conducting the trip reduction survey

Conducting the Trip Reduction Survey

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Conducting the TripReduction Survey

OverviewWhy Do We Survey?Obtaining Surveys from MCAQPreparing your EmployeesAdministering the Surveys– Paper Format– Electronic Format

Effective Techniques

Legal Requirements of TRP Ordinance

Annual Survey: Complete an annual survey at each company worksite.Develop a Trip Reduction Plan to reduce the rate of single occupancy trips, or the rate of single-occupancy vehicle miles traveled

The annual employee survey is the only tool the TC has to accurately assess the commute habits of the employees.Analysis of the survey results allows TCs to develop an effective plan to reduce those commute trips.

Why Do We Survey?

Meeting Annual TRP Goals

SOV: Single Occupant Vehicle“Employers and schools are asked to reduce single occupant

vehicle trips and/or miles traveled to the work site by 10 percent a year for a total of five years, and then 5 percentfor three additional years, or until a 60 percent rate of SOV travel is reached.” – MC Air Quality Department

The annual employee survey is the only tool the County has to measure your company’s SOV rate and determine if you have met your goal.

Why Do We Survey?

Employer Report Form

Obtaining Surveys

Send EmployerReport Form

MCAQ will send TCs a report form to complete with total number of employeesSpecify the types and numbers of surveys you need – English, Spanish, Student, or ElectronicReturn this form by the date specified to receive your surveys

Report Employee CountSpecified

What is electronic surveying?Companies with readily available computer access can use an internet link or intranet system to survey employeesThis paperless method takes employees 5-10 minutes to complete and speeds up the analysis processThe TC challenge is determining who has and has not taken the survey – there are no names associated with internet surveys

Obtaining Surveys

1. Set a date range

You have 30 days to administer and return the surveys (from survey anniversary date)– It is recommended that you focus the employee’s

attention on one week within this window– Announce the survey week as far in advance as

practical, to give yourself time to answer commuter questions

– Engage management support to ensure a high return rate from the employees

Preparing Employees

2. Educate the employeesThese survey results are for you and your HRLO to develop the best possible plan, so engage & dispel any negative rumorsPost an example survey form on bulletin boards and in meeting areas for employee familiarizationEmphasize the importance of the survey information to both the company and the entire Valley community– Clean air for all residents– Less traffic congestion through effective TRPs

Preparing Employees

3. Get help from within

Use management support, or the management chain, to assist you with survey implementationAdministrative staff typically work in high traffic areas where all employees pass –engage their supportHR and Payroll offices may also have staff or effective tools to help you with surveying

Preparing Employees

Employee Survey Form

Administering the Survey

Send EmployeeSurveys

Administer/ReturnSurveys30 days

Survey packages sent to TCs will contain additional instructions on how to return the surveysE-surveys will be completed online using a 9 digit code and website provided by the CountyThe following slides can act as an employee user guide to the annual survey

The TripReduction Survey

Question 1: Work Schedule

The Survey

Please enter your regular work schedule. If your schedule varies, please enter your schedule for this week.If you work less than 3 days per week for this company, or less than 6 months out of the year, please see your Transportation Coordinator.If you are a long term temp hire, or contract employee paid by another company but working at this site, please see your TransportationCoordinator.Weekend days are included – please respond with the number of days you work within a normal 7 day period.

Question 2: Work Hours

The Survey

Please enter your regular work hours. If your hours vary, please enter your scheduled hours for this week.Taking work home to finish a project and overtime are not considered – please just tell us your normal schedule hours.This information is used by your Transportation Coordinator to develop a trip reduction plan that works for all employees.

Question 3: Commute Habits

The Survey

Please tell us how you get to work each day.– Carpool: 2 or more persons in a vehicle (car, truck, minivan, etc.)– Vanpool: Valley Metro sponsored vanpool with 8 to 15 passengers.– Alternative Fuel: Personally owned AFV of any kind.– Telecommute: Working a full day for an employer without driving to

the worksite in Maricopa County. Business trips for your company outside of the County are not considered telecommuting as part of the MC TRP.

Question 3: Commute Habits

The Survey

Your number of days per week must not be more than 7, or your survey will not be valid. Example:– Drive Alone: 2 days per week– Carpool: 1 day per week– Bus: 2 days per week– Leave non-used modes blank

If your usage is more infrequent, estimate days “per month” that you use each mode – every little bit counts!

Questions 4 & 5: Commute Clarification

The Survey

Please tell us more about your AFV (if you own one), and the number of people you commute with if car/vanpooling.5-8 people in a personally owned minivan is considered a carpool, not a vanpool. “Vanpool” is marked by employees who use a Valley Metro van that looks like this:

Questions 6 & 7: Commute Distance

The Survey

On average, how far is your commute distance and duration? Please estimate miles and minutes for an average day.Failure to answer these questions will result in an “incomplete” survey.This information is used by your Transportation Coordinator to develop measures which may help your commute.

Questions 8 & 9: Commute Preferences

The Survey

What can the company, and the County, do to encourage you to try an alternative mode?This information is critical for your Transportation Coordinator to develop a trip reduction plan that speaks to you – please take an extra moment to answer carefully.

Questions 10-14: Demographic Information

The Survey

This information helps regional planners improve public transportation service for the Valley.Knowing our customers is a very important step in improving the air quality in Maricopa County.

Questions 15 & 16: Employment Information

The Survey

The annual employee survey is a valuable opportunity for Maricopa County to learn more about commuters in the TRP.Please choose the activities that best describe your normal daily work – if unsure, please consult your Transportation Coordinator.

Please consult your Transportation Coordinator with any questions - Thank you!

Employee Survey Form

Survey Tips

Send EmployeeSurveys

Administer/ReturnSurveys30 days

Surveys from different sites need to be kept separate to ensure an accurate commute picture for each location.Return paper surveys to the County for analysis, and begin thinking about what worked in your plan last year.

Student SurveysThe student surveys have minor changes from the regular surveys.There are fewer demographic questions, and the questions are more specific.

Student Surveys

Go paperless where ableE-surveys take less time for your employees to fill out, and eliminate the need for you to track stacks of paper surveys.You can do both paper surveys and e-surveys in the same survey cycle if not all employees have internet access.Talk with your Rideshare Rep to discuss how you will track who has and has not completed the survey

Effective Techniques

Find high traffic areasUse support from admin staff, HR, or Payroll to distribute and return completed surveys.There are normally a few areas where most employees enter or move through the facility– Post a copy of the survey for their review– Post a copy of your TRP incentives

Ask HR for employee rosters that you can distribute to staff to assist in tracking completed surveys.Ask employees to complete surveys in front of you –it takes them just a few minutes

Effective Techniques

Provide incentivesIf you have consistently low survey response rates, incentives may help encourage employees to complete a survey.Survey incentives are typically small gifts awarded through a random drawing.– Gift card for lunch– Company coffee mugs, pens, hats, etc.– Paid time off

Some companies offer a small gift token to all returned surveys, but this can be difficult for larger companies (500+)

Effective Techniques

Student surveysEngage the student council or another student activity group – they can appeal to fellow studentsStudents are typically environmentally conscious, and those with vehicles are frequently carpooling.– Expect a low commute distance and time– SOV rates for students are typically low

Ask the students for their inputs on what would encourage them to use alt modes, and you may find unexpected support for the program.

Effective Techniques

ConclusionWhy Do We Survey?Obtaining Surveys from MCAQPreparing your EmployeesAdministering the Surveys– Paper Format– Electronic Format

Effective Techniques

Conducting the TripReduction Survey