration with BI Publisher. Marc has a Master's degree in Computer Science from the University of Applied Sciences in Wedel, Germany.

Page 28: Conference sessions and abstracts

Marc Sewtz, Top 10 Oracle SQL Developer Tips and Tricks

Top 10 Oracle SQL Developer Tips and Tricks

Marc Sewtz, Senior Software Development Manager, ORACLE

Conference session, , , All levels


More than two and a half million people use Oracle SQL Developer, but how many of them are really getting the most out of the tool? Oracle SQL Developer’s primary purpose is to save developers and DBAs time and energy without getting in their way. In this interactive session, see the most popular features and productivity tips a product manager has accumulated. All attendees are guaranteed to pick up two or three new techniques that will improve their Oracle Database experience.


Marc Sewtz is a Senior Software Development Manager for Oracle Application Express (APEX) in the Database Tools Group. Marc has 18 years of industry experience, including roles in Consulting, Sales, and Product Development. Marc joined Oracle in 1998, works in New York City and manages a global team of APEX developers and product managers. Marc and his team are responsible for product features such as Mobile Development, User Interface Design, Oracle Forms conversion, Reporting, Tabular Forms, PDF printing and the integration with BI Publisher. Marc has a Master's degree in Computer Science from the University of Applied Sciences in Wedel, Germany.

Page 29: Conference sessions and abstracts

Marcin Przepiorowski, Data Guard - implementation tips

Data Guard - implementation tips

Marcin Przepiorowski, OCP, Oracle ACE , OAK Table, Senior DBA / Consultant, Version 1

Conference session, , , All levels


Oracle Data Guard is a one of the best solutions to keep your database online. In this presentation you will learn how to set it up in different configurations and where you have to put more attention to avoid performance or availability problems. In addition to that, the following topics will be explained: FastStart Failover option, DG monitoring and application integration. Oracle 12c Data Guard Far Sync will be covered as well.


Marcin started his Oracle DBA activities in 2000. For the last 6 years he is working as Senior Oracle DBA and Consultant for many various customers. Marcin is an Oracle trainer too working with different customers as consultant or working for Polish education company Altkom Akademia. He’s specializations are performance bottlenecks (using end-to-end approach and all available monitoring possibility including Oracle Wait Interface) and high availability solutions (like Oracle Parallel Server 8i, Oracle Real Application Cluster 9i,10g,11g and Oracle DataGuard/Standby since Oracle 8i).

Page 30: Conference sessions and abstracts

Marcin Przepiorowski, Performance monitoring in SQL*Plus using AWR and analytic functions

Performance monitoring in SQL*Plus using AWR and analytic functions

Marcin Przepiorowski, OCP, Oracle ACE , OAK Table, Senior DBA / Consultant, Version 1

Conference session, , , Intermediate


SQL*Plus is still very popular tool for DBA to access Oracle Database. Together with AWR and ASH repository it can be transformed to powerful diagnostic tool. This presentation will show how to use tables and views provided by Oracle Diagnostic pack to get information not available in easy way in graphic form. In addition to that some Oracle analytic functions will be presented so DBA can learn how to use it in day by day activity.


Marcin started his Oracle DBA activities in 2000. For the last 6 years he is working as Senior Oracle DBA and Consultant for many various customers. Marcin is an Oracle trainer too working with different customers as consultant or working for Polish education company Altkom Akademia. He’s specializations are performance bottlenecks (using end-to-end approach and all available monitoring possibility including Oracle Wait Interface) and high availability solutions (like Oracle Parallel Server 8i, Oracle Real Application Cluster 9i,10g,11g and Oracle DataGuard/Standby since Oracle 8i).

Page 31: Conference sessions and abstracts

Oyvind Isene, Working as an Oracle DBA with minimal effort

Working as an Oracle DBA with minimal effort

Oyvind Isene, OCP, Consultant, Bicon

Conference session, , , Introductory


Tired of all the hype? Just want to get your job done and go home? This presentation is about the most mature database on the market and how you can survive in the job as a DBA without wasting your time. It will show you where to put your efforts and what are bad practices to avoid. A presentation for beginners based on experience. It will touch various subjects as backup/recovery, tuning and working with developers.


Oyvind Isene has been working as a DBA and DBA consultant for several years. Focus has been on optimization also known as tuning on the Oracle database. Substantial time has been spent on troubleshooting, helping developers with using the database better, migrations, routines for backup and recovery, and database security. He is also on the board of the Oracle User Group Norway (OUGN) and spends much of his time in contact with other peers in the Oracle community around the world.

Page 32: Conference sessions and abstracts

Peter Scott, An Oracle Warehouse Builder Developer's Guide to Oracle Data Integrator

An Oracle Warehouse Builder Developer's Guide to Oracle Data Integrator

Peter Scott, Principal Consultant, Rittman Mead

Conference session, , , All levels


Oracle Warehouse Builder (OWB) is nearing the end of its lifespan. Oracle's preferred tool for ETL development is now Oracle Data Integrator (ODI). This presentation looks introduces the features of ODI and how they differ from those in OWB. Strategies to migrate from OWB to ODI will be presented.


Peter has been working on terabyte scale data warehouses since the late 1990s and has been working with Rittman Mead since the company was launched. He is an expert in Data warehouse design and ETL processes with many years experience of ODI and OWB. When not providing a consulting service to customers, Peter writes on BI matters for the Rittman Mead blog and presents at conferences in Europe and North America.

