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Page 2: Conference Schedule - Amazon S3Notebook.pdfThe BEST Test: Trying going gluten free! Getting Started: • Make the commitment to be 100% gluten free for at least 2 months. - What if

Conference Schedule

Tuesday, October 07, 2014






Session #1: What is a Homemaker

Session #2: Real Life Homeschooling

Session #3: Biblical Motherhood – A Heart to Heart

Session #4: Gluten-Free 101: Essential Guide for Homemakers

Session #5: Keeping Marriages Strong & Growing

Wednesday, October 08, 2014

11:00AM Session #6: Decluttering – Tips and Tricks that Work In ANY Home

1:00PM Session #7: Prioritizing Time with God

3:00PM Session #8: Organizing the Many Facets of Mom

5:00PM Session #9: Practicing Hospitality: The Biblical Art of Serving Others

Thursday, October 09, 2014

11:00AM Session #10: A Recipe for a Thriving Marriage

1:00PM Session #11: Making Healthy Choices in Your Home

3:00PM Session #12: The Benefits of Simple Homemaking Routines

5:00PM Session #13: Getting Your Kids Involved in Chores

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What does it mean to be a homemaker and how can we glorify God within

our role?

I want to challenge you to think outside the box a little when it comes to being

a homemaker. I don’t think that a homemaker is something you become, but

rather, something that you are.

You don’t have to be a wife or a mom to be a homemaker:

Knowing how to be a “Good” homemaker:

Learning how to be a more efficient and effective homemaker:

Let things go:

Become more disciplined:

Learn from other women:

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I came into motherhood with a load of confidence, energy, and

expectations. It has taken me years (and a few difficulties) to learn that

what God truly desires and requires of my life is not perfection.

Here is a look at what God does desire for me as a homeschooling


“Let thine eyes look right on, and let thine eyelids look straight before thee. Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established. Turn not to the right hand nor to the left.”

Proverbs 4:25-27

Common distractions for moms: hobbies, work, friends, ministry,

social media, comparison

Priorities determine our focus!

Inconsistencies in parenting will make our load so much heavier as

homeschooling moms!

Take time to train your children on a daily basis. Homeschooling is

not just “school”… it is life training!

Recommended resource: Educating the Wholehearted Child, by Clay &

Sally Clarkson

Comparison will rob your joy, contentment, and sense of

accomplishment as a homeschooling mom.

Focus on glorifying God with the talents, time and resources He has

given you.

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Recommended resource: Choosing Gratitude, by Nancy Leigh Demoss

Cultivating strong relationships with our children is more important

than finishing a text book or checking off an academic to-do list.

Become a student of your children and ask God to show you the keys

to their hearts.

Recommended resource: The 5 Love Languages of Children, by Gary


“The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be

safe.” Proverbs 29:25

Recognize pride for what it is: a snare and a bondage.

Don’t let insecurity keep you lonely. Reach out and be real!

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What is Biblical Motherhood?

God’s Vision for our Motherhood:

Motherhood is spiritual:

Biblical motherhood isn’t about formulas, it’s about FOCUS:

Is God truly first in your life?

At what points in the day are you praying?

Training Your Kids in Serving

Say YES to your role as a mother: Taking Action

Our purpose is first found in HIM!

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Questions We’ll Answers:

• What is Gluten-Free? Is it just a fad?

• Should I consider it for myself? My family?

• How do I get started?

• What challenges should I anticipate?

Wheat and Bread in the Bible

• Wheat and bread are talked about in numerous places in the Bible.

• God does not make any claims about the nutritional superiority of wheat.

• The wheat available today is very different than that of ancient times.

How has Wheat Changed?

• Treated with irradiation.

• More gluten proteins.

• Less mineral content.

• Grown with pesticides.

Why Gluten Free?

The New England Journal of Medicine says there are 55 diseases that

could potentially be caused by eating Gluten.

It’s not Just the Gluten

• The gluten proteins in wheat are not the only problem.

• Anti-Nutrients: something that interferes with the absorption and

assimilation of nutrients.

