concrete shear research

PSZ 19:16 (Pind. 1/07) DECLARATION OF THESIS / UNDERGRADUATE PROJECT PAPER AND COPYRIGHT ANG TING GUAN Author’ s full name : Date of birth : 10 / 02 / 1982 Title : THE INFLUENCE OF THE ANCHORAGE OF INDEPENDENT BENT-UP BAR ON ITS SHEAR CAPACITY 2007/2008 Academic Session: I declare that this thesis is classified as : I acknowledged that Universiti Teknologi Malaysia reserves the right as follows: 1. The thesis is the property of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. 2. The Library of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia has the right to make copies for the purpose of research only. 3. The Library has the right to make copies of the thesis for academic exchange. Certified by : SIGNATURE SIGNATURE OF SUPERVISOR (NEW IC NO. /PASSPORT NO.) NAME OF SUPERVISOR Date : Date : NOTES : * If the thesis is CONFIDENTAL or RESTRICTED, please attach with the letter from the organization with period and reasons for confidentiality or restriction. UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA CONFIDENTIAL (Contains confidential information under the Official Secret Act 1972)* RESTRICTED (Contains restricted information as specified by the organization where research was done)* OPEN ACCESS I agree that my thesis to be published as online open access (full text) 820210-01-6267 8 MAY 2008 P.M. DR. RAMLI ABDULLAH

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  • PSZ 19:16 (Pind. 1/07)


    ANG TING GUAN Authors full name :

    Date of birth : 10 / 02 / 1982


    2007/2008 Academic Session:

    I declare that this thesis is classified as :

    I acknowledged that Universiti Teknologi Malaysia reserves the right as follows:

    1. The thesis is the property of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.2. The Library of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia has the right to make copies for the purpose

    of research only.3. The Library has the right to make copies of the thesis for academic exchange.

    Certified by :



    Date : Date :

    NOTES : * If the thesis is CONFIDENTAL or RESTRICTED, please attach with the letter from the organization with period and reasons for confidentiality or restriction.


    CONFIDENTIAL (Contains confidential information under the Official Secret Act 1972)*

    RESTRICTED (Contains restricted information as specified by the organization where research was done)*

    OPEN ACCESS I agree that my thesis to be published as online open access (full text)


    8 MAY 2008


  • I hereby declare that I have read this thesis and in my opinion to this thesis is sufficient

    in terms of scope and quality for the award of the Master of Civil Engineering.

    Signature : ...

    Name of Supervisor : PM. DR. RAMLI ABDULLAH

    Date : 9 MAY 2008





    A project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the

    requirement for the award of degree of

    Master of Engineering (Civil - Structure)

    Faculty of Civil Engineering

    Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

    APRIL, 2008

  • ii

    I declare that this thesis entitled The Influence of the Anchorage of Independent Bent-

    up Bar on its Shear Capacity is the result of my own research except as cited in the

    references. The thesis has not been accepted for any degree and is not concurrently

    submitted in candidature of any other degree.

    Signature : _________________

    Name : ANG TING GUAN

    Date : 8 MAY 2008

  • iii

    Dedicated to

    To my beloved parents

    Thanks for your support

  • iv


    The successfully completion of this project is the result of many people have

    given me a helping hand. I have learnt a many things other than from text or note

    from my engineering course. The experience that I gain through this project will

    become the valuable treasure in my life.

    First of all, I wish to express my grateful thanks to my project supervisor,

    P.M Dr. Ramli Abdullah for his invaluable guidance, suggestions and helpful advices

    for various types of analysis and comparison processes to be carried out as well as

    contents improvements. Thanks for his contribution in the progress of doing this

    project. In addition, deep appreciation to his for spending time in our frequent

    discussions and questioning and answering which led to the accomplishment of this


    I also wish to acknowledge those who lend me a hand when I encounter some

    problem in my project. For example the lecturers that have taught me the knowledge

    about reinforced concrete and other related. Without their help, I may not finish the

    project on time. In addition, I also wish to express my great appreciation to my

    friend, who gives the information and also guidance to accomplish this project.

    Finally, I wish to convey my heartful thanks to my parents and wife who have

    given me constant support and encouragement throughout the dissertation. For the

    last but not the least, I want to give my gratitude for those people that help me in this

    project but not stated above, their contributions will not be forgotten.

  • v


    The use of independent bent-up bars as parts of shear reinforcement has been

    shown to be effective. Laboratory tests revealed that beams provided with a

    particular amount of such reinforcement in conjunction with nominal links achieved

    higher shear resistance than beams with the normally adopted vertical design links.

    In the conventional bent-up bars system, it was required that the length of the

    horizontal portion of the bars after the bend be at least the anchorage length of the

    bar. In many cases, this requirement has limited the provision of closely spaced

    multiple system of bent-up bars. This project presents the results of experimental

    investigation on five rectangular beams in which the effect of using short anchorage

    of the independent bent-up bars on the capacity of the beam in carrying shear was

    studied. The influence of various amounts of bent-up bars was also investigated. All

    the beams were provided with identical longitudinal reinforcement but with different

    sets of shear reinforcement. In one beam, the shear reinforcement was in the form of

    closely spaced vertical links, while the other three beams had nominal links

    combined with independent bent-up bars of various amount and anchorage lengths.

    Test results indicate that the anchorage length of the bent-up bars is insignificant to

    the capability of the bars in carrying shear. It also suggests that the provision of the

    large amount of the bent-up bars does not produce the corresponding advantage to

    the beams shear capacity. It may therefore be concluded that independent bent-up

    bars be used effectively and economically in reinforced concrete beam design to

    resist shear.

  • vi


    Kegunaan bar condong bebas sebagai tetulang ricih adalah berkesan. Ujikaji

    makmal mendapati rasuk yang dibekalkan dengan sesetengah bilangan tetulang

    bersama dengan nonimal perangkai untuk mencapai rintangan ricih yang lebih tinggi

    daripada perangkai pugak yang biasa digunakan. Dalam sistem tradisional bar

    condong, kepanjangan bahagian bar melintang selepas dibengkokkan mesti

    sekurang- kurangnya kepanjangan tambatan bar. Dalam banyak situasi, kelayakan ini

    telah mengehadkan bekalan gandaan sistem yang berjarak rapat bagi bar condong.

    Kajian ini memaparkan keputusan dari ujikaji makmal yang telah dijalankan ke atas

    lima rasuk bersegi empat dimana kesannya menggunakan tambatan yang pendek

    dalam bar condong terhadap keupayaan menanggung ricih telah dikaji. Pengaruh dari

    pelbagai bilangan bar yang dibengkok juga pun diujikaji. Semua rasuk dibekalkan

    dengan tetulang bergarisan bujur yang sama tetapi set ricih tetulang yang berlainan.

    Dalam satu rasuk, ricih tetulang adalah dalam bentuk perangkai pugak yang berjarak

    dekat, manakala tiga rasuk yang berlainan mempunyai nominal perangkai yang

    bergabungan dengan bar condong bebas dengan pelbagai bilangan dan panjang

    tambatan. Keputusan ujikaji menunjukkan kepanjangan tambatan dari bar condong

    adalah tidak berkesan untuk menanggung ricih. Ujikaji ini juga mencadangkan

    dengan membekalkan banyak bar condong bebas tidak akan menghasilkan kebaikan

    yang sama kepada keupayaan ricih rasuk. Oleh yang demikian, bar condong bebas

    adalah bekesan dan ekomoni untuk digunakan dalam mencorakkan rasuk konkrit

    bertetulang untuk menahan ricih.