Page 33: Conference sessions and abstracts

Philip Stoyanov, Dimensional Modeling in Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler

Dimensional Modeling in Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler

Philip Stoyanov, Senior software development manager, ORACLE

Conference session, , , All levels


Dimensional model complements logical (ER) and relational models with additional semantic layer. Presentation will go through process of creating dimensional model in Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler.


In software development since 1982. Current position - Senior software development manger for Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler.

Page 34: Conference sessions and abstracts

Radu Parvu, PL/SQL Tuning with hierarchical profiler and other techniques

PL/SQL Tuning with hierarchical profiler and other techniques

Radu Parvu, Manager, Accenture

Conference session, , , All levels


PL/SQL Hierarchical Profiler

configuring the schema

collecting profiler data

understanding and interpreting the profiler data

using the plshprof utility A few other optimizer techniques


keep critical code into the SGA

quick best practices (avoid procedural code, use triggers with care and only for small code, avoid type conversions etc.)


Radu has over 12 years of experience in various database projects (mainly Oracle but other DBMS, too). Radu holds License (one degree over Bachelor) of Engineering in Technological Physics from University of Bucharest.

Database Expertise:

Data migrations, database upgrades, backups, cloning and recovery

Oracle installation, configuration, patching and database tuning

Data Replication: Golden Gate, Advanced and materialized view replication, Oracle streams

Very large databases and Enterprise Manager Grid Control (OEM 12c Cloud Control)

HA: Real Application Clusters & Oracle Data Guard

Database design, Master data management, Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing: Exadata

ETL data: export/import, SQL*Loader and Oracle Data Pump

MAA and DR: Maximum Availability Architecture and Disaster Recovery

Speaker at OUG Finland, Frequent Speaker at Accenture Finland Oracle Community Sessions, Speaker for the Accenture WorldWide Oracle Community of Practice, DB related blog:

Page 35: Conference sessions and abstracts

Robyn Sands, Why Solid SQL Still Delivers the Best ROI

Why Solid SQL Still Delivers the Best ROI

Robyn Sands, OAK Table, Software Engineer, ORACLE

Conference session, , , All levels


This session focuses on identifying problems with SQL statements and shows how to deliver true real-world performance gains without resorting to random hacking and guesses. Hidden within the Oracle Database Development team, the Real World Performance team focuses on your database performance. Combining knowledge of how the database is designed to be used with experience with how it is actually used, this session aims to bring a new perspective on how to get the best performance from your database. Expect healthy amounts of humor, irreverence, pragmatism, and passion for database performance as we discuss what many Oracle users fail to appreciate and where the big gains are.


Robyn Sands is a software engineer on Oracle's Real-World Performance team. She has been working with Oracle since 1996, and has extensive experience in application development, large system implementations, and performance measurement. Robyn began her career in industrial and quality engineering, and has combined her prior education and experience with her love of data by searching for new ways to build database systems with consistent performance and minimal maintenance requirements. She is a member of the OakTable Network and co-author of three books: Expert Oracle Practices, Expert PL/SQL and Pro Oracle SQL.

Page 36: Conference sessions and abstracts

Roel Hartman, My First Mobi : Starting Mobile Development with APEX

My First Mobi : Starting Mobile Development with APEX

Roel Hartman, Oracle ACE Director , Director, APEX Evangelists

Conference session, , , Introductory


With the release of APEX 4.2 we can develop applications for mobile devices like we've never done before. In this session you will learn (and see) how to develop an application that doesn't only look awesome, but is also full of functionality. Forms, Reports, transitions, etc. : After this session you can build everything you've seen in a native application yourself!


Roel is a very experienced Oracle Software Architect. He started about 20 years ago using Oracle RDBMS 5, Oracle Forms 2.3, RPT/RPF and Oracle*Case 4.5. Since a few years he focuses mainly on Oracle Application Express. Roel has been a speaker on UKOUG, OOW, Collaborate, ODTUG's KSCOPE and a number of local Oracle User Groups. He is an active participant of the Oracle APEX Forum and keeps an (APEX-related) blog on In June 2009 Roel received an Oracle ACE award and in August 2010 he's appointed as Oracle ACE Director. Roel is a co-writer of the "Expert Oracle Application Express" and "Oracle Application Express for Mobile Web Applications" books. Roel is Director at APEX Evangelists in The Netherlands.

Page 37: Conference sessions and abstracts

Roel Hartman, The best of both worlds : Going hybrid with Oracle Application Express

The best of both worlds : Going hybrid with Oracle Application Express

Roel Hartman, Oracle ACE Director , Director, APEX Evangelists

Conference session, , , Intermediate


According to Gartner in 2015 50% of all mobile applications will be hybrid. So it is the right time to jump on the bandwagon and start building hybrid mobile applications yourself. And you don't need to know Java, Object C, C++ or other "strange" languages. Using Oracle Application Express and PhoneGap / Cordova you can create awesome looking and functioning near-to-native applications. In this sessions you will learn how to do it and what it takes. And of course the session will contain a lot of demo!


Roel is a very experienced Oracle Software Architect. He started about 20 years ago using Oracle RDBMS 5, Oracle Forms 2.3, RPT/RPF and Oracle*Case 4.5. Since a few years he focuses mainly on Oracle Application Express. Roel has been a speaker on UKOUG, OOW, Collaborate, ODTUG's KSCOPE and a number of local Oracle User Groups. He is an active participant of the Oracle APEX Forum and keeps an (APEX-related) blog on In June 2009 Roel received an Oracle ACE award and in August 2010 he's appointed as Oracle ACE Director. Roel is a co-writer of the "Expert Oracle Application Express" and "Oracle Application Express for Mobile Web Applications" books. Roel is Director at APEX Evangelists in The Netherlands.