- Gluten

- Lectins

- Phytates

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Testing for Gluten Intolerance

• Scratch and intradermal testing

• Antibody testing

• HLA-DQ: Genetic Testing

• Intestinal Biopsy

• Saliva and Blood tests via Cryex Laboratories The Problem with Testing

• Invasive

• Expensive

• False Negatives

The BEST Test: Trying going gluten free!

Getting Started:

• Make the commitment to be 100% gluten free for at least 2 months.

- What if you fall off the wagon?

- Get back on and reset the clock for 2 months.

• Clean out your pantry.

- Give food you can’t eat to friends or family.

- Donate unopened food to a food pantry

• Stay away from pre-packaged “gluten-free” junk food.

• Stick with whole foods.

• Give yourself time to get used to the new food.

Prepare for Challenges

• Get your family on board.

- Research and know why this is important to you.

- Make a list of improvements you’d like to see in different family


• Be prepared to deal with criticism from friends and family members.

• Cravings - expect them.

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• Pitfalls of eating out.

• How to make the gluten-free lifestyle work with your budget.

Have Questions? Need Help?

• Resources and information references in this presentation:

• Join our Weeding out Wheat facebook group:

Grab our book Weeding Out Wheat: A Simple,

Scientific, Faith-Based Guide. Available as a PDF

Download or on Amazon in Paperback.

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Marriages are falling apart all over the world. And Christian marriages

aren’t exempt from this tragic fate. With a quick look at our Facebook feed

all of us are sure to see this trend. And it’s sad, so sad.

Our goal: to have a marriage filled with the spirit.

When we are filled with the spirit, we don’t fight for what we want. We fight

to submit to God, and to submit to one another as he commanded us to


Ephesians 5 vs 22: Wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands.

Ephesians 5 vs 25: Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church

and gave himself up for her.

We’re two halves to one whole – and we each have our roles. But without

love, I mean saturating our relationship in love – those two halves can’t do

what they are designed to do. When a marriage relationship is saturated in

such love, it just melts and molds together perfectly – with mutual love and


To understand and fulfil Gods design for marriage we must be filled with

the sprit.

Set goals for your marriage

Spending time together

Date night ideas

o Game night

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o Movie night

o Catch the sunrise

o Talk all night

Continue to work on building your marriage

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What is your Personal Clutter Threshold?

The Visibility Rule

How to Get Started Even When You Don’t Know Where to Start

Two (ONLY Two!) Decluttering Questions:

Decluttering Question #1:

Decluttering Question #2:


Decluttering Momentum

O.P – The Biggest Struggle in Your Quest for a Clean Home

For blog posts explaining and showing these concepts in action, go to:

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If we want a Bible-centered home, we must first prioritize the health of our personal

relationship with God. Everything else will flow from the central discipline of daily time

with God.

Do you want to bear good fruit as a homemaker?

In John 15:4-5 Jesus says, “Remain in me, as I also remain in you.

No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither

can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. ‘I am the vine; you are

the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much

fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.’”

Depth with God is available to YOU.

Daily time in the word and in prayer will get you there. Just as you

make it a habit to eat daily, so your soul needs nourishment.

“For someone who lives on milk is still an infant and doesn’t know

how to do what is right. Solid food is for those who are mature, who

through training have the skill to recognize the difference between

right and wrong.” Hebrews 5:13-14

QUESTION: What holds you back from spending daily time with God, reading the Bible

and in prayer?

Possible Obstacles

You don’t know how. The Bible doesn’t feel accessible, so it’s just

easier not to.

You lack the habit of doing this, so it doesn’t come naturally and

therefore doesn’t happen in the ebb and flow of your day. .

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You may lack discipline in this area. While you tell yourself you don’t

have time to read God’s word and develop closeness with Him, you

do have time to watch TV or get on Facebook each day. .

Get a readable Bible. I recommend a recent translation such as NIV

or NLT Bibles.

Choose any book in the New Testament (perhaps the Gospel of John

or the book of James).

Get a journal.

Read one chapter per day

Jot down a couple notes or verses that stood out to you.

Why journal?

