conducting effective pdp discussions beryl fajardo jordan chouljian august 2011, v. 7

Conducting Effective PDP Discussions Beryl Fajardo Jordan Chouljian August 2011 , v. 7

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Page 1: Conducting Effective PDP Discussions Beryl Fajardo Jordan Chouljian August 2011, v. 7

Conducting Effective PDP Discussions

Beryl Fajardo Jordan ChouljianAugust 2011 , v. 7

Page 2: Conducting Effective PDP Discussions Beryl Fajardo Jordan Chouljian August 2011, v. 7



To understand the importance of the PDP process and how it impacts employee engagement and business results

To provide the skills and tools to help facilitate an effective PDP discussion

To increase manager’s confidence level by engaging in practice PDP discussions

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PDP Guiding Principles and Process

5 min

Conducting an Effective PDP Discussion

30 min

Feedback and Coaching 10 min

Tools and Templates 5 min

Q&A 10 min

Skills Practice 55 min (classroom only)

Summary and Required Actions

5 min

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Discussion Question

What do you find most challenging about a PDP discussion?

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PDP Guiding Principles

Performance appraisal systems are standard in our industry and are designed to drive desired results and consistent management practices

Rating our non-contract employees and encouraging a culture of performance is central to our success as a business

Managers and employees are mutually accountable for making the process useful and valuable

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Importance of Performance Feedback

High correlation to job satisfaction

Addresses problems early and head-on

Engages employees

Has a greater impact on employee performance than any other communication

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1ObservationObservable Behavior without Judgment

2ImpactHow You or Others WereAffected

3CheckCheck for Understanding

4SuggestionProvide Alternatives

5AgreementSet Expectations or Opportunities

Feedback Model

When you said….I observed you doing…When you presented…During the meeting I remember you…

The way I was impacted…Then I noticed the impact on the group…The impact it had on them was….

How did you see it?Let me check, do you remember it differently?Did you get the result you wanted?

I suggest you try…I would consider saying/doing…You might think about…What would you suggest?

Here’s what I expect…Given this, we agree to…What are you seeing as the next steps…

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1ObservationObservable Behavior without Judgment

2ImpactHow You or Others WereAffected

3CheckCheck for Understanding

4SuggestionProvide Alternatives

5AgreementSet Expectations or Opportunities

Feedback Examples

I noticed you missed several important work deadlines in the last few months…

…which had a significant impact on our team’s performance.

What happened?

I’d like you to give yourself more time for completing the task…and since you are working on multiple tasks, I’d like to help by prioritizing what’s more important…

How does this sound? Let’s check in next time you are working towards a deadline to see if you need any assistance.

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1Employeewrites self appraisal

2 Manager writes employee appraisal

3 2nd level manager and HR approveappraisal

4 Manager meets withemployee to review appraisal

5 Manager / EmployeeSign-off

PDP Process – 5 Steps

Completed by manager and submitted to 2nd level manager and HR for approval

Manager reviews employee’s self assessment and meets as needed

Manager assesses employee’s performance, assigns rating, and writes development plan

2nd level manager and HR review and approve electronically

Manager meets with employee to discuss PDP

Sign off completed electronically by manager and employee

Manager provides final comments and signs off electronically

Employee comments and signs off electronically

Drafted by employee and submitted to manager

Action Description Employee self-assesses performance against

previous goals, and assigns self-rating

Employee drafts goals for next review period

Manager provides feedback and communicates final rating

Manager discusses next review period goals and development plan

• 2nd level manager reviews and approves electronically or submits comments back to manager

• HR reviews and approves electronically

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1Employeewrites self appraisal

2 Manager writes employee appraisal

3 2nd level manager and HR approveappraisal

4 Manager meets withemployee to review appraisal

5 Manager / EmployeeSign-off

Today’s Focus – Step 4

Completed by manager and submitted to 2nd level manager and HR for approval

Manager reviews employee’s self assessment and meets as needed

Manager assesses employee’s performance, assigns rating, and writes development plan

2nd level manager and HR review and approve electronically

Manager meets with employee to discuss PDP

Sign off completed electronically by manager and employee

Manager provides final comments and signs off electronically

Employee comments and signs off electronically

Drafted by employee and submitted to manager

Action Description Employee self-assesses performance against

previous goals, and assigns self-rating

Employee drafts goals for next review period

Manager provides feedback and communicates final rating

Manager discusses next review period goals and development plan

• 2nd level manager reviews and approves electronically or submits comments back to manager

• HR reviews and approves electronically

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PDP Discussion Guide

Step 1: Preparation

• Review goals and past performance

• Create a discussion plan

• Rehearse discussion

Step 3: Act and Follow-up

• Provide follow up coaching and maintain relationship

Before the meeting

During the meeting

(beginning Aug 22)

After the meeting

Step 2: Discuss and Assess

• Review performance against goals

• Provide feedback and coaching

• Communicate rating

• Agree to development plan

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New 4-point Assessment Scale





Outstanding performance

Strong performance

Satisfactory performance

Needs Improvement

Surpasses difficult goals, performs well above and beyond expectations for someone in this position and tenure

RatingRating DescriptionDescriptionExpected DistributionExpected Distribution

Consistently achieves difficult goals or surpasses easy goals, often performs beyond expectations for someone in this position and tenure

Achieves easy goals and some difficult goals, performs what is needed occasionally more than expected for this position and tenure

Does not achieve multiple goals, and performance below what is needed for someone in this position and tenure





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1 Goal

2 Employee Needs

3 During Discussion

4 DevelopmentQuestions

PDP Discussion TipsOutstanding Performance (4 Rating)

• Provide challenging goals – but don’t overload• Find new or stretch assignments• Delegate more to help individual gain exposure and experience

• What would you like to do more of or less of in your current role and why?• What experiences or responsibilities would you like to have that you currently

don't?• Have you identified skill areas for development? What suggestions do you have on

how to achieve them in your current role?