  • vi







    ABSTRAK vi







    1.1 General 1

    1.2 Objectives of Studies 3

    1.3 Scope of Works 4


    2.1 Shear Stress Variation in Reinforced Rectangular Beams 5

    2.2 Shear Failure in Beams without Shear Reinforcement 7

    2.3 Types of Shear Failure 10

    2.3.1 Case 1: (av/d > 6) 10

    2.3.2 Case 2: (6> av/d > 2) 11

    2.3.3 Case 3: (av/d > 2) 12

  • vii

    2.3.4 Case 4: (av/d = 0) 12

    2.4 Shear Reinforcement 13

    2.4.1 Vertical Links 14

    2.4.2 Bent-up Bars 17

    2.5 BS8110 Requirement for Designing the

    Shear Reinforcement 20

    2.6 Summary 21


    3.1 Introduction 23

    3.2 Design of Experiment 24

    3.3 Details of Test Specimens 25

    3.2.1 Beam B1 25

    3.2.2 Beam B2 26

    3.2.3 Beam B3 27

    3.2.4 Beam B4 28

    3.2.5 Beam B5 29

    3.4 Materials of Reinforced Concrete Beam 30

    3.4.1 Steel Reinforcement 31

    3.4.2 Concrete 32

    3.5 Preparation of Test Specimens 33

    3.5.1 Formwork 33

    3.5.2 Reinforcement 34

    3.4.3 Concreting and Curing 36

    3.6 Compression Tests: Cube test 38

    3.7 Test Procedure 40

    3.8 Instrumentation 42


    4.1 Introduction 44

    4.2 Beam B1 45

    4.2.1 Specimen Behavior during Test 45

    4.2.2 Test Results 46

    4.3 Beam B2 47

  • viii

    4.3.1 Specimen Behavior during Test 48

    4.3.2 Test Results 49

    4.4 Beam B3 50

    4.4.1 Specimen Behavior during Test 50

    4.4.2 Test Results 51

    4.5 Beam B4 52

    4.5.1 Specimen Behavior during Test 52

    4.5.2 Test Results 54

    4.6 Beam B5 55

    4.6.1 Specimen Behavior during Test 55

    4.6.2 Test Results 57

    4.7 Summary of Specimen Behavior and Test Results

    for All Specimens 58



    6.2 Conclusion 67

    6.3 Recommendation 68






  • x



    2.1 Value of ultimate shear stress vc (N/mm2)for a concrete

    strength of fcu = 25 N/mm2 (BS8110 : 1997) 17

    3.1 Details of specimens 25

    3.2 Proportion of concrete mix design 33

    4.1 Concrete compression strength for all beams 45

    4.7 The Results of the all specimens 60

    5.2 The comparison between testing result

    and calculation value 65

  • xi



    2.1 Principal stresses in a beam 6

    2.2 Shear stress variation in reinforced rectangular beams. 6

    2.3 Failure due to av/d ratio 8

    2.4 Case 1: (av/d > 6) 10

    2.5 Case 2: (6> av/d > 2) 11

    2.6 Case 3: (av/d > 2) 12

    2.7 Case 4: (av/d = 0) 12

    2.8 Shear reinforcement 13

    2.9 Types of shear reinforcement 14

    2.10 Vertical links 14

    2.11 Vertical links and the analogous truss 15

    2.12 Bent-up Bars 18

    3.1 Dimension of Beam Specimen 25

    3.2 Beam B1 26

    3.3 Beam B2 27

    3.4 Beam B3 28

    3.5 Beam B4 29

    3.6 Beam B5 30

  • xii

    3.7 Several size of steel reinforcement 31

    3.8 Independent bent-up bar with different amountof anchorage length. 32

    3.9 Ply woods formwork 34

    3.10 Bar bender machine Takeda TBN-32 35

    3.11 Steel cutter machine branded Kingsland 35

    3.12 Reinforcement cast into formworks 36

    3.13 Mechanical drum mixer 37

    3.14 Steel cube moulds 37

    3.15 Casting completed 37

    3.16 Specimens coated with white pain layer 38

    3.17 Compressive strength test machine 39

    3.18 Flow chart of research methodology 41

    3.19 Testing machine and set up 42

    3.20 Testing instruments 43

    4.1 Appearance and cracking configuration of specimen beam B1 46

    4.2 Graph load versus deflection for specimen beam B1 47

    4.3 Appearance and cracking configuration of specimen beam B2 49

    4.4 Graph load versus deflection for specimen beam B2 49

    4.5 Appearance and cracking configuration of specimen beam B3 51

    4.6 Graph load versus deflection for specimen beam B3 52

    4.7 Appearance and cracking configuration of specimen beam B4 54

    4.8 Graph load versus deflection for specimen beam B4 55

    4.9 Appearance and cracking configuration of

  • xiii

    specimen beam B5 56

    4.10 Graph load versus deflection for specimen beam B5 57

    4.11 Appearance and cracking configuration of all specimens 59

    4.12 Graph compressive strength of concrete for all specimens beams 60

    4.13 Graph load versus deflection for all specimen beams 61

    4.14 Graph maximum ultimate load for all specimen beams 61

    4.15 Graph maximum deflection for all specimen beams 62

  • xiv


    A - Area of cross-section

    As - Area of tension reinforcement

    Asb - Area of steel in bent-up bars

    As,prov - Area of tension reinforcement provided

    As, req - Area of tension reinforcement required

    Asv - Total cross-sectional area of links at the neutral axis

    av - Shear span

    b - Width of a section

    bv - Breadth of member for shear resistance

    c - Cover to reinforcement

    d - Effective depth of the tension reinforcement

    fcu - Characteristic concrete cube strength at 28 days

    fs - Service stress in reinforcement

    ftt - Design tensile stress in concrete at transfer

    fy - Characteristic strength of reinforcement

    fyb - Characteristic strength of inclined bars

    fyv - Characteristic strength of link reinforcement

    L - Effective span of a beam

    Mmax - Maximum bending moment

    sb - Spacing of bent-up bars

    sv - Spacing of links

    V - Shear force at ultimate design load

    Vb - Design ultimate shear resistance of bent-up bars

    Vc - Design ultimate shear resistance of a concrete section

    v - Shear stress

  • xv

    vb - Design shear stress resistance of bent-up bars

    vc - Design ultimate shear resistance of a singly reinforcement concrete


    - Angle between a bent-up bar and axis of a beam

    - Bond coefficient

    - Bar diameter

    - Angle

  • xvi



    A Analysis of singly reinforcement rectangular section 71-77

    B Concrete mix design Grade 30 78

    C Detail for Testing Result 79-88

    D Calculation of Shear Stress Analysis 89-94

  • 1



    1.1 General

    Reinforcement concrete beam is concrete in which reinforcement bars have

    been incorporated to strengthen a material. The shear reinforcement must be

    provided when the value of actual shear stress exceeds the permissible shear stress of

    the concrete used. Shear reinforcement is used to prevent failure in shear; this

    increases the ductility of the beam and considerably reduces the chances of a sudden

    failure. Furthermore, the anchorage is the embedment of a bar in concrete so that it

    can carry load through bond between the steel and concrete.

    Generally, an inclined bar is one that is employed to resist tension in the

    bottom of the beam near mid- span and is then bent up at 45o into the top of the

    member, where it may provide resistance over the support. In such a case, the force

    in the horizontal parts of the bar must balance the horizontal components of the force

    in the inclined part and the complementary compressive resistance.

    Any form of effectively anchored reinforcement that intersects these diagonal

    cracks will be able to resist the stress to a certain extent3. In practice, shear

  • 2

    reinforcement is provided whether in the form of vertical links, inclined links or

    combination system of links and bent-up bars. Bent- up bars is normally used to

    carry heavy shear forces.

    Vertical links are simple in fabricating and installing, therefore it is most

    common used as shear reinforcement in building construction. Links are arranged

    closely or sometimes double or more shear links are used to resist high shear stress.

    Congestion near the support of reinforced concrete beam due to the presence of the

    closely spaced links can increase the cost and time required in fixing the


    The use of bent- up bars along with vertical links had been practical before,

    where all the tensile reinforcement is not required to resist bending moment; some of

    the bar was bent- up in the region of high shear to form the inclined legs of shear

    reinforcement. However, inclined bars are seldom used in present- day practice. This

    is because the cost of bending is not insignificant. They are also difficult to

    manipulate and fix compare with straight bars, especially in congested situations. In

    beams with small number of bars provided, the bent- up system is not suitable due to

    insufficient amount of reinforcement would be left to continue to the support as

    required by the code of practice.

    However, where large concentrated loads must be supported, their use should

    be considered in order to avoid the congestion that can arise when the multiple- link

    systems, that would otherwise be necessary, are employed. Inclined bars used as

    shearing reinforcement must be checked for anchorage and bearing.

    In this project, total of five reinforced concrete beams which were contained

    different types of shear reinforcement and anchorage length were designed and used

    in the laboratory testing. All the beams were designed to fail in shear. Thus the

    tension reinforcement and concrete properties recommended need to be considered

  • 3

    and calculated to give a sufficient of bending moment resistance. Furthermore, same

    grade of concrete and the size are applied to the entire beam. All the beams will be

    tested and the result will be compared.

    1.2 Objective of the Studies

    The main objectives of this study are:

    a) To study the effectiveness of independent inclined bars as shear reinforcement in

    rectangular beams.

    b) To investigate the anchorage length of the independent bent up bar on its

    capacity in carrying shear.

    c) To study the influence of the amount of the independent bent up bar on its

    capacity in resisting shear.

  • 4

    1.3 Scope of Works

    This study was based on the experimental investigation carried out within the

    scope as below:

    (a) Five reinforced concrete beams which are contained different types of shear

    reinforcement and anchorage length were designed and used in the laboratory


    (b) Grade C30 concrete are applied the entire beam and the size of the beam were

    200mm width x 250mm height x 2300mm length

    (c) Each of the beams was provided with 3T16 as tension reinforcement and 2T10 as

    top of reinforcement and the variable of vertical links and inclined bars as shear

    reinforcement system.

    (d) All specimens were tested to failure with two point loads near the support.


    (e) The inclination of the independent bent-up bar was 45 degree from the

    longitudinal axis and provided within 500mm from support beam.

  • 5



    2.1 Shear Stress Variation in Reinforced Rectangular Beams

    Shear is a technical term used when the two sections on either side of a plane

    in a member have a tendency to slide along that plane. The tendency is caused by the

    shear forces that act in the opposite directions. Figure 2.1 are represents the

    distribution of principal stresses across the span of a homogeneous concrete beam.