James 1:22-25 says, “Don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do

what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. 23 For if you

listen to the word and don’t obey, it is like glancing at your face in a

mirror. 24 You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look

like. 25 But if you look carefully into the perfect law that sets you free,

and if you do what it says and don’t forget what you heard, then God

will bless you for doing it.”

Journaling helps me remember, process and apply God’s word.

It has been said that it takes 21 days to establish a habit.

The Anatomy of a Habit

A Habit involves 5 parts:

a. A trigger, or something that happens to evoke our response

b. A physical response

c. An emotional response

d. A mental response

e. Resulting behavior

When we are specific and systematic with our trigger and physical

response, the rest will naturally flow.

Eventually the resulting behavior will be automatic, and the life

change you will experience over the course of time, tremendous.

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QUESTION: Pause and write a plan for yourself. When and where will you spend time

with God in your day?

Action Plan

Let’s put it all together… Here’s your action plan.

1. Get a Bible you can read and understand.

2. Get a journal. You can use this different ways, but definitely make it

part of the process, even if you’re not a big journaler.

3. Choose a time of day thoughtfully and then be consistent! Because

this is essential for “habit formation” to occur.

4. Choose a book of the Bible, preferably in the New Testament.

5. Read one chapter of the Bible per day for 21 days.

6. Each day, write down the date, the chapter read, and one verse you

like or one realization you had. Let your thoughts flow through your

pen as you sit in God’s word. It’s fun to see how the Holy Spirit will

speak to you and through you in this way. Also, you might want to

journal prayers.

A few tips that might help you overcome lack of discipline.

1. Find an accountability partner.

This is someone who is on the same journey you are. Someone

else who wants to make the same changes or is already awesome

at this and can help you stay on track.

It could be a person or a group of people. Ideally they would be

women who are already a trusted part of your life, but if you don’t

have anyone like that, you could also try reaching out to the

Homemaking from Scratch private Facebook group.

Talking about what I’m reading also holds me accountable to not

merely reading the words of the Bible, but truly thinking about and

processing them on a deeper level, as well as applying what I’m


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2. Memorize motivating scripture and post it around your home.

Verses that motivate me to spend time with God:

Jeremiah 33:3 “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great

and unsearchable things you do not know.”

Luke 11:9-10 “And I tell you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek,

and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone

who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one

who knocks it will be opened.” Luke 11:9-10

Psalm 46:10 “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted

among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!”

Establish a prayer closet

Why a prayer closet?

1. Prayer matters to God and it’s powerful. (James 5:16)

2. It helps us quiet our heart before God.

3. God wants to reveal things to you through a dedicated prayer time

(Jeremiah 33:2-3)

4. We are commanded to devote ourselves to prayer (Colossians


5. For the future of us, our children and our country. (Jeremiah 29:11)

6. We are told to pray continually. (1 Thesalonians 5:17, Romans


7. Follow Jesus’ example. Withdraw. (Mark 1:35)

8. We’re told to pray in secret. (Matthew 6:5-6)

Suggestions for creating a prayer closet

1. Consider if there’s a spot in your home suitable for sitting and

kneeling to pray

2. Include photos of people for which you want to pray

3. Pray with an open Bible

4. Include a journal to write things God is showing you and prayers

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5. Consider purchasing a book such as Operation World to help you

pray for the nations

6. Set a timer to keep yourself on track

7. Get in your prayer closet!

A.C.T.S. prayer model





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Session notes will be posted online…

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What is hospitality?

Hospitality vs. Entertaining:

Ways to begin practicing hospitality:

Start Slow

It Doesn’t have to cost a lot

Be understanding

Learn From Others

Simple Touches can make a big difference

Ask, Ask, Ask!!

Remember, it’s not about your home, it’s about your heart!

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Session notes will be posted online…

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How One Family Started Making Healthy Choices in Their Home (And How You

Can, too!)

After a fairly unhealthy life, Hilary Bernstein realized many products sold

include toxins. Slowly she began making small and simple healthy

changes in her home. Today, her family lives a much safer, healthier life. If

they could make the changes, any family can.

