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  • 8/14/2019 COMSOL_ workshop.pdf



    Advanced COMSOL Multiphysics - WSU

    2012COMSOL.COMSOLandCOMSOLMultiphysicsare registeredtrademarks ofCOMSOLAB. CapturetheConcept,COMSOLDesktop,andLiveLink aretrademarks ofCOMSOLAB. Otherproductor brandnamesaretrademarks or registeredtrademarksoftheirrespectiveholders.

    John Dunec, Ph.D.

    COMSOL, Inc.

    Agenda Morning Intro

    IntroductionWorked Example: Joule Heating

    Warmup: 3 Quick Problems Hot Rod Cap ac itor Wrench

    Multiphysics Problems: Thermal Decomposition H-Cell Microfluidics Natural Convection in a Light Bulb

    Agenda Afternoon Advanced

    Worked Example: Magnetophoresis

    Meshing Infinity Infinite Elements Perfectly Matched Layers

    Meshing and Mesh Control Basic Mesh Control Interactive Mesh Control Swept Meshing ALE Moving Mesh

    Postprocessing: The Results Node


    Flow Profile &Particle Pathlines

    Multiphysics: Multiple Interacting Phenomena

    Could be simple: Heat convected by Flow

    Could be complex: Local temperature sets

    reaction rates Multiple exothermic

    reactions Convected by flow in pipes

    and porous media Viscosity strongly

    temperature dependent

    COMSOL Multiphysics Solves These!

    Multiphysics Everything can link to everything.

    Flexible You can model just about anything.

    Usable You can keep your sanity doing it.

    Extensible If its not specifically thereadd it!

    Trusted by 80,000+ Users Worldwide

    Product Suite

    AutoCAD andInventor areregisteredtrademarksofAutodesk, Inc. LiveLink forAutoCAD andLiveLink forInventor arenot affiliatedwith, endorsedby, sponsoredby, or supportedbyAutodesk, Inc. and/oranyof itsaffiliatesand/or subsidiaries. CATIA isaregisteredtrademarkof Dassault SystmesS.A. oritsaffiliatesor subsidiaries. SolidWorks

    isa registeredtrademarkofDassault SystmesSolidWorksCorporationorits parent, affiliates, orsubsidiaries. Creo isatrademarkand Pro/ENGINEER isa registeredtrademarkofParametric TechnologyCorporationor itssubsidiariesin theU.S and/orin othercountries. MATLAB isa registeredtrademarkofThe MathWorks, Inc.

  • 8/14/2019 COMSOL_ workshop.pdf



    Anywhere you can type a number you can type an equation

    Or an interpolation function And it can depend on anything known in your problem

    Example: Concentration-dependant viscosity:

    221001.0 c

    Low concentration,High velocity

    High concentration,Low velocity

    Add Your Own Equations to COMSOLs

    Dont see what you need?

    Add your own equation ODEs PDEs Weak form PDEs

    Just type them in No Recompil ing No Programming

    Capture the Concept TM


    Blood Cell Separation with Magnetophoresis

    Key Elements Simulating a magnetic field from

    a permanent magnet

    Disturbing the B-field to producemagnetic gradients

    Simulating flow in a microfluidicslab-on-a-chip set of flow channels

    Using Particle Tracing toconcentrate blood cells respondingto magnetophoretic forces

    Reference & Key Separation Property

    Model Based on Paper Presented at 2009 COMSOL Conference:

    G. Schiavone, D. Kavanagh, & M. Desmulliez, Design and Simulation ofa Microscale Magnetophoretic Device for the Separation of Nucleated

    Fetal Red Blood Cells from Maternal Blood, Proceedings of the COMSOLConference 2009 Milan

    Key Material Property: The magnetic susceptibility c of red blood cells depends on the oxidation

    state of the hemoglobin molecules. RBCs in a normal state exhibit anextremely weak diamagnetic behaviour as c is negative and quite close tozero.

    c = -3.9e-6 Therefore permeability = (1 3.9e-6)