• Emphasize their value to the department and organization• Focus on their strengths and areas for improvement. • Discuss their level of job satisfaction and how you can help sustain• Work closely with them on their development plan

Challenge and Grow - Retain

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1 Goal

2 Employee Needs

3 During Discussion

4 DevelopmentQuestions

PDP Discussion TipsStrong/Satisfactory Performance (3 and 2 Rating)

• Provide clear expectations with regular feedback, coaching and training• Involve in decision making and be available to advise on solutions• Ensure appropriate praise, opportunity, and recognition

• What do you consider your top strengths and development areas?• What impact do these have on your work and/or the department?• What do you think is required for you to excel in your current role?• Knowledge of ??? is critical in our department. How can you improve in this area?

• Articulate value to the organization, describing key strengths, • Discuss unmet expectations and areas needing development• Set realistic expectations for performance rating• Be clear and specific in your feedback with concrete suggestions for improvement

Motivate and Grow – Increase Performance

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1 Goal

2 Employee Needs

3 During Discussion

4 DevelopmentQuestions

PDP Discussion TipsNeeds Improvement (1 Rating)

• Provide direct and regular feedback including role clarity, timelines and priorities• Convey how improved performance affects the team and results• Provide clear guidance and gain commitment on how to improve performance

• What do you believe is required for you to improve in your current role?• How do your strengths and weaknesses impact your work and/or the department?• Knowledge of ??? is critical in our dept. How can you improve in this area?• I would like to see you do more of ??? and less of ???

• Raise expectations for the job performance• Define steps to improve performance and note consequences of not improving• Agree on actions and schedule follow-up meeting

Improve Performance

Note: After 2 consecutive 1 ratings, consult with HR on progressive discipline process (PIP)

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Development Planning:A Coaches’ Mindset

1. Establish rapport and build relationship2. Create a “coaching” contract3. Notice and record performance4. Frame observations in a constructive manner5. Identify development opportunities and stretch goals6. Discuss potential barriers to success7. Identify skill gaps and provide support

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Communicating Overall Score

Dec 2010 - Jul 2011 performance review weighting is 100% Goals

Written comments should match the overall rating

Be sure to clearly explain the criteria for the overall rating (assess both hard skills and soft skills)

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PDP Discussion Tools and Templates

PDP Discussion Guide PDP Discussion Planner Feedback Model Coaching Mindset Tips for Career Coaching

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Skills Practice Instructions

Step 1: Assign roles for activity (Employee, Manager, Observer/Timekeeper)

“Manager” describes their situation. Be sure and identify any derailers that might come up during the discussion (3 min)

Step 2: Conduct skills practice (5-7 min)

Step 3: Provide feedback (5 min)• Manager goes first – What did you like? What would you do different next time? • Observer provides feedback to manager; one suggestion for improvement• Employee provides feedback to manager; one suggestion for improvement• Manager takes notes and says “thank you”• Note key lessons learned for class debrief later

Step 4: Rotate until everyone has a turn or time runs out

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2. Employee


Skills Practice

3. Observer/Time

• Manager shares scenario – 3 min

• Conduct skills practice – 5-7 min

• Feedback – 5 min

• Manager – What went well? What will you do different next time?

• Employee/Observer – What went well? What suggestion do you have for improvement?

• Give manager feedback form and rotate

1. Manager

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Group Debrief

What went well?

What would you do differently next time?

What are some key learnings?

Review the challenges discussed at the beginning of the session – do you feel more confident in having the discussion? Why or why not?

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Prepare for each discussion; careful planning is key

Give honest feedback, consider any derailers that might take you off track

Take on the mindset of a coach, and focus on developing our company’s greatest asset – our people

Follow-up on agreed upon next steps

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Required Actions

Schedule a meeting with each of your direct reports

Prepare for each employee discussion using the PDP discussion guide and template

Begin PDP discussions on August 22

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PDP Discussion Planner

Date of Discussion

Employee name/job role

1. Goal/objective

2. Performance feedback notes/strengths/areas for development

3. Performance rating (trending high/low)

4. Potential employee reactions and/or discussion derailers

5. Potential actions, development opportunities and next steps

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Tips for Career Coaching

To conduct career coaching conversations that drive mutual success:

- First consider your organization's strategy, future talent needs, your most pressing team priorities, and the work that needs to be done today. In other words, be crystal clear on what matters most to you and your organization.

- Then consider what you know of your employee's talents, experience, interests, goals, and preferred working conditions. Clarify your understanding during the coaching conversation. Ask questions to get to the motivation behind statements like "I want more responsibility" or "I want to do something new."

- Consider the work that needs to be done — on your team or elsewhere in the organization. Which assignments fit that person's skills and interests?

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Writing SMART Goals

Specific Clearly defines the expected outcome or deliverable

Measurable Can be measured objectively to determine how much was achieved

Achievable Challenging and doable

Relevant Focused on the business, and your specific department objectives, not just an activity

Time-specific Sets realistic and explicit timeframe and dates for performance