“condusive periods for child birth and prenatal chart” by engineer astrologer anil aggarwala

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It is believed that 80% Astrological fertility occurs when the difference in degrees between the transiting Sun and the Moon are the same as the difference between the Sun and the Moon in a woman’s horoscope. When this period coincides with ovulation, and there is intercourse, pregnancy occurs.My article "Condusive Periods for Child Birth and Prenatal Chart" link http://www.eduastrology.com/?p=1493


Condusive Periods for Child Birth and Prenatal Chart http://www.eduastrology.com/?p=1493Post 1 of 65June 20, 2014Anil AggarwalaChildrenNo comments

First of all the most important parameter is the 1. Promise in the horoscope for a Progney, 2. Condusive dasha 3.Favourable Transit Double transit of Saturn and Jupiter on the concerned Parameters along with Mars and Venus , which are important. Promise is like a Person having a Passport, Condusive dasha is like a person having a Ticket and Visa to Travel and Transit is like a Flight available. .Next is the conception time .It is believed that 80% Astrological fertility occurs when the difference in degrees between the transiting Sun and the Moon are the same as the difference between the Sun and the Moon in a womans horoscope. When this period coincides with ovulation, and there is intercourse, pregnancy occurs. When this period does not coincide with ovulation, pregnancy, even during periods of ovulation, is very, very unlikely to occur.To insure the birth of children, therefore, intercourse should take place during the period of astrological fertility.To prevent pregnancy, one should abstain from intercourse within five days of the astrological fertility date, as intercourse within five days can cause pregnancy if ovulation occurs within that five-day period.Research has shown that 80% of pregnancies occur during these periods of astrological fertility, and that only 20% of pregnancies occur during periods of ovulation that do not coincide with astrological fertility. Therefore, astrological fertility by itself is 80% accurate..Let us Talk about Conception Constellations Fixed which are best Uttara Phalguni, Uttara shadha, U ttara Bhadra and Rohini. Mrigshira, Anurada, Haste, Swati, Shravana, Dhanista, and Satabisha are also good . Constelllations to be avoided are all aggressive constellations P Phal, P shadha, Bharini, and Magha are to be avoided specifically. Other constellations Moola, Jyesta, Ardra, and Ashlesha re to be avoided . Revati and Krittika also to be avoided . Tithis 1,2,3,5,7,10 ,12, 13 th are good . Rikta Tithis are to be avoided 4,9,14 along with ,6,8,11th , Amavasya and Poornima. Bhadra is also to be avoided . Days Wednesday, Thursday,Friday,are good Monday is medium. At the time of conception the Lagna and Kendras should have benefic planets and malefics in 3,6, 11 , Lagna shoud be aspectewd by Male planets, Mars, Sunand Jupiter and Moon should be placed in odd navamsha , Chandra shuddhi and Tara bala should also be seen . Lords of the month of Pregnancy should be strong. 1st Venus, 2nd Mars, 3rd Jupiter, 4th Sun, 5th Moon, 6th Saturn , 7th mercury, 8th month Lord of the Conception Lagna Lord , 9th Month is again Moon and next is Sun. Lagnas and Navamsha of male signs Benefics in Kendra and Trikona, malefics in 3,6,11.Prenatal chartWhat is Adhana Kundali Prenatal chartAdhana or Garbhadana ( Garbha+ Adhana) is the moment in time when a women conceives a child. A chart made according to the time is known as adhana kundali. Based on the adhana lagna, the birth chart of the native can be cast even before his/her birthToday it is believed that the procedure for making a correct prenatal chart is unknown. The procedure is mentioned in a few classical texts including the Horashastra by Rishi ParasharThe procedure for making the adhana kundali is purely scientific. By the modern scientific methods can only approximately predict the date of birth of the child, but by employing the Prenatal chart we can reach almost 100% accurate resultsFor proper analysis we have to understand the process of conception. Ovaulation is a part of the reproductive cycle during which a mature