    3 Physics: Magnetics, Flow, & Particle Tracing

    Magnetics Fluid Flow Particle Tracing

    Particles respond to both Drag and Magnetophoretic Forces

  • 8/14/2019 COMSOL_ workshop.pdf



    COMSOL Products Used This Tutorial

    AutoCAD andInventor areregisteredtrademarksofAutodesk, Inc. LiveLink forAutoCAD andLiveLink forInventor arenotaffiliated with, endorsedby, sponsoredby, or supportedbyAutodesk, Inc. and/oranyof itsaffiliatesand/or subsidiaries. CATIA isaregisteredtrademarkof Dassault SystmesS.A. oritsaffiliates orsubsidiaries. SolidWorks

    isa registeredtrademarkofDassault SystmesSolidWorksCorporationorits parent, affiliates, orsubsidiaries. Creois atrademarkand Pro/ENGINEER isa registeredtrademarkofParametric TechnologyCorporationor itssubsidiariesin theU.S and/orin othercountries. MATLAB isaregisteredtrademarkofT heMathWorks, Inc.

    COMSOL Multiphysics, AC/DC Module, Microfluidics Module Along with the Particle Tracing Module

    Tutorial Roadmap

    First: Setup and Solve Magnetics & Flow

    Choose two physics Import geometry sequence Define materials (Glass, Soft Iron, Water) Set up Permanent Magnet Set Flow Boundary Conditions Mesh Solve

    Finally: Add Particle TracingMagnetic Field

    Surrounding NeodymiumMagnets


    Glass Substrate

    Two NeodymiumPermanent Magnets

    Microfluidics FlowChannel with 3 Outlets

    Passive Array of SoftIron Patches(Creates Field


    Array of Soft Iron Patches


    Flow Channel


    Magnetic Equations

    Solve Magnetics based on the Scalar Magnetic Potential, V m

    Amperes Law relates H and B

    In Permanent Magnets H related to B through Magnetism M



    HBr 0

    MHB 0

    Lets do this in COMSOL

    Capture the Concept TM

    Step-by-stepFlow & Magnetics

    Step-by-stepFlow & Magnetics

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    Create a Material: NeodymiumMagnet

    Rt Click on Materials

    Choose Material

    Name Material Rt Click on Material 4 Rename to NeodymiumMagnet

    Set Material Properties Select the two magnet domains Set mur as 1.05

    Magnetize the Permanent Magnet

    Rt Click on Magnetic Fields, No Currents

    Choose Magnetic Flux Conservation(This adds a 2 nd Mag Flux Conserv. Node)

    Select both Neodymium Magnet domains

    Locate the Magnetic Field section change Relative permeability to


    Enter y component of M as 5.97e5

    Avoid Field Distortion by Outer Boundary

    Add Infinite Element Geometry Expand Geometry 1 Highlight Circle 1 Overall Expand Layers Section Enter Layer Thickness as 0.005 Bu ild all

    Add Infinite Element Domains Rt Click on Definitions Choose Infinite Element Domains Select the new outer layers

    Change the Type to Cylindrical

    Magnetic Potential Needs One Known Point

    Set the magnetic value somewhere:

    Rt Click on Magnetic Fields, No Currents Choose Points > Zero Magnetic Scalar


    Select the Leftmost Point to right of infiniteelement domains

    Flow Boundary Conditions: Inlet

    Rt Click on Creeping Flow Choose Inlet

    Select the leftmost vertical flowboundary

    Change Boundary Conditionto Velocity

    Enter Velocity as 0.5e-3

    Flow Boundary Conditions: Outlet

    Rt Click on Creeping Flow Choose Outlet

    Select the three right-mostvertical flow boundaries

    Leave Boundary Conditionas Pressure,

    Leave Pressure as 0

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    Set Channel Depth

    Highlight Creeping Flow

    Change Compressibility toIncompressible flow

    Select Use shallow channelapproximation

    Enter d z as 50e-6

    Mesh the Infinite Element Domain

    RtClick on Mesh 1

    Choose Mapped Select the 4 Infinite Element domains

    Rt Click on Mapped 1 Choose Distribution Select the top vertical boundary Number of Elements: 3

    Rt Click on Mapped 1 Choose Distribution Select the outer circle boundaries Number of Elements: 15

    Mesh the Inlet Flow Channel

    RtClick on Mesh 1 Choose Mapped Select the inlet flow domain

    Rt Click on Mapped 2 Choose Distribution Select right vertical boundary Number of Elements: 10