    The form of an arch is taken on the principal compressive stress while the tensile

    stresses have a curve of a suspended chain. The shear is low and the bending

    stresses are dominant the direction of the stresses tends to be parallel to the beam

    axis at the mid-span. Near the supports, the shearing forces are greater and the

    principal stresses are inclined, so that the tensile stresses are liable to cause a

    diagonal cracking. Therefore, Shear reinforcement must be provided when the

    diagonal tension exceeds the limit tensile strength of the concrete.

    The variation of bending moment along the span causes the shear. The

    relationships between shear V and bending moment M is shown below. Once the

    shear V is known, the shear stress v can be obtained by dividing the shear force with

    the area of cross section on which the shear is acting:

  • 6

    V = dM/dx Equation 2.1

    Figure 2.1: Principal stresses in a beam

    As shown in Figure 2.2, shear stress variation in reinforced rectangular

    beams is in the forms of parabolic and uniform. The section above neutral axis is in

    compression, while below neutral axis is in tension. As T + T is greater than T, the

    lower portion has a tendency to slide towards right, while the upper portion has a

    tendency to slide towards left due to C + T greater than C.

    Figure 2.2: Shear stress variation in reinforced rectangular beams.

    Normally, calculation is used to determine dimension of the cross- section of

    a reinforced concrete beam and area of longitudinal steel, which consider as

    resistance to bending moment at the ultimate limit state. If load in a plain concrete

    beam is increased without reinforcement, tension crack will form at the largest

  • 7

    tension stresses location and will cause immediate fails to the beam. However, the

    situation is different when tension reinforcement is provided; much higher loads can

    be carried. This is due to the flexural tension strength will resist by the steel. Even

    though tension cracks will still form in the concrete, it does not cause fail to the


    Shear stresses increase proportionally to the loads. In the result, the diagonal

    tension stresses of significant intensity are created in the regions which close to the

    support, also known as regions of high shear force. Diagonal cracks formed is due to

    the longitudinal tension reinforcement does not reinforce the tensional weak concrete

    against the diagonal tension stresses that caused by shear or combined effect of shear

    and flexure.

    2.2 Shear Failure in Beams Without Shear Reinforcement

    Shear reinforcement is important in preventing failure in shear. If the

    reinforcement is not provided, the behavior of beams must be fully understood. In

    beam without shear reinforcement, inclined cracking formed is depending on the

    conditions of load and support. Once the load is increased, the inclined cracks may

    develop and extend.

    Diagonal tension stresses reach the tensile strength of the concrete is the

    cause of diagonal cracks to develop. From Figure 2.3, the shear mechanism is

    complex and depends in the shear span ratio ad.

  • 8

    Figure 2.3: Failure due to av/d ratio

    There are three actions form the mechanism of resisting shear in the beam,

    which are:,

    a) Shear stresses in the compression zone with a parabolic distribution.

    b) Aggregate interlock along the cracks

    c) Dowel action in the bars where the concrete between the cracks transmits shear

    forces to the bars.

    According to BS 8110: Part I (7), behavior of reinforced concrete beams is

    much influenced by the shear stresses. It is also depending on configuration, support

    conditions and load distribution. At a location of large shear force V and small

    bending moment M, there will be little flexural cracking.

    v = V / bvd Equation 2.2

    Where, V = the ultimate shear force

    bv = the beam width (bv = b for rectangular beam)

    d = the effective depth

  • 9

    This value is then use as guild to determine whether the section is of the

    correct size and whether shear reinforcement is required. The design concrete shear

    stress vc depend on the percentage of the steel in the member, the depth and the

    concrete grade. An increase in the amount of tension steel as well as increase in the

    dowel action component increases the aggregate interlock value by resisting the

    width of the shear crack.

    The design concrete stress is given by the following formulae:

    Equation 2.3

    Where 100As (bvd) should not be greater than 3.0 and 400/d should not be

    less than unity. The code notes (clause in BS 8110) that for tension steel to be

    counted in calculating As it must continue for a distance at least equal to d beyond

    the section being considered. This formula gives values of vc concrete grade 25. For

    higher grades of concrete values should be multiplied by (fcu/25)1/3. The value of fcu

    should not be greater than 40 and value of m is 1.25.

    Shear failure in beam sections without shear reinforcement normally occurs

    at about 30o to the horizontal. The shear capacity is increased when the angle is

    steeper due to the load or the section is close to the support. The increase is due to

    the concrete in diagonal compression resist shear. For a maximum shear stress

    requirement, the nominal shear stress v = V/ bvd must exceed 0.8 fcu1/2 or 5 N/mm2

    even if the beam is reinforced to resist shear. This upper limit prevents failure of the

    concrete in diagonal compression.

    11430.79 100 /( ) (400 / ) /c s v mv A b d d

  • 10

    2.3 Types of Shear Failure

    The vertical cracks are produced by the bending moment and these are linked

    to diagonal cracks produced by the shear forces. Rectangular beam fails eventually

    as the shear forces V is increased and the failure mode is strongly dependent on the

    shear-span/depth ratio av/d. There are five types of shear failure, which four are

    related to shear span ratio av/d. When ratio increases, the shear resistance will be


    2.3.1 Case 1: (av/d > 6)

    The bending moment is significantly large compare to the shear force and

    mode of failure is similar to pure bending. The initial vertical bending cracks

    become inclined due to the action of the shear stresses and failure occurs in the

    compression zone as shown in Figure 2.4. The stresses in the tensile steel are

    approximately at yield and only minimum reinforcement is required in design


    Figure 2.4: Case 1: (av/d > 6)

  • 11

    2.3.2 Case 2: (6> av/d > 2)

    The initial bending cracks become inclined early in the loading sequence and

    at collapse horizontal cracks from running along the line of the tensile reinforcement,

    which shown in Figure 2.5. The horizontal cracks reduce the shear resistance of the

    section by destroying the dowel force and reducing the bond stresses between the

    steel and the concrete. The steel in the tension zone does not reach yield.

    Figure 2.5: Case 2: (6> av/d > 2)

    2.3.3 Case 3: (av/d > 2)

    The influence of shear tends to be critical and the diagonal crack form

    independently. The beam continues to carry additional shear force and failure takes

    place by crushing of concrete in compression near the loads as the cracks penetrates

    into this zone. Therefore, in this case bending cracks do not develop but shear cracks

    (at approximately 45o) suddenly appear and often run through to the compression

    zone and produce collapse as shown in Figure 2.6. The steel in the tension zone does

    not reach yield.

  • 12

    Figure 2.6: Case 3: (av/d > 2)

    2.3.4 Case 4: (av/d = 0)

    Punching shear failure occurs when the plane of failure is forced to run

    parallel to the shear forces as shown in Figure 2.7. This can occur when the opposing

    shear forces are close together or, if shear links have been added, when the failure

    plane forms which does not intercept the shear links. When this type of failure

    occurs, the shear resistance of the section is at a maximum. The additional of shear

    reinforcement in the form of vertical links does not increase the shear resistance

    above the punching shear value and if a section is unable to resist this force, it must

    be increased in size.

    Figure 2.7: Case 4: (av/d = 0)

  • 13

    2.4 Shear Reinforcement

    The addition of shear reinforcement increases the shear resistance for cases of

    failure I, II and III. Numerous diagonal cracks develop as shown in Figure 2.8 and at

    failure the shear reinforcement and the longitudinal steel yield, provided that the

    steel is anchored and the member is not over- reinforced.

    Figure 2.8: Shear reinforcement

    There are three types of shear reinforcement, which are vertical links,

    inclined links and bent-up bars as shown in Figure 2.9. Commonly at the

    construction practice, the vertical links are used as shear reinforcement because of

    their simplicity in fabricating and installing. By the way, the inclined links are used

    at an angle 40 to 60 degrees. Bent-up bars are normally used to carry heavy shear

    forces. The inclination of the bent-up bars should be at 30 to 60 degree but usually

    the angles are 45 degree in order to ensure the reinforcement intercepts the crack

    effectively. Furthermore, bent-up bars are most effective in deep beams with low

    span/ depth ratios where the straight inclined portions of the bars extend over a

    considerable length of beam (Standard Reinforced Concrete Details, 1973).

  • 14

    Figure 2.9: Types of shear reinforcement

    2.4.1 Vertical Links

    When ultimate limit state at the average shear stress v exceeds the design

    shear stress vc + 0.4 N/mm2 shear reinforcement is added. Vertical links is the most

    common type of shear reinforcement which strengthens the web of a beam and

    prevents dowel failure. Vertical links in a beam intercept at approximately 45o in the

    concrete is shown in the Figure 2.10.

    Figure 2.10: Vertical links

  • 15

    In order to derive simplified equations the action of a reinforced concrete

    beam in shear is represented by an analogous truss in which the longitudinal

    reinforcement forms the bottom chord, the links are the vertical members and the

    concrete acts as the diagonal and top chord compression members as indicated in

    Figure 2.11.

