computing fundamentals module lesson 5 — essential computer skills computer literacy basics

Computing Fundamentals Module Lesson 5 Essential Computer Skills Computer Literacy BASICS

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Computing Fundamentals ModuleLesson 5 — Essential Computer Skills

Computer Literacy BASICS

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Start and shut down a computer correctly. Use storage media to safely store and

access data. Open and close a window. Name the parts of a window.

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Objectives (cont.)

Explain how to change the size of a window and switch between open windows.

Create and manage files and folders. Start and exit a software program. Install new software.

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Desktop Folder Icons Maximize Menu Menu bar Minimize

Pointing device Restore Scroll bar Taskbar Title bar Toolbar Window

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Starting the Computer

Starting a computer is simple. Just turn it on and wait for the operating system to do all the work.

The computer will run a self test and then load the operating system software.

When the GUI is up, you will be looking at the desktop.

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GUI Terminology

Desktop: The first screen you see when the computer starts up

Icons: Small pictures that represent files, commands, or other functions

Pointer: An on-screen symbol showing the current position of the mouse

Pointing Device: A mouse or trackball used to select objects, such as icons or text

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GUI Terminology (cont.)

Menus: Drop-down lists containing commands that can be executed

Scroll bars: Horizontal and vertical bars that allow you to see parts of the display not currently visible

Window: A rectangular area used to display a program, message, or data

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Using the Desktop

The desktop contains windows and icons. It represents graphically how a person works

at a desk, with documents, files, and folders that can be put away in a file cabinet.

The desktop helps you stay organized when you use a computer.

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Shutting Down the Computer

Shut down your computer properly to prevent damage to the system.

In Windows XP, you turn off the computer by clicking the Start button and then selecting Turn Off Computer or Shut Down at the bottom of the Start menu.

The options in the Turn off computer box include Stand By, Turn Off, and Restart.

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Working with Storage Media

Early personal computers used floppy disks to store data and programs.

You had to format floppy disks before you could use them.

Now most storage media is preformatted and ready to use.

If you ever need to format a floppy disk, it is a simple process using My Computer.

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Formatting a Disk

Formatting is the process of preparing a disk to hold data.

Formatting organizes a disk into tracks and sectors.– A track is a narrow band that forms a circle on

the surface of the disk.– A sector is a pie-shaped area that can hold 512

bytes of data.

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Formatting a Disk (cont.)

When you format a disk, any data previously stored on the disk is destroyed.

Each track on a disk is numbered and labeled in the formatting process.

The file allocation table (FAT) on the disk logs the information about each track.

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Opening a Window

You open a window by double-clicking an icon.

This will execute a command and open a window on the desktop.

For example, to open the Recycle Bin, find the icon on the desktop and double-click it.

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The Recycle Bin Window

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The Parts of a Window

Title bar




Scroll barsDocumentwindow

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Manipulating Windows

Maximize: Click the Maximize button and the window fills the full screen. The graphic on the Maximize button changes and it becomes the Restore Down button (shown at right).

Restore Down: Click the Restore Down button to return the window to its previous size.

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Manipulating Windows (cont.)

Minimize: Click the Minimize button and the window disappears from the screen and is displayed as a button on the taskbar, the horizontal bar at the bottom of monitor screen that appears to the right of the Start button.

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Manipulating Windows (cont.)

Move: If you don’t like where the window is located on the screen, just move it. Move the mouse pointer over the title bar, hold down the button, and drag the window to its new location.

Resize: You can easily change the size of a window. Move the mouse pointer over an edge of the window; hold down the button and drag to make the window smaller or larger. You can change both the width and height of a window at the same time by dragging a corner.

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Closing a Window

To close a window, open the File menu and then click Close.

Or click the red Close button (the X) in the upper-right corner of the window.

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Working with Files and Folders

When you use a computer, files begin to accumulate quickly.

You can create folders to hold files of the same type, files for the same project, or files that are somehow related.

Computer folders are similar to manila folders in a filing cabinet. They hold infor-mation about some particular subject.

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Working with Files and Folders (cont.)

You can create folders inside of other folders, called subfolders, to further refine the type of information they contain.

You can move or copy files from one folder or disk to another, but you cannot have more than one file with the same name in a folder.

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Moving a File

Files can be moved from one folder to another by using the Cut and Paste commands.

You can also click and drag a file from one location to another.

Moving a file removes the file from the original folder.

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Copying a File

Files can be copied from one folder to another to create an exact duplicate of the original file in another location.

Use the Copy and Paste commands to make a copy of a file in a new location.

You can right-click on a filename to open a shortcut menu that lists the Copy and Paste options.

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Deleting a File

Files that are no longer needed can be deleted by selecting the file and clicking the Delete option from the File menu.

Or right-click the filename and select Delete from the shortcut menu.