    Rt Click on Mapped 2 Choose Distribution

    Select top inlet channel boundary Number of Elements: 1500

    Mesh the Small Flow Rectangle

    RtClick on Mesh 1 Choose Mapped Select the small flow domain

    Rt Click on Mapped 3 Choose Distribution Select top rectangle boundary Number of Elements: 10

    Buil d All

    Mesh the Outlet Channels

    RtClick on Mesh 1 Choose Mapped Select the 3 outlet flow domains

    Bu ild All

    Distribution Upper Outlet

    Rt Click on Mapped 4 Choose Distribution Select BOTH the long upper outlet


    Change to Predefined distribution Number of Elements: 70 Element Ratio: 10

    Distribution method: Arithmetic seq

    Buil d All

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    Distribution Lower Outlet

    Rt Click on Mapped 4

    Choose Distribution Select BOTH the long lower outletboundaries

    Change to Predefined distribution Number of Elements: 70 Element Ratio: 10

    Distribution method: Arithmetic seq

    Choose Reverse direction Bu ild All

    Distribution Middle Outlet

    Rt Click on Mapped 4

    Choose Distribution Select BOTH the long middle outletboundaries

    Change to Predefined distribution Number of Elements: 70 Element Ratio: 10

    Distribution method: Arithmetic seq

    Choose Reverse direction Buil d All

    Mesh the Remaining Glass

    RtClick on Mesh 1 Choose Free Triangular Leave as Remaining

    Rt Click on Free Triangular 1 Choose Size

    Select ONLY the Glass Domain Calibrate for General Physics Set Size as Extra Coarse

    Bu ild All

    Set up Two-Step Study

    Rt Click on Study 1 Choose Study Steps Choose Stationary

    Highlight Step 1: Stationary Deselect Calculating Flow

    Highlight Step 2: Stationary 2 Deselect Calculating Magnetics

    Rt Click on Study 1 Rename to Study 1 Flow and Magnetic Field

    Solve for Flow and Magnetic Field

    Rt Click on Study 1 Hit Co mp ute

    Magnetic Field

    Magnetic Field

    Flow Velocity

    Solution Should be Done

    164,000 Degrees of Freedom

    37 seconds on my desktop

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    Add Arrows for Magnetic Flux

    Expand Results

    Rt Click on Magnetic Flux Density Choose Arrow Surface

    Plot Magnetic Flux Density X-points: 25 Y-points: 20 Scale Factor: 0.006

    Color: Cyan

    Capture the Concept TM

    Forces on ParticlesForces on Particles

    Next Add Particle Tracing for Blood Cells

    Add 2 nd Physics: Particle Tracing, Transient

    Define Particle Physics Define the Particle Properties Add the Drag Force, Link to velocity field Add the Magnetophoretic Force, Link to B field Create an Inlet (100 cells, velocity = V_inlet)

    Set up Transient Study Time Stepping Link Transient Particle Tracing to Previous Study

    Forces on the Blood Cells

    Newtons Law recast to change in momentum

    The magnetophoretic force is based on the gradient magnetic field

    The fluid dynamic drag will be that predicted by Stokes law:

    vaFFF mdt d

    m D M


    32 HF K r f r p M

    p p p p D md vuF 218

    Particle Properties

    Density: 2200[kg/m 3] Diameter: 6e-6[m] Charge Number: 0 Permeability: (1 3.9e-6)

    Red Blood Cells are somewhat donut shaped with a majordiameter of about 9 microns and a thickness of about 3 microns.

    An equivalent sphere is roughly 6 microns in diameter.

    Lets do this in COMSOL

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    Capture the Concept TM

    Step-by-stepParticle TracingStep-by-step

    Particle Tracing

    Add Particle Tracing

    Rt click on Model 1

    Choose Add Physics

    Choose Fluid Flow >Particle Tracing for Fluid Flow

    Choose the blue Next arrow Choose Time Dependant Deselect Solve For the other physics Pick Finish Flag

    Note: You need an additional study since particle tracing is transientwhereas the magnetic analysis was stationary.