    Figure 2.11: Vertical links and the analogous truss

    In the analogous truss, let

    Asv be the cross- sectional area of the two legs of the vertical links

    fyv be the characteristic strength of the links reinforcement

    V be the shear force due to the ultimate loads

    Using the method of section it can be seen at the section XX in the figure that

    at the ultimate limit state the force in the vertical links member must equal the shear

    force V, that is

    0.95 fyv Asb = V Equation 2.4

    0.95 fyv Asb = vbd Equation 2.5

  • 16

    where v = V/ bd is the average shear stress on the section,

    when the links spacing is less than the effective depth, a series of superimposed

    equivalent trusses may be considered, so that the force to be resisted by the link is

    reduced proportionally. Thus if sv = the links spacing, the equation above will


    0.95 fyv Asb = vbd (sv/d)

    Hence, Equation 2.6

    the equation will be rewritten since the concrete is also capable of resisting a limited

    amount of shear as

    Equation 2.7

    where the vc is the ultimate shear stress that can be resisted by the concrete. Value of

    vc are in table 2.1. As a simplified approach for the beam carrying mainly uniformly

    distributed loads, the critical section for design may be taken at a distance d from the

    face of the support using the value if vc. The average shear stress should never

    exceed the lesser of 0.8fcu or 5 N/mm2.


    cvvs f



  • 17

    Table 2.1: Value of ultimate shear stress vc (N/mm2) for a concrete strength of

    fcu = 25 N/mm2 (BS8110 : 1997)

    2.4.2 Bent-up Bars

    Bent- up bars is normally used to carry heavy shear forces. The resistance to

    shear of a beam reinforced with bent- up bars is based on the assumption that the

    inclined bars form the tension members and the concrete the compression members

    of a lattice girder system. The local bearing stress inside the bend in the bar may be

    the limiting condition.

    Inclined bars such as bent- up bar is another type of shear reinforcement.

    Some of the bars may be bent up to form shear reinforcement while all the tensile

    reinforcement is not required to resist the bending moment at the ultimate limit state.

    In this case, bent- up bars must be adequately anchored at the top of the beam to

  • 18

    prevent bond failure. The bent- up bars can located at a distance from support from

    L/5 to L/7 where L is the effective span of beam.

    The bent- up bars resist diagonal tension and act as support to hanger bars

    which are provided to give sufficient support to vertical stirrup. Bars may be bent up

    near the supports to resist the shearing forces which shown in Figure 2.12. The bent

    up bars and the shear resistance of the bars is determined by taking a section XX

    through the girder.

    Figure 2.12: Bent-up Bars

    From the geometry of part (a) of the figure, the spacing of the bent up bars is

    sb = (d-d)[cot + cot] Equation 2.8

    and at the section XX the shear resistance of the single bar is

    V = 0.95 fyv Asb sin Equation 2.9

  • 19

    Where Asb is the cross-sectional area of the bent-up bar.

    For a multiple system of bent-up bars, as in part (b) of the figure, the shear resistance

    is increased proportionately to the spacing sb. Hence

    Vb = 0.95 fyv Asb sin [cot + cot] (d-d)/ Sb Equation 2.10

    The code requires that the spacing sb has a maximum value of 1.5d and the angles

    and should be greater than or equal to 45. With = = 45 and sb = (d d), so

    the equation above becomes

    V = 1.34 fyv Asb Equation 2.11

    And this arrangement is commonly referred to as a double system.

    2.9 BS8110 Requirement for Designing the Shear Reinforcement

    Calculate the design shear stress v at any cross section from

    v = V / bvd

    The shear stress must never exceed the lesser of 0.8fcu or 5 N/mm2.

    v > or 5 N/mm2 fcu8.0

  • 20

    If v < 0.5vc, then:

    a) No shear reinforcement is required for members of minor structural

    importance, such as lintels.

    b) For all other structure members, provide minimum links which are

    defined as shear links that will provide a shear resistance of 0.4 N/ mm2.

    If 0.5vc < v < (vc + 0.4)

    If v is between 0.5vc and (vc + 0.4), so the minimum links are needed to

    provide for whole length of beam. So the area of shear reinforcement to be

    provided is

    (vc + 0.4) < v < 0.8fcu or 5 N/mm2

    If v is between in the range of (vc + 0.4) and 0.8fcu or 5 N/mm2, provide

    links or links combined with bent-up bars. Not more than 50% of the shear

    resistance provided by the steel may be in the form of bent-up bars. The links

    are provided as follow:

    For the use of bent-up bars:

    The shear resistance Vb of the system:

    Vb = Asb(0.95fyv)(cos + sincot) d-d/sb



    s vyv

    bA s



    cvvs f



  • 21

    Where Asb is the cross-sectional area of the bent-up bars, fyv the characteristic

    strength, and are the angles, d the effective depth, d the concrete cover to the

    centers of the top reinforcement and sb is the spacing of the bent-up bars.

    2.6 Summary

    From the literature review carried out in this chapter, the following summaries are


    a) Near the supports, the shearing forces are greater and the principal stresses

    are inclined, so that the tensile stresses are liable to cause a diagonal cracking.

    Therefore, Shear reinforcement must be provided when the diagonal tension

    exceeds the limit tensile strength of the concrete.

    b) If load in a plain concrete beam is increased without reinforcement, tension

    crack will form at the largest tension stresses location and will cause

    immediate fails to the beam. However, the situation is different when tension

    reinforcement is provided; much higher loads can be carried. This is due to

    the flexural tension strength will resist by the steel.

    c) Shear failure in beam sections without shear reinforcement normally occurs

    at about 30o to the horizontal. The shear capacity is increased when the angle

    is steeper due to the load or the section is close to the support.

  • 22

    d) Diagonal cracks formed is due to the longitudinal tension reinforcement does

    not reinforce the tensional weak concrete against the diagonal tension

    stresses that caused by shear or combined effect of shear and flexure.

    e) Rectangular beam fails eventually as the shear forces V is increased and the

    failure mode is strongly dependent on the shear-span/depth ratio av/d.

    f) The bent- up bars resist diagonal tension and act as support to hanger bars

    which are provided to give sufficient support to vertical links. In BS8110, at

    least 50% of the shear resistance must provided by the vertical links.

  • 23



    3.1 Introduction

    The purpose of this project is to investigate the use of the inclined bar as

    shear reinforcement with different types of bar arrangement and anchorage length.

    Therefore, due to the problems of conventional shear reinforcement, the uses of

    independent inclined bars provided in the high shear region are recommended in this

    project. In order to experimental the investigation of testing, the system was carried

    out at Structure Laboratory of the Faculty of Civil Engineering.

    First of all, total five reinforced concrete beams which were contained

    different types of shear reinforcement and anchorage length were designed and used

    in the laboratory testing. All the beams were designed to fail in shear. Thus the

    tension reinforcement and concrete properties recommended need to be considered

    and calculated to give a sufficient of bending moment resistance. Furthermore, same

    grade of concrete and the same size cross section are applied to the beam. All the

    beam were tested and compared.

  • 24

    3.2 Design of Experiment

    In this investigation, five reinforced concrete beams which are contained

    different types of shear reinforcement and anchorage length were designed and used

    in the laboratory testing. Concrete grade C30 are applied to all the beam and the size

    of the beam were 200mm width x 250mm height x 2300mm length shown in Figure

    3.1 below. Each of the beams was provided with identical amount of main

    reinforcement and the variable of vertical links and inclined bars as shear

    reinforcement system, all details of specimens are shown in Table 3.1.

    To study the behavior of the shear failure in reinforced concrete beam, Beam

    B1 was designed with sufficient amount of nominal links and shear link to resist the

    shear failure and served as a control specimen. The beam was provided with 3T16 as

    tension reinforcement and 2T10 as hanger bars. Beam B2, B3 and B4 were designed

    with the same nominal links and different independent inclined bars and anchorage

    length as shear reinforcement. This 3 beam are designed to compare with the control

    specimen for the behavior and carrying shear. Beam B5 was cast only with

    independent inclined bars as shear reinforcement and to investigated the result for

    the ultimate load its can carry without combination of any vertical shear links. The

    inclination was 45 degree from the longitudinal axis and provided within 500mm

    from support. The spacing of the inclined bar for Beam B2, B3 and B4 were 200mm

    while the Beam B5 was 100mm.

  • 25

    Table 3.1: Details of Specimens

    Vertical links Inclined Bars

    Beam Cross-section






    Nominal Amount Anchorage


    B1 3T16 R6-50 R6 -150 - -

    B2 3T16 R6-150 R6 -150 4T16 75

    B3 3T16 R6-150 R6 -150 6T16 75

    B4 3T16 R6-150 R6 -150 6T16 150


    200 x 250

    3T16 - - 8T16 150

    Figure 3.1: Dimension of Beam Specimen

    3.3 Details of Test Specimens

    3.3.1 Beam B1

    In practical, vertical links are most commonly used in construction site as

    shear reinforcement compared to the inclined links and bent-up bars. For the beam

    B1 (as shown in Figure 3.2) were designed and prepared according to BS 8110 with

    sufficient amount of nominal links and shear links to resist the shear failure. This

    beam also served as control specimen.

