conditions that affect cultural variation

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Post on 14-Apr-2018




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  • 7/30/2019 Conditions That Affect Cultural Variation


    Conditions That Affect Cultural Variation

    People have so many ways of solving problems whether they are common or

    not. The approaches vary from culture to culture on the following:

    1. Environment - it play a major role as a factor that affect the cultural variation.

    We all know that most part of our world has its own different physical and natural

    environment. Specifically the climate, some part of our world has a cool climate,

    in other part it has torrid and hot. Like here in our country, Philippines has four

    season while the other has only two seasons. Geographically speaking, it also

    affect cultural variation, some part of our world has sandy while others are made

    up of soils. Some country covered by trees and forest while other is desert.

    These environmental conditions must adopt by the people not only people but

    also plants and animals in order for them to survive and live along with others

    because if not it might destroy their food habitant. Example for this is if the

    environment started to get dryer and colder, the crops wouldnt grow. The culture

    that eats those vegetable and fruit will have to start eating other stuff. Also if the

    environment changed for the animals they would be forced to move somewhere

    else or die. And again the people who use these animals would not be able to eat

    them or use their fur, hides, hoofs, etc.

    2. Isolation this correlates to environmental affect, because when people start to

    adopt the environment, they will isolate themselves to the other. They will live

    base to the environment which they can adopt. With this condition, a culture arise

    and continues on its own course, uncontaminated by other culture based on the

    mode of living and cultural patterns that have been established based on the

  • 7/30/2019 Conditions That Affect Cultural Variation


    adaptation to its physical environment. And for this, the absence of contact with

    other societies tends to perpetuate the patterns that have been established by

    the society.

    3. Technology this cultural variation is also result based on the technological

    position of the society. Technology is a means for change in the environment in

    order to make it compatible with necessary and inevitable human needs. As they

    say, technology used by a society determines its social structure that leads to

    changes in culture.

    4. Cultural Themes this cultural variation means that in one society, they have

    cultural patterns that leads them in their living, people on it may contribute and

    reinterpret new ideas that are meaningful to them. This new idea might help them

    to have a better society which must correspond to the usual one that they have.

    They will try the new idea and if no point of correspondence between the new

    ideas and their usual ones, the new ideas are abandoned.

    5. Diffusion - cultural diffusion is the spread of culture when one society contacts

    another. Some of the ways that this contact happens are through war, trade and

    exploration. Cultural diffusion can have both positive and negative effects on both

    cultures. For example, when French explorers met new tribes in North America,

    they brought many new foods back to Europe but left smallpox with the natives.