    Create Flow Channel Selection

    Expand Materials Highlight Water, Liquid

    Choose the Create Selectionbutton

    Name the Selection:Flow Channels

    Particles only in Fluid Domains

    Highlight Particle Tracing for Fluid Flow

    Go to Domain section Pick Clear Selection button (the broom)

    Choose Flow Channels domains in theselection list

    Walls Change to Bounce

    Under Particle Tracing for FluidFlow

    Highlight Wall 1

    Change Wall Condition toBounce

    Cells bounce back into main flow

    Set Particle Properties

    Under Particle Tracing for Fluid Flow Highlight Particle Properties 1 Set to Specify particle density and


    Enter Values: Particle density: 2200[kg/m 3] Particle diameter: 6e-6[m] Charge Number: 0

    Red Blood Cells are somewhat donut shaped with a majordiameter of about 9 microns and a thickness of about 3 microns.

    This is an equivalent sphere.

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    Add Fluid Drag Forces

    Rt Click on Particle Tracing for Fluid Flow

    Choose Drag Force

    In Domain Selection section, chooseFlow Channels

    In the Drag Force section, change velocityfield entry, u , to Velocity field (spf/fp1)

    Add Magnetophoretic Forces

    Rt Click on Particle Tracing for Fluid Flow

    Choose Magnetophoretic Force

    In Domain Selection section, choose FlowChannels

    In the Magnetophoretic Force section, changeMagnetic field, H, to Magnetic field (spf/fp1)

    Enter values: Particle relative permeability: 1-3.9e-6

    (-3.9e-6 is the susceptibility) Fluid relative permeability: 1

    Boundary Cond: Particle Inlet

    Rt Click on Particle Tracing for Fluid Flow Choose Inlet

    Select the left-most vertical flow boundary

    Change Initial position to Uniform Set N to 100 Set Velocity field to Velocity field (spf/fp1)

    Boundary Cond: Particle Outlets

    Rt Click on Particle Tracing for Fluid Flow Choose Outlet

    Select the 3 right-most vertical flow boundaries

    Leave Wall Condition as Freeze

    Assign Stationary Solver to Flow & Magnetics

    Expand Study 1

    Note: Both of the following are likely to

    have been done for you already

    Hig hl ig ht Step 1: Stationary In the Physics Selection : Deselect Charged Particle Tracing

    Hig hl ig ht Step 2: Stationary 2 In the Physics Selection : Deselect Charged Particle Tracing

    Assign Transient Solver to Particle Tracing

    Expand Study 2 Highlight Step 1: Time Dependant In the Physics Selection: Mak e sure Magnetic Fields is deactivated Mak e sure Creeping Flow is deactivated

    Rename Study RtClick on Study 2 Choose Rename Change name to Study 2 Blood Cells

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    Use Magnetics & Flow Solution from Study 1

    Under Step 1: Time Dependant

    Ex pand th e Values of DependentVariables section

    Select Values of variables not solve for Method: Solution Stud y: Study 1, Stationary Stationary: Automatic

    Set Times and Solve

    Highlight Step 1: Time Dependant

    Cho ose the Range button Leave entry method as Step Start: 0 Step: 0.1 Stop: 60 Pick Replace

    RtClick on Study 2> Hit Compute(Takes about 27 seconds)

    Plot Particles as 3x Actual Size

    Expand Particle Trajectories (cpt) Highlight Particle Trajectories 1

    Leave Type as Point Change Radius expression to 6e-6 Select Radius Scale Factor Enter Radius Scale Factor as 3

    Plot Zoom in on Y-Transition

    Add Lines to Trajectories

    Highlight Particle Trajectories 1

    Change Type to Line Plot

    Add Arrow Plot

    Expand Results Rt Click on Particle Trajectories (fpt) Choose Arrow Surface

    Plot Flow Velocity (u, v)

    Change x-Method to Coordinates Set x coord to 0.0104

    Change y-Method to Coordinates Range: -0.0006 to 0.0006 in 65 steps Scale Factor: 1

    Compare with NO Magnetophoretic Force

    Expand Particle Tracing For Fluid Flow Rt Click on Magnetophoretic Force Choose Disable