  • 26

    As conventional shear reinforcement, this beam is using closely vertical links

    at shear region. That is mean; links 6mm with spacing 150mm (R6-150) was used as

    nominal links at middle and link 6mm with spacing 50mm (R6-50) as shear links at

    the support. Shear links are arranged closely at shear region with 500mm length near

    the support. By the way, at the middle of the beam span, nominal links are arranged

    within 1000mm. Beam B1 was provided with 3T16 as tension reinforcement and

    2T10 as top reinforcement.

    Figure 3.2: Beam B1

    3.3.2 Beam B2

    From Figure 3.3, Beam B3 was designed with nominal links and independent

    inclined bars as shear reinforcement. Top and bottom reinforcement were provided

    similar as beam B1, which is 2T10 and 3T16. This beam is designed as bent-up bars

    system in the form of independent bars. Compared to other specimen, independent

    inclined bars are most efficient because these shear reinforcement were placed in the

  • 27

    direction of the principle tensile stresses. The inclination of bent-up bars is 45 from

    the longitudinal axis and provided 4 bars with 16mm size (4T16) of reinforcement

    within 500mm length near the support. Furthermore, spacing between these inclined

    bars was 200mm and the anchorage length for inclined bar is 75mm. This beam also

    provided with nominal links with R6-150 along the beam span.

    Figure 3.3: Beam B2

    3.3.3 Beam B3

    Beam B3 (as shown in Figure 3.4 below) was designed in order to investigate

    the performance of an increased amount of additional bars in resisting shear forces.

    At beam B3, the amount of inclined bars was increased from 4T16 to 6T16 at shear

    region. The spacing between these inclined bars was 200mm and the anchorage

    length for inclined bar is 75mm. This beam also provided with nominal links with

    R6-150 along the beam span. The top and bottom reinforcement were provided

    similar as other specimens.

  • 28

    Figure 3.4: Beam B3

    3.3.4 Beam B4

    Beam B4 as shown in Figure 3.5 below, was designed in order to investigate

    the anchorage length of the independent bent up bar on its capacity in carry shear. At

    beam B4, the amount of anchorage length was increased from 75mm to 150mm at

    shear region. The arrangement and positions of the independent bent-up bars are

    same as Beam B3. The spacing between these inclined bars was 200mm and also

    provided with nominal links with R6-150 along the beam span. The top and bottom

    reinforcement were provided similar as other specimens.

  • 29

    Figure 3.5: Beam B4

    3.3.5 Beam B5

    To study the influence of the amount of the independent bent up bar on its

    capacity in resisting shear. Beam B5 was designed without any vertical links but only

    provided with the independent inclined bars as shear reinforcement as shown in

    Figure 3.6 below. Only 3 nominal links were provided at the middle and each edge of

    the beam length, in order to ease the installation of main reinforcement. Top and

    bottom reinforcement were provided similar as other beams, which is 2T10 and

    3T16. The inclination of bent-up bars is 45 from the longitudinal axis and provided

    8 bars with 16mm size (4T16) of reinforcement within 500mm length near the

    support. Furthermore, spacing between these inclined bars was 100mm and the

    anchorage length for inclined bar is 150mm.

  • 30

    Figure 3.6: Beam B5

    3.4 Materials of Reinforced Concrete Beam

    Reinforced concrete is a composite material of steel bars embedded in a

    hardened concrete. Normally, plain concrete whilst strong in compression is

    relatively weak in tension and is therefore generally unsuitable for structure use. For

    this reason, most concrete structures are of reinforced concrete in which the steel

    bars are positioned in the concrete to resist the tensile forces, with the concrete

    resisting the compressive forces. Reinforced concrete beam is designed as specified

    materials, which are required to provide adequate safety during their services.

  • 31

    3.4.1 Steel Reinforcement

    Commonly, concrete strong in compressive but weak in tension and steel are

    good in compressive and tension. Therefore, steel is important reinforcing material

    for concrete. Normally, type of reinforcing steel is form of round bars. The strength

    of high steel is 460 N/mm2 and 250 N/mm2 for mild steel. In this project, high steel

    reinforcement was used as tension steel, compressive steel and for additional bar in

    resisting shear forces. While mild steel were used as shear and nominal links.

    Furthermore, 3 bars with size 16mm (3T16) are chosen at tension

    reinforcement and 2 bars with size 10mm (2T10) are chosen at compression

    reinforcement as shown in Figure 3.7. R6 were provided for each beams for shear

    and nominal links. All reinforcement bars used were in clean condition with only

    minor rust.

    For the inclined bar as shown in Figure 3.8, T16 was used to resist the shear

    forces. In design consideration, a reinforce bars must be adequate anchored;

    otherwise it will withdraw from the concrete before it has reached its full tensile

    strength. So 75mm and 150mm of anchorage length are be using in this investigation.

    Figure 3.7: Several sizes of steel reinforcement

  • 32

    Figure 3.8: Independent bent-up bar with different amount of anchorage length.

    3.4.2 Concrete

    Concrete is composed mainly of three materials, namely cement, water and

    aggregate and an additional material, known as an admixture is sometimes added to

    modify certain of its properties. Plain concrete is made by mixing cement, fine

    aggregate, coarse aggregate and water. In this project, the target mean strength to be

    obtained at 28days is 30 N/mm2 with a medium workability.

    Concrete mix design was carried out for this investigation to ensure each of

    specimens will satisfy the compressive strength specification. The purpose of mixing

    is to produce an intimate mixture content of cement, water, fine and coarse

    aggregate. Coarse aggregate with the size of 10 mm, fine aggregate and Ordinary

    Portland Cement (OPC) are used as the major constituent of the concrete mix. The

    ratio for free-water/cement was 0.54. Furthermore, water is needed for the chemical

    process or hydration for making structural concrete, which the concrete will hardens

    to reach sufficient strength. Therefore, several trial mixes need to be carried out to

    determine the correct proportion of material. After prepared all the material, mixing

    will be carry on by using a rotated mechanical mixer as shown in figure 3.12. The

    mixing shall be continued until there is a uniform distribution of the materials.

  • 33

    In order to get good concrete, curing is needed because it let the process of

    keeping the concrete moist to gain full strength. All the specimens will be covered

    with plastic to sure that the water wont evaporate. In order can precisely achieving

    the required strength for the grade of concrete at later stage, several trial mixes had

    been conducted. 10 steel mold which with each dimension of 100mm x 100mm x

    100mm had been used repeatedly to conduct the trial mix. Compaction test then was

    carried up onto those trial cubes to measure the compressive strength of the concrete.

    The amount of the material for concrete grade C30 for typical one meter cube is

    shown in Table 3.2, it needed 410kg of cement, 220kg of water, 805kg of sand and

    945kg of coarse aggregate and the calculations of concrete grade are shown in

    Appendix B.

    Table 3.2: Proportion of concrete mix design


    Grade fcu












    Aggregate 10mm


    C30 30 1 220 410 805 945

    3.5 Preparation of Test Specimens

    3.5.1 Formwork

    In this investigation, 5 sets of formworks had been prepared. The material

    selected were the 18mm thick plywood which were well-cut into the desired

    dimensions. The ply woods were then held together firmly by using nail. The

    finished internal dimension of the formworks was 200mm width x 250mm height x

    2300mm length. Figure 3.9 shows the specimen preparation for the specimens.

  • 34

    Therefore, the inner part of formwork was being saturated and covered by oil before

    casting to ease the stripping of formwork after the concrete has hardened.

    Figure 3.9: Ply woods formwork

    3.5.2 Reinforcement

    During the preparation of material and formwork, the steel reinforcement

    were cut and bent into required length and shape and they were later combined to

    form reinforcement cage. For the bar cutting work, electric machine branded

    Kingsland was used as shown in Figure 3.10. The bars with diameter larger than

    10mm were cut by using this machine. For mild yield bar R6 cutting, only manual

    cutter was used. For bar bending purpose, bar bender machine Takeda TBN-32 with

    inner bend diameter of 150mm had used as shown in figure 3.11. This machine was

    useful to across with bar bending job concern with high yield strength bar and also

    for the independent bent-up bars. On the order hand, a man made mold had been

    produced by using wood and nail to ease the vertical link construction work.

    Furthermore, the mechanical bar bender was needed to bend the mild yield strength

    bar bending task.

  • 35

    After the vertical links, independent bent-up bars and main bars have

    prepared, the reinforcement caging work began. The manual rebar bender had been

    used for all bar tighten task to bond the vertical links and independent bent-up bars to

    the main bars upon completion. A day before concreting, the reinforcement cage was

    inserted into the formwork (Figure 3.12). The reinforcement cage was hold firmly in

    place inside the form with wood spacer at each side and hanging at top by steel wire.

    All the spacers were then removed during the compaction work.

    Figure 3.10: Bar bender machine Takeda TBN-32

    Figure 3.11: Steel Cutter Machine branded Kingsland

  • 36

    Figure 3.12: Reinforcement cast into formworks

    3.5.3 Concreting and Curing

    Concrete drum mixer machine with capacity of 0.3 meter cube (Figure 3.13)

    was used in concrete mixing task. Before the day of concrete mix, the materials were

    prepared, weighed and stored in laboratory. Drum cleaned and saturated with clean

    water before the mixing process. This was to ensure that no water which need for

    hydration process later absorbed by drum or contaminants.