Three main areas radically changed in Hilary’s home:

Personal care products

Why start making healthier changes?

For more information, visit:

Why Do Safe Cosmetics Matter?

Concerned About a Lifetime of Unhealthy Product Choices?

My Cosmetic Realization

How to start making healthier changes

For more information, visit:

Help! I Want to Go Green … Where Do I Start?

The Reduce, Reuse & Recycle Cosmetic Challenge

How do you find safe products?

For more information, visit:

Choosing Safe Cosmetics

What should I look for?

For more information, visit:

Identifying and Avoiding the Top Toxins in Cosmetics

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What does Hilary use?

For more information, visit:

Keeping My Beauty Routine Safe and Natural

Cleaning supplies

Why start making healthier changes?

For more information, visit:

Detoxing Your Cleaning Supplies

How to start making healthier changes

For more information, visit:

Cleaning Without Chemicals {Room By Room Guide}

How do you find safe products?

For more information, visit:

3 Ways to Find Safe and Simple Cleaning Products

What does Hilary use?

For more information, visit:

How I Wash and Dry My Laundry

How to Safely Dust Your Home

How to Safely Wash Your Windows

How to Safely Clean Hard Surfaces

How to Safely Clean Bathrooms

How to Safely Clean Your Refrigerator

How to Safely Clean Microwave Ovens

How to Safely Clean Your Oven

How to Safely Clean Your Kitchen Sink

How to Safely Clean Floors

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Why start making healthier changes?

For more information, visit:

Eliminate Processed Food

The Recent Buzz About Artificial Food Coloring

How to start making healthier changes

For more information, visit:

Eat Real Food

Help! I Can’t Afford to Buy Healthy Food!

Making the switch to real, fresh food

For more information, visit:

Benefits of Buying Organic

Plastic-free choices

For more information, visit:

The Problem with Plastic

Making Plastic-Free Choices

Teflon-free choices

For more information, visit:

Should You Use Nonstick Cookware?

Paper choices

For more information, visit:

6 Ways to Avoid Using Paper and Plastic In Your Home

Remember … healthy choices help you become a good steward of

the family God has blessed you with. And fight the urge to feel

overwhelmed by making small, simple changes. (For encouragement,

read Help! I’m Overwhelmed By Healthy Changes I Need to Make!)

Once one change becomes a habit, make another change and enjoy

the healthy differences!

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Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ. ~ Colossians 3:23-24


“As Christian women, this is the attitude that should characterize our lives. We are to be women who love our homes. We are not to merely be workers at home, but we are to take great pleasure in working in our homes. We are to thoroughly enjoy the sphere that God has assigned to us.” ~ Carolyn Mahaney

1. Start simple with just waking and sleeping times. Add additional items in baby

steps. 2. When you are ready to get serious sit down for 30 minutes and determine what your

priorities are in a day and list them all out. (Examples: Meals, getting dressed,

making beds, breakfast, dishes, time with the Lord, household chores etc.) 3. Think about the flow of your day. Can you get more done in the morning or


4. Leave white space or free time in your day. This is a routine not a set schedule so

don’t plan out every moment of your day. The routine adjusts to your time and

schedule. 5. Remember it is just a guide to give your day order and direction. There will be days

that you will not get to the whole list. Expect that there will be interruptions. 6. After you get a routine worked out tweak it to make it work for your day and lifestyle.

You may want a morning and evening routine. You may have one for the whole day

or you may split it into morning, afternoon and evening.

7. After a couple of weeks your routine will become a habit and it will help to start and

end your day well and you will be much more productive and find you waste less

time in a day. *Remember - doing something is always better than doing




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Tidy Bathroom - (


Make Bed

Bible Study and Prayer Time

Laundry Started



Calendar Check



Dinner Check

Hot Spots Check

To Do List

Dishwasher Run

Clean Sink

Tidy House

Check Calendar for Tomorrow

Tomorrow’s To Do List


Wash Face/Brush Teeth



Journal Prayer Time

1. In a glance you can see what is on theist for the day and determine the amount of time it will take.

2. At the end of the day you automatically see what needs to carry over for tomorrow.

3. It declutters your mind

4. Helps to see what tasks you can delegate to others in your family

5. You can focus on the important tasks first. No more procrastinating and it helps to prioritize your day.

6. Schedule a fun items on your list like a sitting with cup of tea, reading time or a walk.

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7. When your day is focused you get more done, have more time in your day and you know immediately what needs to be done next. No more wasting time.