    Rt Click on Study 2 Hit Co mp ute

    WITHOUTMagnetophoretic Force

    WithMagnetophoretic Force

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    Capture the Concept TM

    PMLs & InfiniteElements

    PMLs & InfiniteElements

    You cannot model everything

    You can never model the

    entire universe

    Boundary conditionsrepresent the outside

    Two types: physical walls andartificial boundaries

    Use artificial boundaries tomodel only the region ofinterest


    Everything else



    BC BC

    Something else

    Infinite Elements Currently in AC/DC, Soon Throughout

    Draw Rectangle, 2 Large Circles

    Subdomain > Make Circles Not Active

    Rectangle Boundaries ZeroCharge

    Left Circle: V = 5 Right Circle V = -5

    Solve; Contour Plot > 30 Contours

    Geom Add Outer Inf Elem Geom

    Subdomain Inf Elem Tab Match Matls

    Inf Elems >Cartesian, Stretch in Proper Dir Solve Hide Inf Element Subdomains

    Perfectly Matched Layers Absorbing Subdomain Absorbs incident waves without reflection Artificial boundary for non-enclosed spaces Used instead of radiation boundary condition Make thickness at least one wavelength

    PMLQuick Example

    Circle 1: R= 8 Center: (0,2) Circle 2: R= 4 Center: (0,0) f =100 Hz c =343 m/sec (air) L=c/ f = 3.4 Mesh Size = 3.4/5 Inner Circle Acceleration BC, a0=1 Add PML Circle 3: R=12 Center: (0,2)

    Sound Hard Wall Radiation - Cylindrical PML - C ylindrical

    Make PML at least one wavelength thick

    Capture the Concept TM

    FEA MeshDescretization

    FEA MeshDescretization

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    When to use linear elements?

    COMSOL uses linear elements by default for: Fluid flow Plasmas Contact pressure in Solid mechanics Temperature in Thermal stress

    If you already have a very fine mesh due to geometric complexity

    Very large models where you can only get low accuracy

    Transient problems Magnetic field with nonlinear material

    2nd or 3 rd order elementscapture curvature inside



    no curvature

    When To Use Higher Order Elements

    Use for quick Accuracy Improvement Watch Out Though! Can produce large (erroneous) numerical overshoots Can make model size very large

    Use higher order elements when calculating higher order derivatives Field represented by 2 nd order Shape Functions in Element 1 st Spatial Derivative Linear Function in Element 2 nd Spatial Derivative Constant in Element 3 rd Spatial Derivative ZERO! 4 th Spatial Derivative ZERO!


    no curvature

    How to Change Element Order

    Buttons at Top of Model Builder: Turn On Visibility of Discretization

    Highlight Individual Physics Nodes Expand Discretization Change order of elements

    Sometimes, the geometry should beadjusted to improve the model

    1. Geometric Singularities

    2. Fille ts

    3. Thin Regions & High Aspect Ratios

    4. Glancing Contact

    5 . Sliver Faces

    6. Too Much Detail

    7 . Symmetry

    8. Infinitely extended region

    1. Geometric Singularities

    Plate in tension with a sharp notch

    The stresses at the notch will beinfinite, although the displacements

    will be correct

    Adding a small, physically realistic fillet,will remove the singularity, but it will

    increase the number of elements

    2. Fillets

    Overly detailed geometry Sharp corner = singularityCompromise between lowerelement count & accuracy

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    3. Thin regions

    t < L/100 Thin domains can often be representedvia boundary conditions that do not

    require a volumetric mesh

    3. High Aspect Ratios

    L >> d t 1,000:1 require extreme care

    Aspect ratios > 1,000,000:1 may require a different approach

    4. Glancing contact

    Instead, try:

    Small Gap

    Small Overlap

    Perform convergence studyon gap/overlap size

    5. Sliver faces

    Small elements and high aspectratio elements are present

    This usually requires re-drawing the CAD geometry

    6. Too much detail

    Remove as many of the small features as reasonable

    Consider using VirtualOperations on geometry

    7. Use symmetry

    Use symmetry planes

    Model on reduced geometry

    - Les s mes h

    - Less memory- Les s t ime

    Consider using:

    - 2D if there is no variation ingeometry and solution out-of-plane

    - 2D axisymmetry if there is novariation in geometry and solutionabout an axis of revolution

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    8. Infinitely Extended RegionInfinite Elements

    Currently available for:- Electrostatics and Magnetostatics

    - Heat transfer - D if fu si on- Structural Mechanics

    Models an infinitely extendedregion for time-invariant problems

    Perfectly Matched Layer Applicable to wave-type models:

    Elastic waves in structures

    Pressure waves in fluids (acoustics) EM waves (RF)

    Models an infinitely extendedregion where the waves areabsorbed without reflection

