conducting research into fonts placement

Conducting research into fonts placement. By Thomas Madden. I plan to look into placements of fonts within the same demographic market as well as the same genre.

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Post on 21-May-2015




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Page 1: Conducting research into fonts placement

Conducting research into fonts placement.

By Thomas Madden.I plan to look into placements of fonts within the same

demographic market as well as the same genre.

Page 2: Conducting research into fonts placement

This films opening titles evidently uses font which is black thus giving the impression of secrecy which is evident in the narrative as, in the narrative the family lives this underlying life outside of the “normality” all being superhero's.

Moreover, the importance of this research is to see how the placement of font effects the framing and it is evident that there is an element of consistency in the font placement as well as the fonts size. It is showing this consistency in the placement which is the middle of the screen as well as the bottom as well. It can also be considered, that font incorporation of the frame it essential in cartoon based opening title sequences as they can supplement for information with the image i.e. in the glasses frame as well as the wording in the window.

The fact that all of the font is the same size means that the font doesn’t oversize the imagery but works well with it I feel that the font colour changing is more essential in a cartoon as colour is always arising so there cant be the same colour twice but, I feel that our opening titles for Mr Teddy should really embodied a bit more consistency as it will make it look far more cohesive and will flow in terms of transition.

This opening title has the same sort of demographical audience so I think that we should consider a colour background which will engage and entice the audience rather then make them bored or unimpressed.

The Incredibles

Page 3: Conducting research into fonts placement

I looked at the opening title sequence as this opening title sequence explores the narrative of a secret agent much like ours and also is aimed at the same demographic as the James Bond films have been known to be marketed at a nuclear family at the cinema and is distributed to appeal to a mass audience as the poster can be consumed largely within a day.

As for the font which is consistently white which is what I hope our opening title sequence font to be like as it works cohesively at means that the audience will obviously know what the font is on the frames, which is the titles ; including names of stars and occupations to do with the film.

The placement on first glance seems to be less of importance then the imagery itself as for one the imagery is covering the majority of the areas of the frame. The fact that the font doesn’t overlap the imagery means that there is a clear distinction between the imagery and the font which I personally think works really well as it is considering the audience and whether it could possibly be hard to distinguish the font. The font also much like our first assumption makes the names of the stars larger and the job itself smaller implicating what is of more importance and in this case the star is as they have a demographic of themselves that will be interested in the film.

Quantum of solace: James Bond

Page 4: Conducting research into fonts placement

◦ The opening title sequence for Batman was looked at and I carried out research into this opening title sequence because Batman, in the narrative e has a hidden identity thus having the mask covering his face.

◦ This sequence has a consistent placing of the font which is relatively large connoting that the titles are of high significance which they are to a degree as stars such as “Prince” and “Tim Burton” worked on the film. First of all, I did ask myself what is the relevance of the font colour and then I realised that the logo for Batman has the incorporation of the colour yellow which to a sense connotes some happiness to foreshadow; which the citizens would have had in the film as they are being protected to an extent.

◦ The font has similarities to the convention of opening in title sequences in that the main titles are larger then the role and what contribution there was to the film. The font works rather well and is easy to distinguish on the black background. I do feel, that this opening title sequence could have possibly look at brightening the black in the background as it is rather hard to distinguish the imagery itself. So, a possible note from this opening title sequence to tell my group would be that black on black in the background would be good to show a thematic of secrecy but, be careful on how dark the font becomes.