egg is released from one of the ovaries. A woman usually ovulates about every 28 days, between about the 14thor the 15thday of the menstrual cycle from the time of Puberty until menopause.Ovaries are female reproductive glands which produce eggs. Every women has 2 ovaries, although small, they contain thousands of tiny undeveloped eggs at the time of a girls birth. A girls body does not produce any more eggs after birth. The eggs are contained in a tiny pouch along the ovary wall. During the each cycle , hormones in the ovaries stimulate one of the undeveloped eggs to grow, as the cell matures, it goes through a special cell division called meiosis. When meiosis is complete, the egg has 23 chromsomes, half the number necessary for human life. As meiosis is taking place, fluid accumulates around the egg. When the egg is completely ripe, the fluid causes the egg to burst out of the ovary. This release is ovulation. The egg then travels to the fallopian tube, if the released egg is fertilized by the sperm, it will develop into a baby, however if this egg is not fertilized then , it will pass out of the female body. This is called mensturation , which is a normal process from the utres . Half way in the mensturation cycle ovulation occurs- an egg is released from the ovaries as explained above , if this egg is fertilized then it will attach itself to the lining after travelling to the utres and then develop into a baby. Conception also called fertilization.Of the millions of sperms surrounding the egg, only one is able to fertilize it , when the 23 chromosomes of the sperm unite with the 23 chromosomes of the egg, the fertilization has occurred , together they form 46 chromosomes necessary for the development of a human being.The Parameters for child birth are are welknown to Astrological students . Let me again put some Parameters for determination of time of birth for the BabyPromisefor Progny 5thH from lagna /Moon and Jupiter Benefic influence CondusiveDasha 5th house /5 lord, 9th /9th lord , Navmaroodh or Panchmaroodh as the case may be for female and male respectivly , Karka Jupiter , Lagna , Lagnesh .FavourableTransitSaturn and Jupiter the dual transitactivating the natal 5H/5l,9H,9L, navmaroodh, Panchmadoodh, with in 9thmonths of the birth of the child, it may be direct or Retrograde motion and in retrograde motion we take the planet in the previous house. MarsMars should have aspected the above parameters with in 75 days of the birth of the child.Moonmoon should have aspected the above parameters with in 72 hrs of the birth of the child. We can also extend the principle of Bhav Siddhi kaal and employ other parameters to come down to the exact date of the birth of the child. Rahu transit is also important and should also be employed along with dual transit and we have already discussed in the promise of child birth separately given. 5th house/5th Lord , 9th house/9th lord , Karka Jupiter Kshetra sputa and Beja Sputa very important parameters For the process of conception the Bhava, Bhavesh ,the Karka Jupiter should be strong along with other planets for Kshetra sputa and Beja sputa and should not be afflicted.7H/L This house not only represents marriage but sexual union and sexual partnership. This house also represents reproductive organs-both for male and female FemaleOvary, Fallopian Tubes, UtresMale Scrotum, Testicles, epiddymus, semen, seminal vessels, prostrateIf the house or the house lord is afflicted then one will get the disease relating to it . For this reason the 7thhouse and 7thlord should be well placed.Venus We all know its significations,it represents the semen and the harmon system endocrine glands. Hence Venus should not be afflicted . afflicted venus can produce venereal disease, diseases related to reproductive organs and sexual disorders.Moon and MarsThese planets should not be afflicted in the horoscope specially in the female chart because they control the menstrual system . Diseases of the female reproductive organs and menstrual disturbances are caused by these two planets. In women the Brest and the mammery glands can be detected from Moon . Moon is the owner of the 4thhouse of the natural zodiac and is the significator of the mental power