    Capture the Concept TM

    Meshing &Mesh ControlMeshing &

    Mesh Control

    Simple Mesh Control Here 2D

    Draw the Following Shapes

    Explore Custom Parameters under Size Node

    Predefined mesh options

    9 options from Extremely Coarse to Extremely Fine

    Custom mesh: Element Size Parameters

    Maximum element size

    Minimum element size

    Maximum element growth rate

    Resolution of curvature

    Resolution of narrow regions

    Maximum element size This sets the maximum length of the edge of any element Needs to be a positive number If you do not pick a value, COMSOL uses L/10, where L is the maximum

    dimension of the model

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    Minimum element size This sets the minimum length of the edge of any element Needs to be a positive number

    Useful to ensure that too many elements are not generated aroundsmall curved parts

    Maximum element growth rate

    Rate at which the element size can grow from a region with smallelements to a region with larger elements

    Needs to be a number between 1 and 2

    Resolution of curvature Determines the size of boundary elements compared to the curvature of

    the geometric boundary Max element size along boundary = curvature radius x resolution of

    curvature Needs to be a positive number Smaller value gives finer mesh


    Resolution of narrow regions Control the number of layers of elements that are created in

    narrow regions A value between 0 to 1 produces anisotropic element

    Needs to be a positive number

    Resolution = 1

    Resolution = 3

    Interactive Meshing Piston Head Boundary Layer Meshing

    Best for things that have boundary layerdetails

    New > 3D Geometry > Finish

    Right Click on Geometry > Cylinder > Build Right Click on Mesh > Boundary Layers Right Click on Boundary Layers >

    Boundary Layer Properties Select the boundaries to have the boundary

    details on (all the curved boundaries) Buil d all Change Stretching Factor to 1.1 (or 1.3) Buil d all

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    Interactive Meshing Chip and Solderballs New > 3D > Finish Flag Geom > Import > SolderJoints

    Mesh with Default Tets (Size Coarse) Delete Tet s Mesh Surface with Triangles Sweep Solderballs

    (Add Distribution > 5 layer) Mesh IC Bottom with Free Triangles Sweep IC (Distribution > 3 Layers) Sweep Circuit Board Boundary Layer Mesh Air Rectangle Boundary Layer Props on Bottom of

    Circuit Board Boundary > Mesh

    Swept Meshing Exercise

    Mesh All (Free)

    Delete Mesh

    Mesh Selected Faces

    Undo Mesh

    Increase Mesh Size

    + Mesh Selected (Swept)

    Mesh Remaining (Free)

    Mesh Selected (Swept)

    Mixing Hex Meshes with Tet Meshes

    New > 3D > Finish Flag Geom> Block > 1x1x1 Geom > Block > 1x1x0.5

    (Corner at 0,0,1) Mesh Top Surface with Mapped Sweep Top (Distribution: 5 layers) Mesh Remaining Tets > ERROR Remove last step Mesh > More Operatns > Convert Level = Boundary (Pick Shared) Mesh Remaining Tets > WORKS

    Capture the Concept TM

    ALE MovingMesh

    ALE MovingMesh

    ALE Moving Mesh

    Think of the mesh as a bed of springs As the boundary moves, the springs stretch

    NOTE: Need specialeffort to insure front

    boundary of valve seatblock does not move

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    PREDEFINED Moving Mesh: FSI

    New > 2D

    Fluid Flow > Fluid Solid Interaction Stationary

    Review Model Tree

    Much is set up for you Simply indicate what is elastic


    Geometry > Set units to mm

    Rec tang le Width 300 Height 100 Corner (0,0)

    Rec tang le Width 5 Height 50 Corner (100, 0)

    Declare What is Solid in Fluid-Solid

    Default is ALL fluid Open Fluid-Structure Interaction Highlight Linear Elastic Material Choose the Flap

    Everything is taken care of for you: Moving Mesh in Solid Free Mesh in Fluid Linkage of Fluid Force on Structure Boundary Conditions on ALE Mesh


    Rt Click on Materials > Open Material Browser Built-in: Water (Add to model)

    Rt Click on Materials > Material Rename to Flap Choose Vertical Flap Youngs Modulus = 1000 Poissons Ratio = 0.33 Density = 1000

    Boundary Conditions Structure : Rt Click on Fluid-Solid Interaction Choose Solid Mech > Fixed Constraint Pick Bottom Horiz Boundary of Flap