8. Helps you to be a helper to your husband. Ask him daily how you can help him and prioritize his tasks on your list for the day.

9. It helps to concentrate and gives a good sense of satisfaction and achievement as you get various tasks crossed off your list.

10. When you set up your list the night before it takes all those thoughts off your mind before bed so you

sleep better.

Resolve to make every day count. Be a woman of action. Treat each day as precious.” ~ Emilie Barnes

Some simple tips:

1. Any schedule you come across you will most likely not be able to follow task for task but you need to ponder what are important home keeping tasks for your home and family.

2. You probably won’t finish everything on any homekeeping schedule but it is just a guide to help you keep focused and on task.

3. Every day will be different and the Lord may have other plans for your day - be flexible.

4. If you get to nothing else in a room at least take the time to tidy it. (A quick feather dust and vacuum

makes a big difference too )

5. This is a great time to train your children as they work alongside you to learn to care for a home.

How to Set-Up a Schedule for Your Home:

1. Write down all the rooms in your home that need cleaned.

2. Write out the days of the week and plug in your weekly activities you participate in on a regular basis.

3. Take a overall look at the week and start scheduling in rooms to clean on various days of the week.

Be mindful to your calendar - if you have a busy day Tuesday’s with activities you may want to make it a low or no cleaning day.

4. Include items like paying bills, ironing, dealing with paperwork. cleaning your purse, menu planing and grocery shopping as some examples.

5. It is great to schedule a family planning time. It may be just you and your husband if you have littles

or if you have older children include them to sit with you and their calendars. We usually do this on

Sunday’s after dinner. It helps us to plan special times together that week and it aids me in my meal planning if we are going to have company over during the week.

6. Do a test drive and see how it goes. Just like the routines adjust it and tweak it to fit the needs of your family. You may be able to clean all on one day or just twice a week.

7. When you begin to regularly begin to keep up with your home you will find yourself spending

much less time on cleaning than you would think. Continue to declutter and organize as you go


8. This is a great training time to teach your children how to pick up after themselves. Simple things like

putting toys and laundry away. Taking shoes off when they come in the house. Making their beds

and cleaning up the bathroom after they are done using it so it is in nice condition for the next person

who uses it. It will help them to develop habits of routine in their lives and to be responsible in caring for their own homes one day.

I am going to leave you with my current Homekeeping Schedule. Please remember I don't get everything

done on this list - it is just a guide to help keep me on tract and focused on the needs of my home. My

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daily list consists of my morning and evening routines along with the tasks for the corresponding


Sunday - Church, Family Calendar Review & Menu Plan (

Monday - Grocery Shop, Bedrooms Cleaned & Weekly Home Blessing (

Tuesday - Clean Laundry & Mud Room, Tidy Pantry, Cupboards & Fridge, & Clean Kitchen (

Wednesday - Office Work, Clean Home Office & Clean Full Baths (

Thursday - Clean Family, Living & Dining Room, & Half Bath

Friday - Clean Basement, Iron, Clean Purse & Planner Work

Saturday - Yard Work, Family Day & Prepare for Church (

Vacuum Lampshades

Dust Ceiling Fans

Baseboards (Favorite tool for baseboards)

Vacuum carpet edges

Clean Garbage Cans

Wipe Cabinet Doors

Dust Light Fixtures

Wipe Switch Plates

Wipe Door Handles


Kitchen Desk

Tidy One

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Drawer or


Clean Dishwasher

Clean Washing Machine

Dust Ceiling Fans

Turn Mattress & Vacuum

Move Bedroom Furniture and Vacuum Under

Move Kitchen/Laundry Room Appliances and clean behind

Wash Windows Window



Organize Closets

Medicine Cabinet Cleaned Out

Clean Carpets

Clean Basement Storage Room (usually I do this when we are putting

Christmas Decorations away)