    Before mixing, materials including cement, sand and coarse aggregate was

    firstly being poured into the drum. It then followed by one third of required water, as

    to ensure that no cement can adhere to the side of drum. Upon completion, mixer

    started for three to five minutes and all the remaining water was slowly poured into

    the mixer. At certain period, mixer was stopped and its condition was checked to

    ensure its moisture content and mixing condition by visual inspection based on the

    experience at trial mix. Upon finish mixing, concrete moved to concreting area along

    with drum with aid of forklift.

    Slump test then conducted before concreting to determine its workability as

    in required condition. At the same time, ten concrete cubes with each 100mm x

  • 37

    100mm x 100mm were produced as shown in Figure 3.14. For compacting purpose,

    vibrator poker with size of 25mm was used. After 2 days, formwork and mold was

    being stripped and removed and specimens were cured by covering a layer of plastic.

    In the Figure 3.16 below shown that, specimen was coated with a layer of white paint

    before testing for ease of crack observation later.

    Figure 3.13: Mechanical drum mixer Figure 3.14: Steel cube moulds

    Figure 3.15: Casting Completed

  • 38

    Figure 3.16: Specimens coated with white pain layer

    3.6 Compression Tests: Cube Test

    Compression tests are important in this project and will be carried out for

    each concrete mix proportion to determine the compressive strength of the concrete.

    Coarse aggregate with the size of 10 mm, fine aggregate and Ordinary Portland

    Cement (OPC) are used as the major constituent of the concrete mix to test in the

    cube strength of mix design. The fresh concrete was cast in steel or cast-iron moulds.

    Test cubes with the dimension of 100 mm x 100 mm x 100mm will be prepared for

    each batch of concrete mix and they will be tested on their compressive strength

    using compressive strength test machine on day 7, 14, 21 and 28 shown in Figure

    3.17 below.

    First of all, the mould surface of the mould is ensure that is clean and damp

    but free from superfluous moisture before commencing the test. The mould is placed

    on a smooth, horizontal rigid and non-absorbent surface free from vibration and

    shock. Before filling the mould, a thin layer of oil must be applied to the inside

    surface on the mould, in order to prevent the development bond between the mould

  • 39

    and the concrete. By reduces leakage of mortar, the mould and its base should be

    clamped together during casting.

    Figure 3.17: Compressive strength test machine

    In the position at the top whilst it is filled in two layers, each approximately

    half of the height of the mould when compacted. Each layer of fresh concrete was

    compacted 35 times by using the compacting bar. After the top layer has been

    compacted, its level with the top of cube is smoothed. All the cube concretes were

    curing by covering with plastic and the curing process for cube concrete only takes

    one day.

  • 40

    3.7 Test Procedure

    A research flow chart of methodology has been planned as shown in Figure

    3.18. Firstly, information was collected and studies the behavior on shear to design

    several of beams to testing in laboratory. Next, to identify the concrete mix

    proportion, trial mixes are designed. After that, the material and formwork are

    prepared for concrete mix in the cubes with the dimension of 100 mm x 100 mm x


    After the concrete is harden, all the cube concretes sample were curing by

    covering with plastic. After curing process, formworks were removing. When the

    compressive strength of the concrete C30 N/mm2, reinforced concrete beam were

    prepared for testing.

    Prior to testing, the surface of the specimens was painted with while emulsion

    so that the detection of the cracks during the test was easier and their making became

    clearer. To ease the installation of beam in testing frame, all the lines position of

    point load, support and middle of beam were marked. The equipment used for the

    testing is the hydraulic jack. The test was carried out with the specimen placed

    horizontally in a simple loading arrangement. .

    On the testing, the hydraulic jack testing machine with maximum 1000kN

    capacity was used as shown in Figure 3.19. The beam was supported by solid round

    steel as simply supported member and from support to support the beam effective

    length of each beam was 2000mm. The hydraulic jack was placed at two point load

    with distance 500mm from point load to support were applied symmetrically to the

    beam with av less than 2.5d position above the specimen to provide axial load (N).

    While the load cell will be located below the jack and connected to the data logger to

    record the total load subjected to the specimen. On the other hand, the Variable

    Differential Transducer (LVDT) was set at the point load and mid span of the

  • 41

    specimen to measure the deflection. Result on the ultimate load is obtained when the

    specimen fail. Result on the ultimate load is obtained when the specimens fail and

    the cracking on the specimen was marked by using marker pen. All the data were

    collected after the testing and analyzed. Lastly discussion and conclusion were

    making in this test procedures.

    Figure 3.18: Flow chart of research methodology

  • 42

    Figure 3.19: Testing Machine and Set up

    3.8 Instrumentation

    In brief, all the instruments involved in the testing were as listed as below:

    a) Testing Frame - Placement of specimen

    b) Hydraulic Jack - Induce the load on specimen.

  • 43

    c) Load cell - Read and calibrate the loading from hydraulic jack as

    shown in Figure 3.20.

    d) Transducer - Measuring the deflection of beam

    e) Data logger - Record all the reading of deflection, rotation and loading

    act on specimen as shown in Figure 3.20.

    f) Marker pen - Mark the cracking on specimen.

    Figure 3.20: Testing Instruments

  • 44



    4.1 Introduction

    The design and the testing method for the specimens were explained in

    previous chapter. This chapter presents the results obtained from the testing carried

    out on the five specimens. From the experiments, illustrated in terms of the

    specimen behavior, crack deformation, deflection and ultimate strength were

    recorded and observed during the testing.

    To obtain the actual concrete strength for each part of specimen, cube

    compression test was carried out on control cubes for all specimens on the testing

    day. The results for cube testing are as shown in Table 4.1.

  • 45

    Table 4.1: Concrete compression strength for all beams.

    Days Sample Concrete Strength, fcu


    Average, fcu


    1 19.003

    2 19.54 19.27

    3 27.937

    4 27.94 27.94

    5 28.54

    6 30.069

    7 29.23


    8 30.6011

    9 31.66 31.13

    10 31.9414

    11 32.83 32.38

    4.2 Beam B1

    The specimen was provided with the main reinforcement and with R6-50

    vertical links as shear reinforcement as shown in Table 3.1. The Test procedure

    adopted was described in section 3.5.

    4.2.1 Specimen Behavior during Test

    Beam B1 as served as control specimen was cast with nominal links in the

    moment region and vertical links in the shear region with the spacing of 50mm.

  • 46

    Upon loading, the first crack was occurred at a load of around 40kN. The crack was

    spotted in the constant moment region, originated from the tension face of the beam.

    At the same load, some crack also appears in the shear region. More vertical cracks

    formed along the length in the constant moment region and extended upwards.

    However the propagation of these cracks within the moment region was slow

    but steadily with continued loading. Shear cracks will be appeared and take place on

    the shear region with respected approximately 45 to the point load with 75kN. As

    the load increased the cracks extended towards the support point at the lower end and

    towards the applied load at the other end. The development of crack pattern can be

    seen in Figure 4.1 below. As expected with the specimen and test method employed

    in this testing, the beam was failed due to shear failure when more loads are


    Figure 4.1: Appearance and Cracking Configuration of Specimen Beam B1

    4.2.2 Test Results

    The results in terms of ultimate load and deflection obtained from specimens

    tested in this investigation were shown in Table 4.2. Totally 3 of the variable

    differential transducer are provided to measuring the deflection of the beam. Two are

  • 47

    located at the point load and one is located at middle span. Failure was caused by the

    shear failure at the load of 205kN and with the maximum deflection at 16.73mm.

    Figure 4.2 shows the load-deflection relationship for the specimen beam B1.

    As can been see in the figure, deflection occurred as soon as the load was applied but

    the main bar not yet yield when the maximum ultimate load reached. The complete

    result for the testing in shown in Appendix C.

    Graph Load (kN) vs Deflection (mm)








    0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

    Deflection (mm)


    d k


    Beam B1

    Figure 4.2: Graph load versus Deflection for Specimen Beam B1

    4.3 Beam B2

    The specimen was provided with the identical amount of main reinforcement

    as provided in Beam B1, but with vertical links of R6-150 and 4T16 as independent

    bent-up bars in the shear region as shown in Table 3.1. Anchorage length of the bent-

  • 48

    up bar are 75mm. Furthermore, test procedure adopted for this testing are described

    in section 3.5.

    4.3.1 Specimen Behavior during Test

    Beam B2 was cast with nominal links in the moment region and combination

    of vertical links and independent bent-up bar in the shear region. The independent

    bent-up bars were approximately 45 with the respect to the longitudinal axis of the

    beam. Testing procedure was similar with the previous specimens.

    Upon loading, the first flexural crack was occurred at the middle in the

    constant moment region at a load of around 40kN. With continue increasing of

    loading, the width of crack became lengthened and widened. At the same time more

    vertical cracks formed along the length of the constant moment region and extended

    upwards. These developments of crack pattern can be seen in Figure 4.3 below.