and stressMars is significator of blood and in females endometrium, hence any kind of affliction is not good .Beeja Sapthu and Kshetra ShapthuFemale Kshetra Shapthu and Male Beeja Shapthu. Indicative strength for Reproducting abilityFor Females Kshetra Saphuta =Jupiter+Moon+Mars for females should be in Even signs in Rashi chart , Navamsha and SaptamshaMale Beeja Sapthu= Sun+Venus+Jupiter longitudes should fall in Odd signs in Rashi chart , Navamsha Chart and Saptamsha chart , where ever it falls vibrant qualities of reproducingIt should fall in male Rashis in case of male horoscopes and in female for females in Female rashi in Rashi , Navamsha and Saptamsha to indicate excellent sperm quality. Sun Vitality Karka Sun for male progneyVenus- Karka for Sperm Venus, Karka for longevity. Potent enough to travel to reach the utres and grow for 9 months. Venus is the 2ndand 7thlordJupiter Karka for children . 9l of the kaal purush, very pious growth making a name.Falling in odd rashis1,3,5,7,9 11 extra ordinary good. Potency to get a child. In Navamsha in odd Rashi Fertility qualityIn Saptamsha Longevity of the child Female Kshetra SapthuLongitude of Moon+ Mars+ JupiterMoon is ovulation factorMars Womb , Sexual liquid. Mars ability to carry for 9 months. Utres layers is marsKshetra Sapthu FertilityNavamsha sustaining powerSaptamsha Delivery statusMoon and Mars 6/8 axis Primarily or afflicted go to gynacologist2/12 very difficult to become a mother, problems for motherKendra from Kshetra Saphtu Good longevity , kona good ability of the children, should not be in the 3,6,8 or the 12thhouse . Beeja Saphutha lord well placed sperm quality and longevity for 24 hrs.Beeja Saphutha afflicted and connected to its Lord , siemen tests low countsUtres is left inclined, process of impregnation is slowBeeja Saphutha /Kshetra Saphutha both very important, aspect of own lord very good and essential , mental and physical ability to become a father/MotherFrom Beeja Saphutha /Kshetra Saphutha Lord placed in Kendra good longevity, Lord placed in kona good ability of the children 3,6,8 and 12thhouse precarious condition . 9 months problemBeeja Sapthutha and Venus realtion to be seen , Planetary war with the lord of Beeja Saphutha, premature ejaculationJupiter not placed well erection problemBeeja Sapthutha and Sun 6/8 axis with the lords of Beeja Sapthutha in eclipse in Rahu-Ketu disinterested in sexual affairs and life.Lot of things 5L with dispositor of Beeja Sapthutha 5L IVS subsetuting 10% successfulHow to cast the Prenatal Chart and Birth chart based on it.Data required Time, Date and Place , We need to know the 3 parameters for the sexual act during ovulation, 15thday from the beginning of the menstrual cycle. We need to proceed as follows to make the prenatal chart bupreferabley in the time when the Longitudinal difference of Moon and Sun in the female chart is same in the transit The following steps are to be notedStep 1 Time date and place of the sexual unionStep 2 Make the horoscope of the 15thday from the above date Prenatal chart (a)Step 3 Note the Parameters of Moon, sign, degrees and the nakshatraStep 4 after 8 months when the Moon is exactly the same position, this will determine the details for the birth chart of the baby to be born . Prenatal chart will also show the development of the baby in the wombIf we want to verify the the birth chart , we will make Prenatal chart (b) with the following stepsStep 1 The date will be the same as the prenatal chart (a) or one day before or few hours to reach the same Lagna at the time of Birth chart with same degreesStep 2 Using the same Lagna and degrees at the time of birth make the chart Prenatal (b)The time of Lapse of the 2 charts Prenatal (a) and (b) is the time for the formation of zygote till it starts breathingZygote is the first of the 3 general terms used to refer to a developing infant. From the time of fertilization until the second week of its growth, the cell mass that develop after the union of egg and the sperm is called zygote , from the 3rdweek to the 8thweek it is an embryo and from the 8thweek of development , by which time most of the basic body parts have been formed, until birth, it is foetus.anil aggarwala20thJune 2014