Garage Cleaned

Organize Files/Taxes Ready - (My Simple Home Filing System)

Touch up Paint inside and outside where

needed Remove and clean floor heat vents

Toss Magazines

Empty Garbage Cans

Change Beds if Needed

Feather Dust all Rooms

Vacuum All Rooms

Tidy Half



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Morning Routine - (With quiet time about an hour and a

half)Weekly Home Blessing - (One hour)

Dust, tidy and vacuum bedrooms - (30 minutes)

Move into my to do list - (Varies on the day)

Grocery shop after lunch - (An hour and a half to shop and put away


Dinner - (One hour) Evening Routine - (30

Minutes not including reading time)

1. Make a list of your family favorite meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can even make a

favorite snack list, if you pack lunches a lunch list, dessert list and a list of meals you like to take to potlucks or deliver to families in need.

2. Lay out your week and see when you may need a quick meal or when you may be having company

over for dinner. Do you need a snack for Bible study? A meal for a family with a new baby? A special dessert?

3. I do plan for all three meals a day, snacks and dessert nights.

4. Plan around items you already have on hand in your fridge, freezer and pantry.

5. Write out a schedule to keep in view and make sure you check the night before to see if you need to take anything out of the freezer before bed.

6. Use this list to plan your grocery shopping for the week.

For more detailed information and help visit my post on Menu Planning

( l)

Here is the reality - we are called to be keepers of our home. It is our job. God has given us a job to care

for our homes and families. I can attest that when you have order, calmness and structure to your days

you find yourself having more free time to enjoy your family without all these tasks that need to be done

looming over your head and you running around feeling frazzled. When items are written down on paper,

it frees you to get to them when time allots in the day.

Be mindful to remember that we will fail daily, but God’s mercies are new every morning. If you are in

Christ you are His child and His love for you isn’t based on how you perform. We as believers desire to

live lives that bring Him honor and glory because of what He has done for us.

“There simply are not many grand moments of life, and we surely don’t live life in those moments. No, we live in the utterly mundane. We exist in the bathrooms, bedrooms, living rooms, and hallways of life. This is where the character of our life is set. This is where we live the life of faith.” ~ Paul David Tripp

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Money Saving Mom Planner pages - (


FlyLady - (

Build A Menu - ( - (affiliate link)

Homemaking 101 Series - (

Homemaking Binder Series - (

binder.html) Well Do You Manage Your Home - (http://thankful-

Where to Begin When You’re Overwhelmed - (

homemaking-101-series-where-to-begin.htm l)

Becoming a Woman Who Pleases God - Lisa Tatlock & Pat Ennis

Designing a Lifestyle that Pleases God - Lisa Tatlock & Pat Ennis

Home Comforts: The Art and Science of Keeping House - Cheryl Mendelson

The Christian Homemakers Handbook - Dorothy Kelley Patterson

More Hours in My Day - Emilie Barnes

Sink Reflections - Marla Cilley (aka FlyLady)

Organized Simplicity - Tsh Oxenreider

21 Days to a Disciplined Life - Crystal Paine

Say Goodbye to Survival Mode - Crystal Paine

Homemaking 101 DVD - Family Vision Films

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“Without oxen a stable stays __________” (New Living Translation)

Proverbs 14:4

Messes are just part of life. They are the price we pay for being blessed

with family.

2 Thessalonians 3:10-12 - “For even when we were with you, we would

give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not

_____________. For we hear that some among you walk in idleness, not

busy at work, but _________. Now such persons we command and

encourage in the Lord Jesus Christ to do their work quietly and

to____________ their own living.”

-Teaching children to work sets them up for ____________________ later

in life!

All our children have work to do for the Lord. - we are training them!

Name 3 people in the Bible who are examples of work being used to mold




1. Don’t ever, Ever, EVER use chores for discipline.

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-work is part of life and should be done well, with a


-using chores as discipline will infuse a lot of ______________________

into chore time, subconsciously teach our children that work is a

punishment… a drudgery to be dreaded.