    However the propagation of these cracks within the moment region was slow.

    At the load of 60kN, the first cracks appeared within the shear region. The shear

    crack respected approximately 45 to the positions of the point load. As the load

    increased the cracks extended towards the support point at the lower end and towards

    the applied load at the other end.

    When the ultimate load reach until 236.2kN, the beam failed in the moment

    region on the bar buckle on the top reinforcement due to the very large compression

    force. This was because the independent bent up bar was not reach its limit, so the

    beam failed in bending not in shear span.

  • 49

    Figure 4.3: Appearance and Cracking Configuration of Specimen Beam B2

    4.3.2 Test Results

    The ultimate load and deflection for beam B2 are presented in Table 4.1.

    Beside that, Figure 4.4 shown that the results in term of graph load versus deflection

    relationship. Beam B2 was failed at a load of 236.2kN and with the maximum

    deflection 18.97mm. This should that the use of combination system with vertical

    links and independent bent-up bar as shear reinforcement were provided stronger

    capacity than the conventional shear reinforcement system. Furthermore, the beam

    provided high stiffness and yield in main bar. The complete result for the testing in

    shown in Appendix C.

    Graph Load (kN) vs Deflection (mm)









    0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

    Deflection (mm)


    d kN


    Beam B2

    Figure 4.4: Graph load versus Deflection for Specimen Beam B2

  • 50

    4.4 Beam B3

    The specimen was provided with the identical amount of main reinforcement

    as provided in Beam B1, but with vertical links of R6-150 and 6T16 as independent

    bent-up bars in the shear region as shown in Table 3.1. Anchorage length of the bent-

    up bar are 75mm. Furthermore, test procedure adopted for this testing are described

    in section 3.5.

    4.4.1 Specimen Behavior during Test

    Beam B3 was cast with nominal links in the moment region and combination

    of vertical links and increase amount of independent bent-up bar in the shear region.

    The independent bent-up bars were approximately 45 with the respect to the

    longitudinal axis of the beam and provided with 75mm of anchorage length. Testing

    procedure was similar with the previous specimens. These developments of crack

    pattern can be seen in Figure 4.5 below. Form the figure, the first crack was occurred

    at the middle in the constant moment region at a load of around 40kN. With continue

    increasing of loading, more vertical cracks formed along the length of the constant

    moment region and extended upwards.

    At the load of 60kN around, the first diagonal cracks developed in the shear

    region. As the load increased the cracks extended towards the support point at the

    lower end and towards the applied load at the other end. When the load reach to

    225.6kN, the beam failed in the moment region on the bar buckle on the top

    reinforcement due to the very large compression force. The failure is similar with

    beam B2 and at the same location, because the independent bent up bar was not

    reach its limit, so the beam failed in bending not in shear span.

  • 51

    Figure 4.5: Appearance and Cracking Configuration of Specimen Beam B3

    4.4.2 Test Results

    The ultimate load and maximum deflection for Beam B3 was at 225.6kN and

    16.17mm respectively are presented in Table 4.2. From the result, it shown that the

    independent bent-up bar can carry shear for the experimental testing because the

    ultimate load are high than the control specimen.

    Figure 4.6 shows the load-deflection relationship for the specimen beam B3.

    From the graph, the beam provided high stiffness and yield in main bar. Furthermore,

    Beam B3 was failed between the two point loads. The complete result for the testing

    in shown in Appendix C.

  • 52

    Graph Load (kN) vs Deflection (mm)








    0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

    Deflection (mm)


    d kN


    Beam B3

    Figure 4.6: Graph load versus Deflection for Specimen Beam B3

    4.5 Beam B4

    The specimen was provided with the identical amount of main reinforcement

    as provided in Beam B1, but with vertical links of R6-150 and 6T16 as independent

    bent-up bars in the shear region as shown in Table 3.1. Anchorage length of the bent-

    up bar are 150mm. Furthermore, test procedure adopted for this testing are described

    in section 3.5.

    4.5.1 Specimen Behavior during Test

    Beam B4 was also cast with nominal links in the moment region and

    combination of vertical links and independent bent-up bar in the shear region. The

  • 53

    amounts of independent bent-up bars are same as beam B3 but difference in

    anchorage length. Thats 150mm for each of the independent bent-up bars. on the

    other hand, the independent bent-up bars were approximately 45 with the respect to

    the longitudinal axis of the beam. Testing procedure was similar with the previous


    As would be expected with the specimens in this testing, the first flexural

    crack was occurred at the middle in the constant moment region at a load of around

    40kN. With continue increasing of loading, the width of crack became lengthened

    and widened. At the same time more vertical cracks formed along the length of the

    constant moment region and extended upwards. These developments of crack pattern

    can be seen in Figure 4.7 below.

    However the propagation of these cracks within the moment region was slow.

    At the load of 60kN, shear cracks appeared within the shear region. As the load

    increased the cracks extended towards the support point at the lower end and towards

    the applied load at the other end. The cracks were around 45 with respect to the

    longitudinal axis of the beam increased slowly in width and length as the load


    When the load reach 229.4kN, the beam failed in the moment region on the

    bar buckle due to the very large compression force. This was because the

    independent bent up bar was not reach its limit, so the beam failed in bending not in

    shear span.

  • 54

    Figure 4.7: Appearance and Cracking Configuration of Specimen Beam B4

    4.5.2 Test Results

    The test results in term of ultimate load and deflection are presented in Table

    4.2. The graph load versus deflection relationship is presented in Figure 4.8 and

    shows the deflection proportional to the load. From the graph, the beam provided

    high stiffness and yield in main bar.

    From the Table, the failure was cause by flexure failure at a load of 229.4kN.

    Therefore, with the increase amount of the independent bent-up bar and anchorage

    length within the shear region was effective a very little increasing of the capacity

    and increase the ductility of the beam when compared with beam B3. The maximum

    deflection for Beam B4 was 19.68mm. Furthermore, Beam B4 was failed between

    the two point loads. The complete result for the testing in shown in Appendix C.

  • 55

    Graph Load (kN) vs Deflection (mm)









    0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22

    Deflection (mm)


    d kN


    Beam B4

    Figure 4.8: Graph load versus Deflection for Specimen Beam B4

    4.6 Beam B5

    The specimen was provided with the identical amount of main reinforcement

    as provided in Beam B1, but cast without any vertical links. In this Beam, only 8T16

    independent bent-up bars were provided in the shear region as shown in Table 3.1.

    Anchorage length of the bent-up bar are 150mm. Furthermore, test procedure

    adopted for this testing are described in section 3.5.

    4.6.1 Specimen Behavior during Test

    Beam B5 was cast without any nominal links and vertical links and only

    provided with the independent bent-up bar in the shear region. Totally 8 number of

  • 56

    independent bent-up bars and same anchorage length with beam B4 is provided. The

    independent bent-up bars were also approximately 45 with the respect to the

    longitudinal axis of the beam as designed for previous beams. Testing procedure was

    similar with the previous specimens.

    During the testing, the first flexural crack formed randomly in the constant

    moment region at a load of around 40kN. With continue increasing of loading, the

    width of crack became lengthened and widened. At the same time more vertical

    cracks formed along the length of the constant moment region and extended

    upwards. The propagation of these cracks within the moment region was slow. At the

    load of 50kN, the first shear cracks appeared within the shear region. As the load

    increased the cracks extended towards the support point at the lower end and towards

    the applied load at the other end. The cracks were around 45 with respect to the

    longitudinal axis of the beam increased slowly in width and length as the load


    When the load reach 239.2kN, the beam failed in the mid span of the moment

    region on the bar buckle due to the very large compression force. This independent

    bent up bar was provided in the beam also not yet reach its limit, therefore the beam

    failed in bending not in shear span. These developments of crack pattern can be seen

    in Figure 4.9 below.

    Figure 4.9: Appearance and Cracking Configuration of Specimen Beam B5

  • 57

    4.6.2 Test Results

    The failure for this beam was cause by flexure failure at a load of 239.2kN

    and the maximum deflection for Beam B4 was 24.82mm. Therefore, with only

    provide independent bent-up bar as shear reinforcement without any vertical links

    with the spacing of 100mm within the shear region was effective stronger capacity

    than the conventional shear reinforcement system as control beam. The test results in

    term of ultimate load and deflection are presented in Table 4.2. The graph load

    versus deflection relationship is presented in Figure 4.10. From the graph, the beam

    provided high stiffness and yield in main bar. The complete result for the testing in

    shown in Appendix C.

    Graph Load (kN) vs Deflection (mm)









    0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28

    Deflection (mm)





    Beam B5

    Figure 4.10: Graph load versus Deflection for Specimen Beam B5

  • 58

    4.7 Summary Specimen Behavior and Test Results for All Specimens.

    All the beams had the same first crack load around 16.5%-19.5% of the

    ultimate load. The crack was spotted in the constant moment region, originated from

    the tension face of the beam. With continue increasing of loading, the width of crack

    became lengthened and widened. At the same time more vertical cracks formed

    along the length of the constant moment region and extended upwards.