    Fluid Inlet : Rt Click on Fluid-Solid Interaction Choose Fluid Flow > Inlet Choose Leftmost vertical inlet boundary V = 0.010

    Fluid Outlet : Rt Click on Fluid-Solid Interaction Choose Fluid Flow > Outlet Choose Rightmost vertical inlet boundary P = 0

    Mesh + Solve

    RtClick on Mesh Free Triangular Pick Size > Coarse


    RtClick on Study Compute

    2D Plot 1 > Surface Change to Total Velocity Add Contour, Velocity

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    Capture the Concept TM

    Data Sets,Postprocessing

    Data Sets,Postprocessing


    Results = Postprocessing section

    Working with Data Sets Getting Derived Values Creating plots Export = Exporting numerical

    data and images Report = Generate HTML report

    of the model

    Data Sets Solution and Selection

    Choose desiredgeometric level

    Select the desired

    geometric entities

    Results can bevisualized only on

    the desiredgeometric entities




    Derived Values

    Results > Derived Values Allows you to evaluate and visualize numerical data Automatically creates table under Results > Table

    Evaluates a variable at a pointor geometric vertices

    Evaluates global variables,lumped parameters and built-in

    physical constants

    Menubar options

    Point evaluation Cut lines Cut planes Slice




    Line (edge)

    Arrow (in volume)



    Exploring the Results Node

    Define 3D Heat Transfer Problem CAD Import > Piston for FEA Top : T = 7 00

    Bottom: T= 450 Bearing Surf: T = 400Explore different plot types Surface Contour Arrow 3D Isosurfaces Cut Plan es

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    Plot on a 2D Cut Plane

    Right Click Data Sets Add Cut Plane x-y Plane z = -0.025 Plot

    Add 2D Plot Group Use Cut Plane 1 Add Surface T Plot

    Right Click Data Sets Add Mirror 2D Select 2D Plot Group > Dataset Mirror 2D Add Contours

    Export Cut-Plane Data to File

    (Same method could export 3D data to file)

    Go to Data Sets Node Right Click on the Dataset you want to export Pick Add to Report

    Go to Report Node > Data x Choose the Variable (expression) to export Set the filename path for a .txt file > Export

    Open Text File with Excel (or equivalent)

    Put a Cut-Line through the Cut Plane

    Highlight 2D Plot Node Pick Start Point Pick End Point Highlight 1D Plot Group

    To Export Data: Under Datasets: Highlight 1D Cut Line Right Click: Add to Report Highlight: Data1 under

    Report Export to Excel

    Put a Cut-Line Through the 3D Object

    Highlight Plot Group 1

    Again Pick Start and End points (This attach to the nearest surface)

    Another Dataset Appears: Cut Line 3D

    Can Plot it like any other 1D Dataset

    Can Export it like any other Dataset

    Axisymetric to 3D Visualization

    Open Model Library > Acoustics Module >Tutorial Models > PiezoAcoustic Transducer

    View Plot Group 1

    Right Click on Datasets Node Add Revolution 2D Open Revolution Layers: Change 360 to 135 Right Click on Results > Add 3D Plotgroup Add Isosurface to 3D Plotgroup > Plot

    Pressure (Increase to 10 levels) Add a Slice Plot, Quick, xy-planes, 1 Plot Pressure

    3D Slices in Time

    Open Model Library > COMSOLMultiphysics > Fluid Dynamics >Cylindrical Flow

    View Plot Group 1 Right Click on Datasets Node Add Parametric Extrusion 2D Change to Interpolated times Start: 0, End: 7, Step: 1 Add 3D Plot Group Add Surface Plot of Velocity

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    Data Export: Value vs Time Resul ts v sTime Model Library > Heat Transfer > Process &

    Manufacturing > Disk Brake Highlight Plot Group 1 Right Click Derived Values > Point Evaluation Choose Point 5, Change units to degF Choose Orange = sign creates table Toggle Precision Button Then the Plot Symbol Open Excel (or equivalent) Pick Copy table to Clipboard Paste in Excel

    Evaluate Average Disk Pad Temp vs Time

    Open Model1 Node

    Right Click on Definitions Add Model Couplings > Average Choose Brake Pad Domain Operator Name: BreakPad_Ave Update Solution Add 1D Plot > Global Plot Plot BreakPad_Ave(T)