When you delete a file, it is sent to the Recycle Bin. You can recover a file from the Recycle Bin if you have not “emptied” the bin.

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Selecting Files

To select a group of adjacent files, click the first file to select it. Then hold down the Shift key and select the last file in the list.

To select a group of nonadjacent files, select the first file, hold down the Control key, and click the remaining filenames you want to select. All the selected files will be highlighted.

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Starting a Program

To start a program in Windows: Click the Start button on the taskbar at the

bottom of the screen. Point to All Programs. Point to the program menu that contains the

program you want to start. Click on the program name from the program


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Switching Between Windows

You can switch between open windows by clicking in any part of the window visible on the desktop.

Or click the window’s button on the taskbar to switch to another window. All windows that are open on the desktop are represented by a button on the taskbar.

The Recycle Bin button on the taskbar

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Switching Between Windows (cont.)

When you have more than one window open at the same time, only one window is active.

The title bar of the active window in your screen has a title in dark or bright lettering.

Other open windows in the same screen will have shaded titles.

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Exiting a Program

Exit a program by closing the program window: Click the Close button in the upper-right corner

of the window. Or select Close from the program menu. (Click

the icon to the left of the File menu to open the program menu.)

Or select Exit from the File menu.

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Installing New Software

It is a good idea to close any open programs before installing new software.

Insert the new software disk in the appropriate drive.

Find the file called Setup or Install on the disk and double-click the filename to launch it, if necessary. (The file may open automatically if the new program is on a CD.)

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Installing New Software (cont.)

The Installation Wizard will prepare to install the new software:

Click Yes or Accept to accept the license agreement. Follow the steps in the Installation Wizard to install the

program. You may need to reboot the computer before the program

will be available. Register new software to take advantage of technical

support and upgrades offered by the software company.

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Software Upgrades

Benefits: Fix problems Add new features Make program compatible with new

hardware or newer operating system

Disadvantages: Compatibility problems Conflicts with other software Upgrades may not yet have problems or

bugs worked out

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When you turn on your computer, the operating system performs all the necessary startup tasks automatically.

Some of the components of a GUI are the desktop, icons, pointer, pointing device, menus, scroll bar, and windows.

The desktop is a representation of how people work at a desk and contains windows and icons.

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Summary (cont.)

Shut down the computer using the operating system’s Shut Down or Turn Off Computer command to prevent damage to components, software, and data.

Formatting is the process of preparing a disk so it can be used to write data to and read data from the disk. Most disk media today are preformatted, but you can reformat a disk to erase all of the information on it.

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Summary (cont.)

Click or double-click an icon to open a window.

You can move a window, resize it, maximize it, minimize it, or restore it to its original size.

Close a window by clicking the Close button at the upper-right corner of the screen.

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Summary (cont.)

Use folders to organize your files. Delete folders and files by right-clicking on

the folder or filename and using the shortcut menu’s Delete command or by dragging it to the Recycle Bin.

When you move a file, it is moved to a new location.

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Summary (cont.)

When you copy a file, you create a duplicate of your original file in another location.

You can select, move, copy, or delete a group of adjacent or nonadjacent files and folders.

You can start a software program by clicking on its name in the All Programs list on the Start menu.

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Summary (cont.)

You can have several windows and/or programs open at one time and switch between open windows.

The title bar of the active window in your screen has a title in dark or bright lettering; other open windows in the same screen will have shaded titles.

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Summary (cont.)

To install new software, you start the Install or Setup file and follow the instructions in the Installation wizard.

It is a good idea to register new software to take advantage of the technical support and upgrades offered by the software company.

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Summary (cont.)

Software upgrades can offer new features and fix bugs, but some upgrades may also cause compatibility problems or might be released before they are problem-free.

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Quick Quiz

1. True or False?

Turning off a computer using its on/off switch is an acceptable way to shut down a computer system.

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Answer: False

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2. True or False?

Most storage media available today is preformatted.

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Answer: True

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3. All of the following terms describe parts of a window except _______________.

A. down arrowB. title barC. toolbarD. menu bar

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Answer: A

Down Arrow

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4. You use the _______________ key to select adjacent files in a list of files.

A. Control

B. Esc

C. Shift

D. Choose

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Answer: C

Shift Key

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5. True or False?

When you have more than one window open, the title bar of the active window is the one that is flashing.

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Answer: False

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6.True or False?

It is often necessary to restart or reboot the computer system after installing new software.

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Answer: True

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Discussion Question #1

What is the difference between the Windows operating system and the windows in a graphical user interface?

How are they related to each other, and why do you think the same term is used to describe both?

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Discussion Question #2

Why is it important to properly manage files and folders on your computer?

What could happen if you neglect proper file management?

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Discussion Question #3

In a large company that uses computers, who do you think should be responsible for keeping track of software update information?

How often do you think the responsible person should check for software updates or upgrades?

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