    However the propagation of these cracks within the moment region was slow

    but steadily with continued loading. Shear cracks will be appeared and take place on

    the shear region. As the load increased the cracks extended towards the support point

    at the lower end and towards the applied load at the other end. All the five specimens

    experienced due to the small shear span effective depth ratio (a/d = 2.4), the diagonal

    shear crack was observed in all of the beams at the load level from 40 to 75kN.

    Specimens Beam B1 showed its shear cracking at 19.5% of ultimate load, Beam B2

    at 24% of ultimate load, Beam B3 at 26% of ultimate load, Beam B4 at 26% of

    ultimate load while Beam B5 demonstrated the shear cracking at 21% of the ultimate

    load in the shear region. The cracks that were around 30 to 45 with respect to the

    longitudinal axis of the beam increased slowly in width and length as the load


    Figure 4.11 shows the appearance and cracking configuration of specimens

    after the experiment. Shear failure showed by concrete crushing at the loading point

    (shear compression), and flexural failure showed by concrete crushing at the

    maximum compression zone under the elastic state of tension bar. Only Beam B1

    failed in the shear span from the point load to the support due to shear failure.

    However, Beam B2, B3, B4 and B5 were failed between the two point loads. This is

    due to bending failure by yielding of main reinforcement and bar buckle due to the

    very large compression force under the elastic state of tension bar.

  • 59

    The five specimens indicated difference in the ultimate load and deflection.

    Beam B1 experienced the maximum deflection at 16.73 mm and failed at 205kN.

    Beam B2 failed at 236.2kN and deflection at 18.97mm. The ultimate load and

    maximum deflection for Beam B3 was at 225.6kN and 16.17mm respectively.

    Besides that, Beam B4 broke down at 229.4kN with deflection 19.68mm. Lastly,

    Beam B5 showed the maximum deflection at 24.82mm and approached the ultimate

    load of 239.2kN. Table 4.2 shows the results of the experiment while Figure 4.12 and

    Figure 4.13 illustrated the compressive strength of concrete for all specimen beams

    and the load-deflection graph for all specimens respectively. Furthermore, Graph

    maximum ultimate load and deflection for all specimen beams as shown in Figure

    4.14 and 4.15.

    Figure 4.11: Appearance and Cracking Configuration of All Specimens

  • 60

    Table 4.2: The Results of the All Specimens

    Vertical links Inclined BarsBeam Main





    Nominal Amount Anchorage










    B1 3T16 R6-50 R6 -150 - - 205.0 16.73 Shear

    B2 3T16 R6-150 R6 -150 4T16 75 236.2 18.97 Bending

    B3 3T16 R6-150 R6 -150 6T16 75 225.6 16.17 Bending

    B4 3T16 R6-150 R6 -150 6T16 150 229.4 19.68 Bending

    B5 3T16 - - 8T16 150 239.2 24.82 Bending

    Graph Compressive Strength Of Concrete









    0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16





    , F





    Figure 4.12: Graph Compressive Strength of Concrete for All Specimens Beams

  • 61

    Graph Load (kN) vs Deflection (mm)









    0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28

    Deflection (mm)





    Beam B1 Beam B2 Beam B3 Beam B4 Beam B5

    Figure 4.13: Graph load versus Deflection for All Specimen Beams












    B1 B2 B3 B4 B5

    Load (kN)

    Ultimate load (kN) vs Beam

    Figure 4.14: Graph Maximum Ultimate Load for All Specimen Beams

  • 62











    B1 B2 B3 B4 B5

    Deflection (mm)

    Deflection (mm) vs Beam

    Figure 4.15: Graph Maximum Deflection for All Specimen Beams.

  • 63



    (a) Beam B5 showed the highest value of ultimate strength with 239.2kN,

    followed by specimen B2, B4, B3 and lastly B1 which reached the lowest

    ultimate strength of 205kN. These happened because the used of the

    independent inclined bar as shear reinforcement was much stronger than the

    conventional shear reinforcement system.

    (b) Beam B1 was designed and prepared with the vertical links as the control

    specimen. Theoretically, Beam B1 can carry the actual load of design and it

    shows that the use of vertical links that intercepts the crack can reduces the

    likelihood of a sudden failure due to shear failure. Beam B2 to Beam B5 was

    not fail in shear but fail in moment region based on the bar buckle due to the

    very large compression force. This was because the independent bent up bar

    was not reach its limit, so the beam failed in bending not in shear span.

    (c) The maximum deflection was found at Beam B5 about 24.82 mm with the

    ultimate load of 239.2kN. From the theory analysis, when the deflection and

    load increased, it means that the allowable deflection is lower than the

    permission deflection.

  • 64

    (d) It is observed that the specimens actually had achieved and even go more than

    the required strength of concrete for 8.27% before the experiment was being

    carried out. Although variation among different casts in the same experiment

    was unavoidable, they were relatively small. However, these errors only

    induced a tiny effect on the result; therefore the influence of the concrete

    strength in this analysis may be neglected.

    (e) From the analysis, the experimental ultimate load for Beam B2, B3, B4 and B5

    failed lower than the calculation value as shown in table 5.1. The amount of the

    independent inclined bars increases the shear stresses thus yield reinforcement

    crushing on the bending region before the inclined bar could reach it maximum

    strain value. All of the four beam specimens were suggested as the most

    effective shear reinforcement system. Besides that, Beam B5 has the highest

    value of ultimate load at 239.2kN and it does also can carry the shear without

    provided at least 50% of shear links as states on the BS8110 code.

    (f) Beam B2, B3, B4 and B5 have achieved the ultimate load with the control

    specimen as shown in Table 4.1. The percentages of the ultimate load

    compared with the control specimen for Beam B2 to Beam B5 was at the range

    of 10% to 17% as shown in table 4.2. From the result, four specimens (B2, B3,

    B4, and B5) were good at the ultimate load where the amount is larger than the

    control specimen.

    (g) From the experimental beam B2 to B5, the first crack occurred at the middle of

    the beam is in the form of flexural cracks. With increasing loads, diagonal

    crack developed in the shear region at approximately 45 with respect to the

    longitudinal axis of the beam. The length and width of the shear cracks

    increased gradually until failure take place by crushing of the concrete in

    compression zone.

  • 65

    (h) The anchorage length that provide for Beam B3 and Beam B4 with difference

    length of 75mm and 150mm was not significant influence on improving the

    capacity of the beams and not effective to carry shear because both beams were

    failed almost at the similar ultimate load. Maybe the anchorage length might

    not sufficient length to carry load.

    (i) From the experimental testing, anchorage length for the independent bent-up

    bar can provide shorten length as shear reinforcement. Based on the BS8110

    table 3.27, the anchorage bond length for concrete cube strength C30 is 58

    number multiples of bar size. So it is not a suitable to provided in the beam

    because the inclined bar are never located in the shear region to carry shear.

    Furthermore, with provided short anchorage length for the independent bent-up

    bar can set more number of bent-up bar and easy to arrangement as a double

    system in the shear region to carry shear.

    (g) Graph load versus deflection relationship for all the specimen beam shown that

    the deflection proportional to the load. All the combination beam for vertical

    links and bent-up bar provided less deflection and can carry more high load

    when compare with the control beam. So the beam provided with independent

    bent-up bar can be used. Furthermore, beam B2 to B5 provided high stiffness

    and yield in main bar so that the sudden failure wont be occur.

    (h) The use of bent up bar are very popular in Malaysia engineer at 1968. Code

    CP114 was the designed handout. Almost all the engineer training will

    provided bent-up bar and vertical links to resist shear. When at 1972 in UK, a

    new code CP110 was using to be a design reference book. Inside the reference,

    the book never prefer for the bent-up bar. All the engineers are providing only

    with links to carry shear. Maybe difficult to casting the bent-up bar and not

    suitable provided in the shorten beam. Bent up bar only provided in the beam at

    least 4 or 5 main bars. After that, the design code was change to BS8110. In

  • 66

    this design book, shear reinforcement must be provided at least 50% of vertical

    links and bent-up bar to carry shear.

    Table 5.1: The Comparison between Testing Result and Calculation Value

    Beam Concrete










    Percentages of Ultimate

    Load Compared with

    Control Specimen Beam B1


    B1 93.68 102.5 -

    B2 158.98 118.1 15.21

    B3 210.22 112.8 10.05

    B4 210.22 114.7 11.90



    242.86 119.6 16.68

  • 67



    6.1 Conclusion

    The conclusions that can be drawn from this study are as follows:

    (a) The anchorage length of the independent bent-up bars has very little effect on

    the capacity of the system in carrying shear in rectangular reinforced concrete


    (b) Shorten length of anchorage length for bent-up bar can be used in the

    multiple system and can provide more number in the shear region to increase

    the shear capacity.

    (b) The shear capacity of the rectangular reinforced concrete increases with the

    increase in the amount of the independent bent-up bars up to a certain level,

    beyond which the advantage is insignificant.

  • 68

    (c) Ultimate load for beam B2 to B5 can achieve high ultimate load than the