-punishments should “______________________” so to speak. “You hit

your brother so now you need to go sweep the floor” doesn’t make any


(For Instruction In Righteousness by Pam Forster is a great Bible-Based

Resource for finding punishments that are relevant consequences.)

2. Work With Your Children.

-Ephesians 6:4, Colossians 3:21 - "do not provoke your children, lest they

become ______________________"

-I'd rather work with a group of happy friends than by myself. Children feel

the same way.

Working together: gives you a common goal and will


Use this precious opportunity to _______________________ with them

and become their best friend! (Deut. 6:6-7)

Ecclesiastes 9:10 “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might,

for there is no work or thought or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol, to which you are going.“

They will learn this from OUR example

3. Teach Your Children How It Should Be Done.

-Take the time to show your children how to do what you expect. Work with

them for a few days until they are pros! If they forget, work with them again

until they ______________________!

4. Smile and be Happy!

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-Your children take their cue from you. If you don’t want children who

whine and say, “Do I HAVE to?” then set the tone by being a

__________________________ yourself!

Verses to Memorize: Philippians 2:14-15 ESV / Do all things without

grumbling or questioning, that you may be blameless and innocent,

children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted

generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world,

Ecclesiastes 3:22

So I saw that there is nothing better for a person than to enjoy their work,

because that is their lot. For who can bring them to see what will happen after them? (NIV)

5. Do A Little Every Day.

-Thirty minutes a day every day for a week is ________________ than

saving up and ___________________ everyone with 3 1/2 hours of

housework on the weekend!

6. There’s Nothing Wrong With a Little Old Fashioned Bribery

A nicer term for "Bribery" is __________________.

I often motivate myself with rewards! Why not motivate our children that


(We can’t reward children all the time. Sometimes they need to just obey

because you said so. But hey – they are going to be helping you a lot with

this chore system! Show them how much you _______________________

their help by rewarding children for a job _________________________.

be careful not to turn chore time into a ____________________ where

you pit your children against each other.

The home is a space that we all __________________. The goal to have

a clean house is something we should work towards together.

- rewards don’t have to be ________________! Quality time together or

even just high-five’s all around can be a fun reward.

7. Be lavish in Your Praise!

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Dale Carnegie (of How To Win Friends And Influence People-fame) said it


“Be __________________ in your approbation and lavish in your


-This works in business and with your family. Children are in


-The Sabbath rest is a very important concept throughout scriptures

In Genesis 2:1-2, 15, 18 God introduced 3 main institutions:




"Six days you shall labor, and do all your _____________, but the _________________ day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, or your daughter, your male servant, or your female servant, or your livestock, or the sojourner who is within your

gates." - Exodus 20:9-10

"And he said unto them, The Sabbath was _______________________ (3

words), and not man for the Sabbath." - Mark 2:27

To rest well, preparing a day advance is key! AlinaJoy spoke about how in

her home they use paper plates, crock pots and the rice cooker to make

the day go smoothly and create less work for Mama. What practical steps

could you take to so that you can have a weekly Sabbath rest? (example,

prepare church clothes in advance, serve a simple breakfast, use paper

plates, etc.)

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“Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making

the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.” —Ephesians 5:15–17

“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing

that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are

serving the Lord Christ.” -Colossians 3:23-24

"But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be

rewarded." 2 Chronicles 15:7

"And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." Colossians 3:17

"So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." - 1 Corinthians 10:31

“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might, for there is no work or thought or knowledge or wisdom in Sheol, to which you are going.“ - Ecclesiastes 9:10

Thank you for Participating in this year's Homemaking From Scratch Conference!

AlinaJoy would like to say "Thank You" for your participation today!

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Coupon code expires on 10/20/14

clean, eat, busybodies, earn, success, Jesus, Adam, Joseph, attitude,

negative emotions, fit the crime, discouraged, bind your hearts together,

fellowship, remember, joyful worker, more effective, torturing, rewards,

appreciate, well done, competition, share, expensive, hearty, praise,

training, marriage, work, Sabbath, work, seventh, made for man